Landscaping of terraces, verandas and balconies. What should I plant there? on the Nedvio website

If there is such a desire, on terraces, verandas, balconies it is quite possible to create an additional or main small flowering garden, like a front garden near a house. In this lovely green corner you can grow a variety of flowering and climbing plants from early spring to late autumn. The main thing is that the design of the flower garden is combined with the overall design of the site.

From this article you will learn how to properly landscape balconies, verandas and terraces, what plants are suitable for planting, how to choose the right flowers, miniature shrubs and trees in tubs.


Petunia is the most common veranda flower.
You can plant it either in a container or in a pot or flowerpot. Petunias grow best in sunny areas, south and southwest. The petunia container should be wide and deep, as these flowers love space and freedom. You should plant seedlings in the right place only if you are sure that night frosts will not harm the flowers. Also, petunias in pots should be watered more often than in a container.

Container Types

Hanging containers are mounted on special supports to the ceiling beams, wall containers are hung on walls, cornices and railings. Using hanging and wall-mounted planters, you can easily decorate vertical structures or disguise unattractive elements, such as covering a wall that has been in need of painting and updating. Wall-mounted and hanging containers are usually made of plastic, metal or wood. Ceramic or metal ones are less common, as they require reliable fastening systems and durable beams for fixation.

Container types: hanging, wall-mounted and wall-mounted modular


It blooms all summer, has compact spreading bushes, making it convenient to grow both in flower beds and in pots. Alyssum is propagated by seeds. In March - April, the seeds are sown in boxes, lightly sprinkled with soil.

It is also important not to overfeed the flower. If the nutrition is too intense, the foliage grows well, but alyssum hardly blooms. If you grow alyssum in a flower pot, it can turn into a beautiful white, pink or yellow cloud that will delight you.

What should the floor of the terrace be like?

Serious demands are placed on terrace flooring. Regardless of whether the area is open or closed, the floor must have increased resistance to moisture and be strong enough. Water resistance of the floor is a mandatory requirement, as it is susceptible to precipitation and air humidity. Strength is no less important, since the floor absorbs not only the weight of flower pots and tubs with large vegetation, but also the weight of furniture and decor.

Ideally, it is necessary to provide a slight slope to the floor to allow rainwater to drain into the gutter that borders the edge of the terrace. When thinking through the issues of arranging a green terrace, it is important to provide a system for watering the vegetation, and also decide how it will be connected to the water supply source.


It should not be confused with petunia. The main difference between Calibrachoa is the presence of a “neck” in its flowers, which differs in color from the corolla (brownish or yellow).

This plant needs to be grown in a warm place with plenty of light. But in very hot sun it can burn out.

It is better not to place Calibrachoa on the windy side, as the stems and flowers may be damaged. When watering, it is important to take precautions so that the roots do not rot. Most often, calibrachoa is planted around the perimeter of the veranda in boxes, flowerpots or hanging pots.

Coconut palm

A tree that is associated with Barcelona. Yes, yes, we are talking about the coconut tree, which has become the unofficial symbol of this sunny Spanish city. Of course, we do not suggest that you plant a tall variety in a container on your terrace. There are special types intended for outdoor cultivation in a personal plot or for container planting in spacious rooms. This palm tree is much smaller than its tall relative, but at the same time is not a bit inferior to it in exoticism.

The beauty of the coconut tree is that it is incredibly strong. She is not afraid of either heavy rain or a powerful hurricane. It is extremely difficult to pull it out of the ground. It withstands all the vagaries of nature (except frost, of course) and is unpretentious to agrotechnical conditions. It is important to choose a container or pot for it that will not accumulate water. Good drainage is the key to successful coconut tree growing. Frequent watering is also not for her. It requires water quite rarely, and in minimal quantities.

A coconut palm on the terrace is an ideal opportunity to create a shady location for relaxation, rest and pleasant time in the fresh air.


Nasturtium, also known as capuchin, is a large genus of herbaceous plants. It blooms almost all summer, from June until light autumn frosts. Its root system is shallow, so it thrives even in small pots.

If there is a lot of space on the veranda, then you can create a composition from different varieties of nasturtium, or decorate one corner with it. In order for nasturtium to please the owner with lush flowering, it is important to observe regular watering and fertilizing.


The astilbe culture, like hellebore, is completely unpretentious in terms of sunlight: it grows quietly and develops in the shade. True, it requires regular watering. Astilbe loves water very much and does not feel well when the grower forgets to water it. The secret of long-lasting flowering of astilbe is in the correct choice of soil. All experts and experts unanimously recommend that this terraced beauty must be planted in garden soil. She likes this substrate so much that astilbe blooms in it for as long as possible and very luxuriantly.

Astilbe inflorescences look like small variegated panicles. The color of the panicles depends on which varietal variety you choose. Some varieties of this flower grow up to one and a half meters in height.

Astilbe, which grows in a container in the fresh air, can bloom for a long time, but you should not expect many flowers from it. In such plants, green mass predominates. Bright panicles, of course, are also present, but in smaller quantities. By the way, you can create a magnificent composition for the terrace right in a large container. To do this, you need to select partners for astilbe that are similar in foliage color or flower color. For the winter, astilbes can and should be brought into the house: they will successfully overwinter and all this time, until the warmth of spring, will be the highlight of your interior - its bright touch.


Dwarf clematis are often placed in hanging pots or long containers along a fence. They prefer infrequent and abundant watering, but it is important to control that there is no stagnation of liquid. If the flowers do not have enough light, they may change color.

To reveal their full beauty potential, it is better to place clematis on the sides of the open veranda. Thanks to the variety of colors, you can arrange both single-color and multi-colored types, with which you can create beautiful compositions.


We're sure you didn't expect to see cacti plants on this list. But despite this, they are here. The fact is that there are a great many cacti. And in this case we are not talking about large and tall prickly plants, but about small flowering, compact and stylish ones. If you plant flowering small cacti in beautiful pots that contrast with the color of the cactus, you can get an incredibly beautiful composition. It will be cool if the cacti selected for the decoration of the veranda are similar to each other in size, but at the same time have different shapes and different colors. A great move is to choose containers or pots for them that are made in the same style, but have different colors.

When working with cacti, it is important to plant them on a sunny terrace because sunlight is vital for these plants. It is equally important not to flood the flowers and make sure that the water quickly leaves the pot. Moisture is destructive for cacti and can cause the plant to disappear.


Luxurious vine with hanging flowering tassels. Wisteria is characterized by a rather long flowering period, which lasts from late March to early September. It is better to plant bush or Japanese wisteria in a pot, since these varieties are the smallest.

The shoots need to be tied up regularly, and the vine should be pruned at the end of flowering so that it blooms more widely next season.

Natural remedies for protection

It is always difficult to fight viral and fungal plant diseases; such diseases appear suddenly, without clearly defined preconditions. Therefore, it is recommended to spray the plants with protective and antiseptic substances in advance. Chemicals are too active, so they should be used with extreme caution. The best means to combat plant diseases and protect them are natural compounds. They also cultivate the soil in flowerpots. All effective drugs can be made independently:

1. Garlic (2 crushed cloves) must be poured with hot water (1 liter). Leave for 3-4 hours, strain. Spray the plants and the ground around them. The mixture cannot be stored. 2. Pour tansy (2 tablespoons of chopped leaves) with hot water (1 liter). Place over low heat and simmer, without bringing to a boil, for 15 minutes. Water the soil around the plants with cool infusion and spray them. Store the product in the refrigerator.

morning glory

The evergreen climbing shrub morning glory will decorate your veranda. It blooms for a long time, from May to October. The plant is light-loving and does not tolerate strong winds and cold.

With a lack of light, morning glory leaves lose their original color. The pot or container for morning glory should be spacious, as climbing plants do not grow well in cramped spaces.


An evergreen climbing plant with beautifully shaped leaves. It can either be spread along walls and special partitions, or planted in tall flower pots. Unpretentious and shade-tolerant, it grows quickly and, like hops, needs constant pruning.

climbing roses

No garden can be imagined without roses. Climbing roses are perfect for vertical gardening on your veranda. Climbing roses bloom on overwintered shoots.

A very big problem when growing such roses is their fragility. The trunk is thin and cannot withstand a large mass of flowering shoots. Requires support and wind protection.

Now that the veranda at your country house is blooming and fragrant, you can sit and relax, admiring your work and the variety of colors.

Forming a joyful mood

Let's start by setting the main tone for the outdoor space. For example, the attractive Rayas rug from West Elm plays an important role in creating a homey, warm atmosphere.

Continuing the carpet theme, let's mention the company CB2, which offers the use of rugs made from recycled polypropylene. Besides its practicality and durability, it serves as a great highlight to the entire environment, adding a hefty dose of color to it.

Easy and universal solution

Colorful striped curtains from Pottery Barn can be safely used both indoors and outdoors. They are made from durable polyester that is fade and stain resistant.

Striped curtains

Unique lamp shades add a special charm to the surroundings, casting whimsical shadows on the ground. Verdigris steel lamps are an exquisite element of home decor.

Amazing street lights

Lamps from Pottery Barn are designed to serve you to create convenience and harmony.

A few ethnic touches will be a wonderful interior decoration

Creating a mini-garden on a terrace, veranda, balcony. What do you need to consider?

The classic option for landscaping external window sills, balconies, terraces, etc. is to plant plants in long containers or often wooden boxes.

Of course, the length of the boxes depends on the size of the area being landscaped, but it is usually recommended not to use containers with a length of more than 0.75-1 m. This is due to the fact that too bulky boxes are difficult to rearrange. Acceptable container height is 25-30 cm, width is 20 cm.

The color of the boxes may vary, but it is important to pay attention to how it matches the color of the house. Containers can be installed both inside a balcony or terrace, and outside, securing them to the railings.

Tip: Be sure to make several holes in the containers to drain excess water and allow air to penetrate to the roots of the plants.

It is important to ensure drainage. To do this, a layer of shards, crushed stone or some other material is laid out at the bottom of the container. You can pour a little fine peat over the drainage, which will absorb water and, if there is a lack of it, give it to the roots of the plants.

It is advisable to prepare a soil mixture for container gardening. It is prepared as follows:

The soil should be poured into the boxes until the distance between the upper edges of the container and the soil level is 3-4 cm.

It is not at all necessary to plant all the flowers directly in a long container. You can simply place pots with plants in a box. It’s just better to fill these boxes to the brim with sawdust or fine peat.

Alternatively, you can also wrap the pots in moss. Sawdust, peat or moss should be moistened periodically. Such measures are needed to protect flower pots from overheating and to prevent the soil in them from drying out.

And yet, according to experts, it is better to remove potted plants used for landscaping balconies and terraces in the summer from their pots and transplant them into boxes, where they will have much more space and soil.

Landscaping of terraces, verandas and balconies. What should I plant there? on the Nedvio website

If there is such a desire, on terraces, verandas, balconies it is quite possible to create an additional or main small flowering garden, like a front garden near a house. In this lovely green corner you can grow a variety of flowering and climbing plants from early spring to late autumn. The main thing is that the design of the flower garden is combined with the overall design of the site.

From this article you will learn how to properly landscape balconies, verandas and terraces, what plants are suitable for planting, how to choose the right flowers, miniature shrubs and trees in tubs.


Dolichos is a popular annual plant. This is a beautiful vine that deserves its place in your porch decor. The leaf blades resemble the shape of a heart and have different shades: green, purple, reddish-violet.

Flowering begins in mid-summer and ends with the first frost.

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