Frame pool in the country - how to install it yourself: examples with photos and videos

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On a hot summer day while relaxing at the dacha, it is very pleasant to plunge into a cool body of water. It’s good if there is a pond or river nearby. And if not? This is where your own pool comes in handy. Does it need to be as big as the Sports Palace? No, the purpose of a country artificial pond is to have fun, and not to set swimming records. Find out about all the nuances that you need to know about in more detail later in the article.

Arrangement of a frame pool at the dacha: drawing up a project

Things to consider before purchasing a pool:

  1. Study the design features of swimming pools.
  2. Carefully read the instructions for the selected model.
  3. Decide on a location for the pool.
  4. Calculate the cost of site equipment, materials and wages of hired workers.
  5. Add here the cost of the bowl, delivery and additional equipment.
  6. Calculate operating costs. This includes the cost of electricity, chemicals, cleaning, cleaning, water preparation, and filter replacement.
  7. Solve the problem of water supply and drainage.
  8. Construct a connection diagram for the pump and lighting.

Swimming pool at the dacha Source

Calculation of required materials

The pit for the pool can be lined with bricks.
If we are talking about mini-reservoirs made of car tires or straw, you can handle the calculations yourself. If a concrete bowl is being built, the calculations are much more complicated. It is better to entrust them to a specialist.

Please take into account:

  • Number of users. On average, for swimming 1 person, a depth of 1.5 m is required, and the length of the pool is 5 m. The more users, the larger the size of the bowl. At the same time, the depth remains unchanged. Although for large sizes it is recommended to make the reservoir at different levels.
  • The deeper and more voluminous the bowl, the greater the volume of water pressing on the bottom and the thicker the walls of the pool should be. The value is calculated based on the strength indicators of the material used.
  • The more complex the configuration of the reservoir, the more complex the calculations. The easiest way to build a round or rectangular home pool.
  • It is necessary to accurately determine the placement of incoming and outgoing pipes. If something was missed at the planning stage, holes for communications will have to be drilled in a concrete bowl, which is difficult and expensive.

The design of the pool and the thickness of the walls are also influenced by the nature of the soil, the groundwater level, and the topography of the site. Assessing such factors requires special knowledge.

Requirements for arranging a swimming pool

To install a frame pool, it is necessary to properly arrange the site. The stability of the structure, the duration of operation and the safety of people who will swim in the reservoir will depend on this.

Marking the area for the pool Source

The bowl contains a large mass of water, which puts pressure on the base. The force of pressure depends on the volume, which means that the requirements for the foundation increase. The water in the bowl should be distributed evenly. To achieve this goal, the base surface must be perfectly flat. Please allow 2-5mm error. Otherwise, distortions will occur or the walls of the pool will be deformed, which will ultimately lead to damage to the supporting structure.

In order to provide a reliable foundation, a sand and gravel cushion is laid out, the soil is compacted, and a concrete base is made. Tree roots should not be left, as they will certainly grow and damage the foundation. Also, the site must be perfectly level. Do not leave construction debris, holes, bulges, or ruts.

Pool pit Source

When choosing a site for a pool, you should consider the following points:

  • You cannot install a swimming pool near basements or buildings. In the event of an emergency, the water mass can cause damage to buildings.

Arrangement of a swimming pool near buildings Source

  • To locate an artificial reservoir, you should not choose a place with trees or bushes. Leaves or fruits will fall into the water and rotting processes will begin.
  • If there is an unfinished foundation on the property that was not originally intended for a pool, it cannot be used as a foundation.
  • Loose or creeping soils, cliff edges or river banks, as well as seismically unfavorable areas are not suitable for installing the structure.
  • Places where there used to be old buildings are at risk of ground collapse.
  • If there are railway tracks or roads nearby the site, then constant ground vibrations can lead to a violation of the integrity of the structure.

Pool bowl Source

Choosing a site for construction

Laying a large pool

Since a permanent pool is the only permanent, “real” option, we will talk about its construction next. The first question is choosing a location. Basic recommendations:

  1. Properties, type of soil - it is desirable that the soil in the place where the bowl is placed is dense, clayey. This will create additional waterproofing and improve the quality of the structure. It is simply very difficult to build a foundation pit on rocky soils
  2. Wind direction - a pool located in an open area is susceptible to debris. There are two ways to find a way out of the situation - installing an awning and locating the reservoir protected from the main direction of the wind together
  3. Vegetation nearby - bushes near the pool, no trees needed. Plants are drawn to moisture, their strong roots can reach the bowl (the base of the structure) and break through it

Make sure there is enough space on the site, leave an area for approaching and resting. The width of the bowl itself also varies - 2.5 m is enough for one lane, 4 m is needed for two. The size of the pool is a matter of taste and your requests.

Preparatory work

After marking the boundaries, you should remove the turf with a ball of soil to a depth of at least 20 cm. The surface must be treated with chemicals to avoid re-sprouting of the grass.

Preparing the base

A mixture of sand, gravel and cement is poured onto a flat surface in a 5 cm layer. Clay can be used instead of cement. A ball of sand is poured on top of this layer, and then leveled and compacted.

A bowl of water tends to expand when exposed to temperature. In order to avoid deformation of the base, the surface of the sand should be covered with sheets of foam plastic.

Swimming pool on site Source

Upon completion of all work, the base on which the bowl will be installed is covered with a film that performs the function of waterproofing.

Sometimes frame pools are immersed in the ground. In such cases, it is necessary to dig a deeper pit and make a concrete pad.

Pool buried in the ground Source all-pools.rf

How to install a pool correctly

The general instructions for all models of frame pools are the same - assemble the frame correctly and stretch the film. Each model is equipped with instructions that must be carefully studied and all requirements fulfilled.

Assembled pool Source

The arrangement of a swimming pool at the dacha should be done in calm and sunny weather. Before starting installation, it is worth unfolding the bowl and placing it in the sun. The material will warm up and become plastic and soft. This will make the job easier and will also avoid premature damage and wrinkles.

Assembling a frame pool Source

When installing the sheet, you must ensure that the holes intended for the nozzles do not fall on the racks. Geotextiles are fixed to the walls using tape.

The bowl is carefully placed inside the finished frame and hung on the walls. At this stage, you need to ensure that there are no folds. The material should be straightened gradually along the entire perimeter.

Tensioning frame material Source

After this, a hose is placed inside and the container is filled with water. At this time, you need to carefully monitor the formation of folds. To ensure a tighter fit of the material, you need to pump out the air using a vacuum cleaner. This must be done through the holes for the injectors. In this case, it is necessary to seal the cutouts for the skimmer.

While water fills the container, you need to assemble a filtration system and check for leaks. After filling the bowl to 15 cm, you need to set the racks to the required level. It may be necessary to deepen them or raise them to the desired height. When the water level reaches 40 cm, you need to tighten the lower rope.

Checking the pool Source

Filter pump installation

There are special holes for installing the filter. Also, each device has a replaceable cartridge. It needs to be changed or cleaned periodically. While the filter is purifying the water, the pond must not be used, as this may result in electric shock.

Before assembling the pool for winter storage, it should be thoroughly washed and dried. The product should be stored in a warm and dry place.

Swimming in the pool Source

See also: Catalog of panel-frame bathhouse projects

Design of the area around the pond

The design of a swimming pool in a country house has its own characteristics. You should not use sand, soil or gravel for this, as they heat up quickly and take a long time to dry. Ceramic tiles around the pond will get wet and slip, which is hazardous to health. The best option is paving slabs. You can also use decking boards, but this finishing option has a high price.

Design of the area around the pond: wooden terrace Source

There are options with cast concrete, natural stone with a rough surface, pebbles (for areas that are in the shade), or wooden flooring.

Pool with pebbles Source

Coping, an artificial stone, is most often used to line a pool with a raised bowl. The sides can also be covered with ceramic tiles, mosaics, or wooden boards.

Cladding the sides with boards Source

An indoor swimming pool can be installed on the site of a country house. This option will allow you to use the reservoir in unfavorable weather conditions.

Indoor pool Source

The recreation area is an equally important design element. You can put a small gazebo, garden furniture, a beach umbrella and sun loungers. If there are children in the house, then it is worth setting up a special area.

Area in front of the pool Source let's-go-to-more.rf

In order to create a functional beach, you should install lighting. This will provide an opportunity to relax after a hard day, or create a romantic atmosphere.

Pool lighting Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in pools and fencing

An equally great idea is to install a summer shower. There are a wide variety of options for summer shower stalls on sale, but you can also use a designer option. The outdoor shower should be placed in a secluded place without drafts.

Summer shower Source

Placing plants requires compliance with some important conditions:

  • ornamental plants cannot be planted directly in the pool or on its edge - a pool is primarily a body of water for swimming;
  • when planting ornamental plants, you should use containers, this will make it possible to shelter them from adverse weather conditions, or change the location;
  • all ornamental plants should have a slow growth rate;
  • Preference should be given to coniferous plants that do not shed their leaves for the winter.

Pots or containers should have a narrow neck to prevent soil from getting into the pool.

Pool or pond in eco-style

As an addition to the landscape composition, it is appropriate to equip a decorative pool in the country house. Such shallow reservoirs are equipped with fountains, waterfalls, or streams. You can also add ornamental fish to the pool during the summer.

In order to successfully design a landscape design with a swimming pool, it is necessary to take into account all the features of the site. The finished result should resemble the natural landscape as much as possible.

Natural landscape Source

A landscape pool can be divided into separate areas for swimming and relaxation. A decorative area is being established along the edges of the reservoir. Plants are planted and pebbles are poured. You can also arrange rock gardens or flower beds on the site.

A regeneration zone is being developed for decorative ponds. In an area with shallow depth, small pebbles are poured onto the bottom and aquatic plants are planted.

When arranging landscape pools, a recreation area is created. Furniture and sun loungers are installed, and a separate barbecue area is set up.

The design of the reservoir must correspond to the general features of the summer cottage.

Combination with garden setting Source

How to decorate?

Decorating a decorative pool is the prerogative of the owner. As a rule, they imitate natural reservoirs in different climatic zones.

The most successful design is one that is as close as possible to the conditions of the region - this way the garden pond looks appropriate at any time of the year and does not take on an awkward appearance (for example, artificial palm trees among snowdrifts).

Photos of decorative pools can be seen below:

DIY plastic pool installation

Among the different options for artificial reservoirs that are on sale, you should pay attention to monolithic plastic pools with a bowl made of sheet polypropylene. This material can withstand temperatures from -50 to +80 degrees. This quality allows the product to be used at low temperatures as a roller.

Plastic does not corrode, has a smooth surface on which algae and microorganisms do not settle, a low level of thermal conductivity, and resistance to damage.

Plastic pool Source

A plastic pool must be installed on a flat, horizontal surface, without asphalt, gravel or sand. Under the pond you need to dig a pit, with dimensions 15 cm larger than the size of the bowl itself along the entire perimeter. The depth should be 20-25 cm greater than the height of the pool. To increase the bearing capacity, it is necessary to arrange a soil cushion or compact the soil.

Installation of a plastic pool Source

A layer of sand and concrete 5 cm thick is placed at the bottom of the pit. After 3 days, formwork 20 cm high is installed. Steel wire reinforcement with a thickness of up to 12 mm is placed on the bottom. The cell size is 25 cm. After this, the surface is filled with concrete.

After the concrete has hardened, the surface is leveled using a screed made of cement and sand up to 2 cm high. A polystyrene foam ball up to 5 cm high is placed on top, and the pool bowl is installed.

Ready-made plastic containers Source

As the bowl is filled with water, the gaps between the bowl and the side formwork are filled with a mixture of sand and cement. Water is also added here and compacted thoroughly. All holes between the formwork and the ground are filled with soil.

Filling gaps with soil Source

If you do not provide a flat surface and a cement frame, then cracks may appear in the pool.

The pool frame must be strong Source

Various containers

Ponds are used as a landscape object, that is, only for decoration, as a pool for fish breeding, and even as a pond for swimming. Accordingly, the size and shape of the products will be different.

Possible forms

  • As a rule, they try to make the shape of reservoirs as irregular as possible, since it should imitate a natural pond.
  • Small pools have a regular round or oval shape, built with the aim of emphasizing the garden landscape, and not making it look like a natural park.

Dimensions, depth

Since the configuration of an artificial reservoir is often quite complex, the system for indicating dimensions here is somewhat different from the usual one.

  • Depth – ranges from 30 cm to 300 cm. The largest parameter value is always indicated. If the shape is rectangular, then the depth is the same over the entire area; if it is multi-level, then such depth is noted only in one area.
  • The width and length of the product are indicated by the dimensions of the widest part. For example, a popular size for a small pond 124 * 90 * 58 by 250 l has an approximate oval shape with a narrowing in the middle (like a figure eight), and a width of 90 cm is indicated for the wide part of the product.

The figure eight shape with various contours is very popular, as it is very easy to transport and has greater depth. A garden pond 310*280*90 with a volume of 270 liters, for example, from the same manufacturer, is made in the shape of a symbolic flower. At greater depths, it is actually shallower, since such a complex configuration requires a larger area of ​​shallow depth areas.

Construction and arrangement of a concrete pool

In order to have a stronger and more durable artificial pond, you should install a concrete pool. Despite the rather high cost, this version of the reservoir is more practical and makes it possible to implement bold design ideas.

Concrete pool Source

A standard concrete structure consists of the following elements:

  • bowl,
  • waterproofing layer,
  • water supply and outlet,
  • cleaning filters,
  • internal and external finishing.

Concrete structure Source
Stages of work

  1. Creating a project.
  2. Preparing the pit.
  3. Installation of formwork and reinforcement.
  4. Concreting. Organization of water supply and outlet.
  5. Installation of a waterproofing layer.
  6. Finishing and decor

If a crack has formed in the concrete, it can be repaired with resin or cement mortar.

Concrete pool on site Source


  • Oleg, 33 years old, Nizhny Novgorod: “My wife has long wanted a pond in the garden. But there is no way and nowhere to fence the concrete bowl. I saw these ready-made plastic forms purely by accident. I dug the trench myself and installed the filters myself. Well, Marina planted all sorts of flowers.”
  • Ekaterina, 28 years old, Ivangorod: “We had the first pond in our garden from the bathroom. And three years ago they replaced it with a plastic mold, a German one. It is larger, multi-tiered, and looks, by far, more beautiful. I have water lilies living in it.”
  • Elena, 42 years old, Borisoglebsk: “We not only made an artificial pond on the site, but even with streams. True, they lined the banks themselves anyway; I didn’t like the finish on the sides. It turned out very beautiful. It’s been standing for almost 5 years already.”

A ready-made garden pond is a great opportunity to equip a small or even large pond without resorting to major renovations on your site. A variety of shapes and colors, as well as the presence of any additional elements - filters, pumps, purifiers, allow you to choose a model for any landscape.


Collapsible pools

Such models are most convenient for dachas that are not guarded. In case of departure, the structure can be easily disassembled and stored in a storage shed. Collapsible pools are available in small and medium sizes. This allows you to install and dismantle the structure yourself. It is possible to install a filter, but if necessary, you can simply change the water or add chemicals.

Beautiful pool Source

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