Artificial ponds for decorating a site: types and methods of arrangement

Artificial reservoirs are structures that are designed to provide a solution to water problems in the regions of each state. They have a significant impact on the surrounding areas, creating a complex system of connections, as a result of which new natural complexes are formed. Their importance is difficult to overestimate. Since ancient times, people have been building artificial ponds to meet their economic needs, and a little later they began to decorate their estates and gardens with them, turning it into an entire art.

What are bodies of water

This definition refers to soil depressions of different sizes with water inside. It can be either fresh or salty. It all depends on the type of reservoir. There are water depressions into which no other currents flow. However, there are also standing waters (for example, lakes).

Natural bodies of water

These reservoirs include everything that was formed under the influence of nature. Man did not make any effort to develop these water places. That is why they are called natural.

What applies to natural bodies of water:

  • seas;
  • natural lakes;
  • rivers;
  • ponds;
  • oceans;
  • natural reservoirs.

Natural reservoir Source

Artificial reservoirs

Artificial reservoirs are places specially created by man to decorate a site or obtain a permanent source of water. Water resources do not disappear from there and are constantly accumulating, since currents do not reach there. These storage facilities are classified as fresh water bodies. Such places are equipped for the following purposes:

  • for breeding ornamental fish;
  • for relaxing and swimming in summer;
  • for decorating a summer cottage or garden of a private house.

Artificial pond Source

What bodies of water are there in Ukraine?

  • Odessa port 450. Reservoirs
  • Ternopil Pond 125. Reservoirs
  • Uzh River Reservoirs
  • Mineral water pump room No. 1. 105. Reservoirs Open now
  • Blue Lake Reservoirs
  • Kremenchug Reservoir Reservoirs
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Types of reservoirs

Artificial reservoirs are divided into several types. Depending on the purpose of the future reservoir, the appropriate classification is selected.

They are divided according to consumer purpose into:

  1. swimming pools;
  2. reservoirs as part of landscape design.

Let's take a closer look at what types of reservoirs there are, created by man to decorate a site.

Artificial ponds

Small ponds add sophistication to the landscape. Such a reservoir cannot be used for swimming or relaxing, but you can sit on its shore and enjoy the beauty of nature. You can add lighting and colored elements that will work in the dark.

Decorating a pond needs to be approached very responsibly. Most often, small shrubs and artificial reeds are used for planting along the perimeter of the reservoir. Irises and flowering water lilies are also suitable. You can pour artificial stones on the bottom and plant beautiful leafy plants around the perimeter. The main thing is not to forget to clean the pond, otherwise it will turn into a swamp.

Pond Source

You can breed fish in a pond, but the water must be fresh. Before buying fish, you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions in which they can safely exist, and then equip the reservoir to meet these requirements.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in landscape design work of any complexity

Small bodies of water

When it is not possible to dig a large artificial reservoir on the site, you can use a small decorated barrel. A bathtub and any other container that does not allow water to pass through are also suitable.

You can decorate them in the same way as ponds: pour pebbles onto the bottom and plant aquatic plants. It is worth noting that cleaning such a reservoir is much easier, since it is smaller in area and fills easily.

Reservoir in a tank Source


The fountain on the site is a wonderful addition to the overall landscape. The design of the fountain is not complicated: a nozzle connected to a water reservoir and a pump. The reservoir itself, from which the device draws water, is located in the ground.

You can decorate this landscape decor with large stones. Ferns and ivy are planted around the perimeter, and bluebells can be placed nearby. Such plants create the feeling of being in a tropical jungle.

Fountain Source

Artificial swamp

For areas where climatic conditions do not allow the installation of a pond or artificial lake, a decorative swamp would be an excellent solution. Such reservoirs have become popular in landscape designs quite recently. A beautifully landscaped swamp adorns the site.

Marsh plants are planted in a dug hole, and the surface itself is covered with plastic film with several holes to retain water. Gravel is placed on such a film, and then water is released from a hose. To make this place look well-groomed, it is important to plant a lot of plants that love moisture. Then the artificial swamping of water will aesthetically fit into the overall landscape.

Swamp Source

Interesting Facts

  1. In the Russian state, under the reign of Peter the Great, the construction of artificial reservoirs on estates and estates was highly welcomed and was good manners. For this purpose, wealthy aristocrats invited the best masters of their craft, Italian and French designers, from abroad.
  2. The largest artificial swimming pool is the pool of the resort of San Alfonso del Mar on the southern coast of Chile (the city of Algarrobo). Its length is more than a kilometer and its area is 8 hectares.
  3. The first mentions of the experience of constructing an artificial reservoir are contained in manuscripts of the Ancient East.
  4. Abraham Pond, formed after the construction of a dam on the North Saskatchewan River, attracts crowds of travelers. Its magic manifests itself in winter: methane bubbles, rising to the surface, freeze and form amazingly picturesque pictures.
  5. The first reservoirs in Russia were built in 1701-1709 during the construction of the Vyshnevolotsk water system.

Video description

This video shows how to make a pool in the ground:
Such a reservoir can be finished with mosaic tiles or propylene. The color of these materials will affect what color the water appears. You need to approach the water purification in such a pool carefully: it is worth purchasing additional equipment that will control the level of bleach and other cleaning substances.

Stationary pool Source

Frame pool

It is often located on the sites of private houses, since its installation is not so expensive and quite simple. This is an artificial pond for swimming made of walls or metal pipes. Materials for such pools are made from polyvinyl chloride.

For the winter, the structure is removed so that frost and weather conditions do not spoil the integrity of the walls. It also requires constant change and purification of water using special equipment.

Frame pool Source

Where do oxbows come from?

Oxbow lakes as natural reservoirs are part of the channel where a river previously flowed. Another name is old speech. Such reservoirs often have a bizarre shape - a sickle or crescent, a loop, a curl. How are oxbow lakes formed? The formation process occurs when, for some reason, the channel straightens, and the previous curl or curvature remains cut off from the main body of water. The main reason is high water, when the river finds a more convenient path.

Sometimes the bends of one river unite - this is how oxbow lakes can also form. This process occurs when there are a large number of sleeves. The entrances to the oxbow lake are gradually covered with silt, and the reservoir itself turns into a lake or swamp. If there is food, it can function, but if not, it can dry out. The largest oxbow lakes can be more than 500 meters long.

How to properly position an artificial pond

In order for the overall landscape of the site to look harmonious, it is important to correctly position artificial reservoirs. They should not attract all the attention, but reservoirs should not be hidden from view.

Basics of the location of artificial reservoirs:

  • place on the sunny side, but contact with sunlight should not exceed 5 hours a day;
  • the average depth of ponds and reservoirs reaches 1 meter;
  • the amount of sunlight depends on the depth of the reservoir: the deeper, the more required;
  • be sure to organize artificial shade, but watch out for falling leaves;
  • The swimming pool should be located on the sunny side and away from deciduous trees or plants so that the leaves do not fall directly into the pond.

Reservoir with fish Source
If all these conditions are met, artificial reservoirs will be located correctly, and therefore this will have a positive effect on operation.

Deciding on the sizes

It is not recommended to make the pond on the site too large. The dimensions of its mirror should not exceed 3% of the total area of ​​the site. With large dimensions, the design element is difficult to fit into the landscape.

The depth is chosen arbitrarily. When designing, it is important to divide the total depth into 3 zones:

  • the bottom, which occupies most of the pit area;
  • tiers-steps for installing containers with non-wintering plants;
  • pit for wintering plants or fish.

The depth of the pit should reach at least 1.6-1.8 m and exceed the freezing depth of the soil. This part can occupy no more than 5% of the bottom area. In small ponds, pits are not dug.

When using polyethylene, the dimensions will have to be tied to its width. The maximum size of the lake according to one of the measurements cannot exceed 6 m, but double the depth (height of the sides) must also be subtracted from this value.

Plan and calculations

Before you make a pond with your own hands, you need to draw a sketch, indicating the approximate shape and location of the water mirror. Based on the sketch, a drawing is made indicating the location and width of the tiers. Having determined the bottom profile, you can calculate the required amount of film or concrete.

When making calculations, it is important to take into account not only the area of ​​the mirror and the bottom, but also the height of the sides of the pit, the width of each tier, and all additional unevenness of the underwater part of the relief. When concreting the bowl, the screed is reinforced with reinforcing mesh. Calculations will have to be made for it too. Concrete calculations are made taking into account the thickness of the screed (at least 5-7 cm). In a large pond, it is necessary to consider a water drainage system.

Materials for production

It is important to remember about soil waterproofing. In its absence, the pond will quickly become polluted due to the formation of sludge. Therefore, you need to carefully select the material for the future artificial reservoir. It can be made using:

  1. concreting the base;
  2. films;
  3. polymer container;
  4. plastic form of any size;
  5. barrels or old bathtubs.

Film for reservoir Source
Some of these materials and containers require special preparation before installation. You should study all the features of the material, become familiar with the advantages and disadvantages in order to understand the feasibility of installing the equipment.


Constant seasonal fluctuations in river water levels necessitated the construction of reservoirs. This name of an artificial reservoir speaks for itself - an object for storing water. It can be comparable in size to a large lake and is created in river valleys by constructing a dam to block the river bed.

The following features are characteristic of the reservoir:

  • seasonal fluctuations in water levels, rising in autumn and spring and falling in winter and summer;
  • cool water (compared to lake water) due to constant flow;
  • Regarding rivers, early freezing of small reservoirs and later freezing of large ones; in both cases, ice melting occurs much later than in rivers;
  • water contains a large amount of dissolved minerals;
  • The composition of the reservoir, in addition to the bowl, includes a dam and a water purification station.

The water of this group of reservoirs is in low mobility, maintaining the slow movement of the river flow.

Pond care and filtration

To prevent the reservoir from blooming and periodically becoming polluted, you need to properly care for it and use filters to purify the water. There are two ways to deal with the filtering problem:

  • buying a filter. Each device has different characteristics, type of filtration and operating modes. Therefore, when visiting a store, you need to clarify what type of reservoir is located on the site.
  • planting filter plants. There are plants that can independently purify water from microorganisms. This method takes longer than the first, but is less expensive. You can plant duckweed, hornwort, yellow capsule and other plants that will help filter the water.

Plants for ponds Source
You can also use fish to clean the pond. If you breed grass carp or silver carp into the reservoir, they will help in the filtration process. This is explained by the fact that these fish feed on algae.

Natural bodies of water: lakes

A lake is a part of the earth’s water shell, formed in depressions of various origins. Lakes are salt and fresh water bodies. They are studied by the science of limnology, which claims that they are not part of the World Ocean. Often these bodies of water are salty. This is due to the fact that the process of accumulation of minerals occurs in them. The reason is the low level of runoff and water exchange. Bottom sediments accumulate at the bottom of lakes.

The main classification is based on the shape and origin of the basins. The most common of them are tectonic, formed in faults in the earth's crust. Lakes of the volcanic type are formed in the craters of extinct volcanoes, mainly in the mountains. Zaprudnye are formed in places where a fragment of a mountain blocked the path of a river. Due to the dissolution of rocks, karst lakes are formed. In the mountainous regions of the Alps, the Caucasus, and the Urals, glacial reservoirs form. These lakes are formed by glacier activity.

What do reservoirs feed on?

The type of nutrition is one of the main characteristics of a reservoir. It can characterize its structure and functions.

How can bodies of water feed? Firstly, external surface runoff - rain, other hydro objects. Secondly, groundwater, which can come close to the surface. Thirdly, artificially - the basin of the reservoir is filled forcibly. Fourthly, replenishment with combined type waters.

Drinking groundwater is the most environmentally friendly because it is clean. If the lake has such nutrition, then duckweed and mud will form in it less often. The most common type of nutrition is combined.

A guarantee of constant filling with water is the forced implementation of this process. Fill the reservoir with either tap or irrigation water. The most common diet is a combination diet. Its sources can be rain, melted snow, groundwater and much more.

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