Do-it-yourself rose garden at the dacha - 130 photos of beautiful flower garden decoration and design

Review author: Terrari School of Design

Creating a lush rose garden in your country house with your own hands is not as simple as it seems. Especially if the area of ​​residence is in the middle or northern latitudes. But if you choose the varieties of roses, choose the right place, think through the planting scheme, apply diligence and hard work, then you can quite get a good result.

Taking into account the advice given in the article, it will be much easier to cope with the work.

Selecting a location

Before you begin to implement your plan, walk around your dacha and carefully examine its corners. Then, when planning how to make a rose garden, this will make it possible to correlate the projects you see with the possibility of implementing them at home.

You will see the usefulness of this idea when you become acquainted with the main types of rosaries. Each of them will find its place in a specific place on the site. It is important that the place for the rose garden is dry and sunny; the best soil is light loam with an acidity close to neutral - 5-7.

Roses from garden centers

The third option for purchasing roses is suitable for those who do not require large quantities of roses. For example, you already have a rose garden in your garden, and you want to add a few new items to it. In this case, a productive solution would be to study publications in magazines, buying issues that contain articles about rose varieties.

As a rule, the authors of publications highlight the most worthy ones, in their opinion, and describe their properties in detail. If this or that rose interests you, you can search for it in garden centers by name, and then the lack of complete information on the label will not worry you: you already know everything you need about the variety.

Types of rosaries by layout

By reading the descriptions of the types of rose gardens, you will be able to determine the most suitable one for your dacha, add it to the scheme and subsequently implement it.

Rose gardens on a summer cottage

Sources of varietal planting material. First of all, you need to learn how to buy roses for a large rose garden. A lot depends on the choice of variety. More than 30 thousand varieties of roses, probably at least a thousand (no one counted) are available on our market annually.

The distinctive features of the variety are not only the shade and shape of the flowers, but also the timing of flowering, the size and shape of the bush, which is of great importance in design.

Landscape rose garden-flower garden

For small dachas with a small territory, a landscape flower garden is well suited. He uses varieties of roses with different color shades. Roses are combined with other types of flower plants: annual and perennial.

A landscape rose garden does not require special layouts; it looks good with a pond.

Creating a rosary composition

To design a rose garden at your dacha, you need to think through the following nuances: color, drawing of the location of all plants, choose varieties of roses and think about what style it will be in. Only roses may bloom here, or there will also be plants to complement and create the landscape.


The selection of colors speaks volumes about the taste of the owners, so it is better to approach this consciously. A combination of white and cream shades of roses, diluted with lilac tones of shrubs, will be harmonious.

You can take all shades of red flowers (from soft pink to burgundy) or yellow, complementing them with perennial evergreens (ferns, hostas, conifers, junipers). They will help preserve the beauty of the arrangement when the flowers fall.

Arrangement of roses in a flower garden

Before planting flowers, be sure to draw a diagram of the rose garden so that you know where to plant which bush.

In the first tier you need to place low-growing varieties: Patio, ground-blooded, miniature. Non-prickly ones are better.

The second tier is suitable for Floribunda, hybrid tea roses. Background, third - for park, standard, climbing varieties and bushes of other plants.

Selection of rose varieties

When buying rose seedlings, they usually look at the color and size of the flower, but do not pay any attention to disease resistance or frost resistance. But this is an important parameter. Taking care of sheltering your pets can take a lot of time and effort. But there are varieties that, with minimal care, will delight you with their flowering all summer long.

So buying at the market or from random sellers may not be successful. You need to purchase seedlings in specialized stores and from reliable suppliers, studying the characteristics in detail so as not to be disappointed.

What flowers go with roses?

To make the rose garden beautiful from spring to autumn, flowers that do not have strongly branching roots are planted in it.

In the early season, you can grow crocuses, muscaria, daffodils, tulips, and primroses here. In summer, garden geraniums, irises, gladioli, asters, carnations, sedum, and alyssum bloom. Boxwood, hostas, ferns, and juniper will decorate at any time of the year.

When planting these plants, care is kept to a minimum. They are less susceptible to disease and freezing in winter; rose fertilizers are also suitable for them. They also serve as a good background.

Regular type of rosary

This type of rose garden is the opposite of a landscape one. It is more suitable for large areas. The flower beds in it have regular geometric shapes, plants are planted in rows with equal row spacing, which are sown with grass or paved with tiles.

Depending on the area, a regular rose garden may consist of several flower beds. To avoid bad taste, roses of two or three color shades are planted in each flowerbed.

Design style

First of all, you need to decide how to design the flower garden. It will be strictly rectangular, oval, or this shape will be free, not necessarily correct.

It's worth thinking about edging. One way to decorate it is with brick and marble chips, crushed stone and pebbles, or simply a low fence.

Even if you don’t adhere to geometric shapes, there should be order in the flowerbed, even if it’s creative.

Rose garden-rock garden

The rose garden-rock garden imitates a stone hill covered with roses. To create it, creeping fast-growing varieties of roses are used. Plants quickly cover the surface, creating a blooming and fragrant carpet of flowers.

When combined with stone they create a great design. The plants of these roses are unpretentious in care and do not require special attention.

What can you combine roses with in a flower bed?

A flower bed of roses looks beautiful and in any case will be a winning element of decor. But combination with other colors will allow you to create a variety of compositions. In addition, this will extend the flowering time and emphasize the beauty of the plants.

Combining roses with perennials will provide a planting that will renew itself year after year. It will only need to be corrected and given a beautiful appearance.

Remontant varieties of roses can also be planted with annuals, and in the fall all above-ground shoots can be removed.

Roses in combination with annuals and perennials

To enliven the composition in early spring, before the roses in the flowerbed begin to bloom, primroses and spring bulbous plants are planted in the foreground.

For example, scylla, the most delicate crocuses, followed by daffodils, hyacinths, muscari, and the space will be filled with poultry. Almost all of these plants have pastel, white or purple flowers.

Flower beds of roses look wonderful with lilies, delphinium, foxgloves, which, like candles, “light” the rose garden.

White and pastel roses go well with irises, bells, phlox, and hydrangea. Lavender, periwinkle, and clematis would be appropriate.

An unexpectedly successful decision will be to plant hosta bushes along the border of a rose bed (which also has dozens of varieties and differs in the shape and color of the leaves).

Forget-me-nots, colorful heucheras, daisies, and marigolds will help close the gaps between tall rose bushes.

Low root plantings will help protect the soil from drying out, attract insects and add bright colors to the lower tier.

Roses combined with ornamental shrubs

Tall varieties of roses harmonize wonderfully with ornamental shrubs that have a place on the site. The “background” and protection from wind and bad weather for the rose garden will be conifers.

For example, thuja, fir, blue spruce, juniper, cypress. The main thing is that they do not create a shadow and do not interfere with the growth of roses.

As for shrubs, you can offer roses as neighbors:

  • barberry,
  • cotoneaster,
  • vesicular carp,
  • forsythia (blooms much earlier than roses, then serves as a green background for the buds),
  • white spring-flowering spirea,
  • weigela, which will have time to bloom before the roses, and then end the flowering season,
  • Sumpia and others.

It is better to plant shrubs whose leaves are colored other than green so that they border the flowerbed and not allow them to grow. If you have a choice, it is better to give preference to shrubs with green foliage.

It goes well with derain roses - white and red.

Roses combined with herbaceous plants

In addition to flowers and shrubs, herbaceous plants and cereals will help shade pink plantings. This includes herbs such as basil (green and purple), thyme, sage, mint, lemon balm, parsley - both beautiful and beneficial.

The silvery leaves of wormwood, chistex, and seaside cineraria (silver-white) look beautiful and unusual in the rose garden.

Soil preparation

Preparing the soil for planting roses should begin about two months in advance. First you need to dig up the soil, preferably with earth transfer. To do this, dig a ditch two bayonets deep. The earth, each of them is thrown to different sides of the ditch. Then the top layer is poured to the very bottom, and the bottom layer is poured to the top.

At the same time as digging, fertilizers are also applied. Digging with transshipment is quite labor-intensive, so in most cases gardeners do shallow digging and plant the bushes in holes. This method is easier, but less effective.

For areas with close groundwater (1.5 m) or marshy areas, drainage must be done. Acidic soils with pH = 5 or less are subject to liming. It may also be necessary to improve the soil composition. For example, sandy soil should be fertilized with clay, or heavy clay soil, on the contrary, should be fertilized with sand.


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Stages of formation of a rosary

Soil preparation

If you are wondering how you can make a rose garden with your own hands, you should definitely pay close attention to preparing the soil for its improvement. The properties and composition of the soil play a significant role when creating a rose garden, because the rose, as befits royalty, is quite capricious and capricious.

Preparing the soil for planting roses involves draining and fertilizing the planting hole

The most unfavorable soil for planting roses is heavy clay soil, which will require drainage to remove excess moisture from the plant. Coarse sand, expanded clay or gravel are most often used as drainage materials. Dry sandy soil is also unsuitable for a rose garden - it must be fertilized with a mixture of clay and humus. If the soil in the garden plot is fertile, a hole for planting roses is formed to such a depth that the root system of the bush fits. If the soil is not very good in its properties, then a hole is dug deeper and wider in diameter, and its bottom is sprinkled with drainage or fertilized.

Planting a rose seedling consists of the following stages: preparing the hole, pruning the seedling, filling the roots, compacting and watering the soil

Once a place to create a rose garden has been chosen and a layout scheme has been thought out, it takes about 2-3 months to prepare the soil for planting roses. Considering that autumn is the best time for planting roses, approximately in the middle of summer, the area of ​​the garden chosen for the formation of a rose garden is dug up to a depth of about 60 cm and the top layer of soil is loosened. Then, the soil is fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. In a couple of months, the earth will settle, excess moisture will evaporate from it, it will be saturated with useful substances and acquire the optimal composition for the development of the rose garden.

When choosing a location for a rose garden near a country house, make sure that this area of ​​the garden is not shaded and is well lit by the sun

A border of low-growing roses planted along its perimeter will give a bright frame to the green lawn.

It is important to know! The following organic fertilizers for roses are used: rotted manure, peat, humus, compost - at the rate of 10 kg of fertilizer per 1 square meter of land. A mixture of mineral fertilizers suitable for roses and sufficient for 1 m3 of soil: 70 grams of superphosphate, 30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams of potassium chloride.

General landing rules

In order for the rose garden at your dacha to delight you with its blooms, you must adhere to some rules for planting it. Before planting, the root system of roses is moistened and broken or damaged ends are trimmed. The above-ground part of the bush is shortened, leaving 1-3 of the most powerful shoots without leaves, shoots and color. In the designated areas of the garden plot, holes are dug for planting, taking into account the length of the root system of the roses.

Planting roses in ceramic pots will simplify the creation of a garden rose garden and give the terrace adjacent to the lawn a unique flavor

During planting, the rose seedling must be held strictly vertically and ensure that the tips of the roots do not bend upward. To do this, the seedling is periodically shaken so that the planting mixture is evenly distributed, filling the space between the shoots of the rhizome.

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Ground-cover roses with miniature inflorescences, planted around an artificial pond, will create a voluminous and colorful frame for it

A multi-colored rose garden will look good against the backdrop of a green grass lawn

It is important to know! The planting density of roses is selected based on the expected height and width of the bush and is: 25-50 cm for miniature, dwarf and floribunda roses; 60-100 cm for hybrid tea and low-growing park roses; 1-1.5 m for standard and weakly growing climbing roses; 2-3 m for tall park, weeping standard and fast-growing climbing roses.

After planting, the soil around the bush is carefully crushed with feet, then loosened a little, watered abundantly and hilled to a height of about 20 cm with peat or sawdust so that the above-ground shoots are completely covered. It is recommended to plant roses in the fall, from October until frost sets in.

After wintering - in the spring, roses are pruned and sprinkled with tree bark or wet peat. Subsequently, when the shoots reach a height of 5 cm, it is recommended to re-hill the roses and mulch the soil with an 8-centimeter layer of peat or humus.

You can learn more about how to revive roses after wintering from the material:

Preparing rose seedlings for planting

When preparing a rose for transplanting from a container, it is necessary to moisten the soil well so that the earthen lump does not crumble when removed. In order to plant a rose grown in a plastic pot, you need to cut it, remove the lump and, without destroying it, place it in a pre-dug hole for planting. A hole for a rose from a container is dug approximately 10 cm wider and higher than its dimensions. The resulting gaps after moving the rose from the container to the hole are filled with a mixture of garden soil and peat so that the upper surface of the earthen ball is equal to the ground level on the site.

Before planting, the root system and shoots of the rose seedling must be trimmed

When roses for a rose garden are purchased as seedlings, the root system of the flower may dry out and freeze. If the plant is frozen, it is necessary to bury it in the open ground for a couple of days before planting. If the rose roots are too dry, you need to place them in water 10 hours before planting. Immediately before planting, the roots of the rose are trimmed to 30 cm, removing spoiled shoots, and the above-ground part is shortened, leaving a couple of strong shoots. The roots of the seedling can be treated with a clay-manure liquid mixture to provide the rose with additional nutrition until it takes root.

Material on how to grow a rose from a cutting will also be useful:

How to choose healthy seedlings

Healthy seedlings should not have a whitish coating or black spots on the stems and leaves; their bark should be green and not wrinkled. The seedlings should have two or three stems about twenty-five thirty centimeters high.

Buy rose plants with an open root system immediately before planting to prevent the roots from drying out. It is better if the roots are with clods of earth, so they are protected from drying out longer and take root better.

It’s even better to buy seedlings with a protected root system, in containers. In this case, you don’t have to rush to plant, as long as the container is large enough for the roots to grow. Roses in containers are usually sold in bloom, which eliminates the possibility of error when choosing the color of the flower and even its aroma.

Small flower garden or large

A flowerbed is only part of a flower garden. Therefore, when planning to plant flowers, you need to decide what should happen in the end. This could be a modest flowerbed in which several small rose bushes will grow. Perhaps in proximity to other plants that are not dangerous to roses.

Or it will be a flower garden of various types of roses, complemented by other plants. The golden mean is quite possible, but the planning begins with the design of the planting scheme.

If space allows and there is a desire to plant different varieties of roses on the site, then you need to think through a plan so that tall bushes do not shade or hide short-growing neighbors.

And climbing plants must receive the support they need. If we are talking about flower beds, then you should pay attention to varieties that are suitable specifically for this purpose.

In large flower beds you can combine roses. For example, tall bushes are in the center, and as you approach the edges, the growth of the bushes decreases.

In addition, you need to think about planting so that the roses bloom, replacing each other. This way the flowerbed will look elegant for a long time.

Among other things, we must not forget that in winter, rose bushes need to be covered to protect them from frost. Therefore, when planning a large flower garden, you need to think about this point in advance.

Distance between bushes

After the area has been dug up, it is necessary to dig holes a month later. The holes should not be too large, 40 cm deep and wide. If the soil is very dense, you can deepen the hole another 15 cm by adding fertilized soil when planting.

The distance between the holes depends on the type of roses. For miniature roses it is 30 cm, patio roses - 50 cm, tea roses - from 50 to 100 cm, climbing roses - 2-3 m. For ground cover roses, this distance can be about two meters.

The size of the seedlings does not at all determine the planting density. Excessive thickening leads to shading and lack of light for roses; sparse planting promotes the development of weeds.

Planting certain types of rose gardens

Some types of rose gardens require specific preparation of the planting site, depending on the design of the flower garden and the types of roses used for its arrangement.

A rose garden of park roses will give the central alley a solemn and elegant look

Planting standard roses

Standard roses are planted in the rose garden like a tapeworm - an accent plant that differs from others in size and color scheme. A hole for planting a standard rose is dug according to the same principle as for a bushy one - based on the size of the rhizome. To prevent the standard tree from breaking due to gusts of wind, a wooden stake is buried at a distance of 10 cm from it, on the leeward side, and a rose trunk is tied to it. The stake is selected with a diameter of 2 to 4 cm and a height equal to the tree trunk to the base of the crown plus 50-70 cm. It is advisable to treat the underground part of the stake with an antiseptic to prevent wood rotting and drive it to a depth of about 50 cm into a hole prepared for planting the rose.

The rope intended for tying a standard tree must be tarred and secured with an 8-shaped loop in three places on the rose trunk - near the ground, in the middle of the trunk and at the base of the crown. To protect the trunk of the tree from damage by the rope, it is wrapped with scraps of burlap in the areas where the loops are placed. An elastic fastener specially designed for such purposes will greatly simplify the procedure of gartering a rose.

Standard roses, which are small flowering trees, are good both in a group and individually

A secluded seating area with a bench can be formed using a hedge of roses and standard trees

Planting bushes in holes

It is not difficult to plant bushes with a protected root system. To do this, just remove the plant from the pot and place it in the hole, sprinkled with a little soil. On plants with an open system, trim (refresh) the roots before planting, this will help them take root faster.

Place a mound of soil at the bottom of the hole up to the level of the roots. Hold the stem vertically over the hole while covering it with soil and stomping it down. Form a mound above the planted bush. Regardless of planting method, water the plants. After watering, cover all plants with soil.

Secrets of a chic rose garden

To ensure that each rose garden flower is clearly visible, make a schematic three-lane marking on the site:

  • The first row will be occupied by low-growing varieties of roses: ground cover - Nozomi, Candi Rose, Pink Spray, Skarlet Meillandekor, Ferdy, Snow Carpet and miniature - Cristel, Maidy, Yellow Bantam, Green Ice, Orange Meillandine. Their maximum height is up to 40 cm. They are very capricious, but they more than make up for their work with juicy, generous flowering.
  • Set aside the second tier for medium-sized roses: Golden Celebration, Red Eden Rose, Salzburg, Kordes Brilliant, Gloria Dei, Golden Tears. Their height is from 70 to 130 cm. The varieties are distinguished by their variety of shades and richness of aromas.
  • And finally, the middle of the flower garden - tall hybrid tea varieties or climbing roses on high supports. Choose Dorothy Perkins, New Dawn, Goldenstern, Excelsa, Wartburg, Amethyste, Ramira. With good care and sufficient height of supports, they can reach 3-5 meters in height, becoming the dominant feature of the entire area.

Rose garden care

Indispensable measures for caring for a rose garden are watering, pruning and protecting plants from diseases. Moderation should be observed when watering. Roses do not like waterlogged soil. In addition, waterlogging contributes to the development of diseases. When dried out, buds are dropped and shoot growth decreases.

Watering plants can be combined with mineral fertilizing. Weeds find a place in a young rose garden, so it is necessary to do weeding more often. Rose plants, after grafting from dormant buds, send up wild shoots that must be pruned regularly.

Under climbing varieties of roses it is necessary to install retaining structures. For the winter, do not forget to cover roses from frost with dry leaves, soil and, of course, snow.

If we happen to see beautiful rose gardens, then, undoubtedly, they are grown this way thanks to the careful implementation of the measures that we have written about here.

Where to place a flower bed with roses on the site

There are a large number of types of roses that can be planted in your summer cottage. They differ not only in the aroma and appearance of the flowers, but in the height of the stems, the ability to bush, and the density of the buds.

Some species need support, others do well without it. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the ability of different species to tolerate heat and frost, resistance to diseases and pests.

The design of the flower bed depends on the selected species.

A flowerbed is understood as an area of ​​soil, artificially bounded on all sides, having a certain shape and size. As a rule, the flowerbed is slightly raised above the ground to focus attention on it.

To make flower beds with roses look aesthetically pleasing, you need to take care of selecting plants that will settle nearby. Flowering dates can coincide or replace each other, the main thing is that the selected plants do not harm each other.

When choosing a place for roses on your site, you need to take into account that southern beauties need sunlight and warmth, so the rose garden is laid out in an open, sunny area.

It is preferable to provide protection from wind and drafts, for example, plant roses near the house (just not close to the wall) or along the fence so that the rose garden is not in the shade.

If we are not talking about a flower bed, but about a flower garden, then low pink bushes that frame the paths in the garden area look good.

It is important that the thorns do not interfere with free movement in the countryside, so in this case it is better to choose upright varieties that will not grow much.

Photo of a rose garden at the dacha with your own hands

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