Tea rose: photo of how it blooms, care in the garden, why it is called that, what it looks like, growing an indoor house, planting

The charm of the tea rose

The advantages of the classic specimen are its pale pink shade, exuding a delicate, subtle aroma. Breeders today have bred a huge number of all kinds of rose flowers, which has captivated true connoisseurs of these flowers.

Tea roses have thin stems, but rather elastic and massive buds. Each of them has a unique shape depending on the variety: round or elongated-sharp. And the size of the plant is also related to the specific variety of plant.

The flowers are climbing, reaching 2.5 m and low-growing, within 50 cm. Ideal for different compositions.


When talking about tea roses, growing and caring for them, one cannot fail to mention such an item as applying fertilizers. In general, all indoor flowers need fertilizing. This beauty is no exception: the soil for it needs to be regularly enriched with various organic and mineral additives. Mullein and bird droppings are perfect. You can also purchase special fertilizers designed specifically for indoor roses. Instructions for using such fertilizers are always described step by step on the packaging. It should be said that excessive feeding can negatively affect the condition of the rose.

Where is wild tea rose found?

The wild variety of rose does not grow freely in open areas, as it is not winter-hardy. Today, unfortunately, 4 of its subspecies may disappear.

But these flowers were willingly located in their natural, original form along the roads in Thailand, Vietnam, and, of course, in China. In England, this exquisite miracle of nature tastefully decorates cozy tea establishments.

What colors are there?

Plants of this species took the best from their ancestors - the variety of color, size and quality of the flower, helped them win a place in personal plots. Tea roses can be either single color; purple, orange, yellow, white, red, pink, and bicolor. For example, varieties with edging around the edges of the petals are popular. And some bushes are even able to change color as the flower blooms !

You can learn more about what shades roses come in, as well as see photos of them, here.

Tea roses by variety for every taste

By crossing selected varieties, an unpretentious hybrid tea rose appeared. The result was over 100 varieties. Such flowers are less capricious and easily take root on plots of land without shelter. They are not afraid of cold weather (with careful insulation in winter).

Varieties of tea roses are divided into low and tall, straight and climbing.

We recommend reading:

Examples of popular climbing varieties:

  • Gloire de Dijon is a coral color with yellowish tint, with cup-shaped flowers and densely irregularly arranged petals.
  • Flammentanz - expressive scarlet large flowers with a long flowering period.
  • Parade has large, velvety deep pink flowers that bloom multiple times throughout the season.

Examples of straight, non-climbing varieties of tea roses:

  • Blue moon - an unusual soft lilac color, with a silver frame. Fairly tolerant of disease, but does not tolerate hot weather.
  • Elina is a yellowish-cream color that changes in rainy weather.
  • Rosemaru Harkness – orange-gold with coral shimmer. He loves the sun very much and is not afraid of rain.

Description of the bush and its history

The tea rose blooms almost the entire season, starting from June and ending in autumn, when the temperature outside becomes sub-zero. The flowers of the plant have a pleasant smell and a very impressive appearance. This flower is a completely undemanding crop, so it is easy to grow. In order to guarantee the growth of a shrub, you must adhere to some rules, as well as listen to the advice of experienced gardeners, which will be discussed in this article.

The tea rose is a foreigner that was brought to our mainland from China back in the 1800s. This flower immediately fell in love with all gardeners and became widely known. Initially, growing the strange plant was not successful because the flowers were not adapted to the given weather conditions. Breeders made their contribution by developing and breeding many other varieties. The flower was prepared for different climatic conditions, so it became possible to grow roses even in the northern regions.

It should be noted here that, despite the cold resistance of the plant, it should still be well prepared before the cold winter period, and also keep in mind that there will not be many inflorescences in the northern regions. Perhaps the growth and development of the bush will not be as active, especially at the beginning of cultivation. When the plant adapts, the bush will bloom better.

The tea rose blooms very well and for a long time when compared with other species. Almost every variety blooms actively throughout July, a little less in August, and blooms profusely again in September.

Then, when the temperature reaches sub-zero temperatures, new flowers stop forming. However, in the southern regions, where winter is not so cold, when the air temperature, at least during the day, is above zero, and at night is not lower than about 35 degrees, then the rose can bloom even in the last month of autumn and at the beginning of winter. For all these reasons, the flower is highly valued by gardeners and landscape designers, who use it for their own purposes to decorate areas.

The history of the name of the flower has several versions. Some believe that the rose was named tea rose because it looks like Chinese tea cups. Others believe that the tea rose got its name because its aroma is reminiscent of tea that has just been brewed. There is also an opinion that the tea rose is called tea rose because it itself can be brewed and drunk like tea, because its flowers are not only beautiful, but also very useful.

Rose petals contain a lot of vitamins, various essential oils, and organic acids. In addition, they have antibacterial properties.

Since the tea rose was brought back in the 18th century, until now a huge variety of varieties and species have been invented and bred by breeders. More popular among them are hybrids that are bred by crossing the French rose and the original type of Chinese tea rose. The varieties are grown by gardeners in their summer cottages.

How to grow a tea rose on your site

Having chosen a sunny place without drafts, the rose can be planted either with offsets, or fruits, or roots, or cuttings.

Planting a tea rose with offsets or cuttings must be done in spring or autumn, just like a regular rose:

  • Grow the seeds in a pot, and when they stretch up to 20 cm, make a 0.5 m long groove for branches, or dig a hole for cuttings 35 cm deep and transplant into open ground.
  • Be sure to lay out drainage, fertilizer, sand.
  • Bury the plant.
  • Moisten the surrounding soil with slightly heated water.

Quite simple. You just need to immediately provide for one nuance - so that the wind cannot break long roses, plant them closer to the fence or next to trees, thinking through the compositions in advance.

Adaptation period

Did you buy a rose? Don't know what to do with it? Are you wondering what it takes to care for a tea rose? Care at home at first is quite simple: the plant does not need to be replanted immediately; it will need a long period to get used to the new environment. That is why it is not recommended to take any action in relation to the flower. Flower growers advise creating the same conditions that were in the flower shop where you purchased the plant: you will need to set a similar temperature regime, air humidity, water and spray the plants as they did in the store where you purchased the flower pot.

Of course, you don’t have to adhere to all these rules, but in this case the plant will take a very long time to adapt, and perhaps even die. Flower growers note: this regime will not last long, after which you will need to create conditions that will be optimal for tea roses at home. Care at first includes protection from drafts, watering with purified water, lightly spraying the leaves, choosing a place where the plant will not be exposed to sunlight to avoid burns.

Careful care for tea roses

If you care for it correctly, then every year the number of branches and flowers will at least double.

  • Firstly, it is necessary to clear the ground of weeds every 10 days. Then loosen it at least once every two weeks.
  • Secondly, water once a week in the evening with water that has been left in the sun during the day.
  • Thirdly, fertilize the soil 4-5 times during the summer season.
  • Fourthly, be sure to trim off painful and dry branches in the spring.
  • Fifthly, without relying on resistance to frost, the plant must be treated and covered with dry grass before winter.


Of course, it is not enough for a plant to simply plant and care. Tea roses need regular fertilization. If there is a lack of fertilizing, the flower will begin to wither and its leaves will fall off. According to reviews from experienced flower growers, mullein is excellent as a fertilizer. The method for preparing this fertilizer is quite simple: you will need 1 part mullein and 2 parts water. This composition must be thoroughly mixed and then left for 5-10 days to ferment. Before you apply this fertilizer, it must be diluted in cool water in a ratio of 1 to 15. Fertilizer made from bird droppings is also suitable.

Tea rose petals

Tea made from dried petals has special healing properties. It is often recommended against coughs, against viruses, and is an excellent antiseptic.

Double benefit from combining the therapeutic effects and unforgettable pleasure of a cup of fragrant tea with unusually subtle fruity notes.

The fragrant petals are also used to take magnificent rejuvenating baths, which was very popular among aristocrats in the 19th century.

The tea rose was created by nature to be enjoyed, like a true work of art. Carries a charge of positive emotions and festive mood. But in addition to decorating the home, it has a beneficial effect on human health.

Beneficial features

Rose petals contain the following beneficial components:

  • vitamins (A, E, K, C, D, group B);
  • organic acids;
  • fructose;
  • flavonoids;
  • sucrose;
  • pectin;
  • resins;
  • tanning components;
  • essential oils;
  • minerals (iron, calcium, selenium, chromium, zinc, magnesium).

Rose petal tea has the following positive effects on the body:

  • reduction of edema, because the drink has diuretic properties;
  • neutralization of the consequences of stressful situations;
  • normalization of the condition of the heart, blood vessels, blood pressure, cleansing and strengthening of blood vessels, prevention of thrombosis, heart failure;
  • analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle, improvement of the hormonal levels of women;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating diarrhea;
  • improving skin condition, preventing premature aging;
  • weight loss;
  • elimination of spasms;
  • removal of toxic substances from the body, restorative effects;
  • eliminating eye fatigue, improving the quality of vision;
  • elimination of sore throat, prevention of acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, sore throats;
  • regulation of acid-base balance in the body;
  • liver cleansing;
  • normalization of appetite;
  • enhancing male potency.


Choosing a method

Roses are propagated in two ways - seed and vegetative.


It is mainly used by breeders to develop new varieties. It differs in its duration, because several years often pass from planting the seeds until the plant blooms.


This method includes:

  1. Cuttings.
  2. Reproduction by layering.
  3. Dividing the bush.
  4. Reproduction by grafting.

The main advantage of vegetative propagation is the guaranteed result.

The resulting plant will have all the characteristics of the mother rose.


In the photo below you can see what beautiful bush tea roses look like when grown indoors.

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