How to care for rose hips so that they become the pride of the site

Rosehip (Rosea) - this genus is a representative of the Rosaceae family. It has a large number of cultural forms called Roses. According to information taken from various sources, this genus includes 400–500 species and about 50 thousand hybrids and cultivars. Theophrastus, Herodotus and Pliny also wrote about the species diversity of rose hips. During the Renaissance, this crop was classified by dividing it into cultivated and wild species based on the number of petals in the flowers. But C. Linnaeus also noticed that rose hips are difficult to classify due to the hybridization of roses. To date, there is no accurate data on how many species of rose hips grow in natural conditions. This plant is common in temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere. In regions with a tropical climate you can also find rose hips, but much less frequently. Rosehip prefers to grow in groups or singly on the edges of mixed and deciduous forests, along rivers and springs, on rocky and clayey banks, in coniferous undergrowth, in woodlands, on plains, in wet meadows, and also at an altitude of up to 2200 meters above sea level.

Features of rosehip

Rosehip is a deciduous, less often evergreen, shrub. Its shoots can be creeping, climbing or erect; their height (or length) can vary from 0.15 to 10 meters. Most often, rose hips are multi-stemmed shrubs, the height of which reaches 200–300 centimeters, their life expectancy is from 30 to 50 years. In Germany there is a rose that is considered the oldest; according to various experts, its age is 400–1000 years. The trunk of this rose reaches about half a meter in girth, while the height of the bush is 13 meters.

The plant has a tap root system. The main root penetrates the soil to a depth of 500 cm. However, most of the roots are located at a depth of no more than 0.4 m within a radius of 0.6–0.8 m from the plant. Arched and erect branches form a large number of branched stems, which can be colored dark red, red-brown, dark brown, brown-violet, brown-black or gray with felt pubescence. On stems and branches, thorns are placed in pairs or scattered. The older the stem, the harder and thicker the thorns on it. There are also thornless species, for example, the pendulous rose hip. The thorns protect the bush from animals so that they do not eat it, and their task is also to hold the branches among other plants. The odd-pinnate leaf blades are located on long petioles; they are colored light gray, pale red or green. The leaves are arranged spirally on the stems. Wild species have 7 or 9 leaves, and cultivated ones most often have 5. Leathery, hard leaf plates are wrinkled or smooth, elliptical or round in shape. The base of the leaves can be heart-shaped, round or wedge-shaped. The edge of the plates is serrated-crenate, serrated or doubly serrated.

The diameter of bisexual flowers varies from 15 to 100 mm, they can be part of paniculate or corymbose inflorescences, and solitary ones are also found. As a rule, the flowers have a very pleasant smell, but there are species that have an unpleasant aroma, for example, fetid rose hips. As a rule, the corolla of rose hips is five-petalled, but it can also be semi-double or four-petalled. Flowers can be white, pink, yellow, cream or red. The plant blooms in May or June, flowering duration is 7–20 days. At the age of two or three years, this plant begins to bear fruit. The fruits are cynarhodia (multi-nuts) with a special shape, their diameter varies from 10 to 15 mm. They are naked or covered with bristles, and are red, orange, purple or black in color. Inside, the fruits are coarsely hairy and contain a large number of single-seeded nuts. Their ripening is observed in August-September.

Growing and using rose hips - Successful project - Inter

Planting rose hips in open ground

What time to plant

It has been noticed that if rosehip is planted in the fall (October–November), it will take root much better than when planted in spring. But if there is such a need, then the plant can be planted in the spring. The best place for planting will be a sunny area located on a hill. When choosing a place for planting, you should remember that the root system of this crop goes into the deep layers of the soil; therefore, it should not be planted in saline, low-lying or wetlands, or where the groundwater is shallow. If you do plant rosehip in such a place, it will soon wither. If the soil on the site is acidic, then 12 months before the planting day it should be limed.

This shrub can be used both in group plantings and as a single plant. If you need to disguise an unsightly outbuilding or compost heap, then a rose hip bush is very suitable for this purpose. Also, such thorny bushes are used for planting around the perimeter of the garden. It should be remembered that this is a cross-pollinated plant, so the bushes should be planted not very far from each other.

How to plant rose hips

It is best to use two-year-old seedlings for planting. Before planting in open ground, the main roots should be shortened to 0.25 m, while all stems should be cut at a height of about 10 centimeters. If the site was prepared in advance and all the necessary fertilizers were added to it, then the depth and width of the planting hole should be approximately 0.3 m. If this was not done, then the depth of the hole is increased to 0.4–0.5 m, and width - up to 0.5–0.8 m, during planting of seedlings they are covered with soil combined with humus (10 kilograms per bush), you also need to add from 30 to 50 grams of potassium salt, from 150 to 200 grams of superphosphate and from 60 to 70 grams of ammonium nitrate. When planting a hedge, the distance between seedlings should be about half a meter. In other cases, the distance between plants should be about 100 cm. In order for rose hips to cross-pollinate normally, it is recommended to plant bushes of different varieties (at least three) on the site.

Before planting, the roots of the plant should be dipped into a clay mash, after which they are placed in a prepared hole so that the root collar of the plant is buried 5–8 centimeters into the soil. After this, the hole is filled with nutritious soil combined with fertilizer. When the bush is planted, the surface of the soil needs to be compacted a little, and then it is watered, using 8 to 10 liters of water. When the liquid is completely absorbed into the soil, its surface must be covered with a layer of mulch (sawdust, humus or peat chips).


Preparing for winter

Rosehip is considered a strong and winter-hardy plant . Most of its varieties do not need shelter for the winter.

An exception may be young seedlings of ornamental varieties that are sensitive to low temperatures and require reliable protection.

Therefore, cover the trunk circle of the bush with straw mats and cover it with mulch. Wrap the bush itself hermetically with burlap or other heat-insulating material. Before winter, the plants should be fed, pruned and ripe fruits collected.

Compliance with all the rules for caring for berry crops will allow you to get a rich harvest of medicinal, and most importantly, environmentally friendly fruits.

Caring for rose hips in the garden

Rose hips just planted in open ground will need to be watered abundantly and often during the first year. It should be remembered that this crop is highly resistant to drought, so in other years it does not need systematic watering. If there is a prolonged drought and heat, then you will need to pour 50 liters of water at a time under one adult bush, and 20–30 liters at a time under a young bush, and that’s all. Throughout the season, this plant should be watered 3 or 4 times.

In order for the shrub to grow and develop normally, from the second year of growth it must be fed with nitrogen fertilizers, adding them to the soil. The plant is fed for the first time at the beginning of spring, the second time during the period of active growth of stems (June–July), and the third time in September. Also, once every 3 years, compost or humus must be added to the soil under the bush (3 kilograms per plant). Each time the rose hips are fed, the soil under the bush must be watered and loosened, and then its surface is covered with a layer of mulch.

From the age of three, such a plant begins to require systematic pruning. To do this, you need to cut out all weak, disease-affected or dried stems, and also shorten annual growths to 1.7–1.8 m. When the bush is 5 years old, it should include from 15 to 20 branches of different ages, which are evenly distributed removed from each other. Branches that are more than 7 years old must be replaced. It is recommended to prune such a crop in the spring before sap flow begins; the fact is that it tolerates pruning in the fall extremely poorly. Please note that excessive shortening of the stems will lead to active growth of young shoots in the next season, but they will not bear fruit.

Since rosehip is a rather thorny plant, its fruits must be collected while protecting your hands with thick gloves and wearing durable clothing. The fruits are collected gradually, since their ripening begins in August and ends only in mid-October. All fruits must be collected before frost, otherwise they may lose their properties.

Rose hip transplant

Sometimes it becomes necessary to transplant an already mature rosehip bush to another place. This can happen, for example, due to planting in an area that is not suitable for it or if the soil becomes too depleted. It is recommended to transplant in the spring or in October and November. The preparation of the pit and nutrient soil should be done in advance. A cloudy day is good for transplanting. The bush must be carefully dug up and after the soil is loosened, the bush is pulled out along with the earthen lump, while trying not to injure its root system. Immediately after the bush is removed from the ground, it must be moved to a new location. It should be remembered that the root system of this crop reacts extremely negatively to heat; therefore, the longer it remains on the surface, the less likely it is that the shrub will successfully take root after replanting. During flowering, replanting cannot be done; it is recommended to do this either before sap flow begins or when it ends.

Rosehip propagation

Rosehip seeds are collected in August, when the fruits are still brown and unripe, and their shell is relatively soft. Seeds are sown in October directly into open soil; the furrows should be filled with sawdust or humus on top. In order for seedlings to appear faster in spring, a frame is constructed over the crops, on which plastic film should be stretched. After the seedlings have formed 2 true leaf blades, you can begin planting them. If sowing is planned for spring, then it is best to stratify the seeds; to do this, they are combined with river sand or peat and placed in a cool place with a temperature of 2–3 degrees (for example, a refrigerator). Do not forget to periodically remove and mix the seeds.

If you propagate rose hips by root suckers, you will be able to preserve all the varietal characteristics of the parent bush. In spring or autumn, it is necessary to find a shoot, the height of which can vary from 0.25 to 0.4 m. This shoot must be cut off from the mother plant using a shovel, and then transplanted to a new place. There is another method of propagation by root shoots. The offspring is not separated from the mother bush; it should be hilled up high and watered promptly throughout the season and, if necessary, soil should be added under it. The offspring will grow adventitious roots, and in the fall of the next season it can be cut off from the parent bush, and with the onset of the next spring, carefully removed from the soil and planted in a new place.

Vitamins from the garden Rosehip pruning. Website "Garden World"


Rose hips bloom towards the end of spring and begin to bear fruit in August. Then you can start harvesting. The fruiting period continues until mid-autumn. You need to pick the fruits very carefully. The branches are covered with prickly thorns and, in order to avoid injury when harvesting, you should wear thick gloves and clothing made of durable material in advance.

Ripe fruits are red or dark orange. It is important to collect them before the onset of cold weather. It is also worth remembering that the fruits do not ripen at once, so the harvest must be harvested in several passes.

Pests and diseases of rose hips

This crop is not resistant to diseases or pests. The following pests most often settle on it: sawflies, aphids, leafhoppers, slobbering pennies, spider mites, leaf rollers, bronze beetles and deer beetles.

Sawfly larvae

The larvae of white-banded and descending sawflies gnaw four-centimeter-long passages in young shoots, because of this the stems become dark and dry out. To get rid of such larvae, you need to use insecticidal or pesticide preparations. In autumn, the soil near the bush must be dug up; in this case, the false caterpillars of this pest that appear on the surface will freeze, and the affected stems should be cut off and destroyed before the larvae emerge.

Fruit caterpillars

Young foliage and stems of the plant can be damaged by caterpillars of the fruit moth and 3 different species of roseate leaf roller. If there are few caterpillars, they are removed from the bush by hand. In the spring, before the buds open, the plant must be sprayed with a solution of a pesticide preparation.

Spider mites

Cellular sap from the foliage and stems of shrubs is sucked by spider mites, which are sucking insects. Also, together with aphids, they are the main carriers of viral diseases, for which no effective cure has been found to date. This pest settles on the bush during prolonged drought, especially if it has not been watered for a long time. If you wish, you can try to drive away the ticks; to do this, you need to spray the underside of the leaf blades of the bush with cold water 3 or 4 times a day. And in order to get rid of them quickly and effectively, you can use an acaricide.

Slobbery Penny

On the underside of the plates, as well as in the leaf sinuses, there is a slobbering pennix. This sucking pest feeds on cell sap and secretes a foamy substance. If you touch an insect, it quickly jumps out of the foam and tries to hide. To get rid of such a pest, the bush is treated with an insecticide solution.

Rose leafhopper

The rose hips can be very damaged by the rose hiphopper, which produces 2 or 3 generations per season. Because of it, many white dots appear on the surface of the foliage, the plates become like marble and lose their attractive appearance. After a while they turn yellow and fly away prematurely. To get rid of such a harmful insect, it is necessary to treat the bush and the surface of the area with an insecticide solution 2 or 3 times, and the interval between procedures should be 10–12 days.

rose aphid

Rose hips settle in large colonies on rose hips; they are found on buds, flower stalks and on the underside of leaf blades. Aphids feed on plant sap and transmit viral diseases. In 1 year, this pest can produce more than 10 generations. Preventive treatment is carried out at the beginning of the spring period, for this purpose a solution of a contact insecticide is used. Subsequent spraying can be carried out using a solution of Actellik, Antio, Karbofos, Rogor and other means of similar action.

Deer beetles and bronze beetles

Bronze beetles and stag beetles gnaw out the pistils and stamens in flowers, and also eat the petals. Bushes with light-colored flowers are especially popular among such pests. The beetles are collected early in the morning, at which time they sit, practically motionless. Collected insects must be burned.

Powdery mildew

Most often, this shrub suffers from the following diseases: powdery mildew, black spot, rust, chlorosis and downy mildew.

To get rid of powdery mildew, you need to spray the plant with a suspension of colloidal sulfur (1%) or another fungicide. To make rose hips more resistant to powdery mildew and other diseases, it should be fed with fertilizers containing potassium.

Black spot

In the second half of summer, brown-black spots may form on the petioles and foliage - these are symptoms of black spot infection. If the rosehip is very badly affected, its foliage becomes dark, dries out and flies off. In order to prevent further development of spotting, all infected leaf blades and stems must be removed and destroyed. Under the bushes, the soil is dug up with the formation turnover. In autumn and spring, the plant should be sprayed with insecticidal preparations.


If a bush is affected by rust, then on the underside of its foliage you can find a large number of dusty spores and small yellow-orange pads. As the disease progresses, deformation of stems, flowers and shoots, as well as drying out of leaf plates, is observed. Cut out and destroy the affected parts of the plant, and dig up the soil under the bush. Before covering the rosehip for the winter, it must be treated with a preparation containing copper, for example, copper sulfate.


If yellow or white spots form on the surface of the leaf blades, this means that the bush is sick with chlorosis. It develops due to a deficiency of boron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, iron or other substances needed by rose hips. For example, if it lacks iron, then a chlorotic color appears on the entire leaf blade, except for large veins, while chlorosis first affects the apical young leaves. If there is a lack of zinc, the chlorotic color spreads along the edge of the leaf blade, while the color of the leaf does not change along the lateral and central veins. With magnesium deficiency, leaf blades turn yellow and die, but the color of the veins remains green. If a plant does not have enough boron, then the tissues of young leaf blades thicken, and they also turn pale and become fragile. Find out why chlorosis developed, and then add the necessary element to the soil. If desired, you can feed the plant with the necessary element through the foliage using the foliar method.

The greatest danger to this crop is downy mildew (downy mildew). The development of this disease is observed in rainy and hot weather. To combat it, fungicides and agricultural practices are used.

Pests of roses and rose hips

Types and varieties of rose hips

Today, a classification of rose hips is used, which divides the genus into 4 subgenera: 3 subgenera are small, they include 1 or 2 species that stand out from the general system, while the fourth is the subgenus Rose, which contains 10 sections and 135 species. Below we will describe in detail the varieties and species that are most popular among gardeners.

Alpine rose hips (Rosa alpina), or drooping rose hips (Rosa pendulina)

Under natural conditions it is found in the mountains of central Europe. The height of this shrub is no more than 100 cm, it has no thorns. Large flowers of rich color are located on long stalks. After the petals fly around, the flowers droop immediately. Long spindle-shaped dark red fruits hang on the bush like earrings. There are long glandular bristles on the surface of the fruits and peduncles, which makes the rosehip look very original and impressive.

May rose hips (Rosa cinnamomea), or cinnamon rose hips (Rosa majalis)

This species is widespread in the European part of Russia and Ukraine. The flowering of such a shrub is observed in May–June, at which time many large rich pink or pinkish flowers open on it. This species is quite variable, so its height can reach 250–300 cm or only 100 cm, while such rose hips form sparse thickets that occupy quite large areas. A distinctive feature of this plant is the thin paired thorns located on the flowering stems, and the bases of their stems are densely covered with needle-like small thorns. For group plantings, it is recommended to use the double winter-hardy form of this species, the flowers of which are pink-purple.

Rosehip (Rosa acicularis)

This plant is found naturally in the northern regions of Europe, America and Asia, and it can grow in groups or singly. The height of such a bush can vary from 100 to 200 centimeters. The stems are densely covered with many thin spines and arched bristles. Large flowers can be single or collected in 2 or 3 pieces; they have a dark pink or pink color. The red fruits are oblong in shape. This species is winter-hardy and has comparative shade tolerance; it adapts perfectly to city conditions. It is recommended for creating hedges, and is also used as a rootstock for cultivated varieties.

Rosehip rugosa (Rosa rugosa)

In nature, this species is found in Northern China, Korea and the Far East; it prefers to grow in the thickets of coastal meadows and sea coasts. The height of such a bush is about 250 centimeters. The leaf blades are heavily wrinkled, sometimes shiny. The leaves consist of 5 to 9 leaflets, on the underside of which there is greenish-gray pubescence. The inflorescences consist of 3–8 fragrant flowers, which can also be single. The flowers reach 6–12 centimeters in diameter. Depending on the variety, they can be simple or double; the number of petals on 1 flower can reach 5–150, while their color can be pink and white. Flowering continues throughout the summer; therefore, flowers, buds and fruits may be present on the bush at the same time. The following varieties are most popular among gardeners:

  1. Pink Grootendorst . The height of the bush is about 150 centimeters. The crown shape is spreading-pyramidal. Wrinkled glossy leaf plates have a greenish color. The densely double flowers are light pink in color and can reach 30–40 mm in diameter. The edges of the petals are carved. The inflorescences are similar in appearance to bouquets of carnations.
  2. Grootendorst Suprem . The color of the double flowers is dark crimson.
  3. Conrad Ferdinand Meyer . This plant blooms 2 times per season. The densely double fragrant flowers have a rich pink-silver color.
  4. Hanza . Double fragrant flowers reach 8–10 centimeters in diameter. Their color is purple-red.
  5. Agnes . The fragrant double flowers have a diameter of 7 to 8 centimeters, they are colored creamy yellow, with a darker center.
  6. Georges Quin . Very fragrant semi-double large flowers are cup-shaped and dark red in color.

Rose hip (Rosa spinosissima), or rose hip (Rosa pimpinellifolia)

In nature, this species can be found in the Caucasus, Western and Eastern Siberia, the European part of Russia, Crimea, Western Europe and Central Asia. This rosehip prefers to grow in hollows, forests, forest clearings and edges, and on lime deposits. This shrub is not very large, but incredibly prickly; thin thorns are located on the stems and on the petioles of the leaf blades. The leaves are small, but very elegant; in summer they are green, and in autumn their color changes to purple. The diameter of single flowers is about 50 mm, they can be painted pale yellow or white. The black, spherical fruits reach about 15 mm in diameter. The species is winter-hardy, does not have high demands on soil, adapts well to urban conditions and has a large number of cultural variations and forms. Popular varieties:

  1. Golden Wings . The height of the bush varies from 150 to 180 cm. Semi-double or simple flowers have a diameter of 50–60 mm and a yellowish color.
  2. Frühlingsdaft . The height of the bush is about 200 cm. Fragrant peach-colored flowers are single or collected in inflorescences. The stems are brown-red and spiny.
  3. Frühlingsmorgen . The simple yellowish flowers are very fragrant. The petals have a pink edging.
  4. Karl Foerster . Large, double white flowers have a high center and a faint scent.
  5. Prairie Youres . Semi-double large flowers have a pinkish color.
  6. Schloss Seutlitz . Semi-double creamy-yellow flowers reach 70–80 mm in diameter and have a subtle scent.

Dog rose (Rosa canina), or common rose hip

In nature, this species is found in Western Asia, Central and Southern Europe and North Africa. It prefers to grow in small groups or alone along ravines, on forest edges, in thickets of bushes and on river banks. The height of the bush is about 300 cm. The arched spreading branches have curved strong thorns. The composition of the not very large leaf plates includes from 5 to 7 leaves with serrated edges of a pale gray or light green color. Multi-flowered inflorescences consist of pinkish flowers five centimeters in diameter. The rich red smooth fruits have a round or elongated oval shape and a two-centimeter diameter. Has average frost resistance. This species is considered the best for rootstocks for varietal roses.

Rose hip (Rosa rubiginosa), or rusty rose hip

This species is native to Western Europe. This plant prefers to grow on the edges of forests, in thickets of bushes, in ravines and on rocky slopes. This multi-stemmed, densely branched shrub reaches a height of about 50 cm. Its crown is compact, and its prickly thorns are hook-shaped. The odd-pinnate leaf blades include from 5 to 7 leaflets, their front surface is slightly pubescent, and the back surface is glandular and rusty in color. Pink or red flowers of three centimeters in diameter can be semi-double or simple, single or part of lush corymbose inflorescences. The hemispherical fruits are red in color.

French rose hip (Rosa gallica)

This upright growing shrub reaches a height of 50 centimeters. The length of the leaf plates is about 12.5 centimeters, they consist of 3–5 large leathery leaves of a dark green color, their underside is painted in a lighter color, and it is also covered with glandular pubescence. Large flowers can be double or simple, they are 2-3 pieces in an inflorescence or can be single. Flowers can be colored in various shades from rich red to dark pink. The diameter of the spherical fruits is about 15 mm. This species is quite frost-resistant, but when cultivated in mid-latitudes it can suffer from severe frost. Garden forms:

  1. Medicinal . The bush is very similar to the main species, but its flowers are double.
  2. Thornless . Double flowers. This plant has no thorns at all.
  3. Changeable . On one flower, the color of the petals varies from dark purple in the middle to dark pink-red on the outer petals.
  4. Dwarf . The miniature bush is decorated with simple red flowers.
  5. Brilliant . Single or semi-double flowers are carmine-colored.
  6. Pubescent . The color of the flowers is red-purple. The surface of the pedicels, sepals, rounded leaves and stems is densely covered with bristles.
  7. Agata . Double flowers of purple color are smaller than those of the main species.

The most popular varieties of this type are:

  1. Complicate . The simple, faintly scented flowers are deep pink and have a white center. Their diameter is about 10 centimeters.
  2. Versicolor . Pinkish semi-double flowers have a very weak aroma, their diameter varies from 8 to 10 centimeters. On the surface of the flowers there are specks and streaks of a more saturated shade than the main color. Matte leaf plates are painted greenish.

Rose hip (Rosa glauca), or red rose hip

This park shrub is very impressive. In nature, it can be found in the mountains of Asia Minor, Southeast and Central Europe. The height of the bush varies from 200 to 300 cm. Thin thorns can be straight or slightly curved. The leaf blades contain from 7 to 9 elliptical leaves. The stems, leaves and stipules are covered with a light blue coating with a violet-red tint. Rich pink flowers reach 35 mm in diameter; they can be single or collected in inflorescences of three. The round cherry-colored fruits reach 15 mm in diameter. The species is resistant to drought and frost, it adapts well to city conditions, and can also be grown on calcareous soil. In the form of flora pleno, double flowers are painted in a lighter color shade, which look impressive against the background of foliage.

In addition to these species, gardeners grow such as: white rosehip, Bourbon rosehip, stinking rosehip, or yellow rosehip, Damascus rosehip, Daurian rosehip, Chinese rosehip, Kokand rosehip, Maksimovich rosehip, multifloral rosehip, moss rosehip, musk rosehip, Portland rosehip, centipelas rosehip, apple rosehip, or hairy rosehip, Elena rosehip, etc.

varietal rose hips, varieties that can be grown in cold winters

Properties of rosehip: harm and benefit

Useful properties of rose hips

More types of rose hips have a lot of vitamin C in their fruits. Lemons have 50 times less of this vitamin, black currants have 10 times less, and fir, spruce, juniper and pine needles have 60–70 times less compared to with rose hips. Begger's rose hips are leaders in vitamin C content. These fruits also contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, K, PP, carotene, tannins and coloring substances, malic and citric acids, sugars, phytoncides, essential oils, as well as potassium , magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, copper, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum and manganese. The composition of the flowers of this plant includes essential oil, organic acids, glycosides (bitters and saponins), sugars, fatty oils, flavonoids, tannins, wax, ascorbic acid, anthocyanins (peonidin, cyanidin, peonin). The leader in essential oil content are the petals of the rugosa rosehip.

Rosehip oil has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and firming effect. It activates regeneration processes in injured tissues and mucous membranes. In this regard, it is widely used for cracks, dermatoses, trophic ulcers and abrasions. In addition to vitamin C, the foliage contains catechins, flavonoids, tannins, phenol carbonic acids and their derivatives. Essential oil was found in the foliage of the blood-red rosehip, and the composition of the leaf blades of the May rosehip includes polysaccharides and carotenoids. The branches contain saponins, catechins, vitamin P, flavonoids, the bark contains sorbitol, the roots contain tannins, catechins, flavonoids, triterpenoids.

The fruits help improve metabolic processes in the body and cleanse the circulatory system. They are recommended for use in cases of anemia, scurvy and diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder. They are used as a tonic, general strengthening agent, enhancing the body's resistance to infectious diseases and weakening the development of atherosclerosis. To prepare it, you need to combine half a liter of water and 2 large spoons of crushed fruits. The mixture is allowed to simmer for a quarter of an hour over low heat. Then the broth is well wrapped and in this form it should stand all night; in the morning it is filtered. Drink throughout the day instead of tea, mixing with honey.

A decoction prepared from fruits and roots has a multivitamin, choleretic and mild diuretic effect, and it can also lower blood pressure. It helps improve appetite and the production of red blood cells, and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The juice helps normalize the functioning of the kidneys, liver and stomach, improves resistance to infections, helps activate metabolic processes and stimulate sexual activity, cleanses the body of toxins, normalizes blood circulation, improves memory, and eliminates pain in the head. Juice is a powerful antioxidant, and it also helps to quickly quench thirst.

"Live healthy!" Rose hips - beneficial properties.


People with high blood pressure should not use alcohol tincture of rosehip. At the same time, the use of water infusions of rose hips is contraindicated for hypotensive patients. People with blood circulation disorders should not take rose hips.

If products made from rosehip are used for a very long time, this will negatively affect the condition of the liver, because they help inhibit the secretion of bile. The decoction is contraindicated for chronic constipation. All products made from this plant are prohibited for use by people prone to blood clots. Heart patients also need to be careful; with endocarditis and other diseases, such drugs taken in large quantities contribute to the development of complications. If you have dermatological problems, you should consult your doctor before consuming rose hips.

Drying methods

Rosehip is one of the products that is very popular when stockpiling for the winter. It contains a large amount of vitamin C (much more than black currant and lemon), P and B vitamins, carotenoids, healthy sugars (glucose, fructose), organic acids, minerals and other nutrients.

There are three main ways to dry rose hips. They will differ in technological features and execution time of the process itself. Preference should be given to the method that will be most convenient to perform at home, and thanks to which the concentration of nutrients in the fruits can be preserved as much as possible.

On open air

At home, rose hips can be dried without using special equipment or exposing the product to high temperatures. Drying fruits in air is traditional and allows you to maximize the preservation of useful micro- and macroelements in the product.

To better dry rose hips, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • The fruits are laid out on a hard, dry surface in one layer: cotton or linen fabric, paper (it is advisable not to use printed publications, since their paint can be imprinted on the product), plywood, baking sheet, etc.
  • The place for drying should be well ventilated, protected from direct sunlight, and without accumulation of moisture. This could be an attic, a summer kitchen, a regular kitchen in an apartment (fruits can be placed under the table, near the radiator or on the countertop), or on the top surface of cabinets.
  • The drying process lasts about a month and a half. To check if the berries are ready, you need to squeeze them. They should crunch in your hands and break easily.

Subsequently, the berries are placed in a well-closing plastic container or paper box to equalize the humidity level. This process may take 3-5 days. The product can then be stored and eaten.

In the oven

You can dry rose hips at home in the oven. This method is very convenient and takes much less time than the previous one. It also helps maintain sufficient levels of nutrients in the fruits

When using this method, it is important not to rush and not exceed temperature limits. Otherwise, the berries will simply burn or dry unevenly, and they cannot be stored in the future.

How to dry rose hips in the oven:

  • Place the berries on a baking sheet in one layer, not too crowded;
  • Initially I set the temperature to 40º C;
  • after 2-3 hours you can increase it by 10-20º C, but not more than 60º C;
  • the rosehip will dry at this temperature for another 5-6 hours;
  • then the temperature is again reduced to 40º C and left for another 2-3 hours;
  • in total the process will take 10-12 hours;
  • The oven door must be kept ajar at all times so that the rose hips are not “too hot” and excess moisture can freely come out.

As soon as the fruits are dried (light, dry and easily broken), they are also placed in a tightly closed container and “rested” for several days.

In an electric dryer

The fastest way to dry rose hips at home is with an electric dryer. This is the most convenient way to prepare winter supplies. The electrical device is designed for dehydrogenation of vegetables, fruits, berries and other products, which significantly extends their shelf life.

The electric dryer has several levels of trays, so you can dry significant volumes of raw materials at a time. Also, the device usually has a timer, so you can completely trust the machine to dry the berries.

In an electric dryer, fruits are laid out on pallets in one layer. Along with rose hips, other fruits or vegetables that require the same temperature regime (for example, apples or pears) can be dried on other trays at the same time.

When using an electric dryer, you should also not rush. If you set the temperature to maximum (60-70C), you can get the finished product in 8-9 hours. However, too much heat will significantly reduce the concentration of nutrients in the fruit.

It is best not to exceed 40-50C. In this mode, the product will be ready in 12-15 hours. At the same time, the fruits will retain much more nutritional elements compared to drying them in the oven.

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