Ficus does not grow, stands still: reasons, what to do

Ficus trees are considered not too difficult to care for. If the plant is placed correctly and all growing recommendations are followed, it will quickly gain green mass. During the growing season, Benjamin and Ali regularly throw out new shoots. Rubber-bearing, Lyre-shaped stretch upward, giving a leaf every week. But sometimes the plant seems to freeze and stop increasing in size. There can be many reasons why a ficus does not grow - from poor care and the wrong pot to pest damage or simple aging.

Where should the ficus stand?

But most ficus trees love

diffused sunlight. That is, you can place the flowerpot not far from the east or west window. It is better not to place it on a windowsill, if only because the bushes of this plant are quite wide and the shoots with leaves will be crowded on the windowsill, which will have a detrimental effect on the appearance of the flower.

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Growth rate of ficus rubber and other varieties

Elastica ranks second in rubber content after Hevea, which is why the trunk is quite soft and lignifies late. In nature, it has a height of 30 m; if favorable conditions are created at home and the top is not removed, it can grow up to 10 m. Having reached the ceiling, the main shoot bends and takes a horizontal position. Of course, no one is going to let the Rubber Ficus develop in this way - it’s ugly and inconvenient.

Varieties that can grow as long as they are not limited by pruning include Black Prince. Every year it adds 60-100 cm, producing a new leaf every week during the growing season.

But there are cultivars of more modest sizes. For example, ficus Melanie will take a long time to grow up to a meter, since the distance between the nodes is only 2 cm. When planted several copies in one pot, it looks like a beautiful dense bush.

Other types worthy of attention:

  1. Lyre-shaped without pruning will grow up to 3 m, capable of adding 20 cm per year. But it is usually not kept in the form of a column - at the slightest deviation from the usual schedule, large, musical instrument-like leaves of the ficus grow larger or smaller than before. From Lirata, skillful flower growers create beautiful branched standard trees with raised side shoots that form a dense crown or bush, the width of which exceeds the height. Leaves that vary so much in size don't seem out of place.
  2. Ficus Microcarpa, obtained from seeds or by rooting a cutting, will grow like an ordinary tree, at an average speed (10-15 cm per year), eventually reaching 1.5 m. But no one is interested in it - Ginseng with special tricks, pruning the trunk , the roots are forced to stop growing and are made to look like a bonsai.
  3. The dwarf one fully lives up to its name - it is a creeping ficus that easily takes root with shoots. It does not stretch upward, but will grow in width. Capable of covering an area of ​​4 square meters in a few years. m. If he is given the opportunity.
  4. Binnendijka - looks like a tree with narrow long foliage, can be easily shaped, without pruning at home it will grow quickly, up to 1.5, maximum 2 m.
  5. The Bengal ficus in nature is a banyan tree - a tall tree that supports a wide crown with pillar roots. In pot culture, it is an attractive plant with a soft trunk that becomes woody over several years, capable of stretching very quickly, reaching 3 m.

Loss of leaves due to watering errors

For Ficus Benjamin, it is equally dangerous to find yourself in completely dry or oversaturated soil:

  1. If overwatered, especially when kept in cool air, the plant will develop root rot. The ficus loses the ability to actively feed, its leaves dry out and begin to crumble.
  2. Dry soil provokes the plant to save moisture, and the ficus gets rid of “extra consumers,” that is, foliage. At the same time, the growth rate of young shoots decreases, raising a legitimate question from gardeners: “Why doesn’t Benjamin’s ficus grow?”

In order for the plant to always delight with bright greenery and grow well, the soil under the ficus should dry out a couple of centimeters between waterings. The frequency of watering depends on the temperature and humidity in the room, the size of the plant and the properties of the substrate.

A little about propagation at home

All types of ficus benjamina are quite easy to propagate. The easiest way to propagate is cuttings. To do this, from the plant that we want to propagate, you need to cut a branch 10 cm long, with several leaves at the end, as in the photo.

Place in a glass of water at room temperature. After about two weeks, small roots will appear on the branch, as in the photo.

After this, we root the cuttings into the ground. You can read in more detail how this flower reproduces in our article about the reproduction of this species, where we have selected detailed video instructions.

Remember proper care will ensure rapid growth for your pet!

Ficus does not grow: what to do

If the ficus, in addition to slowing down its development, begins to shed its leaves, first of all you need to find out why this is happening. Then review the maintenance and care:

  1. Check for pests or diseases. If necessary, treat with appropriate medications. It will be possible to take any additional actions only when the plant recovers.
  2. Remove the ficus from the pot and inspect the earthen ball. This way it will immediately become clear whether the container is suitable and whether the owners have allowed it to overflow. He may need to be transplanted. If the problem is discovered in autumn or winter, it is recommended to wait until spring if possible. During the dormant period, only emergency transplantation is permissible when it comes to saving the plant.
  3. If necessary, watering should be adjusted. The ficus will grow normally when the top layer of soil dries out in potted specimens to the depth of the phalanx of the index finger, in a tub - by 3-4 cm. There must be lower holes for water drainage, a drainage layer occupying at least 1/5 of the container.
  4. It is recommended to review the feeding system. Universal fertilizers, and especially those intended for flowering crops, are not suitable for ficus - they contain little nitrogen and a lot of potassium. It may stop growing and the leaves will begin to fall just because of this. Folk remedies used on an ongoing basis (except for yeast) should generally be excluded without further consideration. The crop needs to be fed with a specialized mineral complex, in extreme cases - for decorative deciduous plants. There is a lot of nitrogen, the other components are balanced.
  5. You should carefully examine the plates to see if they have turned yellow due to a lack of microelements, which are better absorbed by spraying the aerial parts.
  6. Ficus needs diffused light. Elastica suffers the most from the bright sun; Lyre-shaped and variegated forms of other species can withstand some direct rays.
  7. At temperatures below 15° C, ficuses stop growing. Only Rubber and Bengal respond normally to heat of 27-30° C, the rest suffer.
  8. Air humidity should be constantly high. How to maintain it is up to the owners to decide. But wet expanded clay on a tray, sphagnum between the pot and the flowerpot, an indoor fountain, an air humidifier, and periodic bathing in the shower do not cancel, but only complement daily spraying. Especially in winter in a warm room.

Especially for those who like to move plants from place to place: ficus cannot stand this. Changes are stress, in response to which it stops growing even with ideal care. You need to rotate the pot relative to the light source no more than 20° at a time.

Frequently rearranging the plant

If the growth of a flower suddenly stops, then the reason lies in the fact that the grower did not regularly do something wrong, but only once violated some conditions for caring for the plant at home. Usually we are talking about rearranging the ficus. Experts do not recommend constantly moving the pot with the plant, because this has a detrimental effect on the flower. In one case, leaf fall may begin, in another, the owner of the ficus will completely notice that it has stopped growing.

Therefore, it is initially advisable to allocate a suitable place for the flower and not move it unnecessarily.

It is quite difficult not to notice pests on a plant. Often their appearance is indicated by leaf blades that curl, wither, darken, etc. However, there are times when the flower simply stops growing. If this was noticed, you need to know that the cause could be the appearance of pests such as:

Parasites usually appear due to improper care of the flower. Less often, pests enter the house with a newly purchased flower.

If the gardener regularly floods the plant, or if the room is constantly stuffy, then sooner or later pests will appear on the flower. They can be recognized by the stickiness of leaf blades, light-colored larvae or white coating on the leaves. Taking a closer look at the ficus, you can see the parasites themselves.

In addition to pests, the plant can be affected by pathogenic microbes. We are talking about fungal microorganisms. Most often, the gardener “meets” powdery mildew or black rot.

If you want your ficus to grow big and beautiful, you need to properly care for it at home.

It's not that difficult, it's just important to know how to do it correctly


Ficus fertilization is carried out with both organic and mineral products.

  • waste products of birds and domestic animals;
  • vegetable compost mixtures.

Mineral supplements mean chemical compounds:

  • rock minerals;
  • salt;
  • industrial waste.

Application frequency

Ficus feeding is carried out infrequently

They should be plentiful, this is especially important for mature plants that have an extensive leafy crown

Large ficus plants greatly deplete the soil in the pot. To eliminate this problem, you need to add nutrients.

The mode and rate of fertilizer application depends on the time of year:

  • In summer and spring the interval is 10-14 days.
  • In winter, ficus is not fertilized.

Methods of application

The plant is fed by root and non-root methods.

  • The first contributes to the normal development of the root system.
  • Foliar foliar helps strengthen the plant’s immunity and protect it from the development of diseases.
  1. Foliar feeding can be carried out by “dusting” the plant. This procedure helps get rid of pests and diseases.
  2. The second option for foliar fertilizer is exposure through the soil. In this way, you need to apply drugs during the period of active growth - from spring to mid-autumn. The nutrient mixture is applied to moist soil.

Why ficus benjamina and other species grow poorly

There may be one reason or caused by a whole complex of minor defects in care. To find out why the ficus stopped growing, you first need to rule out normal aging. The culture will live in the apartment for about 15 years, then it will first slow down and then stop developing, begin to turn yellow and shed its leaves. The branches will begin to dry out, starting with the smallest tree-like forms, and the rubber-bearing ones will simply wither away.

Of course, among all types of ficus there are long-livers. If from the moment of purchase they were provided with ideal care, cool wintering, regular transplants and constant high humidity.

The old specimen will still grow poorly, nothing can be done here. Unless you carry out drastic pruning and give a killer dose of stimulants. But when the ficus is beautiful, it is better not to do this - the decorative effect is lost for several years, and there is no guarantee whether it will be possible to restore the crown.

Other reasons for slowing or stopping growth:

  • poor or improper feeding;
  • insufficient and excessive watering;
  • little or a lot of light;
  • ficus will not grow normally in a pot that is too loose, or if the root has occupied almost the entire volume;
  • a transplant has not been performed for a long time;
  • low air humidity;
  • damage by pests and diseases;
  • temperature violation;
  • frequent reshuffles.

Nutrient requirements

Ficuses do not like frequent transplants - adult trees are replanted once every few years, not more often. They need regular balanced feeding, since any land, even the most nutritious one, is depleted quite quickly. Properly organized feeding of ficus at home - with fertilizers of a balanced composition, applied on time and in the right quantity - not only stimulates the growth of the plant, an increase in its green mass and the intensity of its color, but also increases the flower's resistance to diseases and attacks by harmful insects.

Features of plant biorhythm

The homeland of ficuses is subtropical and tropical regions, the climate of which allows them to grow throughout the year. The climatic conditions of our country differ greatly in summer and winter, and therefore the maintenance of the plant in the winter months is different from the summer. In the cold season, the flower enters a dormant state, and therefore the flower needs moderate heat (18-20°C) and reduced soil moisture without fertilizing.

Nutritional requirements

A lack of nutrients in ficus causes:

  • slowing and stopping growth and development;
  • thinning, stretching of the trunk and processes;
  • decrease in leaf turgor, their faded appearance, spotting and other changes;
  • weakened immunity and increased risk of contracting diseases and insect attacks.

A flower's need for fertilizer varies depending on the time of year - applying it incorrectly may not help, but harm it.

After transplanting into fresh, balanced soil, the first fertilizing is carried out no earlier than one to two months, since the new substrate contains a sufficient amount of nutrients.

In spring and summer

The active growing season of ficus is the spring and summer months. To increase green mass, all its species at home during this period require additional nitrogen. Organic, mineral, and complex fertilizers can be its supplier. The latter contain all the nutrients necessary for the flower, selected in a balanced form. If organics and minerals are used separately, experts advise alternating them.

Autumn and winter

Due to the decrease in the amount of natural light, the growing season slows down in the second half of autumn and stops altogether in winter. Therefore, at this time the ficus does not need fertilizing.

If it is possible to provide the indoor plant with the same conditions as in summer - warmth and sufficient lighting - they continue to apply fertilizers, but their frequency and concentration are halved.

Crown formation, ficus pruning

Ficus benjamina can easily be given a varied look by pruning. The most common types of crown formation of Ficus Benjamin are:

  • Ball-shaped crown;
  • Bush-like;
  • In the form of a single or multi-tiered trunk;
  • Bonsai style;
  • In the form of various sculptures.

It is more advisable to prune ficus in spring or early summer, during the period of accelerated growth. The formation of the crown of a plant is also affected by its age. So, the younger the ficus, the easier and faster its crown is formed and the more successfully the plant can be pruned and take on a new look.

Pruning Ficus Benjamin is most often carried out when the plant has grown too large or has acquired an insufficiently attractive appearance due to the overgrown crown.

When pruning Ficus Benjamin, it is important to follow some rules:

  • Preserve the natural appearance of the plant;
  • Do not rush to cut off what you think are unnecessary branches, trying to mentally imagine the plant without them;
  • Perform pruning with a sterile instrument;
  • Do not damage the bark;
  • Do not twist or tear off leaves;
  • Make the cut at an angle to the top edge.

The Benjamin ficus can be given an attractive appearance not only by forming the crown, but also by interweaving the trunks. To do this, several young ficus trees with approximately the same thickness and height of trunks are transplanted into one pot.

Semi-lignified ficus stems are flexible and easy to weave. In places of plexus, side shoots and leaves are removed. The spiral or braid is made free to further thicken the trunks. In most cases, the plexus of trunks begins when the lower part of the plants (the expected beginning of the plexus) reaches 13 cm.

As they grow, they make the next round. To prevent the braid or spiral from unraveling, the trunks are loosely tied with woolen thread or electrical tape.

How to fertilize ficus - popular preparations

Specialized stores sell a large number of flower fertilizers. They can be both complex and intended only for ficuses. Effective drugs:

  1. Agricola . This is a universal remedy that is suitable for all types of ficus. It makes the color more saturated and has a positive effect on leaf growth. For 10 sticks you will need to pay 63 rubles.
  2. Flower heaven . This liquid fertilizer accelerates growth. It has no smell. Cost – 38 rubles. for 200 ml.
  3. Rainbow . The drug is produced on the basis of vermicompost. The main disadvantage is the rather pungent smell. Price – 69 rub. for 500 ml of solution.
  4. Bona Forme . This feeding is intended for ficus and palm trees. It is suitable for both root and foliar feeding. Active components improve the appearance of the plant. For 285 ml you will need to pay 100 rubles.

Any diluted composition should be used immediately. They cannot be stored.

Root system treatment

It also happens that the above treatment methods do not help, then you have to move on to a mini-surgery. If external factors of ficus infection are excluded, then most likely the problem is in its roots. They must be carefully removed from the soil, no less painstakingly cleaned of the soil and carefully inspected. Is the root system unpleasantly slippery, looking like a bouquet of thin grayish threads? So she's rotting.

It is necessary to cut off all damaged parts of the roots and throw them away in the same place where the yellowed and fallen leaves previously went. After this, the root system should be degreased with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. Dry the cut areas and treat them with ground cinnamon and charcoal powder and, if the Benjamin ficus shows signs of life, replant it in not too wet soil. At first, you need to water it moderately, and lightly wipe the remaining leaves with a damp cloth. Most likely, the “patient” will live. Also read our article “How to braid ficus benjamina”.

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What should I feed Benjamin?

Bird droppings are also suitable for ficus plants. To prepare this option, you need to dilute bird droppings (3-4 g) in 1 liter of water. After the liquid is mixed, you will get a light solution of humus, which can already be used to feed the plant. Before fertilizing, the flowerpot must be watered generously.

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How to speed up the growth of Ficus Benjamin

If the care is regulated, the place is chosen correctly, it has not been changed for a long time, and a healthy ficus does not grow and stands still, it needs to be stimulated artificially. Of course, in winter all processes are suspended, and you will have to wait until spring for new leaves or shoots to appear.


To speed up growth, it is first recommended to transplant the ficus. It is better to carry it out when the beginnings of new leaves appear, at the very beginning of the growing season. The diameter of the pot should be 2-4 cm larger than before, even if the old ficus was too crowded. It is better to skip a season and wait for rapid growth in the next one than to lose a flower due to acidification of the soil.

It is recommended to change the substrate to another brand, not to make it yourself, and to refuse “improvements” with any components. It is also advisable not to use the universal one - there is nothing wrong with it, but the intended soil for ficus and palm trees is still better.

Sometimes gardeners shorten the roots of plants when replanting. For some crops and bonsai this is quite justified, but for ficus trees it is absolutely not suitable. They will stop growing for at least a season, and may even die.


Accelerating growth processes with nitrogen alone is a mistake. There is a high probability that there will be a disproportion between the development of the above-ground part of the plant and the root, which needs phosphorus. This will not lead to anything good.

It is better not to increase the intensity of fertilizing, but to replace the cheap fertilizer for ficus with a good brand, and take only the liquid form. Crystals and powder, no matter what the manufacturers claim, do not completely dissolve; a sediment forms at the bottom, even if this is not visible to the naked eye.

When it remains at the bottom of the watering can, the plant does not receive enough fertilizer and is poured into the soil - the ficus receives shock from burning the roots. Even if this does not lead to the shedding of leaves, the flower will not grow for some time. And then he will receive a new portion of feeding.

It is better to give microelements in chelated form - this is the only way to ensure a sufficient supply of iron, manganese, zinc, copper, and molybdenum. They are not absorbed through the root, but settle in the soil or on the walls of the pot, forming a coating.

In winter, all feeding is stopped. During the rest period, they will bring nothing but harm. Unless the room temperature is high, but this is bad in itself, especially with low humidity.


At the beginning of the growing season, the ficus can be watered or treated with a stimulant. One, and not all that we managed to buy in the nearest store.

An excellent remedy is 1 tablespoon of vodka per glass of water. The plant gets a good shake-up, but this is exactly the case when stress is beneficial. Suitable for flowers that sit still for some unknown reason.

Expert opinion from the site Your Flower

Galina Alexandrovna

More than 30 years of experience in growing indoor and garden flowers

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If your ficus leaves are dull, it may be lacking oxygen. In addition to loosening the soil the next day after moistening, it is recommended to dissolve 2 tbsp in a liter of water. l. hydrogen peroxide, water and spray the plant.

When the reason is determined correctly, it will give results not the next day. There was an error - it won't get any worse.

Epin and zircon are excellent products. But it is recommended to use them not when the stress factor has occurred, but before it. For example:

  • on the eve of pruning;
  • on the eve of winter;
  • a few days before the onset of cold weather or extreme heat;
  • before going on vacation, when there is no confidence that the ficus will be provided with decent care.

Attention, the ficus was attacked by parasites!

Diseases can also be an obstacle to cultivation. Both fungi and rot may appear on various parts of the trunk and leaves. Be careful, such “guests” can often not only slow down growth, but lead to death. Below we have selected photos that show the disease.

Types of parasites: 1. Leaf fungus. It manifests itself as black spots on the leaves. After the defeat, the leaves begin to fall off. 2. Gray mold is another pest. It looks like gray mold, which appears if the plant is flooded or the room is too warm. When this disease appears, they can be resuscitated in the following way: remove all affected areas, water less frequently, and do not allow the room to become stuffy. 3. Sooty fungus is a gray coating on the leaves. We wash the infected areas with soapy water at room temperature; if the lesion on the foliage is too large, it is better to get rid of the leaf completely. 4. Root system rot. This is the most dangerous disease; in this case, the seedling itself withers. Unfortunately, the roots cannot be revived. In this case, the bush must be disposed of along with the pot, since it contains mold residues; reproduction in this container is no longer possible.

Failure to follow the rules for fertilizing a flower

Another reason why the ficus stands still may be improper feeding. With their deficiency, the leaves begin to turn yellow and crumble. An excess of fertilizers is even more harmful to the plant. It is indicated by the brown tint of the foliage and its fall.

To prevent the ficus from stopping growing altogether, you should establish a feeding regime. Only the purchased flower needs to be replanted and fertilized. In the future, fertilizing is applied once every 20-30 days. It is important to remember that all-purpose fertilizers do more harm than good to the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to use preparations specifically designed for ficus or palm trees.

The flower reacts well to organic matter. In this case, you can add a mixture of equal parts of poultry droppings, ash and sapropel.

Incorrect plant replanting

Replanting is always stressful for any flower. This way, the ficus will still shed a few leaves. But you need to carefully monitor how the tree behaves. If it has dropped a few leaves, that's normal. But if such a problem exists for a long time, you need to sound the alarm.

This plant constantly requires replanting, as its root system is actively growing. At the same time, you should not buy a pot “for growth”. It is enough for it to be 2–3 cm larger.

Important. The first transplant should occur one year after purchasing the plant.

For three years, the procedure must be repeated annually. After this period, transplantation can be done in a year.

Here's how to properly replant a ficus:

  1. First, a drainage layer is installed. For this it is better to use expanded clay.
  2. Next, the plant is removed from the pot. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the roots.
  3. The root system is freed from soil. It is forbidden to place the ficus under water; the substrate is removed by lightly tapping the plant.
  4. The tree is transplanted into another pot and covered with earth.

Reference. Gardeners do not recommend watering the ficus right away. The plant is under stress; do not injure it further. If the liquid is not at the right temperature, the situation will only get worse. It is better to wait a couple of days and then water.

Why do the leaves fall

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Problems with leaves in a pet may be signs of a disease or pest attack. In this way, the ficus can react to improper watering or lack of nutrients. Violation of the conditions of detention is also a sufficient reason for dropping foliage and changing its color.

Change of place

The plant reacts sharply to movements - from a store to a house, from one “habitable” place in a room or office to another. Protest shedding of leaves occurs even when turning the pot a quarter turn. At the same time, it easily tolerates transplantation, so experienced ficus growers recommend replanting the new plant immediately and placing it in a permanent place. It must fully comply with the required conditions.

On a note! Ficus plants, including Benjamina, often shed several leaves after traveling, usually quite old ones. There is nothing dramatic about this, but for such movements they choose the warm season to reduce stress.

Leaves fall in the “wrong” place

They take the choice of place for Benjamin very seriously. Poorly lit corners, drafty corridors, constantly dry air are a guarantee that the plant will regularly remain without leaves.

Incorrect lighting

The plant's natural habitat is the upper layer of the tropical forest. Accordingly, it needs bright, but diffused lighting - direct exposure to the sun leads to the falling of leaves. If the ficus is dark, its reaction is the same - timeless leaf fall. If necessary, install an additional light source, and place it above the tree so that the growth point is well lit.

Additional lighting is also needed in winter, although by nature the species is adapted to short daylight hours. Flower growers recommend using a 20-watt phytolamp with a length of 60 cm, hanging it at a height of approximately 30 cm above the crown. On cloudy winter days it is kept on for at least 14 hours.

Impact of temperature

Benjamins, with all their diversity, are quite lenient to the thermal regime, although ideally they require 25-28 ° C during the period of active growth; in winter they normally tolerate 15 ° C, but not lower. If the temperature goes beyond the specified limits, the plant easily sheds its leaves. In addition, stability is extremely important for him - sudden changes provoke an undesirable reaction. To prevent this from happening, consider the following factors:

  • complete protection from drafts;
  • the pot is not placed near heating devices - on one side the air will always be colder;
  • the tree should not be exposed to cold air flow when ventilating the room;
  • daily temperature changes should not exceed 5°C.

Know! A pot of ficus, standing on a windowsill above a radiator and under a window for ventilation, is more likely to die than to delight with lush shiny foliage.

Watering errors

First of all, and this must be taken into account when planting, ficus does not like stagnant water; it needs high-quality drainage. The amount of water must correspond to the time of year. When it is warm, water more abundantly than in winter or autumn.

On a note! For tropical forests, where the ficus benjamina comes from, the autumn period is the driest. Excessive watering at this time of year provokes leaf fall.

The reaction of a home tree to a lack or excess of moisture is the same - it sheds its leaves, so it is very important to follow the watering schedule and water consumption rate. Irrigation errors also include improperly prepared water - cold, unsettled, hard - all this leads to a “riot” when the leaves fall

Poor nutrition

Timely and regular application of fertilizing guarantees the excellent condition of the green pet. The lack of nutrients immediately affects the condition of its leaves. The standard feeding schedule is every two weeks in the warm season, no more than once a month in the fall with a half dose.

Although ficus plants do not have a dormant period under natural conditions, houseplants have adapted to new conditions, and therefore gardeners do not advise fertilizing them in winter. But, if year-round tropical conditions are created in the room where the ficus lives, it is warm, light, and winter fertilization is carried out according to standard regulations. Fertilizers are selected with a minimum amount of nitrogen - no matter what winter it is for Benjamin, he will not grow green mass.

It happens that dry fertilizers are used to feed the tree. This mistake causes the roots to burn, which also causes the leaves to begin to fall off.

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