Growing Prolomnik from seeds Types of Prolomnik with photos and names

The unpretentious grass Prolomnik is popular among gardeners. Beautiful and miniature ground covers are used to create a landscape picture in the local area. A low herbaceous plant creates lush colorful carpets. There are several dozen types and varieties of crops. The topic of today's article is the main characteristics, cultivation and care of the plant.

Author of the article

Eduard Dmitriev

Florist and lover of indoor and garden plants.

Branched prolomnik, Usa-forming prolomnik

Himalayas, Southwest China

  • needs loose, drained soils;
  • does not tolerate hot but humid conditions

in May, within 40-45 days

creeping plant that forms a cushion up to 20 cm in diameter

  • in rocky gardens;
  • in dry mixborders;
  • as a ground cover plant;
  • used in Tibetan medicine as an antitumor and anti-inflammatory agent

No one has created a topic yet

Growing them is no more difficult, and sometimes even easier, than everyone’s favorite roses. Tree peonies are shrubs with a height of 1-1.5 m per crown.

Morocco includes part of the Sahara Desert. To the north are the spurs of the Atlas Mountains. In the area of ​​the city of Agadir, the mountains do not provide any sign.

Scientific experiments

Laboratory experiments on animals were carried out, which successfully confirmed the data known to the people for centuries. The animals were injected subcutaneously with an infusion of prolomnik. The contraceptive effect was observed for 6 months, after which completely healthy offspring were obtained. Those. The use of the herb did not cause any harm to future children. It seems that it is no coincidence that the plant aroused the interest of scientists. Research has confirmed a number of data from traditional medicine. It is now known that this special and beneficial plant contains saponins, which have important properties. Ingestion causes miscarriage, so it is contraindicated in pregnant women. At the same time, it is successfully used as a contraceptive. The interest of scientists in P. northern arose quite recently, when its study confirmed some data from traditional medicine.

Description of the breaker

The root system of the breaker is superficial, highly branched. Creeping or drooping stems rise in height from 5 to 20 cm. The shoots have a dark green color. Due to the harsh living conditions, most often the leaves of the plant become needle-like and dense, less often fleshy. The leaves literally adhere to the surface of the earth. Their length is only 2-5 cm.

Single flowers bloom on the upper part of the shoots and are held on short peduncles. The flowers are small, about 1 cm in diameter, five-petaled, and exude a pleasant aroma. Flowering is abundant: a dense covering of flowers of white, pink, yellow or crimson color is formed on top of the green cushion of the bush. There are varieties with snow-white petals and a purple center.

Flowering is long: it occurs almost immediately after the snow melts and lasts until mid-summer. In place of the flowers, small fruits appear - round boxes filled with small seeds.

Reproduction and planting of the breaker

Bush division and cuttings

Perennial breakers are most conveniently propagated vegetatively: by dividing the bush and cuttings. Carry out the procedure after flowering has completed - at the end of summer.

  • To divide the rhizome, dig up a bush and carefully divide it into 2-4 parts.
  • The upper parts of the shoots are suitable for cuttings. A full-fledged cutting should have 2 internodes.
  • Delenki and cuttings must be planted immediately in the ground - they will take root well and will delight you with flowering the next year. The soil should be fertile and moist.

How to grow prolomnik from seeds

Breaker seeds photo

Growing prolomnik from seeds is a more troublesome process, but thanks to this you can immediately get many young plants.

Sow freshly harvested seeds, at most within a year after collection, because their germination capacity is quickly lost.

Sowing in the ground

It is better to sow in open ground before winter. Dig up the soil, level it thoroughly and let it settle for a week. Distribute the seeds over the surface of the bed, sprinkle with a small layer of soil. Don’t be alarmed if seedlings don’t appear in the spring, because first the plant develops a root system and then sends out shoots. Therefore, it is advisable to choose an area where there will not be many weeds, which will simply clog the shoots of the breaker, unless, of course, they are weeded by hand: weeds cannot be removed mechanically (with a hoe, a flat cutter).

In spring and summer, the bush will sprout and it will need to be thinned out to a distance between plants of about 8-10 cm, so that the bushes do not clog each other.

Sowing seedlings

Shoots of the breaker photo

  • Sowing of seedlings is carried out in February.
  • Interestingly, the seeds need to be stratified in the soil. Sow in a container with soil and place it in the refrigerator for 6-8 weeks. Shoots may appear already in the refrigerator, but you must leave the container there for the specified period.
  • Only then should you place the container in a well-lit, warm place. The germination process takes about 2 months.
  • Grown seedlings with 3-4 true leaves carefully dive into peat cups and continue to be cared for: watered moderately and provided with good lighting.

Plant propagation

Prolomnik propagation occurs vegetatively and by seeds.

Propagation by seeds

In the first case, the seeds are sown in spring in boxes and greenhouses. After germination, the seedlings are picked and moved to the beds.

Propagation by cuttings

In the second option, propagation is carried out by cuttings. After flowering, select stems with a single rosette and dig them into moistened sand. Cuttings are carried out in June and July. The stems produce roots within 1-2 months. In June it can be propagated by rosettes that easily take root in moist soil.

Features of caring for a breaker

Hardened by harsh natural conditions, prolomnik is unpretentious in ornamental cultivation.

  • The soil required is light, loose, containing gravel, sand or other large fractions. Good drainage is the most important condition.
  • Choose a well-lit place; it will grow normally in slight shade.
  • Does not require fertilizing.
  • The plant is adapted to drought, so it needs to be watered moderately. Excessive moisture will cause rot.
  • Prolomnik has excellent immunity to diseases and plant pests.
  • Frost-resistant: able to withstand temperatures down to -28°C.
  • To ensure that the roots receive the necessary nutrition and do not experience stress when the soil overheats or freezes, it is recommended to mulch the soil with fallen leaves. No other shelters are needed.

What to do, if. girl knocked up drunk

yeah, I gave it a drink and used it)))

Blood during sexual intercourse

Yeees. With these methods you will definitely get a buzz before you start! It looks better on your face - it’s nice, and vitamins won’t hurt your skin! A friend of mine looks 20 years younger)))

Features of care

The plant is unpretentious and easy to care for. The crop does not require fertilization or frequent watering.

It is recommended to ensure that there is no stagnation of moisture in the soil, as this can lead to rotting of the root system.

Drought, on the contrary, is not dangerous for the plant. Diseases and insect pests are not a problem for the Breaker. Shelter for the winter is not required, since the plant has proven itself to be frost-resistant. At the end of autumn, it is recommended to mulch the soil with dry leaves.

Northern Broth is a crop that is used for medicinal purposes, as well as for decorating the garden. This is an absolutely unpretentious and pretty plant that can decorate shady and unsightly corners of the garden. It does not require serious care and prefers well-drained soil.

Decorative and medicinal properties of the breaker

Breaker in landscape design In the photo Androsace villosa v. jacquemontii

The breaker will be a wonderful decoration for sandy hills, rocky slopes, rockeries and rock gardens. Green dense cushions with numerous flowers are good for independent planting.

Northern Prolomnik has medicinal properties. It is rich in coumarins, saponins, and flavonoids, which have anticonvulsant and bactericidal effects. To prepare a decoction, use the roots along with stems and leaves. It is used for urolithiasis and heart pain, epilepsy, bleeding, and even as a contraceptive.

What methods of birth control existed before?

How to grow flax: description, tips on planting, care and maintenance

I once watched the film “Advice from a Herbalist. Meeting in the Cloisters" is a film - a conversation with herbalist Lydia Surina. So in this film she talks about an ancient remedy that many women still use today - a herb called “northern breaker”, which is used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. I found her book “The Healing Lands of Tyumen Grass” and watched the interview. Throughout, she refers to Leningrad professor Vladimir Sokolov, who confirmed the properties of this plant. In addition, in the list of contraceptive herbs, she indicates aspen, tansy, filamentous filamentous, open lumbago, chamomile, licorice, and thyme. I think that herbal contraception was widespread even before lemons, if only because lemons were not available to our grandmothers.

I’ll tell you a story, this story was told to my mother by an old woman from our village, where I’m from. I stood nearby and since I was 5 or 6 years old, they didn’t pay attention to me, but in vain). So... Listen, Ivanovna, the grandmother took out a handkerchief and wiped her watery eyes, as in her girlhood (the grandmother was then 75 years old, maybe more) my friend and I found out that inserting a slice of lemon, you know where, helps avoid pregnancy, well, we found out, we bought a lemon , we waited until Saturday, went to the bathhouse, cut off a slice, and my friend kept telling me, where are we going to put the lemon? And I tell her - let’s cut it in half, and for greater effect, we’ll cut it in half and put it in half. So what, the mother asks? No way, the grandmother says, the accordion player got drunk - the dances were cancelled, they have to get him back.

So they already knew about “lemon” contraception.

Apparently, the most ancient method can be considered interruption of sexual intercourse. In addition, ancient documents mentioned protection using special covers for the male organ, which were made from air bladders of fish, specially treated parchment or animal intestines. Various herbal decoctions were used for women. And some tribes practiced breastfeeding for a long time, which exhausted the woman and she could not get pregnant.

  1. Address: Vladivostok Messages 13,426 Message from evgen-zet I think this plant will help a lot! (really) Northern bromegrass - a herb to protect against unwanted pregnancy! « : February 02, 2012, 08:12:30 » Northern breaker is a one- or biennial herbaceous plant with a thin tap root, without stem shoots. The leaves in a dense rosette are oblong or lanceolate and lie directly on the soil surface. Flower arrows emerge from the rosette in numbers from 3 to 20, less often single, sparsely covered with short branched hairs and reaching a height of 0.5 to 35 cm. The flower arrow ends in an umbrella bearing small flowers. The calyx is smooth, pentagonal. The corolla is white, the throat is yellowish. The fruit is a capsule with small dark brown seeds. Somewhere I read about an unusual plant that is used by northerners and Siberians all the way to the Far East and Kamchatka. You take the prescribed amount of infusion of this plant and you can not use any contraceptives for almost a year. This infusion had a stronger effect on women. The result is one hundred percent. How so? Why don't I know this herb? I came across so many rare and exotic plants in the vast expanses of my native Bashkiria, but I didn’t come across a breaker. Perhaps he came across it, but passed by without noticing, although he knew his description almost by heart. And yet the date took place. When they showed it to me, they almost poked me with my nose, I remembered for the rest of my life the oblong leaves, collected in a rosette, tightly pressed to the ground, and several stems with umbrellas of small white flowers. it was on a rocky mountainside, plunging steeply towards the Ufimka River. I didn’t need a breaker, I didn’t collect it, but I was delighted with this small area on the mountainside, where under the spruce and pine trees grew northern linnaea, spicate crow, red-fruited crow, wintergreen, club moss, and Siberian princeling, which are quite rare for our area. Again and again I admired the rich and generous world of vegetation of our republic. As for , its infusion or decoction is drunk for heart pain, nervous disorders, kidney stones, aching joints, gastralgia, goiter, fever, as an anticonvulsant for epilepsy, gargled for sore throat, douched for leucorrhoea in women. The contraceptive effect after discontinuation of the infusion does not in any way interfere with the onset of pregnancy. Contraindications: Northern Broth is contraindicated during pregnancy, as. I've lived in the Far East all my life!!!!!!!! This is the first time I've heard this!!!!! You need to protect yourself with your brains, that’s what I’ll say... and you put flowers here..))))))))))

Classification of breakers by groups

According to their habitat and external characteristics, all varieties of damson are divided into 4 main groups:

  1. These mountain groundcover, abundantly flowering varieties are the most common in cultivation. Grow in fertile garden soils in partial shade.
  2. Habitat: Far East and Central Asia. They prefer shady places. Difficult to cultivate
  3. Dwarf varieties in nature live high in the mountains in sandy, rocky areas, hidden from direct sunlight. The transplant is painful.
  4. The group consists of annual plants. They lend themselves well to seed propagation.

Types of breaker with photos and names

Northern borer Androsace septentrionalis

Northern borer Androsace septentrionalis photo

An annual plant that lives on all continents of the Northern Hemisphere in the temperate climate zone. Found on roadside embankments, sandstones, and dry meadows. The plant is a groundcover, creeping, reaches a height of 6-20 cm. The leaves are oblong, collected at the base, can be smooth or covered with short hair. The stems are erect, smooth, ending in a small inflorescence. The flowers are five-petaled, white, and have a yellow center. The species blooms from April to July. After a couple of months, fruits set and ripen unevenly.

Kozo-Polyanskiy Androsace koso-poljanskii = Hairy Broth Androsace villosa

Prolomnik Kozo-Polyansky Androsace koso-poljanskii photo

The species is listed in the Red Book. Grows in rocky steppes and chalk hills. This is a perennial with not particularly dense growth. The hard leaves gather into numerous rosettes. The leaves have a prominent central vein with strong pubescence. The inflorescences are attached on long peduncles covered with hairs. The flowers are white with a yellow or orange center, 2-7 buds on each peduncle.

Hairy borer Androsace villosa photo

The height is up to 7 cm. Dense green pillows spread along the ground. The plant is abundantly covered with drooping hairs. In May, white flowers with a pink center appear. Prefers sandy, well-drained soils with a high calcium content.

Androsace sempervivoides

Androsace sempervivoides photo

It grows at an altitude of 3-4 km above sea level in the Himalayas. Dense rosettes of leaves are covered with hairs. The leaves are dark green with a reddish tint. Flowering begins in May. On the peduncle there are 2-3 pink or purple flowers with a greenish core. Grows well in light shade with moist soil.

How to recognize him

The appearance of the plant is characteristic; if you notice it, you will definitely know that it is he. On the ground there is a basal rosette of oblong, petiolate leaves with a jagged edge. One or several arrows emerge from this rosette - peduncles up to 35 cm long, usually 20 cm. The green parts of the plant - leaves and arrow - may have a reddish tint or even red color. The entire plant is either bare or has hairs scattered here and there, simple or branched. Glandular hairs appear at the top of the peduncle, i.e. ending in a round head at the end.

An inflorescence is an umbrella with a number of “spokes”, i.e. flowers from 12 to 25, sometimes up to 30. There are small sharp bracts. The calyx is small, 3 mm long, bell-shaped, cut one-third into triangular lobes. The flowers are small, regular, not much larger than a calyx. Petals 5, fused. The fruit is a spherical-ovoid capsule. Also small, about 3 mm in size.


Latin name: Androsace.

Family: primroses (Primulaceae).


Prolomnik is common in the Caucasus, Central Asia, China, Western Europe and North America.

Form: herbaceous plant.


Prolomnik is the name of annual and perennial plants. There are about 100 species in nature.

Alpine bristlecone (A. alpina) is a perennial herbaceous plant. The leaves are small, gray-green, collected in rosettes up to three centimeters high. The flowers are pinkish-red with a yellow spot at the base, the peduncle is up to 15 centimeters high. The flowering period begins in April and lasts until July.

Primrose bud (A. primuloides) is a perennial plant with creeping shoots. The obovate, pubescent leaves are collected in basal rosettes up to 15 centimeters in height and up to 20 centimeters in diameter. Umbrella-shaped inflorescences consist of flowers in light or dark pink shades. Flowering duration is 40 – 45 days.

Shooter (A. sarmentosa) is a herbaceous perennial plant up to 20 centimeters high with creeping shoots. The flowers are pink with a yellow eye. Flowering period in May.

Hairy bristlecone (A. villosa) is a perennial herbaceous plant that forms dense cushion-shaped thickets up to 7 centimeters high. leaves are densely pubescent. The flowers are pink, red or white with a pink eye, fragrant. Flowering in May.

Sempervivoides (A. sempervivoides) is a low-growing (up to 5 centimeters tall) plant that forms dense carpets. The leaves are ciliated, collected in a basal rosette, reminiscent of a juvenile rosette. The flowers are pink or purple with a green eye, collected in inflorescences on low peduncles. Flowering in May.

Greater bromegrass (A. maxima) is an annual plant covered with white hairs. The leaves are elliptical or rhombic in shape. Peduncles height from 2 to 15 centimeters. The corolla of the flower is white or pink.

Filiformis (A. filiformis) is an annual plant native to Siberia. Smooth elliptical leaves are collected in a basal rosette. The flower arrows of the filamentous breaker are from 5 to 20 centimeters high. Numerous small flowers are attached to the arrow on long pedicels, almost equal in length to the stem.

Growing conditions

Prolomnik develops well in open sunny areas. The soils are loose, deeply cultivated.


In culture, the breaker is used to design border plantings and rock gardens.

Northern breaker is used in folk medicine.


Watering is moderate, the plant does not tolerate waterlogging. Care without any special features.


Prolomnik propagates by dividing root rosettes, cuttings (summer) and seeds (autumn or spring).

Diseases and pests

It is rarely affected by diseases and pests.

Popular varieties

The cultivar 'Namche' differs from the main species in having shorter and more aligned bracts.



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Prolomnik - what kind of plant is this?

Due to its unusual decorative qualities, the plant is used in the design of alpine slides, rockeries, low borders, rocky walls, or planted as a ground cover.

The genus Prolomnik unites more than 100 varieties of annuals and perennials, growing mainly in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus, China, Central Asia, North America and Western Europe. Prolomniks are characterized by early flowering, for this they are classified as a member of the Primrose family. Each species has its own individuality, so not only individual plantings will look original, but also combinations of several varieties in one flower garden.

Russian dacha

It is unlikely that you will be able to easily explain to a foreigner the meaning of the concept “Russian dacha”. In order to understand what a Russian dacha is, you need to visit it, and not just look once, but feel it, spend a week or two there.

Hear the birds singing in the morning, sit on the veranda, sipping aromatic tea with smoke from a samovar and gooseberry jam, enjoy lunch at a round table with a bouquet of wildflowers, go fishing or go mushroom picking.

In Dahl's explanatory dictionary, the word “dacha” is mentioned in the section “Giving and giving”, first in the meaning of distributing something, and only then in the meaning of “country house”. Much later, only at the end of the 19th century, this secondary significance became the main one.

About the history of dachas, Wikipedia writes: “It is believed that the first dachas appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century during the era of Peter I. Initially, these were, rather, not dachas, but estates near St. Petersburg, which the tsar granted to his associates for services to the state. For more than 100 years, dacha estates remained the privilege of the aristocracy, and only at the end of the 19th century were people of varying incomes able to afford a dacha. True, we were no longer talking about our own, but about a rented country house.”

How did the Russian dacha appear? It is unlikely that dachas could have originated in the vicinity of Moscow, since the nobility already lived in estates. In St. Petersburg, with its ceremonial buildings, very rich people lived in urban-type houses.

In the summer, the nobles who grew up in villages were irritated by the urban environment. It was the irritation of the St. Petersburg nobility that caused the demand for plots of land not for permanent residence, but for weekend relaxation and escape from the summer heat. The first dachas were small estates with a palace, a bathhouse and other delights, and they appeared at the beginning of the 18th century. Over time, metropolitan fashion took over Moscow, and the nobles preferred holidays in their dachas to trips abroad.

Since 1836, when railways appeared in our country, there has been a real dacha boom. Suburban trains were called dacha trains, and every self-respecting person considered it obligatory to rent a dacha for the summer. Pre-revolutionary summer residents went to their dachas in April, and with furniture. In the evenings the sound of a piano could be heard from the windows of the dachas, and everyone considered it their duty to have a library and a billiard room. In the evenings, summer residents were entertained by summer theater artists.

Going to the dacha in those days was fashionable and even prestigious, a kind of demonstration of well-being and prosperity. Before the revolution, dachas were distributed mainly in the vicinity of Moscow and St. Petersburg: Kuntsevo, Ostankino, Perovo, Sokolniki. With the advent of railways, they began to be built in more remote places: Pushkino, Khimki, Malakhovka, Khovrin, Tarasovka, Tomilino. Even the wife of Tsar Nicholas I had her own dacha - a 3-story mansion in Peterhof.

Families of summer residents lived outside the city throughout the warm season. As a rule, only the head of the family was chosen for service in the city. There was no electricity, running water or sewerage in the dachas. The light of a kerosene lamp, water from a well or river - that’s all the convenience.

After the revolution, the dacha acquired a completely new role for itself - social. The dacha became an obligatory component of the Soviet ideal of life. The class-based guild approach of that time gave rise to dachas for writers, artists, and scientists. At that time, even residents of communal apartments had dachas.

The concept of a dacha has blurred over time, and it all started with garden plots, which began to be distributed in the 60s. Summer residents of that time had no time for rest: they worked from dawn to dusk, providing their families with scarce vegetables and fruits.

They started growing vegetables in their dachas in the 1930s, when our country was dying of hunger. To this day, many summer residents grow various vegetables on their six hundred square meters: potatoes, beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes. And the words manure and fertilizer are something sublime for them.

True, it is worth noting that in recent years more and more dachas have been built that look like palaces with two or even three floors. This suggests that garden plots are slowly evolving towards the classic dacha.

Many thought that with the advent of inexpensive tours abroad, the attractiveness of the dacha would disappear, but this did not happen. According to surveys, about 60% of Russians are happy owners of dachas. Dacha remains the most popular form of recreation among our compatriots, and dacha villages are spread throughout the country, even the northern part of Russia is no exception.

The Russian dacha with its color reminds modern people of what estates used to look like. Summer residents, its inhabitants, not even intentionally, but try to preserve and convey all its necessary attributes.

And what is it worth watching the preparation of jams, compotes and pickles in the summer kitchen, because everyone who arrived at the dacha is involved here! And what a pleasure it is to sit under an apple tree with an indispensable dacha attribute - a samovar!

Both in previous and in modern times, a dacha is a kind of little world for its owner. There you are far from the hustle and bustle of the city, you are constantly in the fresh air and you are surrounded by only those people you really want to see.

It is curious that if someone is invited to relax in this world, this practically means that they have been given a pass into the family. And what are the “neighborhood” trips to nearby plots worth! Grandparents are happy to share gardening and gardening tips, young people entertain themselves with guitar songs, and kids collect butterflies with a butterfly net.

Gardens at modern dachas, like those at classical Russian dachas, may well look a little neglected. But this carelessness only gives them a special charm. In such a garden you will not find an English lawn, but the verandas are very beautifully covered with all kinds of climbing plants.

And without lush lilacs it is hardly possible to find even a plot. In old dachas there are small pieces of natural forest, but if you are unlucky with this, then at least one birch, oak or pine will definitely grow.

As for flowers, we can’t do without them. They are found as annuals, which are grown in containers and moved from time to time, wherever your heart desires. And there are also perennial flowers, like peonies and lilies of the valley, which grow for their own pleasure and no one stops them from doing so. Of course, among summer residents there are also lovers of intricate flower beds. What could be more pleasant than making a flower garden with your own hands, and then tending and cherishing it.

And what kind of lawns do we have at our dachas!!! After all, laying a lawn and caring for it is a whole sacrament!!!

What kind of dacha can do without living creatures? Yes, none. In addition to all kinds of plants, its inhabitants always take their pets on vacation. Here the animals feel like real masters. They can hunt to their heart's content for small animals, soak up the sun, or chase some neighbor's pets around for fun.

It is interesting to note that there are no analogues to Russian dachas in any country in the world, there are not even words that even remotely convey the name of the concept, so foreigners have to simply use dacha and dachniki. And for us summer residents, the Russian dacha is a lifestyle.

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