30 ideas for a playground - for the country or in the city

A healthy child is full of energy, which he needs to spend every day. Playing on the playground is a great way to relax and enjoy the fresh air.

There is everything you need for a pleasant pastime and development: swings, manholes, slides, sandboxes, climbing walls and much more. Today on sale you can find a large selection of playground models that differ in design, price, material of manufacture, type of construction and other characteristics.

Interesting and functional platform “Blue Whale. This is a real children's house that can be arranged the way your baby likes.

In the video below you can watch a selection of ideas for children's playgrounds for a summer residence from members of the ForumHouse forum:

Depending on the age of children, there are:

Children's playground made from scrap materials

But you don’t have to buy a ready-made one, you can make it from things that everyone has. Dig around in the barn and you will find everything you need to build a play area.

You can see a photo of a playground installed with your own hands on our website. Before you begin construction, you need to decide on a location.

  • The playground should be located in the most advantageous place so that you can always see your baby and at the same time, there should be no dangerous places nearby.
  • The child must be completely safe while playing.
  • Children do not pay attention to sharp corners or dangerous objects while playing. They are completely immersed in the process and do not notice anything around them. Therefore, when sending your child to the yard, you must be 100% sure that nothing will happen to him.
  • Do not place the playground far from home, in case the baby falls or gets stuck, and you will not hear his cry.
  • Also, you should not place the playground in the sun; try to choose a place so that there is shade and the sun shines.

Playgrounds for preschoolers 2-7 years old

  • ... playgrounds for preschoolers. At this age, children are just beginning to explore the world, so a small model equipped with a sandbox, slide and spring swing is ideal for them. The main emphasis is not on the number of game elements, but on their safety.

All elements of such a gaming complex must be made of environmentally friendly materials. The bright design will contribute to the development of the baby's imagination and imagination.

Photo of a playground with a slide, a house and a sandbox

Play complexes for preschoolers, in addition to a slide, sandbox or swing, can have a playhouse, as well as various elements for the development of intelligence: for example, a drawing board, the alphabet or an abacus. This will help kids not only maintain their physical fitness, but also prepare for school.

Game complex in the courtyard of high-rise buildings

Making a sandbox

Ideas for a DIY playground can be very different. For example, almost everyone has a car, which means there are a couple of old tires in the garage that you can’t afford to throw away. You can use them to build a sandbox or a running machine.

In addition, they can be used to make beautiful and unusual jewelry. No playground would be complete without a sandbox. Kids love to sit in the sand and make various Easter cakes.

The easiest way to make a sandbox is to buy a large tire from a KamAZ truck or a tractor. Pour sand into it, and your child will play for days on end.

You can make a sandbox from wooden boards. This design can be of any shape. In addition, you can build a beautiful house or ship from the boards.

The sandbox can be fenced with logs. It will look like a forest clearing. Seeing an unusual sandbox, the child will happily plunge into the game and be satisfied.

Choosing the location of a children's playground in the country

There are not many of these conditions, but they must be fulfilled, since this concerns the safety of your child:

The child requires constant supervision, so we choose the most visible place to build a children’s playground with our own hands. You should be able to see what the baby is doing from the windows of a private house and from your garden (if you have one).

Try to distance the playground from outbuildings.

Choose a place with less loose soil; you won’t have to dig deep during construction, and leave a more fertile place for planting your favorite vegetables.

Consider the “light-shadow” mode for the children’s corner; it is advisable that the place has both a shadow and a sunny side. If this is not possible, stock up on artificial shading options using available materials.

A solid fence will be an excellent help: by placing a playground nearby, you can use it as a wall on which you can easily attach a drawing board, a rope ladder, and even a small climbing wall.


Not everyone can build a children's slide. The design is complex and if your budget allows, it is better to buy a ready-made one. To make a slide with your own hands, you need to buy a large amount of material and try to make the structure strong and safe for use.

It is necessary to calculate everything down to the smallest detail, make a drawing and carry out each point sequentially. There must be reliable fastenings and no sharp corners. The surface of the slide should not be slippery to prevent the child from slipping and falling.

To build a skating area, buy plastic ramps. They are much safer than metal ones and will not allow the baby to get hurt. A children's slide will help children develop sports skills. You can put a trampoline next to the slide.


It's not just girls who love swings. Boys will be happy to come up with a game with a simple game option. A tire swing will look unusual. The wheel can be secured to chains.

You can also make a swing from wood and regular rope. This option is much cheaper than a plastic swing. Moreover, a homemade swing can be decorated in any manner. The child can also take part in the process.

Play areas for children 6-12 years old

This is a period of active group games, so children of this age will be most interested in play complexes equipped with tube slides, rope ladders, climbing frames, ropes, horizontal bars, gymnastic rings, climbing walls and other equipment for developing agility and endurance.

Children's playground with ladder, rope and slide in the country


Your child will have real fun on the playground. Here you can place sports equipment and exercise equipment. Don’t forget to ask your child and he will tell you about his hobbies. You can hang garlands in the house; they will glow in the evening and help create the illusion of a fairy tale.

If your child loves an active lifestyle, then on his territory there must be parallel bars, a wall bars, a horizontal bar and much more. A basketball hoop wouldn't be amiss. The child will be able to play ball and invite his friends.

You can make a ring and hang a punching bag. Decorating a playground will not take much time. But this process should be approached creatively. Use your imagination, because even simple objects can look unusual in space.

Design ideas for children's playgrounds

What kind of shells and how to place them on the site is a purely individual thing. However, we recommend adding the following elements:

Sandbox. How can you do without your favorite sand cakes and towers! Working with sand is a very useful activity for a child, because playing with this natural material actively develops hand motor skills. It is advisable to install a roof over the sandbox. This will protect it from rain and birds.

Little house. It is thanks to this design that children will acquire their own secluded corner. It’s not difficult to build: we build a frame on a log foundation, build frames on top and bottom for the floor and ceiling, and cover it with boards. Ready!

Slide. Another integral part of the site. It can be made from stainless steel, plastic, wood. Usually the slide goes well with a complex of equipment (stairs, ropes, house).

Swing. One of the most popular shells among children. It won’t be difficult to build it: you only need a rope (or chain) and a seat (board, tire).

Decorative elements: animal figures made from improvised materials such as tires, plastic bottles, leftover boards and logs will fit perfectly into a children's corner. You can find a lot of ideas and ways to make them on the Internet, and use a photo to make a figurine you like.

Slate boards, horizontal bars, rope ladders, etc., depending on the child’s preferences.

Elements for role-playing games: a school desk, a car, a market stall - everything that will help the child feel like an adult.

There is another simple way to design a children's corner at your summer cottage - this is to buy a ready-made rubber playground. Such designs have a base in the form of a trampoline; the design can be selected from a photo on the Internet. Easily inflated with an electric pump.

In what style to make a children's playground is a purely personal matter. The main thing is that your child is interested in playing in this interesting corner. Try to rely on his opinion when choosing a theme for the design. And if you involve your child in some of the work, the result will delight you even more!

DIY children's playground photo

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