Ornamental grass: 90 photos of beautiful options for using ornamental plants in landscape design

Each owner of a country plot strives to make the territory as individual and beautiful as possible. At the same time, more and more new ideas are being selected to create areas of incredible beauty. By combining crops, you can choose not only bright and lush flowering plants, but also exquisite cereals or green spaces, which, despite their minimal colorfulness, look very unusual. Ornamental grass for the garden will be the best choice if desired, and complement the area with greenery, and without bothering with the arrangement of flowers. In this article we have selected several varieties of ornamental grasses and will consider their characteristics.

Features of plants for decoration

Grasses from several genera are considered ornamental - Grassaceae, Cataceae, Ruminaceae and Sedgeaceae. In total, there are at least 10,000 herbs used in landscape design in the world. They are valued for their elegant spikelets, which have a special sound when the wind blows.

Both annuals and perennials have their rightful place. A wide selection of options will help to decorate any garden in an unusual way and make it unique in any month of the year. For example, in the spring they will delight the eyes with lush greenery, in the summer they will have beautiful panicles.

In the fall, different varieties of grass can paint the area in different colors, and in the winter, some types will also add charm.

Delaway's purple bergenia

A beautiful flower with very showy dark purple foliage that will create a special atmosphere in your garden. Bergenia will decorate rock gardens and recreation areas, as it can grow in large garden flowerpots.

Bergenia can also be an excellent option for marking the boundaries of a site, decorating flower beds and borders. It grows well in sunny and semi-shaded places, but does not tolerate stagnant water.

Kaleria gray

It is recommended to provide it with dry soil mixed with sand. It does not feel very comfortable in damp conditions, so drainage during sowing is very desirable. This is a perennial representative of Cereals that can reproduce by seeds and division.

It is not afraid of wintering, and the height of the leaves reaches 15 cm. You can use it as part of an alpine hill or sow it alone.

Cortaderia propagation

Pampas grass reproduces in the following ways:

  • generatively – by seeds;
  • vegetatively - by dividing the bush or cuttings.

Reproduction by division

Cortaderia is a dioecious plant. Female flowers look the most impressive. The male inflorescences look much less impressive, as if they were wet and stuck together. Therefore, it is preferable to propagate Cortaderia by separating the female plants. Then there is confidence that the resulting seedlings will repeat the characteristics of the mother plant.

The best time to divide the bush is May-June, although some sources say early spring, before the start of the growing season. The rhizome is dug up and divided into several parts. By propagating a clump of grass that has already produced inflorescences, you can be sure that the separated plants will also bloom. Plants with large root systems will grow better and bloom the following year.

Grass is most often planted when the first real days of spring arrive (May), preferably choosing a sunny day. In March-April it is necessary to remove frozen, dead leaves after winter. The plant will quickly begin to produce new shoots.

Propagation by cuttings

You can try growing grass from cuttings taken from old bushes at the end of summer. Cut off shoots several centimeters long. The lower part is dipped in rooting agent and planted in the ground.

Planting by seeds

When growing pampas grass from seeds, you need to take into account:

  • half of the seedlings will produce less showy male flowers;
  • seedlings obtained from seeds will not always bloom;
  • Flowering usually occurs after 3-4 years.

In our climate, the plant does not set seeds, so it is impossible to collect them yourself.

Pampas grass seeds are sown early; you can start sowing in February (preferably March) in boxes. Since the seeds are very small, it is worth mixing them with sand and then covering them with sand. Young plants germinate after 2-3 weeks at room temperature (20-22 ºC).

Such seedlings subsequently require picking into large containers with a diameter of 8-10 cm. In the summer they are placed outside. The seedlings grow very quickly, but in the first year it is better for them to overwinter in an unheated but well-insulated greenhouse.

Cortaderia is a dioecious plant, so to form seeds you need at least 2 plants of different sexes - this is important for people planning to collect seeds from their plants.

Field fescue

Perfect for dry summer conditions. One sowing can be grown for up to 4 years, after which it is uprooted and sown “from scratch”, because the plants lose their appearance and degenerate.

To renew, you can cut fresh spikelets and throw them from below. After new blades of grass grow from them, they are replanted, and the old bushes are completely removed.

Imperata cylindrical

For the Japanese, red-leaved varieties of Imperata cylindrical are like Chernobrivtsy and peonies for us. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun love this plant and happily grow it not only in their homes, but also in city squares and parks. Imperata bushes are often found next to sakura, because for the Japanese this cereal is as native and nationally close as the finely serrated cherry.

The most famous red-leaved variety of Imperata cylindrical is “Red Baron” . The bush reaches a height of 0.4 m. The width of the bush does not exceed 0.3 m. The average leaf length is 0.45 m. It is noteworthy that the plant remains red throughout the entire growth period. Therefore, it can be safely used as a seasonal “accent” on alpine slides and rockeries.

Features of cultivation

The Japanese have been cultivating imperata for about a century. But nothing prevents us from taking the reins of government into our own hands. When planting imperata, you should know that the plant grows in width extremely slowly.

  • Wintering: red-leaved varieties of Imperata cylindrical need shelter; It will be very difficult for this cereal to overwinter without shelter in conditions of mid-latitude.
  • Pruning: pruning is done with the arrival of spring; the bush is not pruned for wintering, but left with leaves, and with the arrival of spring the dried shoots are cut off.
  • Reproduction: the most optimal, simple and effective way is dividing the rhizomes.

Imperata is good because it is ready to grow in low containers. They are installed in the hall or dining room. Often used in the interiors of catering establishments. From time to time, when planting this way, green leaves appear in the container. Experts recommend removing them immediately so that they do not spoil the overall picture.

For Imperata leaves to be bright red, the plant must receive maximum sunlight. The grass thrives ideally near artificial reservoirs and in those places of rock gardens where it is especially humid.

Miscanthus chinensis

This is one of the favorite cereal plants for decorating a personal plot.
This perennial can reach a height of 1.5 meters. Its leaves are narrow and have white stripes along the edges. Outwardly, it somewhat resembles a fountain formed by leaves. Flowering is observed at the end of summer in the form of red panicles, which gradually turn brown. When planting in autumn, it is advisable to insulate it for the winter. There are no special requirements for the soil.

Low growing perennials with red flowers

Low-growing garden crops look great in borders, complementing paths or alleys. These flowers will be a creative option to complement the rest and relaxation area. Let's consider the most interesting options for low-growing crops that will harmoniously fit into any flower bed.

Spring Primrose

These flowers greet us with the first warmth. They truly symbolize spring and provide lush blooms. The bushes are distinguished by wrinkled, wavy leaves covered with hairs. Often primrose is also called “keys”. Traditionally, primrose blooms with yellow buds, but there are many varieties with red petals. The most popular is the Chinese primrose, which has red-brown peduncles. The crops prefer light types of soil and can be propagated by different methods - seed, cuttings, and dividing the bush.

For comfortable growth of bushes, you need to make a distance of 15 centimeters between them. The height of such beauties reaches up to 10-30 cm. Primrose will bloom within a month, starting from April and ending in May.

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Blood Red Cinquefoil

A beautiful perennial with red flowers is blood red cinquefoil. Its height is up to 0.6 meters. The culture is distinguished by straight, branched stems. The leaves are usually trifoliate in shape and have a dull green color on top. This culture is valued due to its flowers of incredible beauty. Their color is usually a brilliant red hue, up to 5 cm in diameter, they form paniculate or corymbose buds. Flowering is long - up to 50 days.

There are a large number of hybrids - among them "Gibson Scarlet", which is distinguished by scarlet-red petals with a slight shiny tint. You can see abundant flowers during June-July.

Border Chrysanthemums

Excellent red perennial flowers are border varieties of chrysanthemums. In gardening, such varieties are also called “Korean” or “Chinese”. These crops are distinguished by the fact that they are resistant to cold conditions and will delight you with long-lasting flowering. Border varieties are considered crumb flowers, which do not reach more than 0.3 meters in height, and independently form the ideal outline of a bush in the form of a ball. “Talisman” is considered the best varieties. These flowers have a bright color in raspberry-beet tones. The “Evening Lights” variety also looks very attractive. With their dazzling flashes of scarlet petals, they will easily complement any area and create incredible holiday euphoria.


It will look good as a single bush or as a border. Goes well with lilies. It is painted gray and retains its shape well. The disadvantage is its rapid growth, which can be combated by fencing the grass with slate or planting it in a container without a bottom.

Heuchera Grape Soda

A spectacular fast-growing plant will be an excellent decoration for a flower bed or flower garden; it is also convenient to form borders from. Heuchera looks especially beautiful near a pond, next to hosts, irises, and ornamental grasses. It winters well in temperate climates and feels great under the canopy of trees and shrubs.

The velvety foliage of the flower is constantly changing: in the spring it is dark pink, in the summer it is pink-violet, in the fall it is violet-silver. To maintain its brightness, plant the plant in partial shade, water moderately and drain the soil periodically

Decorative millet

This is an annual that has beautiful leaves that are purple-brown in color and wide. Small shoots are green with a purple border. The grown plant looks like a reed.

An unusual inflorescence appears in mid-summer, and by August white specks of dust appear on it. Looks great until the first frost.

Bronze-leaved sedge

Bronze-leaved sedge is a guest who came to us from New Zealand. Not all summer residents treat it the same. Some see it as a tangle of dry grass, while others see it as a wide field for the activities of a home-grown garden designer, not counting professional “landscapers.”

Popular varieties

  1. Sedge flagelifera: in its natural habitat it grows up to 1 m in height, but outside it the height of the bush usually does not exceed 0.7 m; reaching a volume of 0.9 m, the sedge turns into a hemisphere, painted brown;
  2. Variety Bronzita: visually very similar to flagelifera sedge, but the color of the foliage of this plant is more intense;
  3. Orange Sedge: distinguished by bright orange shoots;
  4. Brick: considered the most frost-resistant among all known varieties of sedges, it can easily winter in St. Petersburg;
  5. Bronze Curls: deep bronze foliage;
  6. Buchan: leaves reach 0.45 m in length and are orange and bronze in color;
  7. Shaggy: visually similar to a round mound with tousled hair.

Features of cultivation

If you decide to decorate your rockery with sedge, you should plant it in the wettest place in the flowerbed. This plant can be used to decorate borders and hedges. The ideal place for a disheveled representative of the flora is an area near an artificial or natural reservoir. To highlight the sedge, designers recommend using contrasting mulch.

  • Soil: wet.
  • Location: partial shade.
  • Partner plants: lavender, violet, chistema.

Feather grass

An undemanding grass characterized by a disheveled “mane.” It does not clog the soil underneath, does not have creeping roots and, if necessary, can easily be pulled out of the ground. For 2-3 years you don’t have to worry about the beauty of the garden bed, but then it is recommended to replant it.

Red perennials blooming all summer

If you really want, you can find those perennials that will delight you with abundant and long flowering throughout the summer. The most popular flower that can provide this effect is begonia. This culture does not need any special introduction, because it is known and appreciated due to its bright and lush flowering.

The most popular variety is Regal Minuet. The color plates are usually pearl-cherry shades, with a brownish-red spider visible in the center. The edges have a dark red border.

Another representative that will delight you with flowering from June to September is red valerian or centranthus. The bush can reach up to 0.6 meters in diameter. The most popular variety is Coccineus.

To grow valerian on your site, give preference to warm, sunny places that will not be exposed to draft winds. The ideal solution for growing would be planting in rock gardens and rocky gardens. Valerian is propagated by seed through seedlings or by dividing the bush.

How to grow

It is easy to get confused among the many names of ornamental grass. However, you need to know for sure whether it is suitable for your climatic conditions. They may need to be covered for the winter. After all, many species were brought from tropical and subtropical countries, where winters are much warmer than in the central zone, and even more so to the north. Usually all the required information is written on the packaging.

With proper care, the climate should not create any problems.

There are unpretentious varieties that should not be sown directly into the garden. First, this ornamental grass in pots must get stronger, and then it can be planted. Otherwise, large plants can drown it out. Some species can be planted not only from seeds, but also by dividing the roots.

Cold-resistant varieties are characterized by early growth after the snow melts. If transplantation or seating is required, it is worth carrying out these procedures in early spring or in September-October. An important condition is the air temperature is no more than +20 Celsius.

Canary grass

Green-leaved varieties of canary grass cannot be compared with red-leaved varieties. The level of decorativeness of the latter compared to the former is simply off the charts. The canary grass is a chameleon among plants: the red stripes on its shoots disappear if the ambient temperature is too high, and when it gets cold they immediately reappear. The canary bush reaches 2 m in height.

Features of cultivation

The canary variety “Tricolor” grows very quickly. In order for the plant not to go beyond the boundaries, it should create these boundaries - in the literal sense of the word. Experts recommend using a limiter, digging it around the perimeter of the flowerbed to a depth of 0.2 m. Features of growing canary grass are listed below.

  • Soil: light.
  • Location: open, with plenty of sunlight.
  • Partner plants: primrose, forget-me-not and any other perennials that bloom early.

What are the pros and cons

In the wild, they are excellent at preventing soil erosion. Their excellent property is excellent survivability even in an unfavorable place. Equally important is the ability to design flower beds with different heights of grass.

But there is one drawback - they tend to grow strongly. However, this can be easily stopped by physically blocking the path of the roots (using borders or buried slate) and weeding the surrounding areas. And if that doesn't suit you, consider options with artificial ornamental grass.

If you compare cereals and other types of plants, the former are an excellent choice, because There will be significantly less hassle with them. And they can delight you for up to 3-5 years in one place (the growth period depends on the type of grass).

Lawn types of vegetation

They give the lawn a well-groomed appearance and serve as a background between taller plants. But these types of garden herbs require constant care to maintain a neat appearance.

Photo of ornamental grass


Category: Lawns and paths

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