The most beautiful gardens and parks in Europe: TOP 8 masterpieces of landscape design

There is no more gifted creator in the world than nature, which has created truly amazing and beautiful masterpieces all over the world. While observing the natural beauty is simply breathtaking, the parks and gardens created by human hands deserve no less admiration.

Today, botanical gardens, small parks and giant palace and park complexes created by talented gardeners or designers are available to millions of people from all over the world. Some representatives of gardening art are presented in our article.


Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Gardens

Location: London. Great Britain.

The area of ​​Kew Gardens is more than 130 hectares. This huge complex of greenhouses and gardens was founded in 1759 by Princess Augusta, mother of King George III.

Kew Gardens - incredibly beautiful gardens, made in the classic English style, amazes the imagination with the number of species of plants represented: there are about 50 thousand of them. It is also home to some famous buildings considered landmarks such as the Pagoda, Palm House, Water Lily House, Alpine House. And there are absolutely incredible structures - the largest compost heap in Europe and the famous alley above the treetops.


Gardens of Villandry Castle in France

The lush Renaissance-style gardens of Villandry Castle are located halfway between Tours and Azay-le-Rideau. They were restored at the beginning of the 20th century by Dr. Joaquim Carvallo. The area is divided into four main gardens: an ornamental garden, a water garden, a garden with many different herbs and a vegetable garden with geometric motifs.


Location: Netherlands.

Every spring, the gardens attract tourists and guests from all over the world with their unique beauty. More than 7 million flowers bloom in this colorful slice of paradise - tulips, daffodils and hyacinths. Visitors can enjoy the beauty and then relax in one of the many restaurants or cafes in the Keukenhof Gardens. Boat excursions and bicycle rides are also popular here.


Suan Nong Nooch

Location: Thailand.

The garden was founded in 1980. The garden, owned by the Nong Nooch family, is a quaint little paradise for tourists. This beautiful exotic garden contains the largest private collection of plants in general, and palm trees in particular. In addition, visitors to Suan Nong Nooch can admire various types of orchids, the blooms of which are simply breathtaking. Here you will be invited to attend various shows and entertainment events; Mrs. Nong Nooch even has a show with elephants.


Inverew Garden in Scotland

Inverew is a true subtropical paradise, located deep in the mountains, very popular among tourists in rainy Scotland. Blue poppies, California erythrons and countless plants from South America bloom here, as well as eucalyptus from Tasmania and Australia

Gardens of Versailles

Location: France.

The Garden of Versailles, the pearl of the most beautiful palace complex. Louis XIV founded this garden in 1661. It was designed in classic French style by landscape architect André Le Nôtre. The garden is located on an area of ​​800 hectares.

The Garden of Versailles is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Every year more than 6 million tourists visit this garden to admire its beauty. During the warm season, beautiful fountains operate in the garden, each of which is a work of art.


Park complex of Peterhof in Russia

The 102-hectare Peterhof Park near St. Petersburg includes the French-style Upper Garden with three large fountains and the English-style Lower Garden, which includes the famous Grand Cascade at Petrodvorets. In sunny weather, the parks of Peterhof are truly dazzling - just like the dazzling statues of the Great Cascade covered in gold.

Butchart Garden

Location: Ontario. Canada

This garden (Butchart Gardens) is the brainchild of Robert Pym Butchart and his wife Jenny. They moved to Owen Sound in Ontario to explore the region's rich limestone deposits. This couple's gardening passion began with a small garden in front of their house, which later became a famous international tourist destination.


Desert Botanical Garden

Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Founded in 1937 by the Arizona Cactus community and native flora enthusiasts, the garden now contains at least 21,000 plant species, including 139 rare or endangered species. The garden is considered a source of pride for Phoenix residents and is a popular tourist destination in the region.


Gardens of Villa Lante in Italy

In northern Lazio is Villa Lante with gardens in the style of the Italian Renaissance. The special feature of these gardens, classified as Grandi Giardini Italiani (Great Italian Gardens), are its waterfalls, fountains and cascades.

Yu Yuan Garden

Location: Shanghai, China.

Yu Yuan Garden is a famous classical Chinese garden. The garden was completed in 1577 by a Ming Dynasty officer named Pan Yunduan. He built the garden to please his father, but he did not live to see the completion of almost 20 years of construction. The name of the garden in Chinese means “joy” or “leisurely relaxation.”

The garden area is only 4 hectares, but the number of attractions it contains is not proportional to its size. Each corner is a small piece with samples of Chinese culture.


Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden

Location: Florida, USA.

The Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden is home to a wide variety of tropical plant species. Here you can find examples of plant groups brought from different places around the globe, such as South Florida, oceanic islands, tropical Africa, the Caribbean and Madagascar.

On the territory of the garden there is a leading research center for the study of palm trees with more than 70 years of history.


Garden of Cosmic Reflections

Location: Scotland.

Charles Jencks' Garden of Cosmic Thoughts was inspired by fractals and black holes and attempted to combine science, mathematics, sculpture and landscaping. The garden is unique. There is no plant wealth here, but there are mathematical formulas and scientific phenomena reflected in conditions that skillfully combine natural features, artificial symmetry and curves.


Majorelle Garden

Location: Morocco

The elegant African Majorelle Garden is decorated in a surprisingly beautiful blue color, which gives the garden a unique, oriental flavor. The garden was created by French artist Jacques Majorelle in the 1920s, but was later purchased by famous fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent. This garden is also home to the Islamic Art Museum of Marrakech, whose collection includes North African textiles by Saint Laurent, paintings by Majorelle and much more.


Japanese (oriental) garden style

Traditional oriental gardens were intended for meditation and quiet contemplation. They served as a kind of “spiritual refuge”, so the main attention is paid to natural components. A Japanese garden should look natural and harmonious, so artificial elements cannot be found here. There is also no room or symmetry here.

The main elements of an oriental (Japanese) style garden:

  • fountain, pond or stream;
  • paths;
  • bamboo hedges and moss;
  • stones and plants;
  • tree crowns shaped like hills.

The role of accessories is usually performed by the following parts:

  • bridges over water areas;
  • traditional Japanese gazebos (“tea houses”);
  • stone benches and lanterns;
  • ropes, driftwood and twisting plants;
  • products made of light ceramics.

The main thing when creating the color scheme of an oriental garden is not to make sharp transitions between one color and another. There should be two or three color accents: gray, brown, sky, white.

Florence Boboli Gardens

Location: Italy.

The most worth visiting Florentine palace is Palazzo Pitti. Decorated with rough materials, the three-story palace, located on a hill, creates a simply impressive sight.

The gardens got their name from the names of the landowners. Cosimo de' Medici, who later married Eleanor of Toledo, purchased the palace in 1549. After the wedding, the palace is rebuilt, a courtyard is created, where the most beautiful courtyard in the Renaissance style was laid out. Along the perimeter of this courtyard are the magnificent Boboli Gardens, which are characterized by straight alleys leading to secluded grottoes.

Trees go well with statues, fountains and lawns. The park is joined by a courtyard with an Artichoke fountain located there. Niccolo Pericolo is considered the designer of the Boboli Gardens, and the idea was borrowed from other royal parks in Europe (for example, Versailles).


Six Poems Gardens, Japan

One of the oldest parks in the Land of the Rising Sun was founded in the 17th century and is rightfully considered national pride. The “poem” gardens of Recugen, united into one array, seem to be specially created for meditation and admiring nature. Here, all corners of nature have been carefully recreated, with the precision characteristic of the Japanese, bewitching and setting you in a peaceful mood: the solitude and mystery of the lagoons are adjacent to the shade and coolness of the forest thickets, tea gazebos and houses are hidden on artificially raised hills, twisted pines repeat the outlines of bridges thrown over streams . The pride of the gardens is the rare weeping sakura, casting shadows as if drawn in ink on the ground and showering it with delicate petals. The park is especially interesting when illuminated at night.

Tokyo Rikugen Gardens

Location: Tokyo, Japan.

In the 17th century, the most beautiful garden was created in Tokyo, which is a traditional Japanese-style garden. For 8 years, landscape scenes described in famous Japanese epics were created in the garden, thanks to the 1st owner of the garden, a big fan of waka poetry, Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu.

Rikugien is simply stunning: huge ponds with islands, on one of which there is a hill that provides garden guests with the opportunity to appreciate the panoramic view of the park. About 3 thousand shrubs and thousands of trees grow on the territory of Rikugien Park, which creates the appearance of a picturesque oasis.

Rikugien literally means "garden of six poems." The garden is a true example of Japanese style and is located in Tokyo. The first garden appeared more than three hundred years ago, when the shogun gave a plot of land to one loyal samurai. The garden is a real oasis of tranquility, surrounded by tall buildings. Rikugen consists of an entire complex, which includes artificial hills, skillfully disguised tea houses, forested areas and a central pond with islands.

There are bridges across the ponds, the banks of which are overgrown with grasses, and carp swim in the backwaters. The park has about 6 thousand trees, the foliage of which is home to a large number of birds. Like every garden, cherry blossoms also grow here, which, thanks to the night illumination, look simply magnificent.


Top 15 most beautiful, famous and best parks in the world

The most famous and best parks in the world are a real work of art, which was created with the help of incredible creations of nature and the talented hand of man. Many parks have existed for more than a thousand years and never cease to amaze with their beauty.

15. Traditional Rikugien Park, which takes its roots from the Golden Age of Japanese poetry

In Japanese, "rikugi" translates to "six waka poems" and "en" means "garden or park." Just imagine - the park was created in 1695 and to this day never ceases to delight residents and guests of Tokyo with its amazing beauty. The Japanese are incredibly proud of Rikugien Park and consider it a true example of landscape art throughout the world.

Green beauty in the center of the city bustle

Moreover, Tokyo is famous for its frantic pace of life, and such a park is considered a true island of calm and tranquility. The famous Japanese park has about 35 thousand mighty trees and all kinds of bushes strewn with inflorescences. Until about 1938, the park belonged to the wealthy emperor, but a couple of years later it became city property and became a local landmark.

This is a real place of peace and quiet

14. Vibrant flower gardens of the Butcharts in Canada

In 2004, the park was named a Canadian National Treasure. The famous garden, which is located on Vancouver Island, is considered to be the most amazing site in the whole world. Construction of the park began in 1888, when the Butchart family purchased a small piece of land to build a cement plant.

Such blooming beauty happened by accident

But because the area was too dull, the family decided to decorate the area a little with flowering bushes. And over time, such a random decision created the most beautiful flowering garden. Florists count about 1 million plants from 700 different species. You can see all the beauty of the magical gardens from the beginning of May until the end of October. And recently it began to be supplemented by a considerable collection of birds.

The park blooms from May to October without interruption

13. Classics of France in the Luxembourg Gardens

Formerly the Royal Garden, it is now one of the five most visited places in Paris, after the Eiffel Tower. The Luxembourg Garden was created in 1611, when Queen Marie de' Medici had a desire to create something in her garden that would remind her of her homeland, Florence. A truly luxurious royal park with an area of ​​27 hectares has collected the best flowers and shrubs in Italy.

French beauty with Italian touches

Among Parisians and tourists, the garden is famous for its paths, pompous fountains, Italian statues and flowering pavilions. Also in the Luxembourg Gardens there is an ancient palace, in one of the halls of which meetings of the French Senate are held.

Even in autumn the park is no less beautiful and crowded

12. Multi-colored tulip park - Keukenhof

It is also called the garden of Europe, which is considered the brightest, most colorful and best park in the world. Previously, the Imperial Park in the Netherlands, which spreads over 30 hectares, was founded in 1940. By the way, it blooms between The Hague and Amsterdam. It gained its fame thanks to a huge field of tulips - more than 4 million of all possible types of tulips grow in Keukenhof.

There are simply a huge number of different types of tulips in the park.

The garden is framed by various fountains, small lakes and stone statues. The park is open to tourists throughout the spring. The famous flower parade is held in Keukenhof every year. The park has an interesting translation - “kitchen garden”.

The park is also decorated with small lakes

11. Another royal park - Hyde Park in London

Where would we be without English rigor and exquisite beauty? In the heart of London there is a park that occupies 1.4 km². For a long time the park was private property, but thanks to Charles I it was opened to the public in the 17th century. It is not just the best, but also the most famous park for the whole world.

The park is especially beautiful in the spring season

The park contains the Serpentine Lake, where you can swim. Despite the restraint, the park is very beautiful. Especially in warm weather, when flowering plants are planted here. Other famous places are the Wellington Museum, the Achilles Statue and the Princess Diana Memorial. But the main attraction is the corner of freedom of speech, where everyone can express their opinion.

Discreet English beauty

10. Another flowery, but already heavenly park in Japan - Ashikaga

The simple, but at the same time incredible beauty of the bright and colorful wisteria flowers, which are the main pride of the park, simply soars in the clouds. The hardworking Chinese took care of creating the arches, which is why such a heavenly effect is created. This is, to some extent, a slightly unusual garden. Therefore, it became famous among tourists, which made it one of the best and most frequently visited parks in the world.

The pride of the park is the wisteria tunnels

But they are complemented by flower tunnels and floating flower beds, various geometric shapes of flowers and bright arbors. Such a garden blooms without interruption, because many other flowers are planted, for example, tulips or 1,500 types of roses.

The garden blooms without interruption

9. Boboli Gardens - the best creation of the Italian Renaissance

One of the most famous and beautiful parks in Florence. Construction began in 1550, but the park has undergone restoration more than once. Today its area occupies 4.5 hectares. This is not just one of the best parks in the world, but also the most ancient garden that has retained its amazing beauty.

It is also one of the oldest parks

True, the garden was only at the Medici residence, and after 1766 it was opened to the public. This is a real museum of garden culture, because it is decorated not only with incredibly beautiful patterns of bushes, but also with open temples, fountains, statues, grottoes and colonnades.

Such a park is a real museum of garden art

8. Gardens by the Bay - a real natural decoration of Singapore

This is a very unusual park that surprises with its beauty and size. The area of ​​this decoration is more than 100 hectares, but in this place incredibly tall trees and structures are collected as vertical gardens. At night, this best park in the world turns into a fiery greenhouse.

Simply incredible beauty opens up before the eyes of tourists

There are 18 trees in the park, reaching a height of up to 50 m. By the way, you can even have dinner in a restaurant on one of them. The garden is also distinguished by two huge glass greenhouses - the Flower Dome and the Cloud Forest.

Everything in the park is huge

7. Australia is famous not only for Sydney, but also for its most beautiful park - the Botanical Gardens in Cranbourne

The thought of such a creation is life on any terms. The fact is that the park was built on the site of a sand quarry, which had been destroying vegetation for a long time. In order not to import new lands, designers and gardeners took up such an unusual issue.

One of the most unusual parks in the world

A creative reconstruction of the landscape took place on an area of ​​40 hectares, on which approximately 1,700 species of various plants were planted. True, they all have a “persistent character” and tolerate drought well. This is an amazing park where the paths are never at the same level or in a straight line. This park was built only in 2013, but has already received the title of the best park in the world.

This is Australia's new treasure

6. A real Garden of Miracles in Dubai

In the Emirates, everything is done with sophistication, brilliance and chic. The park was no exception. More than 45 million different types of flowers have been collected in a relatively small area. Although the park opened relatively recently - in 2013, it has already attracted many tourists. After all, such a palette of bright colors cannot but delight.

Just an abundance of bright colors

It is also a record-breaking park. It has a 3-meter flower wall that stretches for 800 m. This is a real paradise island in the desert. By the way, the latest underground irrigation technologies are used to keep flowers alive. Also in the park you can visit the butterfly garden with 26 species of beauties.

Even a day is not enough to see all the delights of the park

5. Beihai Park or Imperial Garden in Beijing

This is a real masterpiece of the 10th century, which translates as “northern sea”. By the way, most of the best park in the world is occupied by Lake Beihai. For many years, the park was a favorite place for relaxation of many emperors. The first visitor was allowed into the park only in 1925, after the fall of the Qing Dynasty.

This is an original Chinese park

Until this time, it belonged to the Forbidden City and was considered a private closed territory only for noble blood. Beihai is a standard of true Chinese landscape art with an area of ​​approximately 70 hectares, which is decorated with various traditional architectural objects.

In the park, half of the territory is occupied by water - for relaxation of soul and body

4. A green island of wildlife in the center of New York - Central Park

It is an equilateral rectangle with an area of ​​341 hectares with numerous lakes, ponds and walking paths. The width of this beauty is 800 m, but the length stretches for 4 km. Many people think that the park was created by nature itself, but this is far from true.

This is the most famous park

In 1859, Central Park opened for the first time, which, down to the last pebble, is considered completely man-made. It is considered to be the most popular and frequently visited attraction in the United States: about 26 million people visit Central Park every year. But this makes it simply the most famous and best park in the world.

This is what the park looks like in autumn

3. An incredible park created by the hands of nature in Croatia - Plitvice Lakes

In the very central part of the country, where the waters of the Korana River have washed incredible dams out of limestone rocks over thousands of years, the marvelous landscape boasts 140 waterfalls, 20 unusual caves and a cascade of lakes.

The park is simply unrealistically beautiful

This natural park covers approximately 30 thousand hectares, which is framed by an ancient pine forest that has the ability to recover. The human hand touches practically nothing in it, so it is not just the best park in the world, but a real natural treasure.

Walking through such a park is a pleasure

2. Pandora in reality or Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in China

A real wonderful creation of nature from many green trees, between which rise huge peak pillars of sandstone and quartz. It was opened in 1982 in the Wulingyuan Mountains, Hunan Province, and exactly 10 years later UNESCO recognized the park as a “World Heritage Site.” This best park is rightfully considered the most impressive and famous in the world. Moreover, the most picturesque column “Southern Sky” after the release of the film “Avatar” received the corresponding name “Mount Avatar Hallelujah”.

The incredible beauty of the natural park

On average, the ledges have an altitude of up to 800 m, and the highest point reaches 1890 m. This is also the richest place in terms of flora - there are more than 700 thousand species of various plants. This is one of the most visited places among tourists, which attracts not only with its incredibly healing air, but also with stunning views that will take your breath away.

This excursion is truly breathtaking

1. A real palace riot of fountains or Peterhof Gardens in Russia

The complex of palaces with a park area took more than a century to build. Peterhof Garden extends to the south of the Gulf of Finland. The central and most popular garden area is the Lower Park with pompous, incredibly beautiful fountains. In total, today there are 147 operating fountains in the park. This creation has several titles at once, because it is the largest, most visited and best park not only in Russia, but also in the whole world, which also has a fascinating history.

A park with a large area and history

The garden was founded at the request of Peter the Great, as one of the parts of the royal residence back in 1715. Peterhof is considered the pearl of St. Petersburg and attracts tourists from all over the globe. After all, the entire territory, which is considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is made in the Baroque style and with all the glitter of gold. The Samson fountain and the marble Voronikhin colonnade are considered the most beautiful.

Palace luxury in one place

Claude Monet's Garden

Location: Giverny, France.

In 1883 Claude Monet's family settled in Giverny, where fruit trees grew on an area enclosed by a high stone wall. The garden was divided into two parts by a central alley, outlined by pine trees, which were cut down by order of Claude Monet. On an area of ​​approximately a hectare, a garden was laid out, characterized by symmetries and colors.

The entire area is occupied by flower beds, which are overgrown with flowers of different heights to add volume. The artist confessed his love for his garden with these words: “All the money goes to improving the garden.” The artist worked in the garden for 20 years. Then, after his death, the lands passed to his son Michel, who did not take care of the garden, but was supported by his stepdaughter Monet. As a result of World War II, the park fell into disrepair and was given over to the Academy of Fine Arts. Today everything here has been rebuilt.

But not only there you can learn a lot about the work of the great artist. On our website there is a whole article dedicated to the famous paintings of Claude Monet.


Gardens of Villa Borghese in Italy

The extensive gardens of Villa Borghese cover an area of ​​80 hectares and are the most spectacular in Rome. These gardens, illustrating the Romans' love of Renaissance city palaces and fountains, are now open to the public.

Budhart Gardens

Location: British Columbia.

Budhart Gardens in Canada is the most beautiful place on the planet, which is visited annually by thousands of tourists to view the Budhart flower beds. The garden now covers fifty acres, but the Budharts previously owned 130 limestone-rich acres.

The family was a leader in the production of cement in the entire district, but the gigantic quarry on the site did not bring spiritual joy, as a result of which the head of the family decided to create a blooming, fragrant Garden of Eden in the useless lands. A hundred years have passed, and everyone still expresses gratitude to the Budhart family for creating a living and well-kept garden, like a magnet attracting nature lovers and maintained with all care by people.


The Eden Project in Cornwall

This project is not an ordinary garden at all. There is nothing royal about it; rather, you will feel like you are in the garden of the future. This is the world's largest indoor rainforest. There is a hot jungle, waterfalls, an exhibition garden, a path under the forest canopy, stunning buildings and sculptures. This is a great place for a family holiday and the most interesting attraction in all of Cornwall. You won't see this anywhere on the planet.

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Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden

Location: Cape Town.

The main garden of South Africa is located in Cape Town, the lands under which until 1902 were owned by the well-known Cecil Rhodes, according to whose will the plot was given to the state. The botanical garden was created in 1913 on the eastern slope of Table Mountain, the purpose of which is to preserve the unique flora of South Africa.

Our small team at simply dreams of walking across this wonderful bridge.

The botanical garden occupies 560 hectares, on which approximately nine thousand plants grow. The location is also unique due to the combination of the Cape Peninsula landscape, which consists of mountains, rich gardens and the ocean, which cannot fail to impress. It is considered a prestigious activity to spend Christmas in Kirstenbosch Gardens, as a result of which the cost of air tickets to South Africa and hotels increase during this time. However, guests have the opportunity to listen to such world stars as Brian Adams, John Groban and Ronan Keating.


Marquessac Gardens in France

The gardens, located in the heart of the historical Périgord region, include vegetation in the form of geometric shapes, originally designed in the 18th century. These gardens consist of trees with dazzling green crowns: cypress, yew, boxwood. In 2004, the French Ministry of Culture awarded these gardens the status of Outstanding (Jardin Remarquable)

Abraham Lincoln Memorial Garden

Location: Illinois, USA.

The garden was created in 1936 by Harriet Knudson in Springfield as a natural monument to Abraham Lincoln. The plants growing in the garden come from 3 states - Illinois, Kentucky and Indiana, where the president lived. In 1930, the city authorities allocated a plot of land near the lake for this purpose, and the local gardening club sponsored the project.

The garden was designed by Jens Jenson, who was a leading landscape designer and creator of several Chicago parks, as well as the garden for the Ford family in Michigan. As a result, the garden is included as a historical place in the appropriate register. In the memorial park there are circular benches, to which special paths lead with flowering trees and shrubs planted along them. It seems that everything was created by nature, and not by decades of human labor.


Exbury Gardens

Location: New Forest, England

Throughout Europe, the Rothschild family created groups of gardens and parks, which are still among the most beautiful in the world. The suburb of Exbury in England boasts the most beautiful of them all. It was here that Lionel Nathan Rothschild invented the first irrigation system in the world in 1919. Lionel, from his travels to Southeast Asia, the Himalayas and other exotic places, brought and planted rhododendrons, colorful cherries, giant sequoias and Lebanese cedars in the park.

Fantastic sums were spent on maintaining the garden to which Rothschild dedicated his life. Here he crossed trees, extended their flowering time, and developed varieties that were resistant to the local climate, as a result of which the collection he grew would now be valued at millions of dollars. After the death of the creator, the widow was unable to maintain the park, which was then restored by Lionel's son, Edmund, who made a shopping center here, which allowed the restoration of the garden, which is still in excellent condition.


Mirabell Garden

Location: Salzburg, Austria.

Salzburg was built in the Baroque style, which also includes the local Mirabell Park, which was laid out in 1690 next to the palace on the site of a vegetable garden. Initially, the garden and palace were called Altenau. The Mirabell Garden was rebuilt in 1730, the features of which have been preserved to this day. Drawings and ancient drawings contributed to the preservation of its appearance - sculptures, terraces and marble fountains.

The world's oldest "green theater" located here brought fame to the Mirabell Garden; the garden of 28 gnomes, which the gentlemen enjoyed watching, has also been preserved here since 1715. Residents and guests of Salzburg relax in the landscaped garden, whose fountains amaze with their luxury. The main fountain is surrounded by 4 sculptures related to the elements - fire, earth, air and water.

Keukenhof Park, Netherlands

The Keukenhof Flower Park is open only two months a year, but this does not stop it from being one of the most famous and amazing gardens in the world. The reason for this is the huge tulip plantations covering an area of ​​32 hectares, which bloom from late March to late May. In addition to tulips, guests will find lilies, daffodils, hyacinths and many other flowers: they create the impression of a carpet spreading under your feet and stretching into infinity. Every year the landscape designs create a unique floral arrangement - in 2016 the theme was the Dutch Golden Age.

Our advice: come to Keukenhof on weekdays right before opening (8am) to avoid the crowds.

Address: Stationsweg, 166a, 2161 AM Lisse, Nederland
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