Flower pots
Containers made of any materials are suitable for decorating a fence. To learn how to make a craft, you can use the advice of experienced craftsmen. Old flower pots are covered with bright colors and patterns are applied.
Containers of different shapes and sizes are useful in any garden. They will be a wonderful decoration for your garden plot. They are used not only for growing flowers, but also for making fairy-tale figurines.
Plastic figurines will decorate the garden, playground, terrace. These figurines are easy to assemble or transform back into flower pots.
Bright wasps from plastic containers, cheerful frogs and piglets look great in the garden. It’s easy to make any fairy-tale hero from simple and affordable material.
DIY garden crafts (photo)
To create an original art object for your garden, you don’t have to run to the store to buy materials. You can make your new creations without them. Take a look around. After all, there is probably something in your household that you have not used for a long time for one reason or another.
This could be a broken bicycle, old furniture , a leaky bucket, worn-out tires, accumulated plastic bottles , leftover building materials , basins, barrels, unnecessary shoes and much more. It’s very easy to give new life to all these used things, the main thing is not to be afraid of experiments.
A visual diagram of how to properly make a decorative well for a summer house with your own hands
In order to make a small wooden well you will need a minimum amount of lumber
First you need to decide for yourself what style you want to design your garden in. In Provence, hi-tech or modern style, or you prefer minimalism . Taking into account the characteristic features of each direction, as well as your own preferences, you should begin to design and decorate it.
DIY garden crafts can be not only an aesthetic addition to your garden, but also have a functional component that can be useful on the farm.
Bird feeder in the form of a funny and generous fairy-tale gnome
Tea mugs suspended on linen threads will look impressive
Wooden ducks carved from wood will help decorate your pier by the river
Materials of natural origin will also help decorate your garden. Field boulders, river stones, tree trunks and stumps, clay, glass, etc. All this will add beauty and improve the habitat on your site.
The most important thing is the desire for perfection; this is what will help you create a unique and beautiful decor for your site .
Stones for garden decoration
Flat stones are a real find, especially if they are large. You can draw anything on them. And most importantly, making crafts for the garden with your own hands from stones is exciting and fun, especially with children.
Large stones can simply decorate the garden , and medium-sized stones will serve as excellent helpers in the garden. You need to take pebbles shaped like a certain fruit or vegetable, draw it on it and place it in the garden in accordance with the drawing. The garden and vegetable garden will immediately be filled with bright colors.
Rock Ladybugs - Design by Crafts by Amanda
If you often go to the sea, take a bag of stones with you at least once on the way back; they make beautiful decorative elements
Ladybugs made from plastic balls
A visual guide to making ladybugs
Garden cans
It’s easy to select tin containers of the right size for the craft. They can be used whole or cut. Cans are attached to the fence. This simple idea allows you to transform your garden plot. It is important to think through the decor of each jar and the placement of all elements.
Flowers made of tin along the path look beautiful. This material is easy to cut, paint, and simply fasten elements from it. It will take very little effort for bright daisies, poppies, and cornflowers to appear in the yard.
Amazing figures of animals and fairy-tale characters are made from tin cans. You can make the Tin Woodman, Scarecrow, Wolf, Baba Yaga. Any character will be a worthy decoration of the garden.
Private sector
– What else does a family need to live comfortably at the dacha?
– For working summer residents, a number of inconveniences are caused by the remoteness of the bus stop: they have to walk for about 25 minutes. In rainy autumn, at least wear galoshes... You can’t get by without a car. On our street we take care of the road, once every 5 years we collect 20 thousand from the site for patching holes and asphalt paving, but there is not enough money to lay the asphalt road before the stop.
Tea house. Photo from the personal archive of the Popov family
– Do you also pay for lighting and security?
– Payment for street lighting is included in membership fees. We don't have security. And our family didn’t care about this until an incident recently happened: my parents and I planted varietal apple and pear trees along the fence on the street side, and they were immediately dug up. But we never give up, we implement our plans not thanks to some well-established conditions, but sometimes in spite of them. They installed a camera, planted fruit trees again, and attached a sign: “There is video surveillance here.” This is the only way to maintain order.
By the way
Utilities for a family of 3 people living in a dacha cost 15 thousand rubles. per month. Payment includes: gas, electricity, high-speed Internet, membership fees and garbage removal.
Plastic bottles
Easily accessible material allows you to make a lot of incredible things. Crafts for the garden made from plastic bottles are durable.
You can create a children's corner in the yard. For this purpose, the sun, wasps, flowers, palm trees are made from bottles. In the garden, plastic elements painted in different colors are placed along the contour of the beds. Flower beds with beautiful borders will become the highlight of the garden.
Choosing original ideas for a summer residence
You can easily make many beautiful things for your dacha yourself from scrap materials. This opens up wide opportunities for the implementation of a variety of ideas.
On our website you will find tips and tricks that will help make your dacha beautiful, unique and, most importantly, as comfortable as possible for relaxation and a pleasant pastime.
How do you like, for example, a flower bed made from rubber boots, old jeans and cement? Agree that such an unusual decor looks very cool. And it’s very easy to make!
We bring to your attention interesting (sometimes non-standard and very bold) solutions for the home, including options for decorating the interior space, as well as fresh and original ideas for arranging the territory.
Unusual decorative items, which are not at all difficult to make with your own hands, will help make the surrounding landscape cute and attractive, and even a little fabulous.
Take, for example, decorative flower beds made in the shape of hedgehogs. Isn't it really cute? But all you need for this is plastic bottles and cement, and a little time.
Don't be afraid to experiment - anything is possible in the country! Bring to life the ideas you like and have fun doing it.
Plastic pipe scraps
After renovation, there are often excess materials left over that can be used for crafts. Water and sewer pipes are perfect for these purposes.
Such elements make beautiful chairs, garden arches, and gazebos. Pipes can become containers for flowers, lamps, bird feeders.
Wooden boxes
Don't rush to throw away old containers. You can breathe new life into them if you use them for crafts. You can use step-by-step instructions from more experienced craftsmen or use your own imagination.
Bright and original products are obtained from wooden boxes. To do this, they are painted in the desired color and complemented with other elements. Containers are often used for flowers to decorate the yard and create an amazing flower bed.
Fabric crafts
Bags with pockets are used as containers for flowers, which are easy to sew yourself. Soil is placed in them and plants are planted.
For the same purposes, old organizers made of thick fabric are used. You can use bags of soil to decorate your yard.
Old things
Crafts for the garden are made from different materials. An excellent solution would be to use old things to decorate flower beds.
Bicycles, chandeliers, and boats are suitable for this. Such decorative elements are hard to miss. They will definitely be remembered by guests and will delight property owners.
Oval or round flower beds are created from ordinary flower pots. You can open an old suitcase, pour soil into it and plant flowers.
Shoes are used as containers for plants. Bright shoes and boots, which you would hate to throw away but have no one to give them to, will be a great addition to your garden.
Petunia can decorate vertical structures. A simple DIY craft will truly delight those around you. You can purchase pelargonium for a flowerbed column. It also blooms almost throughout the summer.
For the flowerbed you will need a metal mesh from which a cylinder is formed. A bag containing soil is placed inside the structure.
If the column is tall, then a drainage pipe will be needed to uniformly moisten the soil. This element is located in the middle of the structure.
The pipe has holes through which water will enter the soil. To water, simply place the hose in the pipe. Plants are planted in holes cut on the sides.
Plaster figures
Stone and wooden statues for the garden are not easy to make. Such products are expensive, so it is better to use an alternative option.
Crafts from plaster are easy to make with your own hands. They look attractive and do not require large expenditures.
They make flower beds in the shape of hands holding flowers. The following figurines for the garden are popular: turtle, mushroom, vase.
Advice from gardeners and gardeners: secrets and tricks
In this article, we have collected for you the most current tips and tricks from experienced gardeners in Russia.
Watering with compost liquid
Every gardener has a compost heap on his property. Advice on how to use compost as a fertilizer for irrigation. Use an old water barrel. Place the barrel on a stand made of pallets or bricks on the sunny side. Make several small holes at the bottom and place a small container under them. Place grass clippings, weeds, and leaves in a barrel. After a month or two, liquid fertilizer will begin to flow out of the barrel in the form of a dark, cloudy slurry. Use this concentrate to water plants.
Tomato tops from pests
Fill the cut tomato tops (stepchildren, lower leaves) with water. Leave for two days. The resulting solution can be sprayed on plants, for example: potatoes, cabbage, radishes, radishes, etc., as well as pumpkin plants, for example: cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins. from insects and various pests. If you keep the solution with tops in water for more time, a week or more, you will get an excellent fertilizer for any crops.
Delicious bait for slugs
How to get rid of slugs? This question plagues many gardeners. The following tip will help solve this problem. So, spread the rinds of watermelon, melon or zucchini between the rows in your garden overnight. This will serve as an excellent bait for slugs, which they cannot resist. In the morning all you have to do is collect all the crusts and throw them away with the slugs outside the site.
How to water onions to keep them healthy
Good advice on how to achieve a good and healthy harvest of onions sown with seeds. Many gardeners water onions only with water, without using additional fertilizers. Our advice is to water the onions alternately: with a weak solution of water with ash (1.5 cups of ash per 10 liters of water) and a very weak solution of potassium permanganate. After such alternation, the onion becomes healthy, strong and juicy.
Homemade preparations - shelf life
Many people don’t think about it, and sometimes they simply don’t know what the shelf life of prepared jars is. After 2-3 years, the properties of the product deteriorate and it is no longer safe to use. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly when this or that winter preparation was made. It is recommended to mark the preparation date on each jar, for example, write it on the lid of the jar with a permanent marker. This way you will know exactly by what year and month you need to use this product or dispose of it. You can also sign the composition of the preparation and who prepared it - in case you share it with family and friends.
How to save carrots until spring
You can save grown carrots until spring - the following advice will help you with this. Leave one or two carrot beds undug. Carefully cut off all the tops, fill the bed with 10 cm of soil on top and leave it like that until spring. With the onset of spring, carefully rake the soil (10 cm) with your hands and dig up the carrots. It will be fresh, juicy and delicious!
Dry bench in any weather
How often have you had to wipe down a bench after rain so you can sit on it and enjoy the fresh air? I think most summer residents face this problem. The following advice will help you. Experienced gardeners have figured out how to solve this problem. It is necessary to make a folding bench, the back of which will fold down, and if it does not have one, then the seat will fold down. This design can be made using loops. If no one is sitting on the bench, then the backrest is folded and the rain will not wet it. When the need arises, the backrest is folded up and fixed to the stop. If there is no back, make a seat from 2 halves connected by hinges.
How to get rid of moles on the site
Have moles dug up the entire area? Then the next tip is for you.
- The first advice is to fill the mole tunnels with household and organic waste that is unpleasant for them, such as pig or goat droppings, herring brine. A less humane method is also suitable - a solution of gasoline and water.
- The second method is a “noise attack”. Moles feel the vibrations of air and earth very well. It is necessary to install metal ratchets on the wormhole. A vibration will be transmitted from the turntable or rattle, which will be very irritating and thereby force the mole to “move” from your area.
- The third way is to make a barrier in the wormholes. For this we need branches of roses or gooseberries. The branches must be finely chopped and buried in all mole holes. Together with the branches, you can use the solutions from tip number one. These barriers, combined with the smell, will drive moles away from your site for a long time.
How to cut cabbage with a shovel - a little trick
Do you have cabbage growing on your property? Then this advice is for you. Enterprising gardeners have come up with a way to collect cabbage, namely how to cut it. This will require an old shovel, a hacksaw and a file and a little time. So, in order: you need to make a cutout in the shape of a triangle in the shovel, from the edges to the center. Next, you need to sharpen the edges of the cutout with a file. As a result, we get a tool made from improvised materials that will help you cut and collect cabbage from the garden.
How to grow parsley at home in three hours
How nice it is to have greens grown in your own garden on the table. But it’s not always fast, especially with parsley. This advice will help you get the first shoots of parsley seeds at home in three hours. For this we need: a tray with soil, water, quicklime, milk and parsley seeds. It is also recommended to observe the temperature regime in the room, not lower than 22-25 degrees. The first thing to do is to moisten the soil well. Next, sprinkle with lime for an hour at 15-minute intervals. Parsley seeds must be soaked in milk in advance for an hour or two. After this, you can plant the seeds in the prepared soil and note the time. Enjoy your experiments.
DIY trellis
In stores we are offered a huge number of trellises, of different sizes and types. Is it worth buying trellises that are not always durable and short-lived, or should we still try to make them ourselves? This instruction is suitable for those who do not like to overpay and are ready to do everything themselves. A small instruction for creating a trellis, the required dimensions and stages of work.
Trellis option: 180x70 cm. Cells 20 cm wide and 30 cm high. Wooden slats with a section of 30x20 mm are suitable for the frame. For the grille - 4 slats 170 cm long and 7 slats 60 cm long. Connect the slats with screws, then you need to glue the joint. For rigidity, attach the grid between 2 frames. Install a horizontal bar on top that will hold the frame and grille together. Before installation, coat the trellis with protective impregnation for durability and only then varnish.
Iodine to help the garden
Every gardener has heard about the benefits of iodine for seedlings. This advice is on how to water with iodine solution so that the harvest is good and tasty. First, at the stage of growing seedlings, for example tomatoes, it is necessary to water them once with a solution of iodine and water. The solution is diluted in a ratio of two drops of iodine per five liters of water. After you water, you will notice that flower ovaries form faster and their number will increase. The leaves will be more branched.
In practice, the yield on watered bushes is much larger and better, the fruits are up to 20 percent larger than those of similar non-watered bushes. Secondly, after the seedlings are planted in a greenhouse or open ground, after about 2 weeks it is necessary to water them again with a solution of iodine and water. You need to water about a liter of solution for each bush. The iodine ratio remains the same: 1-2 drops per 5 liters of water.
Natural aromatic steam in the sauna
The following advice is suitable for fans of baths and saunas. Let's share the secret of how to make a bath more enjoyable, how to give the steam the fragrant scent of herbs and plants. Many gardeners have a currant, mint or raspberry bush growing on their property. You can use cherry, apple and pear leaves. Nettle and chamomile are also suitable, and you can add wildflowers if desired. Pick one leaf from each bush and tree. Place the collected deciduous “harvest” in a teapot and pour boiling water over it. Leave for half an hour, pour the broth into a ladle and pour it onto the stones in the bathhouse or fireplace in the sauna. This natural aroma of nature will give the steaming process additional pleasure. In combination with steaming with oak or spruce brooms, pleasure is guaranteed.
Enjoy your bath!
Pine needles in pest control
What are the benefits of pine and spruce needles besides a pleasant aroma and “garbage” for the New Year? We will share with you a “recipe” on how to use pine needles in the fight against pests such as copperhead and aphids. How to cultivate your garden and protect yourself from unexpected guests. We will need 2 kg of pine or spruce needles and a 10 liter bucket of water. This solution must be placed in a place protected from light for 10 days. The solution must be stirred regularly, at least once a day, so that all useful elements remain in the water.
Garden furniture made from pallets
Simple materials can turn into a real art object. Garden furniture is made from pallets, which is used to create a recreation area. Unique crafts for home and garden will decorate the yard.
Buying garden furniture in a store is expensive. If you choose a cheap option, the products will not last long.
The best solution would be to make your own items from pallets. With a minimum investment of time and money, it will be possible to create original sofas, tables and armchairs for furnishing a summer house.
What to make country furniture from
On our website you will find 1000 ideas for the garden on how to make furniture for the house and for the street: benches, folding tables, chairs, armchairs, beds, swings for children and much more. All this can be done with your own hands.
Many original pieces of country furniture can be made, for example, from old chairs and tables that have already fallen into disrepair.
For example, you can give a second life to a broken plastic chair using simple and affordable materials and spending very little time.
Even designer items for decorating the interior of a house can be made from scrap materials.
For example, an original dining table can be made from leftover tiles and concrete. Moreover, you can use tiles of the same color or different shades, achieving the perfect combination.
Traditional materials for the manufacture of country furniture are wood (boards and bars, plywood), metal (profile and round pipes, corners) and plastic (polypropylene and PVC pipes).
Tire crafts
A huge variety of crafts are made from car parts. Tires are used to make furniture, carve swans and other figures for the garden.
You can use the material to create beautiful flower beds and site decoration. Car tires are used to make swings and other products for playground equipment.
Tires are a popular garden material
You can even make various useful things for your garden with your own hands from old car tires.
From car tires you can make not only classic fences for enclosing an area, but also a lot of other things. For example, garden paths between the beds.
They are good because weeds will never grow under them. It’s also convenient to walk on such rubber paths between the beds after heavy rain - you don’t have to get stuck in the mud.
You can also make large flower beds from car tires that will serve you faithfully for many years.
Therefore, we take all these ideas into account and design our summer cottage. It will be both beautiful and convenient. Car tires are cheap material, and getting it is not a problem.
Ideas for flower beds
Old chairs and tables, chests of drawers and sideboards will serve as wonderful vases for plants. They will emphasize the charm of a personal plot and give it an individual look.
Crafts for the garden and cottage will bring a lot of pleasant emotions to guests and home owners. The basis for the flower garden will be an old cart or ladder. It is important to select and arrange objects so that they fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape.
In the house of dreams
Natalya Filippova, AiF Dacha: Pyotr Petrovich, tell us who in the family came up with the idea to buy a dacha?
Petr Popov : We inherited a plot of about 8 acres on the territory of SPO “Veteran” from our grandmother. Of all the benefits of civilization, only light was installed there. In 1996, they hired a team, dug the foundation, and installed a brick box. It is, of course, very tempting to, say, in one year, insulate a house, install gas, install a sewer system and live with all the amenities. But the family did not have the funds for such large expenses; all this pleasure stretched out for 19 long years.
– How did you solve the problem with heating the building?
– A two-story brick house with an area of about 200 m² was insulated with several materials laid in layers: vapor barrier film, vertical sheathing, mineral wool boards and plasterboard. But they did this a long time ago, the dacha remained summer, unheated. There are 146 plots in our cottage village. Only a little more than 50 were ready to supply gas. Not only is this service incredibly expensive - more than 2 million rubles - but it took another 7 years to collect various kinds of papers and approvals. And only in 2015, a gas pipeline was installed in our house, we bought a double-circuit gas boiler, pipes and radiators were brought from it to each room, heat came into the house, and hot water flowed from the taps. It is a very pleasant activity to independently regulate the temperature in the rooms. For example, in May of this year there was a cold snap, but we don’t depend on anyone, we turned on the heating ourselves. Of course, some summer residents used to live in their dachas all year round, but heating with electric radiators was too expensive, and not everyone liked or could afford to build a stove and heat it every day.
The devices monitor the operation of the gas boiler. Photo from the personal archive of the Popov family
“I can’t even imagine what kind of inner strength one must have in order to spend 19 years of one’s life on construction and continuous repairs like this...
– It’s not about construction or even renovation, it’s just that our whole family loves living in the country. Mom, Natalya Nikolaevna, is an individual entrepreneur. Fifteen years ago, the dacha became an outlet for her, a pleasant vacation. Her interest in plants awoke, she studied a lot of specialized literature, knows all the varieties and their characteristics. Everything grows on the site: fruit crops, vegetables and flowers. For the winter we provide ourselves with potatoes, root vegetables - beets and carrots, as well as cabbage. We make preparations, cook preserves and jams, roll up compotes, lecho, tomatoes and cucumbers. Dad, Pyotr Nikolaevich, worked for many years as a children's coach and football teacher at the Meteor School of Sports. He likes to take care of plants, landscape his dacha, and he can handle repairs and finishing of any complexity. As for me, with the advent of the dacha, I took a new look at plants. They are so entertaining and interesting that I planted a Canadian maple and several gooseberry bushes on the plot. And this influenced the choice of profession (although I am a certified lawyer) - last year I entered a master’s program at the Department of Agriculture and Plant Growing of the Russian State Agricultural University, the largest agricultural university in the country.
Home canning is a fun activity. Photo from the personal archive of the Popov family
– I’m wondering: will this rich experience in repairs be useful to you somewhere?
– Of course, we are now doing renovations in a city apartment. We don’t have time ourselves: we hired a crew. And here I can reveal one secret: no matter how good people your relatives or friends recommend to you, in order to get a high-quality result, whether in an apartment or in a country house, always monitor all the work processes yourself, then in the end there will be something to be happy about.
Foam figures
A dolphin on the crest of a wave, a cute lamb or a fearless lion with a gorgeous mane will be an excellent decor. It’s easy to make such crafts using polyurethane foam.
To get the desired figure, select the base. It should be shaped like the object being manufactured. Plastic bottles, wood, wire, and paper are often used as a base.
The benefits of homemade crafts for the garden
Of course, garden figurines and decorations for gardens and vegetable gardens can be bought in the store.
But a lot of things are easy to do on your own. This way you can have a great time in the winter, remembering the summer days, or find something to do during a quick rain, spend time with your children, showing them the basics of needlework. Making your own decorations for the garden will help you get rid of trash that you don’t dare throw away, and free up balconies, garages, sheds, and rooms in your country house. The material at hand can be anything. Most often they use plastic bottles, tires, remnants of boards, hemp, old toys, kitchen utensils and anything else that the zealous owner (or housewife) has caught the eye of.
Very often, neighbors also become infected with the desire to do something unusual, so soon the entire gardening community is pleasing the eye with cute little things that lift their spirits.
And lastly: original crafts highlight the area and make it an excellent place to relax, becoming a stylish place where relatives and friends come with pleasure.
Feeders and birdhouses
A variety of materials are used to make beautiful and cozy houses for birds. You can use wood, tin cans, and plastic containers.
Crafts for a dacha made from scrap materials will be an excellent decoration for the area. Feeders made from old dishes and car tires look amazing.
DIY garden figurines (photo)
If you decide to decorate your garden yourself, remember that here you need to finely feel the line between the stylistic direction of the garden and a sense of proportion. Because when decorating a garden, going too far with the number of figurines or choosing the wrong type of decorative figurines can easily ruin the aesthetic appearance of your site.
After all, you will agree that figurines of Little Red Riding Hood, Baba Yaga, Kolobok or another fairy-tale character would not look entirely appropriate in a Japanese garden. A green lawn decorated with a large number of artificial palm trees, under each of which there will be a figurine of a gnome, will look even more strange.
Based on the requirements of landscape design, try to choose images of figures in unison with the main direction of the style of your site.
Beautiful plaster figurine of a girl carefully watering flowers
The most beautiful figurines for the garden are those that are made by hand.
Decorative garden figurines in the form of two funny rabbits will add personality to your garden
Crafts for the garden from tires (photo)
Using old car tires as a material for making garden decorations has long become a common practice for many people. Absolutely all tires of any diameter are suitable for this.
Having a number of fresh and practical ideas in your head, as well as certain skills in using piercing and cutting tools and devices, you can turn a boring piece of rubber into a beautiful art object, thereby decorating your garden in an unusual way.
There is nothing complicated in this work and, as practice shows, it takes less than one hour to make crafts for the garden with your own hands from car tires, even for a novice craftsman.
To make a country swing from old car tires you will need paint, a strong rope and a special anchor with a loop.
An original table made from a tire will ideally complement an existing set of garden furniture
A little imagination and an old tire found a new life in the form of a children's swing "overweight"
Products made from tires are exactly the case when you don’t need to spend too much time on DIY garden crafts and invest a lot of money in purchasing expensive materials.
The scope of application of old car tires, where they can be used as a material for making crafts, is huge. Starting from the design of ordinary flower beds and flower beds, ending with full-fledged playgrounds for your children. Crafts made from tires for the garden are simple, cheap, well-proven products, the design forms of which know no boundaries.
Step-by-step instructions for making a garden ottoman from an old tire
Original flower bed made from a car tire
A stylish car for the modern summer resident
Crafts for the garden from scrap materials (photo)
In order for the DIY garden crafts you create to retain their original appearance for as long as possible, try to choose the right source material for them. It is also important to thoroughly prepare the surface for applying paints and varnishes.
Modern synthetic acrylic paints, which are characterized by reliable resistance to constant changes in air temperature and ultraviolet radiation, are ideal for open air.
A wonderful birdhouse made from scrap materials
A unique decorative well in the shape of a flower pot will become a real decoration for your garden.
By decorating ordinary cones with soft decorative balls you will get an original decoration for your garden that will delight you all year round
In such an important task as decorating a garden with your own hands, absolutely any little thing that has been gathering dust on your property for years without use can come in handy. As experienced gardeners say, there is nothing unnecessary and nothing superfluous in the dacha!
To add special chic to your creations, experienced designers recommend using various sparkles, beads, beads, colored glass, etc. as decoration. With their help, you can create an original image of fairy-tale characters, gnomes, small figures of animals or insects. Well, if you add a little magic to the surface of the products, in the form of fluorescent paint, you will be able to enjoy the beauty of your garden not only during the day, but also at night.
Glow in the dark tree stumps will look magical and mysterious
Fluorescent paints have long been widely used in the manufacture of garden furniture for dachas
By screwing a pair of strong wheels to an ordinary stump, you will get a beautiful and mobile coffee table for your garden
Unusual bird feeder made from a tea saucer
New ideas for the garden that will inspire you (photo)
Everyone wants their space to look beautiful and cozy. It’s so nice to admire this beauty during warm summer evenings. To do this, you need to spend a lot of time and money, because often purchased decorative items are not cheap at all and, unfortunately, not everyone can afford it. And yet, even from this situation there is an excellent budget way out - to make crafts for the garden with your own hands.
First of all, of course, you should take care of landscaping the site:
- Pay due attention to paths, paths, trees, flower beds and flower beds;
- Also, don’t forget about the recreation areas ( gazebos , terraces ), where you often like to relax on warm summer evenings. They must look perfect.
If we talk about more interesting projects, then you can aim at creating a decorative mini-garden or other decoration . The miniature will look best surrounded by small figurines and various figures.
A miniature “dugout” reminiscent of a Hobbit house will become a real decoration for your garden
Beautiful composition of a fisherman, made from scrap materials
A little white paint and an old bicycle has found new life as a garden decor item.
A pond decorated with artificial lilies or swans will look no less beautiful. If it is difficult for you to make waterproof garden crafts with your own hands , then you can easily purchase them in specialized stores. There you will certainly be able to choose suitable products that will harmoniously fit into the landscape design of your garden .
It is important to remember that some products (especially those made of cheap plastic) are susceptible to severe temperature changes. Therefore, if necessary, in winter, all the decor can be moved from the street to a more secluded place where it will not be threatened by the cold.
Decorating a pond or reservoir with your own hands is quite a responsible task. Try to approach this issue extremely thoroughly.
Even a very small pond can radically transform your site for the better.
DIY master class - everything for the garden (photo)
Many people decorate their garden using classic techniques - beautiful figurines of little gnomes, unusual birds, as well as funny and funny little animals. This style of design for a site is very popular, especially for those who have small children. It has been proven that the fabulous atmosphere created in this way in the garden has a beneficial effect on the development of the child.
If you add a water bowl or bird feeder to your garden, then in addition to improving the aesthetic beauty of the area, you will make a significant contribution to saving starving birds in winter. Thus, you will teach your kids to love all life on earth from a very early age.
Beautiful wooden bird feeder in the appearance of a house
In order to make a feeder with your own hands, second-grade lumber is also suitable.
Easy and quick to make glass jar feeder
It will look very beautiful if you decorate the bird house with sea stones and shells
If you put your heart into it, you can get original crafts even from an ordinary pumpkin.
Garden decor - photos of the best DIY crafts
If there has been construction or renovation on the site recently, then some building materials, such as cement, are likely to remain. With the help of concrete, you can create excellent decor for your garden with your own hands .
- To do this, you need to find the largest leaf; a burdock or water lily leaf is perfect;
- Then you need to apply a layer of cement on this sheet, not very thick, but not thin either. In order for the leaf to subsequently stand, the top must be level and smooth, otherwise the leaf will have to be dug into the ground;
- After this, you need to wait about 5-6 hours until the solution dries completely, turn it over, remove the sheet from the cement and voila - the decor is ready.
To prevent your DIY concrete crafts from looking too gloomy, you can glue colored pebbles in the middle or simply paint the sheet any color.
Despite the fact that concrete is considered a rough material, it makes quite interesting artistic crafts.
The presence of certain artistic skills and abilities allows you to achieve amazing results when painting concrete products
A wonderful flower pot made from an old rag and cement mortar
By cutting up an old barrel and placing shelves in it, you can get an excellent wine storage cabinet
Making a grill with your own hands from an iron barrel is not at all difficult, the main thing is to be good at using a grinder and a welding machine
Other interesting ideas
It's easy to create a table leg from a bunch of logs. The tabletop is made of wood, glass or other material.
It is easy to make a table for washing root vegetables from stainless mesh. This original and practical product is simply necessary for the garden.
To create a magical atmosphere in the garden, you can use ready-made ideas. To do this, just look at the photos of various crafts that experienced craftsmen offer to make. You can create your own unique decor option for your summer cottage.
Photo crafts for the garden
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