When and how to plant gatsaniya for seedlings in 2022, features of growing at home, sowing in open ground

Gatsania is a flower similar to a multi-colored daisy.
In harsh climates, gatsania is grown as an annual plant, so the plant is often grown as seedlings and the question often arises of when to sow the flower seeds. Dear readers!
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How to determine the time of sowing gatsaniya?

The sowing time for African chamomile directly depends on the climatic and weather conditions of the region where the plant is grown. It must be taken into account that gatsaniya enters the flowering phase 3 months after the appearance of the first shoots.

African chamomile blooms for a long time. With the right timing for planting seeds for seedlings, the first garden flowers bloom in early summer and delight the eye until late autumn.

ADVICE! In southern latitudes, sowing seeds for seedlings begins in the first ten days of February. For the northern regions, it is recommended to plan planting work for the beginning or mid-April.

Collection of seed material

Gatsania seeds are large, so they can be collected by hand. But there are certain aspects that should not be ignored. It takes about two months for the seeds to ripen. To prevent them from scattering in different directions during this time, you need to cover the seed box all over with gauze.


After collecting seed material, it should be planted within two years. If this is not done, they will not sprout again.

It should be taken into account that the seeds of a crop do not always have time to ripen over the summer. They will be fully prepared provided that the hot and dry weather lasts until mid-autumn. When propagated by seed, hybrids do not retain varietal characteristics.

Varieties of gatsaniya, which one is better to choose

There are many varieties and varieties of African chamomile, differing in the shape and shade of flowers.

Gatsania is characterized by its small size, up to 25-30 centimeters in height. But during the flowering period, huge multi-colored inflorescences bloom on the herbaceous plant, reaching a diameter of 10 to 13 centimeters.

Depending on the variety and variety, the flowers can be burgundy, purple, red, yellow, white and multi-colored.

  • The single-flowered variety of gatsania is characterized by the compact size of the bushes, no more than 15 centimeters in height. During the flowering period, small inflorescences appear on the plants, blooming with yellow flowers.
  • The long-shooting variety of the plant is also distinguished by its small bush size and bright yellow flowers with a brown base of the petals.

  • The white variety of exotic flower is unpretentious to sunlight.
  • The feathery variety of African chamomile is characterized by bushes up to 30 centimeters high and the unusual color of the blooming flowers. The flowers themselves can be of different shades, but along the center of each petal there is a bright, contrasting stripe.

  • But the most exotic is the peacock variety of gatsaniya. Bushes up to 30-35 centimeters high with narrow leaf blades and bright, multi-colored inflorescences.

IMPORTANT! Full opening of the inflorescences occurs only in the presence of sun. After the end of daylight, the petals close. The inflorescences do not open even on a cloudy day.

Diseases and pests of crops

Nature has endowed the African guest with strong immunity. The only disease that can plague bright chamomile is gray rot. It occurs when watering rules are violated or when the summer is cool and rainy. In case of minor fungal infection, the infected parts of the bush are removed and treated with a fungicide. If the disease takes over, destroy the diseased specimen. Such a radical method of treatment will protect neighbors in the flowerbed from infection.

Slugs, spider mites and aphids pose a danger to the overseas guest. Insects are destroyed with systemic insecticides, shellfish are collected manually or traps are installed. Experienced gardeners recommend beer bait for catching the pest. A bottle with a small amount of drink is dropped at an angle so that the neck is level with the ground. Periodically update the bait by destroying the caught mollusks.

When to sow gazania for seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar calendar?

The further development and health of plants depends on the correct timing of planting seeds. Therefore, experienced gardeners and flower growers plan planting activities based on the lunar calendar.

It is necessary to exclude sowing work during the new moon or full moon. The days before and after the full moon and new moon are also considered unfavorable for planting work.

In February and March, it is best to plan work for the last days of the first ten days of the month and the first days of the third ten days of the month.

In April and May, planting events are carried out from 5 to 10 and from 21 to 24.

Popular types of gazania

There are many known varieties, the most famous are shown in the table.

VarietyFlower color and size (cm), other
AmpelnayaBright yellow, 2.5-4.
The leaves are silvery, pubescent.
Hard (Shiny)Orange, golden yellow, 4-8. The petals have dark spots near the core.
Linear (Long Rifle or Potsie)White, orange, yellow, up to 8. Petals are very elongated.
Krebs (Peacock)Dark red, orange with dark spots at the beginning of the petals. Low-growing with a weak root system.
Hybrid White, golden yellow, crimson, orange, 7-10.


Favorable days for sowing gatsaniya in 2022 depending on the month

To enjoy the flowering of gazania throughout the summer, you need to choose more favorable days for planting seeds for growing seedlings.

  1. In February, it is recommended to plant a flower from the 12th to the 26th.
  2. In March, the most favorable days for sowing gatsania seeds are the second ten days of the month from the 14th to the 27th.
  3. If you plan to sow seeds in April , then gazania seeds should be planted from the 13th to the 26th.
  4. In northern latitudes, it is worth sowing gatsania seeds in May , favorable time in 2022 from the 12th to the 25th.

For southern regions with early spring, it is possible to plant seeds for growing seedlings at the end of January. In this case, already in the month of May, the garden plot and flower beds will be decorated with bright, beautiful flowers.

When not to sow gatsaniya in 2022

There are also unfavorable days for sowing garden flowers, usually these are the days of the Full and New Moon, as well as when the moon is in the sign of Aquarius. Below are the dates that are unsuccessful for sowing seeds for growing gatsania seedlings in 2022:.

  • February: 13, 14,15, 28;
  • March: 9,10, 11, 13, 28;
  • April: 6, 7, 12, 27;
  • May: 3, 4, 11, 26.

IMPORTANT! Seedlings planted these days grow weak, sickly, and do not tolerate planting in open ground, which affects the quality of gatsania flowering.


This stage is skipped if young plants are in deep individual cups or a large container at a great distance from each other. The picking is done after the plant produces its second true leaf. Replant in pots made of peat and soil or plastic glasses.

When to plant depending on the region?

When growing seedlings, it is necessary to take into account the heat-loving nature of the African flower. In different regions, planting activities are planned based on climatic and weather conditions.

In Moscow and Moscow region

For the Moscow region and Moscow region, it is recommended to plan sowing seeds in the second or third ten days of March.

In the middle zone

In the temperate climate of the middle zone, planting activities are carried out in the first ten days of March.

In the Urals

Due to harsh climatic conditions and late spring, it is recommended to postpone planting exotic seeds for seedlings to early or mid-April.

In Siberia

To get healthy gatsania seedlings in the Siberian region, seeds are planted from the end of March to the end of April.

In the Leningrad region

For residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, it is recommended to begin sowing activities at the end of March.

Planting gatsaniya seeds step by step

Soil mixture for growing flowers can be purchased in specialized stores or made independently. To do this, garden soil is mixed with peat and sand. The resulting mixture is disinfected with a manganese solution or heated in the oven.

  1. A drainage layer of small stone or crushed stone is laid at the bottom of the container.
  2. Lay fertile soil mixture on top, leaving a distance of 2 centimeters to the edge of the container.
  3. The soil is thoroughly moistened, and seed material is laid on the surface of the soil.
  4. The distance between plantings is maintained within 2.5-3 centimeters. If individual containers are used, then 1 seed is placed in each of them.
  5. The seeds are sprinkled with soil on top and moistened with a spray bottle.
  6. Containers with plantings are covered with plastic film.

After planting is completed, containers with plants are transferred to a warm room and left until sprouts appear.

IMPORTANT! Before sprouts appear, the film is lifted daily for 20-30 minutes for ventilation.

Watering mode

The seeds are watered using a spray bottle. It is worth knowing that the plant loves moisture, but does not tolerate waterlogging. The container with seeds and young sprouts needs to be ventilated daily. If condensation collects on the surface of the glass or film, it should be removed. Stagnation of water should not be allowed.

How to care for gatsaniya seedlings, what are the tricks?

The first shoots appear 6-9 days after planting. As soon as sprouts appear from the ground, the covering material is removed and the containers with the plants are transferred to a well-lit room. For proper growth and development, seedlings need long daylight hours, otherwise the sprouts stretch out, become weak, and often get sick.

Gatsania seeds have sprouted, what to do next?

Seedlings also require timely watering, fertilizing and fertilizing.

Water the flowers with warm, settled water. When watering, it is necessary to avoid getting moisture on the leaves of plants. Irrigation measures are carried out as needed, preventing both the soil from becoming waterlogged and the soil from completely drying out.

How to feed gatsaniya seedlings?

If the seeds were planted in a purchased universal soil mixture, additional fertilizing will not be required. In other cases, mineral and organic substances are used to fertilize seedlings, strictly following the instructions on the packages with the preparations.

Rules for picking gatsaniya

Plant picking is carried out by planting bushes in different containers with fertile soil. Work begins as soon as 3-4 true leaves appear on the plants.

Proper care

Whether it will be possible to grow gatsaniya or not is influenced not only by the rules of planting it, but also by the rules of care. So, the plant needs to be watered on hot days. If necessary, add fertilizer to the water once a month. It is better to use mineral fertilizers for flowering crops.

Weeding the flower garden should be accompanied by loosening the soil. This should be done after heavy rains or heavy watering. This is important because the compacted earthen crust will block access to oxygen to the roots.

In the absence of precipitation, the plant needs to be watered every day. Inflorescences that have wilted should be removed regularly.

On poor and depleted land, gatsana will not bloom. Therefore, fertilizers must be applied here every 15-20 days.


In fertile soil conditions, the crop needs to be fed every 30-40 days.

You need to properly prepare gatsaniya for wintering. It needs to be dug up and transplanted into a pot, which should be moved into the house. But it is important to complete the procedure without errors.

Answers to frequently asked questions

To avoid mistakes when growing an exotic flower, you need to study the answers to the questions below.

What soil should I buy for growing seedlings?

African multi-colored chamomile is unpretentious to the composition of the soil. But for better growth and development of seedlings, it is recommended to purchase universal soil for garden flowers in order to plant seeds for seedlings.

How can you stimulate seeds for further growth?

To make seeds germinate faster, use professional growth stimulants for garden plants. Such preparations are purchased at flower shops or garden centers. To disinfect planting material, use a manganese solution.

Why don't the seeds germinate?

If the seedlings do not germinate for a long time, most likely the planting material purchased is not of high quality. Also, seeds can rot in soil that is too wet or planted too deep.

Why are seeds soaked?

Many professional flower growers recommend wrapping the seeds in natural fabric and soaking them in warm water the day before planting them in the soil. This event speeds up the germination of planting material.

How to harden gatsaniya seedlings?

Plants are hardened 10-12 days before transplanting seedlings into open ground. To do this, containers with plantings are taken outside every day and left there for 2-3 hours. After the measures taken, the plants more easily take root in their permanent place of residence.

What to do if gatsaniya seedlings do not grow?

If the seedlings have stopped growing, it means that the plants are experiencing some stress. Discomfort can be caused by improper lighting, irregular watering schedules, and lack of nutrients in the soil. In this case, it is necessary to establish the cause of the problem and correct the situation.

Soil mixture

You can purchase ready-made universal soil, but preparing the mixture yourself will not be difficult. The composition should include regular soil, ash and vermiculite. The main requirements for soil are looseness, lightness and breathability. Ash will saturate the soil with useful substances and prevent the development of certain diseases.

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