Feng Shui of the site - zoning rules, examples of the best ideas and their application in landscape design (110 photos + video)

The Chinese science of Feng Shui is about the correct arrangement of space, which directly affects different areas of life. For a happy life, experts recommend arranging a summer cottage according to the rules of Feng Shui, especially since it is not difficult.

There is feng shui for the house and the area. Proper zoning of the territory will give positive energy. It depends on the time of year and happens:

  • gives peace in winter;
  • in spring - strength and energy;
  • in summer - joy;
  • and in the fall - prosperity.

  • Expert advice
  • Photo of the site according to Feng Shui
  • General feng shui of the area

    The most favorable area is considered to be one that includes a house standing on a slight hill and surrounded on the left and right by small smooth hills. In this case, the left hill (Dragon) should be slightly higher than its right counterpart (Tiger).

    The right and left sides are determined by standing with your back to the front of the house.

    The hill behind the house symbolizes the Turtle, and the flat area in front of the house represents the Red Phoenix.

    The Dragon

    The dragon is considered a creature responsible for well-being and prosperity; it protects against evil and protects against negative energy. It is the Dragon that gives birth to Qi energy, which attracts positive changes and brings the fulfillment of desires closer.

    If there is no Dragon Hill, then you can install a bright lantern on the left side, which increases the energy of this sector.


    North-West is masculine. The energy of this area represents travel and self-development. For maximum harmony, it is necessary to install metal objects here: gratings, benches, etc.

    You should adhere to rigor and modesty in the design of this site. Flowers would not be appropriate here. It is best to plant shrubs and trees, such as apricot.


    This brave animal personifies Yin energy. However, despite her feminine nature, she has a fair amount of strength and courage.

    The tiger will reliably protect the owners of the plot from misfortunes and failures, fires and robberies, and will protect them from evil people and demons who bring discord into the family.


    If the location of the site according to Feng Shui is not very favorable and there is no hill behind the house, then you can increase the Turtle zone by erecting a wall behind the house or planting a large garden.

    In Chinese teachings, this leisurely animal signifies wisdom, longevity, stability and health. In landscape design, this is a reliable protection from troubles, a reliable foundation and a solid foundation for family relationships.

    Purpose of the garden

    Japanese style garden

    The landscaping design of your garden area will depend largely on how you want to use it. You can partially or completely devote it to spiritual practice or contemplation. In this case, you have many options. You can create a labyrinth of plants, which will be an ideal place for meditation.

    General recommendation: plants with cool tones and a uniform surface will have a calming effect. This way we will get a natural feeling of peace and balance in the soul.

    By using plants, stones and other objects, you can create mandalas in your own area. It is easy to place various figurines used as a focal point for meditation in the garden. Such places can easily be turned into secret gardens of sorts, where you can relax and indulge in reflection. European experience shows that such an organization of a site justifies itself perfectly.

    And it also happens that the combination of color, smell, tactile sensations can sooner or later begin to irritate. Be ready to change, be creative and create something new. The garden should become a place of unity with nature, healing from illness and spiritual development.

    The main thing is that it fully matches your mood.

    Source: 1fenshui.ru

    Shape of the plot

    According to Feng Shui, a summer cottage is considered ideal if it has the shape of a rectangle or square.

    A trapezoidal plot is considered favorable if its smaller side falls on the facade of the house, providing the Turtle zone with a larger side.

    The most unfortunate shape is considered to be a triangle.

    However, if the owners got such a “wrong” plot, do not despair. All this can be changed by the harmonious placement of buildings and plantings.

    Decorative elements

    Now let's look at each zone from the point of view of the correct placement of decorative elements on it. Let's start from the north. Associated with the water element, it requires a pond, a fountain, a quiet place for reflection and solitude. Winding paths leading to water will also brighten up the landscape. The theme of contemplation and relaxation in silence will be continued by the stone gardens in the northeast. The northwestern direction is perfect for arranging a gazebo for a large company, and it is better to use metal elements in its design, for example, figurines, balls or a fence.

    The triangular shapes in the south can be made of any material. It is best to place a fireplace, an open hearth with a fire, or a barbecue here. The place needs to be well lit; a bird feeder would also help. In the southeast, trees, lush flowering plants, small fountains, and containers with flowing water are welcome.

    The sound of water can add harmony to any space. And any summer resident can easily make a simple fountain with his own hands. To do this, you can use improvised materials such as old watering cans.

    We are creating a cozy nest for a couple in the southwest, here there is a secluded gazebo for two.

    The east zone needs to be decorated with wooden elements. This is the most suitable place for planting tall trees; you can also place a waterfall or a decorative mill in this area.

    And in the west there is a place for a playground, singing winds and any round shapes. Don't forget to use metal elements here.

    Singing winds

    They are pendants of various shapes and materials, which are attached in such a way that the wind can sway them freely. The sounds produced during this process are called “wind songs”. Having determined which zone you are going to strengthen and why exactly you are hanging them, all that remains is to choose the instrument you like.

    Important! Pay careful attention to the choice of material, because it affects the energy of the house differently.

    Here are the basic safety rules when choosing singing winds:

      • The material must match the area where you intend to hang it. Fortunately, there is a wide choice - winds are created from bamboo, ceramics, glass, metal, even from spoons and clay. To maintain natural balance, keep in mind that the right wind will enhance the energy, while the wrong wind will cause dissonance and have a depressing effect.

    • In addition to quality, the number of straws is also important. It is no coincidence that the Chinese pay attention to this, having thought through everything to the smallest detail. According to the rules, blocking problems, negative influences, and stress in a certain area occurs when using wind with an unpaired number of sticks. In this case, there should be three, five or seven, best if they are made of metal. Conversely, a paired number (four, six, eight) attracts positivity and promotes growth.
    • Having decided on the details, we choose the place where we will hang the tool. In order to increase their popularity in society and achieve recognition, they hang a ceramic or crystal wind on the south side. The wood wind in the east will improve health and have a beneficial effect on the energy state of the body as a whole.


    They act as a kind of catalysts that attract this or that energy in its positive aspect. Also in Feng Shui, they are used as magnets to attract what is missing in life, which is missing for one reason or another. Talismans can be in the form of figures (Buddha, other gods, animals) or other forms (singing winds, bamboo flutes, fans, bells). Ceramic and clay symbols enhance the earth zone, bronze, aluminum – metal, and crystal – water.

    Fans serve to disperse positive energy in the place where they hang. What is important is their color and the design depicted on them. They are often decorated with golden birds on a red background. This will activate the zone of fame and recognition, especially if such a fan is hung on the south side of the house.

    Now let's take a closer look at the talismans:

    • North - figures of fish, dolphin, turtle, any water inhabitants.
    • Northeast - lamp, candlestick.
    • North-west – metal figures of gods.
    • South - a red Chinese paper lantern, a flowerpot with green or red flowers.
    • Southeast - any symbol with the image of a Dragon, a mirror, a teapot, a frog figure.

    • Southwest – stones, crystals. Two of them must be selected so that they are larger than the rest. The composition will also be complemented by nine stones (you can use decorative pebbles or pebbles instead), tightly stacked to each other.
    • East - a symbolic image of the Dragon, a plant in a pot of gray, green or blue colors.
    • West – coins, bell, cat figure.

    Location of objects on the site

    All constructed objects are located near the house. Existing corners are smoothed out with the help of flower beds, ponds or bushes. This rule is especially observed in the presence of sharp corners.

    The front of the house should be open. This applies to a greater extent to representatives of Flora. Trees or tall bushes should not be placed in front of the house. An exception may be flower beds or small bushes.

    Feng Shui garden areas

    Site planning according to Feng Shui begins with defining zones. And these are not areas for children to relax or play, a vegetable garden or a garden.

    In total, in Chinese teaching there are nine zones that are responsible for a certain value of human life. They should all have equal area.

    Traditional octagon Bagua

    The basis of science is the Bagua octagon, this is the unity of everything in nature and in man. The environment directly affects the human body. Therefore, it is better to even position the site correctly. Thousands of years of practice have proven that with the use of Feng Shui it is easier and faster to achieve heights in any area. Merging with nature, harmony inside and outside is the basis of life.

    According to the Bagua octagon, the cardinal directions are determined using a compass. Therefore, first you need a large-scale sketch respecting the dimensions and features of the site.

    Zone distribution

    In order to divide the area into zones, you need to stand near the entrance and mentally divide the entire territory into three equal horizontal stripes. Then the same stripes are drawn vertically.

    This can be done much more clearly on a site plan. To do this, a schematic plan of the territory is drawn on paper, which is divided into nine equal squares.

    This distribution is ideal for a square plot. For a territory characterized by uneven shapes, first of all it will be necessary to deal with those sectors that contain the least amount of land.

    The first strip is designed to provide (from right to left) Wisdom (or Knowledge), Career, Friends (or Good Helpers).

    The second line is responsible for Family, Health (or Vitality), Children.

    The far section will attract Wealth, Fame, Partnership.

    Where harmful sha energy predominates

    The area should have slight unevenness. But it is unnecessary to have areas with mountain slopes nearby. It is necessary to study before purchasing whether there are any harmful enterprises, waste collection, or burial grounds for livestock nearby. The land that borders the cemetery, medical institutions, garbage accumulations and nearby high-voltage wires is not distinguished by its prosperity.

    Don't even think about wetlands. And do not forget that the dried swamp continues to emit negativity, which is reflected in a person. The land plot should not border an abandoned facility or a site where a dilapidated building is located. Multi-story buildings accumulate energy and put pressure on small buildings around them.

    You need to remember that everything that moves quickly - fast rivers, roads with unlimited speed - brings negative energy around them. A fast underground river is also harmful, and if it is limited by pipes, it carries even more negativity.

    The site may be affected by noisy neighbors - these are government institutions where crowds of people constantly gather. Particularly unwelcome are places where people are punished, such as prisons, police and courtrooms. It would seem that such simple things as a lone tree and a construction crane, but bad energy spreads nearby.

    A direct road from the street to the house can be accompanied by harmful sha energy, which can absorb everything positive in the area. Sha energy can creep up on the road that curves towards the site. If a tall object is located parallel to the entrance to the plot, then it blocks positive energy flows and serves as a hindrance to the owner of the land plot.

    It is necessary to explore the area for the presence of monuments with military equipment - tanks, guns and even pedestals with destructive images should be avoided. The places that surround transport junctions - trains and trams - will not carry positive energy.

    The shape of the land plot is square or rectangle. You can opt for a narrow entrance and subsequent expansion deeper into the territory, this will bring an increase in wealth. However, the option where the area narrows will promise a decrease in positive emotions in life.


    This is the calmest and most balanced part of the site. It must be nice to relax here completely alone. Therefore, this area is closed from prying eyes. To achieve this goal, hedges or trees with a dense crown are perfect. The exit from the Wisdom zone should be directed to the house.

    The colors of Wisdom are considered to be sunny shades. Therefore, you can create a flower bed with yellow flowers, make an orange path and place red furniture or a hammock.


    In Feng Shui, the west side is given to children. The best place for a children's playground. Laughter and fun will reign here.

    • If there is eternal movement and excitement on the western side of the site, then the energy of cheerfulness and enthusiasm will never leave this place.
    • If the children have already grown up, then to activate the energy, the area can be given to pets.
    • If you are just planning to have children, then on the western side it is worth arranging flower beds with mallow.


    Water is considered the main talisman of this sector. Let it be a fountain or a flowing stream. The current should be directed towards the house. But the water must not stagnate, otherwise promotion will have to say goodbye.

    Silver-blue and golden-white colors promote careers. These can be winding paths, flower beds of uneven shapes.

    Using feelings

    Proper Feng Shui design should be created based on your emotions, memories and 5 senses. The greatest implementation of this in the garden will create a strong relationship with it. This way it will have a better healing effect on you. Remember what gardens you liked as a child, as well as the places that attracted you during your travels. What kind of climate would you like, plants or landscape that fully corresponds to the idea of ​​an ideal site.

    Vision and colors

    Vision is the most actively used sense by humans. According to the rules of Feng Shui, try to place the plants in such a way that the energy they accumulate matches the type of energy of each sector of the site. However, there is no need to plant, for example, only red flowers in the Li zone (south). A few representatives of this flora will be enough.

    According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the site should be divided into 9 squares, each of which has its own name and purpose. Here is the diagram:

    It is also important to choose the appropriate color palette. It is consistent with internal sensations, but it is important to maintain the Yin-Yang balance. If you prefer hot colors (red, orange and yellow), try to counterbalance them with cool colors (green, blue and purple).

    White is a unique color; it compensates for all others. It acts in a Yin quality as opposed to hot colors and Yang - cold ones. Try to change the energy of the illuminated areas with the help of Yin cold plant flowers.

    Smells and aromas

    Smell is one of the oldest senses, thanks to which we receive a huge amount of information about the world around us. Thanks to smells, we can remember many wonderful moments in life.

    They create a kind of trigger for activating memories. The aromas of various plants on the site must be balanced in accordance with the laws of aromatherapy. The essence of plants is hidden in the aromas, releasing healing energy that has a positive effect on spiritual harmony.

    It would be great if there was a fountain or a natural stream in front of the house. The sound of running water has a beneficial effect on the perception of the world. In addition, with the help of Water, you can create harmonious relationships between the inhabitants of the house. It is also great to place a wind chime at the entrance. It has a beneficial effect not only on the owners, but also on people passing by.

    In addition, the singing of birds, the buzzing of bees and various other sounds will fill your garden with the natural music of nature. It’s great if the Feng Shui landscape design includes bamboo planted on the site. When the wind blows, its stems make pleasant sounds.


    The role of touch is not only in touching with hands, but also in looking at pleasant things. Large plants on the site will represent Yang energy, and small ones will represent Yin energy. It is important to maintain a balance between the first and second. There are also many plants that are pleasant to touch. This gives a deeper connection with nature.


    This is the noisiest part of the site. There is a gazebo, patio, and tent for meetings and chatting with friends.

    It is advisable to place a gate or parking area here. It is recommended to install a round lamp in the corner of the zone; it is designed to attract friends and buddies.

    From the color range, only shades of red are unacceptable.

    Plants, flower beds and vegetable garden

    In practice, this knowledge is used as follows. By planting plants and flowers in a certain place that correspond to the direction of light, you can resonate with the energy. And as a result, its flow is harmonized, which will immediately have a positive impact on the desired area of ​​life. The shape of the flower bed should be round, without corners or sharp bends.

    Plants require close attention because their color and aroma appeal to the senses. This means that they should be chosen carefully, taking into account compatibility and the effect they have. It is better to plant flowers according to color scheme, without mixing them. To balance the greenery of nearby trees, white flowers add freshness to the landscape.

    Here are the main colors and shades corresponding to the cardinal directions:

    • North – blue, blue, violet (pine, meadowsweet, willow, plum, currant, cucumber, eggplant, basil, dill).
    • Northeast – beige, yellow (sunflower, forsythia, navel).
    • North-west – pale yellow, white (jasmine, bird cherry, rosemary).
    • West – golden, white (mock orange, plane tree, garden hydrangea, quince, hazel, beans, peas, chamomile).
    • South – red, pink (rose, mallow, gladiolus, grapes, juniper, viburnum, strawberry, red currant, melon, bergamot).
    • Southeast – purple, green (jasmine, lavender, thyme).
    • Southwest – yellow, pink (iris, lily, marigold, rowan, magnolia, hawthorn, weigela, pear, apricot, tomato, pumpkin).
    • East – green, brown (any conifers, ivy, peach, cherry, raspberry, cabbage, pepper, watermelon, spinach).


    Bird cherry




    The zone is designed to strengthen family relationships and family ties. This place should become a gathering place for the whole family; a family recreation area and a summer living room, intended for evening tea or a home-cooked meal, are often set up here.

    You can also place a pond or swimming pool here, and a hedge will perfectly play the role of a fence from curious neighbors.


    The center of the site must accumulate all the incoming energy and transmit it to its owners.

    An ideal option for arranging a Health zone would be an open lawn, complemented by a flower bed with a spiral inside. Paths should diverge from the lawn, which will ensure the replenishment of energy from all other zones.

    Money talismans

    Various figurines, images of animals and other paraphernalia will help strengthen the Wealth zone. These items will activate the wealth zone:

    1. A money frog holding a coin in its mouth.
    2. Hotei is the god of fun and happiness. A laughing figurine promises joy and monetary abundance to the owner.
    3. Turtle - its shell symbolizes protection.
    4. The owl protects the owner from impulsive decisions in business that can lead to bad results.
    5. Pictures depicting what you want: a beautiful house, a car.
    6. A coin or bill placed under a plant.


    All tall objects should be placed here. They can be trees, lanterns on high pedestals, sculptures.

    Surprisingly, a compost heap should also be placed here, in which fertilizer matures for future prosperity. Only it should have a pleasant appearance and be beautifully decorated.

    It’s a good idea to place streams here or at least place containers with water.

    Stages of landscape design

    First you need to create a project - this is the basis of your beautiful site.

    A responsible and very important stage, all your further actions and the final result depend on it.

    Once you design your landscape, you will enjoy its views and amenities for many years to come.

    A flower can still be replanted, but replanting an adult tree is already difficult and expensive, and you won’t be able to move a pond or path.

    It follows from this that design is not an easy and time-consuming job that requires a competent approach.

    The second stage is preparation of the territory. It all depends on what area your site is located in and what its condition is.

    It is necessary to clear the area of ​​debris, treat weeds with herbicides, and if necessary, remove the top layer of soil to remove all weeds and their seeds.

    The third stage is the formation of the relief . This includes laying communications for a reservoir, an irrigation system, and laying cables for lighting.

    Also planting large trees, laying drainage, paths, installing pergolas and gazebos, installing retaining walls, etc.

    The fourth stage is the formation of a fertile soil layer with planting . At the same stage, the construction of thematic zones, rock gardens and coastlines is carried out.

    And the last fifth stage is laying or sowing the lawn .

    Having done all of the above, you will undoubtedly enjoy your creation for many years. The main thing is to think through everything to the smallest detail at the very beginning.


    This area is most often equipped with pergolas, arches, and other vertical structures. Usually paired items are installed here: flowerpots, chairs, lanterns.

    When arranging a garden area, it is important to remember that the Feng Shui of the house and the site should complement each other. And fesh shui photos of the site will help you achieve this.

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