On the limits of the obligation to improve and maintain the adjacent territory // Review of case No. A75-5671/2021

The landscaped area in front of the house is the pride of the owners. But what should you pay attention to when defining a project vision? How can you make your garden design more functional using modern technology? With GREEN GOOSE, garden design and construction are in good hands. In this article we present step by step all the stages of landscape design around the house.

Since 2022, GREEN GOOSE has been offering its clients comprehensive services that focus on supporting clients at every stage of realizing their dream space. Investors who decide to build a house from A to Z in our company receive not only a quickly and professionally built house, but also support in obtaining the necessary documents and permits, choosing a site and design, as well as designing a garden. We want the client to be able to get all the work they need done comprehensively from one reliable company - this not only improves and speeds up the work, but also gives the investor the peace of mind that comes with knowing a job well done. How does the garden design fit into the New-House? We present all stages:

Step by step garden design

Landscaped area: artistic tiling, rolled turf
A well-made garden design relies on a variety of structures. For example, important issues include: the client’s needs and expectations, his financial capabilities, as well as the condition and size of the site. That is why, before you begin designing and building a garden, it is necessary to have a thorough, detailed conversation with the investor. It aims to present ideas and concepts that the architect and contractors will follow in subsequent works. It is also imperative that the garden design is based on an analysis of the site. Studying the conditions and requirements of the area will allow you to properly adjust the plantings and irrigation system. After the interview and analysis, the architect prepares the appropriate garden design. According to the data provided therein,

Excavation work is an important step that should be carried out by a professional company. Then they will be performed not only quickly, but above all... correctly. Excavation work will prepare the ground for further work in the garden. What can be included in excavation work?

  • Irrigation System – Excavation also includes soil cabling to install an appropriate irrigation system.
  • Drainage – Step by step garden design often starts with drainage to keep the soil in good condition.
  • Wiring for mowing system – More and more investors are choosing an intelligent mowing system using a robot. This is a convenient solution that requires you to first run wiring across a piece of ground to determine the exact area to mow.
  • Excavation work for electrical wiring – front garden design requires good lighting, which in turn requires proper wiring.

Landscaping with coniferous plants: designing a flower bed in Japanese style
Planting - a beautiful garden requires planting. Selected together with the investor in accordance with his expectations, the architect proposes plants in accordance with the style of the house and the capabilities of the site. It is worth remembering that the design and decoration of the garden is always carried out in accordance with the financial capabilities of the client. There are people who dream of a lush, wild garden, and there are people who are looking for modest and cheap solutions. GREEN GOOSE architects have already collaborated with many investors and are able to adapt to individual expectations. For example, many people want trees to be included in their garden design - in this case there are two options: smaller trees for a few tens of zlotys or larger trees, which are much more effective, but also more expensive. Another example of financial disagreements in home landscaping. can lay grass. Some investors choose traditional hay, which is inexpensive, but the final results will have to wait. Other investors prefer to use a roll of ready-made herb - this gives a quick, delicious effect, but at a slightly higher price.

Functional development - when designing a garden step by step, one cannot do without such issues as the installation of a fence, driveway, and paths. Their design can be based on various materials, such as granite cubes, stone cubes or concrete slabs. You can see examples of projects at the link:

Additional variety - garden design and construction is increasingly being enriched with new interesting elements. Terraces are already a standard, ponds are also gradually gaining popularity. If the site allows, you can opt for an outdoor pool. You can admire this solution on one of our projects

Plot of land with GREEN GOOSE

Rolled lawn 2020.
Landscaped plot The GREEN GOOSE company offers the design and construction of a garden as part of complex housing construction throughout the Moscow region. We always make sure that our customers are satisfied, so professional service is our priority. We offer comprehensive services because we know that such cooperation gives the best results, as our clients have repeatedly written about.

Step-by-step garden design helps create a unique atmosphere at home. Research shows that many investors decide to build a house simply because they want their own garden. Good landscaping around the house allows you to spend quality time with loved ones, relax and enjoy the proximity of nature.

If you have any questions - be it about garden design or our other services - don't hesitate to contact us. We are available to you every day of the week from 8 to 21. You can contact us in any way convenient for you - by phone, email or via chat on our website. Detailed contact details can be found at:

Gardens in front of a private house

A pond in a small garden is not only decorative.
The shining surface of the water reflects the sky and the plants around it, making the garden optically larger. The design of even the most beautiful single-family home will seem incomplete without a properly designed garden. Thoughtful, adapted to the home and the needs of household members, landscaping is not only a beautiful visual effect, but also amazing comfort and additional space for relaxation. Gardens in front of a private house are an excellent solution.

Investors who choose custom garden design never regret their decision. It is worth emphasizing that a garden does not have to be associated with a commitment to growing vegetables and caring for the plants on a daily basis. A garden is a place where you should feel 100% comfortable and it should suit your lifestyle, expectations and financial capabilities. A well-thought-out backyard garden layout will guarantee you a place where you can relax, have a great time with family and friends, and most importantly, provide a lot of pleasure from watching the growing vegetation.

Landscaping of the yard area

We propose to study what principles of landscaping the courtyard area are outlined by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. First of all, the department notes that all Russian yards are united by a number of problems:

  • there are no clear boundaries between the city-wide territory and the yard,
  • there are not enough parking spaces,
  • lighting is not adjusted,
  • infrastructure for different user groups is not developed,
  • There are no areas for walking pets,
  • climatic discomfort.

There are six types of courtyards: with historical, low-rise, mid-rise, mid-rise microdistrict, high-rise microdistrict and modern high-rise buildings.

If you are concerned about the improvement of the courtyard area , then the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation recommends starting with the distinction between the private and public space of the courtyard. This is necessary to ensure the comfort and safety of various groups of the population.

To do this, you need to mark the entrance to the yard: install navigation elements and lights. To form the perimeter of the yard, and not necessarily with the help of a fence, it is best to plant a green fence. Afterwards, organize the main and secondary passages, arrange the entrances to the entrances: build ramps, bicycle parking, etc.

The next step to create a comfortable courtyard area is the arrangement of parking lots . The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation recommends organizing flat parking for residents of the house and linear parking for guests. It is recommended to discuss the number of parking spaces with the owners. It is imperative to provide parking spaces for the disabled .

To improve the lighting of courtyards, you need to install additional lights:

  • at the entrance to the house (5–7 meters),
  • on children's and sports grounds (7–9 meters),
  • near the driveways (7 meters).

The first group of users that should be taken care of are children. For their diversified development, it is necessary to organize playgrounds that meet the needs of different age groups: 0–3 years, 3–7 years, 7–12 and 12–15 years.

Children's playgrounds should be equipped with:

  • ballot boxes,
  • information stand,
  • hedge,
  • soft coverings,
  • seating,
  • canopy,
  • Board games,
  • themed game complexes,
  • elements for active games, etc.

Areas for adults should be focused on both sports and relaxation - include places for outdoor exercise equipment, table tennis, and board games.

The arrangement of areas for walking pets should improve the sanitary condition of the area and safety for residents. Such areas can be unfenced or fenced.

In an unfenced area, it is necessary to install an information stand, trash cans, seating and soft covering. For fenced ones, install an additional gate.

The need to determine the composition of the common property of premises owners in apartment buildings


Garden project

The terrace and its coverings are best designed together with the house and made from similar materials.
In order for it to acquire an intimate character, it is worth isolating it from the rest of the plot at least on one side. First of all, it is necessary to draw up an accurate work plan that will determine the design of the garden. Of course, you can do all the work intuitively, step by step, but the risk of making a mistake is too great. Then it is easy to get an effect that is incompatible with the original vision. The design of the garden should be entrusted to a trusted landscape architect - in this case, knowledge about plants and a creative view of the space are very important.

Installation of electrical equipment and irrigation systems

Automatic lawn watering system in action
Before the planting process begins, it will be necessary to carry out electrical installation and watering. An unlit garden loses its functionality. Based on experience, we also recommend an automatic watering system. Garden design with this solution is becoming increasingly popular among investors due to the fact that it greatly simplifies the process of garden care.

Lawn and green spaces

The final step to creating a front yard garden for a single-family home is to plant all the vegetation. It is important that flowers, bushes and trees are well suited to the construction site - its surface and climate. With a well-executed garden design, vegetation will highlight the beauty of the entire house. It is also worth remembering about the lawn - you can use a ready-made lawn or sow grass seeds.

Ready-made lawn

Rolled lawn is strips of finished lawn, cut from the ground and rolled up for ease of transportation and placement in a new location. Rolled lawn is treated for at least 15 months before it reaches your garden. At this time, it is intensively looked after, fertilized and watered using special equipment. Thanks to these treatments, we obtain a lawn with excellent operational and visual parameters. Our lawn is a smooth, dense, well-branched carpet with deep roots. An additional advantage of our product is that it is produced on sandy soil, making the turf easily rooted in any new substrate.

Rolled turf has more advantages than traditional seeding, it is immediately laid ready for use and provides an immediate visual effect.

Laying a lawn is simple and can be done by anyone, and the big advantage is that it can be installed almost all year round!

Our product is the ideal choice to get a great lawn in a very short time without much effort.

Arranging a home garden and the most common mistakes

And yet, investors, instead of entrusting garden design to professionals, decide to implement them themselves. Then it is not difficult to make simple mistakes.

One of the most common mistakes made during implementation is performing work without a predetermined plan. The lack of a specific key idea or main idea makes home garden design chaotic. Garden design will help you create exactly the garden you dreamed of. It is worth deciding on the planting plan, the course of the paths, the location of the terrace or gazebo, the method of watering and lighting the space.

Another problem that we may notice when building a garden is the incorrect chronology of the work being carried out. There is no point in carrying out construction work until all work is completed. The same applies to skipping earthworks. If you like gardens in front of a private house, but you do not have sufficient funds to implement them, it is worth doing it in small steps. It is better to do all the work slowly and end up with gardens from A to Z, than to skip all the previous elements and immediately start planting, expecting a good result.

The front garden of a single-family home often falls short of its intended purpose due to investors' lack of plant knowledge. It's really worth contacting a professional. Thanks to this, you will not only get a beautiful garden design, but, above all, vegetation that is well suited to the area. It is also important to arrange individual flowers and shrubs - some people do not like their proximity and this must be remembered. The designer, who ensures that the effect lasts as long as possible, will also provide you with information about the proper care of each piece.

Landscaping and lighting of the site

When the site is planned and marked, the issue of landscaping the area is then decided. A project is also being developed for planting plants. Shrubs and trees are always planted on the site. Whether it will be fruit or ornamental crops - here everyone decides for himself. In any case, green spaces will make the adjacent design richer and more diverse. Also, trees and tall bushes will protect certain areas of the yard from the wind and scorching sun.

When decorating a small house plot, preference is given to plants that bloom continuously. A grass lawn is being planted in the yard. It is also important to decide on the location of the flower beds. Flowerpots would be an excellent solution. Both ornamental and flowering plants are planted in them. Planting in flowerpots of lemon or cypress will be original.

If you have to landscape a large local area and need to plant a lot of trees, it is better to turn to professionals such as “GREENPROF”, here is the necessary section of their website https://greenprof.ru/services/posadka-derevev/.

Green beauty is created not only horizontally, but also vertically: arbors, arches, welded structures and fences are entwined with vines or weaving crops.

When creating landscape design, do not forget about street lighting. Fountains and waterfalls, individual plants, garden paths and sculptures are illuminated.

To illuminate the area, lanterns of interesting shapes are used on poles of different heights.

Sculptures made of wood, stone, and fountains are installed in open areas. Lake plants, such as mint, marsh iris or reeds, are planted around the perimeter of the pond or fountain.

How to avoid mistakes when arranging a site?

Garden construction will go smoothly if you choose to work with a professional landscape architect. The result of his work should be a project that meets three conditions:

  • Financial Adjustment – ​​Some investors dream of building a garden with a swimming pool, a pond, rare plant species and a driveway made of granite pavers. In turn, others want a garden design that is beautiful and functional, but at the same time cheap to make. The investor's task is to adapt his proposals to the investor's expectations.
  • Adaptation to site conditions - before starting design, the architect carefully familiarizes himself with the entire site. He examines the soil and its irrigation, gets acquainted with the detailed dimensions of the site. Its tasks also include familiarization with the characteristics of the environment and the elements already included in the spatial development plan. Moreover, a good architect will also select a garden design in accordance with the color and style of a private home.
  • Adapting to expectations is a very important issue in an architect's job - to complete a project in such a way that it meets the client's expectations and dreams. The architect realizes not his vision, but the investor's intention. The designer is only responsible for offering optimal, interesting solutions.

Front gardens by GREEN GOOSE



Landscaping in Mikhalkovo

Construction of an eco-parking area made of concrete lattice in Mikhalkovo, Moscow region. Photos of completed work Cost of landscaping work in Mikhalkovo


Laying of rolled lawn in Petrovo-Dalneye

Comprehensive landscaping of the territory of a private house in Petrovo-Dalneye, Moscow region: arrangement of a rolled lawn, planting of flower beds, landscaping, landscape design. Photos of completed work Cost of landscape work in Petrovo-Dalneye


Laying of rolled lawn in Ilyinskoye

Comprehensive landscaping of the territory of a private house in Ilyinskoye, Moscow region: arrangement of a rolled lawn, planting of flower beds, landscaping, landscape design. Photos of completed work Cost of landscape work in Ilyinskoye


Complex landscaping in Opalikha

Comprehensive landscaping of the territory of a private house in Opalikha: arrangement of a rolled lawn, arrangement of flower beds, landscaping, landscape design. Photos of completed work Cost of landscape work in Opalikha


Complex landscaping in Gorki 2

Comprehensive landscaping of the territory of a private house in Gorki 2: arrangement of a rolled lawn, laying out branches, landscaping, landscape design. Photos of completed work Cost of landscape work in Gorki


Pavement paths in Otradnoye

Arrangement of paths from paving stones on the site of a private house in Otradnoye, Moscow region. Photos of completed work Cost of laying paving slabs in Otradnoye

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By choosing to cooperate with GREEN GOOSE, you receive a guarantee of a comprehensive home construction, which also includes landscaping the front garden of a single-family home. We work with amazing landscape architects to ensure you get the garden design of your dreams. We also provide a ten-year sales guarantee. You should trust us - we have been doing this since 2022. We encourage you to check out our previous implementations: Our Works

If you have any questions about single family home front gardens, please contact us!.

Creation of landscape design of the site from Russad

Only professionals, experts in their field with many years of experience, can create a competent landscape design project that can transform a private territory. Knowledge of the features and nuances of the layout and a properly created design project will ensure a complete and harmonious creation of the image of an ideal local area. To do this, our designers use various natural components: water, plants, relief, soil features. Important elements that give the unique appearance of the landscape are garden paths, artificial ponds, gazebos for relaxation, sculptures, and alpine slides.

Landowners always have a choice - to preserve the landscape of the area as much as possible, or to radically alter it to suit their needs. Landscaping includes the creation of landscape elements that form the basis of the overall composition of the garden style. This is not only a carefully thought-out network of paths and platforms, but also the location of ponds, lawns, the arrangement of garden furniture and architectural forms, the creation of a drainage and reclamation system.

How much does it cost to improve a site?

A house with a garden is the dream of many people, this is not surprising - a well-designed garden will increase the aesthetic value of the entire project, as well as provide a place for relaxation for all household members. However, it is worth entrusting the project to an experienced person, only then can you be sure of a consistent, well-thought-out implementation. However, many people wonder how much it costs to design a home garden. We will try to break this question down into the main factors.

The cost of garden design is not an obvious matter. Many factors can affect the final price. Different landscape architects represent a wide price range. What to do in this case, what to do to make the project adequate? We suggest being guided by the contractor’s experience, the complexity of services and the number of positive reviews from previous clients. The cost of garden design should not be a determining factor in quality.


Service nameUnitPrice, rub
Consultation before purchasing a land plot (inspection of the site, soil condition, groundwater, location relative to cardinal directions, calculation of the cost of investments)m2negotiable
Site planning. Consultation before building a house (structure) on the site (correct placement of structures relative to the cardinal directions, entrance to the site, view points, etc.) m2negotiable
Visit to the site (measurements, photographic recording, consultation, preparation of preliminary estimates). When concluding a contract, the cost of travel is included in the cost of work negotiable
Site design (landscape plan, layout drawing, dendroplan, drainage diagram, lighting diagram, paving diagram). When ordering landscape work, we create a project for free 100 m2from 4000
Site breakdown (linking landscape design elements on the site)m2from 10
Preparatory work (site planning, clearing of small forests, clearing of bushes, garbage removal, vertical planning)m2from 70
Garbage removalm3500
Loading garbage into a containerm3from 490

Who is responsible for landscaping the local area?

By virtue of Part 2 of Art. 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the management organization under the management agreement undertakes to:

  • perform work and provide services for managing apartment buildings,
  • create favorable and safe living conditions for citizens,
  • provide CG to consumers in MKD,
  • carry out work and provide services for the maintenance and repair of equipment in the apartment building.

According to clause 11 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property, approved by RF RF No. 491, the management organization, including:

  • cleans and carries out sanitary and hygienic cleaning of common areas, a land plot that is part of the public area,
  • collects and removes MSW and MSW,
  • takes care of landscaping and landscaping elements, objects intended for maintenance, operation and improvement of apartment buildings.

But all this does not apply to land plots that are not part of the common property in the apartment building . The listed actions in this case are carried out by the owners of land plots.

National project of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation “Urban environment and housing and communal services”



Service nameUnitPrice, rub
Plowing the land with a walk-behind tractorm2from 40
Layoutm2from 30
Preparing the land for sowing a lawnm2from 80
Manual development/leveling of soilm31000
Turnkey lawn sowingm2from 145
Delivery of fertile soilm31400
Turnkey installation of rolled lawnm2from 490

The cost of work on cultivating the soil of a site depends on the method used and the total area, and is determined for each case individually. Of course, exact prices are calculated only after our employee visits the site. A specialist uses special instruments to analyze the soil topography, which determines the degree of unevenness and the possibility of oversaturation of the soil with groundwater and flood waters.

How is landscaping done?

Preliminary leveling of the soil. In the process, debris and all unnecessary elements are removed from the territory, and then earthworks are carried out. Proper, level terrain prevents stagnation of flood waters, which often cause rotting of vegetation on the site and flooding of basements. Stages of preparation for leveling:

  • old dried bushes and trees are cut down and writhing.
  • The area is cleared of old grass and other debris
  • inorganic waste is disposed of in a landfill.

Leveling the soil on the site of a country house. We take into account all the features of the land on which we work: soil characteristics, slope of the site, the possibility of the formation of standing water, light level. This allows us to achieve optimal results and create a lush, flowering garden or a bright, smooth lawn on the territory of a country house. To carry out the task, specialized lightweight equipment is used: it helps to quickly level the ground, but does not exert strong pressure on the ground. Additionally, manual labor is used in hard-to-reach places: along fences or near the walls of a house, where it is impossible to use equipment.

Further landscaping. Depending on the time of landscaping of the country house site (usually in autumn or spring), our specialists will plant fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. Separately, we arrange flower beds.

Immediately after leveling the ground, we plant a lawn using seeding or roll technology. From our company you can order a turnkey lawn: we will independently purchase seeds or rolled material, prepare the soil and plant the grass. Each method has its own characteristics.

  • Seed lawn. It acquires its final, well-groomed appearance two weeks after the grass takes root.
  • Rolled lawn. Already on the second day after laying it takes root on the ground: you can walk on it without fear of damaging the grass. Laying such a covering takes several hours: in its “disassembled” form, the lawn consists of several rolled up rolls of living grass turf.


Name of type of workunit of valueCost, rubNote
Monolithic retaining wallsm.p.+70%a percentage is added to the cost of the volume of concrete work
Paving with natural stonem2from 850path made of natural stone, laid without preparation on the ground, with the joints filled with lawn
Natural stone claddingm2from 1000
Natural stone retaining wallsm.p.from 950
Standard paving with paving slabsm2from 650laying out mosaics, figured paving and other patterns
Figured paving with paving slabs
Sand cobblestone walking pathm2from 350

You can order from us laying stone on paths using modern trends in landscape design!

What does garden design include?

People who are wondering how much a home garden design costs should first become familiar with the scope of work of a garden design architect. This is important so that you can determine the price range that you would like to attribute to such services. It will also be easier to protect yourself from suspicious promotions that have nothing to do with good garden design.

Analysis of needs and opportunities

The start of any work must necessarily be preceded by a conversation between the landscape architect and the investor. The designer must find out what the client's idea is and what effect he would like to achieve. It is also important to know its financial capabilities so that the solutions proposed by the designer are within these limits. The architect should also familiarize himself with the dimensions of the site, check the degree of soil moisture and check the current spatial development.

Conceptual design

The first stage of the architect's work is the conceptual design of the garden. It included the first proposals for landscaping, landscaping, paths and the like. The conceptual design is usually presented in the form of terrain projections, computer renderings, or (less commonly) a layout. Only after the customer approves the initial garden design proposal can we move on to the next work.

Executive Project

This is the next step towards realizing your dream. The landscape architect must provide the client with a fully developed site development plan, usually at a scale of 1:200. If the plan includes small architecture (such as a gazebo), the architect must also provide its cross-section and dimensions. In addition, there will be a wiring plan and a garden watering system plan. A very important element is also the presentation of the vegetation and design materials used. The detailed garden design includes a detailed estimate, thanks to which the investor will be able to clarify exactly how much a home garden design costs.

Land plot as part of common property

The courtyard area is a source of eternal disputes between premises owners and management organizations. A land plot is included in the UI in the MKD if it is formed under the MKD and is registered with the cadastral register.

Most often, the adjacent territory is owned by the residents of the apartment complex. According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 N 491, the adjacent territory is part of the common property in the apartment building , therefore the owners of the apartment building premises must pay for its maintenance and improvement.

For this money, management organizations maintain the local area in proper order.

A land plot under an apartment building is a local area with elements of landscaping and landscaping, which is classified as common property in an apartment building (Part 1, Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). This is common property, so it cannot become someone’s private property.

The boundaries and size of the local area are determined based on the requirements of land and town planning legislation (clause 4, part 1, article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). According to paragraph 4 of Art. 37 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, they can only be changed by the owners of the OSS, having made a decision to carry out reconstruction.

Land plot as part of the common property of the MKD


What is included in the cost of garden design?

The process of garden design consists of the same stages, but their volume, as a rule, is completely different and depends primarily on the development of individual works and the complexity of the plot. How much will the design and cost of the garden influence, among other things:

Condition of the site - the designer must familiarize himself with the capabilities of the site and, based on the results of the soil type and its irrigation, select vegetation. The landscape itself is also important - valleys, slopes and the like. The more demanding the area, the more difficult the architect's work will be, and the cost of garden design will be higher.

Client expectations - how much it costs to design a garden depends primarily on the requirements set by the investor. Some people want a simple, classic design, while others like original solutions, rich greenery and modern amenities. It is also important how much space the garden decoration should take up. A different cost will be for a small yard, and a different cost for a large, well-kept garden.

Gate to the territory of a private house

Any area is fenced. And the fence should not only serve as a fence, but also be a reliable, durable and beautiful structure.

For the gates of a private estate, the following options are used:

  • fences can be original, expensive, made to order according to an individual project;
  • modern shutter gates with an automatic mechanism;
  • classic fencing.

Gates are built from different materials. Some people also like wooden ones, like in this photo:

What to look for when checking the cost of garden design?

GREEN GOOSE has been operating in the market since 2022, and we know how important the financial issue is for investors when making decisions. We fully understand this and support our clients in finding the most optimal and profitable solutions. However, there are situations when it is easy to fall for an obviously advantageous offer.

Free garden design? Is garden arrangement free? We have encountered similar advertising slogans more than once. But let's consider whether it is possible to get an individual design for free, taking into account the capabilities of the site and the customer's expectations. A competently implemented garden design is a long and painstaking work that requires creativity, attention and, most importantly, relevant knowledge and experience from the architect. No one wants to offer their knowledge and hard work...for free. For free, you can only get a poorly made project that will not meet the plot or your expectations and financial capabilities. There is nothing to even expect a good effect from such an implementation.

How much does garden design and decoration cost?

We hope that from this article it is easy to conclude that how much a home garden project costs is not so easy to determine. The best solution is to establish individual contact with your chosen specialist, provide him with basic information about your site and requirements, and then wait for an accurate quote.

However, we recommend that you decide on a comprehensive cooperation, where gardens are created from A to Z. One company engaged in garden design and its subsequent implementation is not only a guarantee of more peaceful cooperation, but also an opportunity to save time. and money. When deciding on this form of cooperation, you should immediately ask how much the design and execution of the garden costs. Moreover, such services can also be outsourced to a company that builds a single-family home. This is how GREEN GOOSE works, for example. We offer our clients a full range of services so they can move into a completely finished home.

Stylish garden and yard

And again about the plan for landscaping the territory. Don’t be lazy, the project is needed so that you don’t have to move established plants or even structures to another place. First of all, the plan highlights recreation areas, garden areas and vegetable beds.

Landscaping the site of a private house assumes that decorative garden elements will also be placed. These include the following options:

  • stone slides consisting of natural stones, cobblestones, pebbles or crushed stone;
  • waterfalls, fountain and artificial ponds;
  • decorative figures made of stone, wood or plaster.

There are also small architectural elements, for example, a decorative garden mill. Or decorative useful structures, for example, a birdhouse, into which bird food is regularly poured.

Garden design includes the distribution of garden area into functional zones. On the garden plot there is a gazebo or garden house and a children's playground. Flower beds or rock gardens are located not far from these buildings. If the area of ​​the site is small, then two or three zones are combined into one. Garden furniture is used to arrange gazebos and recreation areas. Manufacturers make furniture from processed materials. This allows you not to cover or remove furniture from the open space even during rain.

To divide the garden, vegetable garden and yard into separate zones, elements such as screens or arches are used.

Among the fruit trees, spectacular green lawn carpets and various shapes and colors of flower beds, decorative figurines and pieces of furniture look stylish. Many decorative elements are made by hand.

When creating a project, the main buildings are a house and a yard with outbuildings. The following structures are used in the yard:

  • Area for the hearth, which is located at a distance from residential buildings.
    For example, such a structure would be a gazebo with a large stove or a stone fireplace. Garden paths and pieces of furniture are tied to this building.

  • An open-air dining room or kitchen is a great opportunity to spend time eating in the fresh air. Various canopies are used for protection from the sun and light rain.
  • When developing a design project for a site, be sure to include a gazebo. The grill house also looks original and impressive in the garden area.

  • Those who like to steam and relax in thermal baths complement their property with a bathhouse.

  • It’s great when you have the opportunity to make an outdoor or indoor pool in your yard.
  • They will also equip a children's playground, because it will not only bring joy to the children, but will also give adults the opportunity to relax while the children have fun.

We recommend you study: creative ideas for garden beds at the dacha with your own hands, so that you can quickly and inexpensively

Home garden construction and design from GREEN GOOSE

The GREEN GOOSE company has been operating in the construction market since 2022. We offer turnkey construction of single-family houses, and our extensive range of services also includes professional landscaping of the space around the house. Our architects prepare a project taking into account the plot and expectations of the client, and we undertake its implementation. We carry out landscaping, install irrigation and lighting systems, lay paving stones, build small architecture and many other works. The scope of cooperation depends on you; we offer professional execution. We recommend that you read the opinion about our company and familiarize yourself with our previous projects

Do you want to know how much it costs to design a garden with our specialists? Do you have a question about our services? We invite you to contact us, we are available every day from 7 to 21. Our detailed contact details can be found on our website

Improvement of the territory of the Moscow region per m2 FROM 100 RUB.


How do we improve a summer cottage without complex design?

Landscaping and landscaping is not as complicated a process as many prices for landscape work make it out to be. For this purpose, it is proposed to develop a design project for the site, sketches and entire books of documentation. If the customer has a desire and a free budget, this approach is justified. At the same time, most owners of country houses even do interior decoration without a project, let alone less important landscaping work! Yes, it is necessary to have a landscaping and landscaping plan, and we always help develop it for free. For most dacha plots in the Moscow region, this is enough to create a well-groomed and beautiful local area. Sometimes we work even without a plan: we start by leveling the site, and already in the process the owner decides to pave the paths, sow the lawn and orders complete landscaping and landscaping from our company.

Depending on the condition of the territory and the wishes of the customer, Zemlyochist employees provide the following types of services:

  1. Plowing the fertile layer.
  2. Leveling the site or creating artificial relief elements.
  3. Clearing the area of ​​roots, stumps, dead wood, debris, and old buildings.
  4. Arrangement of rolled and seeded lawns.
  5. Planning and paving garden paths, blind areas around the house, parking area.
  6. Final cleaning and laying of paths at the dacha from the site.
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