Do-it-yourself garden crafts from improvised materials - interesting master classes, photo ideas, tips

To prevent children from getting bored at the dacha, a playground is created for them. Parents and older relatives can take part in the child’s games. If necessary, children can play under supervision from home for a certain time. To prevent children from being distracted from the game, certain buildings are needed where they can play for a long time. The play area requires conditions where toys can be taken out in order to use them outdoors.

If several kids come, it will become more interesting to play. We need crafts where games will simulate scenes from animated films or fairy tales. Then staying outside the city will become an interesting fun. The playing field will need to be updated periodically, as your interests change as you grow. It is advisable to be somewhat ahead of growing up.

What materials can be used to create crafts?

Before you begin the aesthetic arrangement of your garden or vegetable garden, you need to carefully consider the idea of ​​decoration.

The design solution can be anything: from embodying images of a favorite literary work to creating interplanetary transport. It all depends on the owners of the site, more precisely, on their abilities, available free time for creativity, and the possibilities of the family budget.

Today, crafts for the garden can be made:

  • made of metal;
  • made of wood;
  • made of concrete and/or cement;
  • made of stone (both natural and artificial);
  • made of brick or rubble;
  • from plywood and chipboard;
  • from cardboard sheets;
  • from unnecessary furniture items;
  • from tires;
  • made of plastic.

When choosing a material you need to consider it:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • resistance to mechanical influences.

These criteria will help determine the possible scope of use of this or that type of “raw material” for country homemade products.


The neck of the bottle is cut off. This is the shape for the leg. The walls are covered with soap and water plus oil. Ratio 2:7:1. The emulsion is applied with a brush. The plaster is partially diluted in accordance with the attached instructions and poured into the mold.

To save money, you can insert a bottle into the solidifying mass and press it down with a press. Then the leg will become hollow. After about forty minutes, the workpiece hardens and is removed using a knife for further processing.

Decor from improvised materials

A small vertical garden can easily be made using scraps of plastic pipe or gutter. They will need to be attached one above the other to a vertical surface. Such placement will allow them to form a natural flower wall.

A novelty in landscape design is a funny hanging garden of ornamental plants, made from unnecessary buckets. Suitable containers should be painted in any rich colors, hung along the perimeter of the fence with hooks, and flowers should be planted.

You can update the gazebo by nailing wooden boxes in the form of shelves to its walls and placing a composition of plants on them.

You can give a flower garden an unusual look by decorating its edges with painted flower tubs, which can serve as both a fence and a living border. It is also appropriate to use tree branches and cuttings to mark the border of a flower bed.

If the yard area is limited, design masters recommend decorating it with a multi-story flower bed made from pots of different diameters standing on top of each other.

Variety of compositional elements

When one type of material is chosen as a basis, this allows you to combine figures of different themes into a common design style. Decorative figurines made of wood, stone, and ceramics look great. It is easier to use gypsum and plastic in your work.

Small crafts installed at the dacha can represent various “characters”. The presence of other interesting structures brings admiration and joy. A bridge, a hut, a small bench. And although they are not intended for practical use, you never get tired of looking at and admiring them.

Crafts from plastic bottles

Modern bottles for mineral water and lemonade come in a variety of sizes, colors and shapes. Therefore, they are a convenient “raw material” for garden crafts. From plastic you can get:

  • a gorgeous palm tree, a beautiful spruce or pine tree, voluminous flowers;
  • an adorable pig, an intricate hedgehog, an elegant butterfly, a ladybug or a dragonfly;
  • figurines of various birds and amphibians;
  • aesthetic fencing of flower beds and playgrounds;
  • garden furniture;
  • gazebo;
  • greenhouse;
  • flowerpots.


A tree house is every child's dream. A children's playground with an unusual house full of secrets will become every child's favorite place. Building a house is not so easy.

To do this, you need to buy the required amount of materials and make drawings. You won’t be able to build the structure alone, so find an assistant. You can connect the house with a ladder and a slide. Below you can place a swing and a sandbox.

Garden accessories made from bottle caps

Plastic bottle caps are the easiest material to create exquisite mosaic images. They are glued or nailed to the base and covered with two layers of varnish. In this way, you can make not only panels and paintings, but also rugs.

Also, such improvised means are used as a compact paving surface. And by stringing them on a fishing line, you can get a nice little curtain covering the opening of the front door in the gazebo.

Children's sports grounds: climbing wall, etc.

Climbing walls, trampolines and rope installations allow not only to have fun outside, but also to get a fair amount of exercise, both for children and their parents. And if you are too worried about your child, then just add a mattress!

Let the following children's playgrounds be a source of ideas for you:

Tire decor

It’s easy to turn an old large tire, for example from a truck, into a pond - just cover it with film and fill it with water, and lay pebbles or river sand around the perimeter.

Tires are often used in the construction of sports and playgrounds. They make good obstacle courses, swings, sandboxes, etc.

You can also make stylish garden furniture from tires. Another original idea is an unusual flower bed. To create it you will only need a couple of hours of free time, and you can involve your child in painting.

Playgrounds for creativity

Some children's fun is often not to the taste of their parents. The first place among them is occupied by musical experiments (hitting something loud on something heavy) and artistry (“hello wallpaper, why are you so boring?”). By arranging your yard according to the example of the following photos, you will no longer have to limit your child in the manifestation of his talent.

Garden Sculpture Ideas

A variety of materials are used to make figurines yourself. Sculptures for the garden can be concrete, plaster, wood, wire, made from household utensils and even cast from foam.

The fence will sparkle with new colors if you decorate it with carved plywood figures of domestic animals and birds. Ceramic pots for indoor plants can also play the role of a good “raw material” for country crafts.

You can create original figures of insects, chickens, geese from balloons and concrete. Consider the master class:

  1. Inflate the balloons to the desired size.
  2. Make a concrete solution.
  3. Cover the balls with the prepared mixture and leave to dry for a while.
  4. After the concrete has hardened, remove the balls, cover the blanks with paint and use them as components of amazing garden sculptures.

Having soaked a piece of burlap with cement, it must be carefully hung on any cylindrical object, draped beautifully. And after drying, the workpiece should be painted or decorated in some other way. Then you need to fill it with soil and plant the plants you like.

A similar technology is used to create figurines. These can be dolls, animal figures made of rubber or plastic. All that is required is to coat the finished templates with cement mixture and cover with paint.

Today, many good crafts have been invented to decorate the local area. The Internet is full of photos on related topics. You can use a ready-made idea or come up with something of your own based on it, getting a truly unique decor.

Decoration of areas of kindergarten No. 267 in Izhevsk

Yesterday we received a letter from Olga Zakharova, a teacher at Izhevsk kindergarten No. 267. You, of course, remember what wonderful snow sculptures the teachers made last winter, and what educational plastic crafts they sent to our competition. And now - new works: garden crafts made from waste material, which teachers decorated the children's areas with their own hands. I think these photographs will be useful to you for decorating your site and buildings, and will even inspire you to create new fantasy crafts.

“I’m sending you photos of our “masterpieces.” This summer, our kindergarten is working on a project dedicated to the year of literature, so we have a “Fairy Tale Corner” in our areas.

Our teachers, according to the age of the children, created characters from fairy tales familiar to the children. Various materials were used: plastic bottles, polystyrene foam, isolon, discs, broken toys, mayonnaise lids, jars, bottles and much more. Decorating kindergarten areas with your own hands is our good tradition. We want to share photos of our crafts with you.

Educators prepare all the design during the school year in order to use it to work with children during the summer recreational period. Many of the crafts are made by the interested and creative parents who are present in each group.

Turtle Tortilla from “Pinocchio” to decorate the site.

Turtle from a plastic bottle, group No. 2 of our kindergarten:

Zebra and giraffe made from tires in the kindergarten:

Car (mockup of painted tires):

Storks, group No. 2:

Attributes for outdoor games, group No. 4:

Exhibition of works “Daddy’s hands never get bored” - ideas from parents.

Glukhova Larisa Vladimirovna, group No. 4 - decorating the kindergarten veranda with your own hands.

Thumbelina, group No. 2:

“Geese-swans”, teacher Belova Svetlana Borisovna:

For sports games (larger mat here)

Giraffe made from bottles and spoons, group No. 2, teacher Galina Vladimirovna Kochurova:

Visual reference points for children - used in working with young children (we came up with an “Umbrella” option, on which multi-colored butterflies hang, they attract the attention of children.) In groups, for example, they hang balls of different colors on strings. And in stores there are also “visual reference points”, they also come in musical type “carousels”, they are hung above the baby’s crib. They develop stable visual fixation, are used to strengthen the eye muscles, and colors are fixed at the same time.


"Little Red Riding Hood", gr. No. 4. Teacher Natfullina Zoya Mikhailovna:

Crocodile from an egg carton:

Knitted “Ryaba Hen” (taken outside in good weather :))



The plane is made from a box, covered with wallpaper:

Owl made of bottles and discs, group No. 2:

Theater for kids "Masha and the Bear", group No. 9:

A sewn awning for a gazebo, handicraft by teachers of group No. 9. Entrance:

Side views:

Sandbox awning, group No. 6:

Three Little Pigs, group No. 9:

Wonderful work! Some of them you can’t even dare call crafts made from waste material, for example, Eeyore is simply a miracle! And what an awning for a gazebo! How much work is put into making, gluing, painting, knitting, sewing so many different things to decorate children's areas! In my opinion, the children were very lucky with their teachers.

Now you know how to decorate a garden area . If you also have photos, send them, we will be happy to publish them.

See new works by teachers of kindergarten No. 267 here.
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Tags: Crafts from waste materials, Crafts from plastic bottles

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Discussion: 27 comments

  1. Olga Mamina:
    July 29, 2015 at 4:35 pm

    How amazing! There are so many cool crafts in this kindergarten! I am sure that children in such a kindergarten will find it very interesting. Well done parents and kindergarten staff! Everything is done with creativity and love, it’s noticeable.


  2. Tatiana:

    July 29, 2015 at 07:20 pm

    All the garden crafts are simply eye candy! What I liked most about the car was the tires. My grandson would be interested. Original ideas, thanks


  3. Olga:

    July 30, 2015 at 0:40

    Indeed, the children were very lucky to have teachers. Such teachers are very rare........


  4. Larisa:

    July 30, 2015 at 1:24 am

    The crafts are just super - yes, the kids and their teachers are just lucky - rarely anyone would do something like this, especially in our time...


    Albina Nikolaevna:

    July 30, 2015 at 6:53 am

    Larisa, I don’t agree with you that in our time only kindergarten teachers from Izhevsk do these crafts, many teachers decorate their kindergartens, only some advertise them, while others do not. Yes, and in the work of educators it is written that the territory of the kindergarten should be landscaped, some, as teachers of this kindergarten, do this themselves, some involve parents, and this is also important, but those kindergartens where there is money attract auxiliary workers and hired artists. I haven’t seen a single kindergarten (in our village and city) where there was an empty area.



    July 30, 2015 at 12:48 pm

    Hello, Albina Nikolaevna! What do you mean by empty territory? In our kindergarten (by far not the worst in the city), there is only a standard set: verandas, sandboxes, slides (which you cannot climb), some iron cars. The teachers only plant flowers and keep order. Of course, we can’t ask for more for such salaries, and we’re happy about that, it’s clean. And in Izhevsk people try so hard (not under pressure). I think this is what Larisa meant.

  5. Olga:

    July 30, 2015 at 5:17 pm

    Albina Nikolaevna, indeed, the playgrounds at kindergartens are, of course, not empty - the standard set is present, but I have never seen such enthusiasm in our city either. My aunt worked in a kindergarten all her life, she was very respected by her parents, loved by children, but her enthusiasm did not extend beyond the standard kindergarten program beyond preparing for theatrical matinees and preparing for school; she was never involved in landscaping the playground.

  6. Larisa:

    July 30, 2015 at 5:39 pm

    It seems to me that the Izhevsk kindergarten successfully selected an interested team. You can’t accomplish such projects alone; you need at least a small group of activists, which the rest will follow. Smileys are back =)

  7. Olga:

    July 30, 2015 at 5:42 pm

    With a core of enthusiasts - absolutely spot on!


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