Schlippenbach rhododendron: photo, growing from seeds, beneficial properties

At different times, many wild flowers were cultivated in order to decorate the garden plot with their beautiful appearance. One of them is rhododendron, named after the Russian navy officer Alexander Schlippenbach, who, while passing with an expedition past the coast of Korea, noticed bushes of these plants and brought them to Russia. Currently, this variety grows in the Leningrad region, Karelia and the Moscow region. This species is also widespread in the Baltic countries: Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The plant has good winter hardiness, is quite capricious to grow and blooms beautifully.

Features of “trees with roses”

There is no need to rush into buying outlandish bushes or trees from an advertising picture, since it will be a pity for the money, time and effort spent if the plant on the site begins to wither after planting, and eventually dies altogether. To avoid such a fate, you must first find out what type and variety of this heat-loving plant can survive cold autumn and frosty winter. Some varieties of rhododendrons cannot withstand frost even under cover.

In areas with cold climates, it is possible to grow and preserve rhododendrons of deciduous species: Schlippenbach, Kamchatka, Vazeya, Canadian, Japanese, Yellow, Pukhansky. The semi-evergreen species – Ledebura, as well as the evergreen Katevba species – will be preserved. Its hybrids are often planted: Abraham, Alfred, Lincoln, Nova Zembla, Cunningham White. Among the Smirnov rhododendron hybrids, the following varieties are in demand: Laika, Dorothy Swift and Gabriel. Of the winter-hardy Finnish varieties, Hague, Mikkeli and Elvira are most often planted. For midland winters, hybrids such as Spicy Lights, Pink Lights, Northern Light - Rosie Lights and others are suitable, which we will discuss below.

Where to plant rhododendron so that it feels good? They always look more impressive in the garden if they are planted in groups. Crops should have different flowering periods in order to enjoy this vibrant period of pink trees longer. The most comfortable place for a plant is the area near ponds or fountains, since these crops love moisture. If there are none, then you will need to increase the humidity artificially: spray using spray guns and hoses with special nozzles for “rain.”

What kind of soil does rhododendron like? Rose trees prefer acidic soils, so the same lovers can be planted next to them: lingonberries, cranberries and blueberries, ferns to contrast leaf textures, beautifully flowering bulbous plants and other perennial plants.

High decorative qualities are not all the advantages of “trees with roses”. Their medicinal properties are widely used by traditional and folk medicine. Daurian, Golden, Caucasian and Adams rhododendron contain a large percentage of andromedotoxin, ericolin, arbutin and rhododendrin. The leaves are rich in ascorbic acid, especially in summer. Products with the addition of medicinal substances are used for the following effects on the body:

  • bactericidal and analgesic;
  • antipyretic and diaphoretic;
  • calming and reducing pressure: arterial and venous;
  • reducing high heart rate;
  • increasing the activity of the heart.

Another peculiarity of the plant is that annual, biennial and perennial shrubs have decorative leaves of different sizes and shapes: sessile or petiolate, alternate, serrate or entire, ovate or obovate. The main advantage of the “rose tree” is the white, pink, red, purple, lilac colors of the brushes with flowers that look like a beautiful bouquet. The shape of the flowers is bell-shaped, funnel-shaped, wheel-shaped or tubular. The inflorescences of some species emit a pleasant and subtle aroma that has a positive effect on the human nervous system.

Place in landscape design

Favorite neighbors of rhododendrons are ferns, hostas, and other flowering shrubs. Plants are good in Japanese gardens among stones, in the shade of conifers.

Rosewood bushes are planted alone and in an alley, on the shore of a pond and near a gazebo, in rock gardens and mixborders. Rhododendron will look elegant and impressive everywhere.

Rhododendron is a typical shrub for acidic soils. This plant belongs to the Heather family and is one of the most beautifully flowering. Many summer residents want to grow rhododendron on their property, but this plant cannot be called unpretentious. Rhododendrons love warmth. To take root in the middle zone, they need proper agricultural technology and good care.

In the climatic conditions of the middle zone, about ten proven plant species can be grown. All of them have high winter hardiness.

There are several hundred species of rhododendrons, representing plants of various sizes and shapes - from creeping to tall. There are deciduous and evergreen rhododendrons. In nature, they grow in the mountain forests of the Caucasus, Carpathians, and Sayans. The homeland for many species is the Far East, including Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. A huge variety of rhododendron species is represented in China and India.

Mountain slopes covered with flowering thickets are an unforgettable sight. All species have large flowers, which are even more noticeable due to the fact that they are collected in inflorescences with bright and clean colors.

Rhododendrons are often called azaleas. Both of these plants belong to the Heather family and are included in the genus Rhododendron. The difference is that indoor deciduous rhododendrons are called azaleas. There are azaleas that keep their leaves all year round - Japanese azaleas. They should not be confused with Japanese rhododendrons.

Japanese azaleas are bushes 30-60 cm high, blooming with white, purple, pink and red flowers. Even the most winter-hardy azaleas cannot grow in a northern garden, but they are suitable plants for the home. At home, azaleas bloom in winter, when other indoor plants are at rest, gaining strength in anticipation of spring.

The indoor azalea cannot be called an unpretentious flower. In nature, azaleas grow high in the mountains, on the border of alpine meadows and glaciers, so they are not afraid of the cold. In a hot and dry room atmosphere, the plant quickly dies. Azalea loves diffused lighting and watering with soft water acidified with lemon juice.

Azalea sheds its leaves due to the slightest violation of the conditions: when the substrate is too dry, high temperature, low air humidity and in bright sun. Watering with hard tap water causes leaves to turn brown. After flowering, the plant must be replanted, trying not to destroy the earthen ball, and placed in a cool place with a temperature no higher than +17 degrees. From October to December, azaleas are kept at a temperature of +6+10 degrees - this is necessary for the formation of flower buds.

Indoor Japanese azalea shaped like a bonsai

Those who are interested in gardening and growing indoor plants are always looking for new unusual plants to add to their collection. Ledebur rhododendron could be such an interesting acquisition. A plant with an elegant name and no less elegant appearance, rhododendron is known for its unpretentiousness and unique early flowering. It is convenient to drive it out in winter, when other plants go dormant, or leave it in open ground - this shrub can withstand very low temperatures. Let's take a closer look at it - find out how to grow this flower, what it is popularly called and why it is so popular in ornamental gardening.

What is the difference from other types

This type of Rhododendron stands out from the rest due to the unusual shape of its leaves, as well as the fact that its beautiful large flowers smell very pleasant.

We talked about other types of rhododendron that will take their rightful place in your garden plot in separate articles. Read about these varieties: Azurro, Fantastica, Francesca, Rasputin, Ledebura, Golden, Daursky, Polarnakht, Hague and Katevbinsky.

Diseases and pests

Like any plant growing in open ground, rhododendron is susceptible to attacks by harmful insects and diseases.

The plant can become sick due to too much humidity and excessive watering, improper feeding, fungal infections, low soil acidity, iron or manganese deficiency.

Most diseases go away on their own if you organize proper care - watering, fertilizing, normalizing acidity. More complex cases require an individual approach and special treatment. For example, if there is rust on the leaves of the rhododendron, it should be sprayed with a solution containing copper, and if it rots, all damaged parts should be removed, and the shrub itself should be treated with Bordeaux mixture in early spring.


The main insect pests include:

  • slugs and snails;
  • rhododendron fly and bug;
  • spider mite;
  • weevil;
  • mealybug.

All these parasites are effectively removed through the use of insecticides, as well as by hand picking and spraying the plant with a strong soap solution made from brown laundry soap.

Introduction to Rhododendron

Shrubs and trees of rhododendrons (Rhododendron) belong to the Heather family; they are evergreen and deciduous. Translated, they mean rosewood; indeed, most species have different shades of pink. And the varieties bred by breeders can be of various shades: from white to purple.

Flowers are in the form of a bell and a funnel, a tube and a wheel, their diameter ranges from one to 10 centimeters. The leaves are elongated and hard; in the fall, some bushes have an extremely decorative appearance.

More than 1000 species of this plant differ both in the shape of the flowers and the coverage of the crown, as well as in height (from creeping shrubs to tall thirty-meter trees).

Under natural conditions it grows in temperate climates, preferring moist air and partial shade. That is why rhododendron is so often found in the undergrowth of pine trees and other coniferous trees, on mountain slopes, as well as along the banks of rivers and seas, in swamps and forest-tundra.

The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the Far East and Altai, the Himalayas and Japan are not a complete list of places where you can see natural rhododendron thickets. In landscape design, the use of shrubs is very diverse, these include single plantings and group plantings, they are used to landscape sanatorium-resort and park areas, and homesteads.


Root system

The azalea is superficial , so on the site it cannot choose “competitors” for nutrients whose roots also lie shallow.

The best neighbors for it are plants with a taproot system . For example, pine, spruce, and among fruit trees - pear, spreading apple tree, cherry.

Trunk and leaves

Mature shoots of this species are covered with light gray bark, while young ones have a brownish color.

Large, long (up to 10 cm) leaves stick out in bright green whorls at the ends of the shoots. In autumn they turn yellow-red, and in October the azalea flies around.


There can be a thousand of them on one bush! They bloom in April-May a little earlier than the leaves or together with them and cover the plant with a cap of pink (occasionally white) foam. The flowers are large, pink corollas with purple specks - last 10-14 days and smell very pleasant.

Preparing rhododendron for winter

In any region, you need to start preparing the plant for winter, but in each region the cooling time is different. In the middle zone, you need to start preparing flowers for winter at the beginning of August.

If autumn is dry, then the plant requires abundant watering - at least 10 liters. Cover with burlap, tying the branches with twine, immediately after the first frost. You can remove the burlap only in March, after the snow melts. The bushes need to be ventilated. Remove the cover on a cloudy day, let the plant get used to the light, as bright sun can burn the branches.

Cultivating plants is quite difficult. In the wild, plants grow from seeds, but cuttings are also suitable for growing under artificial conditions. Try to create conditions that are close to natural.

Remember that rhododendrons love moist soil and shade, well-drained soil and a high content of nutrients in it.

Cultivating rhododendron is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also helps the plant survive in difficult conditions. Rhododendron will tolerate cold weather better and will be more resistant to changes in weather conditions.

More information can be found in the video.

Rhododendrons are deservedly considered one of the most beautiful plants decorating gardens and greenhouses. There are many types of them, they can be evergreen or deciduous shrubs and even small trees. We will tell you about one of the species, namely the Schlippenbach rhododendron, which is distinguished by its resistance to cold and beautiful flowering.

This species belongs to the genus Rhododendron (lat. Rhododéndron) and the heather family. The plant is a deciduous shrub. Named in honor of A. E. Schlippenbach, a Russian naval officer who first collected samples of the plant in 1854, during an expedition on the frigate Pallada. Under natural conditions, the shrub is found on the Korean Peninsula, in Northeast China, as well as in the south of the Primorsky Territory of Russia.

The plant begins to flower at the age of 6-8 years. The fruit is a capsule with seeds. In general, this species is considered one of the most beautiful representatives of the rhododendron genus. He can live up to 40 years.

Features of deciduous rhododendron

The genus of ornamental plants rhododendrons is very large and diverse. The azalea is often compared to a rose because of its beauty and variety of species. Translated from Greek, rhododendron means “rose tree.” True, it has nothing to do with the rose family. Rhododendron belongs to the Heather family and has about 800 species of evergreen, semi-evergreen and deciduous bushes, bushes and trees.

Rhododendron deciduous is a semi-evergreen or evergreen shrub. Unlike evergreen rhododendrons, deciduous rhododendrons are completely covered with flowers during flowering, due to which the leaves are practically invisible. And in autumn the leaves amaze with an abundance of bright colors, from yellow to blood red.

Features of deciduous rhododendron:

  • The average height of rhododendron is 0.5-1 m; they can grow to a maximum height of 10 m.
  • The flowers have the shape of a funnel or bell, which are collected in large and small inflorescences.
  • The flowers themselves are quite large in size; sometimes there can be up to 25 flowers in one inflorescence.
  • The color of the flowers can be different: purple, pink, red or yellow.
  • Rhododendron leaves are not large in size with a glossy surface.
  • Rhododendrons are widespread almost everywhere; they also take root well in Russia (18 species).
  • These ornamental plants require special care; they grow slowly in the first years after planting.
  • Quite resistant to diseases and pests.
  • Deciduous rhododendrons are considered winter-hardy ornamental plants and can tolerate light frosts.

Botanical description of the plant

The Ledebour variety (lat. Rhododendron ledebourii) is also called Siberian wild rosemary. Its natural distribution is Altai, Eastern Siberia, and Mongolia. The variety got its name in honor of the German botanist Karl Christian Friedrich von Ledeburg, who was in service in Russia. The plant has been in cultivation since 1780.

Botanical description of Rhododendron Ledebur:

  • genus - Rhododendron;
  • family - Heather;
  • the plant is an early flowering semi-evergreen shrub with a height of 0.5 to 2 m;
  • trunks and branches are lignified, dark gray, shoots are painted red-brown, young branches are glandular-scaly, covered with short down;
  • the leaf blades are densely arranged, have an ovoid-elliptical shape, obtuse at the apex, less often pointed;
  • the outer surface of the leaf is olive, shiny, the inner surface is a couple of tones lighter, within a short time the color turns into orange-brown;
  • petioles shortened;
  • the foliage overwinters on the branches and remains until the very end of flowering, then falls off, and a new one forms in its place;
  • the first flowering is observed in April - July, the second - in August - September (does not always occur), fruiting - in August;
  • flowers are pinkish-violet, funnel-shaped and bell-shaped;
  • the fruit is presented in the form of an oblong-cylindrical capsule up to 1 cm long, sitting on a petiole of the same size.

Important! Rarely, but still found is a form of Ledebur rhododendron with white flowers.

Characteristics of the variety

Rhododendron Francesca is characterized not only by high decorative qualities. It is also distinguished by good survival characteristics and resistance to adverse weather conditions. This makes maintenance much easier.

Important! Despite the high levels of winter hardiness, when cultivating Francesca in the northern regions, plants under 5 years of age require shelter for the winter. Features of the Francesca rhododendron variety:

Features of the Francesca rhododendron variety:

  • plant height - from 1 to 1.7 m;
  • crown diameter - from 1 to 1.8 m;
  • flowering - starts in the second half of May and lasts from 2 to 3 weeks;
  • inflorescences - include 17–26 flowers measuring 5.5x7 cm;
  • growth rate is high, approximately 10 cm/year;
  • frost resistance - tolerates temperature drops down to –30°C without shelter.

The Francesca variety prefers well-drained, moisture-permeable soils with an acidic reaction (3.5–4.5 pH). Does not tolerate open sunlight and drafts. Grows better in partial shade. In terms of moisture, it is demanding, like all representatives of rhododendrons. At the same time, it grows poorly and often gets sick in wetlands. If all the rules of agricultural technology are followed, it is rarely affected by diseases and pests.

Pay attention to the information about another variety of hybrid rhododendron - Grandiflorum.

Selection and preparation of a landing site

Choosing a place for rhododendron, where to plant a single bush or a group of plants on the site is a difficult question, since the plantings will grow in the same place for 20-30 years or more. Moreover, these plants are difficult to grow. They do not like open sun, in which case the foliage may turn brown.

Rhododendron Helliki: description

The site must be protected from strong winds and stagnant melt water. If the soil does not drain water well, drainage is needed under the bush.

Note! The soil should be acidic with a pH of 5-6

In terms of design solutions, the bushes look especially attractive if they are planted at some distance from each other in the form of multi-colored spots against the backdrop of an emerald lawn.

Competent selection of seedlings when purchasing

Rhododendron Ledeboura is the most frost-resistant variety. You can choose it either in a nursery, or in an agricultural company, or at an exhibition. The nursery and agricultural company are more reliable - they employ competent people who will help you choose a healthy Ledebur rhododendron and advise you on planting and caring for it. You can shop at exhibitions if you already know your way around gardening. By succumbing to the general hype, you can choose a weak plant that will not live up to expectations, if it takes root at all.

If you are buying a two or three year old bush, focus on the shoots and leaves. There should be a lot of shoots, and densely growing ones. There cannot be any bubbles, spots, or streaks on the leaves - this is a sign of parasite infection. Inspect the roots, they should be smooth, without bumps or knots. Seedlings are grown by cuttings and from seeds. The cuttings are driven to a height of 20 cm, the seeds have time to germinate up to fifteen. This height is for open ground; in greenhouses, rhododendron grows more readily, but then it takes root less well, so choose a low seedling.

Use in folk medicine

The raw materials for the manufacture of medicines are different parts of the plant, but the leaves are most often used. Flowers are also used, in particular, for high blood pressure, edema, and tachycardia. You can prepare many folk remedies from rhododendron that have a beneficial effect on the body. The biologically active substances contained in the flower accumulate in the body, so preparations based on it should not be used for too long.


An infusion of the leaves of the plant is recommended to be used to cope with insomnia, migraines, epileptic seizures, fever, neuroses, arthritis, rheumatism, and digestive diseases. The product has bactericidal properties.

For preparation you will need:

  • crushed rhododendron leaves - 1 tsp;
  • water - 200 ml.

Making an infusion is easy. Follow the step by step instructions:

  1. Wash the leaves, dry and chop.
  2. Bring the water to a boil.
  3. Fill the raw material with hot liquid.
  4. Leave in the thermos for 2-3 hours.
  5. Strain.

You need to take the infusion 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day for a week. Before use, the medicine must be heated and drunk warm.


Extract from rhododendron leaves will be useful for the treatment of colds. It can also be used for lotions and rinses for dermatitis, carbuncles, and boils.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • leaf powder - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 glass.

You will be interested to know about the medicinal properties and uses of Rhododendron Adams.

The cooking process is not complicated:

  1. Thoroughly wash the green mass of the plant, dry it and grind it into powder.
  2. Boil the water.
  3. Pour a glass of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. leaves.
  4. Leave for an hour, then strain.

The correct dosage is 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day. The extract can be used for no more than three days.


Indications for the use of tincture from rhododendron leaves are: heart failure, bradycardia, rapid heartbeat. The drug has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, normalizes the rhythm and stimulates blood flow.

For preparation you need:

  • crushed leaves of the plant - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vodka (40%) - 0.5 l.

Find out also how to prepare viburnum tincture with vodka.

Follow the following instructions:

  1. Wash the rhododendron foliage, dry it, and chop it finely.
  2. Place the ingredient in a 0.5 liter jar.
  3. Pour vodka into the container.
  4. Leave for 15 days in a dark place.
  5. Strain.

It should be consumed 2-3 times a day after meals, diluting 10-15 drops of tincture in 100 ml of water. The course of treatment is 5–7 days.

Planting young plants in a permanent place

To reliably root the plant, it is important to choose a suitable growing location. The culture develops well in areas with diffused lighting, protected from drafts and strong winds

Regarding soil quality, loose nutritious soils with a pH reaction of 4.5-5.0 are preferable. Plants are planted in a permanent place of growth in the spring. The layout of the holes is determined by the rhododendron variety. It will be comfortable for compact bushes to grow at a distance of 0.7-0.8 m from each other, and for spreading bushes a distance of at least 2 m is established.

It is important to check the position of the root collar relative to the soil surface. The best option is 2-3 cm above ground level

Holes are formed around the plants. The planting procedure is completed with extensive watering and mulching of the soil. Peat and pine needles are used as mulch. A distinctive feature of rhododendrons is that the plants take a long time to develop with any method of propagation. It is possible that not all attempts to propagate the crop will be successful. But beautiful and lush rhododendron bushes are definitely worth the time and effort.

How to care for a garden rhododendron flower

Caring for plants consists of shaping and pruning, watering and fertilizing, covering the bushes for the winter and protecting them from spring frosts.


In the spring, to stimulate growth and flowering, nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer Ammophos 30-40 g is given to the bushes near the trunk, after removing the mulch. In August, 20 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfate are added in the same way. To increase the decorative appearance of leaves during the growing season, foliar feeding with complexes with microelements is recommended.


Young bushes require formative pruning in the second or third year of planting. Select a central strong shoot 40-45 cm long and cut off its top. During the summer, it begins to produce many side shoots, the plant bushes and acquires a lush, spreading shape. In subsequent years, pruning is reduced to sanitary. Remove old branches that are too long, diseased and broken shoots.

Preparing rhododendron for wintering

At the end of September, frames are prepared for rhododendrons, which are then covered with white covering material. Plants have a long growing season of up to 200 days and not in all regions they have time to shed their leaves before winter. This happens already under a spacious shelter. In spring, the plant wakes up early and throws out buds, the frame protects them from frost, and there is enough light for it under the fabric.


Rules of care

Spring riot of colors
Despite the capriciousness of rhododendrons, caring for them is not particularly difficult. First of all, they need regular spraying. It is better to do this before flowering and only in the morning or evening, otherwise the plant may get sunburn.

It is not recommended to loosen the soil around the bush, as you can easily damage its root system located in the surface layer of soil. It is enough to limit yourself to regular removal of weeds that grow next to the bush.


Rhododendron needs the most abundant watering in the first year after planting, as this promotes rapid rooting of the plant. It will also be necessary to water the shrub during periods of summer drought. For irrigation use soft acidified water.

Usually, rhododendron itself signals a lack of water - the leaves lose turgor and become dull. If they turn yellow and begin to fall off, this may indicate an excess of water in the soil, which makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the roots. In this case, the soil is carefully loosened and allowed to dry.


In the first year after planting, seedlings are regularly but little by little fed with liquid fertilizers. Signs of malnutrition include:

  • lightening of leaves, their falling;
  • dull foliage;
  • lack of buds and slow growth of young shoots.

It is best to use rotted manure for feeding; superphosphate is a good mineral fertilizer. Before applying fertilizers, water the soil abundantly to protect the roots from burns.


Despite the fact that rhododendrons naturally have a regular crown shape, from time to time they need to be pruned to remove excess branches. As a rule, branches are cut to a thickness of 2-4 cm. After pruning, it is imperative to treat the cut areas with oil paint or garden varnish.


Shelter for the winter
Rhododendron bushes must be covered for the winter, this will protect them from severe frosts and ensure abundant flowering in the spring.

This procedure is carried out in mid-November. For shelter, you can use roofing felt or build special frame structures or foam houses that will protect the plants from gusts of wind and snow. The shelter is removed only after the air temperature reaches +10 degrees, around April. It is better to do this on a cloudy day so that the rhododendron has time to adapt to sunlight after a long winter.

Botanical description

Rhododendron is a shrub (sometimes tree) of the Ericaceae family. There are about 600 species of this plant. Due to such diversity, it becomes difficult to formulate one common botanical description for all species that would correspond to all representatives. The leaves of this shrub differ in appearance and size depending on the variety; most often they have a dark green color, sparse drooping and an oval, ovoid shape. They can be either one- or two-year-old or perennial.

Multi-seeded five-leaf capsules carry the function of the fruits of these shrubs. Inside them are seeds from 0.5 mm to 2 mm in length. These bushes can grow singly or in groups. They grow slowly and are propagated by seeds, cuttings, division or cuttings.

Where can you find a “pink” tree?

Schlippenbach rhododendron is able to tolerate low temperatures down to -260 and soil freezing down to -100, making it ideal for growing in mid-latitudes. Cultivating the shrub is quite easy: it reproduces both vegetatively and by seeds. It does not require special care and is very popular among landscape design masters. The shoots of this shrub are used to decorate public gardens, parks, playgrounds and personal plots.


The best time to plant this type of rhododendron is spring. The preparatory work is not original. A hole sixty centimeters deep is prepared for an adult plant; the width and length should be approximately 70 centimeters. Then soil is placed in the prepared hole. Rhododendron is quite picky and prefers sour soil.

Therefore, a mixture of high-moor peat, pine compost and soil from under coniferous trees is placed in the hole. You need to add any organic-based fertilizer to the resulting mixture; even ordinary humus will do. Another necessary element is river sand (about half a bucket). Coniferous litter is laid out at the bottom of the hole, then the mixed prepared mixture is poured onto it. A hole is made in it and a shrub cutting is planted.

planting azalea

This is interesting: Welsey apple tree: we look carefully

Reproduction methods

In the Urals, rhododendron can be propagated in one of three ways. Which method to choose depends on its variety. Since there are varieties that are easily propagated by cuttings, while other varieties can be grown from seeds.

Seed propagation

This is the longest and most difficult method. Prepare to see the first flowering in no less than eight years.

  • Seeds of the desired variety are purchased in the store. It is not advisable to buy them from your hands, otherwise a completely different plant will grow. And all the work will be in vain.
  • Prepare a small pot.
  • Fill it with peat and sand (3:1).
  • Moisten the soil thoroughly.
  • Sow the seeds at least 3 centimeters apart.
  • Cover these seeds with sand.
  • For a microclimate, cover the pot with plastic wrap.
  • Place the pot in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.
  • For a month, open the plastic film every day for a few minutes and moisten the soil if necessary.
  • If everything is done correctly, then after 30 days the first shoots will hatch.
  • As soon as the sprouts grow more than 3 true leaves, they are transplanted into separate pots.
  • They can be transplanted to open soil only after two years, when they are sufficiently strong.


This method is somewhat easier than the seed method.

  • This method of propagation is carried out only in early spring, before the first buds appear.
  • A suitable woody shoot is looked after on a suitable mother bush.
  • A cutting about 10 centimeters long is cut from it.
  • Its lower part is cut off from the branches and placed for 24 hours in a solution that accelerates root growth.
  • A small pot is filled with peat and sand (3:1).
  • The cuttings are rooted in the middle of the pot.
  • Cover the top with a jar or plastic bottle with the neck cut off.
  • Next, depending on the plant variety, wait for root formation.
  • After the roots have grown, in the fall or late summer the cuttings are transplanted into a large pot with peat and pine needles.
  • For the winter, the pot with it is moved to a cool place where the temperature is kept at 12 o C.
  • In spring it is planted in open soil. If this place is not quite suitable for the bush, then it can be transplanted to a permanent place after two years. It is not advisable to replant it anymore.

Reproduction by layering

Even a beginner can handle this method.

  • Reproduction by layering is carried out in the spring immediately after the snow has melted and the last frost has passed. Since the earth must be warm and soft.
  • Then select the lowest shoot and bend it to the ground. It is desirable that this shoot be young and flexible.
  • Make a small incision on the bark of this shoot.
  • This shoot is fixed to the ground with a large and strong pin, which can be made from wire.
  • This part of the shoot is buried with peat so that the top with the buds is above the ground.
  • Water everything well.
  • This cutting can be cut from the bush only after a year, when it has already taken root.

Growing from seeds

Schlippenbach's rhododendron, like most shrub plants, can be propagated by cuttings. But this method requires the use of skillful and experienced hands. Therefore, growing Schlippenbach rhododendron from seeds is the easiest way.

Given the very small size of the seeds, special process conditions will need to be observed. It is not recommended to sprinkle the seeds with soil, as this will reduce their germination rate to almost zero. They must first be soaked in warm, not hard water and exposed to sunlight for 3-4 days. Sow seeds on the surface of a moistened substrate.

This will help maintain the desired microclimate and optimal humidity.

To prepare the substrate, you need to take sand, peat, coniferous soil and humus in equal proportions. This mixture will ensure the preparation of soil with an acidic reaction (pH 4.0–4.5). The soil should not be dense, otherwise it will be difficult for the seeds to break through. Before sowing, the soil needs to be disinfected, so it is spilled with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate.

When maintaining a temperature of 25 °C, the first shoots appear within 1–2 weeks. Once this has happened, the temperature will need to be reduced to 12 °C.

The emerging sprouts are very tender and sensitive.

In this regard, watering is carried out not by a surface method, but by immersing the container in water.

Lighting also plays an important role. If the seedlings sprouted in February, then there is not enough natural daylight for the sprouts. It is necessary to increase the time by adding additional lighting to 10–12 hours.

The roots that appear look very much like white “commas.” If the sowing was done very densely, then these roots can be transferred to another bowl by prying them with a wooden stick or a sharpened match. Gradually, the roots will go deeper, lifting the seed itself.

When two or three leaves appear, you can start picking. The soil must meet the same requirements as for sowing.

In order for the seedlings to adapt faster, it is necessary to harden them. If the temperature outside is at least 5 °C, then the seedlings are first taken out for 15 minutes, and then the duration of stay is gradually increased.

Sprouts can be planted in open ground when they have a slightly lignified stem, at least 7–8 true leaves and a clearly visible bud at the top. In November, to prevent gusts of strong wind from damaging the leaves, young rhododendrons should be covered with material that allows air to pass through.

Rhododendron loves moist soil, but also does not tolerate stagnant water. The soil in which it grows must be well drained. On dry days, watering is carried out abundantly, two to three times a week.

Feeding young annuals is done in the spring, before flowering begins and after it ends. Complex fertilizers with low concentrations are best suited for this.

For adult plants, special fertilizers for rhododendrons are more suitable.

They have a long-term effect, so they are applied once, in early spring. In addition, a little organic matter such as mullein or compost will also provide the plant with additional nutrition.

Rhododendrons have good winter hardiness; very young plants need to be covered for the winter. Mature bushes only need to mulch the soil and bend the branches to the ground at the first sign of soil freezing.

How to properly care for Schlippenbach rhododendron

In order for Rhododendron to delight you with its flowering for a long time, you need to choose the right place. It should be a shaded place without drafts, but the main aspect is still the presence of acidic soil.

In the summer, this flower will not require special care, except that it will be necessary to remove faded flowers and monitor the soil moisture. Not forgetting that watering should be rainwater or non-hard, running water.

As for planting, it can be replanted at any time if there is a lot of soil left on the root when digging up the plant.

This is quite simple, since the root system of the shrub is very compact and it is not deep.

The shrub needs acidic soil, moist soil, a shaded place without drafts

Rhododendron - where to plant on the site

The Schlippenbach shrub does not like shade - in the absence of sunlight it grows poorly and does not bloom. But direct sunlight can also be harmful to it. Therefore, for planting, it is better to choose a semi-shaded place next to low plants or fences.

It is important to consider that Schlippenbach rhododendron does not do well in the company of fruit trees with a superficial bark system. Also, Alpine rose should not be planted near birch, maple or willow

Planting Schlippenbach rhododendron in the garden

You need to choose a place so that there are other plants or hedges next to the bush, but not too close. They will protect the plant from drafts, which are dangerous for its growth. Since the flower loves moisture, the best option would be to plant it next to a pond.

Important! The soil for planting is chosen to be acidic, and a few weeks before planting it is thoroughly loosened, peat and humus are added to it. And right before moving the plant, the soil is well moistened

How do rhododendrons spread?

Schlippenbach rhododendron is propagated by the following methods:

  • vegetative method;
  • through shoots;
  • using seed material.

The latter method is popular because the seeds of the shrub have excellent germination, and a novice master can cope with such cultivation. Rhododendron seeds are planted in a box. By the way, you need to prepare it a little: lay a drainage layer of medium-sized pebbles or broken bricks. The soil in which you will plant the seeds should be “sour.”

It is allowed to take soil prepared for planting azaleas, mixing it with rotted pine needles (proportion 50/50). You can also use high-moor peat, which is sold by gardening stores.

The soil prepared before planting the seeds is moistened. To retain moisture in the soil, the container is covered with glass or film. The container should be kept in a bright room at a temperature of 18-24 degrees. If everything was done correctly, the first shoots will appear in a week or within two months. It all depends on individual conditions. When planting in winter, the shrub must be illuminated - it needs at least 16 hours of daylight.

Azalea Reproduction

Vegetative method

Cuttings are cut from the rhododendron after it has flowered. A fifteen-centimeter branch is planted in the same soil as for seeds. If there are no errors, it will take approximately 1.5 months for the cutting to root. While the cutting takes root, it can be protected with film or a glass flask. After making sure that rooting was successful, the branch is transplanted into another container. It is better to plant cuttings in open ground in the spring.

Reproduction using taps

Rhododendron finishes blooming in mid-summer and it is after flowering that the favorable time comes for propagation of the shrub through branches. To do this, a branch of the plant is buried in soil, after which it is constantly and abundantly watered throughout the entire summer season. As a rule, by the end of the summer season it takes root, it can be cut off from the main trunk and transplanted to another place.

Correct cover

The necessary care of rhododendron in the fall and preparation of the ornamental plant for winter depends on the individual characteristics of the crop. Evergreen and deciduous heather eukaryotes differ from each other in their resistance to frost. However, both of these subspecies need shelter for the root system.


Evergreen garden azaleas do not shed their foliage for the winter, which curls up when frost sets in and unfolds when spring warmth sets in. The shelter of these species differs from the variety and hybrid. The following varieties need good insulation with spruce branches or lutrasil:

  • Percy Weissman;
  • Gold Tracht;
  • Goldflimmer;
  • Grandiflorum;
  • Nova Zembla;
  • Naselle;
  • Exbury "Fireball";
  • Golden Sunset;
  • Simona.

The following varieties need light covering with spruce branches, pine needles or wood shavings:

  • Berry Rose;
  • Alfred;
  • Bieber;
  • Blue Peter;
  • Blue Tit;
  • Bourzault;
  • Gold Dust;
  • Violet;
  • Gessen;
  • Irena Koster;
  • Dagmar.

On a note!

Without any insulation for the winter, evergreen eucarycots can be left only if the plant is planted in the shade.


Deciduous ornamental shrubs of the heather family are easier to care for than evergreen ones. Popular varieties and hybrids of Canadian, yellow, Daurian and Japanese rhododendron can simply be insulated in the root zone with a 15–20 cm layer of pine needles, leaves, and wood shavings. However, if a deciduous garden azalea seedling is less than two to three years old, it must be covered with spruce branches or thermal insulation material.

Landing rules

To plant this plant, both purchased seedlings and seeds are used. If a seedling is planted, a hole 60 cm deep and 70 cm in diameter is prepared for it. A mixture of peat and compost is added to it in a ratio of 3:1, and the seedling is buried to the level of the root collar. A layer of sawdust is added on top. The best time for such planting is considered to be spring, April-May, depending on the climate.

The substrate for planting is prepared by mixing peat, sand, coniferous soil (this is soil taken from a coniferous forest) and humus in equal proportions. The mixture is poured into a container and disinfected. The seeds are soaked in warm soft water (rain can be used) and left in a well-lit place for 3-4 days. Prepared seeds are sown in a container with a moistened substrate on its surface, without deepening them. The container is covered with film. The optimal indoor air temperature is approximately +25 °C. After germination, the container is moved to a cool room. The optimal temperature in it is from +10 °C to +12 °C, drafts are unacceptable. Seedlings are watered periodically, keeping the soil slightly moist.

Watering is done very carefully so as not to damage the sprouts. They must be illuminated for at least 12 hours; if there is not enough daylight, use artificial lighting

When 2-3 leaves appear, the plants are planted in pots with the same soil. When the air temperature reaches +5 °C, the plants are taken out into the open air every day for hardening. They start with 15 minutes of stay in such conditions, gradually increasing this time. Plants are transplanted into the ground 18-20 months after sowing; it is planted in open ground according to the same scheme as described above.

The first feeding of the plant is done in the spring, before it begins to flower. For feeding, it is recommended to use specialized fertilizers intended for rhododendrons. This could be, for example, “Azofoska” or “Rodo&Azalea Azet”. They must be added according to the instructions.

The second feeding is carried out after the bush has flowered, usually at the end of May or beginning of June. You can use fertilizers for perennial flowering plants, such as Agricola or Kemiru Universal. If desired, it is easy to prepare your own fertilizer. To do this, mix a tablespoon of potassium salt, a tablespoon of superphosphate, and two tablespoons of ammonium sulfate. This mixture is applied to the tree trunk of the bush; the amount is enough for 1 square meter. meter.

The last feeding is carried out at the end of July. A solution is prepared from 2 tablespoons of phosphate and a tablespoon of potassium salt per 10 liters of water. 3 liters of fertilizer is enough for one bush. The soil around the bush is mulched with pine sawdust.

It is also negatively affected by excessive drying of the soil, so it is necessary to water regularly, the frequency of watering depends on weather conditions. For this, soft water is used; rain or river water is also suitable (if, of course, the reservoir is clean).

To form a beautiful crown, pruning is necessary. This procedure is carried out after the bush has flowered. The second pruning is done before wintering.


When growing rhododendrons in the Urals, you will need to follow the rules applicable to plants that are planted in other climatic conditions. The only difference is that shrubs require the installation of reliable shelter for the winter.

Rhododendrons require regular and abundant watering. Every week, up to two liters of clean water should be added to an adult shrub. During the growing season, when buds form on the branches, it is recommended to increase the frequency of watering. During the warm season, it is also necessary to periodically spray the bushes with a spray bottle. For irrigation, you should use rain or settled water with a low calcium content, which, with frequent treatment of the plant, accumulates near the root system.

Top dressing

It is recommended to feed rhododendrons in accordance with the following scheme:

  1. The first feeding is in the spring. At this time, it is necessary to apply complex fertilizers containing nitrogen to the bush.
  2. The second feeding is after the flowers fall (the period depends on the variety). At this time, superphosphates or ammonium are added under the bush. Specialized fertilizers designed for rhododendrons are also suitable.
  3. Late summer - early autumn. During this period, the plant is not fed, since the application of fertilizers provokes the development of shoots, which can lead to the death of the bush after the onset of cold weather.

If the seedling is planted in the fall, it is recommended to apply the first fertilizing in the spring. For 2-3 years, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil and add a mixture of peat and mullein.


Rhododendrons are distinguished by their regularly shaped crown. Therefore, gardeners mainly prune young plants, removing shoots near the central bud. This pinching helps the bush to form the correct crown. It is necessary to remove branches in cases where the thickness of the shoot exceeds 24 centimeters or signs of disease are detected. After pinching, the cut area should be treated with oil paint.

Description of the indoor variety of eustoma, planting, growing and caring for the house in potsRead

Loosening and mulching

The root system of rhododendrons lies close to the soil surface. Therefore, gardeners avoid loosening the bushes. Mulching the soil using dry peat, pine needles or pine bark helps in the fight against weeds.

Protection from diseases and pests

When caterpillars or slugs appear on the surface of the leaves, these pests are removed mechanically. Insecticides help in the fight against aphids, scale insects, mites and weevils.

Common diseases of rhododendrons include rust (spotting) and rot. To treat the first, fungicides are used. A shrub affected by rot is destroyed. In order to prevent infection, it is recommended to adhere to the watering regime.

During the last watering, it is necessary to moisten the soil abundantly without using fertilizing.


After the last watering, the root zone is mulched with a mixture of peat and spruce branches. Fallen leaves are also used for this.

Preparing the shelter

You can cover the bush from the wind with plastic wrap or straw. Before organizing protection, it is necessary to gather together and attach the branches to the ground. After this, the shoots must be covered with the selected material.

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