We arrange a garden in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui: a detailed analysis of each zone

One of the basic principles Feng Shui is a theory Qi, according to which you can arrange your living space in such a way as to harmoniously direct and strengthen the flow of energy Qito improve this energy in a person, increase his vitality, happiness and well-being.

Planning your plot and house according to Feng Shui will allow you to make your home harmonious, which contributes to peace of mind, peace in the family and health. We invite you to get acquainted with the basic principles of building a house in accordance with this Taoist practice.

Designing a country house must begin with choosing a site for construction. Preference should be given to square or rectangular areas with a slight slope towards the road. This is especially true for supporters of the practice of Feng Shui. The shape of a triangle or trapezoid is less preferable. However, finding a piece of land that is suitable in all respects is not easy, so if necessary, energy flows can be redirected in the right direction through the proper placement of buildings. All additional buildings (bathhouse, gazebo, fence, fountain, etc.) must be located around the house. The sharp corners of the site can be “smoothed” by planting shrubs or creating flower beds.

Please note that the facade of your house should not be blocked by anything. This also applies to green spaces: it is not recommended to plant dense bushes or trees in front of the “face” of a home or trees according to the teachings of Feng Shui. An exception can be made for a flower bed or other low ornamental plants.

Choosing a place to build a house

The optimal location of the site is in a place that would meet the principle of a deep chair: the site should be protected from behind, to the right and left (mountain, hill, group of trees), and in front there should be open space with a beautiful view (river, lake, valley).

The most successful place for the construction of a site is considered to be the point of concentration of Qi . All ancillary buildings should be evenly spaced around the main residential building. The shape of the house itself also matters. It is desirable that it be square.

For harmonious Feng Shui of a plot of land, it is necessary that the hill on the left - it represents the Dragon - be slightly higher than the hill on the right - the Tiger . If the Tiger is larger than the Dragon , or does not exist at all, then install a bright lantern on the left side, it will increase the Dragon’s . The right and left sides are considered if you stand with your back to the front of the house.

If the Turtle (the hill at the back of the plot) is missing, then you can create it yourself and thereby improve the Feng Shui of the land. To do this, instead, build a wall behind the house or plant a row of trees. You can also put up a sculpture of a Turtle . If its size is significant, then it will create a good beneficial effect.

Create a small flat area in front of your house. Let it be a grassy lawn for games or just a vacant lot. Such a platform symbolizes the Red Phoenix . To enhance its energy, place an image of any bird on this site.

These four symbolic animals are the protectors of the home, bringing positive energy into it and creating favorable feng shui around. If, with all this, a wonderful view of the smoothly flowing river opens in front, then the Feng Shui of the site will bring great luck, health and well-being to all the inhabitants of the house.

It is desirable that behind the house itself the ground level rises, and in front of it decreases.

To determine where the main door should be, use a personal trigram. This way you can determine which group you belong to. For the eastern group, the main entrance will be in the north, south or northeast. The western group should have a house with the main door in the west, southwest, northwest or northeast.

The front door must be decorated in a certain way. It symbolizes the human mouth, through which a lot of energy flows.

The view from the front door should be of level terrain.

It would also be good if you plant flowers along the path leading to the entrance.

Garden elements corresponding to the cardinal directions

According to Feng Shui, each side of the house and plot should have certain garden utensils.

Since the north is blue, it is necessary to place water elements (a small pond or well) and outbuildings in this direction. It is advisable to breed fish in a pond, but if there are no opportunities for live fish, then stone sculptures will do.

The Northeast is responsible for spiritual development, and nothing should interfere with spiritual development. You need to leave a lot of free open space there.

The only thing that can disturb the peace of the space is stone elements (a bench, a sculpture or a rock garden).

In the east, it is best to plant fruit trees and medicinal herbs. The main thing is not to plant white flowers there.

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The southeast should also have a lot of wood, both in its pure form and in the form of buildings.

The south is red, so you can place fiery red elements there - a grill or barbecue.

The southwest side should become a place for residents to relax, but there should be no wooden arches there.

The west is white, and therefore metal elements can be placed there.

The gray northwest should promote the development of wind; it will “play” well between the garden sculptures.

Site planning using Bagua zones

Bagua is a useful Feng Shui attribute that allows you to divide an area into zones, each of which affects certain areas of life (health, love, children, etc.). In order to determine the location of these zones, you need to mentally apply the Bagua grid to your area. According to Feng Shui ideals, the entrance to the site should be located on the north side, therefore on the Bagua grid the entrance is a priori located in the north. If such a condition cannot be achieved on your site, then mentally note that the entrance to the site will be where the northern side of the Bagua square is and we will proceed from this

The bagua is applied to the site plan so that the lower part of the square (zones of knowledge, career and teachers, assistants) coincides with the main entrance. Bagua can also be applied to individual areas of your property. Naturally, your house may take up most of the bagua applied to the entire plot of land. That is why many people prefer to consider the influence of bagua on individual parts, rather than on the entire area of ​​their possessions at once.

Applying Bagua is not difficult on square or rectangular areas. In unusually shaped areas, some areas of the bagua may be missing, and for such cases, corrective measures are necessary. The lanterns and lamps mentioned above in the article are very useful in this regard. If some zone is missing, for example, the marriage zone, special attention should be paid to this sector in other parts of the garden. For example, you can overlay a bagua on your backyard garden plan and activate the reject zone of that part of your property to compensate for its absence in the overall site plan.

Plants on the cardinal points

Feng Shui also regulates which trees and flowers should grow in certain places in the garden:

  • In the north, pine, willow, plum, currant and eggplant will grow well. These shrubs produce blue fruits. Eggplant is the same color.
  • In the northeast, yellow flowers - sunflowers and forsythia - will look good.
  • In the northwest you can plant white flowers and shrubs - jasmine and bird cherry.
  • In the west, trees such as plane trees, quinces and vegetables such as peas and beans will look good.
  • In the south there is a place for red plants - roses, grapes, junipers, viburnum and strawberries.
  • In the southwest, yellow trees - apricots, pears and mountain ash - will grow well.
  • In the east there is a place for green - all coniferous plants.

When people start building a plot, they can be inspired by various Feng Shui photos of other people's plots. This will help you design your ideal site. Live according to Feng Shui and be happy!


The top left corner of the bagua is associated with wealth. If you want to improve your well-being, you should activate this sector. Here you can plant flowers that have the color of your element or the element that precedes it in the generation cycle. In the wealth sector, yellow and golden flowers, such as daffodils, are good, as these colors symbolize money. Here you can arrange a pond or fountain, since in Feng Shui water is also a symbol of money.

Of course, this area requires special care. The state of this garden sector will reflect the state of your finances. If it is full of weeds, dry or rotting plants, you may have money difficulties. And vice versa, if the land and plants here are well-groomed, the bushes and trees are neatly trimmed, then everything will be in order with your money. Try to plant more yellow flowers rather than white ones. According to ancient tradition, this will give you more gold than silver.

Relationships, love

In Feng Shui, all zones are equal. However, based on the condition of plants in the southwestern direction, one can judge the ability of the owners to get along with others. Living flowers, shrubs and plants filled with strength speak of a light character and non-conflict. Sluggish, dull, diseased plants encourage you to reconsider your relationships with others.

It is better to plant all shrubs and trees in this area in pairs. And it is preferable to make flower beds in pairs and symmetrical. Tulips, irises, lilies, and sunflowers have proven themselves well in the southwestern direction.


Next to the wealth sector, in the center of the far part of your land plot is the glory zone. Usually this zone has to do with your position in society. However, it can also be associated with literal fame if you strive for it. If you want to improve your reputation or become famous, you should activate this part of the site in one way or another. Tall plants and long stemmed flowers can symbolize your growth in this regard. You can put a garden chair here so you can sit comfortably and make plans.

Many people like to talk to their plants. The glory zone is the best place to sit and tell the plants about your dreams and hopes.


This is the noisiest part of the site. There is a gazebo, patio, and tent for meetings and chatting with friends.

It is advisable to place a gate or parking area here. It is recommended to install a round lamp in the corner of the zone; it is designed to attract friends and buddies.

From the color range, only shades of red are unacceptable.

Partnership, Marriage

The marriage area is located in the far corner, diagonally to the right of the entrance. Nowadays, the marriage zone symbolizes intimate relationships. If you are looking for a life partner or want to improve your relationship with your spouse, you should activate this zone. It is very good to plant flowers here, symbolizing love and loving relationships. What exactly you plant will depend on the climate, but roses generally do well anywhere.

If you have a bench in the marriage area, it should be designed for two, and if you currently live alone, try to use both halves of the bench. If you always sit in one place, you symbolically emphasize the fact that you are on your own and not half of a couple. By sitting alternately on both sides of the bench, you are sending a signal to the Universe that you are waiting for your life partner. Obviously, this advice should not be followed if you want to continue to live on your own.

Expert advice

  • Many ants appeared - dirty energy.
  • Birds, lizards or frogs appeared - this is a symbol of harmony.
  • It is recommended to plant viburnum (ivy, morning glory or kobeya) at the entrance - protection from evil.
  • Plant primroses in the garden: snowdrops and crocuses - attract energy.
  • Plant fruit trees near the fence every 5-6 m to block negativity from the side.

If the location of the site follows the rules of Feng Shui, everything that surrounds it (trees, flowers, water, birds and animals) will always help the family live in complete harmony and happiness. And even your small summer cottage can become a garden of Eden.

Family and health

This sector is located diagonally to the left of the entrance, in the middle of the left side of the site. It is associated with family in the broad sense of the word, that is, with people with whom you are close and who are not indifferent to you. It also correlates with the health of the occupants of your home.

Naturally, this part of the garden plot must be carefully looked after; Here you should plant flowers and other plants of as many different colors as possible. If one of your household is sick, plant flowers that match the color of the sick person's element or the element preceding it in the generation cycle. If you are plagued by family problems, plant flowers here that match the color of the element of each family member.


This brave animal personifies Yin energy. However, despite her feminine nature, she has a fair amount of strength and courage.

The tiger will reliably protect the owners of the plot from misfortunes and failures, fires and robberies, and will protect them from evil people and demons who bring discord into the family.


The children's area is located in the center of the right edge of the site. It has to do with young people and their well-being, as well as the child in all of us. This is the place to let your imagination run wild. The more colorful this part of the garden is, the better. If you have small children, it is best to arrange a playground here for them to play. This zone should be activated if you want to have children or have problems with children. In the latter case, you should choose the colors of the element that precedes the child’s element in the generation cycle.


This sector aims to encourage academic success. Root vegetables and spices are best suited for planting. To attract energy, you can decorate this area with stones.

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Teachers (Helpers) and travel

The teacher and travel zone is located on the right side of the land, between the career and children zones. There is an old saying: “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” You can speed up this process by activating this zone. If you want to travel, you can (depending on the climate) plant either bushes, flowers or trees here that will remind you of the places you want to visit. The influences of the bagua are guidelines rather than hard and fast rules.

To take into account the principles of Feng Shui in the garden, stand in the center of the plot and determine the cardinal directions

Wisdom Zone: first to the left of the entrance

The Wisdom Zone is located in the very corner of your garden. This is the calmest and most balanced sector in which you should rest alone and be closed from prying eyes.

The more closed the Zone of Wisdom is from prying eyes, the more favorable it influences its owners, setting them up for smart thoughts

All arrangement of the sector should be subject to the idea of ​​privacy. Create as much silence and beauty as possible. To do this, plant a hedge or a row of trees with a dense crown on the neighbors’ side. Create a kind of “cave” inside the area: place a single bench or hang a hammock, and surround the area on all sides with climbing plants or shrubs that will create an enclosed space. Let the only exit from this space lead into the house. For the Wisdom zone, choose colors in the solar range (yellow, orange, pink, red). Let it be flowers of this color, tiles, coloring of a rocking chair or hammock, etc.

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