How to make a cold smoked smokehouse from wood with your own hands

Smoking is a popular way of preparing various products, giving them a specific taste and aroma. To cook in this way, you can use various smokehouses, including those made by yourself. One of the not most popular options is a wooden structure. Note that the smokehouse can be made for both hot and cold smoking.

Features of cold smoking

Cold smoked smokehouse
Smoking is one of the methods of cooking and at the same time preserving products of animal and plant origin. Its essence lies in the effect of smoke emanating from smoldering firewood on raw supplies. During this process, meat and vegetables are disinfected, imbued with a specific aroma and enveloped in a thin oil film, protecting them from the penetration of insects and microorganisms.

A wooden smokehouse for curing is used to process the contents with smoke, the temperature of which does not exceed 40 degrees. With this effect on the products, all useful substances are retained in them, and the shelf life due to the duration of cooking is much higher than that of hot smoked supplies. The smoke aging process takes several days, but the expense and patience are worth it.

Preparation of raw materials

When smoking, the temperature does not rise to such a level as to kill all putrefactive microorganisms in the products, so the raw materials are pre-prepared. The most common methods are dry salting or soaking in a concentrated salt solution. The fish must be gutted, washed, and covered with plenty of salt. After 2-3 days, the salt is removed and soaked for 1-2 days. After this, the raw materials should weather and dry. For smoking at a temperature of 20-30°C, 2-3 days are enough. The thicker the flesh of the fish, the more time is required for each operation.

Lard, cut into pieces 10-15 cm, is poured with a solution of salt and spices. The concentration is checked with a raw egg - it should not sink. The lard is kept in the refrigerator for 3-5 days, dried and smoked for 1-2 days at a temperature of about 30°C.

Meat and poultry have a denser texture. They are salted for 5-20 days in the refrigerator under pressure, then ventilated in a draft. Smoked for at least 3 days. Meat and fish must be thoroughly dried or cured before smoking. If moisture remains in the pulp, smoke will not be able to penetrate the thickness of the product, which will cause a sour or bitter taste.

Wooden smokehouse

A wooden smokehouse has an interesting appearance; it can be given any shape and size.
Advantages of a wooden smokehouse:

  • The wood is easy to process. It can be given any shape and size. The body of the house looks good with carvings, burning and external decorations.
  • Interesting appearance. The construction gives the site exoticism and originality.
  • Good thermal insulation qualities. Thanks to this, a constant temperature is maintained inside the chambers.
  • Availability of material, possibility of making it yourself, maintainability.

There are few negative sides. It is necessary to install a long underground chimney so that the gases cool down before contact with food. The next aspect is fire safety. Dried wood can burst into flames at the slightest spark. In addition, the boards deteriorate from dampness; the service life of the structure can be extended by installing a canopy that will protect the smokehouse from rain, snow and ultraviolet radiation.

The smoking chamber is equipped with shelves and stands

A do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse made of wood is made in stationary and mobile versions. Regardless of the type and size, the structures have the same structure.

  • Firebox (smoke generator). It is a metal container or simply a hole in the ground. The niche is closed with a lid to minimize the access of oxygen to the fuel. Thanks to this, the wood smolders, releasing a small amount of heat and a large volume of smoke.
  • Chimney. It is made of steel or ceramic pipes, and is also made in the form of a ditch covered with decking. The length of the channel depends on how effectively the combustion products will cool in it.
  • Smoking chamber. It is made in the form of a box from solid wood. Inside, the structure is equipped with shelves, stands, and nests for storing various types of provisions. The door, as a rule, is made on the facade, but can also be installed on top.
  • Exhaust pipe. Designed to create sufficient draft to ensure the movement of smoke from the firebox to the working chamber. Made from any materials except asbestos and plastic.

The principle of operation of the smokehouse is simple, as is its design - hot smoke from burning wood is drawn into the channel, cools down in it to an acceptable temperature as it moves, and then enters the chamber with the products, where it gives them taste and color. It then comes out of the exhaust pipe and dissipates into the air.

Stationary option

Compared to the scheme described above, a significantly greater investment of materials and effort will be required to equip a stationary smokehouse. As a rule, old refrigerators, barrels, or tool boxes act as a smoking chamber.

Smokehouses are often made of brick. A pipe with a diameter of at least 10 cm and a length of 2 meters or more is used as a smoke channel. The smoke generator in the smokehouse is a pit with a fire, covered with a lid on top to limit the access of oxygen.

When installing, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • locate the smokehouse away from flammable materials - trees, buildings, haystacks, etc.;
  • install the structure away from residential buildings, poultry houses, sheds, barns;
  • during installation, it is necessary to place the smoke channel at an angle to ensure draft;
  • protect the firebox and chimney with a small fence so that overly curious children and adults do not accidentally get hurt.

The length of the chimney trench is 2-5 meters. In the autumn-winter period there should be no problems with draft, since the smoke is warmer than the surrounding air.

But in the summer, when the ambient temperature is above 30 degrees and above, smoking food becomes problematic due to weak draft, as well as because the smoke is too warm.

To cool the smoke channel, you can use water cooling - the pipe is immersed in a bath filled with well water, and to improve draft - forced ventilation, for example, using a fan from the bathrooms. But these are more complex and costly options for industrial rather than household smokehouses.

  • Powder fire extinguishing from

  • Water in 19 liter containers: types and benefits of use
  • Slab fences

Smokehouse in the form of a house with a pitched roof

Stationary and portable smokehouse
If the smokehouse will be used regularly throughout the year, it is advisable to choose a permanent, capital-type structure. As a base for the house, you can use supports made of brick, pipes or timber. It is advisable to choose materials that are resistant to natural factors. The supports themselves are left as is, sheathed or used as the basis for a small cabinet. The box can be used to store smoking equipment, firewood, and various small items needed in the household.

If a portable model is chosen, it should be made compact, lightweight and collapsible with grooves, hinges and locks. To make the hut look good, the pitched roof is made solid, and the exhaust pipe is attached to the back or side. This will not affect the quality of the drying process. The flooring itself is made of thick boards with grooves that fit tightly together. As a decorative element, you can cover the roof with copper tiles. It weighs a little and looks appropriate.

Schemes, drawings and dimensions

The dimensions of the firebox and chamber are selected based on the volume of food that is planned to be dried at the same time. If the owners expect to smoke fish, meat and vegetables occasionally, at picnics or before entertaining guests, a small box with a volume of 30-50 liters is sufficient. It should be borne in mind that the food will not be prepared in a few hours.

To prepare large batches of pickles, you need to build chambers with a volume of 100 liters or more. To create the required quantity and concentration of smoke, a lot of firewood will be required, which means effort, time and money.

The owner can easily design a smokehouse and make a drawing on his own; there is nothing complicated here, the calculations are simple, errors are acceptable. To save time, you can use ready-made projects, which, after implementation, have proven themselves well in practice.

Necessary materials

The list of materials for construction is small:

  • pipes for chimneys with a diameter of 100 mm;
  • planed boards 20-30 mm thick;
  • beam 40-50 mm;
  • accessories - handles, hinges, thermometer;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • roofing;
  • metal grill;
  • wire for hooks;
  • pallet of their iron.

To make the smoking chamber, you should use wood that does not contain resins:

  • cedar;
  • oak;
  • alder;
  • Linden;
  • birch;
  • aspen.

Waterproof plywood is suitable as an alternative.

When buying boards, you need to pay attention that they do not have knots. Over time, they shrink and fall out. You should categorically avoid chipboards. When heated, they release harmful substances and soon delaminate.

Tools for building a smokehouse
The master will need the following tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • pencil.

It is mandatory to use protective glasses and gloves.

Manufacturing process

A pipe is laid and buried in the ditch.
Following step-by-step instructions, any master is able to build a high-quality, beautiful and durable smokehouse.

The collapsible structure is erected in the following sequence:

  1. The terrain is being marked.
  2. A ditch is made for the chimney. The pipe is laid and buried in it.
  3. A pit is dug for the base slab. The bottom of the ditch is compacted, and a cushion of sand and crushed stone is poured onto it.
  4. Slabs, bricks are installed or concrete is poured.
  5. The firebox is installed and the chimney pipe is led into it.

All that remains is to make a camera, place it on a pedestal and connect the pipes.

Smokehouse with a smoke generator in the ground

A smoke generator is a metal vessel with holes for air. The product is filled with small chips, branches and sawdust. This solution allows you to achieve fuel savings with acceptable device performance.

The structure is being erected in the following order:

  1. Digging a trench at least 300 cm long. Laying bricks at the bottom to form a channel.
  2. Filling the ditch with steel or concrete slabs. Backfilling on top of the ground.
  3. An excerpt from the far edge of the pit, installing a smoke generator in it.
  4. Construction of a house starting from laying the foundation and ending with laying the roof.

In all cases, the final stage is decorating the structures.

Smoke generator - buy or make

The price of an inexpensive smoke generator starts from 2500 rubles. More productive and reliable equipment will cost at least 5,000 rubles. You can save these funds by making a smoke generator yourself.

For assembly you will need:

  • Boxes or a box with a capacity of at least 0.1 cubic meters.
  • For cold processing, you need a metal hose or plastic corrugation (less preferable) 2–3 m long. The diameter must correspond to the chimney connector.
  • A fan or compressor for pumping air.
  • Cables, switch.

Assembling a simple smoke generator for cold smoke treatment:

Make a hole in the top of the box for the corrugation and insert it there.

Insert the corrugation into the hole

Place an electric oven with a frying pan at the bottom of the box.

Place the oven with a frying pan at the bottom

In the same box below, in the wall opposite the corrugation, make a hole for the fan.

We install a fan for supplying smoke, the version for a computer is suitable

To seal the container, glue all the joints of the box with masking or regular tape. Place wood chips in the pan and turn on the electric oven.

Smoldering wood chips will smoke in the pan

After the fan starts, the smoke will be supplied through a corrugated pipe into the smoking chamber.

Smoke generator in operation

Recommendations for production and operation

The tree needs to be treated with an antiseptic.
Initially, you need to choose the right place for construction. The smokehouse should not be located near residential buildings or above underground utilities. It is advisable that the smoke does not reach the neighbors. Lumber needs to be treated with an antiseptic, this will significantly extend its service life.

Since the structure must operate continuously for several days, the smoke generator should be covered with thick burlap or tarpaulin so that the smoldering does not stop, but the fuel does not quickly run out.

While the structure is not in use, it is advisable to cover it with a cover to protect it from dampness, sun and insects.

Useful improvements

In order to make a wooden smokehouse more convenient to use, you can additionally make several more elements.


In order to store firewood next to the structure, it is enough to make a firewood shed. To do this, one of the sides of the roof is stretched and placed on special supports. Additionally, the place for firewood can be fenced off.

Temperature sensor with thermometer

With their help, you can easily control the smoke temperature and cook smoked meats, exactly following the chosen recipe.

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