Flowerbeds made from tires: DIY flowerpots for a flower garden

To decorate a suburban area, you often need to have a considerable budget. However, some craftsmen have come up with the idea of ​​constructing functional flower beds from tires. This concept looks funny and after processing, old tires become a kind of vase for garden plants.

Huge flowerpots in a small dacha often look ridiculous, so lovers of multi-tiered vegetation create flower beds from tires. This low-cost way to beautifully plant flowers in the garden is suitable for those summer residents who know how to skillfully work with available materials.

How to do?

To make flower beds, it is important to decide on the type of tires, and then begin the process of processing them.

Detailed step-by-step instructions include:

  • Selection of car tires. Rubber on new tires is absolutely not suitable for processing and creating flower beds;
  • Cleaning and drying car tires;
  • Determining the shape of the flower bed. Chalk marks a line along which the rubber should be cut. The tire should be nicely marked with chalk so that the cut edges look finished;
  • Cutting along the contour. You can cut beautifully with a sharp tool;
  • Turning tires inside out with your own hands. It is easier to turn out the rubber if you fix it with your foot and pull the rubber hard;
  • Tire grinding and tire treatment with fuel;
  • Painting and decorating the finished flower bed. You can beautifully paint a flower vase made from a tire in any shade.

The simplest flower bed

This is truly the simplest version of a tire flower bed.

For these purposes, you will need the following materials:

  • tire;
  • chalk for marking;
  • sharp knife;
  • enamel or oil paints.

Flowerbed manufacturing process:

  1. Treat the tire first. To do this you need to mark it. In these places there will be incisions in the future. Sometimes gardeners use tires without pre-treating them in any way. But still, the beauty of plants must be combined with technical aesthetics.
  2. When marking the cut, you should remove part of the tire from above and leave its entire bottom. You can also get creative and make the cut line wavy, jagged, fringed, or broken. To do this, markings are applied using chalk.
  3. Cutting out parts. First, the tire is divided into two parts along a pre-drawn line. If there is a disk, then the tire is not removed from it. Now the top part is turned inside out. It is not simple. Half of the tire is placed on the ground or some kind of covering with the cut down, the edges are pressed with your feet, turned out, starting from one edge, and then quickly working with your hands, make a full circle.
  4. The result is either just a flowerbed or a vase (if there was a disc on the tire).
  5. The top part can also be worked on. Try cutting it crosswise from the inside several times, selecting about 10 cm. The resulting part can be dug into the soil with cuts. This will create another flower bed. The next step is to transform the car tire into a cute decoration.
  6. Painting with enamel or oil paints, adding elements such as pebbles and glass.

The result is a very beautiful product, practical and pleasing to the eye.

Which tires are better?

Some types of car tires are difficult to cut and are not suitable for making flower beds.

The following are considered suitable:

  • Used tires with worn rubber that is ideal for processing;
  • Foreign-made tires are easier to cut beautifully than Russian-made tires for flowerbeds;
  • Cutting tires for winter driving is easier than cutting tires for the summer season;
  • Tires with a metal rim are more difficult to cut;
  • When making a vase from tires involves turning out the rubber, then it is better to cut tires with worn tread.

A vase made from car wheels also looks beautiful. Such flowerbeds made of tires, with shaped tires cut out in an interesting way, are made longer than a regular flowerpot.

Types and photos of flowerbeds made from tires with your own hands

To create an original flower garden from wheel tires you do not need to have any special skills or knowledge. You just need to familiarize yourself with the basic information, have instructions and the appropriate tools at hand.

Based on the type of design, the following types of flower beds are distinguished:

  • low;
  • round;
  • tall;
  • single-tier;

Flowerpots made from worn-out car tires

  • curly;
  • multi-tiered;
  • hanging.

A round flowerbed in its original form is the simplest and most laconic design option. All you have to do is paint the tire the color you like, fill it with soil and plant the plants.

Helpful advice! To create an interesting composition from solid tires, just paint them in different colors and stack them on top of each other, forming high flower beds. They can be at the same level in relation to each other or have different heights.

Multi-level composition of tires painted in bright colors

Multi-level structures are created based on tires with different diameters. They are placed on top of each other (in descending order of size) and filled with soil. Conventional tires of the same size can also be stacked using the pyramid principle. Only in this case a certain number of wheels are placed at the base of the structure and with each tier this number decreases.

Hanging-type flower beds are attached to a pipe or tree branch with chains or a rope, having previously covered the bottom with some material. This type of flower garden is created according to the principle of a flowerpot.

Tires of the same size are laid out like a pyramid

What to cut with?

After the figured markings are beautifully applied to the wheel, you need to prepare the entire tool. This should be a sharpened knife, or an electric saw, or a grinding machine. Cutting a tire with a knife is more difficult, but a grinder can cut unsightly through the rubber.

If you cut a tire with a knife, you can apply soap and cut. When you need to cut out a complex shape on a vase, use an electric saw. The product will look beautiful if you cut only along the edges of the basting. The remains can be used to decorate an alpine slide in the garden or the same flower bed made from tires for flowers in the country.

Flowerbed in the shape of a turtle

You can also make a simple flowerbed in the shape of a turtle from a tire. The result is an original product for decorating a garden plot.

What materials will be needed to make a turtle:

  • two tires of the same size and shape;
  • old rubber ball;
  • spring.

The process of making a flower bed consists of several stages:

  1. One of the tires should be laid on the ground. You will get the body of a turtle. The second needs to be cut so that you get four fragments of the same size.
  2. These parts need to be fixed to the structure. The result is turtle feet.
  3. Now, using a spring or some other device, you need to install a ball-shaped head on the body.
  4. All that remains is to paint the turtle in the desired color.

How to color?

Fans of multi-tiered design are interested in how to make a flower bed attractive and not damage its surface. It is for this purpose that it is recommended to prepare the outer part of the tire by grinding.

When sanding is ready, the flower bed needs to be thoroughly rinsed to remove old deposits that are tightly stuck in the tread cracks.

After drying, the tire is treated with a chemical solvent. If you managed to properly prepare the old tire, then begin painting it.

You can paint old tires using:

  • Wood brushes of all sizes;
  • Spray bottle;
  • Spray bottle.

If you use a brush, you can beautifully paint multi-tiered cut parts of tires with your own hands. To decorate tires with patterns, choose a thin brush. This way you can paint an old tire with a pattern of flowers and wood.

If you spray paint old tires, the step-by-step application will be quick, but will not give an interesting result.

To beautifully paint the product, you need to purchase automotive enamel. The dye and primer are applied to both the outer edge of the tire and the inner edge of the tire. The flowerbed is ready after drying on the sunny side of the garden.

Rules for coloring tires:

  • A light-colored primer will protect the roots of flowers from overheating in the area;
  • When applying large layers of primer, the cut product for flowers is ready, but may cause cracks that are noticeable to the eye;
  • The colorful design of a plastic flower bed or alpine slide may not give the desired appearance to old plants or the area.

Color decoration ideas should give the proper appearance to the garden.

She may be:

  1. Silver shade. When the tiered vase with plants is ready, it will become glamorous;
  2. Bright green, then the flowers will be beautifully camouflaged behind the fence from prying eyes;
  3. Original flowers, then even tiered flowers and huge plants will be beautifully decorated.
  4. The figured pattern can be made with a stencil or an original chess pattern.

Selecting tires and placing flower beds

To facilitate work and obtain the expected result, wheel tires are selected based on the following points:

  • the simplest - worn-out tires are easier to cut, so old, worn-out tires are optimal;
  • the rubber of winter tires is more flexible compared to summer tires;
  • foreign tires are thinner than domestic ones;
  • The more the tread is worn, the easier it will be to turn the tire out;
  • It is better not to choose tires with metal cords - cutting them is difficult and takes a long time.

Taking tires and making a flowerbed is only half the battle; it is important to arrange and present it correctly. Practical, but original flower beds made from wheel tires are suitable for both a summer house and a garden plot, since they can be single or extensive.

The first rule is to place the flower bed in a well-lit area. This is useful for the growth and flowering of plants, and flower colors are brighter and more saturated in the sun rather than in the shade. The second rule is to choose a relatively flat area or a small hill for the flower garden; it is contraindicated to place it in a lowland, especially in those regions where there is frequent rain, because in such conditions the soil will be too damp, this is harmful for the flower garden.

You should not place the flowerbed at an inconvenient distance from the source of water for irrigation on dry days. In limited areas, it is better to plant single flower beds or flowerpots made from tires, this is especially true for a garden with many trees; In a spacious area, it is appropriate to place composite and multi-level flower beds.

It is stupid to place a flower garden where no one will see it. Flowers exist to please the eye. In this regard, it is ideal to place a flower bed on the lawn in the courtyard of a private house, and if it is a dacha, then it can be right next to the house, but not in its shade.

If your summer cottage or garden is too crowded, and it seems like there is no room for a flower bed, or you want a truly amazing, not boring flowerpot made from a tire, then there is such a beautiful option as vertically hanging a tire flowerpot on a tree, fence or wall. In this case, the space of the tire is filled with soil, having first poured a thin layer of pebbles as drainage, and then you can plant flowers. Holes are made in the bottom of the rubber so that water has somewhere to drain.

Tips and tricks

In order for the plastic flower bed to be ready and beautifully located on the site, you need:

  • Place the tiered flowerpot on the illuminated side of the garden and on a flat surface;
  • If the area is wide, then multi-tiered flowerpots look better;
  • The soil for a tiered flowerpot must be carefully prepared. Flowers will not be ready without good drainage.

When painting a tire you should:

  • Carry out high-quality cleaning, drying and degreasing of the external area;
  • After treating the flowerpot with a primer, apply no more than 3 layers of paint;
  • For bright plants and flowers, the paint is selected in a bed tone; for discreet plants, you can apply bright paints to the flowerpot;
  • In a large flowerpot you can beautifully combine the idea of ​​planting annuals and perennial flowers.

What tools may be useful for creating a flower bed?

First of all, this is something that will help cut rubber - an electric jigsaw, an angle grinder, a knife. If you decide to use a knife, the blade should be sharpened.

It is important to understand that thick rubber is difficult to cut with a knife. Therefore, it must first be lubricated with grease. If you don't use a cutting knife, it can still be useful for making small cuts.

An electric jigsaw is the optimal cutting tool. Moreover, the more powerful it is, the easier it will be to cut the wheel. Even better is to use a grinder.

What is necessary

Having decided to build and paint flowerbeds from wheels on a personal plot, its owner must purchase the basic materials that will be needed when tinting the tires.

To carry out quality work you will need:

  • a special solvent, acetone or other liquid, for preliminary cleaning of the surface;
  • primer used as a base for paint;
  • paint and varnish material;
  • paint brushes of several sizes, spray bottle or spray can.

Painting recommendations

And in conclusion, some simple and uncomplicated tips.

Before painting the tire, you need to wash it well with detergent and then degrease it. To make the paint last longer on the flowerbed, apply a primer first.

Paint not only the outer surface, but also some of the interior. Why is this necessary? It is a known fact that soil sags over time. Unpainted areas will become visible and will be unnecessary strokes in your beautiful composition.

Well, the colors are just a flight of fancy: plain, multi-colored, with or without patterns and ornaments. Create. Make unique, unique things with your own hands. The envy of all the neighbors.

Beds for growing crops

Old tires can also be useful for growing vegetables in the garden. Their main advantage is that practically no grass grows .
As you know, weeds significantly interfere with the development of cultivated plants, and sometimes they are simply drowned out.

To make the beds you will need an electric jigsaw. They cut out the side surfaces of tires.

In such small beds you can plant radishes, herbs and other healthy vegetables. Such a bed has undeniable advantages if the site is virgin land where nothing grows.

A few beds and a little land are enough to grow a good harvest of pumpkins and zucchini. Under such a bed, even the most malicious weeds will not be able to develop and will gradually rot. To speed up the process, you can place several layers of newspapers under the tire , and then fill the bed with soil. To make a long ridge, the tires need to be cut and then fastened together to form a border strip.

The second advantage will be the ability to shelter delicate plants from cold weather . It is enough to secure a thick wire to the tire, on which you can throw a film or spunbond.

High ridges can be built using tires, stacking them on top of each other. Such a bed is very useful for plants, since half of it is filled with various organic waste: branches, sawdust, weeds.

All this rots, forming compost. Pumpkins grow well in such beds.

Other uses for colored tires

You can make an excellent flowerpot out of an old tire, but hardly anyone will like its gloomy dirty gray color. The flowerbed needs painting, and the flowerpot needs to be painted not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

We must not forget that dark colors attract sunny colors. In hot weather, this can destroy the plants, so preference should be given to lighter shades. In this case, the soil inside the flowerbed will not heat up to extreme temperatures for flowers.

Human imagination is limitless, and car tires are best suited for realizing your plans. Perhaps, after flower beds, the most popular products made from tires are various creations for children.

The useful use of painted wheels is very common. One can only marvel at the imagination and skill of folk inventors.

Craftsmen make all sorts of crafts with their own hands. Among the most popular are the following:

  • border;
  • bird feeders;
  • original chandeliers;
  • trash can, etc.

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Making a flowerpot

In order to make a flowerpot from tires yourself, it will take a little time and effort. You need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • tire;
  • jigsaw;
  • round container;
  • chalk or white marker;
  • brushes;
  • oil paint.

Instructions for making a flowerpot:

  1. Remove the disc cover temporarily.
  2. Draw an outline on the surface of the tire with chalk . If round petals are expected, then you need to draw circles around the perimeter using a cup or round container. If there are teeth, then you need to first cut out one piece from paper or cardboard and, applying it, draw identical shapes around the entire perimeter.
  3. Using the drawn outline, cut out the shaped side of the flowerpot. The resulting circle does not need to be thrown away; it will serve as a leg for the resulting flower bed.
  4. Turn the tire out to give it the desired shape.
  5. Insert the cap into place , giving rigidity to the entire structure.
  6. Place the previously cut circle under the flowerbed, making a flowerpot leg out of it.
  7. Clean the surface from dirt and dust. Dry.
  8. Paint with oil paint.

This flowerpot looks impressive both on the terrace and on the lawn. You can plant flowers and ornamental plants of different heights in it: these can be low marigolds and spreading castor beans. In this design, hanging plants look good.

What paint is best for painting tires?

For painting you can use any type of paint. The coating will fit perfectly on a well-prepared surface and will last on the tire for more than one season:

  • Special latex paints are ideal for rubber. Such a coating is flexible after drying, so reliability and durability are ensured. That's why they cost a lot.
  • Automotive paints are designed to withstand harsh conditions and will perform just as well for a long time. The dye is suitable both in a can and in a jar.
  • Widespread oil paints adhere well to rubber and will last a long time. Their use is an excellent opportunity to use leftover materials after home renovations.
  • Nitroenamel will delight you with its quick drying, which is important if the coating is made in two layers.
  • Any type of paint in a can provides the ability to apply patterns with smooth transitions. Their capabilities can be easily assessed by studying graffiti on walls and fences.
  • Acrylic paints will free you from pungent odors, but for good adhesion to rubber, its surface should be thoroughly degreased and primed before painting.
  • Other water-based paints work in much the same way, but can fade over time in the sun.

All of the materials listed provide excellent opportunities for creativity and imagination; however, to make small drawings, dyes designed to work in atmospheric conditions should be used. For the same purposes, you will need a small brush.

Tips for working with tires

It is necessary to carefully prepare for work. So that creating beautiful forms gives you pleasure. Winter tires are considered the most flexible for creating a sophisticated element of landscape design and easy to work with.

An old, many-year-old tire will not require much physical effort to cut out a patterned pattern. Worn protectors will not be visible at all after painting. A smooth, colored surface will not reveal the material from which it is made.

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