Rainwater collection: from a private house for domestic needs. Photos of types of storage devices, methods of collection, storage and use

The use of precipitation will provide significant savings in water extracted from a well or well. In addition, it will help reduce energy consumption, as it allows you to turn on pumping equipment less often. However, you don’t know how to collect nature’s free “gift” for further use?

We'll show you how to do this. The article discusses a rainwater collection system and options for using precipitation for domestic needs. The device, design specifics are described, and the effectiveness is assessed taking into account the funds spent on organizing an alternative water supply.

For interested visitors, we have selected organizational diagrams with underground and above-ground reservoir locations, presented photos with options for masking the storage tank, and collected useful videos that allow you to organize water collection on your own.

Natural gift

No, this is not the name of the brand of mineral water that is stocked in grocery stores. This is precisely the gift provided to us by nature itself, in the form of rain. Only your own laziness can prevent you from collecting rainwater.

But experienced summer residents do not give in to such a bad habit, and therefore are often seen collecting ordinary water pouring from the sky, storing it for future use. And some also come up with various devices that collect rainwater into storage tanks provided for this purpose.

If such a storage tank is well located, and the sun has time to heat this water during the day, taking a shower will become available in the evening. And any rain can provide those who want it with enough water to cover all the beds.

Urban rooftop farm on an industrial scale

Details Created on 08/25/2013 09:50
Written by Natali

A few years ago, the idea of ​​a large-scale commercial urban farming operation that could provide locally produced food seemed impossible. Increasingly, urban farms or “rooftop farms” have appeared on the roofs of high-rise buildings, municipal buildings or just small residential buildings, helping people get the fresh fruits and vegetables they need and pleasant coolness during the hot season.

This business development model seemed very attractive to the agricultural company Lufa Farms and now it is opening its second, largest to date, urban farm north of Laval, Canada.

The farm is located on the roof of a building that houses a furniture store and other commercial tenants, and occupies 4,000 square meters.

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Rain as a natural phenomenon

Fortunately, a lot of precipitation can fall in our country during the summer, no matter how dry this summer may be. Therefore, the accumulated liquid is enough for a bath, and for washing dishes, and for washing. And the watering was done by the rain itself. All this has been proven by practical methods.

  • Anyone who has at least a plot of land with a small shed and a whole collection of various beds will not argue.
  • Because I myself have encountered a similar situation more than once.

In the case of an established rainwater collection system, there will definitely not be any problems with providing the summer resident with water. So you should put your finger on your nose and implement your ideas for collecting water by establishing this very system.

Storage container

Regardless of how the accumulated food will be used in the future, it is best to collect it in a container made of food materials.

They are environmentally friendly and, most often, not transparent - which is an invaluable characteristic, since it extends the shelf life of the resource.

An ordinary barrel. Or several

A summer resident who has a house on his property and a gutter attached to the house simply collects water from the roof by attaching a barrel to this very gutter. However, one barrel is good, but two or three are much better.

Why is one barrel usually not enough? For the simple reason that it will quickly fill up, and then the water will simply pour over the edge, i.e. It's absolutely pointless to disappear.

So it’s better to have several barrels in reserve at once. You can’t order nature to fill one barrel and then the rain will immediately stop.

So, several barrels standing in a row, although they will not become a decoration for a summer cottage, will guarantee the presence of a certain supply of water, which will last for a long time.

Western approach - not a bit of a waste

In the West, the process is taken to the highest level. Residents of highly developed countries, in a technological sense, such as Germany, Holland and others, do not waste water from wells on toilets and other small household needs.

They consider the heavenly office to be an excellent resource provider for these purposes. This approach allows you to save money on pumping equipment and the electricity required for its operation.

Rainwater harvesting system

Even a few barrels are already able to provide a system for collecting water. Especially if the summer resident came up with a whole design based on their location.

  • Rainwater drains into the top barrel, then the water simply flows into the barrel next below - after all, the barrels are interconnected with each other, and do not represent a disorderly pile of one on top of another.
  • And a regular tap is attached to the bottom barrel, under which you can place a bucket if there is a need for a small amount of water for washing dishes, for example.

At the same time, we should not forget that not only a residential building is suitable for the location of such a system; collecting rainwater from a garage, a shed for firewood, an ordinary greenhouse and other utility rooms is also possible.

All these structures can accumulate precipitation, which will then be transferred to barrels. Nothing complicated, agree.

Where is it used?

Three practical uses:

Watering any crop with this water is very useful. After all, it is already warmed up, and as you know, most plants prefer the soil to be moistened with warm, life-giving moisture.

In addition, this method allows us to provide a reserve, because precipitation is always unstable. You must first prepare several containers to ensure a decent supply.

If you use the collected liquid for technical needs, the requirements increase. It must be cleaned of debris and impurities. It can be used to wash paths, facades, house floors, cars, etc.

After a good cleaning it is completely washable. Given its softness, much less detergent will be needed. It is also perfect for garden showers and bathing.

Collection of precipitation in the absence of a house or other buildings

Theoretically, one can imagine that the dacha plot has just been acquired and has not yet had time to acquire buildings. The question immediately to be addressed is how to make a wastewater system in such conditions.

In this case, you will need a simple structure - a barrel, and above it there is a piece of polyethylene or tarpaulin with appropriate fastenings. Water will accumulate on the film and mechanically pour into the barrel.

This design does not require any expenses. You can place several barrels and similar “catchers” above them. Even standard 6 acres allow this. And an old umbrella, not yet torn, but no longer used for its intended purpose, may well be suitable as a “catcher.” All that remains is to take care of the reliable stationary position of such a structure.

In any case, using your own ingenuity, you can always come up with a design that guarantees that you can collect water at your dacha, even if there are no buildings on it yet.

Construction of an eco-mosque in Turkey

Details Created on 02/08/2013 09:34
Written by Natali

Surrounded by mountains, Turkey's fourth largest city, Bursa is already one of the country's greenest metropolises and is set to become even greener.

An eco-mosque is planned to be built in the western part of the city, where it will produce 120 kW of electricity from solar and wind energy. The building will consume 50kW, selling the rest to the national grid. Construction is scheduled to be completed in 2015.

Turkey already has one eco-mosque that generates and uses solar energy. The mosque is located in a village in Akkuyu province.

But the Bursa mosque will be the first mosque designed to produce and consume renewable energy.

Location of the assembled structure at the dacha

  1. By the drain of a private house, this place is meant by itself.
  2. Under other buildings, if there is no house yet, any buildings on a summer cottage may well be suitable: a garage, a barn, other utility rooms and, of course, greenhouses.
  3. In the basement - if the summer resident has a whole system for supplying collected water.
  4. On reliable supports - if you have a simple structure made of a polyethylene sheet, a barrel and 4 supports.
  5. On the roof of the shower cabin - if such a cabin is available, the sun will heat the collected water during the day so that you can take a shower.

The conditions for collecting rainwater will depend on the facilities available at the dacha or their absence. However, there are no hopeless conditions.

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Photo of rainwater collection

The value of precipitation

Rainwater is just an additional liquid, perfect for watering beds and irrigating the lawn. In addition, such water can be used to fill summer outdoor showers or for washing. Atmospheric moisture is better saturated with oxygen and has soft properties.

Our ancestors were well aware of the benefits of atmospheric water and actively used it even in winter, collecting and melting snow in ovens. In our time, only precipitation that has fallen near industrial facilities and large cities can pose a danger. This water cannot be used for washing or bathing.

Also, water collected during rain should not be used for drinking or cooking. To drink atmospheric water, it is necessary to carry out thorough filtration and check the quality of the resulting liquid at the local sanitary and epidemiological station. Such cleaning is carried out only in extreme cases, when there is an urgent need for drinking water. More often, sediments are used for technical needs. This includes laundry, car washing, watering and cleaning.

Consequences of condensation

The constant presence of moisture on the surface of the drain tank is not only a small nuisance - it is a big problem, which in a few years can cause a lot of discomfort for the safe living of the family.

This is fraught with the following consequences:

  • The microclimate is deteriorating;
  • condensation promotes corrosion on metal elements;
  • any cosmetic repairs made with expensive materials will be reduced to zero due to prolonged exposure to moisture;
  • Mold and mildew will appear in the room.

And if you leave the bathroom unattended for a long time, then puddles formed from condensation can penetrate to the neighbors on the lower floor. And this threatens not only damaged relations with them, but possible financial expenses for repairs.

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