(+65 photos) Ideas for beautiful and functional design of garden beds



From this article you can learn how to create beautiful garden beds with your own hands: photos of successful options that can be used as inspiration, instructions and design rules, as well as making structures for growing vegetables and herbs on the site. The text outlines the basic principles of design development taking into account the landscape features of the site, advice on choosing crops and creating decorative designs.

Beautiful beds, created with your own hands, will not only decorate the site, but will also help make planting more organized.

Original bed ideas

Generally speaking, there are two main directions in style and planning: regulatory and free. The first involves the use of clear geometric shapes with an accentuated compositional center. Harmonizes with classical trends in architecture.

The free direction is closer to natural, natural forms and largely imitates them.

Pairs perfectly with ethnic style and Japanese minimalism. They mainly use natural materials to create beds: wood, wild stone, pebbles.

Gabion beds

This is an original solution for creating raised, high beds. A gabion is a mesh metal container that is filled with pebbles, large stones, and pieced decorative glass. Gabions are suitable for cascading beds in areas with uneven terrain.

They look impressive and prevent the soil from sliding.

They make tall, raised flower beds. From metal mesh containers you can make beds and flower beds of various shapes.

You can buy ready-made metal containers in stores and supermarkets, or make them yourself.

Sequence of gabion manufacturing:

  1. Draw a sketch of the gabion, draw a diagram with dimensions.
  2. Select a galvanized mesh with cells in accordance with the fraction of the material with which the container will be filled. The material can be construction mesh for reinforcement.
  3. Cut the blanks to size according to the sketch (in 2 copies).
  4. Cut out transverse partitions from the mesh. They are installed inside the container in increments of 80-100 cm.
  5. Connect all the elements of the blanks using wire.
  6. Prepare the area, make a small depression (about 10 cm) in the shape of a gabion. Place a container in it.
  7. Fill it with pebbles, stones, and other materials (wooden blocks, pieces of glass).
  8. Line the inside of the gabion with geotextile materials.
  9. Fill the gabion with soil.

Gabions fit organically into areas of various sizes and reliefs.

Wooden containers

Ideal for creating “warm, smart” beds.

Manufacturing procedure:

  1. Draw a diagram of the box.
  2. They plan and mark out the site.
  3. Cut out boards and connecting corner bars to size. The beam should be 15 - 20 cm longer than the height of the container.
  4. All elements of the box are connected to each other using nails and self-tapping screws.
  5. It is recommended to additionally strengthen corner joints with metal corners for structural reliability.
  6. You can make a small depression in the soil under the container to stabilize the structure.
  7. Install the box in the designated area.
  8. Fill it up.

If you plan to grow root vegetables, then place a metal mesh at the bottom of the container to prevent rodents from digging in.

Vertical beds

A beautiful garden bed located in a vertical position will decorate any garden or garden plot.

Ideal for small areas. Mostly plants with a slightly branched root system are grown: salads, spices. Strawberries and strawberries are planted.

The vertical structure consists of two main parts: a frame and hanging multi-tiered containers.

Fences and railings are also used as frames.

They are made from various materials:

  • plastic bottles;
  • PVC pipes;
  • containers for flowers;
  • bamboo;
  • drain pipes.

Vertical beds are easy to make with your own hands:

  1. The selected container is secured to the base with self-tapping screws. There is no need to spare the fastenings, as they must withstand the weight of the earth with planting and watering.
  2. Make a couple of holes in the bottom of the future “pot” for drainage.
  3. Plant the selected plant.

Tip: You can create several modules of a strong base, no more than 1 meter wide, so that the beds can be moved to the desired location.

Smart beds

As for this method of planting seedlings, it is similar to the “lazy” method, but here the emphasis is on fertilizers. It is good fertilizer that affects the quality and volume of the harvest, delighting the gardener with fresh vegetables. The soil used here is compost, which contains sawdust, leaves and straw.

The compost heap is covered with soil and within a month the procedure for planting seedlings can be carried out in the beds. Smart beds need to be fenced; their height can reach 1 meter. For their construction, it is best to use wood, artificial or wild stone. You also need to install an internal irrigation system.

Principles of arranging beds

A garden bed is a relatively small, often quite isolated area of ​​soil where you can provide individual care for a plant of a particular crop, create a moisture regime and fertilize it.

It is obvious that in a summer cottage or garden, plants with different agricultural techniques are grown, often with opposing care requirements - without an individual approach it will not be possible to achieve high yields.

It is for this purpose that differentiation is necessary on the site - dividing the territory into zones, and the zones into beds.

If the purpose of the beds is more or less clear to every gardener, then such nuances as the level of illumination, the composition of the soil and even its consistency, necessary for different crops, are not always taken into account by everyone.

Unfortunately, failure to understand that cucumbers and tomatoes, for example, require different approaches leads to a significant loss of yield.

By creating simple trenches for planting certain crops, or isolated beds, the owner of the site can give the plants proper care - all efforts will invariably pay off in the quality or quantity of the harvest.

Types of beds for a modern vegetable garden

Only at first glance it may seem that the beds differ from each other only in size and shape. Although these indicators are of great importance for plants that require an individual approach and isolation from other crops. The beds may differ in the very principle of formation, for example, they may be not on the site, but above it, located on the so-called “green wall” or inside large-diameter plastic pipes. It all depends on how to care for each specific type of plant.

Box-shaped bed

The box bed is one of the most popular methods of soil cultivation today. This method of planting allows not only to create a separate place for each crop, but also to organize the landscape of a summer cottage or vegetable garden at a high aesthetic level. It is not difficult to organize a garden bed in the form of a box - a fence in the form of low shields is installed on the prepared and marked site (hacienda or small backyard).

To organize the fencing of the bed-box, you can use:

  • flat or wavy slate;
  • unnecessary boards;
  • polycarbonate sheets;
  • plastic;
  • any waste material that can withstand soil moisture for more than one summer season.

Next, layers of organic matter and the soil itself are poured into the prepared compartment. Such beds are not dismantled for the winter, and in the spring, after surface loosening, it will be possible to plant seeds or seedlings of certain crops again. This approach is not only practical and rational, but also aesthetic.

Beds with high sides

Raised beds are usually shaped like ridges or trapezoids. The rise of the soil is usually ensured by a “cushion” of compost layer, on top of which soil is poured. In areas of our country where the mole cricket is common, a layer of compost is not used; lifting is carried out only by pouring soil. The mole cricket usually makes nests in the compost layer (a warm and humid place is an ideal habitat) and can spread throughout the entire area very quickly.

Raised beds are most often used for growing melons:

  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkins;
  • zucchini;
  • Sometimes some varieties of potatoes are grown this way.

Beds with high sides are created for one season. In most cases, the embankment subsides greatly under the weight of snow and loses its functional purpose. If weaving plants (for example, cucumbers, some types of zucchini) will be grown in a bed with a box design, then it would not be a bad idea to equip the fence with a vertical lattice (made of wood or metal, created using weaving, or any available means).

If such a structure is equipped with a high dome covered with film, then an ordinary garden bed becomes a greenhouse. Growing seedlings in such portable structures is very convenient and practical.

"Warm" beds

The beds are called “warm” because their lower layers contain fresh, unrotted manure. The mound of manure is carried out in late autumn, so that all processes take place during the winter period under the cover of snow. In early spring, after the snow has melted, such beds are cleaned so that they are warmed by the sun and decomposition processes begin.

Next, the manure begins to rot with a large release of heat. As a rule, in compost heaps during “burning” the temperature inside can reach 40-50 degrees. But the layer of manure on the beds is not high and this effect does not occur; moreover, winter exposure significantly slows down the “burning” processes. All these manipulations and preparations are needed in order to plant crops in a ready-made, “warm” bed. This is usually done for planting plants with a shallow root system - cucumbers, radishes, etc.

After the end of the summer season, all manure is processed. If you remove the top layer of soil, you will find humus underneath, which is a very valuable substrate. This natural fertilizer can be scattered throughout the garden or summer cottage. And at the end of autumn, it will be possible to put manure back into the bed and start the process of preparing a “warm” bed over a new one.

Beds with drainage

In clay buds, in very low places into which all the water constantly drains and in wetlands, it is necessary to arrange beds with drainage. They are not difficult to make - usually a 50-60 cm layer of soil is removed, then sand about 20 cm high is laid out at the bottom of the resulting hole, then sawdust and humus are poured in, and only after that soil is added. Drainage and gas exchange in beds of this type are excellent - an ideal place for growing root crops (for example, potatoes).

Cultivation methods

There are two main (and at the same time diametrically opposed) approaches to farming:

  1. traditional;
  2. ecological.

The traditional method of cultivating the land is a thing of the past, incredibly labor-intensive and often irrational, extremely traumatic for the ecosystem. It is based on human attempts to control the processes in the soil and its condition.

The traditional method of farming includes the following activities:

  • digging up the soil twice (per year);
  • herbicide treatment;
  • uncontrolled amount of fertilizer applied to the soil;
  • With this principle of farming, beds are cultivated in such a way that they have a small number of capillaries and, as a result, an insufficient number of microorganisms.

All these factors inevitably lead to low yields and depletion of soil resources.

The second approach, ecological (natural) , is based on the ability of the soil to regenerate itself. There are many principles of natural farming, but they are all based on the fact that humans rarely interfere with the natural course of processes occurring in the soil.

Digging up the soil is replaced by surface loosening, and weeding once a week or two is replaced by timely mulching.

Modern farming methods are based on an ecological method and with this approach microorganisms, plant roots and insects independently restore the soil structure. An increase in the number of capillaries increases gas exchange processes, as a result, plant roots are naturally enriched with nitrogen, which leads to an increase in both the quality and quantity of the crop.

All this can happen without chemical fertilizers at all or with a minimal amount of them.

Beautiful garden beds at the dacha with your own hands: photos and design recommendations

A garden bed is a relatively isolated area of ​​soil where plants of a particular species are grown. Summer residents grow many crops that have similar cultivation characteristics or, conversely, contradict each other. By zoning a site using beds, you can separate incompatible plant species or combine those that have the same care system.

Properly selected raised beds will rid paths of excess soil and dirt.

Vegetable crops, like flowers, need certain conditions. The shape and size of the bed can affect the degree of soil moisture and the intensity of gas exchange processes. Even the species diversity of microorganisms that will live in the upper layer of soil depends on the type of structure. In addition, it is important to know how to properly place the beds on the site. Photos of unusual beds from this article confirm that the design of a site can be both decorative and practical. At the same time, you can create not just beautiful plantings, but also get a harvest from them.

Small beds with aromatic herbs and seasonings can be conveniently placed near the summer kitchen on the site

Note! Despite the same purpose of the beds, do not forget that some plants require a certain soil composition. However, other crops may be less demanding. The same goes for soil consistency, light conditions and humidity. Inattention to such nuances can lead to reduced yield or loss.

You can build a special box for a warm bed yourself or purchase it at a garden center.

Principles of creating garden beds: ecological and traditional approach

Summer residents practice two approaches to growing crops on the site - ecological and traditional. Moreover, one of them completely contradicts the other. The traditional method is gradually becoming a thing of the past. This principle of soil cultivation is labor-intensive and harms the ecosystem. With the traditional approach, a person independently controls and regulates the condition of the soil, as well as all the processes occurring in it.

Traditional farming principles include:

  • treatment with herbicides;
  • digging up the soil twice a year (autumn and spring);
  • use of fertilizers in large quantities.

The traditional method of soil cultivation requires the annual application of chemical fertilizers, which negatively affects the quality of the crop.

As a result, beds cultivated in this way are deprived of natural capillaries. Microorganisms living in the soil gradually die off, and crop yields become scarce.

An ecological approach to creating garden beds at the dacha with your own hands refers to natural farming. This principle is based on the natural self-healing properties of soil. At the same time, humans extremely rarely interfere with the natural processes occurring in the beds. Digging is abandoned as a method of preparing soil for planting. Instead, surface loosening is used. The same applies to weeding, which is replaced by mulching.

The yield grown using ecological methods is usually lower than with traditional methods, but the quality of vegetable crops is several times higher

The ecological principle of farming preserves the natural properties of the soil, which independently restores its structure due to the increased number of capillaries, plant roots, insects and microorganisms. Gas exchange processes improve and, as a result, a sufficient amount of nitrogen enters the roots of crops naturally.

Note! With an ecological approach, the use of chemical fertilizers is absent or minimized. Modern methods of creating beautiful garden beds in the country are built precisely on this principle.

Eco-farming is an advanced industry in modern agriculture

Recommendations for planning beds on a summer cottage: photos and design rules

On the Internet you can find a large number of photos of beautiful beds and flower beds; every summer resident can create such a design with his own hands. The secret lies in planning the future of the garden.

Before you get started, it is advisable to take into account some nuances:

  • compatibility of crops that will be planted nearby - some plant varieties can have a positive effect on others, while some of them can be harmful. It is necessary to carefully study the issue of compatibility of crops that will grow in the beds;

By correctly combining vegetable crops, you can avoid infecting plants with diseases and pests.

  • multi-level planning - correct placement of plants in height will provide each type of crop in the garden with sufficient sunlight. For example, it is better to place the tallest plantings on the north side. Gradually approaching the south, the height of the plants decreases as the amount of light increases;

An example of successful placement of beds and plants on the site

  • landscape features of the site - if the beds are located on a slope, there is a risk of washout during heavy rains. To prevent this, it is recommended to organize box beds on the site or place the seedlings in special boxes. In such conditions, you can make neat small-width beds by placing them across the slope. Due to this, water will accumulate between the rows and the need for additional watering will be minimal;

Raised beds make it easy to turn them into mini-greenhouses

  • yield – each vegetable crop has its own yield. This indicator can be used at the planning stage to find out what the number of beds and their size should be to obtain a certain amount of harvest.

Related article:

Do-it-yourself garden beds are not like everyone else’s: interesting ideas for country house design

Interesting ideas for decorating a summer cottage and greenhouse. Using scrap materials to create unusual beds.

How to make beds in the garden: photos of the correct placement options

At the planning stage, the type of beds, the nature of their placement on the site and the dimensional parameters of the structures are also selected. The choice is based primarily on the characteristics of the soil, the specifics of the plants that will be grown and the presence of buildings on the territory.

To achieve maximum yield, it is necessary to plan and change planting every year.

Helpful advice! In order not to rack your brains over the design for a long time, you can use your favorite photos of dachas with beds and lawns from gardening magazines as a basis from which to design your garden in the future.

Based on magazine photos of garden beds or pictures from the Internet, it is advisable to draw up a plan for the future garden on paper in advance and use general recommendations for creating optimal designs:

  • raised beds that do not have a frame in the form of a box are recommended to be built in areas with black soil. In this case, there is no need to purchase soil;

A steep slope is not an obstacle to a comfortable vegetable garden if you build the beds in the form of steps

  • designs of high beds can be considered as an analogue of flower beds. They look decorative and at the same time are able to provide plants with protection from rodents;
  • Heat-loving plants need special conditions. Growing them will require the construction of warm beds. This product option will be optimal if the site is located in a region where a climate with low temperatures prevails;
  • if the summer cottage is located in an arid region of the country, it is recommended to plant plants in pits;

Vertical beds are very popular among owners of small plots

  • Lowland areas and areas with clay soils are best used for organizing high beds;
  • areas of the site located in the shade are good for growing greenery;
  • You often come across photos of beautiful beds against a wall online. It is allowed to place structures along the walls of stationary structures, for example, a house, summer kitchen, barn, gazebo or garage, but with one condition - the rows must be placed on the south side. At the same time, the walls will protect the plants from the wind.

Creating beds at the dacha with your own hands: photos of successful solutions

Taking into account the general design principles, you can evaluate the site for organizing a vegetable garden and plan not only the shape and type of beds, but also the dimensional parameters. General standards for the size parameters of beds:

  1. Height - an indicator in the range of 40-60 cm is considered optimal, taking into account that the beds need regular weeding and watering. For carrying out these works, the specified height is considered the most convenient.
  2. Width - the maximum allowable value is 1.2 m. Otherwise, caring for seedlings and cultivating the soil will be extremely difficult.
  3. The width of the passage between plantings is the minimum permissible value of 0.3 m.

When using a high box instead of a traditional bed, you need to be careful about laying out the drainage system to allow excess moisture to escape

Note! If you plan to build beds with a frame, you should leave at least 0.6 m between the structures. With this width, a wheelbarrow can easily pass along the passage, which can be used for harvesting, transporting fertilizer, etc.

How to make a beautiful bed using lettuce

Each plant is unique and beautiful in its own way. Combining certain crops in one bed will create an amazing plant design. The composition can consist not only of vegetables, but also of herbs and flowers. Some plant species are able to provide vegetable crops with protection from pests and diseases.

Lettuce is a frequent guest in beautiful photos; many summer residents know how to make garden beds using this plant. It is decorative and comes in a wide variety of varieties. This type of greenery can have different leaf shapes and even colors.

An example of a beautiful bed grown using different varieties of lettuce

Recommendations on how to beautifully decorate your garden using salad:

  1. The Zabava lettuce variety is suitable for creating contrasting accents in the garden bed. Its leaves have a red tint and combine well with other plants.
  2. The Assol variety is a head variety of lettuce. This version of the plant has a green color and a red border along the edges of the leaves. The high decorative quality of the variety allows it to be used as a garden bed decoration.
  3. These varieties can be combined with vegetable crops. Successful combinations are obtained with cucumber, carrots, strawberries and radishes.
  4. All varieties of lettuce look impressive next to basil or parsley.

Beds with herbaceous plants need shade. By growing such crops, you can provide yourself with fresh herbs and decorate shaded areas of the yard where most flowers cannot grow.

Creating beautiful beds in the garden: photos of unusual solutions using cabbage

Cabbage is another variant of the plant, the beauty of which is not always appreciated by those who are unfamiliar with the characteristics of its varieties. There are many technologies that describe how to beautifully make beds in a vegetable garden; photos of structures planted with cabbage look no worse than flower beds in the yard.

On sale you can find several varieties of red cabbage that can be successfully used to create a decorative bed. These varieties include “Mikhnevskaya Krasavitsa”, “Langedeyker”, “Rodima F1” and many others. In addition to external beauty, they will give a generous harvest at the end of the year.

Cauliflower with purple heads of the “Purple Queen” variety will become a real decoration for your summer cottage

The cabbage variety “Amethyst F1” has a stunning purple color that will add bright accents to boring green plantings and make them attractive. There are also unique varieties. For example, “Cheddar F1” cauliflower is orange in color and can easily compete with flowering plants in terms of decorativeness. Other crops can be planted next to cabbage: dill, beets, onions, celery.

White cabbage can be planted along the edges of beds or flower beds for a beautiful frame

Helpful advice! Cabbage can also be used to make a frame for your own garden beds; photos of plantings in a white cabbage fence look attractive, while creating a unique structural design.

Preparation stage

When choosing a place for beds, they are guided by the degree of shade tolerance of a particular type of vegetable and green crops. Usually good lighting is required, so choose a sunny place, away from tall trees and country buildings.

In this case, it is advisable to avoid lowlands with close ground aquifers, since constant stagnation of moisture has a detrimental effect on the root system.

It is not recommended to arrange ridges on slopes, as they do not retain water, and the plants will constantly experience moisture deficiency. Their optimal placement is from south to north, which will ensure uniform lighting and heating of the surface throughout the day.

Before calculating the area of ​​the future vegetable garden, think through the main dimensions of the beds. There are several varieties:

  • Classic option. For standard rectangular beds, it is recommended to have a width of 0.8-1.0 m and a height of 50 cm. The minimum length is 1.5 m. Leave row spacing of about 40 cm.
  • Large ridges. They are made for unpretentious crops that do not need frequent weeding, such as pumpkin, zucchini, beans or potatoes. The shape can be square or rectangular with an optimal area of ​​12 m2.
  • Hilly ones. High (85-100 cm) elongated mounds are poured. Their length is not regulated, limited by the dimensions of the garden. The top surface is made flat. To retain moisture, several depressions are made.
  • Tall. Ridges up to 1.5 m high must have a fence. In the standard version, a box of the desired shape is constructed, at the bottom of which a metal mesh is placed to prevent rodents and a crushed stone drainage layer is poured. Then fill with soil mixture, not reaching 50 mm to the top cut.

Plants on such structures will need more frequent watering than usual.

  • Deep. Pre-dig a trench. Fill it with rotted manure, compost with the addition of peat. Pour soil up to 25 cm high.
  • Narrow. The width for such beds is selected in such a way as to plant vegetables or herbs in one row. They are often built in greenhouses or small areas.

Important! When planning a specific version of the beds, the characteristics of the plants are taken into account.

For example, high or hilly ridges are not suitable for moisture-loving plants. Heat-loving pumpkins, cucumbers and zucchini will develop well here. The configuration can be not only the standard rectangular one. Triangular, trapezoidal, diamond-shaped, oval and even round mounds for vegetables look original.

Decorative vegetable garden

You have probably noticed that vegetable and aromatic crops are beautiful both during flowering and during fruiting. Even potatoes bloom with cute flowers, and the rich color of their tops can be the envy of some flowers. The multi-colored shiny peppers on the bush are beautiful, the red and green tomatoes, even the cucumber bed with plants climbing along the arch looks good. There are also colorful salads, different types of cabbage, all sorts of parsley, dill and other healthy and fragrant herbs. Aesthetes noticed this and began to decorate the beds beautifully. There are even two different types of ornamental vegetable gardens.

French vegetable garden

In the classic version, these are symmetrical beds, in the center of which there is a sculptural group, a fountain, and another recreation area. Such vegetable gardens were made near castles, and they were also a place of rest. The strict geometry of the planned site further emphasized the splendor of the castle. He was always the priority.

Clearly shaped beds, their boundaries marked by border plantings Alternating colors are the basis of the decorativeness of the French vegetable garden

Beautifully laid out paths also contribute. There is a fountain or sculpture in the center of the composition.

In the modern version, the beds can be square, rectangular, or in the form of a sector of a circle. All of them are separated by clear paths; border plants are planted along the edges of the beds. It’s clear that you can’t install a pure French vegetable garden on your 6-10 acres, but it’s very possible to do something similar.

In general, there are two types of beds - at the same level with the soil and raised. It is easier to organize a vegetable garden on one level, but raised beds are more convenient to cultivate. To fence them, you can use boards, or slate cut into strips; if desired, the fence can be made of stone or woven from wicker. This is who can or wants to aim at what. For a few examples of how to make a fence for beautiful garden beds, see the photo.

Decorative beds are fenced with a plastic fence for flower beds. The fence for the beds is made of flagstone - sawn natural stone. Cut flexible branches (willow, for example) in the forest and while they are fresh, weave a fence for the raised beds. Paths and fencing of the beds from paving slabs and borders.

A fence made of boards is quick and easy, you just need to saturate the boards with a bioprotective compound, otherwise they will turn black and be unattractive

Read more about organizing raised beds here, and the general rules for site planning are described in this article.

For beds at the same level with the ground, plants can be used instead of borders. For example, parsley, regular or curly, lettuce of different colors. It is clear that the plants will be gradually cut off, but you can first plant them densely, gradually thinning out the planting. If space allows, along the edge of the beds you can plant marigolds or calendula, only a low border, other plants that produce dense greenery and grow small in height.

Curly parsley - beautiful and useful A border bush will not grow in one year, but it looks beautiful

Vegetable beds edged with flowers - beautiful

The main focus of the French vegetable garden is the layout and evenly planted rows. The second is in the alternation of colors. The third is in beautifully made paths that highlight the greenery.

To make everything look beautiful, you need to alternate the shades of plants, and to imagine how everything will look, it is better to draw in color. They draw as best they can: on a computer in a design program or on a landscape sheet. There you can also develop a layout of the beds yourself if you draw everything to scale. Then the ideas will need to be transferred to the site. There are several options for bed layouts in the photo.

Beautiful beds can be obtained from rectangular, triangular or diamond-shaped beds. If a circle cannot be fit into the plot, a semicircle or even a quarter of it looks good. Clear plantings and paths are the basis of any decorative garden

For some reason, our gardeners prefer the radial scheme for the vegetable garden. Probably because it resembles a cake)))

And lest you think that in our conditions it is impossible to create anything like this, below are several amateur photos from real dachas and garden plots where French beds have been living for more than one year.

Wicker fence for beds This is in the fall, but in summer it’s very beautiful. Even at the entrance there will be an arch... And again boards, mixed layout - rectangular and radial Another beds made of boards This one is still in the process of formation, but the results are visible

A small French vegetable garden, and even a sculpture. High beds with a fence made of boards. Even onions look attractive in a geometrically ideal planting.

We hope that the examples of designing beds have inspired you, and we’ll tell you how to make fences for them below.

English vegetable garden

It is not as symmetrical as the French one and it is dominated not by the castle or the house, but by the lawn. Vegetables are interspersed with flowers and all plantings emphasize the attractiveness of the lawn. The house itself is also more of a vertical bed: ivy often climbs along the wall, pots and flowerpots stand and hang. Everything is well-groomed and does not smell “wild”.

A classic example of an English vegetable garden

Actually, it is difficult to separate an English vegetable garden from a garden or flower garden. The “all together” principle applies here. But somehow they manage to combine everything, and very harmoniously.

Read how to make drip irrigation of beds and flower beds here. It’s not very difficult, and there are ready-made kits (read about the manufacturers here).

Multi-level beds

To achieve rational placement of vegetable crops in small areas, as well as to obtain a decorative effect, multi-level structures are created. The number of such structures is usually limited, since it is more difficult to care for plants.

For planting, crops with a shallow, underdeveloped root system are selected.

Parsley, lettuce, and dill adapt well in such conditions. Low-growing compact tomato bushes can be placed. Strawberries are often grown in multi-level structures, allowing the ripening berries to be prevented from coming into contact with the soil, which contributes to their excellent presentation and good preservation.

To create multi-tiered beds, wood is often used, from which special pallets and racks are assembled. It is not advisable to use metal parts, as they quickly heat up under sunlight. The soil in such structures quickly loses moisture.

If you decide to install metal multi-tiered beds, you should paint the parts with light paint.

For vertical beds, available components are also used: containers, boxes, racks, shelves, installed in various compositions. You can even adapt a chest of drawers, pots of various configurations and sizes, pipe trimmings, and tires.

Recommended bed sizes

You can choose the shape and size of the raised beds yourself. Photos of beds decorated with your own hands are widely available on the Internet. We easily choose the appropriate option.

Experienced gardeners recommend maintaining the following parameters:

  • We buy and install an air conditioner
  • Do-it-yourself windmill - the best ideas and instructions for building decorative windmills in the garden and on the site (105 photos)
  • Do-it-yourself walk-behind tractor - how to make a simple and reliable homemade walk-behind tractor for farming (105 photos)

  • height – 20-60 cm;
  • width – 80-130 cm.

If the basis of the bed is soil, then the height of the fence can be limited to 20-30 cm. If the land on the site is not suitable for growing vegetables, the bed is made higher: from 30 to 50 cm.

The width of the bed is chosen based on the calculation: two rows of plants are placed freely. This is necessary so that the plants are well lit. The correct design of a garden fence helps to obtain a high yield of vegetable crops.

Advantages of fencing for garden beds

  • Gives the area a neat appearance;
  • There is an opportunity to dream up and use non-standard solutions;
  • Available materials are used, which makes the arrangement of fencing economically profitable;
  • Weeding is simplified;
  • The beds do not crumble, which allows for better moisture retention;
  • The advantages include the ability to choose color combinations that harmoniously fit into the landscape and create a certain thoughtful composition.

Important! For fencing beds, you should select a safe material that does not emit toxic compounds during operation.

Beautiful and comfortable

Lazy beds are a completely new approach to the design of a summer cottage, thanks to which the seedlings grow on their own, resulting in the amount of harvest exceeding any expectations. This method is based on one simple rule, according to which you cannot weed or dig the ground, with the exception of the process of preparing the land and planting seedlings. Of course, regular weeding allows you to eliminate weeds and fluff up the soil, but at the same time it leads to drying out of the soil, which is why vegetables do not receive the required amount of moisture and yields decrease.

Wooden fencing

Wood attracts with ease of processing and simple installation. But this material is short-lived. The prepared parts should first be treated with impregnation to prevent rotting.

To make your own garden beds with wooden fencing, you use various parts.

These can be vertically dug narrow dies, pegs, or cuttings of logs. If the latter have a large diameter, they should first be sawed along the longitudinal center line. Unsanded birch logs look great.

You can weave a fence from willow twigs. Convenient to use are boards made from floor slats, slabs, planks, clapboards, and picket fences. They are easy to install, secured with stakes. If necessary, the fence can be quickly dismantled and moved.

Advice! If you plan to use the garden beds for more than one season, it is better to use high-quality wood material: dry bars, wide wooden panels, edged boards, block house, thick lining.

How to make beautiful garden beds at your dacha: photo examples of decorative fences

Living fences are the most environmentally friendly way to design beds in an ornamental vegetable garden. The difference in the structure of plants or their colors can be effectively played up in the design by creating a natural frame around the plantings. This technique is also used to decorate the bed with geometric patterns or rows of different heights and colors.

Living fences can be organized by planting pegs of fast-growing trees - cherry or willow - along the edges of the beds

Frames for beds can be made with your own hands from any available materials. For these purposes, vine, plastic, stone, wood are suitable. Even the use of beds without framing is allowed. In this case, the design relies on an unusual shape of the structure.

How to design a garden bed: photos and tips for using lawn grass

To create a natural border for the bed, it is best to use a lawn. Green grass is easy to handle, obedient and allows you to create even the most complex shapes on your site. The result looks stunning, giving a special design to the area.

Lawn grass looks great in the area between the rows of the garden

This technology also has disadvantages:

  1. Lawn grass grows quickly and spreads well. Such a fence requires regular maintenance, otherwise the lawn will spread to the garden bed. To prevent this, it is recommended to do weeding from time to time.
  2. A green lawn does not provide protection from pests and rodents, which can cause serious damage to the crop.
  3. A bed framed with lawn grass loses its shape over time. You need to monitor its position and correct it if necessary.

To prevent grass from growing into beds or paths, you can use border tape

Helpful advice! To prevent pests from getting to your vegetable crops, you can buy beautiful plastic beds. These products are strong, practical and durable. There are decorative options on sale that imitate wood or stone.

The advantages of lawn grass framing include excellent decorative characteristics, a simple system of organization and further maintenance.

Using slate

You can quickly create a neat frame for a bed of any configuration using flat slate. This is an inexpensive and durable material. Its fragility must be taken into account.

  1. First, mark and level the perimeter of the bed, making straight lines. It is advisable to check the joints using a square and control all dimensions.
  2. Cut slate sheets into strips and dig a trench so that its depth is equal to half the width of the prepared material.
  3. The slate panels are installed strictly vertically, fixing them together with metal corners with a protective anti-corrosion layer.
  4. Gently sprinkle with soil, compacting each layer. Metal pegs are installed in several places on both sides of the slate fence, securing the structure.
  5. All that remains is to fill the internal space with fertile soil, and a neat, aesthetically pleasing garden bed is ready.

Sheets of wavy slate, which give an interesting sound, are no less successfully used to make fences. The combination of two types of slate – flat and wavy – will diversify the decor.

What plants can be grown

Flowers and vegetables planted in the same bed not only look original, but also interact with each other. Small flowering plants located between the rows of vegetable crops protect the soil from moisture loss and also attract pollinating bees. Some flowers with their scent can repel insect pests, masking the delicious aroma of vegetables for them.

To select plants planted in a decorative bed, their compatibility is taken into account

Watering and fertilizers applied for the development of vegetable crops also go to flowers - in such a community no one is deprived of nutrition and moisture.

Principles of planting plants in a flower bed

For good growth of gardening plantings, it is recommended to plant flowers every 3-4 rows of vegetable crops. Vegetables are placed first in the flowerbed. Once the vegetable seedlings have taken root, you can plant flowers in them. If flower crops are sown with seeds rather than seedlings, then after emergence they need to be thinned out, leaving the required number of the most viable specimens and removing the excess. The distance between each flowering plant should be at least 15–20 cm.

Compatibility of flower and vegetable crops

To get the maximum effect from the community of plants placed in the same flower bed, experienced gardeners advise adhering to the following combinations:

  • Marigolds - these flowers have a specific aroma that repels insects. Even when dried, these flowers retain their properties. Externally, flowering marigolds look bright and attractive; they are planted next to cabbage, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, and legumes.
  • Calendula is not only good in the flowerbed and has medicinal properties, but also improves the composition of the soil. The smell of the plant repels slugs and Colorado potato beetles. You can plant calendula with carrots, potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, and beans.
  • Petunia - it is placed next to tomatoes to protect against cicadas and aphid invasion.
  • Nasturtium is a bright flowering plant that has a decorative appearance and can even be eaten. Planted between rows of potatoes or cabbage, nasturtium not only fills the gaps, but also masks the vegetable smell with its aroma, protecting cruciferous, pumpkin and nightshade crops from whiteflies.
  • Yarrow - Its scent attracts ladybugs, known as aphid eaters. In addition, wasps and bees love to visit fragrant flowers, which simultaneously pollinate fruit plants.
  • Borage - blooms with small blue flowers. The leaves are eaten in salads because they have a cucumber-like scent and a delicate texture. The plant helps loosen the soil, is an excellent honey plant and repels Colorado potato beetles with its smell. It can be planted next to any vegetable crops or herbs.

Placing flowers near vegetable crops not only improves the growth of their companion neighbors, but also prevents the spread of weeds. This flower-vegetable community greatly facilitates flowerbed care and creates bright compositions.

Marigolds planted next to cabbage protect it from garden pests

Delphinium, sweet pea, cosmos, and zinnia have proven to be good companions for garden crops - these plants heal the soil and attract bees with their flowers.

Photo: flowers for combination with vegetables

Yarrow repels insect pests Nasturtium protects against nematodes

borage is edible

Sweet peas improve soil composition

Bulbous plants can be planted with lettuce and parsley, and carrots look original next to daffodils and tulips. Garden chamomile looks contrasting when planted next to pumpkins, zucchini or cucumbers, and bright parsley with lacy leaves is planted at the foot of roses and chrysanthemums.

Combination of vegetable crops

Vegetable crops differ from each other not only in the time of ripening, but also in the consumption of the amount of nitrogenous components they require. Based on this, only those specimens that have similar requirements for a comfortable living environment can be grown next to each other.

When vegetables are placed together in a garden bed, a certain microclimate is created that improves their growth.

When creating mixed plantings of vegetable crops, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • For ease of maintenance, it is recommended to make the width of the bed no more than 1 meter.
  • The main crop is planted in the center of the bed, and the accompanying plantings are closer to the edges.
  • Soloists choose those vegetables whose ripening period is the longest, for example, tomatoes or peppers. By the time the fruits form, these plants grow greatly.
  • By the time the main crop ripens, its companion neighbors will have already been collected and will create the opportunity for air circulation and maximum access to sunlight.

In order not to make a mistake with the right choice of friendly plant species, you can use special compatibility tables for garden crops.

The table gives a visual representation of the compatibility of the main garden crops and spices

Such tables are based on the principle of nitrogen consumption by vegetable crops. For example, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, and celery are considered strong consumers of nitrogenous substances; average consumers include potatoes, carrots, spinach, radishes, beets, onions, and legumes and spices require very little nitrogen.

Metal fences

Fences made of metal parts have a long service life. It is necessary to select options with corrosion protection.

A good option is an aesthetically pleasing profiled sheet of galvanized steel with a polymer surface coating.

These types of fencing for garden beds will be quite expensive, but their cost will be offset by durability. The advantages of corrugated sheets include reliable protection against corrosion, a wide range of colors, and light weight.

Vegetable garden, like one continuous bed

An option that was once very popular. And in some places it is still used successfully.

The advantages of beds made flush with the ground

— The shape of the beds and the width of the passages can be easily changed not only from year to year, but also during the season itself. So the row tore out little rows - and the passage between the crops widened.

— You can plow the entire area at once, using, for example, a motor cultivator or your husband with a shovel (it’s not scary that he’ll destroy something or accidentally trample on it).

- Green manure can be sown in bulk.


— Such beds will always be flooded if they are in a lowland. Such a vegetable garden can only be placed in a high place. “We also have to apply manure, dolomite or mineral fertilizers all the time: it’s not clear where next year there will be beds and where there will be paths.

— Perennial and biennial crops with this option for arranging a vegetable garden have to be planted along the edge or even to the side, otherwise they will inadvertently be used as green manure when digging.

Vegetable garden without beds

Stone fencing

The beds, framed with stones of various sizes and shapes, look static and very decorative. This is a durable option. During installation, certain skills in laying such material are required if it is decided to use cement-sand mortar as a binding material.

A simpler option is to fill stones between metal gratings, which are strengthened along the perimeter of the ridges at the preparatory stage. Such pergons look noble, introducing an innovative sound even into an ordinary landscape.

Garden beds made of stone can easily withstand any external influences, are durable, and allow you to create any configuration and shape.

Fencing materials and their features

This method is very popular and guarantees a bountiful harvest. The use of enclosing structures will solve many problems associated with the slow development of crops. A raised bed allows you to create individual conditions for each plant.

The box is usually made from strong, durable materials according to a preliminary design. The bottom is lined with metal mesh or plastic slats, following the instructions. This will minimize rodent attacks. A raised bed is easy to build with your own hands. To create tall structures with fertile soil, you can use wood, stone, metal, and plastic.


Wood does not have good contact with moisture, so it will not last long as a garden bed fencing. To avoid having to build a new structure next year, you must immediately select the right material. The best option is oak boards. Before starting work, they must be treated with an antiseptic solution. After drying, the frame is cut and prepared.

Install a high bed only in dry soil. At the selected location, the prepared boards are fastened with screws or nails, adjusting the desired height of the product. The center and corners can be strengthened with beams - this will significantly increase the strength of the structure. After all sides are deepened into the ground, the structure is leveled. It must be perfectly flat, otherwise moisture will accumulate in one place, which will lead to damage to the wood and crops.

Terrace board

The new technological material has a long service life. Boards made from a mixture of wood flour and plastic are used for the construction of any moisture-resistant structures in suburban construction. Decking beds can be influenced by any environmental factors. The material easily tolerates high humidity, heat, and frost. Its geometric shape does not change, and microorganisms do not show interest in it. Terrace boards are sold in a large assortment, different lengths, colors, with and without mounting fasteners.

You can assemble beds from a polymer composite of any size. It can be easily sawed with a hacksaw. Installation logs are used for connection. All parts are connected with galvanized screws and placed in the ground. Alignment is best done diagonally. To increase rigidity, the inner side of the structure must be equipped with additional columns in increments of 1 meter.

It is better to fasten the structure with galvanized screws, rather than black ones. You can make the installation process easier if you pre-drill holes for fasteners.

Stone and brick

Correctly selected material in color and size will fit into any landscape. You can make ordinary rectangular beds, oval, spiral-shaped buildings from natural stone or brick. Natural raw materials do not crumble or crumble. Among the disadvantages, one can note the large weight of the structure. A few years after installation, it begins to sink into the ground. The stone fence is dismantled, soil is added and rebuilt.

Raised beds can be decorated decoratively with any natural species. Suitable sandstone, basalt, pebbles, granite, limestone. The cobblestones are laid out in several levels on a prepared foundation and secured with cement mortar on the outside of the structure. The outer side should retain the “dry masonry” effect. The bottom of the bed must be covered with polyethylene, roofing felt and covered with earth. High beds made of bricks are full-fledged walls with cement mortar. It will not be possible to move a permanent structure to another location.


This design can be purchased ready-made or assembled yourself. Lightweight plastic sides are practical and durable, and have a low cost. A polycarbonate fence retains 100% moisture in the soil when watering. The material is superior to stone, wood and metal in many respects.

Plastic for beds does not release toxic substances into the soil when heated. It does not attract insects and small rodents. It is not afraid of corrosion and rotting. You can make different types of beds from the following materials:

  • Garden designer. A set of plastic parts with special fasteners allows you to create a fence of any shape, color and size;
  • Border tape. When tensioned, the polymer fence takes the form of a side. Available in different widths (0.1 m – 0.5 m). You can make ordinary and multi-tiered flower beds from it. Disadvantage - cannot withstand heavy soil weight;
  • Plastic mesh. Used for fencing flower beds and low beds. It is often used as an additional barrier;
  • PVC panels. The structure is assembled using corner fasteners. To create raised beds, the panels need to be stacked on top of each other.


The metal bed is quick and easy to assemble. It can be put away in the barn for the winter and put in a new place in the spring. The leaf border is light in weight and has the ability to be connected in length and height. You can make high beds and small fences of any shape from metal. If desired, they can be painted in any color.

You can fence the garden bed with your own hands using a profiled sheet or roofing iron. It is also possible to galvanize a structure made of any material without any problems. You can create a practical and beautiful product by following the step-by-step steps of the following master class:

  1. Determine the size of the structure (flat, tiered);
  2. We prepare corner posts from timber;
  3. We make a frame structure from boards;
  4. We cut out metal pieces of the required size and attach them to the frame;
  5. We cover the burrs with a wooden frame.

Sheet metal should only be cut with scissors. You cannot use a grinder to speed up the process. Due to overheating, the polymer layer loses its protective properties. The cut will quickly rust.


It is necessary to carefully select a location for a capital structure. High concrete beds cannot be moved to another site without disturbing the structure. Concrete fencing has similar characteristics to brick and stone products.

First of all, prepare the wooden formwork. The width of the mold for pouring must be at least 15 cm. It must have a tight fit at all points of the ground. Fill the leveled form with mortar and place the reinforcement. After complete drying, the formwork is removed and the bed is covered with earth.

Vine and twigs

For such a bed you will need the simplest and cheapest materials. It carries more of a decorative message than a practical one. The original version, unfortunately, is not durable. You can make a fence from bending rods linear or round.

Preparation of the material involves soaking the rods in water for a day. Then we distribute wooden pegs around the perimeter of the bed, giving it the desired shape. We place small branches in the center of the structure - they will serve as drainage, and we weave large and even ones between the stakes. The sides of the bed on the inside should be covered with agrofibre, preventing soil from spilling out through the cracks.


Slate beds are lightweight and mobile. The material does not deteriorate in a humid environment and from temperature changes. If necessary, damaged elements can be easily replaced. Cheap corrugated sheets can be purchased at any hardware store. Slate beds can have different shapes, harmoniously fitting into the overall design of the site. Disadvantages include the negative impact of asbestos cement on the soil and the absorption of moisture when overheated.

You can make fences for garden beds from flat slate sheets or wavy plates. Large sheets are bolted together using metal corners. Then the structure is placed in the prepared trench, soil is poured in, and compacted.

Finely cut corrugated plates can be installed lengthwise or crosswise. They are placed overlapping in a prepared, moistened trench and sprinkled with soil. They are reinforced with pegs on both sides.

Border tape

Plastic curb tape is easy to install without requiring any special skills. Considering the variety of colors, this material looks very decent.

Thanks to its flexibility, it allows you to frame beds of any configuration.

This material is frost-resistant and durable. Withstands shock loads and does not fade for a long time. To ensure the strength of such a fence, the tape is installed in a shallow trench, soil is sprinkled, compacted with palms, and plastic pegs are installed on both sides.

Forms of beds

If previously the beds were only rectangular, now gardeners choose unusual shapes:

  • circle;
  • star;
  • triangle;
  • rhombus;
  • flower.

The choice should be made based on the layout of the garden, the features of finishing materials and the convenience of passage between the beds.

The most practical are square, round and rectangular beds. If you want to choose an unusual shape, you should understand that part of the area for planting is lost. Therefore, for small areas this option is not practical.

The modern desire for beauty has also reached garden plots. The choice of framing beds is so large that every amateur gardener can choose the ideal option for himself. It is much more pleasant to care for your plants when they grow in a beautiful garden bed.

Concrete frames

For a static ridge that does not require transfer, it is advisable to create a concrete fence. The surface of the site is leveled, a ridge is marked and formwork is made.

If desired, you can deepen it a little by digging a trench 10-15 cm deep.

Typically, boards or plywood scraps are used for formwork. The optimal width of the future fence is 15 cm. Pour cement-sand mortar and immerse the reinforcement in it. They wait a few days. When the concrete dries, remove the formwork and fill the interior space with soil.

Paths between the beds

Every gardener tries to use all means and possibilities to give the plot an aesthetic appearance and increase the yield. It is not very convenient to move on the ground between the beds, especially with working equipment and after rain. Therefore, the arrangement of paths plays an important role in the design of a village garden. In addition to physical convenience, there is no need for weeding. You can make the following tracks with your own hands:

  • Wooden plank flooring;
  • Permanent sidewalks made of crushed stone and broken bricks;
  • Ribbons from old carpets.

DIY lazy bed

  1. Determine the desired height of the sides.
  2. Connect the boards using a screwdriver and remove the clamps.
  3. Turn the bed over and set it in place.
  4. Make sure that the light here is sufficient for seedlings to germinate.
  5. Bury the corner beams 12-15 cm into the ground.
  6. Adjust the sides using a building level.
  7. This is necessary for the proper operation of the irrigation system.
  8. Install plastic tubes from the inside to prevent the walls from collapsing due to bad weather.
  9. Level the area and cover it with anti-mole netting.
  10. Fill in the soil.
  11. Secure the irrigation system.
  12. Plant the seedlings.
  13. Install an awning if necessary.

Advantages of raised beds

It’s easy to reveal the secret of the popularity of these garden fences. They allow:

  • use the land rationally (plants can be grown in low areas of soil flooded by rainwater);
  • it is convenient to prepare the bed for planting (it is loosened without digging);
  • clear fencing makes it easy to deal with weeds;
  • garden beds can be quickly assembled and disassembled;
  • plants tolerate frosts better and are easy to shelter from bad weather;
  • the fruits ripen in a short time, as the soil is warmer;
  • shoes are kept clean and do not become dirty.

Single style

We bring to your attention the most popular solutions for vegetable garden design in a general style.

Mediterranean style

Colors: Pastel shades, terracotta, ocher

Materials: Natural stone, paving slabs, wood flooring, brick


  • Decentralization
  • Availability of a recreation area
  • High terraces, multi-level structures
  • climbing plants


Colors: Variegated natural shades

Materials: Natural wood, stone, willow rod


  • Smooth lines
  • Large number of colors
  • Using household items as accessories
  • Wicker structures

Japanese style

Colors: Green palette

Materials: Small crushed stone, pebbles, boulders


  • Decoration with lanterns, bridges, gazebos
  • Asymmetry, irregular shapes
  • Low beds

French style

Colours: Delicate natural colors

Materials: Almost any: wood, stone, brick, slate, concrete


  • Beds of regular geometric shape, divided into segments
  • Paved paths
  • Framing with decorative stone or border

A stylish vegetable garden with a unique design will become the pride of any summer resident, and smart technologies, high beds and the right choice of soil will help increase productivity and save effort and money spent on maintenance.

Design bed ideas

Some owners of summer cottages use raised beds to plant flowers and create a recreation area. Designing garden beds with your own hands allows you to show your individuality and create a cozy atmosphere in your dacha.

An exciting activity is to create unique beauty on a plot of land yourself. The global network can suggest a variety of ideas and options for their implementation.

Some people use a combination of vertical and horizontal beds. This allows you to make maximum use of the country space.

Border tape is often used to create winding borders of flower beds. This inexpensive material is very popular among gardeners. Neat fences contribute to the development of an aesthetic sense in children.

Design options for a vegetable garden with beds:

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