Ornamental grass - application in landscape design and selection of cereals (95 photos)

Due to the diversity and wide range of shades, wild or meadow flowers are used in the design of Moorish lawns, garden plots and summer cottages. The plants are accustomed to wild conditions, so they are very unpretentious in care. This is another reason why they have earned the love of flower growers. In addition, they have healing properties and are used in cooking and cosmetology.

Types of ornamental grasses

The diverse family of ornamental grasses allows you to create multi-level and multi-colored compositions. They are not whimsical, grow quickly, and are not capricious when combined with other types of plants. Their seasonal transformations from a grass carpet to original inflorescences, and then to snow-covered waves delight the eye throughout the year.

The picturesque compositions in the photo, consisting entirely of ornamental grasses, make us re-evaluate this type of plant for creative experiments.

Rockeries are a derivative of the rocky plain, a memory of mountain meadows. Stones play a very important role in the creation and design of a rock garden, both large boulders, pointed piles, and crushed stone filling of medium and small fractions. Plants for rockeries should be dwarf, low-growing, slow-growing, creeping and climbing. An indispensable attribute of any rock garden are dwarf conifers and junipers.

Watch the video: Ornamental cereals in the garden and country house

Here their role is not limited to filling empty spaces and framing spectacular colors; they come to the fore, striking with their original natural energy and riot of colors.

The names of many ornamental grasses refer to their appearance.

sunflower root

Quite a lot of people eat its seeds; they contain a lot of useful components. The root of this flower is no less useful. It is used to treat cystitis, problems with the genitourinary system (namely the excretion of salts), is indispensable in the treatment of diabetes and atherosclerosis, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and alleviates dysbacteriosis.

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Substances: scopolin, saponin, anthocyanins, beta carotene, as well as many useful vitamins and minerals.

Blue fescue

Blue fescue is a frost-resistant grass. The original bluish color of this cereal in combination with needle-shaped leaves creates an irresistible airy effect.

It looks good on borders and in flower and stone arrangements, but it needs sun to look beautiful.

Golden root

It is named so for its bronze color, its real name is the rhizome of rosea rosea (grows in Altai).

A tincture based on it has a calming effect, stimulates memory and concentration, helps with colds, gastrointestinal tract problems, activates the thyroid gland, helps restore the menstrual cycle, and can help increase potency.

Substances: carbohydrates, essential oil, phenols, organic acids, trace elements (mostly copper, manganese, silver and zinc), alcohols, alkaloids, etc.

Feather grass fluffy cloud

Feather grass fluffy cloud is a steppe unpretentious plant that, when growing, turns into original silky bushes; during flowering, the tips of the bush become pink or golden.

Another unusually beautiful variety of cultivated feather grass, “the most beautiful,” has the thinnest stems covered with transparent fluff.

Flowers for borders

Low-growing flowers are used for planting along the edges of flower beds. They do not cover the plants planted behind them and do not spoil the overall appearance of the flower garden. The most popular of them are:

  • pansies;
  • periwinkle;
  • purslane;
  • primrose;
  • Turkish cloves.

Pansies can be planted in shaded areas. These flowers come in a variety of colors, form lush bushes and serve as a good decoration for a flower bed. Turkish carnation grows quickly and covers the empty spaces of the flower garden. It has a subtle and delicate aroma. Small decorative carnation inflorescences delight all summer, and some species bloom again in the fall.

Purslane is suitable for planting in flower beds located in bright sun. This plant spreads along the ground and covers empty areas well. It grows quickly and blooms with beautiful bright flowers. Purslane is not only beautiful, but also edible - its young stems are used for salad.

Mace Bearer

The dense, seemingly bristling bushes of the gray macebearer are ideal for decorating borders 20-30 cm high. This light-loving and fast-growing ground cover plant takes root well in sandy soils of the middle zone.

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Ginger has been known since ancient times as a medicine and spice.

Common in folk medicine due to its versatility. It is an antiseptic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, sedative. They treat colds and coughs. As a seasoning, it stimulates the appetite well and speeds up the digestion process.

Substances: C, B1, B2, A, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, sodium and potassium.

Ophiopogon Nigrescens

A favorite of exotic lovers, Ophiopogon Nigrescens, a grass with black leaves, pink flowers and blue-black berries, can be a spectacular addition to exotic lawns, rockeries and alpine slides.

No less picturesque is the ophiopogon variety called Japanese with bright blue berries. This plant does not need winter shelter, is not afraid of temperature changes and wind, but requires maintaining air humidity and regular watering.

Bulbs and cereals for flower beds

The appearance of the area around the house depends on what plants you plant in the yard. If you choose the right flowers, they will replace each other - when some fade, others will bloom, and the flowerbed will retain its decorative appearance. Some types of plants look spectacular even in winter.

In flower beds in local areas you can plant annuals and perennials, bulbous plants and low shrubs. Ornamental cereals and herbs are suitable for decorating flower beds. You can plant conifers on lawns - dwarf and creeping species will look especially good.

Bulbs are the first to appear in a flower bed - snowdrops bloom as soon as the snow begins to melt. They are being replaced by crocuses, muscari and hyacinths. In May, tulips and daffodils bloom, followed by anemones, irises and lilies. Garden callas bloom all summer. Closer to autumn, gladioli and dahlias bloom.

You should not pick leaves and stems of faded plants: the bulbs need them to bloom next spring. Over the summer, the bulbs must grow and accumulate nutrients, but without leaves they will not be able to do this.

At the same time as bulbous plants, ornamental cereal plants appear in flower beds and lawns. These are unpretentious plants, resistant to diseases and pests. They easily get along with various crops and tolerate both lack and excess of moisture. Cereals come in different heights and colors. They are planted along the edges of flower beds, on alpine hills and lawns. They look good at any time of the year:

  • In early spring there is fresh young greenery and picturesque clumps.
  • In summer, grasses grow and form various inflorescences - ears and panicles.
  • Curtains covered with snow look spectacular in winter.

Suitable for flower beds: striped phalaris grass, haretail, pinnately bristle grass, setaria, cortaderia, feather grass and many other plants. In addition to cereals, you can grow herbs in flower beds and lawns: mint, oregano, basil.

Lightning blue

Blue lightning is another tall grass with glaucous leaves and blue-violet panicles. It also needs moisture, planted together with flowers with a similar growth regime, or decorates the edges of artificial ponds.

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The Miscanthus family deserves special attention. These giant-sized cereals with an erect stem have many varieties that differ in color and shape. This light-loving and moisture-loving plant, with a height of 80 cm to 3 m, needs protection from frost.

Used in mixborders, for decorating ponds, luxurious bushes of Chinese and sucrose miscanthus can become an exquisite decoration of green lawns.

Maryin root

The original name of the flower was “evasive peony” (common in Siberia). Used to lower blood pressure, stimulate the production of gastric juice, fight asthma, relieve pain, etc. It is also an excellent cosmetic product, helping to get rid of acne and maintain beauty for girls.

Substances: saponins, acids, essential oil, trace elements (magnesium, calcium, copper, chromium, etc.)


This plant is also called tricolor violet, Ivan-da-Marya, Marjannik oakbravny.

Interesting! The following names have taken root among the people: axes, three-flowered, brother-and-sister, field brothers, moths, half-flower.

A perennial frost-resistant herbaceous flower, growing up to 40 cm in height with alternate, bare petiolate leaves, growing smaller towards the top of the stem. Flowers on thin stalks are tetrahedral, tricolor, reach a diameter of 6 cm. It grows everywhere. In medicine it is used for respiratory diseases.

Ledum (Klopovnik)

The bush is a perennial, growing up to 2 m in height with small bluish-green leaves located along the entire length of the stem. The flowers are four-leaved crimson with an intoxicating aroma, reaching a diameter of 4 cm. There are many of them, collected in umbrellas. It grows everywhere. In cosmetology and medicine it is used for whooping cough and rheumatism.

Valerian medicinal

Important! This plant is also called cat root, cat grass, mountain grass, aromatic grass, odolyan, earthen incense, goat grass, sore grass, pink yarrow.

A perennial herbaceous flower growing up to 150 cm in height with long-petioled leaves that do not densely cover the stem. The flowers are small, pale pink with a fragrant aroma, reaching 5 mm in diameter. They are collected in umbrella inflorescences. It grows everywhere.

Important! In medicine it is used as a sedative and antispasmodic. Valerian is also used in cosmetology.

Cornflower blue

Interesting! Common names: Voloshka, Sinki, Blavat.

A perennial herbaceous meadow flower growing up to 1 m in height with pubescent, lanceolate, oval-elongated leaves of bluish-green color. The flowers are blue in different shades, reaching a diameter of 5 cm. They are collected in basket inflorescences. It grows everywhere.

Important! In medicine, it is used to treat conjunctivitis, blepharitis, increased eye fatigue, and also as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant. Cornflowers are also used in cosmetology.

Dianthus meadow

A perennial herbaceous dicotyledonous flower growing up to 40 cm in height with pubescent linear leaves. Flowers with five serrated petals can be red, pink, or less often white. This meadow plant is protected in the Saratov region.

Important! In medicine it is used in the treatment of infertility.

Meadow geranium

A perennial herbaceous dicotyledonous flower growing up to 80 cm in height with five-parted stem leaves at the bottom and three-partite leaves at the top. The flowers are large, wide with five petals of lilac color. There are a lot of them. It grows everywhere.

Important! In medicine, it is used to prepare infusions and decoctions for insomnia.


A perennial herbaceous dicotyledonous flower growing up to 100 cm in height with narrow, whole, light green leaves. The flowers are orange or yellow, arranged singly or in corymbose racemes. It grows everywhere.

Important! In medicine, it is used as an expectorant for chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, and pulmonary tuberculosis. Also often used in cosmetology.

Delphinium (larkspur, spur)

The bush is perennial, growing up to 150 cm in height with arrow-shaped leaves emanating from the root zone. The flowers are small, collected in pyramid-shaped inflorescences located on a long peduncle. Can be of different shades: white, blue, pink, lilac, red, yellow. Grows in regions with warm climates.

Watch the video! Unpretentious perennials that bloom all summer

Important! The plant cannot be used in its pure form, as it is poisonous.

Used in soap making. In medicine, it is used to treat respiratory diseases such as asthma, severe cough and pneumonia as a pain reliever.

St. John's wort (common)

A perennial herbaceous flower that grows up to 80 cm in height. The leaves are elliptical, dark green, symmetrically arranged on an erect stem. The flowers are bright yellow, collected in corymbose inflorescences. Grows in Russia and Ukraine.

Important! In medicine, it is used as a medicinal plant for the treatment of infected, non-healing wounds, ulcers, and burns. In dentistry, St. John's wort infusion is used to rinse the mouth for gingivitis and stomatitis.

Iris (Iris, Cockerel)

A perennial rhizomatous flower growing up to 60 cm in height with flat, sword-shaped leaves collected at the base of the stem, which can be single or tufted. The flowers are yellow, purple, white, lilac, burgundy, pink, and can be single or collected in groups of 3 in an inflorescence. It grows everywhere.

Important! In cosmetology it is used to eliminate freckles, acne, wrinkles and stimulate hair growth.

Fireweed angustifolia (Ivan-tea)

Interesting! The plant is also called plakun, mother plant, breadbox, miller, Koporsky tea, skrypnik, Russian tea, koporka, wild flax.

A perennial herbaceous flower growing up to 50-150 cm in height with linear-lanceolate, pointed dark green leaves, densely arranged on an erect, rounded stem. The flowers are four-membered pink with double perianths, bisexual, reaching 3 cm in diameter. They are collected in an apical raceme 45 cm in length. It grows everywhere.

In medicine and cosmetology it is used as an anti-inflammatory, sedative and diaphoretic. And also for the treatment of psoriasis, lichen planus, neurodermatitis, eczema.

Interesting! In the summer they are collected, dried, fermented and a very healthy and tasty tea drink called Koporye tea is obtained.

Clover pink

A perennial herbaceous flower growing up to 80 cm in height with oval trifoliate leaves and a tubular, branched, straight stem. The flowers are pink or crimson in the shape of corollas, collected in spherical inflorescence heads. It grows everywhere. It is an excellent honey plant and fodder plant.

Important! It is used for abscesses, burns and rheumatic pain.

Common bluebell

A rare biennial herbaceous flower that grows up to 70 cm in height and reproduces by self-seeding. The leaves are small, arranged alternately on an erect, thin stem. The corolla is bell-shaped. The flowers are purple, collected in racemose or paniculate inflorescences. Grows in temperate latitudes.

Important! The plant is used as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic and sedative for skin diseases.

Lily of the valley

A perennial herbaceous flower of the Liliaceae genus, growing up to 40 cm in height with large, oval, light green leaves, arranged symmetrically in twos in the root zone. Thin, bare, erect stem. The flowers are small, white, fragrant, collected in an inflorescence in the form of a spikelet. It grows everywhere.

Important! In folk and classical medicine, lily of the valley is used to prepare tinctures for neuroses. It is also used in cosmetology and soap making.

Common flax

An annual herbaceous flower that grows up to 80 cm in height and reproduces by self-sowing. The leaves are narrow, small, symmetrically arranged along an erect branching stem. The flowers are blue, five-petaled, arranged singly on long stalks. It grows everywhere.

Important! Flax is used in cooking, cosmetology, and textile production. In medicine, the plant is used as a mild laxative for spastic constipation, and also externally for burns.

Common toadflax

A perennial herbaceous flower of the Plantain family, growing up to 90 cm in height with small, linear, pointed leaves, densely arranged on an erect stem. The flowers are small, yellow with an orange center, collected at the top in racemes up to 15 cm. Grows everywhere.

Important! The plant is used in floristry. In medicine it is used for skin diseases, for the treatment of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.


A perennial subshrub growing up to 80-120 cm in height with compound leaves consisting of long and narrow leaflets. Stems are woody, erect, with varying foliage. The flowers are zygomorphic, dark blue or purple, collected in apical inflorescences in the form of a brush. Grows in temperate climates.

Important! In medicine, it is used for type 2 diabetes, pain and spasms. The plant is also used in cosmetology, floristry, pharmacology and the food industry.

Creeping buttercup

A perennial herbaceous flower growing up to 15-40 cm in height with trifoliate, petiolate, basal leaves. The stem is thick, creeping. The flowers are bisexual, five-leaved, golden-yellow, arranged solitary. It grows everywhere.

Important! In folk and classical medicine it is used to remove warts, scabies and purulent wounds in animals.

Field poppy (self-seeded)

An annual herbaceous flower that grows up to 30-80 cm in height and reproduces by self-sowing. The leaves are large, alternate, pinnate, gray-green. The stem is branched with coarse bristles. The flowers are large, up to 7 cm in diameter, red or scarlet, consisting of two tiers of petals and a black stamen. They are located singly on long, strong stalks. It grows everywhere.

Important! In alternative medicine it is used as a cough syrup and sedative.


A perennial herbaceous flower of the Aster family, growing up to 30 cm in height with basal oval or heart-shaped leaves, dissected by veins. The stem is erect. The flowers are yellow, dandelion-like, solitary. Grows in temperate climates. It is an excellent honey plant.

Important! In medicine, the plant is used externally to treat skin infections and wounds. It is considered an excellent expectorant.


A perennial herbaceous flower growing up to 30 cm in height with lanceolate, oval leaves. The basal leaves are larger than the stem leaves. The stem is erect, pubescent. The flowers are blue or blue bell-shaped with a double perianth. It grows everywhere.

Important! The plant is used in cooking, folk and classical medicine. Lungwort tea is prescribed for sore throat, cough, dysentery and diarrhea, as well as to treat bladder problems.


A perennial herbaceous flower of the Asteraceae family, growing up to 60 cm in height with feather-like, basal leaves. The stem is multifaceted, erect. The flowers are yellow, solitary. Rich white juice is found in all parts of the plant. It grows everywhere.

Important! It is used in the food industry, medicine, cosmetology, and also for animal feed. Dandelion infusion and decoction are used for pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, constipation and diabetes.

Interesting! Coltsfoot and dandelion are similar in flower shade and belong to the Asteraceae family. However, these are different types. They differ in the shape of the leaves. Dandelion's are oblong, coltsfoot's are wide.

Medicinal comfrey or larkspur

A perennial herbaceous flower growing up to 100 cm in height with bluish-green feather-like, oblong leaves. The stem is erect, branched with stiff hairs. The flowers are purple, bell-shaped, located on top of the stem. It grows everywhere. It is an excellent honey plant.

Important! In medicine, larkspur is used to heal wounds, ulcers, bone diseases, rheumatoids, gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, inflammation of the periosteum, dislocations and bone fractures.

Shepherd's Purse

A perennial herbaceous flower of the Brassica family, growing up to 60 cm in height with small, alternate, heart-shaped leaves. The stem is straight, leafy. The flowers are small white, concentrated at the top of the stem. It grows everywhere.

Important! In gynecology, the plant is used to treat uterine atony and uterine bleeding. The aerial part of the flower is used in veterinary medicine for diarrhea and internal bleeding.

Medicinal primrose or spring primrose

A perennial herbaceous flower growing up to 80 cm in height with bluish-green, large, feather-like leaves, clustered in the root zone. The stem is straight, naked. The flowers are yellow, five-leaved, collected in umbellate inflorescences. It grows everywhere.

Important! In medicine, it is used to treat bronchitis, tonsillitis, osteochondrosis, and intervertebral hernia. Primrose is also used as an ornamental plant and in the food industry.


A perennial turfy herbaceous flower growing up to 50-150 cm in height with palmate, carved, toothed leaves. The stems are straight, branched at the top. The flowers are yellow, small, tubular, collected in umbellate inflorescences. Exudes a pungent camphor aroma. It grows everywhere.

Important! Tansy is used in the food industry, classical and alternative medicine. The plant helps fight worms and is also used as a choleretic agent for liver diseases.


A perennial creeping shrub with dark green angular-lobed leaves and a thin, twining stem. The flowers are small, white, collected at the top in inflorescences. Grows in temperate climates.

Important! In folk and classical medicine, ivy is taken as an expectorant for diseases of the respiratory system, and it is also used for gastrointestinal diseases, gout, rickets, and tuberculosis.


A perennial herbaceous shrub growing up to 50-200 cm in height with long-petioled, pinnately dissected leaves and a straight, branched stem at the top. All wormwood is silvery-green in color. The flowers are yellow, small, like spherical baskets, arranged symmetrically along the length of the stem. Exudes a pungent camphor aroma. It grows everywhere.

Important! Used in cooking to prepare insect repellents. In medicine it is used as an anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing agent. And also for the treatment of gastritis, gastric ulcers, for lotions and compresses for bruises, purulent wounds and ulcers, allergies.

Lumbago (Sleep-grass)

A perennial herbaceous flower of the Ranunculaceae family, growing up to 40 cm in height with petiolate leaves collected in a rosette in the root zone. The stem is gray, thick, and hairy. The flowers are large, purple with sharp petals. It grows everywhere.

Important! In classical medicine it is used as an expectorant. Also used in veterinary medicine. Poisonous.


A perennial herbaceous flower of the Astrov family, growing up to 30-80 cm in height with small, narrow, carved leaves and a straight upward branched stem. The flowers are white with a yellow center, collected in hemispherical baskets. It grows everywhere.

Important! Chamomile is used in cosmetology, gardening and floristry. Used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. Chamomile decoction is used to rinse the mouth for gingivitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis.

Meadowsweet or Meadowsweet

A perennial herbaceous flower of the Rosaceae family, growing up to 80 cm in height with palmate leaves on long stalks, collected in a star. The stem is straight, pinnate. The flowers are small, white or pink, collected in corymbose, paniculate inflorescences. They have double perianths. Grows in temperate climates.

Important! The plant is used in folk and classical medicine and the food industry. Used for liver detoxification, and also as a bactericidal, antiviral, sedative, anthelmintic, and antiulcer agent.

Yarrow or Cut Herb

A perennial herbaceous shrub of the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family with serrated, carved or pinnately dissected leaves. The stem is straight or slightly curved at the base. The flowers are white, collected in a common corymbose inflorescence consisting of small baskets. It grows everywhere.

Important! A medicinal plant used in medicine as a hemostatic agent.

Field tulip

A perennial herbaceous bulbous flower of the Liliaceae family with smooth or wavy, oblong leaves that grow from the base of the stem to its middle. The stem is straight, dense, with a single peduncle. A young plant has 1 leaf, an adult plant has 2-4 leaves of a bluish-green hue. The flowers are red, yellow, white or pink, single, six-petaled with many stamens.

Important! Ornamental plant.


A perennial spore-bearing herbaceous flower of the Horsetail genus, Equiaceae family, growing up to 40-60 cm in height with brownish or pinkish generative shoots, brown triangular leaf teeth and a peak-shaped tip. The leaves are collected in whorls of 6-12 pieces; they can be free or fused. Grows in subarctic, temperate and tropical climates.

Important! Horsetail is used in classical and alternative medicine and the food industry. Used to treat edema, heart and lung failure.

Common chicory

A perennial herbaceous flower of the Chicory genus, Asteraceae family, growing up to 15-150 cm in height with basal leaves pinnately divided, serrated along the edge, narrowed at the base into a petiole. A weed plant with a straight, twig-like, green or bluish-green, rough stem. The baskets are single or clustered in several pieces at the top of the stem. The flowers are blue or white, reed-shaped. Corolla 15-25 mm long. It grows everywhere.

Important! The plant is toxic and is used in cooking. In medicine, it is used to treat chronic cholecystitis, pneumonia, gastrointestinal diseases, poor digestion, liver cirrhosis, and jaundice.

Thyme, thyme

Important! The plant is also called: Bogorodskaya grass, savory, small motherwort, heather, zhidobnik, boron pepper, chebarka, flypalm, incense.

A perennial herbaceous flower growing up to 40 cm in height with slender stems and thin, small, oval-shaped green leaves. Flowers with a fragrant aroma are pinkish-violet, collected in small oblong inflorescences. Grows in Eastern Europe, Western Siberia, eastern Russia, and the Caucasus. Ornamental plant.

Important! Thyme is used in cosmetology. And also in medicine as a diaphoretic, anticonvulsant and sedative, for whooping cough, neuralgia, and stomach cramps.

Ramson, Bear onion

A perennial herbaceous flower growing up to 50 cm in height with oblong, pointed leaves. The flowers are white in the shape of a hemispherical umbrella. Blooms in May-June. Grows in Central, Northern and Southern Europe, as well as Turkey.

Important! It is a cultivated edible plant.


A spiny herbaceous flower growing up to 150 cm in height with a straight stem and large, hard and spiny leaves. The flowers are pink or purple as a basket. Blooms in July-August. Grows in Central Europe and Asia, North Africa, USA.

Important! In classical and alternative medicine it is used to improve heart function, increase vascular tone, blood pressure and intestinal tone, and increase urination. It is especially used as an anticonvulsant.


A perennial herbaceous shrub growing up to 50-100 cm in height with a straight branched stem and lyre-shaped dark green leaves. Yellow flowers collected in an umbrella. Blooms in May-August. It grows everywhere.

Important! In medicine, it is used as a local anti-inflammatory agent for skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis.


A perennial herbaceous shrub growing up to 20-70 cm in height with oblong gray-green leaves. The flowers are blue-violet, pink or white, collected in corymbose whorls. Blooms in May-July. It grows everywhere.

Important! Sage is actively used in cosmetology. In medicine, it is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx and nasopharynx.

Rosehip cinnamon

A perennial thorny shrub growing up to 200 in height with odd-pinnate leaves with 5-7 cuts. The flowers are pink and dark red, arranged singly or 2-3 together. Blooms in May-July. Grows in Europe and Central Asia. A medicinal plant, it is used in medicine as a lotion to treat the eyes and as a rinse for sore throats.

Stock rose

Important! Also called mallow.

A perennial or biennial herbaceous flower growing up to 200 cm in height with alternate leaves and a herbaceous stem that reproduce by self-seeding. The flowers are white, pink, yellowish, cream or pink with 5 fused petals. It grows everywhere.

Important! It has decorative and medicinal properties. In winemaking and cooking it is used to enhance the red color. In medicine it is used to treat gastritis and colitis.


A perennial herbaceous flower growing up to 100 cm in height with a straight, rough stem. The leaves are wide, tapering to a long petiole. The flowers are pink to red-brown, large, collected in baskets up to 15 cm in diameter. Native to the eastern USA.

Important! It has decorative and medicinal properties. Echinacea is used to increase immunity, treat wounds, smallpox, sepsis, and erysipelas.


A perennial herbaceous sun-loving flower, growing up to 20-45 cm in height with triple-dissected leaves on a long petiole. The flowers are cup-shaped, white to orange. Blooms from June to October. Grows in western North America. Has decorative properties.

Important! In medicine it is used as a sedative and antispasmodic, as well as a mild pain reliever.


Perennial of the Apiaceae family. The stem is straight, branches at the top, reaches up to 1 m in height. The leaves are oblong, ovoid, pointed, up to 8 cm long. It grows in mixed forests, shrubs, clearings, and also causes a lot of inconvenience for gardeners, as it multiplies rapidly and infests everything around. Shade-tolerant. Suitable for consumption, put in salads. Added to cabbage soup and borscht instead of cabbage.

Used in medicine as an antiscorbutic agent.

It is very difficult to get rid of it. It is necessary to reduce the acidity of the soil. The process is long. Adding chalk, lime, and dolomite flour will gradually reduce the number of sprouts, and then the weed will simply move to where it is more comfortable. Watch the video! Wild flowers with names

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