Site for a car - parking and arrangement of parking for cars (60 photos)

Most summer residents come to their site by car. Therefore, the acute question arises about where it is best to park it. Usually, cars are left on the side of the road, where the “iron horse” gathers dust or sits in the sun, and in rainy weather, ruts are created that are difficult to get out of. The best solution would be to make a parking lot at your dacha yourself.

Arrangement of an open area

The most budget-friendly option, which does not require additional efforts to organize parking, is the construction of an open-type site. Of course, you won’t be able to protect your car from precipitation, but you will save on building a frame for the canopy and covering it.

The main problem of the summer resident will also be solved - ensuring the safety of the car and property when you are on the territory of the holiday village. You can easily enter and exit your property, but only you will have access to the vehicle.

An open area for a car at the dacha is being developed on the territory of the land plot. The place should be level and allow easy check-in and check-out. But moisture should not stagnate there.

If the territory is surrounded by a fence and is guarded, then it is better to park immediately at the entrance gate. This way you won’t need to build a wide and durable driveway to your house.

When the issue of security has not been resolved, then a place is chosen near the house - near the wall. It will provide protection from wind and side rain and snow. The car will be safer, but you will lose some area of ​​land that you could use, for example, for a vegetable garden or flower bed.

Why is the problem of constructing parking lots more and more urgent?

The constant trend towards urbanization, towards the movement of people into cities, as well as the increase in the number of private cars, leaves less and less space where you could park your car. While in Western countries the peak of motorization has actually already passed, and the popularity of public modes of transport is growing, in our country driving your own car is becoming the norm for most residents. This is facilitated by the constant increase in prices for public transport, the policy of the federal authorities and the trend towards individualization of the population, which began after the collapse of the USSR and continues to the present day.

In many cases, this even leads to a deterioration of the environmental situation, as more and more trees and other greenery are cut down for parking lots. The number of traffic jams is growing, and car owners are increasingly under stress.

Centralized parking areas have long been common in Western countries. In our country they are now also being resorted to more and more often. Investments in the construction of parking lots in cities are now very profitable in economic (and even environmental) terms. After all, the fact that they have several levels and the possibility of being located underground provides good space savings.

Eco parking lot with grass

If you want to arrange the most natural parking option, you should level the area and remove a small layer of natural soil. A layer of up to 10-15 cm of crushed stone is poured onto the bottom, and 5-10 cm of sand is placed on top of it.

Geotextiles can be laid between layers, as well as on sand. A lawn grid is laid on top. It must then be covered with fertile soil and grass sown.

Parking lot design

Nowadays, centralized parking lots are designed at the construction stage. Especially if these are train stations, airports, large shopping centers, theaters. To calculate the number of car seats, SNiP criteria and other parameters are used. When drawing up a parking project, professional specialists are involved.

But in our country, unauthorized parking is still common, for example, under the entrances of multi-storey buildings. Where parking lots have not been created, cars are left in the most convenient places for parking.

Use of crushed stone

A more economical and practical option is to fill the site with ordinary crushed stone. First you need to remove the top fertile layer of soil. Instead, sand is laid, installing a curb around the perimeter. It will ensure the preservation of the shape of the structure.

After securing the sidewalk curbs, it is necessary to lay crushed stone on top of the sand in a layer of 15 cm. Moreover, the level should be raised above the ground. To make it easier for the car to move around the site, two strips of concrete slabs are laid in the center under the wheels.


Recently, eco-grids for parking areas have been rapidly gaining popularity. It consists of durable plastic lattice sheets that are laid on a previously prepared area and partially covered with grass.

The weight of the car is redistributed, due to this the wheels do not sink into the ground and remain clean. This method of creating a parking lot has a lot of advantages, and the main one is multifunctionality.

The area can also be used as a recreation area, and caring for it is as simple as possible: you just need to occasionally irrigate the grass with water and trim it.

A parking lot made of plastic grating is not only convenient and practical, but also has an aesthetically attractive appearance. We also note the disadvantage of the site. It requires the purchase of lawn grass seeds, which are not so easy to find and are not cheap.

In addition, the lawn is demanding on climatic conditions and can freeze in severe winter frosts.

Concrete parking lot

This is a more durable and reliable construction option. However, it will only suit you if the soil is not subject to heaving. The fertile soil layer is cut off, sand is poured in its place, and then formwork is installed.

For strength, reinforcing mesh is placed on top of the sand. The concrete platform is filled with mortar to create a layer of 5 cm. Without allowing the mixture to dry completely, another level of reinforcement structure is laid. 5 cm of concrete is poured on top.

For a heavier car, such as an SUV, the total height of the concrete platform can be increased to 15 cm.

The main thing is safety

The main technical innovation is general ventilation with a jet fan system.
The most modern technologies are used in the parking lot at NCC Kazan to ensure the safety of people. One of the main technical innovations is general ventilation with a system of jet fans. The underground parking space is not cluttered with bulky air ducts. Jet fans, if necessary, create a smoke-free zone near emergency exits along the entire height of the room. And parking lot elevators can operate during a fire and allow the transport of firefighting units.

Ekaterina Gumarova
Real EstateSocietyInfrastructureBusinessTransportAuto Tatarstan

Parking equipment with canopy

If you live in a country house permanently or often come to your dacha for a long time, then it is advisable to equip a more permanent site for a car. Such a structure should protect the car not only from intruders, but also from the influence of natural factors - precipitation and direct sunlight.

Our step-by-step instructions on how to make a platform for a car will help you carry out the arrangement work yourself.

Always drive a clean car

A car wash of this level from the Washworld company is only available in Moscow.
Another parking know-how is the contactless car wash from the Washworld company. There are no such washing complexes in Tatarstan anymore. There is one sink of this level from the Washworld company in Moscow. The operation of the car wash is fully automated and does not require the presence of an operator. The car owner selects a program, enters payment and drives to the car wash. In the glass cabin, jets of water under a pressure of 100 bar are immediately directed at the machine. The washing time depends on the selected program and ranges from 4 to 16 minutes. After the program ends, the exit gate opens, the signal lights up and the clean car leaves the car wash.

Preparatory work

Choosing a location near the entrance gate or close to the driveway will allow the car to easily enter and turn around. In addition, natural moisture removal will be ensured.

It is also necessary to pre-calculate the dimensions of the site. For passenger vehicles, an area of ​​3x6 m is sufficient. But a larger vehicle will require an area of ​​4x11 m.

At the initial stage of work, you need to use pegs to mark the perimeter of the future parking area. Stretch a string between the pegs. In the marked area, the top layer of soil is removed. In its place, a special pillow is formed from several layers:

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  • sand – more than 100 mm thick in several stages with moistening and compaction;
  • gravel – more than 50 mm.

Arrangement of formwork

In order for the concreting of the site to be of the highest quality, it is necessary to eliminate the presence of holes and bumps on the surface. The formwork is made of boards 200-300 mm wide. Metal pegs 400-500 mm, driven into the ground on both sides of the formwork, will prevent it from falling. The pitch of such fastening is about half a meter. At the edges of the boards, they must be securely fixed to prevent the solution from leaking.

Leveling the solution is carried out using a rule, the standard length of which is up to 1.5 m. Since the site itself will be much larger, it is advisable to provide for the installation of additional guides. The embedded elements are aligned in the transverse direction. It is necessary to provide a slight slope in the direction of travel - up to 5 degrees. This will make it easier to remove water from the site.

To strengthen the structure, reinforcement is required. For this purpose, a mesh with wire up to 8 mm thick and a cell size of 100x100 mm is used. It is recommended to raise the reinforcing layer by 250 mm compared to the base or to do two-level reinforcement.

The design for double reinforcement includes a mesh in two layers with fastening by jumpers 80 mm in length. They are installed in increments of 45-50 mm. It is advisable to use PVC clamps for connections.

Salvation for electric car owners

Two cars can be recharged at the same station at the same time.
There are still few electric cars in Kazan, so charging them for owners in the capital of Tatarstan still remains a big problem. Parking on Pushkina solves this too. It is equipped with a complex of Schneider Electric charging stations for electric cars. Car owners can use one of eight chargers, each with a power of 22 kW. Two cars can be charged at the same time at one station. Any electric vehicles currently present on the Russian market are connected to the devices. For example, a Tesla car will charge in 3-5 hours.

Arrangement of the canopy

To construct a roof, it is necessary to bend the support pipe to the required radius. Such a beam is attached to vertical supports with bolts or using a welding machine. Using a metal gusset will provide greater structural strength.

To attach the frame you need to build a base. Concrete pillars that are fixed in the surface of the site can be used as it. For the pillars, you can create a separate concrete foundation by pouring sand and gravel into the hole.

The frame is installed on the base pillars using corners made of metal logs or profiled pipes. The roof is made of corrugated sheets or polycarbonate sheets. It is attached to the “skeleton” of the canopy. After this, all metal parts must be coated with an anti-corrosion solution and painted.

Wood can be used as a material for making the frame. But the timber must be at least 50 mm thick and treated with protective compounds.

To build a reliable and durable platform for a car in the country, it is worth the effort. You can choose the option that suits you best - arrange open or shed parking. But the benefits from such a solution will be obvious - a car protected from attacks and external influences.

Communications and Design

To make parking as convenient as possible and fit into the overall design of your summer cottage, take care of some little things during its construction.

The area for the car should be well lit. This will make parking at night and unloading luggage easier. It also wouldn’t hurt to connect a water supply to the parking space for washing the car and hands when repairing it.

You can decorate an open parking lot with gabions or plant it with evergreen thuja, juniper or boxwood bushes.

Around the carport you can plant climbing plants that will beautifully entwine the posts. You can also get a lot of ideas from thematic websites and photos of country parking lots.

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