Ornamental grass - application in landscape design and selection of cereals (95 photos)


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Plants are found in all ecosystems of the globe, including the oceans. The plant kingdom includes trees, shrubs, shrubs and herbs. Of these, only herbs do not have woody parts. Some types of herbs - edible, ornamental, medicinal - are grown and used by humans for their own benefit. Other herbs grow independently in the wild.

Types of ornamental grasses

The diverse family of ornamental grasses allows you to create multi-level and multi-colored compositions. They are not whimsical, grow quickly, and are not capricious when combined with other types of plants. Their seasonal transformations from a grass carpet to original inflorescences, and then to snow-covered waves delight the eye throughout the year.

The picturesque compositions in the photo, consisting entirely of ornamental grasses, make us re-evaluate this type of plant for creative experiments.

Rockeries are a derivative of the rocky plain, a memory of mountain meadows. Stones play a very important role in the creation and design of a rock garden, both large boulders, pointed piles, and crushed stone filling of medium and small fractions. Plants for rockeries should be dwarf, low-growing, slow-growing, creeping and climbing. An indispensable attribute of any rock garden are dwarf conifers and junipers.

Watch the video: Ornamental cereals in the garden and country house

Here their role is not limited to filling empty spaces and framing spectacular colors; they come to the fore, striking with their original natural energy and riot of colors.

The names of many ornamental grasses refer to their appearance.

Planting a lawn

You can immediately purchase a ready-made lawn, for example, an artificial one, although this option will cost much more. To save a lot of money, you should start growing your own.

Let's look at how to properly plant grass for a lawn:

  1. Prepare the area, level the surface and moisten the soil.
  2. Plant in rainy and cloudy weather in early spring or late autumn. You should not do this on sunny or dry days, because... During this period, the earth may become covered with a crust, which will impede the germination process.
  3. Expect that up to 50 grams of seed will be spent per square meter. This value depends on the brand used, so read the exact instructions on the package, it will indicate the correct ratio.
  4. When sowing seeds, it is better to use a special tool, because this way the seeds will be scattered more correctly and evenly than if you do it manually. To do this, just make holes in the bottle or buy a special seeder.
  5. Then simply shake the container with the seeds above the ground little by little and make sure they fall evenly.
  6. When you finish sowing, cover everything with a small layer of soil using a rake.
  7. It is also necessary to compact the soil; for this you will need a heavy roller, which needs to be used to roll the surface.
  8. Don't forget to water at the end. Do this regularly, it is important to keep the soil moist.

When the grass has grown about 12 centimeters, start cutting. The best time to plant is at the end of autumn, when the warm summer has already passed and there is high humidity outside. So the snow will simply cover your future green canvas and simply maintain moisture in the soil.

Blue fescue

Blue fescue is a frost-resistant grass. The original bluish color of this cereal in combination with needle-shaped leaves creates an irresistible airy effect.

It looks good on borders and in flower and stone arrangements, but it needs sun to look beautiful.

Used for treatment

  • tinctures;
  • decoctions;
  • extracts;
  • infusions;
  • tea fees.

Despite its apparent simplicity and harmlessness, alternative treatment requires knowledge and caution. After all, for a positive result, medicinal raw materials must be collected correctly. And the tinctures, decoctions or extracts made from them are prepared only according to exact recipes. We should not forget about dosages. This is especially true for those medications that need to be taken orally.

Feather grass fluffy cloud

Feather grass fluffy cloud is a steppe unpretentious plant that, when growing, turns into original silky bushes; during flowering, the tips of the bush become pink or golden.

Another unusually beautiful variety of cultivated feather grass, “the most beautiful,” has the thinnest stems covered with transparent fluff.

Mace Bearer

The dense, seemingly bristling bushes of the gray macebearer are ideal for decorating borders 20-30 cm high. This light-loving and fast-growing ground cover plant takes root well in sandy soils of the middle zone.

№6 (807) / February 10 '15

About health
End. Start at No. 3 (804)– No. 5 (806)

Our next question is: what foods contain selenium? I'll tell you about foods and herbs containing selenium. We will remember how many micrograms of selenium are contained in a gram of product. Liver – 53, turkey – 71, duck – 68, chicken – 55, octopus – 49, egg – 32, corn – 30, rice – 29, beans – 25, barley – 22, lentils – 20, peas – 13.

What herbs contain selenium? I will name those herbs that are available to everyone, that do not harm, are indicated for everyone, have no side effects, have no contraindications and are not prescribed specifically. Someone will say: astragalus contains the most selenium. Yes, but it is not indicated for everyone; it is prescribed only by a doctor. And I will name herbs that are recommended for everyone and do not harm. Oregano – 50, currant – 42, dill – 30, angelica – 30, alfalfa – 25, flax seed – 19.5, chokeberry – 19, mistletoe – 17, licorice – 12, aspen (bark) – 15, pine needles – 10, pumpkin (seed) – 10. What does selenium give us? Resistance to stress and cancer.

How to brew the herbs you named?

Herbs with selenium should be drunk as a collection, one month on, one month off, added to any herb, to any collection. If you take oregano, dill, angelica, pine needles, the collection will be delicious for every day. Brew a teaspoon per glass. For some, a teaspoon is for prevention, and a tablespoon is a therapeutic dose. Drink for a month, take a month off.

And how is selenium useful?

Herbs with selenium strengthen the nervous system, restore the blood formula, hemoglobin level, and help against anemia. How does it affect white blood? Selenium makes leukocytes work, that is, it activates phagocytosis. In the body, tumor cells and inflammatory cells are constantly formed, they are formed every day. Leukocytes destroy them. Selenium causes leukocytes to be active, they come to life and quickly, quickly destroy everyone who is not needed in the blood. Selenium is stress resistance, cancer and blood.

Nowadays it is very important to stock up on warming seasonings. There are seasonings that are warming and others that are cooling. What seasonings are warming? Ginger, turmeric. Turmeric nourishes the brain, gives it vitality, so everyone who has elderly people in the family should buy turmeric in winter and add it every day to salads, to porridge, a little bit, the size of a match head. Nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, coriander, cumin - these warming spices can be mixed and ground in a coffee grinder. When you come home from the cold, quickly grab half a glass of hot water, add half a teaspoon of these spices (this is a dose sufficient to warm you up) and add linden honey, for example, and drink straight from the cold. Drink it yourself, it will be very good for the child, it will speed up the blood, a blush will appear, there will be a sparkle in the eyes, there will be a good mood. And also warm up the bones of your face. Now you are cold, come home, warm up the bones of your face so that your maxillary sinuses warm up well.

With what?

Heat a thin towel with an iron, place the hot towel on your face, from hair to chin, and breathe in this air while the towel is still hot. While you hold this one, heat another one, then another one. It is very good to drink caragana herb every evening with the whole family. Caragana is a very good immunomodulator (immunomodulators are indicated for everyone, immunostimulants are not for everyone. So, caragana is an immunomodulator); young spring shoots and flowers are taken. It is used for sore throat, tonsillitis, and inflammation of the gums.

We need to find more grass like this...

It is available in herbal shops. In general, during times of crisis, when it’s hard for every family, you need to drink herbs for prevention. You can mix several herbs at once into one brew, up to 10 herbs of different directions. For example, you take one herb for immunity, another for the liver, a third for the pancreas, a fourth for blood vessels, anti-sclerotic action, and mix it all. I now recommend anti-sclerotic action to everyone, because stress hits the blood vessels. To prevent a stroke or heart attack, we all now need to include anti-sclerotic herbs in our preparations.

You can view or listen to the full version of the conversation on the website of the Soyuz TV channel.

In other rooms:

Ophiopogon Nigrescens

A favorite of exotic lovers, Ophiopogon Nigrescens, a grass with black leaves, pink flowers and blue-black berries, can be a spectacular addition to exotic lawns, rockeries and alpine slides.

No less picturesque is the ophiopogon variety called Japanese with bright blue berries. This plant does not need winter shelter, is not afraid of temperature changes and wind, but requires maintaining air humidity and regular watering.

Choosing the type of lawn

Lawns are usually divided into several main types. The first involves seeding, where you grow the grass yourself and cut it regularly. It is for this type that it is worth choosing a plant. This is the most economical option, but at the same time it is labor-intensive.

The second is to purchase turf rolls with ready-made grass. In other words, this is rolled grass for the lawn, which can simply be rolled out on a pre-prepared area.

The third is artificial vegetation. For such a solution it will also be necessary to prepare the territory. These lawns are ideal for those who cannot maintain the garden themselves or hire a gardener. Artificial grass will not require regular mowing or watering, and its appearance will always be perfect. But it will be expensive.

When using artificial or cultivated grass, it is important to properly prepare the area. If you make a mistake, weeds may appear in the future and grow through the green cover.

Lightning blue

Blue lightning is another tall grass with glaucous leaves and blue-violet panicles. It also needs moisture, planted together with flowers with a similar growth regime, or decorates the edges of artificial ponds.

  • Planting trees on the site

  • Kerria or Keria: photo and description of the shrub, rules and subtleties of growing a plant with yellow flowers

  • Ornamental shrubs in landscape design blooming in autumn

The Miscanthus family deserves special attention. These giant-sized cereals with an erect stem have many varieties that differ in color and shape. This light-loving and moisture-loving plant, with a height of 80 cm to 3 m, needs protection from frost.

Used in mixborders, for decorating ponds, luxurious bushes of Chinese and sucrose miscanthus can become an exquisite decoration of green lawns.

When and how to sow seeds

Lawn sowing can be done from early spring to September. In spring, this is done from April, when the earth warms up under the sun and the moisture has not yet evaporated. In a humid environment, the seeds quickly swell and begin to germinate. Seeds sown no later than the second ten days of September have time to germinate before the onset of cold weather, and young shoots take root even before the first frost. The root system of plants endures winter with virtually no loss.

You can also sow in the summer, but for this you should choose favorable conditions: in cloudy weather, after rain. To prevent young seedlings from drying out, you need to water the soil all the time until the grass comes into force.

How to seed a lawn:

  • Calculate the seed rate for the entire lawn and measure the required amount of seed;
  • Divide all the land allocated for the lawn into small, equal-sized plots; Depending on the area, there can be 2, 4, 6 or more (it’s more convenient when you get an even number);
  • The mass of seeds is also divided into equal parts according to the number of plots;
  • Sow each area with one portion of seeds, scattering them evenly by hand;
  • You should move from the sown part in the direction of the not yet sown part.

A few weeks before sowing, the soil is dug up, and a few days later it is leveled with a rake. Immediately after sowing, the soil is leveled again with a rake in order to lightly cover the seeds with soil.

For better contact of the seed with the soil, it is recommended to roll the area with a light roller. It will compact the top layer, and the seeds will begin to germinate faster.

Useful video on planting lawn mixtures:

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