(+63 photos) DIY playgrounds from scrap materials

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Vladimir 03/17/2020

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Do-it-yourself children's playground at the dacha

You can take a break from the city noise and bustle in a country house or in the country. In addition, fresh air and beautiful scenery have a beneficial effect on restoring strength and health. All this is about adults, but what about kids? How can you diversify their time spent outside the city? Children's playgrounds in the country are exactly what little summer residents will be delighted with.

Basic designs

First you need to choose a suitable place for it. It should be:

  • clearly visible from home so that children’s games can be monitored;
  • safe, located away from wells, reservoirs, and electrical equipment. And also from the beds that kids can trample in the excitement of play;
  • spacious enough to accommodate everything planned.

If there is not much space, the gaming complex is made compact by combining several elements into one. For example, look, you can build a house on high supports, adding a ladder on one side, taking into account a slide on the other, and making a sandbox underneath it.

Advice! This arrangement of the mini sandbox will solve two more problems: it will protect the sand from rain and excess dampness, and the kids from the scorching sun. In any case, its long-term exposure must be limited by arranging this attractive element in the shade of a tree, equipping the model with an umbrella or canopy.


This is the simplest design that every parent can make. The traditional option is a square or real rectangular box made from boards. By showing a little imagination and changing the shape, the sandbox plan can be turned into a boat, a car or a house.

There are several nuances in making this game element:

  • Having marked a place for a sandbox, you need to remove the fertile layer of soil and stones from it so that other weeds do not grow through the sand;
  • so that water does not stagnate in the sand, then the area is deepened to 20-30 cm, an exit is made in the middle - a pit and covered with gravel, and the bottom of the sandbox is made independently with a slight slope towards the pit;
  • it can be covered with geotextiles or film, immediately making slits in it for water drainage.

Attention! The easiest way is to connect the sides inside the sandbox using corner bars. Additional rigidity of the installation design will be given by triangular gussets in the corners, which will also serve as comfortable seats for children.

Thinking about how to make a playground with your own hands from scrap materials in the yard, look: to make a sandbox, it is not necessary to develop and use new building materials around it. For this, log cuts, crumbs left over from the construction of a bathhouse, or old car tires are suitable.

Some stumps, properly treated with protective impregnation, are simply dug in around the perimeter of the sandbox and tied along the inner contour with tarpaulin or plastic tape.

Tires are used differently depending on the size. If you have a large wheel from a tractor or truck, first just cut off the inside of it, then sand the cut or put a garden hose cut lengthwise on it.

And small-diameter tires are preferably cut crosswise into 2 or 3 medium-sized pieces and dug into the ground vertically or laid lower, in the shape of a flower, fastening the individual elements to each other. The result is soft sides that are pleasant to sit on and perhaps not get hurt on.

Advice! Children's sandboxes often become a latrine for their own and neighbor's cats. Therefore, to protect them you need to build a cover or sew an awning.


If there is no mature tree with thick branches on the site, and there are no poles on which to hang the swing, small supports (pillars) with a crossbar are built for them. The material for them can be steel pipes, wooden beams with a cross-section of at least 10x10 cm, or logs of the same or slightly larger diameter; they can be purchased at any construction store.

The main thing is to ensure the stability and fastening of the supports, for which they are buried 50-80 cm into the ground and the foundation is concreted.

A swing seat can be bought or made from a variety of materials, not only wood, but also metal.

For example, from the same old car tires, a plastic chair without legs with linoleum or a steel hoop. The easiest way is to braid it with strong ribbons or belts. And for the little ones, it is better to make a soft, free seat by wrapping the chair hoop with several layers of foam rubber and sewing a fabric cover.

The swing is hung on chains, slings or a strong active rope. To prevent them from fraying and squeaking, carabiners are attached to them, which are attached to rings or hooks on the crossbar.

Such fastening will allow you to remove the swing during rain and winter and bring it into the house, hanging it from a hook in the ceiling, a horizontal bar or in an open doorway.

Balancers and spring rockers

Children sometimes build such rocking chairs themselves by simply laying a board across a log and rubble lying on the ground. The design turns out to be quite inconvenient, homemade and unstable, but it “works”. And if you are already deciding how to make a playground with your own hands from scrap materials at the dacha, then you will need to improve it by making a support of a suitable height and securing the board to it using a hinge or partially an ordinary long bolt, threaded through the holes in the support and the block to a depth , screwed to the board from below.

Something similar can be made inexpensively from a short board attached to half a tire. Depending on its diameter, you will get a rocking chair for one or two children. The main thing is to seriously polish the wooden parts and make comfortable handrails for the child to hold on to while rolling the ship.

When equipping a playground, not only car tires are used, but also shock absorber springs and plastic are used to make rocking chairs popular with children. But for this you need such an attribute as a welding machine and experience working with it in order to firmly secure the spring base.

To do this, dig a hole in the ground, install an artificial metal frame with a plate with anchor bolts welded to it, and fill the hole with concrete.

Flanges are welded to the spring itself on both sides. The lower flange is bolted to a metal plate in the concrete base, and the upper flange is used to secure the rocking chair. It can be cut out of plywood into any shape and the wood chips can be painted.

Transport and funny figures

  • When planning how to make a playground with your own hands from scrap materials at home, you should not forget about its design. Fixed equipment is no less interesting for children than slides and swings, as it allows them to come up with stories for different games.
  • Boys will most likely be interested in vehicles, which are not difficult to make, even without special tools. The main thing is imagination, creativity and a set of colors in bright shades. Here are just a few ideas:
  • A train with carriages made of logs and wheels made from thin cross-sections is an excellent option for the garden. If you cut a circle out of plywood and draw a funny face on it, you will get a very funny train simulator;

A racing car, climbing wall, motorcycle or truck can be made from several tires dug into the ground, connected by pieces of boards and decorated with a real steering wheel and headlights;

A boat with sides cut out of plywood, installed on 4 springs, will not be dangerous - this is only one of the options for creating a vehicle that sways with any movement and creates the illusion of a real journey.

Girls will be happy to play with figurines of animals, cartoon characters and simply funny characters that they can invent together. And here the same materials are useful: plywood, boards, logs, tires, plastic bottles and cans. All this scrap can be given a second life with just a little modification.

For example, you can dig a tire halfway into the ground, attach a muzzle and tail of any animal cut out of plywood on it, and paint the whole or part of the structure.

An old basin placed on a stump will turn it into a fungus, round frame boulders can perfectly become beetles or berries, it is easy to “grow” a palm tree from several plastic bottles, and it is advisable to make a caterpillar from a vacuum cleaner hose.

Sport equipment

  • School-age children no longer play in the sandbox or ride in toy cars; they need more active entertainment. And this needs to be taken into account before you build a playground with your own hands at the dacha for preschool children.
  • Many existing buildings are quite amenable to alteration and modernization. For example, instead of a slide slope, you can install an inclined or vertical wooden climbing surface, attaching special hooks to it and making slots for arms and legs. And instead of a swing, hang a rope and a rope ladder, a basketball hoop from the crossbar, or turn the supports into a football goal.
  • A great idea for this age is an obstacle course that is very popular. And again, the main building material can be old tires, a trampoline that is dug into the ground at different heights, secured on posts or suspended on chains between strong posts with railings.

The strip can be extended by using a log installed on supports, inclined planes, a labyrinth, a tunnel made of barrels laid on its side without a bottom, a bungee, or suspended platforms with optimal thickness.

  • In addition, do not forget to install benches on the site for relaxation and quiet games. A small table wouldn't hurt either. Although this furniture is also easy to make from boards or stumps of different diameters and heights.
  • Those who like to draw with crayons will love the smooth sheet of plywood, painted with chalkboard paint and mounted at a convenient height for ease of use. Targets nailed to a tree or fence will allow you to practice your accuracy when shooting with a bow, a pistol, or even a slingshot.
  • Take care of yourself too - find a cozy place for a sun lounger near the playground, where you can sit with a book or knitting, placing blankets nearby and not letting the children out of sight.

Video description

There is another option that is suitable for baby swings with a small swing amplitude - these are triangular supports with a crossbar and spacers that ensure structural rigidity.
Their production is shown in the video: A swing seat can be bought or made from a variety of materials, not just wood. For example, from the same old car tires, a plastic chair without legs or a steel hoop. The easiest way is to braid it with strong ribbons or belts. And for the little ones, it’s better to make a soft seat by wrapping the hoop in several layers of foam rubber and sewing a fabric cover.

Swing made of steel hoop, canvas slings, foam rubber and fabric Source i.ibb.co

The swing is hung on chains, slings or a strong rope. To prevent them from fraying and squeaking, carabiners are attached to them, which are attached to rings or hooks on the crossbar. This fastening will allow you to remove the swing during rain and winter and bring it into the house, hanging it from a hook in the ceiling, a horizontal bar or in a doorway.

Balancers and spring rockers

Children sometimes build such rocking chairs themselves by simply laying a board across a log lying on the ground. The design turns out to be quite inconvenient and unstable, but it “works”. And if you are already deciding how to make a playground with your own hands from scrap materials at the dacha, then improve it by making a support of a suitable height and securing the board to it using a hinge or an ordinary long bolt threaded through the holes in the support and a block screwed to the board below.

Do-it-yourself playgrounds in the country

A multifunctional summer cottage allows you to create comfortable areas designed both for relaxation for adults and for organizing useful activities for children during the week.

At the planning stage, it is important to consider the basic equipment of the playground, taking into account age characteristics, where everything will be located, and the individual preferences of younger family members.

Playground safety requirements

  1. The playground should be located far from the entrance area and parking lot. It is best if this distance is more than 10 meters.
  2. All elements must have rounded corners, and all surfaces must be perfectly polished. Sharp corners of bolts and screws must be covered with special caps.
  3. All stairs must have handrails.
  4. Once a year you need to change the contents of the sandbox. On rainy days, it should be covered with a material that does not allow water to pass through - a plastic cover or thick film.

Sandbox crab

5. If you are going to buy a ready-made complex, check the quality certificate from the seller.

6. All wooden elements must be treated with a special protective impregnation to prevent rotting and fire.

Projects and drawings

To make the final decision on where to equip a playground and how to arrange it, you should calculate the optimal area of ​​the future structure. A drawing is being developed, thanks to which it will be easy to mark out the arrangement of the site.

This parameter per child depends on age. Information:

  • under 7 years old - 8-9 m2;
  • 7-12 years - 13-15 m2.

Important! Given this dependence, additional space should be provided if the site and entrance are initially created for the younger age category. For example, you can temporarily lay out a common lawn there.

Artificial materials

There are many more options for arranging a children's area with artificial materials. All of them have a longer service life and create a spectacular, aesthetic appearance. The cost of this choice will also differ. Let's look at the 3 most popular ones.

Rubber tiles

Made from recycled car tires, with the addition of coloring and binding components. Creates a soft, elastic surface, is pleasant when walking barefoot, allows you to choose the shade and size that suits the design of the area, and has excellent performance characteristics:

  • Not subject to destruction under the influence of moisture.
  • Not afraid of frost and soil heaving.
  • Easy to clean and wash.
  • The average service life declared by manufacturers is at least 15 years.

Price of 1 m2 of rubber tiles 300x300 or 500x500 mm. – 700-1,200 rub. depending on the thickness of the product.

Important! The main disadvantage of rubber tiles, which the manufacturer tries to keep silent about, is the likelihood of bending corners, which can be dangerous during active children's games.

Original objects made of logs and wooden blocks

Play areas, sandboxes and areas of the children's playground can be delimited by various elements, including wood. And then other welding attributes will not be needed. For example, secure and decorate small logs dug in according to the markings. Colored chocks of different heights are an excellent idea for running along “stumps”, the distance between which should be calculated for children’s steps.

They can be dug in one line or under the left and right legs alternately. It doesn’t matter to children how such a barrier is made; it is important for them to know that it is comfortable and beautiful.

Toddlers have highly developed possessive instincts, so they often quarrel over the right to own a toy or play area. For these purposes, colored stumps delimit the sandbox into several separate areas - according to the number of children.

Low posts are used by children to lay out “paskas” from molds.

Country attraction

Making a swing for a summer house with your own hands, even for an inexperienced “builder”, will not be difficult.

The material can be racks made of wood or metal. The racks are connected by a jumper, and the resulting U-shaped structure is buried in the ground to a depth of one meter and properly strengthened.

The disadvantage of this design is its poor stability and rapid loosening when swinging. The structure will gain greater stability if both side posts consist of two pillars.

Crafts from car tires

Tires or old bald rubber are an opportunity to build a system of playground objects with your own hands.

The easiest way is, as a rule, to build a small sandbox for one child from unnecessary rubber from a “heavy truck”. It is better to place it in the shade, since there is nowhere to place the “mushroom” or canopy. You can shade the descent with a fabric awning or an old beach umbrella, changing the location depending on the shade.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a sandbox:

  1. prepare a site for a sandbox (it is better to build on a prepared base - paving slabs or lawn grass);
  2. mark a circle almost the size of the tire and remove the turf layer;
  3. you need to secure the tire to the ground with stakes or slate nails;
  4. Cover the bottom of the resulting reservoir with a tarpaulin and fill the level with sifted sand;
  5. paint the outer surface of the sandbox in a bright color with harmless, quick-drying paint;
  6. To monitor the sandbox, arrange a lid to cover the sand from rain or the ingress of cat and bird excrement (you can get by with oilcloth with weights at the ends). They are very reliable.

Art objects made from tires are an original decoration for a children's playground. In combination with plywood boards, this is the most affordable material for placing recognizable figures in the form of:

  • animals and birds;
  • fairy-tale characters;
  • favorite toys;
  • cartoon characters.

The most popular tumbler walls are made from two tires of different sizes, which are completely mounted one above the other. For health reasons, voids are filled with plywood. Using paints, they paint the sundress and the face of the toy.

Like a tumbler, there is a way to make, repair and decorate a matryoshka doll or a teddy bear, and place a barrel with the inscription “Honey” next to it. There can be several objects of different sizes. For example, three different bear figures, as in the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. “Masha and the Bear” is a good plot for crafts made from tires, but other ideas are also suitable, it helps develop imagination.

No less popular themes are white swans, which can be cut out of turned-out tires and covered with white paint.

On the edges in the center you need to make wings (or leave them without cuts), and on the wrapped end they draw a bird’s face, as in the photo on the site.

  • You can make a turtle out of tires by covering it with green and brown paint. One tire is needed for the base of the sculpture, the other is cut into 4 parts to make the legs. It is better to cut the head out of plywood and secure it near the base. This way nothing will happen to her.
  • Bald rubber is an excellent material for fencing a playground or constructing all kinds of labyrinths and galleries, cars, tents. If you cover a covered gallery made of tires with a camouflage net, you will get a good training ground for little scouts who love such games.

Playground for children 3-7 years old

At this age, the child makes friends and group games begin. Activity increases, and, accordingly, the need for the design of the territory intended for his leisure time increases. The area of ​​the playing area is expanding; if there is free space, space is organized for team, outdoor games (with a ball, catch-up, jumping ropes).

Playground for kindergarten children Source www.buyamishsheds.com

Organization of a playground for preschool children Source pinimg.com

The sandbox, as before, will remain relevant. The only thing that may be required is to expand its size. If a square of 1x1 m was enough for a baby, then preschoolers will need much larger sizes. They are determined depending on the capabilities of the allocated site - the more, the better.

Acceptable play structures are without complex elements: rope bridges, ropes, cableways. It is recommended to refrain from such elements for the safety of the child. The playground is equipped with a slide, swings, carousels, pull-pull, trains, cars with a rotating steering wheel and a chair.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the design and construction of small forms.

Where to place plastic containers?

This is a fertile material for exciting games, competitions and structures on the playground, built with your own hands without fabric. The straight wooden bridge will certainly be appreciated by young bowling fans. To do this you will need a dozen white plastic bottles filled with water or sand.

It is not necessary to knock them down with special heavy balls; a football or basketball ball will do just fine.

Another idea for developing coordination and accuracy is to cut the containers to half. They can be hung on wire and thin rope or nailed to a wooden fence. The essence of the game is to hit these containers with a small ball. Not only plastic bottles will do, but also old mugs and tin cans.

Plastic covering

A kind of analogue of paving or rubber tiles, made of safe primary processed plastic. It has no unpleasant odors and has high wear resistance. Due to the soft surface, it does not cause scratches or abrasions when dropped. Easy to use. Available in two variations:

  • In the form of full tiles 300x300 or 500x500 mm.
  • Modules assembled into a single monolithic covering. The installation principle is reminiscent of assembling puzzles.

Plastic covering for a playground Source filecdn.nonsprecare
The price of 1 m2 starts from 500 and can reach 1,200 rubles, depending on the thickness, the design of the locking connections and other characteristics.


A tree house is every child's dream. A children's playground with an unusual house full of secrets will become every child's favorite place. Building a house is not so easy.

To do this, you need to buy the required amount of materials and make drawings. You won’t be able to build the structure alone, so find an assistant. You can connect the house with a ladder and a slide. Below you can place a swing and a sandbox.

Features of the layout and arrangement of the playground

Only competent planning leads to a positive outcome of any undertaking. The design of a playground should be approached with great responsibility. The main components of the process are safety, interest, physical development, health. A child will be able to benefit from spending time playing games only in a play area with a proper layout.

First, you need to come up with an interesting project in order to interest future users as much as possible. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age of the children, level of physical development, and hobbies. To simplify the planning process, creating a sketch of the site with all the elements of the site (swings, sandbox, slide, beams, etc.) will help. Having a detailed layout diagram, you can analyze and predict possible negative aspects in advance, and make timely adjustments.

Play area fences

Of course, it is not necessary to fence the playground, but a small fence will only make it more beautiful. You can make a fence from available materials. Even ordinary plastic bottles can decorate a space. You can make beautiful animals out of them or paint them in different colors.

A wooden fence will look unusual. Paint each block or log a bright color. Make a beautiful door. Entrust your child with creating drawings that will decorate your entire area. How to make a playground with your own hands?

A difficult question to which you will definitely find an answer. Create a play corner for your baby and he will say “Thank you!”

Choosing a surface for the site

The most budget-friendly type of covering for a children's recreation area is lawn grass and river sand. You can play on them almost safely. However, natural, pleasant-to-touch lawns become unusable for some time after rain. Also, the disadvantages are complemented by the difficulty of cleaning and the presence of insects.

It is much easier to cover the playground with artificial turf. Thanks to modern technologies, many types of lawns are made that prevent injuries from falling. The most popular coatings are:

  • Tartan. Consists of synthetic rubber. The material is absolutely safe, does not cause allergies, does not generate dust, and does not emit toxins. The bright dyes contain only natural ingredients. The seamless coating is resistant to evaporation, withstands a wide range of temperature changes, is easy to clean, and does not slip;
  • Plastic. The collapsible design consists of modules. Geometrically stable products have a ribbed surface. The blocks tolerate low temperatures well and are resistant to fading. Installed on a flat sandy surface, compacted into it and snapped into place;

  • Soft tiles. Rubber soft covering has characteristics identical to tartan flooring, but consists of separate elements. The hygienic, non-slip material is resistant to changes in weather conditions and has high sound and vibration insulation. The tiles are easy to repair at home;
  • Artificial turf. The main advantage of synthetic grass is that there is no need for watering, fertilizing, or shaping. This coating does not trample or wrinkle. The springy fiber softens the load on the legs and spine, and absorbs the impact when falling. Artificial turf requires careful maintenance. Polypropylene grass must be combed in a timely manner, debris removed, and wiped with a solution of water and vinegar.

Placing elements on the site

The area of ​​land required for construction depends on your wishes, age and number of children. Usually this is a square corner with an area of ​​8-10 square meters. In such a site, the arrangement of elements can be very diverse.

Most often, a slide in combination with swings and other equipment is located in the center, a sports corner and some creative elements like a drawing board should be located in the corner near the fence.

The rectangular area is a little more complicated; there the elements will most likely have to be installed in a row, one after another. You also need to remember about safety, especially if you have more than one child. Due to the circumstances of a large family, you cannot place a swing next to the sandbox.

Development and principles of creating a site

A children's playground in the courtyard of a dacha or next to a high-rise building must meet the conditions of modern society. The thinking of children of the new generation is significantly different from adults, so it is important to organize a rich, diverse space for their growth and improvement.

Play takes up most of a child's life. This process, transferred to a playground with play equipment, will promote mental and physical development and have a beneficial effect on cultural and psychological adaptation. The formation of useful skills depends on the correct organization of the recreation area. When drawing up a construction plan, there are several important factors to consider.

Selecting a location

The location of the playground should be convenient for all household members. The positive side of a self-created project is the opportunity to choose the most suitable location and save a lot of money. The comfortable placement of the gaming complex will allow you to enjoy playing outdoors at any time of the year. It should be a flat surface without holes or slopes, cleared of plantings. It is also important to consider lighting. When choosing a location for the entertainment area, consider the following points:

  • The territory should be clearly visible from any point of the private plot;
  • There should be no flower beds with cultivated plants or outbuildings nearby;
  • It is better to locate the site near the fence, if it is not a fence from the roadway;
  • You should choose a spacious area, the area of ​​which will be sufficient to place all the elements at a safe distance;
  • The site should not be permanently shaded. It is better to build a special canopy for the sandbox and swing.

Required area

Regardless of the age and number of children, it is necessary to allocate a lot of space for games in the summer cottage. A house, a sandbox and a low swing will no longer interest the child after a while, so it is worth considering the possibility of improving and completing the recreation area.

You can make the most functional site possible if you first draw a drawing of it to scale and apply the necessary structures. It is important to indicate the distance between all elements and their dimensions.

The standard dimensions of playgrounds for preschoolers are 6 x 6 meters. When making calculations, it is necessary to take into account the size of the safe area near each entertainment facility; it is necessary to take into account the swing size, the place for a run at the carousel, and the safe descent from the slide. The older the child, the larger the area that needs to be used to build the playground. School-age children from 7 years old will be interested in obstacle courses, cable cars, and wooden climbing walls.

Site design

The criteria for choosing a suitable playground design directly depend on the age of the child. Little kids don't need large and complex structures. They will be happy with the usual sandbox, slide and swing. School-age children will love the tall house with a slide, a climbing wall and other elements on which they can climb and jump. Teenagers from 12 years old already have their own interests and preferences, so it would be appropriate for them to build a playground in the style of their favorite movie or computer game. The recreation area for older children must be equipped with a focus on physical development; you can place a rope, a Swedish wall, simple exercise equipment, and a horizontal bar. The following types of playgrounds will fit perfectly into the landscape design:

  • Thematic. They are created like fairy tales and films. It could be a pirate fleet, a big fire truck, a little princess's kingdom;
  • Sports complexes. Consist of many components. Place horizontal bars, rings, various equipment, a tennis table;
  • Combined. Designed for children of different ages. To meet the needs of each child, the yard is filled with elements of varying complexity.

Materials for arrangement

At the initial stage, when drawing up a layout, it is necessary to select suitable materials for the future entertainment area. High-quality parts are the key to the durability of any design. When constructing a playground, there should be no doubt at all about their reliability. Each building material, regardless of purpose and type, must be certified and meet all safety standards. To arrange the outdoor play area, the following materials are used:

  1. Tree. The main part of the structures. Used for the manufacture of solid, glued parts (sandboxes, seats, beams, rings, tables). After treatment with a special impregnation, the products do not crack or deform when wet;
  2. Metal. Various supports, crossbars, swing frames and other elements are made from it. Aluminum and steel are used. To improve quality characteristics and improve appearance, zinc coating and powder painting are used;
  3. Plastic. The most affordable, damage-resistant material. Available in a huge range of colors. You can purchase ready-made parts of the required shape;
  4. Waterproof plywood. Designed for the manufacture of various decor, giving strength to products. The material can be used in different thicknesses;
  5. Polypropylene. With a small fiber diameter, it has high permissible loads. Used to make ropes, swings, suspension bridges, obstacle courses.

Textiles on the playground are used only to organize a removable canopy or fences. Constant use of fabric outdoors will quickly ruin its appearance. Getting wet in the rain will cause fungus to appear.

Options for decorating the area

A children's corner can be decorated in completely different ways, everything also depends on you and your child, on your wishes, creative ideas and imagination.

The area around the perimeter can be planted with flowers or you can create some thematic figures and place them in different places of the site, the bright color of the main buildings will also be a decoration, they can be covered with different bright colors or with a coating in the same style, there are no boundaries.

Metal swing

In almost the same way as a wooden attraction, a swing is assembled from metal pipes.

They can also be made independently by a person with experience in welding.

Outdoor swings on the site, made of metal, have an undoubted advantage - reliability and stability of the structure.

The downside is that from time to time the support pillars and crossbar become covered in rust, which needs to be cleaned off and then the entire attraction needs to be painted.

Design ideas

The design of a playground depends on creative ideas, the volume of plans, style, materials used and the time that the owner is willing to spend on this event. It is better to coordinate all steps with the children; they should highlight the details that they like and what can be improved, because the main thing is that they have fun and comfort.

Since children are often bored at the dacha, the main idea of ​​​​creating such a children's corner is to provide children with a fun and interesting activity, which means that everything should be decorated in an interesting and colorful way.

Absolutely everything can be combined on the site, and ideally all the main elements of entertainment should be built. If there is not much space, then you can install only the most interesting and important things for the child, for example, a swing and a sandbox, a slide and a sports corner, and so on.

The interests of the child should be taken into account not only in the placement of buildings, but also in the painting of these very elements.

For example, for a boy you can paint everything in protective colors, for a girl you can paint flowers on the elements. It is also important to decorate the site with additional elements and figures made from tires, pallets and other improvised means.

Getting ready for work

Children's play complex for the dacha

Children's playground at the dacha

Children's playground
First, we purchase the material we need - boards 15x2 cm and 5x2 cm and timber with sections 10x5 cm, 10x10 cm and 5x5 cm.

We prepare the following tools:

  • electric drill;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • grinder;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • level.

During the work process, you may need some additional small things like a screwdriver, knife, etc.

From pallets

Euro pallets are used to deliver large goods. You can find different types of pallets in the backyards of supermarkets, as well as on construction sites. They have a standard width (1200 mm), and the length depends on the type of cargo. There are quite long ones (up to 2600 mm), they carry doors with transoms.

Dried wood is used to make Euro pallets. It is designed for stowing cargo, the weight of which can reach up to 1800 kg (steel doors and windows).

Therefore, it is irrational to throw away such ornamental material; it can be converted into wonderful garden furniture from pallets. Recipients of goods pay for the removal of containers, so they will gladly give away the pallets and pay less for wooden structures.

Using Euro pallets, you can make several crafts that will be useful on the playground:

  • a table at the base of which the flooring is used. All that remains is to raise it to a comfortable height and fix it so that it stands more stable;
  • a small sofa will become a comfortable place where you can lounge in the fresh air;
  • a toy storage cabinet may have drawers;
  • ladders and stepladders allow children to climb;
  • small gazebos, pergolas and other garden products;
  • even a small pool;
  • garden furniture.

No. 6. Children's play complex for the dacha

Domestic and foreign manufacturers offer modern parents a huge selection of ready-made children's complexes for their summer cottages. Typically, they consist of several modules and are easily assembled, turning into a real construction set. If necessary, an additional module can be purchased and the existing site can be modified. Some companies offer custom-made production of such platforms, taking into account all requirements and wishes.

The equipment may vary greatly, and the choice depends on the age of the child and the available space. The standard set includes a bench, sandbox, slide and swing. More complex complexes can be equipped with houses, fortresses, bridges, webs, nets, tunnels, labyrinths and ropes. For older children, there are sports and gaming complexes , which include a wall bars, horizontal bars, rings, and simple exercise equipment.

The following materials can be used:

  • wood is the preferred option. Large domestic companies use it, and only some elements can be made of plastic or metal;
  • plastic _ Responsible manufacturers, if they use plastic, use it of the highest quality, which is confirmed by the accompanying documentation. The quality of plastic complexes from nameless Chinese manufacturers is questionable;
  • inflatable complexes – an excellent country option for the little ones. You can literally take this playground with you into nature. As a rule, inflatable complexes are a slide with a trampoline or a pool with balls.

Modern play complexes improve a child’s physical fitness and develop imagination, but the main thing is that the design is safe:

  • the slide should have high sides and a rounded bottom;
  • meshes and webs must be made of durable nylon or perlon rope;
  • sharp corners and edges, protruding bolts, and wood roughness are not allowed;
  • the complex must be strong and stable, and its supports are buried in the ground and concreted to ensure it. There is no need for concreting if the complex is large enough, wide and heavy, and its supports are located equidistant from each other. It will be stable, and dismantling will be much easier.

As for manufacturers , it is better to pay attention to the products of such companies:

  • Rainbow is an American brand that offers high-quality wooden complexes of various sizes and configurations, but the prices are high;
  • Perfetto Sport is an Italian brand. The company offers wooden complexes with plastic elements; they are equipped with slides and swings, and at the same time they are quite compact and are not as expensive as their American counterpart;
  • Keter are simple and inexpensive Israeli-made play complexes for the little ones. Plastic, compact and with an interesting design;
  • Paremo are high-quality domestic complexes that are several times cheaper than their foreign counterparts, but are not inferior to them in terms of reliability and equipment;
  • "Rosinka" - gaming and sports complexes made of wood. Compact, well equipped, inexpensive;
  • Playgarden is a large domestic manufacturer of children's complexes that offers interesting ready-made solutions, observing all the requirements for safety, aesthetics and attractiveness for the child. There are solutions designed for any budget.

Interesting ideas

In addition to traditional figurines or devices for games, they create unusual and sometimes unexpected crafts.

Big board

A drawing board is created from sheet material. You can draw, write and play on it. If several people participate, then everyone draws their own hero.

Climbing wall

For training future climbers, a climbing wall is made. The ascent is carried out along different routes.

Children's kitchen made from old furniture

Garden furniture, which is not in demand in city apartments, is taken to the dacha. It can be used to make items for children's kitchens.

Chair swing

The seats from the chairs will serve as a children's outdoor swing. We need to figure out how to secure the ropes.

Houses made from plastic bottles

Today there is a trend to reuse plastic containers. Bottles are very creatively used to decorate courtyards in cities, summer cottages, and playgrounds in kindergartens. With your own hands you can make a wonderful playhouse for children.

Bottles should be tied with strong twine, creating a wall panel or part of a fence. The frame of the building itself is made of wooden piles or metal pipes.

Sometimes craftsmen use cement mortar to fasten the eggplants together. Then the container is laid horizontally.

Swimming pool and sandbox made from car tires

A skilled craftsman manages to make “candy” out of any garbage. By using old tires you can create a wonderful DIY playground! Photo of the original sandbox, in the construction of which the baby himself takes part - only one option for their use.

If you cut off the inner bends of the tire, lay the bottom with film or fill it with cement, you can get a miniature pond. In the summer, when it’s hot, not only kids, but also adults can swim in it. However, you should remember that water quickly deteriorates in the warm season, so it needs to be changed quite often.

Making supports

Pre-prepare a project for the future complex. On the drawing, indicate the desired overall dimensions of each element of the system. Consider the size of the existing construction site.

Making a children's playground

Next we do the following:

  • we cut the timber into pieces for arranging support posts and crossbars;
  • sanding wooden elements;
  • saturate the sanded wood with an antiseptic.

The average length of supports is 900-1150 mm. About 80-100 cm of each support will be dug into the ground, about 10-15 cm will remain above the ground.

Beams for supports

Beams for supports

Bars for making platform parts

We lay out the supporting elements on the site in accordance with the project and form a frame - two side parts of our future complex. For connection we use screws with a diameter of 8-10 mm. We embed them into the wood. We close the holes with plugs.

Sandbox prices


We place the sides on supports, fixing them in previously prepared recesses. At this stage, we enlist the help of 1-3 people. We set the sides according to the level. It is recommended to first lay bricks under the bottom of each support for better stability of the site. We fill the installed supports with 10-15 cm of crushed stone and fill them with concrete mixture.

We connect the exposed supports with transverse beams. We leave the fill to gain strength.

The wood is processed and wrapped with roofing felt

Supports Racks are dug in

The racks are dug in and connected by a cross member

Tire swings and carousels

Since you can make a playground with your own hands from scrap materials, practically reducing financial costs to zero, everything will be used, even old car wheels. Craftsmen use them to build original benches in recreation areas, imitating a car. And tires can make wonderful swings.

You just need to choose a stronger tree, a strong enough rope and learn how to tie real sea knots, which will guarantee the safety of children. You can use metal chains or braided wire bundles.

A children's playground, created with your own hands from available materials, will not only be functional, but also beautiful if its design is consistent with the general style. To do this, the master must use bright colors and use various details.

For example, carousel swings that imitate a motorcycle or ATV look creative.

Craftsmen resort to making swings in the form of animals, cutting them out of tires and connecting the parts with bolts. If you think of an option where the top part of the carousel can rotate, then the kids’ joy will know no bounds.

Making a slide

What is a children's playground without a slide? Let's do that too! We won’t spend money on a ready-made plastic trigger. We won’t bother with metal either. Let's make a slide out of wood!

First we will assemble the slide and then attach it to the base. Recommendations for laying the floor will be given below.

To make the structure we will need the following material:

  • timber measuring 70x10x5 cm - 2 pieces;
  • boards 220x15x2 cm - 5 pieces;
  • timber 45x10x5 cm - 5 pieces.

We will use three boards to make a base for the descent. We plan the boards to the same thickness and sand them thoroughly. After this, we fasten the boards with bars directly along the surface. We fasten it from above - this way we can pull the boards to the beam as efficiently as possible. We recess the fasteners into the wood. We fill the recesses with putty for wood processing. Let it dry, and then carefully sand the entire slide again - it should be as smooth as possible.

The base is done. Let's start making the side parts. Determine the angle of descent. The top floor of our play complex will be at a height of 130 cm. Therefore, the angle of descent will be about 55 degrees.

Prices for children's slides

children's slide

It's easy to make a sandbox with your own hands!

Next, we take the side parts and cut them out at the top so that the elements can be installed on the floor of the top floor of our children's complex. From the bottom we simply cut it at 55 degrees.

Slice for attaching the slide

Next, we attach the finished sides to the base of our slide (to the bottom beam) and additionally with self-tapping screws to the end sides of the boards.

We sand the sides, getting rid of sharp corners. Additionally, we round the boards along the length so that it is more convenient for children to hold on to the sides while going down the slide.

All that remains is to paint the product. You can cover it with stain and then varnish.

Sanding and painting Gorka

Now we need to install the finished slide. To do this, we concrete the timber supports in pre-dug holes. Suitable material with dimensions of 70x10x5 cm. Pre-impregnate the wood with an antiseptic.


We connect the base of the slide with the support posts and the play complex using screws.


Sculptures made from trash

Sculptures will help you create a unique design. The master chooses fairy-tale creatures or fantastic animals, aliens or cartoon characters as prototypes. The frame of the sculpture itself is made of wire, which is coated with clay, plaster or cement.

Since it was decided to make a playground and its top (roof) with your own hands from scrap materials, bright small details are stuck on top of the figures: take caps from yogurt or mineral water bottles, parts of broken toys, checkers and buttons.

Scattered parts from the Lego constructor will also be used.

Even fragments of dishes can be put to use: they will become material for decorating a sculpture. However, you should be careful here: they need to be immersed deep enough in clay or cement so that the sharp edges cannot injure.

  • Old basins are easily transformed with paint into strange turtles. And the bowls, mounted on tree stumps, imitate giant mushrooms.
  • Metal dishes laid out in the grass or along paths, painted red and covered with black circles, will become fantastic ladybugs.
  • And plastic bottles make cute piglets and hedgehogs, funny and amusing.

No. 1. Age of the child and playground equipment

The first thing you should focus on when organizing a summer cottage for children is the age of the child and his needs :

  • the smallest ones do not need complex play complexes - a sandbox, a bench, a mushroom, an inflatable splash pool and maybe a simple small swing will be enough;
  • Children under 6 years old will enjoy small slides, swings of various types, carousels, and simple sports equipment. If there is space, a closed path for cycling is set up;
  • Children under 12 years of age will benefit from more complex play equipment, with numerous slides, ropes, labyrinths and bridges, stylized as a fortress or a pirate ship. In this case, ready-made children's complexes are perfect;
  • children over 12 years old it is already possible to equip a full-fledged sports ground with a wall bars, a horizontal bar, a rope, and simple exercise equipment, and the former children's playground, when it is no longer needed, can be converted into a recreation area.

there are several children of different ages in a family , then the ideal solution would be modern modular play complexes that can be arranged in different ways, rearranged, supplemented with new elements and, thus, make the playground interesting for children of all ages. Complexes equipped with facilities for young children and teenagers will make it possible to forget about the constant problem of modernizing the playground and will meet all the needs of children for a long time.

Metal structure

Compared to a wooden one, a metal slide is more stable and reliable. Since the metal gets very hot, the structure should be installed in a shaded corner.

Careful grinding of metal parts and painting them with special paint is required.

Construction of a children's cardboard house

A small temporary house made of cardboard will delight your child without leaving your apartment. After all, it is more intended specifically for indoor spaces, since moisture, sun and temperature changes make an already unreliable structure completely fragile.

To make such a model you will need thick cardboard . These can be individual sheets or a ready-made large box. You can use the drawing below and transfer it to the material. The parts must be cut carefully, avoiding crumbling and creasing. You can connect using cut grooves and fix them with glue, tape, or a stapler. The house can be decorated by the child himself; appliqués, stickers, and pieces of fabric can be used as decoration.

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