We create garden figures with our own hands. Simple and interesting ideas from scrap materials (125+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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Vladimir 03/23/2020

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A vacation at the dacha may well replace a week at sea, especially if it is clean, cozy and beautiful. Do-it-yourself garden figures help create a unique design and bright exterior. If you put in a little effort and use your imagination, you can build extraordinary sculptures from the most accessible materials.


Cute touches for the garden

For many people, a garden is not just a useful area for growing berries and vegetables. This is a place where the soul can rest after stressful workdays, the bustle of the city and everyday worries. Here you can recharge your batteries, relax properly, and feel relaxed.

A place that was created with love will definitely respond to you with a warm and peaceful atmosphere. Friends and relatives will be happy to come here to sit by the fire in the evening and have a barbecue in the open air. And even weeding the beds in the morning won’t scare anyone.

Of course, ready-made statues can be purchased at garden stores. But it’s much more fun to create your own, unique designs, showing creativity and artistic taste. Moreover, the process brings all participants together very closely; all family members, even the smallest ones, can be involved in it.

Dimensions of decorative figures

In addition to the color scheme, it is necessary to take into account the size of the local area. A small area should not be oversaturated with figures of all sizes and shapes.

It is better to choose one or two large sculptures and create competent compositions with them. Filling the space should be done gradually, examining the area from all sides. You can create a smaller layout using photos of garden figurines.

Any garden in itself is beautiful. Only a few additional details need to be added to this harmony for it to transform and sparkle with new colors.

What kind of figures are there?

Phlegmatic Tortilla

You can come up with and implement any ideas. Some people want to “plant” fancy flowers in their yard. Or make original flower beds and flower beds for living plants.

Others want to elegantly design garden paths, hang an unusual swing, create a chic lantern or outdoor washbasin. Some people have magical gnomes and good fairies, forest animals or pets “living” in their dacha.

A country yard with a pond is inhabited by frogs, flamingos, fish, and its banks are skillfully decorated. In a corner you can create a funny clearing with porcini mushrooms led by the important fly agaric. Without limiting their imagination, they create entire fairy-tale towns with different characters.

Fans of abstract art will love the options for casting their own unique statues. Working with polyurethane foam helps to build unusual and unique structures. Even from old iron rods, waste wire and ordinary cobblestones you can create chic things.

How to make figurines for the garden?

You can start with ordinary spherical ornamental shrubs, gradually complicating the task. The result will be a unique, fairy-tale park, decorated with non-existent animals and plants.

Proper lighting will help add a touch of mystery and make it even more original.

Before you start creating

A hut on chicken legs

In any work, even creative work, adherence to general rules and adherence to the concept are required. Garden decoration is no exception. Otherwise, you risk creating a tasteless landscape of chaotic objects, the puzzles of which do not fit into a coherent picture.

So, check out these helpful tips before you start:

  1. Pre-select the places where the figures will be installed. For some of them it will be necessary to prepare the foundation. This should be taken into account so as not to interfere with the growth of garden crops
  2. Look around your garden and determine what style its design belongs to. It could be a Japanese design or a simple rustic country style. Or maybe there are romantic accents or elements of the high-tech genre?
  3. It is necessary to clearly understand that cute colored hearts and balloons will not fit into the world of metal structures, and fairy-tale characters will feel strange in the exterior of the Japanese landscape
  4. Let the size of the figurines be combined with the size of the rest of the garden items. For example, among large trees you can install a large mushroom. And next to low bushes it is better to place small gnomes or lambs
  5. All designs must be compatible with each other. If you have chosen the theme of children's fairy tales, you should not add iron lizards made of nails and nuts, abstract geometric spheres made of cement, or wooden bicycles with flower pots.

Practice moderation. Sometimes it's so hard to stop, especially once you get the hang of it. However, several funny figures in different corners of the dacha look much more harmonious than a pile of them over the entire area.

DIY garden decoration

Designing a country house is a very responsible and exciting activity. It is necessary to think through every detail, every element.

This statement fully applies to decorative figures. There are a huge number of their types, so you should accurately imagine what style will be used when decorating the site.

If the owner of the house is a person with imagination, then he can always make figurines for the garden with his own hands. Figurines can be carved from wood, made from plaster, metal, glass and cold porcelain, shells, stones or original branches.

You can invent your own, individual style, or you can mix all styles and create a new one - there are no restrictions here.

An experienced gardener can easily decorate his garden with topiary figures. They look very unusual, but require certain knowledge and skills.

We recommend reading:

  • Do-it-yourself rock garden: step-by-step instructions on how to create a beautiful rock garden (145 photos and videos)

  • DIY stone flowerbed - 140 photos of stylish and beautiful ideas on how to build a stone flowerbed

  • Living fence at the dacha - 150 photos and videos of step-by-step instructions on how to create a tall and beautiful fence

What are sculptures made of?

Final stage: painting

The most popular materials are:

  • Old car tires
  • Unnecessary plastic bottles and eggplants
  • Gypsum
  • Cement
  • Polyurethane foam
  • Wooden blocks, logs, winding driftwood

In addition to the specified raw materials, be sure to prepare primer and decorative paint, metal rods for frames, construction glue, protective gloves, scissors and pruners, and other auxiliary tools.

Master class on creating decor from plastic bottles

Country crafts made of plastic

Plastic bottles are a favorite material for amateur garden decorators. It has a lot of advantages:

  • Long lasting, durable
  • Easy to work with and easy to paint
  • Can be fixed and installed
  • Available and cheap

And also, it allows you to create amazing things: cool animals, luxurious birds, graceful flowers . Let's look at a few simple options.

Pink flamingo

Pink flamingo

Pink flamingo This bird looks graceful and incredibly beautiful. Despite the apparent complexity, creating this miracle is not at all difficult. Flamingo will fit perfectly into the design of your garden, giving it a sophisticated piquancy .

Prepare: 4 plastic eggplants, 1 liter bottle, hose, 1 lid, 3 metal pins, pink paint, brush, large scissors.

  1. Take a whole bottle with a lid and make a hole in it. This is the body of the bird, and the neck will come out of the hole. At the bottom, make holes for two metal rods that will act as legs.
  2. Cut the remaining bottles. Cut them into long, narrow feathers. Cut the edges of each feather around the entire perimeter into thin strips
  3. Make thin cuts in the upper part of the flamingo's body and insert feathers into them. The number of holes should match the number of feathers. Insert shorter specimens closer to the neck; in the tail area, on the contrary, insert long ones.
  4. Insert the bent rod into the neck area and place the hose on top. Attach the head to the end. It is made from a part with a neck from a cut-off liter bottle
  5. Attach rods-legs to the bottom

On average, the height of the figure is 1.2-1.5 m. To make it stand steadily, you can pour a cement foundation. Finally, paint the bird with paint, and the leaves, body and head can be painted in advance.


Wonderful and bright daisies

Daisies To make these wonderful daisies, prepare metal pins and a hose for the stems, eggplants and paint. Cut even petals and leaves from the walls of the bottles. Use the bottoms as the core.

Glue petals to the inside of each bottom with construction glue. Place the structure on the rods with a pre-attached hose. Attach leaves and paint each flower.


Delicate bells

Bells Study the picture: it’s easy to repeat the design even without step-by-step instructions. Metal tubes for stems, bottles with caps, wire for securing inflorescences and scissors for cutting will come in handy.

Finished bells (cut, bent and painted) are attached with wire to the stems, which are securely connected to each other in the lower third of the base and dug into the ground


Cool family

Pig It's even easier to create pink piglets. Find bottles and eggplants of different sizes and fill them with sand. Cut one and cut out the ears that need to be inserted into the “head” area.

Next, simply paint the pigs pink, including the lid. Draw the eyes. Make a neat patch with nostrils using black varnish.

Experimenting with wood

Wooden figures

Wood, unfortunately, is not durable. It fades, so the colors of the figures will need to be updated from time to time. It also gets wet from moisture, so the statues should be covered during rain and wrapped securely for the winter.

But such structures fit perfectly into the rustic style and look very cozy and pretty. The parts are connected to each other with ordinary nails, so the structures are quite strong.


Goat made from birch chocks

Goat To make such a goat, find two birch logs. Make holes into which you will need to drive the neck and 4 legs. Prepare narrow sticks for these body parts.

Connect all the parts and secure with nails and a hammer. Attach horns. If desired, you can draw eyes and a mouth on the “muzzle”.

Other options

By analogy with the previous option, you can make different animals:


Donkey and wooden men


Decorations made from gypsum base

This material is considered the most popular for home use. Plaster figures are realistic. The presence of an additional protective layer prolongs the performance of the finished product.

When using an additional base, it is possible to obtain beautiful elements for garden decoration. The products will be distinguished by their resistance to high humidity and strength to mechanical loads.

Plaster creations

Gnomes guard the country Christmas tree

Gypsum is a very convenient material; it is strong, durable and water resistant. Paints fit perfectly on it. Working with such raw materials is a pleasure.

So, the first thing you need to do is go to a hardware store and buy the necessary form for pouring. Silicone ones are best. Let's look at step-by-step instructions using a plaster gnome as an example, but you are free to sculpt any other character.

  1. If you plan to sculpt a tall statue, more than 1 m in height, you will need to make a metal frame. It’s better not to bother and create a short figure up to 0.7 m. This way it will become lighter in weight, it can be lifted, rearranged, put away in the garage for the winter
  2. Following the instructions on the plaster packaging exactly, dilute the composition with water. The mass is mixed well until it has a homogeneous mushy consistency. To make the material elastic, PVA glue is poured into it. Approximately 10 g per 1 kg of dry gypsum
  3. Now fill half the volume of the mold with the prepared solution and let it set. Then fill the container to the top. Lightly tap the sides to release the air.
  4. The form is removed only after the gnome has completely dried. Give him at least two days
  5. The painting stage begins. First, prime the entire surface. After this, you can apply colored paints, and after they dry, varnish for better color preservation.

Features of decoration with garden sculptures

The easiest option is to buy ready-made figures made of polystone, plaster, or metal.

But making them with your own hands is more interesting, especially if you want to have a garden that is not like the others. And also, ready-made options are not always suitable for realizing the designer’s plans. But both when making sculptures yourself and when purchasing sculptures, there are rules for their use on the site:

  • stylistic unity - it is necessary to select sculptures that correspond to the design of the landscape, for example, cupids, harps, nymphs will emphasize the features of the classical style, figurines of domestic animals and wooden sculptures stylized as household utensils - rustic, and original metal or stone sculptures - art nouveau style;
  • size and place - small products look good in open areas, for example, next to garden benches or flower beds, at the entrance to an alley, and large sculptures can be placed among tall trees or bushes;
  • quantity - each figure or composition of several sculptures is selected to emphasize the style of the landscape and complement it, so it is not advisable to use many decorative objects, especially those of different sizes or shapes.

Decorative flower pots (plant pots)

Unusual cement pots

In addition to heroes from fairy tales, animals or little people, unusual flower beds, flower beds and pots organically fit into the country decor.

  1. Prepare cement mortar. Take an empty waste bucket and a large rag. Thoroughly rinse the material in the cement and place it on top of the bucket, evenly distributing the folds. When the structure is dry, the bucket is removed. To do this, you need to carefully tap it with a hammer. In front of you will be an unusual vessel made of a frozen rag.
  2. Old tires are used under the flowerbed. If desired, they are simply decorated and flowers are planted inside. And also, the inner circle can be cut into cloves and turned outward - it will turn out beautiful and elegant
  3. Cut large 20L plastic bottles and paint them a bright color. Arrange them in an interesting ensemble and plant them inside the plant. Just don’t forget to make holes in the bottom so that water doesn’t stagnate after watering.
  4. Make a cement cast of the head of an unwanted children's doll. Coat it with the composition, leaving the top untouched, and when the substance dries, remove the plastic. The stone head needs to be painted for aesthetics. The soil is filled inside and flowers are planted.
  5. Vessels are made from balloons in the same way.

Country ideas made from cement

Mushrooms for the garden made of cement

Mix the cement mortar.

The mass should be thick and homogeneous. Remember simple proportions: 1 part sand to 1 part cement. Water is poured in portions, checking the consistency and constantly mixing the raw materials.

Openwork ball made of ropes

Braided rope sphere

Openwork ball made of ropes Dip a thick rope into cement. You can tear old clothes into strips and sew the ends together. Wrap them around a large balloon, wait for the composition to harden, and pop the balloon.


Cement gnomes

Gnomes Here we will tell you how to make a gnome without buying a special silicone mold.

What you will need:

  • Solution
  • Metal pin
  • Ropes
  • Nylon stocking

Stages of work:

  1. Pour cement into the stocking and insert an iron rod there for stability.
  2. Select the area of ​​the nose with your hands and twist the rope there. It should be a round ball.
  3. Make round legs, similar to how you made the nose.
  4. Under your nose, place a piece of thin rag folded in half, previously dipped in cement. It will be a beard
  5. Pull the stocking over the pin, secure it and hang its end to the side to create a sharp cap with a tassel.
  6. When the structure is completely dry, it is coated with a cement-gypsum mixture. This way the colors will fall on the surface better and brighter.
  7. Color the new dacha resident

It is necessary to work with the cement mixture wearing gloves. Make sure that it does not get into your eyes or mucous membranes. In case of contact, immediately rinse the area with plenty of running water.

Dragon eggs

The mystical beauty of dragon eggs

Dragon eggs Add a little mysticism and mysterious paraphernalia to your garden design. How do you like the idea of ​​placing real dragon eggs in a thicket?

  • Take regular balloons and spread them with cement mixed with plaster until about the middle of the mold
  • Let the edges of future eggs be jagged
  • Remove the ball when the shell is dry
  • Now paint the inside of the egg with yellow paint with reflective or glare particles. This will create the impression that the shell is emitting a fiery light from inside.

In the evenings, you can place lit candles inside.


Stone leaves

Vegetation Look for large, thick leaves with a raised vein pattern. Plantain or burdock will do. Carefully apply a thin layer of cement on them. Make sure that the mass exactly follows the outline of the leaf.

When the substance dries, you will get nice stone sheets that can be intricately laid out near a pond, around a fire, or to decorate a gazebo. Use your imagination and create a whole composition from different crafts made from cement.

From toys

Fairytale fairy statue

From toys Elegant garden statues can be made from ordinary toys. Take, for example, a Barbie doll, put it in an interesting pose, put on a fluffy dress, and dip it in a cement composition. Shake off excess, wait until dry and cover with white paint or lime in several layers.

If you want a garden fairy, first attach fairy wings from a plastic bottle to the toy. Place cement hares, cats, and dogs next to it. Any animals that have taken a cement bath in the same way.

Color scheme - choose the right one

The palette of colors and shades that will be used to decorate the site depends on what trees, flowers and shrubs grow on it, and what buildings are available.

Experts do not advise using too many bright and large figures; this will create unnecessary tension in the recreation area.

Sculpture compositions should be created using compatible, harmonious colors. In a secluded corner of the garden you can create a children's play corner by placing fairy-tale and cartoon characters there.

Not far from the colorful flower beds, plastic garden figurines in white and gray shades will look great. The wooden decking of the bridge, terrace or stone path will be decorated with bright decorative sculpture.

We work with old tires

Fence made from car wheels

Car tires are a universal material. They are used to make figures, country furniture, flower beds, borders, steps, and swings. Rubber is cut, painted, bent and twisted.

We offer 5 cool ideas for using tires in the garden exterior:

  1. Bright border. Cut each tire in half and plant the cut sides into the ground. Paint it in cheerful shades
  2. Picturesque hedge. When there are a lot of tires, you can use them to lay out a wall, stacking them in a checkerboard pattern on top of each other. Fill the soil inside and plant grass - you will get an amazing flowering fence
  3. Wall flower beds. Just hang the tire on the wall, fill it with soil and plant flowers
  4. Swing . First, the wheel is painted and a board is nailed to the bottom to cover the hole. It is then suspended from a tree by a chain or rope
  5. Animals . Two small tires are dug horizontally into the ground. One large one is installed vertically on them and another smaller one on top: the torso and head

Bear made from car tires

One wheel is cut separately and cut into strips, from which paws, ears, and a tail are formed. A muzzle is drawn on the top tire. The animal is decorated and, if necessary, supplemented with tails, horns, and different paws.

Types and forms of garden sculptures

Decorative figurines are classified according to their purpose and method of use:

  • permanent - stationary objects that are used all year round;
  • temporarily installed - figurines that decorate the garden only in summer or winter, and are also used during family holidays.

Depending on the form and method of execution, there are single products or compositions. Also, there are main sculptures and those that are used as an addition to them. The latter are needed for a more complete disclosure of the designer’s idea, but without them the composition will not lose its practical and aesthetic value. The most complete classification of sculptures is based on the type of material from which they are made.

Foam sculptures

Curly sheep

When working with a spray can, follow safety precautions and carefully read the instructions. Wear protective gloves and do not work near fire. This material is very popular in the independent decoration of summer cottages.

Firstly, it is practical, inexpensive and lightweight. Secondly, after drying, the foam is easy to cut and give the figure the desired shape. Thirdly, it is not afraid of weather conditions, does not get wet, does not freeze, and does not deteriorate from the heat.

To create figures from polyurethane foam, a frame must be prepared. In essence, the foam helps to present the statue's shell beautifully. The foundation ensures the strength and stability of the structure.

We'll tell you step by step how to make a cute sheep:

  1. Make a base from plastic bottles: stick 4 legs from one and a half sheets into the body from an eggplant. Attach a can of cans to the place of the head
  2. Shake the can and start spraying foam. Make sure that the “wool” lies evenly. After the material has dried, it will become clear where it needs to be added.
  3. Dry foam is cut with a stationery knife. Give the sheep a round shape. Sand it with sandpaper to make it smooth
  4. Paint the animal with soft yellow paint, draw eyes, and color the hooves

Character for a fairytale atmosphere

As you can see, garden figurines are very easy to make with your own hands. A minimum of skill and special skills are required. You spend virtually no money, while creating a unique and unique design for your site.

No design project, no complex installation, no huge list of materials is required. If desired, you can use any construction waste, cement residues, old bottles and unnecessary tires. Add a little paint, a little imagination and a pinch of enthusiasm.

Surprise your guests with your site and enjoy it yourself. Free your patio from boredom and monotony, protect it from a banal, albeit newfangled, landscape style. Let fancy flowers grow here, fairy-tale characters appear and funny animals from the magical forest settle here.

DIY garden figurines

Watch the video, the author of which gives summer residents and gardeners fresh and original ideas for creatively decorating a country plot with their own hands:

Examples of wooden figures for the garden

There are many options for sculptures made of wood. You can use one of the options we offer, or make your own, original composition. In any case, it will perfectly complement the design of the garden plot and will look harmonious against the background of the surrounding greenery.

Sculpture of a goblin in the garden Source ptzgovorit.ru

Fictional characters made of wood Source topparki.ru

As an example, we will give several visual examples of what figures of fairy-tale characters carved from wood can look like. In your garden you can “settle” Leshy with a mysterious root on his head instead of a hat, Koshchei the Immortal or a traffic police officer fining Baba Yaga for exceeding the permitted speed of flying on a broom. At the same time, you need to understand that the more complex the composition, the more time and effort it will take to implement it. Therefore, it will be easier for novice carvers to make a small figurine of a gnome, and after acquiring the appropriate skills, begin full-scale projects.

Figures for the garden made of natural wood Source www.1000dosok.ru

Combination of rutaria and wood carving Source afisha.amic.ru

Life-size figures made of wood for the garden Source imenno.ru

Such variants of sculptural compositions are made by a combination of wood carving and rutaria. They are considered the most complex, since to reproduce them you will need not only skills in working with wood, but also an endless flight of imagination.

Figure of a dachshund made of wood Source imenno.ru

Figure of a sleeping cat for garden decoration Source vplate.ru

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in landscaping work on sites.

Wooden figures for beginners. A person who has never encountered wood carving can make these or similar ones. As a rule, such crafts are “assembled” within one day, serve for 1-2 years, after which they are discarded. A simple design does not imply careful preparation of the material or impregnation with special compounds. Some items can be cut from scrap boards left over from construction.

Wooden decor for the garden, made with a chainsaw Source srublandiya.rf

Hares made from wood cuts Source pinimg.com

Wood crafts for the garden Source www.esosedi.ru

Wooden figure made with a chainsaw. Despite their simple and even rough appearance, they are capable of making no less an impression than the complex specimens of a professional. Unlike other options, here everything depends not on the skills of the master, but on the demonstrated imagination that came up with the next wooden miracle.

The plot of a Russian fairy tale Source static.ngs.ru

Dragon made of wood Source mtdata.ru

Wooden hedgehog for the garden Source en.worldis.me

Important! As can be seen from the examples presented, to make wooden figures for the garden it is not necessary to have wood carving skills. Ingod just needs imagination, ingenuity and the desire to make his plans come true.

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