How to make a pond at your dacha with your own hands: tips and tricks

Modern materials and technologies make it possible to quickly build a pond with minimal financial and labor costs. That is why building a fish pond with your own hands is a task that even novice builders can master.

A do-it-yourself fish pond, the technology of its construction and the features of arranging comfortable conditions for underwater pets will be described in detail in this article.

  • How to make a fish pond: video
  • DIY fish pond without film
  • Construction technology
  • Creating a pond without concreting
  • Rules
  • Choosing a pond type

    In most cases, a small artificial reservoir performs an exclusively decorative function, acting as an element of the landscape of a summer cottage. But it is quite possible to make it in such a way that the structure also has practical benefits; an excellent example in this case is a pond at the dacha for breeding fish and swimming. In general, depending on the functional load, the following types can be distinguished:

    • Pool . This structure also belongs to the category of dacha ponds, performing practical and decorative functions. With its help, it is quite possible to give your summer cottage a decent and well-groomed appearance. In addition, it will help to cool off in hot weather and will be a great place to play for children.
    • Reservoir for fish . This option involves not only choosing suitable fish that can exist in limited space, but also regular maintenance of the pond: it must be cleaned, the water changed if necessary, and algae planted. This option for improving the local area can be used for fishing or simply as a decorative element.

    The fish pond is ideal for both avid fishermen and those who enjoy observing the aquatic world Source

    • Mini pond. As a rule, this option is an integral element of the landscape composition and has minimal dimensions. If you have a limited budget, it is quite possible to make a pond from a bathtub or any other small container.
    • Decorative . This option has a purely decorative function, as the name suggests, it involves the use of aquatic plants, various bridges, and fountains, which give the structure a finished look.

    You should begin choosing a location and constructing a dacha pond only after choosing the appropriate option from the list presented above.

    It is important to choose the right zone in the local area to create a future reservoir Source

    The most important criterion that should be followed when constructing a pond is its location. It is important to consider a number of recommendations:

    • The future construction site should be exposed to direct sunlight for at least six to seven hours a day. This will allow the water to warm up well if the pond serves as a place for swimming, and also stimulate the growth and reproduction of algae if the pond is used for fish farming.
    • The total area of ​​the water zone should not exceed 3 - 4% of the total size of the site, otherwise it is extremely difficult to call such a structure practical and functional.
    • It is recommended to exclude the presence of bushes and trees in the vicinity. This is due to the fact that the root system of plants as they grow can damage the structure of the structure. And purifying water from leaves is a very tedious and troublesome task.
    • Regardless of the functional load of the reservoir, it is recommended to take into account that its expansion is possible in the future. Accordingly, it is worth leaving free space for this purpose.

    If you plan to create a fish pond, it is important to choose the correct depth. The need is due to the fact that in winter the fish go to winter, therefore, the depth of the reservoir should be greater than the freezing level of the soil, that is, about 1.5 - 1.9 meters.

    The dimensions of the pond meet the requirements Source

    Features of fish farming business

    If you are not specialists in the field of fish farming, then it is best to start such a business with a small pond with carp. The optimal water temperature for carp is 20-27°C with an oxygen content of 5-7 mg/l. If the temperature drops to 14°C or lower, the fish eats less and does not gain weight. At a water temperature of 7°C, carp stop feeding and lose activity. Under favorable conditions, carp weight gain can reach 7-8 grams per day. Sexual maturity occurs at 3-5 years of age. Carp spawn in the spring, laying eggs on vegetation in shallow areas of the reservoir. The fry hatch on average after five days.

    The production cycle of fish farming lasts two years. By this age, the weight of one carp is 300-800 grams. And by the age of three, the weight of a male can reach 1-2 kg. The weight gain of carp is greatly influenced by the quality of water, feed, living conditions, and climate. It is most profitable to breed carp and other types of fish in the southern regions of our country.

    Fish farming is a profitable business, with an average profitability of 15%. However, it requires considerable investment. Most of the funds will be used to equip the reservoir (from 3 million rubles in the best case), purchase food (4 kg of food is required to obtain a carp weight gain of 1 kg) and fry.

    Of course, you can also raise fish on natural food - the so-called extensive method. But in this case, no more than 0.3-0.4 tons of fish can be obtained from 1 hectare, while with additional feeding the productivity can be up to 1.2 tons per 1 hectare per year. When using a high level of intensive cultivation in cages, which involves frequent feeding of fish, high stocking density and the creation of additional conditions in reservoirs for productive breeding (constant aeration and liming of the reservoir), it is possible to obtain up to 5-6 tons of fish products per hectare.

    However, in this case, feed costs will increase even more. With a high-intensity growing method, high-protein nutritious feed is used with a protein content of at least 26-28% and fat - 6-7%. The average price of carp food is 8-9 rubles per kilogram. High-protein nutritious food will cost twenty percent more.

    It would seem that the high cost of trout food makes its breeding economically unprofitable. However, the high cost of feed is compensated by its lower consumption and the high cost of meat. If for 1 kg of weight gain in carp you need to spend about 4 kg of feed, then in the case of trout the consumption will be only 1 kg per 1 kg of weight gain. Ultimately, the costs of growing one kilogram of carp and trout are approximately equal - about 35-38 and 40-45 rubles per kilogram in the first and second cases, respectively.

    Preparing the necessary materials

    The second, but no less important stage is the selection of suitable materials for construction. They should be selected based on the functional load that the reservoir will bear. The following options can be cited as common:

    • Plastic mold of industrial production . This is the least burdensome and simplest option. In this case, to create a pond, you just need to dig a hole of suitable size. But there are also some disadvantages, for example, the inability to expand the reservoir and change its shape.
    • A film whose thickness ranges from 0.5 mm or more, characterized by high strength and resistance to external factors. If you plan to build a homemade pond from scrap materials, it is better to opt for just such a film. With its help you can create a water pool of any shape and size.
    • Concrete . This material is characterized by high strength and long service life. More often it is used for the construction of swimming pools intended for swimming, but it can also be used for the construction of a small artificial reservoir.

    A decorative pond made of concrete will decorate the area. Source
    Don’t forget about unnecessary old containers, which are probably available at any dacha. So, for example, if the task is to improve a small area, it is quite possible to make a pond from an old bathtub or use a used tire of sufficient volume for this purpose.

    Thanks to its small size, it can be placed even in a small area. The only thing is that this option excludes the possibility of a full bath.

    Typical misconceptions of beginning fish farmers

    1. Large production volume. The cultivation technique is quite simple, but if you lack experience in this industry and make basic mistakes, you can lose the entire offspring at once. First, you should master the first basics of this business and get positive results, and then move on to industrial volumes.
    2. Purchase of handicraft equipment. If you decide to equip a tank for fry in compliance with all the rules and regulations, then you should take the trouble to purchase, if not the most expensive, then reliable equipment. If there are failures in the cleaning process, oxygen enrichment or water pumping, the entire living mass of your pool may die and the costs will be colossal. The business is profitable, but there is no need to rush and chase super profits at the risk of entire production.

    3. Making a pool with your own hands. If you do not have experience in building a swimming pool or are not familiar with the basic principles of constructing such structures, then you should resort to the help of specialists, which, if done correctly, will, of course, pay off. And having spent significant money and nerves on construction and received a colossal fiasco, you can stop your commercial zeal.
    4. Poorly verified project accounting. Our man’s hope for “maybe” never ceases to amaze and seemingly completely obvious things are not taken into account. Only accurate financial calculations of costs and profits, numerous consultations with experienced manufacturers and economists will help you avoid significant losses.

    Preparing tools and equipment

    Before starting work, you should prepare the necessary tools. The amount and nature of equipment will vary significantly depending on the type of pond in your yard. For example, to create a small reservoir that will serve exclusively for decorative purposes, it is enough to prepare a hose, a shovel, containers for excavating earth and a level.

    The more complex the configuration of the reservoir, the more elements will need to be prepared for its arrangement Source

    See also: Catalog of country house projects worth up to 1 million rubles

    If the functional load of the pool is higher, it is necessary to expand the above list to include the following elements:

    • A filter necessary for water purification. It is also necessary to use it if it is planned to build a swimming pool.
    • Sterilizer. It should be used only when constructing a swimming pool, since its task is to purify the water from growing algae.
    • A pump through which water will be pumped in and out. Of course, this can also be done manually if it is not possible to purchase a pump.
    • Aerator. This is a device whose task includes saturating water with oxygen. If you plan to build a pond at your dacha for fish breeding, you absolutely must purchase it.

    It is also important to prepare consumables, including sand, small crushed stone, ropes, pegs, and large stones.

    An artificial pond in a natural style fits harmoniously into the garden’s exterior Source


    The optimal size of a reservoir for fish farming is 15-50 sq.m, the depth should be at least 1 meter and no more than 3, and it is preferable that the bottom have differences in relief. Thanks to the differences, the water will warm up well in the shallowest places, and fish will be able to winter in the deepest ones.

    Calculation of the volume of the future pond directly depends on the planned species and number of fish that will inhabit it. One fish measuring 10 cm on average needs 50 liters of water.

    Stages of constructing a pond

    If you plan to build a small pond in your country house, for example, using an old tire or a bathtub, there are only two stages of construction: just dig a hole of suitable size into which you need to immerse the selected container. In other situations, the construction process is somewhat more complicated. How to dig a pond for fish farming, swimming, or simply decorating a summer cottage - let's try to look at it in more detail.

    Pit preparation

    The first and integral stage of construction is the creation of a pit. To obtain the desired result, it is important to follow the mandatory algorithm of actions:

    • At the initial stage, it is necessary to create a full-scale sketch, within which you should indicate not only the dimensions, that is, the depth and area of ​​​​the future structure, but also the width of the curtains.
    • Curtains are a kind of shelves on which aquatic plants will subsequently be planted; they are located on the upper level. Their inclusion in the sketch will eliminate future difficulties during work.

    Methods of breeding fish in artificial conditions

    Business should be fun. Fish farming is best associated with relaxation and can bring a lot of pleasant emotions. In addition, this is a fairly profitable and uncomplicated process. Setting up your own farm does not require large investments, and the economic effect is quite noticeable and with proper farming, you can receive regular profits and an environmentally friendly product for your table. The demand for typical river inhabitants, be it sturgeon or trout, is constantly growing in Russia. A huge number of ponds, lakes and reservoirs, as well as the climate in our country, make it possible to successfully engage in this type of activity in almost all regions. Artificial cultivation of fish was practiced in ancient times. Currently, this method has reached a high level of development and provides for implementation in the following conditions:

    1. In a swimming pool.
    2. In the pond.
    3. Cage method.

    A guarantee of success in this case will be the preparation of a detailed business plan, taking into account many risk factors.

    Video description

    This video shows the process of arranging a pond made of film:
    Next, you need to transfer the contours of the future pond to the selected area. This can be done using any available means, for example, it is permissible to use ordinary light sand, rope and pegs.

    After this, you should make sure that the contours are located at the same level. Next, you need to remove the top layer of soil, that is, turf. To perform this type of work, it is most convenient to use a regular shovel.

    In the process of creating a pit, it is important to take into account a wide range of nuances, including the size and functional purpose of the pond Source

    See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in landscape design and installation of swimming pools

    Which construction method should you focus on?

    Many people know that they definitely need to dig a pit, but they have no idea about further work. Meanwhile, there are various options for further arrangement of the pond.

    1. Pour water into the dug pit and release new inhabitants there. A method for the lazy, it can cure this disease, since water will be permanently absorbed and evaporated, which will require frequent topping up of the reservoir.
    2. The dug pit is lined with film, which allows you to get rid of “leaks”. The downside is that it will have to be changed every 7-10 years. But it is not fatal, since in any case the pond must be cleaned periodically, otherwise the reservoir will soon turn into a swamp.
    3. Before digging a hole, purchase a ready-made plastic container and dig the required hole according to its size. The range of such goods does not know the word “shortage”, but the sizes are limited, therefore only small decorative fish can live in this “pool”.
    4. The most effective option to avoid frequent pond cleanings. The walls and bottom are strengthened, then they are lined with bricks.

    There is another know-how - a concrete multi-stage structure, but the costs for it are so high that such options are rarely used. Typically, film or plastic ponds are chosen. But we will consider all methods in order.

    Video description

    Selecting and preparing a site for a pond in the video:

    • Now you can begin the most difficult and important process - digging a pit. If you intend to dig a pond on a site for fish breeding, the creation of curtains is mandatory.
    • In such a situation, it is necessary to prepare the levels in stages, each time marking the contours of the curtains. It is recommended to take into account the following recommendations: the depth of the first level should be about 30 - 50 cm, the second - about 90.
    • The third should be deepened in accordance with the level of soil freezing, in this case it is necessary to rely on the climatic conditions of the zone. As a rule, a depth of about 1.8 meters is sufficient.

    The work of digging a pit is positioned as difficult; accordingly, the task can be simplified if specialists who have construction equipment at their disposal are involved in its solution.

    If you plan to carry out all the work yourself, it is important to take into account the depth of groundwater and weather conditions. If the waters are located close to the surface or, according to the weather forecast, there will be prolonged rains, there is a prospect of carrying out work in liquid mud.

    How much can you earn?

    The expenditure and revenue portion of the project will vary depending on the scale of production. The cost of carp fry varies from 60 to 120 rubles per kilogram. The minimum price of feed for it is 7-8 rubles. An adult is sold for 100-130 rubles per 1 kg. For example, you can take the average values ​​of the main points when growing carp. With the most conservative calculations and minimal volumes of the final product, the cost part looks something like this:

    1. Malek – 5200 rub.
    2. Staff – 15,150 rub.
    3. Feed – 3350 rub.
    4. Other – 9350 rub.

    The regressive part of accounting will be 30,050 rubles.

    With a total profitability of 50,000 rubles, the net profit will be 19,950 rubles. A multiple increase in parameters will lead to lower costs and increased profits. Profitability with proper organization of the process can reach 40%.

    Video description

    In this video you will see how to make a pond in your country house in 1 day:

    • After the last level is prepared, it is necessary to carefully level the bottom of the future structure. In this case, it is necessary to remove any pebbles, branches, and root systems of plants, which may well damage the film if this particular material is intended to be used in the construction of the pond.
    • Next, it is necessary to further level the bottom of the reservoir using fine crushed stone and a final layer of river sand. It is important to thoroughly level the surface and remove large fragments, if any.
    • To facilitate future work, it is recommended to make a small additional ditch around the entire perimeter of the future reservoir. The depth of such a ditch can be from 10 to 20 cm. Its creation is necessary in order to reliably fix the edges of this material when laying the film.
    • If the pond is deep enough, the work will create a significant amount of excavated soil. To eliminate difficulties with its movement, it is recommended to use it to raise the entire area of ​​a summer cottage or its individual zones.

    To prevent damage to the film, before laying it, it is important to carefully level the bottom of the pit Source

    Film laying

    The second stage consists of laying a special film on the bottom of the future reservoir, which must be selected depending on the purpose of the pond. The best option would be butyl rubber, but you can use durable PVC.

    Correctly laid film looks like the bottom of a natural reservoir Source

    Decorating Tips

    After completing all the arrangement work, you can begin the decorating stage. The decor can be stones, interesting figures, figurines, small trees.

    Depending on the size of the pond and the entire dacha plot, the reservoir can be supplemented with:

    • launch the fish;
    • plant aquatic plants;
    • make a bridge, a small island in the middle of a pond, a fountain, a waterfall;
    • equip night lighting;
    • put a bench, gazebo, sun loungers, barbecue;
    • lay out the paths with gravel and stone;
    • install a beautiful fence.

    Additional decoration around the artificial pondSource

    Additional elements will allow you to turn an ordinary artificial pond into a full-fledged recreation area in your own garden. When choosing them, you should be guided by several rules:

    1. It is better to choose stones of different sizes to make the composition more interesting. For safety reasons, do not use sharp stones.
    2. You should not dig a deep pit with steep walls, since it is very difficult to decorate it.
    3. Container gardening is much more convenient.

    Design of the coastal zoneSource

    Fantasy in decoration is limitless, it all depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the summer cottage, the available budget, and the general style of landscape design.


    Particular attention should be paid to planting aquatic plants. First you need to choose them correctly, since further biological balance and self-regulating processes depend on this:

    • for the first deep level, a tail or arrowhead is suitable;
    • Among the floating plants you can choose lilies, water hyacinths, and water lilies. They will not only decorate the pond, but will also protect the water from the scorching rays of the sun;
    • ferns, sedges, reeds, and reeds are suitable for decorating the space around the pond;
    • Among the flowering plants, the most suitable are weeding grass, bergenia, lungwort, water iris, kupena and others.

    Selection of plants for a pondSource

    You can start planting plants immediately after starting the filtration system. It is much easier to care for them in the future if you use special containers for planting, which are placed at the bottom of the pit.

    Briefly about the main thing

    A small pond in a country house can perform a wide range of functions, including fish breeding, a place for swimming, relaxation, and decorating the local area.

    But it is important to take into account that a reservoir can be used to solve several problems only if the work on its arrangement was carried out in accordance with the above norms and rules. It is necessary to use high quality materials and observe technological aspects that will help prevent shedding, silting or contamination of the reservoir.

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    What needs to be done to ensure that the fish overwinter normally

    The dacha pond and its inhabitants begin to be prepared for winter already with the onset of autumn. As the water temperature decreases, the amount of feed is gradually reduced. By the time the leaves fall, the pond is covered with a special net so that the leaves do not fall into the water and begin to rot at the bottom of the reservoir. Before frost, it is removed so that it does not freeze.

    Who can I offer the grown products to?

    In general, organizing the sale of small quantities of fish is not difficult. It can be sold live, chilled or frozen, or processed (salted, smoked). By the way, when farming fish, the simplest do-it-yourself smokehouse can be an excellent addition to the main fishing business, especially since smoked fish is more valuable and sells well. While engaged in small-scale production, many fish producers also practice organizing temporary fish sales points in winter. And in the fall, fish in glass containers can be delivered directly to residential areas.

    If the business begins to make a profit and expansion is planned, then its owner can think about how to open a fish store from scratch with minimal investment. You don't even have to advertise it very much. After all, knowing that the company sells good products, regular customers will no longer look for them on the market, but will be able to make a purchase in the store at any time.

    The supply of small quantities of fresh fish can be negotiated with branded fish stores, restaurant and cafe owners, and with the management of children's and school institutions.

    If there are no above-mentioned institutions near the production site and it is unprofitable to transport small volumes of products far away, then instead of selling fish as products, paid fishing can be organized on the pond. The cost of such entertainment on average starts from 500 rubles per fishing trip. And if the pond is stocked with elite species of fish, then the price increases two to three times. In order for fishing enthusiasts to know when to stop, a limit must be set on fishing. And for each kilogram above the limit, take, for example, an amount equal to the cost of this type of fish in the supermarket. And if the fish that is caught does not reach the marketable size (25 centimeters), then it is released back into the water.

    This way of earning money is, of course, very interesting, but before you breed fish in a small pond for this business idea, you need to carefully weigh all the possibilities. After all, the reservoir will have to be equipped:

    • Places for fishing, maintaining a comfortable distance;
    • Summer houses or gazebos;
    • Toilet.

    If your financial situation allows, you can organize a small shop with fishing gear. And if there is also a kitchen nearby with a chef who knows how to cook delicious fish, then I assure you that customers will be standing in line. It is interesting that the presence of such a vacation spot is profitable not only near large cities, but also in the periphery. After all, active recreation has recently become very popular, and beautiful and well-equipped places are rare.

    Purchasing fry

    Buying fry is not difficult now. There are many companies engaged in breeding fish for stocking water bodies.

    Buying a tench fry measuring 7-14 cm will cost about 70 rubles, crucian carp (35-45 cm) - 200 rubles apiece, crucian carp up to 40 cm in size will cost an average of 100 rubles.

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