Photos of dachas - the best projects of 2022 and features of their implementation with your own hands

Everyone strives to bring beauty to their dacha. And you don’t need much for this. Just time, desire and idea. And then - the opportunity to care for all the vegetation that will flood the site. Making your plot beautiful, arranging flower beds in your dacha and planting a blooming garden is not that difficult, but you need to work hard at it. And a few tips for this will never hurt.

Where to begin?

It all starts with the relief. Few can boast of smooth areas; most often they are covered with certain irregularities that need to be plotted on the plan.

Creating a plan is necessary in order to decide on purchases, and even if there are photos of dacha design from the Internet, a plan is still needed. To fit your own ideas into it, first of all.

If the area is relatively flat, then there will be no problems. However, this is a rare exception, so most often you have to use special techniques to beat this. For example:

  • Construction of structures made of mesh and stone (gabions);
  • Installation of decorative retaining walls;
  • Construction of terraces.

Decorative vines can be grown along gabions, and niches for flowers can be made in the walls.

What to do if the area is wet? It is necessary to build a drainage system from wells, special drainage clubs and other elements. This will dry the area now and prevent the formation of excess moisture later.

Non-trivial flower beds

Flowers are the main decoration of the territory. Objects that are out of order and lying around in the pantry will help you avoid routine when creating flower beds. Take a closer look at your worn-out shoes. Flowering plants in old shoes, shoes, and boots look very impressive. Such exhibits are displayed on the porch, near the paths, and hung on the fence.

In addition, there will definitely be a broken wheelbarrow on the farm, which will become an excellent tray for flowerpots in the center of the lawn. The cascading multi-colored perennials look amazing in it. A faulty bicycle will replace a stand for flower pots, and its decoration and coloring will complement the overall picture.


After the planning of the territory and preliminary preparation are completed, fencing can be installed on the site. Modern dachas boast a wide variety of fences and from a variety of materials, so it will be easy to choose one that suits your style and budget.

Here are some popular types:

  • Stone (artificial or natural);
  • Concrete panels;
  • Polycarbonate;
  • Tree;
  • Brick;
  • Metal picket fence;
  • Chain-link mesh, etc.

Hedges also look very impressive - one of the most beautiful elements of landscape design. And under it, like under any other fence, you need a foundation that is created and selected individually.

Why decorating a site is interesting

Working together at the dacha greatly unites and unites family members. Moreover, children can be involved in this process. They will be happy to help implement various design ideas in the local area. The formation of landscape design is also useful, this is due to several factors:

  • Old and unnecessary things take on a new look and live again.
  • The summer cottage becomes cozy and modern.
  • The desire to create with the whole family develops.
  • There is an opportunity to win the competition in the “best yard of the year” category.

When you design your summer cottage in an unusual way, you will find like-minded interlocutors, and perhaps you will implement something together.

Country yard with a pond and small flower beds Source

Beautiful paths at the dacha made of flagstone Source


Another important part of the overall picture is the beautiful paths. There are a lot of options on how to make them. The main thing is to again choose everything to match the overall style of the house and site.

Paths can have different surfaces. For example, wooden boards, gravel, and decorative tiles may be suitable. Round and oval pebbles also always look very advantageous on paths. And using different shapes that you can create yourself, you can easily fill the path with your own hands.

The main thing is to first choose the configuration of the path and also put it on the plan, immediately noting how wide it will be and whether it will be straight, broken or smooth.

Unusual landscape decor

A stream without water with blue pebbles has a stylish look. Lost among the greenery, it creates the illusion of a flowing river. To convey the reflection of the sky in a non-existent water surface, it would not hurt to add white, yellow, pink stones to the riverbed. The log bridge achieves the completeness of the picture.

Great importance is given to winding, multi-level paths made from tree cuts, stones, ceramic tiles or their fragments, and glass bottles. Installing stumps with internal lighting along the perimeter of the path will give the area a special charm.

The fence is the calling card of the residents. It can be made into a work of art that sparkles in the sun thanks to the colored pebbles embedded in the boards. The fence is decorated with vertical landscaping and original lanterns.


Exclusive versions offered by designers for landscape decoration:

  • crafts made from stones in the form of a cactus, children's sneakers, ladybugs painted with fluorescent paint;
  • hanging objects that sound when the wind blows: sets of bells, glass balls, beads;
  • multi-colored bottle caps nailed around the window like trim;
  • a home zoo located in the depths of the garden, horses made of birch logs, pigs made of five-liter bottles, etc.

Hands holding flowers are delightful and can be easily made using rubber gloves filled with cement mortar.


Most often, many dacha owners still want to grow something on it. In addition to the fact that gardening and growing a vegetable garden is useful, it is also suitable for a plot of any size. Depending on how much produce you would like to grow.

Usually the beds are rectangular, but this does not mean that this is the only option. You can create a French vegetable garden, include ornamental plants, and decorate the area with fruit trees. They will create a special atmosphere of the long-awaited spring.

Let's use the veranda

In addition to shovels, bicycles and anything else “necessary”, your peace of mind will also find its place on the veranda. Remove equipment and other clutter at least for the duration of the summer season to create a place for yourself - this option is suitable for those who nevertheless donated land in the name of jams and seams.

We have already written about what should be removed and what should be completely gotten rid of for the sake of comfort: We throw it away without hesitation: 10 things that turn the dacha into a landfill.

Gazebos and other buildings

If you decide to install a gazebo, and the area of ​​the site allows it, then it will definitely become the central figure of the entire site. Moreover, gazebos are also individual. And if you look at photos of beautiful dachas, you will notice on many wooden gazebos with barbecues, fireplaces, stoves, or elegant wrought iron gazebos and many other options for every taste. They can also be decorated with climbing plants.

You can also decorate your dacha with a beautiful, small playground, if necessary.

All the best for children

When life is filled with children's laughter, this is true happiness. A sports space is a great addition to the home, promoting the physical development of children. It is replenished with a sandbox, an obstacle course, and a slide with stairs. The site can be equipped with:

  1. By railroad.
  2. A pirate ship.
  3. A tree house for teenagers and a house on the ground for kids.
  4. A complex including horizontal bars and ropes, labyrinths.

When creating a swing, they use an old skateboard tied with ropes threaded through drilled holes. A small child will be satisfied with the tire version. By cutting out two side rings, a roomy bottom is left and the rubber is turned inside out.


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The main attention is paid to the reliability and safety of structures.

A little about reservoirs

If the site's capabilities allow, then a small pond can be a wonderful decoration. The swimming pool, both stationary and portable, will be no less pleasant.

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This will be especially important in the summer. Especially for children.

Original devices for the practical owner

Very often, a dacha becomes not only a place for summer relaxation, but also a platform for the everyday work of an active owner. Let's look at the most interesting ideas for accessories for summer cottage equipment.

Rain barrels

This idea will serve the practical gardener well, and will bring maximum pleasure to the true aesthete. To carry out the idea yourself, you will need to prepare a wooden, iron or ordinary plastic water barrel.

Clean the container from dirt and rust using sandpaper and a wire brush. Now you need to thoroughly rinse the barrel to remove any remaining oil, dyes or other liquids.

If you are using a metal container, it is worth considering further protection against rust. Coat the inside of the barrel with a layer of silicone anti-corrosion lubricant, and apply several coats of paint and clear varnish on the outside.

An original idea for a summer house would be barrels of solid colors with built-in faucets near the bottom. This design will ensure quick drainage of settled rainwater.

Wooden rack for garden tools

A practical gardener will definitely like this idea: the tools will always be in a visible place and in perfect order. Photos of the best ideas for equipment holders can be found on any practical gardening website.

Most often, wooden slats are used to make the rack, and the structure itself has the appearance of a through lattice with a solid bottom.

Such a device allows you to quickly clear the rack of accumulated debris and soil, and keep your tools dry and clean.

Niche for trash cans: an original idea for a summer house

Installing factory waste collection tanks is not always a sufficient measure. To hide containers in a place inaccessible to neighboring animals, to hide an unpleasant smell and unpresentable appearance, use the idea of ​​​​creating a decorated lattice.

The frame made of wooden slats is quite durable, but at the same time, light in weight. Make small doors and a padlock or latch.

Lightly dig the sharp ends of the slats of the frame with earth, and any climbing plant can be planted along the side walls. The idea is easy to implement, and the effect will exceed all your expectations.

Photo of the dacha

Romantic relaxation area

An area where it’s nice to sit with friends while waiting for a delicious dinner, separated by a fence. Suitable place for a permanent barbecue or an old-fashioned stove with a wood burner. A rounded, wide wooden bench around the barbecue is a good idea. There is also a table and couches from cheap flights, covered with colorful folds and cushions.

Similar surfaces can be found next to an alpine slide or other eye-catching objects.

It's hard to imagine a vacation without a hammock. Ideas for your own home can be obtained in the form of a stationary wooden model suspended on chains under a canopy. As an alternative, you can make hanging chairs from a mattress or from macrame woven from gymnastics hoops. While the barbecue is being prepared, it is nice to have fun with a game of tennis. You can use a tennis table made from chipboard or plywood.

Guest from the Alps

An alpine slide is considered a decoration of a summer cottage, not only in summer, but also in winter. It must be multi-tiered, no higher than 1 meter and, if the size of the plot allows, located on the sunny side of the plot.

The structure should look normal, fit naturally into the design of the site and resemble an ordinary mountain valley.

Plants on an alpine hill should be low and unpretentious; it is better to use annual plants such as fern, periwinkle, lavender, matthiola.

In order to build an alpine slide, you must first prepare a base for it. To do this, the top layer of earth is dug up and a base is laid, consisting of crushed stone, gravel, old bricks, expanded clay, which are both drainage and the formation of a hill.

Next, this layer is covered with fertile soil, and stones of different sizes are laid. Earth is again poured between the stones to form the next tier. Typically, an alpine slide should have from 3 to 5 tiers.

The soil is thoroughly compacted. It is important to ensure that the planting area is horizontal.

At the end of the work, plants are planted, and the remaining voids are filled with pebbles or marble chips. You can decorate the alpine slide with decorative figurines and lanterns.

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