Annual flowers for the dacha (145 photos): names and characteristics of the most unpretentious flowers that bloom all summer for the dacha, vegetable garden, garden

Planning the landscape design of a garden and personal plot is an important and exciting moment. After all, you really want to create a blooming paradise in which you can relax after a hard day. Annual flowers for the garden are mainly grown in seedlings and allow the formation of bright and unusual group plantings. Selection of plants will be easier if you use systematized catalogs. This page contains a catalog of annual flowers blooming all summer for the garden with a variety of colors, bud shapes, and stem heights. The names and photos in the catalog will allow you to create your own list and work out the locations of plants in advance. Annual flowers that bloom all summer without stopping require special care; the catalog with photos gives some recommendations, but it is still worth taking the time to study the botanical and agrotechnical characteristics of each specific crop. Many of them are presented on the pages of this site.

Decoration of shady places

Many flowers like to grow in bright sun. But not everyone can stand the shadow. We offer names of annual flowers that can tolerate shade.

They feel good in shaded areas:

  • Pansies;
  • Aquilegia;
  • Fuchsia;
  • Browallia;
  • Cosmea;
  • Lobelia;
  • Balsam.

There are other plants that will not die without bright sunlight.

By planting these plants as seedlings, you can create various compositions, decorate the shady areas of your garden and create the most interesting color combinations.

What types of annuals are there?

When planning a flower bed or flower garden, take into account the flowering period of the selected plants, and also pay attention to what height they grow, how the leaves spread, what color the leaves and petals are.

Separation by flowering time

Spectacular compositions need to be created taking into account the time when flowering is most luxuriant. There are varieties in which flowers form throughout the summer. For example, zinnias, petunias, low-growing dahlias, calendula.

If plants are given regular sanitary pruning, they enter the second wave of flowering from August.

Decorative deciduous annuals

Annual crops that do not bloom, but have very showy leaves, are considered:

  • bright green kochia with lacy leaves;
  • castor bean, which has large dark green or bright burgundy leaves;
  • silvery cineraria;
  • amaranth, which has green leaves and burgundy flowers.

Advice! Annual plants that have beautiful leaves are planted in the background of a flower garden or mixborder, because they will all rise above other flowers.

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Climbing annuals

Anyone who loves flowers knows how difficult it is to live without climbing plants. With the help of vines you can hide unsightly places that exist in every household.

These climbing plants can turn an ordinary fence into a green hedge. They will add a special charm to an ordinary dacha.

Here are blooming annual flowers that will become lush vines in your garden:

  • Morning glory - this unpretentious flower can grow up to 3 meters in height;
  • Sweet pea - it will not reach the same heights as morning glory, but its flowers will delight you from July until frost. In addition, its flowers do not fade under the most scorching rays;
  • Nasturtium - yes, nasturtium can also be considered as a climbing vine of a very noble appearance;
  • Kobeya is a very unusual and beautiful flower. However, you need to remember that it should be planted as seedlings.

How flowers can be sown in open ground, and they will bloom the same year

Every summer resident wants not to bother with seedlings, but to simply sow them in the ground and enjoy flowering in a few weeks.

Let's look at which flowers quickly sprout and bloom when sown in open ground.


This is probably the most favorite flower among gardeners.

Yellow-orange flowers are used everywhere to decorate gardens, home areas, and also in city landscaping.

Marigolds are extremely unpretentious to growing conditions.

Show good germination.

Their advantage is that after flowering the seeds can be collected.

These seeds will be useful for sowing next year.

When and how to plant marigold seedlings


Calendula (marigold) is the second most common flower in gardens and household plots in our country.

It sprouts well and relatively quickly from seeds.

Sowing in open ground is carried out already in April.

Flowering lasts from June throughout the summer.

Marigolds are also loved by summer residents because this flower drives away parasites with its scent.

Therefore, flowers can often be found in the aisles of vegetables.


“Wild Rose” blooms already in June and continues to delight with its inflorescences right up to the first frost.

Seeds are sown at the very end of May.

They sprout within a week after sowing.

Lavatera is good because it does not require special care and a certain type of soil.

Growing lavatera from seeds at home

Opening of flower growers

All annual flowers for the garden listed above have long been known to gardeners. But it’s especially pleasant when experienced gardeners and flower growers discover a flower that they have always known, seen nearby, but did not have time to reveal its full charm.

One of these flowers is malopa.

  • If you plant malopa with two or three flowers, the plant will not show itself in all its glory.
  • An ordinary bud of medium size, funnel-shaped.
  • It has a color ranging from white to dark purple.
  • Grows from 80cm to 1 meter.
  • In addition, if he is tall, he needs to be tied up.

But it’s a completely different matter when the malopus is planted in a whole ridge in two or three rows. During flowering, a whole avalanche of purple color is obtained, which falls to the ground! Such an incredible wall of flowers will perfectly cover the most unsightly corner of the site.

At the same time, malopa requires almost no care. Yes, now seeds are not cheap for planting an entire ridge. But you will only have to spend money once, then the flower generously produces seeds that have excellent germination. By the way, in order not to bother, flower growers plant malopa in the fall, under the snow.

Another interesting annual plant is kochia (also called summer cypress). It also needs to be planted in seedlings. But from March until planting, the plant grows from a very small seed (about the size of a speck of dust) to a good size.

  • This plant is not interesting for its flowers. It is a low Christmas tree (from 0.6 to 0.8 m), with very soft needles.
  • The kochia crown grows very quickly, and this allows the plant to be used in topiary art.
  • Even if you have no experience, you can cut squares, balls from kochia, or you can simply learn this fascinating task.

It is very interesting to use kochia, planted in a winding line, as a small labyrinth or as a border between zones of a summer cottage.

Perhaps some of the summer residents have their own discoveries. Annual plants have the ability to surprise, reveal a new side and inspire new creations.

What to plant in a flowerbed of annuals

Annual plants have many benefits. Firstly, you will enjoy all the summer and autumn months, and you won’t have to worry about how they will survive the winter. Secondly, you can always plan where to plant flowers next year. Thirdly, after harvesting, for example, early plantings of greenery, you can plant annuals in this place, which will delight your eyes with their flowering until the fall.

You can also combine plants correctly and get an amazing flower bed, both in color and flowering time.

Among annuals there are many varieties and varieties that prefer only sunny places. But among the wide variety you can also find shade-loving plants that will decorate an area where no other crops want to take root.

Another advantage of annual flowers is that many are grown without seedlings. And the full growing season begins from the moment the seeds are sown until the end of flowering.

Annuals are “programmed” for rapid development, because they do not have time for long-term growth. They must, in one season: hatch from seeds, grow into a bush, bloom and, leaving a memory of themselves in beautiful photographs, become a thing of the past.

Just 10 years ago, flowers were grown in a flowerbed, which ones sprouted and which ones they liked. Now many people’s views on arranging a flower garden have changed. Today's flower beds are planted simply as works of art!

The flowerbed can be:

  • different shapes: in the form of a triangle, rhombus, square, even an oval;
  • mixed composition: perennial and annual flowers are planted with different flowering periods and different colors;
  • consist of one or several tiers, be a vertical or elevated composition;
  • consist of planted low-growing and tall-growing plants.

Low-growing flowers are often used to camouflage “bare” areas or among tall plants. The most popular among gardeners are the following low-growing plants: marigolds, nasturtium, petunia, zinnia.

Marigolds Karina

Marigolds are classified as plants with a height of up to 15-20 cm; they do not have any special requirements for care. They prefer to grow in sunny areas, but even in partial shade the saturation of the petals will not change. The color of the flower is bright yellow or bright orange, with brownish splashes. Flowering is observed from June until frost. Marigolds are used to decorate borders, flower beds, and rockeries.

We recommend studying: a selection of the most beautiful annual garden flowers with photos


This annual beauty has a huge number of shades. Many varieties of petunia have been developed. There are flowers with both a bell shape and a variety of lush flower shapes. Petunia prefers to grow in a sunny area. Flowering occurs from mid-May until frost.

Red salvia

This flower is also one of the unpretentious annuals. Combines harmoniously in flower beds with other flowering species. Several varieties have been developed with different colors. The inflorescence has the shape of a candle. Decorates the dacha plot with flowers all summer long.


This flower stands out among annuals for its decorative effect. Bright orange or yellow petals are collected in a basket. Grows in sun and partial shade. Flowering is abundant, from early summer to mid-autumn. The petals of the plant are widely used in medicine. Calendula not only decorates the garden, but also has medicinal qualities.


Many varieties and hybrids have been bred of this plant. Of course, the species with terry caps are beautiful. The planting site is suitable both on the sunny side and in the shade. You just need to take into account that in the shade there will be more greenery than inflorescences. Flowering lasts until early September.


An annual plant with an attractive, unusual appearance. As the name implies, the shape of the flower resembles a pharynx. It blooms in the flowerbed all summer, delighting us with an abundance of flowers and colors. Looks very impressive in flower arrangements and in single plantings.


Unpretentious annuals that bloom throughout the summer months, decorating any area. One short bush blooms for almost a month and a half. Low-growing and tall-growing varieties are planted in one place, which combine perfectly and create a beautiful composition. Varieties with different shades of petals have been bred. Planted in sunny places where there are no drafts.

The main points when caring for low-growing flowers: stretching the stem and rapid growth of leaves, hiding the flowers. To prevent your flower garden from looking like a green meadow interspersed with flowers, follow these rules:

  • do not overfeed plants with nitrogen, it is this microelement that gives leaves growth;
  • when feeding, you need to buy fertilizers for flowering plants;
  • the seeds should be sown at a short distance between them, then the grown bushes will not stretch out;
  • Flowers for which shade is contraindicated cannot be planted in the shade.

Photos of annual flowers for the garden

How to sow flower seeds so they sprout quickly

An important factor is planting seeds. Below are the rules on how to sow flower seeds.

  1. Take only “fresh” seeds. “Old” seeds may simply not sprout.
  2. Carry out pre-planting treatment of the seed: soaking in a growth stimulator or hydrogen peroxide. Some seeds require stratification.
  3. Plant in damp cloth, and as soon as the seeds hatch, transplant them into the ground.
  4. Don't plant too deep. The grains simply do not have enough strength to rise.
  5. When planting small seeds, mix them with sifted sand to distribute them evenly over the surface.
  6. When growing seedlings, use light, loose and nutritious soil.
  7. Do not sow outdoors too early. In cold soil, seeds germinate less easily.

Decorative sunflowers - flowers without seedlings, plus each seed - a flower bed

I really liked the low-growing specimens: one bush - a whole flowerbed.

Sunflower Bear

In our climate, I sowed on May 15, at the same time I sow beans, corn, and beets. Sunflowers bloomed in July and bloomed until the cold weather. I also liked the tall decorative ones. I bought red ones for this season.


African marigolds and dimorphotheca belong to the Asteraceae family.

Her homeland is South Africa. A low annual plant with a beautiful and large inflorescence of various colors. The middle of the dimorphotheca flower can be yellow, brown, purple or black.

The plant reproduces by seeds. Dimorphotheca is used for group plantings and for flower beds located in open sun.

Organization of optimal watering

The weakest point of annual flowers is their root system. Watering and loosening should be done infrequently, and with extreme caution, so as not to damage the delicate roots of the plant.

Buds that have already bloomed are carefully cut off to the very root. This approach contributes to the appearance of new inflorescences with rich colors.

Seedless growing method: sowing time

The most cold-resistant annuals are sown from April 20 to May 1. These are calendula, cosmos, poppy, eschscholzia, mountain cornflower, lobularia, and summer adonis.

From May 1 to May 15, asters, godetia, annual delphinium, lavatera, sweet peas, and chrysanthemums are sown. From May 15, you can sow all heat-loving, rapidly growing annuals. To prolong flowering, cold-resistant species are sown in June-July, which will bloom again in August.

It is better to sow some annuals before winter: firstly, they will bloom earlier in the summer, and secondly, you will create better conditions for their development: the seeds will wake up in early spring, when the ground is still moist and cool.

Before winter they sow: godetia, calendula, summer adonis, cornflower, Ajax delphinium, Drummond's phlox, clarkia, cosmos doubly pinnate and sulfur-yellow, lavatera, lobularia, self-seeded poppy, matthiola bicornuum, Californian eschscholzia, chrysanthemums.

Usually they are sown in two periods: at the end of October - beginning of November or in December-January. When sowing before winter, it is important to meet several conditions: sow on completely frozen soil, otherwise the seeds may hatch during a thaw and die during frost, prepare the soil and area in advance so that melt water in the spring does not wash away the seeds. The crops are mulched on top with a soil mixture (compost, humus with sand, peat with sand), and covered with snow to protect them from birds.


Godetia flower belongs to the onagricaceae or fireweed family - an original, profusely flowering annual plant.

Her homeland is California. The fragile stem of godetia is densely covered with short, stiff hairs. The flowers of the plant are spade-shaped, white, pink or red.

Godetia blooms for a long time. Its color fades when it blooms. Tall forms of godetia are decorative in bouquets, and low-growing ones are an excellent decoration for borders and flower beds.

Flowering and caring for godetia - video

Seeds are used to propagate godetia. The beginning of flowering is July-August. The plant is sun-loving, but does not tolerate too hot weather and prolonged rains.


Marigold or calendula is a member of the Asteraceae family.

With their beauty, shape, brightness of color and duration of flowering, annuals stand out from all groups of flowering plants. Some of them bloom long and profusely, others have ornamental leaves, and others have bright colors or a pleasant scent.

The most unpretentious, blooming almost all summer, and the most common flowers in the gardens are marigolds.

They bloom early in the spring and last until frost. They have bright flowers with a pleasant smell, which have long been used for ornamental gardening and in folk medicine.

Calendula is a light-loving, cold-resistant, unpretentious plant.

In our country, they are so named for the peculiar shape of the seeds, reminiscent of marigolds.
But the Latin “calendula” is consonant with the word “calendar”.
It means "a new day of any month." Calendula has found its use in medicine, in the form of infusions and ointments. In rainy and cloudy weather, as night approaches, the outer petals of the flowers rise and fold over the inflorescence, forming a roof. Closing and opening of flowers occurs slowly, it takes about 45-50 minutes.

Planting and caring for calendula - video

This is a living barometer. Calendula flowers are also good for cutting. They can stand in water for a long time and enliven a bouquet with their bright flowers.


Physalis is a member of the nightshade family.
He is an alien from China, North America, and southern Europe.
From a distance the plant resembles a tomato bush. The most common are Mexican physalis and strawberry physalis, which blooms with whitish flowers.

Physalis fruits are covered with bright covers or bubbles. In Greek "physalis" means "bubble".

The physalis cap comes in a variety of shades.
Its fruits contain a lot of pectin, vitamin C, and sugar.


Lobelia flowers belong to the Lobeliaceae family.
She is from South America.
This is a low border plant. Lobelia flowers of atypical shape can be blue, blue, white, red-violet, simple or double, opening from the main shoot. In the evening and when it is cloudy, lobelia flowers are open.

The duration of flowering of a lobelia flower is 4-6 days, the duration of flowering of the entire plant is 1.5-2 months. “Cutting” lobelia extends the flowering period by 20-25 days. Lobelia blooms all summer - it starts at the end of May and blooms until late autumn.

Long-climbing forms of lobelia are very popular. Decorative lobelia is shiny, with red leaves.

Rose "Mondial" pink, fantasy Park rose Louis Odier Black rose Black Baccara "Black Baccara"

Tagetes or marigolds

These are marigolds from the Asteraceae family - very unpretentious annual Tagetes.

There are many varieties of tagetes, which differ in stem height, flower basket size, and various colors - from lemon yellow to dark orange and burgundy tones.
The flowers have a peculiar pungent aroma.

Marigolds bloom until late autumn.

On cloudy days and in the evenings the flowers do not close. Marigolds respond positively to pruning, which helps extend the flowering period. They decorate borders, group plantings, and ridges. Marigolds are unpretentious both in terms of soil and care.

Photos of unpretentious marigold flowers

Tagetes petals contain a yellow pigment, which has been used since ancient times as a harmless dye for coloring food products. Some varieties of tagetes contain a lot of vitamin C.


Asters belong to the Asteraceae family and are very popular.

This is one of the best plants for autumn garden decoration.
In terms of plant height, flower structure, petal shape and color, it is one of the most beautiful annuals. Asters flowers can be pink, red, yellow, lilac, purple, white, dark purple.

Asters bloom until late autumn.

Many varieties of asters have flowers similar in structure to those of peonies, roses, and chrysanthemums. Pink-shaped asters bloom for 24-27 days, peony-shaped ones - 30-35 days.


The flower antirrhinum, which we call snapdragon, is a representative of the Porichniaceae family. Its homeland is the Mediterranean or North Africa.

This is the best plant for decorating flower beds.
They decorate flower beds, ridges, and lawns.
The stem of the plant is branched, hard from the bottom, with short hairs, with narrow oval green leaves. The flowers are bilabial, white, bright pink or red. There are varieties of snapdragons that are tall, low, dwarf, and with double flowers.

Antirrinum also loves an open sunny place. Flowers open from bottom to top. Each flower blooms for 10-12 days. The plant is not afraid of the first frosts and continues to bloom even in late autumn. Antirrinum is propagated by seedlings. To get a beautiful bushy plant, it is picked twice.

Garden Yucca Lantana Nerine Flower or Spider Lily Weigela


Ageratum, long-flowered, is from the Asteraceae family.

This plant has a tall, straight stem.
Small white hairs, like fluff, cover it from bottom to top. The flowers are small, forming baskets with short pedicels. Flowers can be blue, lilac, turquoise.

Ageratum flowers do not close in bad weather and late in the evening. Ageratum blooms profusely and for a long time. It is used for borders, ridges, and is not afraid of replanting even in a blooming state.


Cosmea, beauty - belongs to the Asteraceae family, due to its unpretentiousness and long flowering, it is one of the most common annual plants.

It has a tall branched stem with slightly drooping stiff hairs and pinnately dissected leaves.
Cosmos flowers can be white, pink, red, lilac, purple, and form a basket.

The flowers smell pleasant and remain open both at night and in bad weather. Cosmos blooms until frost.

The cosmos plant propagates by seeds sown directly into the ground; they can be sown in the fall.

Cosmos often grows from carrion seeds, faded baskets (for this feature, cosmos is often incorrectly classified as a perennial). After mass flowering, you need to trim off the faded baskets.

Growing, planting and caring for cosmos - video

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