Taming the exotic: growing pomegranate in the garden and at home

Indoor pomegranate creates coziness in the house and delights the hostess with luxurious blooms.
The plant rarely gets sick if you care for it properly. But if you notice the first signs of trouble on your green pet, simple measures will help correct the situation. You don’t have to water the tree with heavy doses of store-bought chemicals!

Powdery mildew

Are the leaves of the pomegranate tree covered with a thin whitish coating? Most likely, the plant is suffering from powdery mildew.

The fungal disease prefers a humid and warm microclimate, so during treatment, watering is reduced and spraying is stopped.

For mild forms of powdery mildew, treatment with a baking soda solution - 1 gram of the substance per liter of clean water - gives a good effect. But if time is lost, store-bought drugs will help save the pomegranate - Topaz, HOM, Speed.


Pomegranate is considered an unpretentious plant; it is able to withstand a short drought, but not without consequences: flowers and ovaries may fall off, and fruits may crack . Therefore, regular watering is required. The plant needs water when the top layer dries 2–3 cm.

I advise all gardeners, in order not to suffer from the problem (water, not water), to plant plants in transparent pots. They are easy to pick up at a disposable tableware store. But then place the already planted plant in any beautiful pot. At any time you can see the condition of the roots and understand when to water. My plants often suffered from overwatering, and so did I. Now all the plants are sitting in transparent plastic containers, I can take the plant out of the ceramic pot at any time and see what my plant needs...



Rules for watering pomegranate:

  • In February, when the buds are ready to start growing, watering becomes more frequent; the soil should always be moistened, as should the air.
  • When the pomegranate has bloomed, the amount of moisture is reduced, because in the areas of its natural growth there is a slight drought at this time.
  • After the fruits have formed, watering is increased again, but carefully: too much will lead to cracking of the ripening pomegranates.

As the dormant period approaches, watering is gradually reduced; In winter, they moisten the soil only once every 1.5–2 months.

Branch cancer

Branch cancer is caused by mechanical injuries to branches, illiterate pruning or careless replanting. It looks like cracked bark with jagged, swollen edges.

In severe cases, the twigs wither and the top of the central trunk dies. This is followed by the death of the entire plant.

As soon as you notice alarming symptoms, completely remove all branches affected by cancer. Spray the tree with a solution of copper sulfate, and lubricate the cut areas with garden varnish.

Attention! If the damage to the branches is too severe, cut off the entire plant - leaving only a short stump. Fresh shoots will begin to develop from it in the future.

Root rot

The drooping appearance of a pomegranate tree in a pot does not necessarily indicate a lack of watering. Often the problem lies in the fact that the pomegranate roots are affected by rot. Because of this, it is unable to absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

To get rid of root rot, watering is suspended, the plant is pulled out of the container and damaged areas of the root system are cut out. The wounds should be powdered with crushed coal powder.

Next, the pomegranate is transplanted into new soil and pot. The substrate is heated at 100 degrees for 15-20 minutes or spilled with Trichodermin solution - 10 grams of the drug per liter of water.

Rules of care

Pomegranate is an unpretentious and very decorative house plant, which is why it is loved by gardeners. To grow a beautiful, regularly flowering tree, it is important to know a few rules. The website flowery-blog.ru will tell you which ones.

Temperature and lighting

A sunny location is perhaps the basic rule of growing! In indoor conditions, pomegranate actively develops, blooms and feels good on light southern, south-eastern, south-western window sills. This southern culture is not afraid of the sun's rays! On the contrary, the sun should shine on it all year round; in the shade it feels bad - it loses its decorative effect and does not bloom. Artificial lighting for flowers.

The pomegranate tree prefers to while away the summer season on a sunny balcony. Fresh air is good for it, and daily temperature changes stimulate the formation of new strong shoots! However, when the daily temperature drops to +16 degrees, the plant must be brought into the room. The summer temperature range that is comfortable for keeping pomegranate is 18-35 degrees.

Spider mite

The pest entangles pomegranate leaves with a thin sticky web. As a result of its activity, the foliage falls off and the plant rapidly weakens.

The insect avoids wet places, so daily spraying of pomegranate is an effective prevention of its appearance.

Store-bought insecticides work well against spider mites - Actellik, Fitoverm, Neoron, Agravertin, Omite. When a problem is detected early, folk methods like infusion of onion peels, garlic or tobacco come to the rescue.

Advice. Before spraying with chemicals, cover the soil in the pot with film.

Infusion of onion or garlic peels

Add 20-30 grams of husks to a liter of water. Cover the vessel with a lid and leave for 4-5 days. Then filter and process the pomegranate bush daily until the insects are completely killed.

Tobacco infusion

Pour 40-50 grams of tobacco dust with a liter of very hot water (almost boiling water). After 2-3 days, strain the infusion, dilute it with one part of water and add a pinch of grated laundry soap. The pomegranate is sprayed three times with an interval of two to three days.

How to deal with pests of home flowers using a simple natural remedy, read the article - “Neem oil is the best natural remedy against pests.”


Tiny white insects cause pomegranate leaves to yellow and die. They settle under the leaves and damage all organs of the plant.

Light-colored insect feces cover the tops of the plant's leaves. Dark, sooty mushrooms grow on them.

If the leaves on your pomegranate first turn white, then become covered with a black coating, inspect the greens for whiteflies.

Onion, tobacco and garlic infusions are also used against the pest. Try collecting the pests with your hands or using a vacuum cleaner on low power.

Store-bought poisons include Tanrek, Aktaru, Aktellik, Karbofos, Iskra or Mospilan (according to the instructions).

When can you pinch plants?

Pinching is carried out before lignification in spring or summer, depending on the area and type of plant. This is a fairly simple procedure. You can use any sharp tool that you have at hand, even nail scissors.

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Aphids live in large colonies and feed on plant tissue. Small light green bugs stick to the backs of pomegranate leaves and, when feeding, inject toxic substances into them.

As a result, the leaves shrink and fall off, and the shoots become deformed and do not grow.

Aphids not only pump juice out of the plant, but also spread dangerous diseases that often cause the death of the tree.

Inta-vir, Fitoverm and Biotlin effectively fight different types of aphids.

What to do after purchase?

As a rule, flowers in stores are sold in unsuitable pots - plastic and very small in size.

If you bought a flowering or fruiting pomegranate, and the plant clearly requires a larger pot, then you should not replant it, but limit yourself to transshipment .

To do this, take a larger pot, pour a small layer of expanded clay onto the bottom, then a layer of soil.

Carefully remove the pomegranate from the store pot along with the lump of soil. For this operation to be successful, the soil must be dry.

Place the plant in the center of the new pot, fill the voids with soil and water thoroughly.

Let's take a closer look at how to care for a houseplant.


The scale leaves traces in the form of shapeless growths on pomegranate leaves. A layer of sticky jelly-like substance on the greens is also the result of the pest’s activity.

When there are a lot of insects, the viscous liquid begins to drip directly onto the windowsill. A black fungus rapidly multiplies on it, which depletes the plant and leads to the loss of foliage.

If possible, pests should be collected by hand. Then the plant is treated with Fitoverm, Fosbecid or Metaphos.

See how to act correctly if you find a scale insect on a pomegranate.

Problems when growing pomegranate at home

The leaves on the pomegranate turn yellow and fall off.

If the shedding of leaves is not timed to coincide with the onset of winter and the dormant period, there are four possible causes for the problem:

  1. Temperature too high. To prevent the tree from suffering from the heat in summer, I advise moving the pot to the garden or balcony. Just don’t place the plant in the full sun. The best place is in the sparse shade of garden plantings.
  2. Dry air in the apartment or infrequent watering. To eliminate excess dryness, use regular sprays or turn on a humidifier in the room. Pots with water and bowls with wet sphagnum moss or expanded clay also help. The appearance of dark spots on the leaves indicates too little watering.
  3. Pests and diseases. First, determine what you have to deal with. Treat the plants with infusions of garlic and onion. If there is no result, buy the natural product Fitoverm and spray the pomegranate according to the instructions.
  4. Cramped pot or low nutrients. You have eliminated all the flaws in care and got rid of all the pests, but the plant continues to suffer? Perhaps he is not getting enough nutrition. Fertilize with complex mineral fertilizer - for example, Agroplant. If the size of the tree's crown is equal to the size of the pot, move the tree to a larger container. 2-3 weeks after transplanting, add a weak fertilizer solution to the pot.

The tree is drying out.

The pomegranate withers due to insufficient watering and low air humidity in the room.

But it often happens that the plant dries out after a series of frequent and abundant irrigations. The fact is that a humid environment favors the development of rot and mold on the roots of the plant.

Then the pomegranate is treated by transplantation with the removal of diseased areas. Don’t forget to disinfect the pot and soil mixture, and sprinkle the tips of the roots with charcoal powder.

The pomegranate is growing slowly and looks depressed.

The plant requires additional nutrition - alternate organic and mineral fertilizers in summer and spring. Nutrient watering is carried out every 2-3 weeks.

If poor growth is accompanied by browning foliage, your pet may not be getting enough light. Place it under a phytolamp or move it to the sunniest windowsill.

Punica granatum

Pomegranate has abundantly branching shoots with numerous shiny leaves located on a short reddish petiole. Bright scarlet flowers appear in summer. This is a very decorative plant that blooms continuously, from April to late autumn, and, simultaneously with the flowers on the branches, you can also see fruits that differ from those grown in open ground only in size. The duration of fruit ripening is about six months, fruiting begins at 2–3 years of age. The dwarf form “Nana” blooms and bears fruit almost all year round. The dormant period that occurs after complete or partial fall of leaves in indoor pomegranate is usually short-lived.

This species grows as a low deciduous tree or bush with grayish-brown bark. Oval bright green shiny leaves with double flowers of bright colors - scarlet or pink, less often - white and yellow, will decorate any apartment.

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