Plot of 10 acres: design ideas, zoning options and features of placement of main elements and buildings (115 photos + video)

It’s good to have a plot of 10 acres. With such a piece of land you can survive more than one season of city bustle and food shortages.

And if there is a house on its territory, then it will serve as an endless refuge. All that remains is to properly organize it and the site itself.

Purpose of using the site

The layout of a plot of 10 acres depends on its purpose. If you are a gardener, then of course most of it will be occupied by the vegetable garden.

It is necessary to calculate sufficient space for the beds so that it is convenient to walk between them.

If you like active recreation, you can make a large court for football or tennis.

Features of the garden layout

Before you start planning a 10-acre dacha plot, you need to familiarize yourself with some list of important aspects. These include:

  • Shape and size of the dacha area. In some cases, the garden plot may have an irregular shape. Most often this is an L-shaped terrain, which requires a competent approach.
  • Features of the relief. In addition to the shape of the earthen property, it is recommended to first familiarize yourself with its textural component.

Sometimes, with the correct shape and size, the presence of slopes and depressions is noted on the plane. To improve the garden, it is recommended to level the soil cover to a uniform level.

  • Composition of the soil mixture. The main disadvantage of modern soil is its structure. Quite often, the soil is half composed of sandy components. They, in turn, slow down the growth and development of flower and ornamental crops.

This will require an additional layer of black soil, which will regulate the biological balance.

  • Groundwater. A low level of water will help maintain the condition of vegetation in the landscape design of a summer cottage throughout all seasons. And here is a detailed overview of a plot of 8 acres.

  • Climate. In the process of choosing vegetation, it is recommended to take into account the climatic conditions in the area. For example, exotic plants prefer high humidity and excessive solar insolation.

This ensures their normal growth and development throughout their life cycle.

What can be done on a plot of 10 acres?

Not every owner can cope with the arrangement of a dacha area. To do this, it is recommended to seek help from a landscape designer. A specialist will help you choose suitable projects for the site. These include:

  • living sector. The area allows you to build a large and comfortable house;
  • economic zone. Often large areas are used for breeding domestic animals and birds;
  • rest zone. There is room for a swimming pool, gazebo and barbecue;
  • garden area. This project involves the cultivation of beautiful and unusual crops that will delight their owners every day.

How to create a project for landscaping a garden area?

Experienced designers advise adhering to the basic criteria that will help create an exclusive landscape project. These include:

  • calculation of area for decoration;
  • communication network layout;
  • soil composition;
  • zoning of the site.

By following these recommendations, you can make your homestead comfortable and cozy enough for a permanent stay.

Design of a suburban area: where to start

Creating a cozy country property and thinking through the design of a summer cottage begins with preparatory work to assess the available space.

To formulate a plan for the necessary buildings, plantings and reservoirs, it is worth assessing the available land area.

  • The presence of water sources (streams, ponds, springs) will affect the zoning of the future site and the choice of its design style.
  • Often a small stream becomes a conditional “dividing line” of the local area, and spaces for active recreation are arranged around the ponds.
  • Schemes of future engineering communications are created depending on the terrain: flat, hilly, replete with ravines or hills.

If the customer is a fan of abundant vegetation in the country, then the designer will need to pay attention to the quality of the land itself: the content of clay, sand, groundwater level. Depending on these characteristics, plant varieties are selected for arranging the garden, vegetable garden and decorative flower beds.

When ordering landscape design for a country house, a photo gallery of completed work will help you decide on the choice of studio.

If there are usually no problems with small plots, then even the layout of a plot of 10 acres already strongly depends on its shape. Traditionally, rectangular plots are easier to develop and zone than square or triangular options. In any case, there is only one way to plan a plot of 10 acres - a diagram.

It is compiled first and can give a complete picture of how everything will look after the work is completed.

Before planning an estimate, it is recommended to assess the general condition of the territory: whether a drainage system will be needed to get rid of excess moisture, whether it is necessary to level the area, or uproot trees.

After the preparatory work, they move on to land planning, with options drawn up on paper or using computer programs.

Exclusive design ideas

Despite the fact that the owner has the right to choose a free design style, a certain theme can also attract his attention. This may be a bias towards the East, ethnic exoticism, Mediterranean aesthetics. Methodically following the recommendations for their reconstruction allows us to bring the appearance of the territory to an absolute ideal. Let's look at a few examples.

Japanese garden

Creating a Japanese design option does not require overwhelming efforts from the owners. Here the main emphasis is on the harmonious combination of key elements. Their competent combination can give all guests true peace and everyday happiness. The tranquility of the eastern garden is conducive to philosophical reasoning, long contemplation of living nature, and rethinking difficult life issues. For those people whose profession involves active brain activity, being in this recreation area will be akin to being in a health clinic.

To create balanced beauty, you will need a combination of three compositional elements: stone, water and plants. If the first symbolizes indestructibility, then life-giving moisture symbolizes the transience of all things. Plants are a fleeting vision of beauty within the framework of eternity. The harmonious form of these fundamental components is the bridge connecting the eastern gazebo and the neat pond. It is desirable that the relief look as natural as possible. Therefore, the formation of a hill when digging up soil (during the construction of a pond) will only benefit the overall landscape. Ferns or coniferous trees can be planted on the resulting hill. If it is not possible to arrange a natural source of water, its imitation is allowed. This could be pebbles of pastel colors, laid out in the bed of a “dry” stream.

Wild garden

The name implies an imitation of the natural landscape. It is advisable to focus on the existing forest or steppe color near the boundaries of the plot. Using seedlings of local flora will also save on the purchase of plantings. You can always use wayward ferns, prairie forbs and ornamental weeds. Their interaction with a natural stone terrace will invariably cause awe in the owners. Therefore, it is worth focusing on varieties of flowers that will provide a picturesque clearing throughout the entire summer season. Wooden pergolas and decorative benches made of forged metal would be appropriate in this version of the garden. You can also provide for the organization of an area for making a fire.

European garden

It takes a lot of work to show off your European holiday destination to your friends. It is not enough to simply arrange stonework and shady trees. It is necessary to understand modern art and be guided by the laws of symmetry when zoning an area. Preference should be given to ideal rectangular shapes. Exquisite arches and elegant attributes of a bygone era can serve as a local accent. Antique sculptures, elegant fountains, wrought iron gazebos. When choosing between plant varieties, you should take into account the need for one to predominate over the others. These can be decorative cypress trees, tall shrubs. Unlike other directions, the spirit of respect for the past and pedantic order is important here. All paths should be smooth or circular, but not winding. The fences are well-groomed and proclaim the status of the owners. With due diligence, implementing this option is quite possible with your own hands.

Site planning procedure: general rules

A competent plan for placing the desired objects on the site is a guarantee of a pleasant view from the window, convenient use of utility structures and good harvests, and comfortable use of the recreation area at the dacha. The design of a plot of 10 acres - photos and projects for such an area are posted in the article - is not as easy to create as it might seem.

The site planning process is carried out taking into account three components.

Cardinal directions

Taking into account the cardinal directions when planning guarantees harvesting from fruit trees and beds, as well as natural lighting of a residential building. The northern end of the property is suitable for planting trees that create pleasant coolness and do not clutter up the central part of the land.

The eastern and southeastern sides are for creating a vegetable garden, planting fruit trees and arranging the main entrance to a residential building.

It is advisable for orchard fans to pay attention to the compatibility of tree and shrub species. For example, cherry trees and sea buckthorn should be planted away from other varieties, and cherries do not grow well next to plums.

It is not recommended to plant more than 15 seedlings on 10 acres. All this is extremely important to take into account when working on the landscape of your garden plot.


The magnitude of the slope of the territory and the difference in elevation levels are taken into account when placing the foundation of the house, as well as when designing outbuildings. The entrance to the living space and the artificial reservoir are located in the highest places of the land.

This protects the foundation and structures from the flow of water and pollution from the entire territory.

If you are the owner of a site in a low-lying area, the architect will recommend starting planning with the arrangement of a high-quality drainage system.

Depending on the groundwater level and the amount of rainfall, drainage systems are shallow ditches lined with tiles, or systems of narrow pipes and wells. They can also be skillfully integrated into garden design.

Placement of a residential building

A country building for permanent residence is the basis of the composition, around which the remaining elements are located. It is recommended to locate the house in the center, further from the fence and road, to reduce noise levels and allow the owners to enjoy the view of the garden from the window.

For example, the landscape design of a country house, the photo of which is posted below, meets all the requirements.

Large-scale buildings located on curved, triangular or trapezoidal areas look better when choosing projects with an abundance of broken lines.

Similar layouts of 10-acre plots with a house and a bath house accommodate a large number of spacious rooms, and the overall appearance of the house looks harmonious.

Before building a house, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the legal requirements for construction and consider the location of utilities.

The supply of gas, water supply, electricity and sewerage is all the job of specialized specialists, and this work must be completed before the construction of the house begins.

Workplace and relaxation area

On the site diagram it is important to indicate places for work and leisure. A properly equipped area will help you fully engage in gardening and gardening chores and have a pleasant time afterwards. Family events and friendly get-togethers are an important part of life that needs to be arranged with maximum comfort.

What about without a bathhouse? Any time of year is beneficial for a health-improving steam room with a broom according to all the rules of Russian relaxation. If the site is properly planned, then placing such a structure next to the house is quite possible.

In the same area, you can safely allocate enough space for a full-fledged vegetable garden or several large beds. Their design in the form of flower beds will highlight your style in a very original way, and greenhouses and small outbuildings will complement the workspace.

Planting plan

After the planning of the main objects in the design project is completed, you can move on to the stage of planting green spaces. To do this, marks are made on the document with the location of key objects: flower beds, greenhouses, decorative pergolas, lawns.

This allows you to visualize the recreation area in all its glory.

This will require compiling a complete list of seedlings that need to be placed on the territory of a summer cottage plot of 10 acres.

Also, when planning landscape design, you should take into account the maintenance conditions of all plantings. Since not all varieties can take root in a particular climate.

The characteristics of the soil, which were mentioned at the very beginning of the article, are also equally important. Such moments are taken into account at the planning stage, so that there is no sadness in saying goodbye to dead trees. It is better to plant suitable plants immediately.

Landscaping plan

When the selection of the most suitable plants is completed, it is necessary to carry out detailed markings of their placement. It might look like this:

  • All plants receive shading with colored pencils;
  • Each variety is marked on the plan with a specific number;
  • Opposite each number in the project the number of seedlings is indicated.

This method of sketching makes it easy to understand what needs to be done. And also quickly imagine the future appearance of the green area. Now let's look at this scheme using specific examples.

Distribution of buildings

It’s not enough to just decide on buildings; you also need to plan where and what will be placed. In this case, you should take into account the following nuances:

  • If there are several buildings on the site and they are located far from each other, all that remains is to plan the paths between them;
  • A residential building needs to be built further from the roadway so that dust and noise do not penetrate into it;
  • There are sanitary and construction standards that should also not be forgotten. The bathhouse should be located at a distance of at least 8 meters from the house, and the toilet should be placed at the same distance from the water well;
  • A blind fence can be installed on a site only with the permission of the owners of other sites;
  • The fence is placed no closer than 3 meters to a residential building;
  • Residential buildings on two adjacent plots must be located 10 meters apart. A greater distance is also allowed.

Flower beds

Everyone knows firsthand how pleasant it is to see bright flowers. Starting in early spring, their lush flowering can decorate the local area, flower beds and window sills of the house. If you choose the right plants, you can admire their elegant splendor right up to the first frost.

Therefore, it is important to follow the rules of proper planting and caring for them. However, owners do not always have the opportunity to monitor the flower garden.

In such cases, it is necessary to focus on perennial flowers with a bulbous root system. They can be used as a hedge or a fluffy rug for children. If owners have time to care for flowers, then choosing annual plants will bring them real pleasure every year.

When creating landscape design on 10 acres, you can use the following methods:

  • Border. Perennial flowers such as marigolds and asters will look good in the form of a border. It is also possible to decorate with annual low-growing plants;
  • Rabatka. To create it, a thick cover of carpet varieties of flowers is used. With the help of the latter, characteristic stripes of beautiful patterns are created. At the same time, combining colors (for example, wormwood with pelargonium) bordering the lawn is strongly encouraged;
  • Mixborder. The most labor-intensive type of flower bed. To create it, it is necessary to use plants with different flowering periods. It is natural that the height and shape of the flowers will differ. Despite the hassle, the effort is worth it.

Ponds, hedges, flower beds

Ten acres allow you to pamper yourself with a compact water “storage”. This could be a pond, pool or body of water. The back of the house is good for a pond. A hole is dug and filled with water. Water lilies will add completeness to the landscape.

In your backyard, you can landscape a small swimming pool with an original shape in the form of a “heart,” a triangle, or a regular (irregular) circle.

A low hedge with climbing vegetation and a flower bed in an original style are the decor of living nature. You can maintain the naturalness of the environment and rejoice when a new flower unexpectedly appears here or there.

For flower growers, true connoisseurs of beauty, there is complete scope for imagination. A beautiful flower bed that combines different colors, sizes and shapes of plants is a real work of art.

Trees and shrubs

On a given size of territory there is room for both fruit trees and ornamental shrubs. Before planting them, you should study the soil microclimate, the insolation of the zone, the characteristics of the prevailing wind, as well as the features of the relief.

The appearance of a blooming garden will also depend on the density of the tree crown.

Attention! The priority area for planting fruit trees is the northern part of the territory. Because this allows you to protect the area from the wind and leave sunlight for vegetable crops in the beds.

Hedges made of coniferous trees are almost universally popular. This is due to the unpretentiousness of evergreen plants that do not require careful care.

Through species such as pine, thuja or juniper it is easy to get shade in the summer, and at the same time hide the outdoor bathroom.

Decorative thuja has taken root in temperate latitudes so much that every second restaurant improves its territory with its help. However, the owners of a landscape design project for a plot of 10 acres should study the properties of three varieties of this tree: single shrubs, low-growing trees and medium-sized specimens.

Single varieties include “Danika” with its meter-long crown in the shape of a ball, and the low “Dorrit Little” with slightly smaller dimensions.

If the first variety has needles pointing upward, the second variety has needles pointing away from the trunk. That's why Danika's hair is cut extremely rarely - she's already pretty. The advantage of Dorrit Little is its low growth, which makes it easy to zone the land area.

To create a hedge, medium-sized varieties of thuja are often used. They not only decorate the landscape design on 10 acres, but also preserve the privacy of the owners. One and a half meter specimens of the same Smaragd perfectly tolerate winter conditions. The Reingold variety is also easy to care for.

Regardless of the choice of variety of this evergreen plant, it must be provided with the right conditions. The place should be well lit and watering should be regular.

Organization of pergolas and garden gazebos

Arranging these garden buildings on a given site allows you to relax in the cool shade in the hot summer and enjoy a drop of rain under a solid roof. It is this, together with the window openings, that distinguishes a gazebo from a pergola. Since the latter is characterized rather by a lattice canopy serving for decorative purposes. It is often decorated with climbing wild grapes or other climbing plantings.

Hanging baskets with bright flowers are also allowed. Such a building on supports favorably zones the recreation area from the rest of the territory.

The location of these buildings, as well as their size, must be agreed upon in advance. They are usually placed on a solid foundation of concrete or tiles to ensure the support posts are well anchored in the ground. The latter are made from hardwood or metal.

This is necessary so that the building is not blown away by powerful winds. The size is selected based on a certain number of people.

It all depends on the social activity of the owners. The typical height for such a building is 2.5 m. A paved path from the main structure should also be connected to the pergola. The garden structure can also be decorated with low-growing thujas or flower beds around the perimeter. The ideal option seems to be the arrangement of an artificial pond with carpet flowers in a circle.

Soil drainage

Without organizing an effective drainage system, owners risk putting the condition of capital construction projects at risk. Drainage must work flawlessly on those dacha plots of land that are characterized by a shallow depth of groundwater. Since the load on the ground, due to the placement of heavy structures on it, as well as the abundance of moisture at certain times of the year, can lead to flooding of all buildings. Therefore, allotment owners should properly install drainage and stormwater systems. The basic rules of the first organization include the following:

  1. Giving a slope to the drainage channels (a couple of centimeters of recess every 10 m is sufficient);
  2. Absence of strictly horizontal pipes longer than 5 m;
  3. Ensure that there are no channels with reverse flow of water in the system;
  4. Use of polyethylene or geotextile pipes as a material.

The stormwater system must cover the perimeter of all structures. It is mounted in parallel with the drainage.

Vertical gardening: benefits and beauty

Vertical gardening is used not only for decoration. With its help, you can, for example, hide the ugliness of a dull wall or an unaesthetic fence, shade a gazebo or hide a bench in the back of the garden from view.

For vertical gardening, climbing plants such as grapes, hops, and sweet peas are used.

The most common is the use of clematis in landscape design. Photos of vertical and horizontal gardening using clematis confirm this.

This plant amazes with its variety of shapes and shades. This allows it to be used in various design ideas. Clematis grows luxuriantly, its dense foliage will give you coolness on a hot day and can even protect you from the rain.

It is used as a hedge, for decorating tree trunks, pipes, arches, gazebos, and pergolas.

You can also use clematis to frame a rock garden or alley. The soft color of clematis will be an excellent background for other flowers when creating a flower garden.

By planting several shades nearby, you can achieve the effect of a green carpet with a bright palette of colors.

When working with this plant, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances of its use. The dense foliage of clematis does not transmit sunlight well, as a result of which moisture can accumulate under it, so you should not decorate northern walls with it.

Pagons cut at the wrong time can entangle windows or electrical wires, and leaves that have fallen from them can clog drains if they are not cleaned in a timely manner. Clematis grows strongly and requires constant care, but this is not a high price to pay for the beauty and picturesque view that this plant gives.

Trees and shrubs

The area of ​​the dacha plot is 10 acres, allowing you to place both fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs.

To ensure that fruit trees do not dry out and delight you with their fruits and appearance for a long time, you should definitely take into account the characteristics of the soil and microclimate, the illumination and shading of the area, the prevailing wind, the topography, the density and size of the crown.

For decorative purposes, designers often use coniferous trees. They do not require careful care; they can serve as a hedge, provide shade in the summer and provide greenery in the winter. Also, from a practical point of view, they can be used as camouflage for a compost pit or outdoor toilet.

Favorite types of conifers in landscape design are thuja, pine, spruce, and juniper. Their range is quite wide.

By selecting several types, you can tastefully decorate the entire area. Thujas are widely used in landscape design (photos of decorating a site with thujas will suggest the best options for their placement).

In order to make a harmonious composition, you need to know the properties of each type of thuja. There are three main categories:

  1. low-growing thujas (Danika, Dorrit Little, Hosery);
  2. thujas used in hedges (Brabant and Smaragd);
  3. single shrubs (Kornik, Reingold).

It is worth saying a few words about thuja varieties. "Danika" has a spherical shape with a crown diameter of about one meter. Needles looking up give this variety a neat appearance even without trimming.

The crown of Dorrit Little is also spherical, but slightly smaller than Dannika. The needles are directed away from the trunk. With regular trimming, such a tree will look very elegant. Its short growth (about 80 cm) allows this variety to be used in dividing zones on a site.

A hedge of thuja always looks solemn.

For this purpose, medium-sized thujas of such varieties as Smaragd and Reingold are used. They reach a height of one and a half meters and are able to not only decorate the area, but also protect it from prying eyes. These varieties tolerate winter well and are not demanding in care.

In order for a thuja seedling to take root, it must be planted in a well-lit place and initially watered thoroughly.

Stylistics of design trends

Despite all the advantages of designing a site with your own hands, it is better to become familiar with the main design directions. This will help avoid some mistakes, and at the same time allow you to correctly combine structural elements. You don’t have to be an adherent of some exotic style to create a cozy landscape design. It is enough just to have an idea of ​​the conditions for its arrangement. Let's highlight several popular styles:

  • Regular style. The most eloquent example of design in this style is the Park of Versailles. Its key features are ideal geometric lines, a harmonious composition with a thematic center, as well as the presence of decorative sculptures and fountains. In order for the human hand to be felt in this neat landscape design, it is necessary to trim the lawn in a timely manner and carefully form a hedge;
  • Landscape style. The purpose of such design may be to create unity with the local nature. Alpine design with its imitation of mountainous terrain can serve as a striking example of style. The idea of ​​a natural landscape is not new, but it is always a winner. The use of perennial evergreens, coniferous shrubs, and artificial ponds is encouraged. A stream in combination with multi-level flower beds will look even better. The best option seems to be organizing a rock garden with wild flowers;
  • Country style. You can easily create an attractive design using clay accessories, mixed flower beds, wooden buildings and artificially aged furniture. The same wicker fence and the installation of a decorative cart will perfectly complement the characteristic landscape of the countryside. Due to its versatility, this stylistic direction is used everywhere.

Gazebos and pergolas in landscape design: photo ideas for placement and decoration

You can soak up the shade on a sunny day or admire the rain in the fresh air in a gazebo or pergola. These garden buildings differ in that the gazebo has a permanent roof and walls with large window openings.

A pergola is a canopy on supports. The lattice cover for the pergola is decorated with climbing plants (clematis, grapes). Thanks to this, the pergola resembles a miraculous natural gazebo. With its help, you can create a spatial division of the garden and enclose a recreation area.

A place for a gazebo or pergola must be prepared in advance. They can be placed on a concrete foundation or tiles, connected to the house by a paved path. The optimal pergola height is about 2.5 m. The width and length depend on the preferences of the owners and the free space.

If you constantly have large companies gathering, then it’s worth building a larger pergola or gazebo.

To decorate a pergola or gazebo, you can use vertical landscaping from climbing plants and hanging baskets with flowers. The perimeter is decorated with carpet or border flowers or low-growing coniferous trees.

It would be appropriate to plant a flowerbed or an artificial pond near the gazebo so that you can admire the picturesque view while relaxing.

Decorative hedges

Hedges are a great way to save space in a suburban area and make it unique and different from others.

A hedge is perfect for dividing a site into functional zones

The easiest way to delimit an area is to use plastic bottles. Containers of the same color must be filled with gravel, sand or soil. A shallow trench is first dug, and the bottles are dug halfway into it. You can fill this border with either soil or stone chips. Of course, if you like unfilled bottles, you can use those too. But, as experience shows, such structures are not so durable.

A border made of plastic bottles can be used to limit a flowerbed or garden bed.

DIY alpine slide, rock garden and pond

The naturalness and pristine nature of nature can be reproduced in a summer cottage with the help of artificial ponds, rockeries and alpine slides (photos of landscape designs demonstrate a variety of design and placement options for these decorative structures).

Many people think that these decorative elements are difficult to reproduce for a person who does not have a design degree, but it is possible.

You just have to study the main stages of creating these structures and stock up on the necessary materials.

Before you start building a rock garden or artificial pond, you must choose the right location. The purpose of these natural objects should be pleasing to the eye, so it is best to place them in a visible place near the recreation area.

Lighting is also important. Since rock gardens and ponds are decorated with plants, it is imperative to place them in a well-lit area. For ponds, sunlight is necessary to prevent excessive seasonal flowering.

It is important not to forget about drainage; it will protect the rock garden from the natural processes of destruction by winds, precipitation and groundwater.

Zoning of garden space

This technique allows you to create several zones in the dacha area. What is zoning? Here you can place:

  • gazebo;
  • greenhouse for growing herbs and vegetables;
  • bathhouse for relaxation;
  • children's or sports ground;
  • decorative fountain;
  • pool.

The children's area should be located at a higher point. This will allow you to control the process of games and hobbies of the younger generation.

The artificial pond should be located at the lowest point of the site. This will allow you to easily clean the container and drain any remaining liquid. In addition, it is important to take care of the cleaning system.

To create decorative flower beds, it is recommended to choose flat places and areas. This will allow you to control watering of the plants. Water will be evenly absorbed into the upper layers of the soil.

It is recommended to plant climbing plants on the south side. They will help you hide from the sweltering sunlight. Wild grapes are suitable for this. This type of green vine creates a green hedge that lasts until late fall.

Shady places can also be decorated with garden plants. Suitable for this purpose: hosta, periwinkle or ostrich. The photo of a plot of 10 acres shows the best design projects.

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