Succulents: a detailed overview of all types, planting, care, propagation. TOP 150 photos of flowers

Succulents have never been more fashionable than they are now. A wide range of rich colors, textures and shapes provide gardeners with many ways to update fairy gardens, living wreaths and vertical planters. Here we have collected the most popular types and names of succulents that you can grow at home.

Although succulents are generally considered desert plants that enjoy arid conditions and bright sunlight, this is not the case for all species. Some succulents are rainforest plants that require more moisture and humidity, and some do not do well in direct sunlight.

General characteristics of culture

This group includes plants belonging to various varieties and families. A general description of succulents includes the following:

  1. The presence of thick fleshy leaves.
  2. On the outside of the leaf there is a dense coating of bluish color, which, upon closer examination, looks like hairs and spines. All these adaptations in plants are designed to adapt to the environment and actively accumulate moisture.
  3. Almost all representatives have compact sizes, which is also aimed at reducing the loss of accumulated water.

Breeding activities have made it possible to obtain very interesting decorative succulents that have rich colors and beautiful leaf shapes.

It is thanks to these qualities that many crops are used in landscape design and home greenhouses.

Popular families

Succulent plants, regardless of species, are divided into many families. However, in horticulture, the main families are recognized, such as:

  1. Cactus family (Astrophytum, Opuntia, Mammillaria);
  2. Family of swallowtails (Caralluma, Stapelia, Guernia);
  3. Asphodel family (Aloe, Gasteria, Haworthia);
  4. Crassula family (Kalanchoe, Sedum, Crassula);
  5. Euphorbiaceae family (Poinsettia, Codiaum, Pedilanthus);
  6. Family Aizoonaceae (Lithops, Conophytum, Fenestraria).

Also read: Peperomia - species that accumulate moisture

Useful video

There are a large number of indoor species. Plants differ in shape, color and structure; they are united only by climatic conditions and endurance. They are widely used for medical purposes and are also involved in the production of cosmetic products. Also, do not forget about the ability of this plant to decorate any interior. An indoor succulent flower can live in a house with temperature fluctuations, which does not have a negative impact on its development.

Main types of succulents

All known plants that actively accumulate water are divided into two large groups:

  1. Stem plants. This group includes those crops in which moisture accumulation occurs in the shoots. Representatives of this category can be recognized by the presence of fleshy leaves with ribbed edges. Plant stems have a special structural feature - a huge number of water-bearing cells, the structure of which prevents the evaporation of water from the surface of the leaves and stem. Another detail worthy of attention is the exclusively nocturnal activity of stem succulents. The synthesis of nutrients and biologically active substances occurs mainly at night. The most famous plant species belonging to this group are Crassula, Euphorbia, and Guernia.
  2. Leafy plants. An equally large group of succulents is characterized by the accumulation of liquid in the leaves. The coating, consisting of bristles and villi, is located precisely on the outer side of the leaf.

The most famous representatives of the second group include the medicinal plant aloe, young, and sedum.

Plants for beginner gardeners

Thanks to its properties that provide water reserves, plants can survive in conditions of insufficient moisture, as well as under prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, this plant is so popular among gardeners. Succulents do not require careful and careful care, as well as extensive experience in breeding. Even a novice gardener can cope with growing this plant.

Succulents are a fairly common and popular plant in the world. There are about 800 varieties of this plant. However, the most popular among gardeners are noted, such as:

  1. Cacti: a favorite plant of gardeners in many countries around the world. A distinctive feature of this plant is that it is easy to care for. Also, medicinal properties are present in cacti. It has long been known that cacti can absorb toxins and radiation without harming their vital functions. This factor is one of the main reasons for the popularity of the plant; Read more about popular types of cacti
  2. Aloe: everyone knows the Aloe plant, thanks to its components, on the basis of which many products are created in the cosmetic industry; Read more about popular homemade Aloe species
  3. Kalanchoe: This plant is often used for medicinal purposes and many species are famous for their colorful blooms. Read more about popular domestic species of Kalanchoe

Setting up lighting in the room

Caring for succulents begins with proper organization of daylight hours. All known plant species love the sun very much. All flower pots should be placed on a south-facing window for sufficient sunlight.

But it is worth remembering that aloe and crassula must be hidden in the shade during the lunch period. Between November and March, plants will need additional lighting (using a fluorescent lamp). To ensure normal growth and photosynthesis, the duration of daylight should be at least 12 hours.


Representative of the family - Portulacaceae. Homeland: South Africa, Namibia. From Latin the name can be translated as “Returning love”; it is not for nothing that this plant is credited with magical properties to reunite and strengthen love relationships. There are about 40 species of this succulent, among them the most popular in home cultivation are: Telephiastrum, Reddish, Naked, Namaquensky, Filamentous, Felt. It is unpretentious in care, needs moderate watering, requires bright sunlight in summer, and in winter a dormant period at a temperature of +10-15 degrees is preferable.

Climate control

Succulents are true desert dwellers and therefore prefer dry air. Plants do not require additional spraying. Regular ventilation of the room will help reduce the humidity in the room.

Due to the peculiarities of their structure, all known varieties tolerate sudden temperature changes, and slowing growth in winter is a natural physiological process.


Belongs to the Aizaceae family, the plant’s homeland is South Africa and South America. The genus Aptenia includes only about 5 species. Can be grown indoors and outdoors in the summer. All species are actively blooming. The peculiarity of flowering is that the flowers of the plant open at noon. Types: Cordifolia, Variegate, Lanceolate, White-flowered, Haeckel's.

A light-loving plant, but it needs to be accustomed to direct sunlight gradually. Prefers well-ventilated rooms; in summer it is better to take it out onto the balcony. In autumn and winter it is necessary to create a period of rest at a temperature of +10 degrees. This will promote abundant flowering in summer. Watering is moderate, allowing the soil to dry out.

Organization of watering

Excess moisture can cause root rot, and therefore the frequency of watering should be reduced to 2 times every 7 days in the summer, and to 2 times a month in the winter.

Plant needs for additional liquid can be assessed by the condition of the stem or leaves (for stem and leaf succulents).


The tetrahedral succulent shoots of the slipway are covered with thick needles, somewhat similar to the shortened thorns of roses. The flowers of these plants have the shape of a starfish and can reach a diameter of 25-30 cm. However, in indoor varieties this figure is much more modest - 5-7 cm. The color of the flowers can be yellow, orange or red, but there are also species with variegated petals.

Stapelia belongs to that rare category of plants, the anticipation of flowering of which causes conflicting feelings. On the one hand, you want to appreciate all the charm of a flower, but on the other hand, you are worried that its aroma may be too unpleasant. It's all because of the smell emitted by flowering slipways. In nature, this flower grows in places where the main pollinators are flies, to attract which the plant exudes a miasma similar to the smell of rotting.

Fertilizer application

These plant crops must be fertilized in a timely manner, adding exclusively mineral fertilizers to the soil. Succulents do not tolerate organic compounds and mixtures at all, which inhibit the growth and flowering of all known crops.

In agrochemical stores you can purchase specialized formulations with the optimal content of micro- and macroelements for succulents. During the period of active growth, fertilizing is applied once a month, and in winter there is no need to apply fertilizers at all.

Another very important composition is Fitosporin, which has pronounced antifungal activity, protecting the root system of succulents from damage.


A genus of plants belonging to the Kutrovaceae family. The closest relative of this family is Stapelia (Read more about popular types of Stapelia). In this genus, about 60 plants, which are native to the Arabian Peninsula, also grow in East and Southern Africa. Guernia's beautiful-looking flowers have an unpleasant odor.

The succulent loves good lighting, but direct sunlight should be avoided. Popular domestic species: Rough, Graceful, Bearded, Large-fruited, Kenyan, Striped, Primrose, Hairy. Comfortable growing temperature up to +28 degrees. Moderate watering is required, because... roots are susceptible to rot.

Optimal soil preparation

The planting and further care of the soil for succulents deserves special attention. All representatives of this culture are very sensitive to the quality of the soil. It is important to choose soil that can dry quickly, but at the same time, not lose its porous structure.

The best option would be to purchase ready-made soil that does not contain peat. Peat retains liquid, promoting the development of pathogenic fungus. The universal substrate must include the following ingredients:

  1. A mixture of turf and sand.
  2. Expanded clay or other crushed stone as drainage.

Experts do not recommend using marble chips for the drainage system, which leads to a decrease in soil acidity.

Beautiful design options and compositions

Most often you can see succulents on sale in florariums: special transparent vessels for growing them. As a container, you can use a regular aquarium or a special jar created for flowers.

Choosing a flower pot

Even an incorrectly chosen flower pot can disrupt the growth and development of succulents. It is permissible to plant plants in pots made of ceramics, plastic, glass, and concrete.

Metal containers are completely unsuitable for active growth; they will rust if there is excess liquid. Even flat pots are perfect for care, since the root system of succulents is located in the top layer of soil.

Succulents are indispensable assistants for gardeners and landscape designers. They grow well both in indoor greenhouses and in open ground. Quite often these crops are used to create beautiful alpine and rocky slides.

Popular home succulents


In nature, there are about 170 species of this plant. Echeveria hybrids are also grown at home - these are Pachiveria and Graptoveria. It has smooth succulent leaves with a whitish, grayish or bluish coating. There are also species with velvet leaves (Echeveria alba). Outwardly it is similar to Molodilo, but unlike it does not tolerate cold well. Common domestic species: Agave, White-haired, Shiny, Humpbacked, Derenberga, Multi-stemmed. Read more about popular types and care.


Young (Sempervivum) – Stone rose, hare cabbage

In natural conditions, there are more than forty species of this plant. There are a variety of leaf colors and shapes. This species is grown both at home and in the garden. When grown together, different species are capable of cross-pollination, thus producing unusual hybrids of this plant. The most commonly grown plants at home are: roofing, offspring, cobweb, Russian young. Read more about popular types and care of Stone Rose



It has dark green fleshy leaves, sometimes with convex white growths. It grows as a small bush. It blooms with inconspicuous white flowers. There are varieties such as: rigid-leaved (pearl, retracted, Reinwardt), herbaceous (cobweb, reticulate, herbaceous) and window (scaphoid, blunt, stubby). The most commonly grown species at home are: Cooper's, striped, drawn, winding, navicular, sticky, retusa and others.

Read more about popular types and care of Haworthia


Aloe spinous (Aloe aristata)

This species is often confused with Haworthia due to their similar appearance. This plant has thick, arched leaves with a rough surface and white spots. At the end of the leaf there is a characteristic white thread. It usually blooms in late spring with red and orange tubular flowers collected in a raceme (Haworthia has white flowers). Read more about popular homemade Aloe species

Aloe spinosa

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Decorative blooming appearance. It has smooth, rich green, round leaves with dissected edges. In flower shops you can find a variety of colors of inflorescences. Hybrid species with stuffed and terry corollas (Kalanchoe Kalandiva) are also sold. Read more about popular domestic species of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe Blossfeld

These plants can be suitable for absolutely anyone, even those with small children at home, since they do not cause an allergic reaction and are not difficult to care for.


Outwardly it resembles a cactus, but is a succulent. Has no thorns. The surface is soft, like velvet. The stems are triangular with jagged edges. It blooms with unusual large bright flowers - stars, burgundy, yellow or spotted in color, which is why it is loved by gardeners. She is not fussy about care. Popular domestic species - Stapelia variegated, large-flowered, star-shaped, ferruginous. Read more about popular types and care



Succulent with fleshy tongue-shaped leaves. Most often it has a variegated color. The leaves are covered with a white coating in the form of spots or stripes. People call it the language of a lawyer. Blooms with small bells. Popular domestic species are Gasteria warty, keeled, spotted. Read more about care and popular types

Also read: Hoya - wax ivy: signs, care at home



It is not fussy to care for, but requires good lighting throughout the year, because... The plant is native to Mexico. The leaves are collected in dense rosettes, some have spines at the ends. It blooms rarely, once every 15-30 years. After which the plant may die. Loves heat and, under suitable conditions, reaches large sizes. Popular domestic species are Agave Americana, Queen Victoria, blue, King Ferdinand, filamentous, drawn. Read more about care and popular types


Ampelous succulents

Plants of ampelous succulents, as a rule, are distinguished by a rich cluster of leaves. The branches grow and bend down towards the ground. Hanging pots are usually used for growing. Representatives of this species are unpretentious, but require more attention and care compared to other succulents.

There are basic requirements for caring for hanging succulents:

  • Light balance. Ampelous succulents do not like high concentrations of sunlight, so it is recommended to shade them and avoid direct sunlight. However, it is worth considering that the further the plant is placed from the light, the paler the pattern on the leaves will be.
  • Excessive moisture . The plant does not like high moisture, it can be destructive. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a good drainage system and adhere to a moderate watering regime.
  • Spraying the leaves of the plant.

Inexperienced lovers of hanging succulents should know that from the period of flowering of the bud, the plant requires maximum rest. Any fertilizers are excluded. For efficient and timely growth and flowering, you need to carefully monitor the location of each side of the flower relative to the sun's rays. Balancing sunbathing on both sides will allow the flower to look as impressive as possible. It is also worth knowing about the periods of replanting a hanging plant. So, the plant needs to be replanted every year in the spring. Widely known types of hanging succulents:

Sedum – Sedum

There are more than six hundred species of this plant. Sedum is grown both at home and in the garden. It has a variety of leaf shapes and colors. Some sedums are ampelous. Common domestic types of sedum: Morgana, Weinberg, Siebold, variegated, beautiful sedum and others. Read more about popular types and care



More than 100 species of this plant are known to grow in natural conditions. The stems can reach up to half a meter in length. Blooms in summer and autumn. The flowers are bright orange or pink. At home, lampranthus are most often grown: deltoid, orange, magnificent and others.



Belongs to the Portulakov family. It has a weaving stem with fleshy leaves arranged symmetrically on the shoots. Blooms with pink inflorescences. Loves watering and well-lit rooms. It grows beautifully. Domestic species of Anacampseros: Alstona, paper-like, tomentose, Camptona, lanceolate.



Perennial herbaceous hanging succulent. It has a shortened tuberous rhizome. It has small, fleshy, ovoid leaves. The shoots are long, creeping. It has axillary flowers and blooms throughout the year. Common species grown at home are Ceropegia africana, Barclay's, Wood's, Sanderson's, and stapeliiformes. Read more about popular types and care


Stones succulents

Stone succulents or lithops are gaining great popularity among plants kept in the home. Lithops "Living Stones" are native to the African deserts and are the name given to succulent plants in the form of stones. There are many species and subspecies of these plants.

Thanks to the work of breeders, new species of this delightful plant appear every year. Thus, today there are 30 species and 60 subspecies of “living stones”, which have already become popular in many countries of the world. This plant is quite unpretentious. Lithops successfully take root in various conditions.

The peculiarity of plants of this species lies not only in their ambiguous appearance, but also in their structure. Thus, the plant does not have a stem, located on two fused, dense leaves with a small cleft. The crevice serves for the growth of roots and flowers. The differences are also in the varieties of plant color, of which there are quite a lot. There are main types of lithops:

  • Marble lithops. They are distinguished by the gray-green color of the leaves with a dark pattern;
  • Leslie. Lithops Leslie is distinguished by a speckled brown color, as well as a yellow or white flower with a pleasant aroma;
  • Beautiful lithops. They are distinguished by yellow-brown leaves and white flowers.

Also read: Cotyledon - introduction to the types and care of the plant

The plants are unpretentious, but there are special requirements for preserving the vital activity of flowers. It is necessary to keep the plant in a dry room at room temperature, the presence of light is also very important for the growth of the plant. Stone succulents are quite popular not only among gardeners, but also among hobbyists. However, there are also succulents in the form of a tree, which are no less popular among gardeners and lovers of exotic plants and plants.

Read more about popular types of lithops and their care


Succulents - tree

Succulents in the form of trees look unusual and impressive. Some of them have even become symbols, for example, a money tree, which you can grow yourself at home, or buy a ready-made plant of suitable size. Like all types of succulents, trees of this species are quite prolific and reproduce under normal conditions. There are two main ways to propagate a succulent tree:

  • Using seeds;
  • Using cuttings.

(Read more about propagating succulents by seeds and cuttings)

For the full growth and development of a tree, you must follow the basic rules:

  • The succulent tree loves the sun's rays. In winter, many gardeners actively use photo lamps, which allow the tree to meet its needs for ultraviolet rays;
  • Temperature plays an important role in the formation of wood. An optimal temperature is required, not exceeding 25 degrees in the room.

A succulent tree can live for a long time with optimal and proper care.

Succulents are a fairly extensive type of vegetation, with many species of flowering plants and trees. Plants of this type are famous not only for their exquisite beauty, but also for their adaptation to almost any climatic conditions and easy care. Most often grown at home:


This is a small tree or bush. It grows slowly, has a fleshy trunk with a thickening at the bottom (caudex) and branched stems. Flower growers love it for its unusual appearance and beautiful flowering. Adenium juice is poisonous. The following species are grown at home: obssum, mini, multi-flowered, anuk. Read more about popular types and care of Adenium


Crassula - Crassula or Money Tree

It is a fairly unpretentious plant, which is why it is very popular. In total there are more than three hundred species. It is believed that peace and prosperity will reign in the house where the fat plant grows. The following types are most often grown at home: oval, clubmoss, tetrahedral. Read more about domestic species of Crassula with names and photos



Plants of this genus are both herbaceous and succulents. Dorsthenia foul-smelling and Dorsthenia antivenom are grown at home. The juice of this plant is poisonous and has an unpleasant odor. Under natural conditions, these tree-like succulents reach sizes up to 5 meters in height.



A representative of the Crassulaceae family. Popularly called the Tree of Love. A small tree-like bush. The leaves are fleshy, oval and covered with fine hair. The flowers are bright yellow, blooming profusely in dense inflorescences. Read more about domestic species, growing and caring for Aichrizon


Video about mini-kindergartens and caring for them

There is also a more economical option - find a suitable glass vessel at home and fill it according to your taste and desire.

What plants can be used

The center of the composition should be either in the center or on the edge. For the center, tree-like types of succulents are used. For example, you can use:

  • Aeonium arboretum;
  • Dorstenia;
  • Sedum dendrodium tree (Sedum dendrodium);
  • Pedilanthus tithymaloides (variety – low) (Pedilanthus tithymaloides v. Nanus);
  • Crassula Hobbit or Gollum, as well as other varieties of Crassula.
  • Cotyledon.

Then you need to place two or three small succulents or cacti . Of the succulents, some types of aeoniums (tiered, layered) look very beautiful, Dinteranthus microspermus - a plant that looks like gray stones in appearance, blooms with a yellow flower. You can also plant the hardiest cacti:

  • Mammillaria;
  • Echinopsis (Echinopsis);
  • Rebutia aureiflora rubriflora;
  • Chamaecereus silvestry.

It is desirable, and even necessary, to leave space in the foreground for small plants , especially if, as they grow, they will hang in small vines along the edge of the container. The more varieties there are, the more interesting the composition will become. Here you can place some of the plants such as:

  • Weinberg's Sedum (Sedum weinbergii);
  • Siebold's Sedum (Sedum sieboldii);
  • Other types of sedum (Sedum).

Rock Crassula

This inimitable plant has several hybrids, forms and cultivars that produce creeping and drooping shoots, including 'Marnieriana' and 'Hottentot'. The rounded, very fleshy leaves are located on twisting long shoots in pairs and grow together at the base, creating the feeling of round leaves pierced by a twig or tightly strung coins and buttons.

Rock Crassula (Crassula rupestris). © zimmerpflanzen-faq

The ability to change the bluish waxy color to a light blush depending on the brightness, the unique shape, compactness, and beautiful lines make the rock crassula (Crassula rupestris) very elegant.

Crassulas need standard “cactus” care.

If you are looking for a non-standard ampel, it is worth taking a closer look at the assortment of groundcover Crassula - among them there are many original plants, which are often sold even without a variety name.

See also our material The best openwork indoor plants.

Reproduction of African portulacaria

This is one of the easiest bonsai species to propagate. Portulacaria's cuttings take root easily and quickly, which allows you to produce your own offspring and experiment with creating bonsai. For propagation, you can use the shoots remaining after pruning. The main thing is that at least 2-3 leaves remain on the cuttings. You need to cut the cutting at the very base of the leaf.

Before planting, the sections are dried for 24 hours, and the bottom leaf on the shoot is removed. It is better to plant cuttings in small individual containers, where they will be grown. The cuttings are buried 3 cm in a standard mixture for portulacaria, mixed with sand. Rooting is carried out in bright but diffuse lighting with light soil moisture without a cover.

Mesembiranthemum cordifolia

The most spectacular of the short-lived succulents, cordifolium , or Aptenia, has long remained unnoticed by gardeners. Fleshy, neat, densely sessile heart-shaped, lanceolate leaves on densely branching drooping shoots and bright colors allow mesembryanthemums to create very dense and elegant, cascading bushes.

Mesembryanthemum cordifolium. © skylark

When baskets of flowers reminiscent of asters and chrysanthemums bloom at the tops of the shoots, you can’t take your eyes off the bushes. Their palette includes all pink-red shades.

Without a cool winter, it is difficult to achieve success from this plant. Extremely light-loving, mesembryanthemums adore fresh air and minimal, stable humidity.

Godson Rowley

Better known as the string of pearls, this unique and elegant succulent is instantly recognizable. Thin thread-like shoots with rounded pea-shaped leaves really resemble beads strung on a thread. Shoots up to half a meter long look luxurious, and the bushes get prettier every year.

Rowley's ragwort (Senecio rowleyanus)

Light-loving Rowley's ragwort (Senecio rowleyanus) loves ventilation, coolness in winter, moderate watering and fertilizing.

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