How to make a sand filter for a pool with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

Does your pool, in addition to the joy of bathing and swimming, cause you trouble in the form of quickly polluted water? Did the cost of filters for cleaning it, which are offered in specialized stores, shock you? Agree, it would be nice to get a filter device for a reasonable price.

You don't have to buy expensive devices for this. You can make an effective sand filter for your pool with your own hands, which will adequately purify the water from foreign matter. We will help you cope with this task - the article provides step-by-step instructions on how to make such a filter on your own.

We provided the construction process with visual photographs and videos on how to independently create simple and effective filter devices.

Filter unit device

A sand filter consists of a sealed container with a filler (most often it is quartz sand). Filtration installations for large public swimming pools (for example, in various sports palaces) are installed in a separate room and of appropriate capacity; for private swimming pools they are installed in close proximity. The most reasonable thing would be to install the filter in a small extension, or under the pool terrace, where, in addition to the filter, you can place other auxiliary equipment for cleaning and tidying up the pond. The design of the filter is not complicated, and you can often find homemade filters tailored specifically to the needs of a specific pool.

So, the filter consists of:

  • Pressure gauge (it signals increased pressure when the filter begins to clog);
  • 6-position valve (with its help the user switches the operating modes of the filter unit);
  • A reservoir into which the purifier is poured and water is filtered;
  • The filler is most often quartz sand of various fractions, but there may be other materials.

Two pipes are installed in the filter housing. Through one, water from the reservoir is sucked into the filter, purified, and through the second pipe, purified water is poured into the pool.

In addition to quartz sand, gravel, anthracite, carbon and other materials can also be used as a filter medium in the tank. If you replace quartz sand with more expensive glass sand, the service life of the filler doubles - from 3 years to 6.

Depending on the number of filler fractions, filters are divided into single-layer and multi-layer. In single-layer filters, a filler of one fraction is installed, in multi-layer filters from 3 to 6 fractions, which improves the quality of filtration. If the filter is heavily dirty, it becomes increasingly difficult for the pump to pump water for filtration, and the pressure gauge needle signals that the filter is being cleaned back. Reverse cleaning of the filter itself is not a labor-intensive process, but it consumes a large amount of water, which will be reflected in payment receipts if the house is connected to a central water supply.

How do sand-based filtration media work?

The sand filter system includes five main elements:

  • a tank with a neck that can be tightly closed with a lid;
  • a small piece of pipe for supplying liquid;
  • drainage pipe;
  • sand filler;
  • a grid with a narrow cell for drainage.

The tank itself is made of stainless material (for example, plastic). Drainage cylinder made of stainless steel mesh. A water outlet tube is connected to it. The size of the cell holes should be smaller than grains of sand. Quartz or glass sand is usually used as a filter base.

Understanding the diagram of how a sand filter for a pool works, it is easy to notice that this device is extremely simple. It can be constructed from ordinary plastic barrels. A reliable lid and neck are already available; all that remains is to attach the pipe sections and assemble a drainage compartment from a suitable mesh.

Correct installation of the filter unit

Correct installation of the sand filter guarantees high-quality pool cleaning. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions that come with the equipment and avoid the appearance of “dead zones” in the reservoir - if the water from the “dead zone” is not sucked in by the pump, it will deteriorate and affect the already purified water. With proper installation, water will be sucked from the surface of the pool, because this is how all the debris, harmful microorganisms, etc. initially accumulate. It is necessary to ensure in advance that there is a sewage system next to the filter unit into which water will be drained when washing and emptying the pool.

In order to correctly assemble and install the filter unit, you need to adhere to a certain order of assembling the structure:

1) The entire filter system should be installed as close as possible to the pond, and the filter and pump should be located at least half a meter below the pool level.

2) Since the pumps operate from a 230 V network, it is better to entrust the installation and supply of electricity to the pump to qualified electricians.

3) Filler is poured into the tank through a special hole; it is usually sold in 25 kg bags in large construction hypermarkets.

4) A reducer is installed on the tank with filler.

5) Plastic shutters are mounted on the gearbox.

6) A pressure gauge is screwed to the 6-position valve.

7) The pump is connected to the installation, and the pool suction pipe is connected to the gearbox.

Another important detail is that the pump and sand filter must be installed at a distance of at least 1 meter from the walls of the pool.

If the entire structure is assembled according to the instructions, all that remains is to carry out a test run and make sure that the system is working properly and there are no leaks.

Features of choosing a device

Filter media are usually sold without filler. Therefore, sand must be purchased separately. When choosing a model, rely on volumetric characteristics. This value indicates how powerful the unit in front of you is. Accordingly, how well it copes with cleaning the aquatic environment. The larger the size of the artificial reservoir, the higher the power indicators should be.

When purchasing a device, be sure to consult with a specialist consultant. Pay special attention to the manufacturer. Thus, Voda Otechestva is one of the best manufacturers of water treatment equipment. Our company's products have long proven themselves to be the best on the market.

When selecting a device, take into account the features of the fasteners and the location of the font. Sand-based treatment systems are not mounted directly on the container due to their impressive mass. They are usually installed next to the tank.

It is equally important to choose the filler itself correctly. It is sold packaged in bags and is completely ready for use. The least expensive option would be quartz material. True, it won't last long. It is much more profitable to purchase a glass mixture with a long cleaning life. You can also opt for a combined form with an admixture of gravel or other additions.

Six position valve

The 6-position valve is one of the most important parts on any filtration installation. In essence, this is a control panel for the installation, because it is on the 6-position valve that the sand filter operating modes are switched.

This valve gets its name due to the number of modes into which it switches the installation:

  • FILTER – filtering mode, normal operating mode of the installation;
  • BACKWASH is a flushing function in which water from a reservoir is supplied to the housing and passes through a filter in a reverse flow, and then flows into the sewer. Thus, the filter is washed.
  • RINSE – compaction of the filter material, should be carried out immediately after washing;
  • WASTE – emptying mode, in which water immediately goes into the sewer without passing through the filter;
  • RECIRCELATE - simple distillation of water through the installation, while the water does not pass through the filter;
  • CLOSED – the valve is closed, any fluid movement stops;
  • WINTER – preservation of the installation for the winter.

Case manufacturing

Having chosen a plastic barrel, it is advisable to begin preparing it. To do this, you will need to drill holes in its upper and lower parts. The first is for supplying clogged liquid, the second is for discharging clean liquid.

If you are planning a metal frame, then you need to protect it from rust by applying a protective layer of paint to the inner surface.

Maintenance of the installation and washing of the filter mixture

Most filtration units are equipped with an automatic cleaning device. If there is no such device, then cleaning it is easy to do yourself. To do this, the 6-position valve should be switched to the “flushing” mode and left to operate for several minutes.

Since pool filtration works every day, regardless of whether it is used or not, the filter itself must be cleaned at least once every 7-12 days (it all depends on the load of the installation, frequency of use, size of the pool and the degree of its contamination). It must be remembered that before switching the 6-position valve to the “flushing” mode, you must first turn off the pump. After cleaning the filter, the 6-position valve switches to the “tamping” mode, which lasts 2-3 minutes, then switches back to the “filtration” mode and operates in this mode until the next cleaning.

If after all the procedures the water is not particularly purified, then the filter element itself should be replaced, in this case, quartz sand. Replacement should be done every 2-3 years.

Do-it-yourself sand filter for a pool

Many pool owners do not buy ready-made filter devices, but decide that they will make a sand filter for the pool themselves. The device turns out to be cheap and at the same time quite effective.


At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare the filter material. It is best to use glass or quartz sand, the particles of which, due to their angular structure, do not stick together and purify water well. Sand of fine fractions will not work, as it will quickly clog the entire system.

If you extracted the sand yourself, before using it you must sift and remove particles larger than 1.5 mm.

It should also be rinsed until the water runs clear and then boiled to eliminate bacteria. Activated carbon or graphite can be added to sand, this will help improve the quality of water purification. If you purchased sand in a store, no additional manipulations are required.

At the second stage you will need the following tools and materials:

  • sand tank,
  • quartz sand,
  • hoses,
  • pump,
  • pressure gauge,
  • container with a hard filter,
  • water intake with mesh.

The power of the pump depends on the volume of water in the pool. Keep in mind that filtration is performed three times a day, and the water must have time to purify.

It is worth remembering that the entire system operates under high pressure, so you cannot do without a power reserve.

  1. You need to make two holes in the tank and then seal them with sealant.
  2. At the bottom of the tank it is planned to install a hard filtration apparatus, from where water will flow through a pipe through the drain into the pool.
  3. Hot melt adhesive is used to attach the hoses, and a mesh is installed to evenly distribute the water stream onto the filter element.
  4. To prevent the tank cap from breaking off under high pressure, it must be additionally strengthened.
  5. At the next stage, the structure is installed in the pool. Errors in installing even the most modern filter can ruin all your efforts.

Water should be taken from the most contaminated areas, and the location of the drain is not at all important.

Take care of convenient access to the device, since periodically the filter element will need to be replaced, as well as, if necessary, repair of sand filters for pools .

The use of modern sand filters will ensure effective purification of the water in the pool, allowing you to enjoy swimming throughout the summer. You can get additional advice on purchasing a particular model in specialized stores.

The main problems during the operation of a filter unit and their solutions

The following problems often occur with a sand filter:

  • The pump does not suck in water well - perhaps air has gotten into the tube, or it has lost its seal;
  • The pump circuit breaker keeps tripping - if the problem persists, call a professional. The motor fan may not be working properly and should be cleaned;
  • Low power - most likely the filter is clogged. This can be indicated by the pressure gauge needle. In this case, you should clean the filter by turning on the “rinsing” mode;
  • The pump is very loud - most likely foreign objects have gotten inside. The pump should be disassembled and cleaned. If the bearings rattle, the motor should be replaced completely. If the pump is on the floor, then rubber pads should be placed that will dampen the vibrations of the pump;
  • The device does not work - you need to check the voltage in the network, as well as the fuses in the device. If nothing suspicious is found, and the pump still does not work, you should call a specialist;
  • Sand enters the pool from the filtration unit - the sand should be replaced with a larger fraction;
  • The water in the pool is cloudy and poorly purified - most likely, the installation’s power is not enough to clean the pool; you can also try increasing the filtration time.

Timely care and proper operation of the equipment guarantee a long service life of the pump, and, therefore, maximum pleasure from using the pool.

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Difference in connection to large and small bowls

The difference between installing a filtration system for small and large bowls lies in the choice of pump power and filter volume.

The devices that come with large pools are also suitable for small bowls, but not vice versa.

When installing a filter on a small pool, you will need appropriate adapters, since these devices are designed for standard holes in the reservoir using plastic pipes (38 mm in diameter). To do this, one part of the adapter is connected to the pool using a clamp, and the second is attached to the pipe that comes with the filter.

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