Gabions in landscape design, application, installation, photo

Arranging a garden area with gabions is one of the modern options for beautifully designing a suburban area. The classic gabion is a rectangular container made of durable metal mesh. the mesh is filled with any natural material, for example, decorative sawn wood or durable stones. Therefore, this type of design is beautiful, effective and environmentally friendly.

1.Types of gabions 2.What designs to make 3.Cost calculation

Photo: Gabions in landscape design

Basic types of gabion structures

There are three basic types of gabions:

Box-shaped . They have the shape of a parallelepiped with internal fixing inserts. Such structures are used to strengthen the banks of small reservoirs, cliffs, terracing, and the construction of walls and fences of various heights.

Cylindrical . They are mesh cylinders with filler. They are in demand for the construction of columns, columns and other design decorative elements.

Mattress (Reno mattresses). Distinguished by their small height and a certain flexibility, they are widely used where it is necessary to repeat and secure the relief: in strengthening banks and slopes, as well as for fixing stream beds.

In addition to the main types of gabions, there are many variations. They can be: cubic, spherical, cone-shaped... Modern materials and equipment make it possible to produce mesh structures of any shape and size, and sometimes with the most unexpected filling.

Such a wealth of choice, harmoniously complemented by the strength and durability of the structures, makes them very popular among site owners and landscape designers.

Cultivation methods

There are two main (and at the same time diametrically opposed) approaches to farming:

  1. traditional;
  2. ecological.

The traditional method of cultivating the land is a thing of the past, incredibly labor-intensive and often irrational, extremely traumatic for the ecosystem. It is based on human attempts to control the processes in the soil and its condition.

The traditional method of farming includes the following activities:

  • digging up the soil twice (per year);
  • herbicide treatment;
  • uncontrolled amount of fertilizer applied to the soil;
  • With this principle of farming, beds are cultivated in such a way that they have a small number of capillaries and, as a result, an insufficient number of microorganisms.

All these factors inevitably lead to low yields and depletion of soil resources.

The second approach, ecological (natural) , is based on the ability of the soil to regenerate itself. There are many principles of natural farming, but they are all based on the fact that humans rarely interfere with the natural course of processes occurring in the soil.

Digging up the soil is replaced by surface loosening, and weeding once a week or two is replaced by timely mulching.

Modern farming methods are based on an ecological method and with this approach microorganisms, plant roots and insects independently restore the soil structure. An increase in the number of capillaries increases gas exchange processes, as a result, plant roots are naturally enriched with nitrogen, which leads to an increase in both the quality and quantity of the crop.

All this can happen without chemical fertilizers at all or with a minimal amount of them.

What is gabion mesh filled with?

Depending on the intended purpose of the structures, gabion mesh is filled with a variety of materials. It could be:

  • cobblestone,
  • sandstone,
  • pebbles,
  • marble,
  • granite crushed stone,
  • basalt,
  • wood,
  • glass,
  • broken brick,
  • artificial stones.

Often, combinations of materials are used to add originality or create a certain effect. By alternating shades of filler, patterns and designs can be laid out in gabions. And internal lighting as a complement to colored transparent materials will allow you to achieve an unforgettable flickering effect.

The main requirements for the filler are its resistance to environmental conditions and dimensions exceeding the corresponding hole parameters.

Principles of arranging beds

A garden bed is a relatively small, often quite isolated area of ​​soil where you can provide individual care for a plant of a particular crop, create a moisture regime and fertilize it.

It is obvious that in a summer cottage or garden, plants with different agricultural techniques are grown, often with opposing care requirements - without an individual approach it will not be possible to achieve high yields.

It is for this purpose that differentiation is necessary on the site - dividing the territory into zones, and the zones into beds.

If the purpose of the beds is more or less clear to every gardener, then such nuances as the level of illumination, the composition of the soil and even its consistency, necessary for different crops, are not always taken into account by everyone.

Unfortunately, failure to understand that cucumbers and tomatoes, for example, require different approaches leads to a significant loss of yield.

By creating simple trenches for planting certain crops, or isolated beds, the owner of the site can give the plants proper care - all efforts will invariably pay off in the quality or quantity of the harvest.

Options for using gabions

There are many options for using gabions in landscape design. Allowing the reproduction of a wide variety of figures: from geometric bodies to three-dimensional outlines of animals and humans, they are widely in demand as small architectural forms. In addition to sculptural compositions, walls, fences, borders for flower beds, steps and terraces are constructed from gabion structures. With their help, they construct wells and reservoirs, outdoor fireplaces, fireplaces and even garden furniture.

Fences and enclosures

Fits perfectly into almost any landscape style and compares favorably with its analogues in strength and durability, gabion fences guarantee protection of the site from external noise and dust, creating an aura of absolute internal security. In addition, this is the most optimal option for fencing areas in areas with difficult terrain.

All types of fences for home and garden, overview of options with photos

Gabion fencing is no less in demand, allowing for zoning or separating outbuildings from the stylized part of the territory. For these purposes, mainly lightweight structures called pergons are used.

Gabions can be used to make the entire fence or some of its fragments. Alternating filled mesh structures with sections made of wood, picket fence, forging elements, profiled metal or polycarbonate is widely used.

In some cases, gabions are used only as a basis for a fence. In this version, they are used to make the lower, supporting part and pillars, between which sheets of additional material are fixed. Sometimes designers limit themselves to only cylindrical columns made of gabions, doing without a massive base and using lighter structures as fencing elements. There is also an alternation of gabion sections with sections of hedges.

It should be noted that no matter how impressive a gabion fence may be, the gate for it is always made of an alternative material. The reason is simple - the weight of the filled fragments is too large.

Mostly natural stone is used as a filler for fences and fences made of gabions: large pebbles, pieces of granite, sandstone or dolomite. As a rule, these are materials that are not only visually aesthetically pleasing, but also resistant to weather conditions. By selecting the most advantageous texture and color combinations, craftsmen create real masterpieces from them, laying out beautiful patterns and achieving interesting shade compositions.

There are times when practicality gives way to originality. Then non-standard options are used to fill the inter-grid space, for example: small logs and wood cuts, erclez or artificial stones.

In the case of using piece glass (erkleuz), very interesting solutions are obtained, which can also be supplemented with lighting. And then, a fence made of gabions will look beautiful not only during the day, but also at night.


For areas with difficult terrain, gabion structures often turn out to be a real salvation. With their help, terracing is carried out, that is, the creation of horizontal platforms on the slopes, reinforced with retaining walls.

MORE Improvement,


All types of fences for home and garden, overview of options with photos

Reliably fixing the soil and not requiring additional costs for drainage and anti-erosion work, gabions filled with stones and construction waste help level the necessary areas and form multi-stage natural terraces.

Retaining walls

Land holdings located on slopes or having heterogeneous terrain with a significant slope require fortification structures called retaining walls for full use. By fixing the soil layers in the desired position, they help avoid landslides and sometimes landslides.

For the construction of such structures, gabions are considered one of the most successful options. Having calculated the required dimensions, all that remains is to select the appropriate filler. And by taking advantage of the features of the landscape, you can arrange not only colorful walls, but also stylized places for outdoor recreation.

Flowerbeds and borders

Lovers of stones on the site simply cannot remain indifferent to the sight of gabion structures for creating various flower beds and flower beds.

Currently, on the market you can choose gabions for planting plants of the most bizarre shapes. And in creating an alpine slide, mesh bases filled with stone will provide designers with an invaluable service. Low borders made of gabions will help not only decorate and zone the territory of the site, but will also fix the contours of flower beds, paths and steps, preventing soil washout.


When creating reservoirs on a site, gabions are also indispensable. Fixing the given shape, the banks are strengthened with box-shaped structures, and the bottom with mattress structures. At the same time, thanks to the wide selection of options for gabion structures, there are absolutely no restrictions on the shape of the pool. And with the addition of neat stone-filled edges, the once wild and abandoned pond turns into a luxurious, stylized reservoir.

To complete the effect, you can enliven the landscape with a vertical wall of gabions with cascading streams of water imitating a waterfall. And also, the use of gabions opens up the possibility of erecting any thematic structures directly inside the reservoir.

garden furniture

Perhaps the most unexpected option for using gabions on a site is making garden furniture from them. Tables, benches, armchairs, sofas, fireplaces, fireplaces and barbecues - all this can be easily made from mesh metal structures with appropriate filling.

Gabions are such universal systems that real craftsmen are able to make almost anything out of them: from garden sculptures to decorative arched structures, gazebos and canopies.

The principle of selecting plants for raised beds

Gabions, like all raised flower beds, have one major drawback. They have to be watered much more often than conventional ground-level plantings. This happens because the soil in above-ground flower beds warms up faster than in plantings buried in the ground. In addition, stones attract heat; in the sun they act like a hot frying pan for plants. There is a way out of this situation:

  • For a flower bed placed in an open place, it is better to choose light-loving, drought-resistant plants. Succulents are more suitable than others.
Succulents are herbaceous plants whose leaves contain a large amount of water, due to which they can survive for a long time without watering.Available botanical types of succulents:
Sedum – (Sedum)
Molodilo – (Stone Rose)
  • Flower beds made of gabions in the shade are filled with plants that tolerate a lack of light well.
Shrubs and subshrubsHerbaceous
Euonymus FortuneOstrich Feather FernMarigold
HollyKhostaLobelia urchin
Derain whiteBrunner - Forget-me-notAntirinum – snapdragon
Cotoneaster horizontalBergeniaSummer mallow
Cinquefoil "Kuril tea"Bell

Tip #4. When composing a flower arrangement in a gabion, remember that the ratio of plant height to box size should not be more than 1.5, otherwise the flower garden will be “lost” against the background of the box.

For example, if the height of the gabion is 50 cm, then the predominant size of the plants is at least 75 - 80 cm.

What you need to know about installing gabions, video

  1. The constant presence of gabion structures in the open air places quite strict requirements on the materials from which they are made. In accordance with them, professionals recommend using products made of galvanized double-twisted wire or analogues with a polymer coating, which are much superior in density and strength to chain-link mesh.
  2. To strengthen massive structures and give them the necessary rigidity, jumpers made of reliable wire or reinforcement should be used, dividing them into separate sections. The larger and more voluminous the structure being created, the more often connecting links should be installed.
  3. In addition, when choosing a mesh for gabions, it is important to take into account the cross-section of the cells. The latter, to ensure the necessary strength and significant service life, must have the same shape and size.
  4. The size of the filler should overlap by at least a quarter the corresponding cell parameters for ground structures. If the gabion is planned to be used for arranging reservoirs, the stones should be 2 times larger than the cell. Such proportions help prevent the gradual washing out of the filler from the structure.
  5. Inside retaining walls and fences of significant height, it is necessary to install steel stabilizing pillars with a high-quality concrete foundation.
  6. Gabions are filled gradually, using tightening devices to prevent expansion of the structure. It is also worth providing a certain supply of filler, as it shrinks slightly over time.

Category: “Questions and answers”

Question No. 1. Which gabions are best to choose for flower beds?

It depends on the purpose of the flowerbed and your financial capabilities.

  • If the flower garden is a temporary phenomenon, for example, it is needed to fill the space while young trees and shrubs grow. When they gain volume and size, the gabion flowerbed can be disassembled. In this case, you can use the cheapest design; it will last for 5 – 7 years.
  • For long-lasting plantings, it is better to choose boxes made of durable PVC-coated wire. They serve for over 10 years.

If woody plants are used in the flower garden, it is better to use gabions of their strong wire.
Question No. 2. How to make a flower garden from gabion if there are problems with watering on the site?

There are plants that do not need watering - these are succulents. They tolerate heat and lack of moisture well.

Gabions with stones get very hot in the sun. In this case, it is better to use drought-resistant plants.

Gabions in landscape design - photo

Gabions in landscape design


Options for using gabions in landscape design are limited solely by the imagination of the designer and/or owner of the site. And once installed, the mesh structure with a beautiful filler perfectly withstands any vagaries of the weather, requiring absolutely no further maintenance and giving the site a special charm.

Multi-level beds

To achieve rational placement of vegetable crops in small areas, as well as to obtain a decorative effect, multi-level structures are created. The number of such structures is usually limited, since it is more difficult to care for plants.

For planting, crops with a shallow, underdeveloped root system are selected.

Parsley, lettuce, and dill adapt well in such conditions. Low-growing compact tomato bushes can be placed. Strawberries are often grown in multi-level structures, allowing the ripening berries to be prevented from coming into contact with the soil, which contributes to their excellent presentation and good preservation.

To create multi-tiered beds, wood is often used, from which special pallets and racks are assembled. It is not advisable to use metal parts, as they quickly heat up under sunlight. The soil in such structures quickly loses moisture.

If you decide to install metal multi-tiered beds, you should paint the parts with light paint.

For vertical beds, available components are also used: containers, boxes, racks, shelves, installed in various compositions. You can even adapt a chest of drawers, pots of various configurations and sizes, pipe trimmings, and tires.

Metal fences

Fences made of metal parts have a long service life. It is necessary to select options with corrosion protection.

A good option is an aesthetically pleasing profiled sheet of galvanized steel with a polymer surface coating.

These types of fencing for garden beds will be quite expensive, but their cost will be offset by durability. The advantages of corrugated sheets include reliable protection against corrosion, a wide range of colors, and light weight.

Stone fencing

The beds, framed with stones of various sizes and shapes, look static and very decorative. This is a durable option. During installation, certain skills in laying such material are required if it is decided to use cement-sand mortar as a binding material.

A simpler option is to fill stones between metal gratings, which are strengthened along the perimeter of the ridges at the preparatory stage. Such pergons look noble, introducing an innovative sound even into an ordinary landscape.

Garden beds made of stone can easily withstand any external influences, are durable, and allow you to create any configuration and shape.

Border tape

Plastic curb tape is easy to install without requiring any special skills. Considering the variety of colors, this material looks very decent.

Thanks to its flexibility, it allows you to frame beds of any configuration.

This material is frost-resistant and durable. Withstands shock loads and does not fade for a long time. To ensure the strength of such a fence, the tape is installed in a shallow trench, soil is sprinkled, compacted with palms, and plastic pegs are installed on both sides.

Wooden fencing

Wood attracts with ease of processing and simple installation. But this material is short-lived. The prepared parts should first be treated with impregnation to prevent rotting.

To make your own garden beds with wooden fencing, you use various parts.

These can be vertically dug narrow dies, pegs, or cuttings of logs. If the latter have a large diameter, they should first be sawed along the longitudinal center line. Unsanded birch logs look great.

You can weave a fence from willow twigs. Convenient to use are boards made from floor slats, slabs, planks, clapboards, and picket fences. They are easy to install, secured with stakes. If necessary, the fence can be quickly dismantled and moved.

Advice! If you plan to use the garden beds for more than one season, it is better to use high-quality wood material: dry bars, wide wooden panels, edged boards, block house, thick lining.

Single style

We bring to your attention the most popular solutions for vegetable garden design in a general style.

Mediterranean style

Colors: Pastel shades, terracotta, ocher

Materials: Natural stone, paving slabs, wood flooring, brick


  • Decentralization
  • Availability of a recreation area
  • High terraces, multi-level structures
  • climbing plants


Colors: Variegated natural shades

Materials: Natural wood, stone, willow rod


  • Smooth lines
  • Large number of colors
  • Using household items as accessories
  • Wicker structures

Japanese style

Colors: Green palette

Materials: Small crushed stone, pebbles, boulders


  • Decoration with lanterns, bridges, gazebos
  • Asymmetry, irregular shapes
  • Low beds

French style

Colours: Delicate natural colors

Materials: Almost any: wood, stone, brick, slate, concrete


  • Beds of regular geometric shape, divided into segments
  • Paved paths
  • Framing with decorative stone or border

A stylish vegetable garden with a unique design will become the pride of any summer resident, and smart technologies, high beds and the right choice of soil will help increase productivity and save effort and money spent on maintenance.

DIY lazy bed

  1. Determine the desired height of the sides.
  2. Connect the boards using a screwdriver and remove the clamps.
  3. Turn the bed over and set it in place.
  4. Make sure that the light here is sufficient for seedlings to germinate.
  5. Bury the corner beams 12-15 cm into the ground.
  6. Adjust the sides using a building level.
  7. This is necessary for the proper operation of the irrigation system.
  8. Install plastic tubes from the inside to prevent the walls from collapsing due to bad weather.
  9. Level the area and cover it with anti-mole netting.
  10. Fill in the soil.
  11. Secure the irrigation system.
  12. Plant the seedlings.
  13. Install an awning if necessary.

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