Arranging a site on a slope: all the subtleties and good ideas

How to take advantage of the terrain

Owners of yards with slopes believe that this area has complete disadvantages. They can easily be turned into advantages if you design them correctly. Professionals claim that areas of this type have the following advantages, which can easily be exploited when organizing the landscape:

  • Most of these areas face south. This guarantees active and healthy growth of vegetable crops and ornamental vegetation. Therefore, it is safely allowed to plant such plants.
  • If there is a slope not exceeding ten degrees, you do not need to resort to the use of additional means to level the area. And the highest point is allowed to be made in the form of an alpine slide.
  • If the living space itself is located on a hill, then you can guarantee that the foundation will not be flooded during floods.
  • On such a site you can arrange a high-quality pond with a smooth waterfall. This decor is most common for similar areas.

Beautiful arrangement of plantings Source
If the owner wants to acquire a beautiful landscape design with evergreen vegetation, he should prepare for frequent watering. The fact is that on a slope, water does not stay well in the ground, and accordingly, the entire decor will turn yellow and dry out.

Decorating uneven areas with stones Source

On a note! If the house is located at the bottom of the site, then all the moisture will accumulate at the bottom. This will lead to the formation of dampness and fungus inside the home.

Cottage on a slope Source

Successfully managed slope on the site Source


At the highest point, stones are laid, and the future waterfall is made in the form of a rock. You can place a jug on the top of the cliff, from which water will flow. It is necessary to provide a hole for laying the pipe.

Depending on the height of the stone structure, several ledges can be laid out.

All elements of the structure should be fastened with mortar, and the bed should be treated with a waterproofing substance in order to maximally protect the entire path of water from leakage.

Layout, slope strengthening and drainage organization

Before you begin installing a drainage or strengthening system for your yard, you need to think through all the little things in advance. It is advisable to create a diagram or sketch that will clearly show which object will be located and where. More often than not, this is what is used as a starting point when seriously developing a territory.

Paths in the garden Source

Alpine slide on a slope Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in landscaping work on sites.


When creating stairs, priority is given to safety and ease of use. You may have to plan to create handrails.

Construction materials must have anti-slip properties and be durable. This requirement will be especially important for those areas where frequent watering is planned.

Ways to strengthen the territory

There are plenty of options for fixing a relief area. They all vary in complexity and financial costs:

  • Using perennial vegetation with a branched root system. This approach is optimal if the slope level does not exceed 10 degrees. Various flowers and ornamental shrubs can be used for this purpose.
  • Using a retaining wall. It is usually made from various building materials. The most commonly used materials are concrete block, floor slabs, brick, shell rock or limestone. Foam concrete is used less often, as it is considered quite fragile.
  • Using geogrid or geogrid. This design is suitable for areas where the slope is more than 70 degrees. The features of such strengthening are the laying of geotextiles and filling the prepared cells with coarse crushed stone.
  • Using gabion. A gabion is a cage made of durable wire. This cell is filled with rubble, stone or gravel. They are successfully used for strengthening, in some cases they even play a decorative role.

Slope at the base of the house Source

Preparatory stage of design: construction of concrete supports Source
After all installation work has been carried out in order to strengthen the soil and prevent it from sliding. Next, the area must be drained.

Home waterfall Source


When designing and constructing residential buildings, they are guided by the standards SP 55.13330.2016 “Single-apartment residential buildings.” The construction of cottages is carried out in accordance with the requirements of “Planning and development of the territory of gardening by citizens. Buildings and constructions".

Development of design documentation for private development is carried out on the basis of SP 11-111-99. In addition, during the construction of objects they rely on the Land and Town Planning Codes of the Russian Federation, as well as other sets of rules (SP) :

  • SP 45.13330.2017 “Earth structures, foundations and foundations”;

  • SP 42.13330.2016 “Code of rules. Urban planning";
  • SP 82.13330.2016 “Improvement of territories”;
  • SP 126.13330.2017 “Geodetic work in construction”;
  • SP 47.13330.2016 “Engineering surveys for construction.”

The purpose of drainage and features of its implementation

The drainage system in the yard is a structure in which there is practically no soil. Several layers of soil are dug into the pit, after which it is filled with sand and large stones. This allows all the moisture to seep deep into the drainage, from where it goes into the groundwater. Arranging such a structure will help avoid several problems:

  • The appearance of excess moisture, which often accumulates near the foundation, causing its destruction.
  • Mold formation in the basement.
  • The formation of excess moisture in the soil, and this will prevent the development of rot in the root system of plants.
  • After heavy rains, the yard will always be clean and dry. The drainage will absorb the entire mass from precipitation.

Support for a slope made of stones Source

Dense lawn on a slope Source

Green spaces Source
Please note that all work on the technical arrangement of the territory is carried out even before the start of construction and organization of the landscape.

Outdoor kitchen Source


Initially, the site needs to be inspected; you can do it yourself or call professionals. The presence of underground rivers, inclined angle, and soil type are of great importance.

If there is a natural body of water nearby, there is a danger of washing away. Specialists will indicate areas that need support and advise which building materials are best to purchase.

The depth of groundwater can be determined independently - the abundance of sedge and cattails warn of their proximity, and wormwood and clover indicate a deep flow.

The next stage is drawing up a sketch on which the location of the desired objects is marked. Next, level the ground as much as possible, removing it at one point and moving it to another.

Landscaping rules for a site with a slope

After purchasing a plot of land on a hill, it is important to take into account that during its further registration it is necessary to take into account several professional rules:

  • Houses and non-residential buildings in such conditions are always installed in the upper parts of the slope.
  • The location of functional and decorative zones in the yard is carried out using the features of the relief (something is extremely necessary to be located at the foot of the slope).
  • At the lowest point, they try to plant tall crops. They help smooth out elevation differences.
  • For a southern slope, plants that can withstand dry conditions are preferably chosen.
  • Alpine slides are best located on the southern or southwestern parts of the slopes. This also applies to any other rocky decor.
  • Bulbous primroses are best planted on the western part of the garden plot.
  • Since the northern slope is shaded but quite warm, dwarf conifers should be planted here.

Using slope steps as beds Source

Large slope Source
Even with the correct arrangement of the drainage and strengthening system of the site on a slope, you must adhere to the recommendations for planting plants. Moreover, it is necessary to check with a specialist which materials are best used for the construction of buildings.

Decorative plantings on a steep slope Source

Recreation area at the foot of the slope Source

Is it possible to get by?

If during the construction of a house VP was not carried out, or was carried out unprofessionally, the consequences can be disastrous :

  1. The house tilts with gradual destruction. If the site is not leveled, the load on the foundation will be distributed unevenly, which will lead to cracks, structural instability, and collapse.
  2. Inability to maintain a garden. Flooding that is difficult to predict is destructive to soil and crops.
  3. Problems of engineering communications. The eroded soil will cause damage to electrical networks, sewerage systems, and wastewater treatment plants.
  4. Impossibility of building a ground floor and basement: there is a high risk of flooding and collapse in the event of eroded soil movement.
  5. Rotting of wooden buildings under the influence of increased levels of precipitation.

Due to the washing out of the soil and the instability of the site, it becomes impossible to build light buildings: gazebos, bathhouses and sheds.

What kind of memory is absolutely necessary?

Uneven landscapes limit the developer: not all projects are suitable for implementation; the construction of a pile foundation may be required. In addition, uneven areas are susceptible to soil erosion by rain and melted snow.

Based on the relief factor and elevation changes within the boundaries of the development area, the land plots are classified as:

  • smooth;
  • with a slight slope: ≤0.5 m;
  • with a significant slope: 0.5-1 m;
  • with a steep slope: ≥1m.

Experienced builders believe that every site needs bedding: even flat areas should be raised to lower the groundwater level.

The best ideas for using a slope in design

Landscaping of a site on a slope, subject to housing construction, is popular. In such areas, the most unusual design can easily be organized. You can use various ideas for arrangement.

Design of a site on a slope Source

A multi-level slide will look very interesting and quite unusual. Such designs are incredibly simple to implement. To create a similar option, it is enough to know how to build steps and make borders along their edges. The total area of ​​the designed decor can be sown with lawn.

Landscaping design of a two-level plot Source

A plot with a slope can be used as the basis for the formation of a children's playground or a single gazebo with circular landscaping. For this design, you will need to build a retaining wall and build steps from above. The structure will be successful if the slope has two sides.

Recreation area on the slope Source

The original gazebo, which can be located at the bottom of the slope, is arranged in a special way. This will make it possible to create calm and prevent the penetration of winds. The foot of the slope, which is made in the form of a semicircular brick reinforcing wall, will look very original. The upper part of the slope is intended to accommodate residential buildings.

Design of a site for a small summer house Source

Decorative plantings Source

A slight descent can be simply zoned, while creating a design with steps in marble stone. In this case, a low concrete wall is built in the middle of the slope with decoration. In such areas, mainly bulbous perennial plants are planted.

Backyard Design Idea Source

A slide that is too tall is usually designed using different design principles. One of these is concreting the site with the organization of deep flower beds and stairs. If you look closely, this object will resemble a geometric alpine slide.


The functional terracing technique is intended to cover all vacant areas, providing residents with convenience. Horizontal decks become playgrounds, flower beds, and recreation areas. Often these islands close the backwaters, providing protection from gusts of wind and looking like a couloir.

To fully relax and unwind in the lap of nature, there are barbecues, corners for sunbathing, and gazebos. Flower growers have plenty of room to roam – the altitude differences allow them to form outlandish rockeries and flower beds. The lower part is often allocated to the vegetable garden.

By constructing raised beds, their maintenance is much easier.

Rules for landscaping a summer cottage on a slope

You can create an unusual home exterior using landscaping from different angles. Vegetation should be planted if its growing conditions correspond to the characteristics of the territory.

  • It is important to plant greenery between rocky structures. To do this, you need to make small niches and shallow flower beds. However, not all plants grow successfully this way. In these conditions, thyme, phlox, and sedum are planted.
  • Low-growing coniferous plants and shrubs are best planted on a northern slope. They then become incredibly bright and large. Planting petunias, marigolds and other small-seeded herbs next to them is acceptable.
  • Large flower beds and locarias grow well on a southern slope. Such living decorations should be grown in wooden or stone flower beds.

Beautiful slope Source

Recreation area with barbecue on an uneven landscape Source
Taking into account all the requirements regarding landscaping of the territory, it will be possible to create original flower beds and compositions from living plants. Here it is important to consider what shade the plant will be during its ripening period. This must be emphasized in order to organize an interesting palette.

Modern landscape design of the site Source

Additional items

Very often, a site with a slope is decorated with artificial waterfalls and streams, small gazebos and garden benches, flower beds and beds.

The use of backlight will give an unusual effect.

Preparatory work on a site with a slope

Before you begin to clean up the organization of a house plot outside the city that has a slope, you need to decide on several important points. Be sure to carry out preparatory treatment of the area. To do this, an irrigation system, decor and functional areas are provided in advance.

The nature of the soil and the angle of inclination are mandatory points that should be taken into account when developing landscape design. For example, if the soil is quite alkaline and filled with acids, then it is better to refuse to grow cultivated plants on it.

Chic relaxation area with an open fireplace Source

Standard topsoil is less aggressive and therefore ideal for growing fruit and vegetable crops.

For example, on the northern part of the slope it is better not to create various rock gardens with green spaces. This object will always be dim and almost lifeless.

Beautiful alpine slide on the slope Source

Terracing is often used. This is one of the well-known technologies that will hide strong differences in the area. Before installing balconies at a high point on the slope, it is necessary to design the area that will be used for this object.

In this same place it is very easy to create an individual space for relaxation, leisure, or to arrange an outdoor kitchen or an open veranda in this place.

Drainage system

Drainage will help prevent soil washout under natural weather conditions and as a result of manual or automated watering of green spaces.

The drainage system requires mandatory planning at the site design stage; pipes, catch basins and filtration devices are used for its arrangement.

How to design a garden plot on a slope

If the slope in the local area is used for garden ornamental plantings, then it is best to use well-fortified soil. From the photo you can choose various ideas on how best to arrange a garden on a slope.

Decorating slopes with plants Source

It is known that people try to improve rock gardens and other living decorations in the spring. Many of the slopes are also decorated with spring vegetation. Slender, newly bloomed tulips will look very romantic and interesting on the site. They are usually planted in flower beds and special niches. Seeds of perennials with small foliage and short stems are often sown together with them.

Slope landscaping Source

Many people try to design terraces or flower beds directly in the low-lying part of the site. You can organize this object in your own way. Some people plant a lawn on their property, others prefer to put up flower beds and much more. One of the common design options that every owner will like is the creation of a hard platform under the gazebo area. Gravel is often used for this purpose, and sometimes sea pebbles are added.

Steps lined with stone Source

Design of transitions

Paths on a slope can visually reduce or increase the steepness of a slope. The linear type of path will “smooth out” the difference in heights, but the serpentine type will increase it.

Important! The transition should be as flat as possible, this will make it easier to “climb” to the upper sections of the terrace. The most convenient height of the steps is about ten centimeters.

For paths that are too long, small areas should be provided on which benches should be installed for rest. You can decorate such places with garden sculptures, mini-ponds, flowerpots, and original shaped lamps.

Safety also depends on how well the material is selected - it should not be uneven or slippery.

A harmonious appearance of the slope will be ensured by steps and paths of the same width. They can be decorated with tiles, stone, wood. It all depends on the taste and capabilities of the owner of the estate.

Landscape Design Tips

To complete all the work on arranging the design of a yard on a hill, you can take as a rule a few simple but very useful tips from designers:

  • If there is even a slight hill on the territory, then in any case it is impossible to do without a ladder.
  • All elements should be easy to move, but their harmony with other objects on the site is also important.
  • They try to design any paths in the form of a serpentine, so they create a visual expansion of the nearby space.
  • For all areas it is recommended to use only natural materials, including stone, paving stones, wood and other popular species.

House on an elevated slope Source

Slope with an amphitheater Source

House on a slope Source
Garden crops and a vegetable garden should not be located nearby on a slope. The minimum distance between such crops should be at least 3-4 meters.

Large wooden house Source

Territory with a swimming pool Source


After completion of construction work, it is time to decorate both the waterfall itself and the area around it.

The design should begin with the “coastal” area - planting ornamental grasses, low shrubs, laying out pebbles, boulders, roots and original-shaped logs.

Coarse sand is poured into the bowl, but so that it is at the farthest possible distance from the part of the pump that draws in water.

Guests of the site will be especially impressed by the multi-colored illumination of individual parts of the cascading waterfall. At night, the water area looks truly magical!

Means, tools, equipment

To measure differences in memory and markings you will need:

  • level;
  • building level;
  • roulette.

Geodetic work is carried out only by professionals with special equipment. Site planning (filling, cutting, moving, loosening the soil) is carried out mechanically or manually.

In the first case, heavy special equipment :

  • bulldozer or grader;
  • tractor with cultivator or bucket.

When working independently, a walk-behind tractor with a cultivator and a cutter for cutting soil is used.

Needed for manual work:

  1. shovels;
  2. choppers;
  3. rake;
  4. scrap;
  5. pegs;
  6. sledgehammer or hammer.

To remove trees and bushes from the area, an ax, saw, and hacksaw will be useful. To transport soil you will need a wheelbarrow.


Often in areas with uneven terrain you can see grid cubes filled with stones and soil. In addition to their immediate function - strengthening the soil, they allow you to realize design ideas.

Perennial (often climbing) plants are planted in the ground, which is in a grid, which in a year or two turns ugly cubes into original landscape details.

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