Sedum (sedum) - planting rules, cultivation and care in open ground, types with photos and names, plant characteristics

Shrub (tall) species and varieties of sedum with photos

Tall sedums are especially popular in gardening, because they are very unpretentious to the composition of the soil and do not require close attention. Unlike ground cover species, shrub plants need more frequent watering.

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Prominent (Sedum spectabile)

The height of the bush is in the range of 30-70 cm. Green foliage is blue or bluish. The colors of the inflorescences are crimson, white, pink and purple. The flowering phase occurs at the end of summer. Among flower growers, the varieties Iceberg, Carmen, Diamond, and Neon are popular.

Sedum spectabile

Tenacious (Sedum aizoon)

The tenacious sedum is distinguished by strong, erect stems that can grow no more than forty-five centimeters in height. The oblong-rhombic foliage is finely serrated at the edges. The flowers are yellow. The most commonly grown sedum is Auranticum.

Sedum aizoon

Red Spot (Sedum eruthrostictum)

Among the variety of varieties, flower growers highlight Frosty Morn and Mediovariegatum. The bluish-green bushes reach 0.6 m. In September, pale pink or white flowers appear at the top of the bush, which sometimes have deep pink pistils.

Sedum eruthrostictum

Middendorf (Sedum middendorfianum)

The plant forms a falling bush, the height of which is no more than 0.3 m. Numerous yellow flowers grow on densely leafy flowering stems. The narrow foliage is colored in green tones.

Sedum middendorfianum

Common (Sedum telephium)

This species is characterized by a rather impressive bush height (0.8 m) and crimson or pink inflorescences. Deciduous plates can be painted in green, crimson, pink, dove or brown tones. The plant blooms in mid-summer and blooms until the onset of autumn. Popular varieties are Red Globe, Bon Bon and Jennifer.

Sedum telephium

Thickleaf (Sedum pachyphyllum)

Thick-leaved sedum is a subshrub, the stems of which grow up to 0.3 m in length. The cylindrical thick leaves have reddish tops, which gives the flower a special decorative appearance. Inflorescences are formed from yellow or green-yellow flowers.

Sedum pachyphyllum


So what do you need to know about this? How often should sedum be watered? Varieties of this plant have one common feature - fleshy leaves. Water accumulates in them “in reserve.” But this does not mean that it does not need to be watered regularly. Prolonged drying out can lead to complete death of the plant. In the dry season, when the weather is sunny and hot, the sedum should be watered abundantly. But remember that excessive waterlogging also has a bad effect on the condition of the plant. It may develop mold and fungal diseases.

A selection of photos of sedum in garden design

When creating a garden composition, the designer takes into account many factors

It is important for him that the plants are in harmony. Sedum of various types is indispensable in the decoration of gardens.

The evergreen plant is winter-hardy and undemanding in care, used as a bright spot or creates a background.

The main condition is that sedum loves open places. Let it be a slope, a rock or an alpine hill, it would be light. Greening roofs, decorating rock gardens - this hardy perennial is indispensable everywhere. The designer is faced with the task of choosing the most successful sedums in accordance with the artist’s plan. See: hosta flower photo

Classics of the last century

Arsene Castle Garden

Modern manor

Original project

Sedum on a hill

Stones in the greenery of the sedums

The design of garden compositions is not complete without sedums. Unpretentious ground cover varieties are used to decorate small roofs and to create architectural compositions. Bright greenery of different shades creates a unique look according to the artist’s plan. Sedums are used both in hanging structures and in rock gardens. In the spring, when there is little greenery, sedums enliven the garden; in the fall they bloom and play with colors.


The sedum flower grows very quickly. As a result, the stems may become bare, causing the plant to take on an unkempt appearance. Timely pruning will help avoid this. There are anti-aging, sanitary and regulating pruning. Haircuts must be done regularly. All weakened and damaged stems must be removed.

It is recommended to prune perennial varieties in the fall. It is best to do this after a strong cold snap. At this time, it is recommended to cut all stems to the same level as the soil. The resulting stumps are covered, and the soil near the plant is mulched. With the onset of spring, young stems will appear on the bushes again.

The purpose of such pruning is to rejuvenate the bush and give it a decorative shape. All manipulations should be carried out with extreme caution. Tools used for pruning must first be disinfected.



Sedum is drought-resistant - the lack of moisture is compensated by succulent leaves and stems. But if you want to achieve lush and bright flowering from the plant, it needs to be watered regularly.

How to propagate sedum prominent

Throughout the growing season, moisten every 7 days if there is no precipitation. At the stage of laying flower buds, the frequency is increased - once every three days. This will increase decorative properties.

Closer to the autumn cold, moisture is reduced to a minimum - once every two weeks, 10 days before the first frost, watering is excluded in order to prevent the root system from freezing.

It is necessary to use warm water and water only in the evening to avoid burns on the crown. After watering, it is recommended to carry out light loosening to maintain moisture and breathability. The tree trunk area can be mulched with peat or last year's manure so that the moisture does not evaporate quickly.

Additionally, periodic weeding is carried out between the rows, weeds are removed, which are an excellent environment for the appearance of parasites and infections.


If compost or last year's manure was added to the soil during planting, nutrition will not be required for the next two years.

It is advisable to feed shrubs growing on poor soil with a liquid complex composition before and after flowering. Suitable preparations for succulents, which can be purchased at a flower shop.


This perennial does not need shaping. Throughout the entire growing season, only those parts that have been broken off, dried out or damaged by diseases and pests are cut out.

After flowering ends, the dried inflorescences are picked off so that they do not take away the strength and energy of the plants.

Preparing for winter

Winter-hardy varieties do not require any preparation for winter. Only weakly resistant crops will need shelter.

Three weeks before the onset of stable cold weather, the tree trunk area is covered with a thick layer of peat or garden soil. The crown is covered with burlap or spruce branches.


To maintain health and decorative qualities, prominent sedum must be periodically transplanted from one place to another - once every 4-5 years.

Sedum prominent matron

Usually this procedure is carried out in the spring. Prepare the area according to the same principle as for planting plants - if necessary, deoxidize it, add a bucket of humus or compost per 1 m², dig it up, and level it.

Holes are dug at a distance of 50 cm, with a distance in a row of 60 cm. The bushes are watered abundantly, dug up and transferred together with a lump of earth into the holes. Cover with soil, compact, moisten, and mulch with peat.

Soil selection

Many people believe that sedum grows in any soil. However, sedums will show themselves in full glory only in fertile soil. Sedum does not grow well in excessive humidity. Dampness can lead to rotting of the roots. The so-called hare cabbage grows best in rocky and sandy soils. The plant is not too demanding on growing conditions. This allows you to make entire flower arrangements from different varieties of succulents.

Beginning gardeners are interested in when to replant sedum. Without damage to flowering and growth, the crop can grow in one place only for 5 years. After this, it is recommended to rejuvenate the bush. To do this, it is divided into several parts and transplanted to another place. To the remaining specimen, fresh herbs, sand and crushed stone are added to the soil.

Reproduction methods

Propagating sedums does not cause any particular difficulties even for novice gardeners. Before planting, it is worth considering that the joint cultivation of varieties and even some species will cause hybridization and changes in the appearance of plants. They are characterized by cross-pollination, so the original characteristics are not preserved. Gardeners do not have to conduct experiments in selection - new sedums, amazing in their diversity, will still appear in their flower beds every year.

Propagation by seeds

In the southern regions, small seeds are germinated in the spring directly in open ground. Sedum is sowed in middle or northern latitudes in plastic pots or planting containers. To obtain strong seedlings, prepare the soil from equal parts of top peat and fertile soil. During the planting process, the seeds are not buried, but only slightly pressed into the surface of the soil and sprinkled with a thin layer of calcined river sand. The surface of the container is covered with glass or plastic film and the containers are sent to a cool place (temperature about 5°C) for 10-14 days. This is how stratification is carried out, or long-term keeping of seeds in certain conditions to accelerate their germination. When planting in flowerbeds with germination, morning spring frosts will help, and when sowing in small pots, they are placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. What is further care?

  • Every day the covering from the containers is removed for ventilation and prevention of putrefactive processes, and the accumulated condensate is removed with a napkin;
  • Regularly irrigate the soil using a spray bottle;
  • Sprouted weeds are constantly removed.

After 2 weeks, the containers are brought into a warm room and cultivation continues at a temperature of about 20°C. Depending on the care and variety, the first shoots of sedum appear in 15-25 days. The formation of 2 leaves on them serves as a signal for diving young plants into separate pots or holes

During relocation, special care is taken, as seedlings are fragile and break easily.


This method is the least labor-intensive, therefore it is most often practiced by gardeners. It is especially easy to propagate by cuttings varieties that are not demanding on the soil and grow well in poor and sandy soils. Such plants form shoots with aerial roots that quickly take root upon contact with the surface of the earth.

Cuttings of sedums of any variety are cut both in the spring before or after budding, and in the fall after the end of the flowering period. Ten-centimeter pieces of strong shoots are distinguished by the greatest germination. During the cutting process, the lower leaves are removed, and the cuttings are planted as follows:

  • spring planting is done directly in flower beds with loose soil, into which any organic matter has been added;
  • cuttings cut in autumn are stored in a cool place in a container with water, regularly replacing it with fresh water.

The cuttings are buried into the soil by 1-2 nodes, regularly loosened and watered. To speed up root formation, planting is carried out in frequently ventilated greenhouses. The cuttings begin to grow in 3-4 weeks. During this time, a sufficient number of roots are formed and even the first shoots are formed.

Dividing the bush

This method of propagating sedums also does not take gardeners much time, but it is used only for tall plants. With the onset of stable heat, a large 4-5 year old bush is dug up and cleared of adhering turf and soil. If damaged or rotten roots were found during inspection, they are removed with pruning shears or garden shears, and then powdered with any fungicide. Substances to suppress the activity of pathogenic fungi are also used to treat the surfaces of bushes after dividing them.

A large plant is cut in such a way that large roots and buds remain on each part, from which young shoots emerge. Before planting in flowerbeds, the divisions (planting units) are dried in places protected from direct sunlight. After 5-6 hours, parts of the bushes can be planted in the local area. This method is also used for plant rejuvenation. Gardeners wait for powerful new shoots to form, and gradually cut out the old ones.

Planting and caring for sedum

Sedums are undemanding plants and shouldn't cause too many problems. First of all, we will find a place where they have good access to sunlight and soil with moderate humidity. The soil can be sandy-loamy and permeable. Sowing seeds is rarely used, and young specimens are obtained by pruning or dividing bushes. In order not to overdo it with compaction, you should keep the gap between individual samples at least 30-40 cm.

If you maintain average soil moisture, there should be no problems with sedums. Sometimes, however, especially in summer, periods without rain and high temperatures can last a little longer. In such cases, watering is required. If the lower leaves begin to wilt, this is a sign that the plant is beginning to suffer from drought.

Top dressing

The sedum collects all the necessary mineral ingredients from the soil. However, if growing conditions are not optimal, it is better to use a one-time feeding in the spring. Multicomponent fertilizers are suitable.


Plants that are planted too densely may need to be pruned every few years so that individual plants do not have to fight each other for water and nutrients from the soil. Pruning consists only of removing spring shoots that did not survive the winter and cutting out dry stems in the fall.

Growing at home in pots

Sedum can be grown not only in open ground - it has proven itself well as a houseplant and grows well at home

It is only important to choose the right variety, as well as follow the rules of agricultural technology

  • To plant a flower, you will need a shallow container with a perforated bottom, on which a drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles is laid. The soil mixture for sedum can be purchased ready-made or made independently by mixing turf soil, peat and river sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.
  • The nutrient substrate is poured into the pot and moistened well. Then they form depressions the size of a rhizome in it and plant the seedlings. After planting, the plant is slightly shaded and tried not to disturb.
  • After a week, the pot is moved to a sunny, draft-free place. In summer, the air temperature in the room where the flower is located should be +24...28°C. The room is regularly ventilated, and on windless days the flower is taken out onto the balcony or into the garden.
  • Watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries 1-2 cm. Starting from mid-September, the intensity of watering is gradually reduced, and during the winter dormancy of the flower, which lasts from November to February, it is completely reduced to a minimum.
  • For the winter, the sedum is removed to a cool place with a temperature of +8...12°C, since in warmer conditions it will continue to grow and will not rest. At the end of February, the flower is brought into the warmth, gradually increasing watering. After complete awakening, the plant is transferred to a general care regime.
  • Sedum tolerates dry room air well and does not need additional spraying. This procedure is performed only to remove dust from the foliage and give the flower a fresh look.
  • Young sedum can be replanted no more often than once every 2 years. More mature bushes - once every 3-4 years. In order to transplant a bush to a new place, the soil around it is well moistened, wait until the water is absorbed, and carefully dig out the rhizome along with the earthen lump. You should act very carefully, trying not to damage the leaves of the flower.

Collection and storage of seeds

When independently collecting Sedum seeds for subsequent sowing, you must understand that they will not retain the varietal characteristics of the parent crops. At the same time, assembling them is very simple.

To do this, you need to wait for the inflorescences to dry completely and, transferring them to a paper envelope, shake them. The seeds of “Sedum of Prominence” will easily separate from the fruit. Store seed material in the refrigerator for a year.

Comment! Seeds of “Sedum of Prominence” do not require a stratification procedure.

Popular varieties

Many varieties of sedum are used in landscape design, but the most popular of them are those that are able to maintain their decorative appearance longer than others:

  • "Frosty Morn." It has not only beautiful flowers, but also amazing leaf color. They seem to be painted with white and green watercolors. It has a bud diameter of 10-15 cm and a height of up to 35 cm. Delicate pink flowers appear from the first days of September.

"Iceberg". This sedum blooms with white buds up to 15 cm in diameter. The name of the variety was chosen by analogy with the pieces of ice that sedum inflorescences resemble. The flower reaches a height of up to 35 cm, and begins to bloom in the first week of September.

"Matron". It rightfully occupies the post of one of the tallest representatives of the prominent sedum - up to 65 cm. The stems of the plant have an interesting reddish color, and the flowers are red-pink. Flower clusters reach up to 20-25 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in August.

"Stardust." The name “stardust” literally means “star dust” because the small buds in the inflorescences of the plant resemble stars. The leaves of this flower are bright green and bloom in September.

"Septemberglut." The name translated from German means “September flame”. It describes this flower perfectly - the dark pink buds of the sedum seem to ignite the fires of autumn colors. The height of the plant can reach up to 60 cm. The leaves are green and slightly blue. Flowering appears in September, as is clear from the name, and pleases the owner right up to the first frost. Looks great in the landscape in a composition with cereals.

"Diamond". The oldest variety of sedum. It was this that served as the foundation for the creation of most other plant varieties. It has the form of a separate small bush up to 45 cm in height. The inflorescence brush can reach up to 25 cm in diameter. Pink-carmine buds bloom in the last days of August or in the first ten days of September. In the center of the bush, the buds are located more densely and have a more saturated color. "Diamond Edge" The leaves of this variety are brown, the stems are red, and the flowers complement the plant with light pink colors. The bush grows up to 50 cm in height and blooms from early autumn to the first frost.

"Charles". Like Septemberglut, it has pink inflorescences and lush green foliage and stems. It is slightly lower - up to 50 cm and has good frost resistance. At the beginning of spring, when the snow thaws, you can see almost undamaged, perfectly preserved flowers on the plant.

"Variegata". It has decorative greenish-yellow leaves, so it is more valuable before flowering. The flowers have a pink-lingonberry color. The plant grows up to 60 cm and loves sunlight very much. It begins to bloom in the first weeks of autumn.

"Purple Emperor." One of the most interesting varieties of sedum. Pink buds harmoniously echo the water-filled brown leaves and dark red stems of the sedum. They go well with white flowers in the landscape. The height of the plant is 50 cm, it has the shape of a compact bush, which does not exceed 80 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in mid-August.

"Neon". The bush has a height of up to 60 cm. It is characterized by a change in the color of the leaves - in summer they are gray-green, and in winter they become red-bronze. The color appears in mid-August and lasts until the end of October. The buds are lilac-pink in color.

"Xenox". Known as the “reddest” representative of the sedums. Stems, flowers, leaves - all visible parts of the plant have bright purple shades. The bush is small - up to 35 cm.

"Carmen" The flower buds are light pink and the leaves are shiny green with thin red veins. The stems complement the ensemble with a bright burgundy color. It grows in a dense bush up to 50 cm in height and 30 cm in diameter. Blooms from mid-August to early October.

"Autumn Fire". Translated, the name means “autumn fire.” The stems grow up to 50 cm and have a fresh green color. The leaves are also green with a gray tint. The flowers have a noble copper-pink color.

Portman's Pride. Sedum reaches a height of up to 60 cm. The leaves are purple and the flowers are soft pink. It begins to show color in September.

"Red Cowley." Combines purple foliage and bright red buds. Grows up to 50 cm.

"Rosneteller". It has green, oval-shaped leaves with sparse teeth along the edges. The flowers are large, on high peduncles. The flowers have a lingonberry-pink color. It reaches a height of 40-60 cm. It blooms in May.

A decoration for your garden will be the sedum, which will delight you with its flowering almost all summer.

Features of the plant

Sedum is loved by gardeners and designers because it plays a decorative role from early spring with the appearance of carved, succulent shoots until late autumn with bright flowering.

Sedum has a straight, erect stem with thick, oval, fleshy leaves. Its height and shape of shoots depend on the variety. The sedum plant can be low (about 10 cm) or quite tall (up to 80 cm). At the top of the branch there is an inflorescence. The branch itself can be green, burgundy or brown. The shades of flowers are also very diverse.

The main advantage of sedum is its unpretentiousness. It accumulates moisture in the leaves and can exist in the harshest conditions, without watering and even almost without soil.

The most common garden species

In the photo: visible sedum and care in the garden. Sedum spectabile. It is easy to confuse this species with purple. At the end of the 20th century, they were separated into a separate genus Ochitnik, which included another 26 species.

Common or purple sedum (hare cabbage, young, squeaky) (Sedum telephium) - up to 70 cm high, with fleshy, erect, densely leafy bluish-green stems, leaves are dark purple-green, oblong-oval in shape. Flowering: July–September. The flowers are small, star-shaped, collected in umbellate inflorescences, rich red, pink-cream in color. Varieties: “Purple Emperor”, “Karfunkelsten”.

In the photo: sedum planting and care... Common or purple sedum (Sedum telephium).

False sedum (Sedum spurium) is a low pink ground cover with creeping rhizomes that grows widely, is a regular in ridges, rock gardens, flower beds and flower beds, and can suppress delicate species.

Stonecrop (Sedum cauticolum) is a ground cover, 20-25 cm tall with bluish-gray or green leaves and bright yellow flowers. Forms loose clumps and mats. The shoots are thin, slightly woody, and partially die off by winter.

Sedum acre (Sedum acre) is a ground cover species that is a low and even carpet with yellowish flowers, the stem height is up to 10-15 cm. It blooms in June-July. Excellent honey plant. In the spring it is restored thanks to the remaining shoots. It grows quickly and is aggressive in capturing neighboring territories. The juice can cause ulcers on the skin, which is why it is called “caustic”. Releases substances into the soil that have a detrimental effect on other plant species. Sedum varieties: “Minus”, “Aureum”, “Elegance”.

Kamchatka sedum (Sedum kamtschaticum) - forms loose ground cover clumps and mats, up to 25 cm high; beautiful when in flower from late June, dark stems contrast with bright yellow flowers; variegated, foliage with white or dark burgundy border... The variety 'Weichenstephaner Gold' is distinguished by lush blooms with greenish-yellow and small flowers; 'Golden Carpet' has bright green foliage and yellow flowers.

White sedum (sedum, living grass, soapwort) (Sedum album) - ground cover, creeping shoots, stem height no more than 20 cm, with small sessile oblong-ovate green leaves that turn red in autumn. Some leaves overwinter, and new ones appear in the spring. It blooms profusely with small fragrant white flowers in corymbose inflorescences from June for 35-40 days. Variety: 'Coral Carpet' - a bush no more than 5 cm tall, the leaves acquire a reddish color in autumn.

Siebold's sedum (Sedum sieboldii) with creeping and well-rooting stems belongs to the genus Hylotelephium sieboldii. Forms wide dense mats. The stems are thin and have a reddish tint. The leaves are thick, bluish-green. Peduncles grow up to 10-25 cm. Blooms in October. It is frost-resistant and grows easily, and during flowering it is decorated with bright umbrellas. Suitable for creating alpine slides, rockeries, grown as a hanging plant, in containers. The photo shows a Siebold sedum flower - a species under the Latin name Sedum sieboldii.

  • Hybrid sedum (Sedum hybridum) is evergreen, with creeping, well-rooted stems, belongs to the genus Phedimus hybridus. Forms wide dense mats. The leaves are green. The flowers are yellow. Peduncles grow up to 10-25 cm. Blooms in August-September. Drought and frost resistant. Dried inflorescences with brown fruits can be used in flower arrangements.
  • In addition to the described species, there are many frost-resistant ground cover sedums (sedums) that can be used for planting on rocky hills: Spanish (S. hispanicum), recurved (S. reflexum), thin (short, graceful appearance, forms small sods 3-5 in height cm), spatulate-leaved (S. spathulifolium), or stone rose (with original rosettes of thick silver leaves, similar to roses), spectacular Evers bushes, tenacious...
  • Sedums, or sedums, can be grown in containers if desired...


When planting in a new place, it is necessary to add sand and ash to the soil. For proper growth and development of the plant, it should be fed with organic and mineral complexes. During the growing season, tall decorative sedum must be fertilized twice. The first feeding is carried out in April, and the second in August. For this it is best to use special components. Amateur flower growers recommend sticking to half the concentration when preparing a fertilizer solution.

Perennial sedum should be fed with nitrogen at the beginning of the growing season. Under no circumstances should it be applied in the fall, as this will lead to impaired sensitivity to low temperatures.

Some gardeners use sedum in their flowerbeds as a weed killer. The fleshiness and beauty of the leaf blades will depend on how much nutrients the plant receives. At the beginning of the growing season, you can feed the plant with organic fertilizers. Infused mullein is perfect for this purpose. It should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

What do we know about sedums?

What do sedums like and where to plant them? Bioecology and use in landscaping

Sedum and sedum on an alpine hill

Sedum, young and juniper Sedum and low-growing thyme

Sedum on an alpine hill in a composition

Sedum on the stones of an alpine hill

Sedums in original “containers”

Sedums in the roof garden

Sedums in living vertical paintings

Sedums in an “epiphytic” composition

"Traveling" container for sedum

Prominent sedum and annuals in a hanging box

The range of sedums and the importance of working with them

  1. Identify taxon (species, variety, variety)
  2. Determine winter hardiness in our conditions
  3. Determine agrotechnical group
  1. Bush-like tall sedums (height up to 50 cm)
  2. Thicket sedums
  3. Creeping, rooting shoots
  4. Evergreens

Kuril tea, sedum prominent in the composition

  1. Bush-like. They grow from one point, “in a bush.” The leaves will be large, flat, sparsely toothed. If you are given one “shoot”, then it is usually long, the distance between the leaves can be clearly distinguished, and sometimes you can wrap your fingers around it. An example is the prominent sedum.
  2. Thicket. They resemble a “forest”, the shoots are densely spaced. The leaves of these sedums are flat, densely located on the shoot. Shoots sometimes spread along the ground and can take root in direct contact with the ground. An example is Kamchatka sedum.
  3. Runaway. They are more sparse, their lateral branches, like snakes, spread to the sides, quickly take root, capturing new areas of the site. Their rhizomes spread out like a dense net, and in the winter they can shed most of their leaves. An example is sedum.
  4. Evergreens. You can often see hardened rhizomes and shoot bases (they are brownish in color); most of the leaves overwinter. They also quickly “spread”, and some are able to form roots almost in the air. An example is sedum rejected, caustic, white and their varieties.

White sedum 'Coral Carpet'

New and unusual sedums

Sedum reflexum f.cristata

Sedum album f.cristata Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco'

Sedum x'Pinky'

Sedum spuium 'Voodoo' Sedum acre 'Aureum'

Sedum x 'Thundercloud'

Sedum telephium 'Purple Emperor'

Sedum kamtschaticum 'The Edge'

Sedum makinoi 'Ogon'

Sedum globosum'Old Man Bones'

Sedum spurium'Variegatum'


Olga Timchak, Russia

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How to propagate sedum: proper cultivation of seeds

How can sedum be propagated, what methods are best suited? You can do this in the following ways:

  • Using cuttings.
  • By planting seeds.
  • By dividing the bush.
  • Reproduction by leaves.

Growing sedum plants from seeds is also often practiced. It is worth sowing seeds in spring or autumn in boxes or bowls, which can be placed in a greenhouse or dug into a garden bed. In this case, the plant will begin to bloom only in the second year. Sometimes the first flowers appear after 3 years.

The main thing is to monitor what their location will be. It should be bright and sunny. In summer, the plant needs a place protected from direct sunlight, located in the open air.

With proper care while growing sedum seeds, hybrid plants may appear. The main thing is not to flood the soil and give them enough light. Many people consider this method difficult, since seed germination is low, and seedlings behave rather capriciously.

These plants pollinate well; it is difficult to obtain the required variety; most likely, another hybrid will be grown. As a rule, seed propagation is used in breeding.

Features of growing at home

Indoor sedum and outdoor sedum are two different plants, even if they belong to the same variety. Due to the inability of the sedum to develop its root system deeper, it is more difficult to plant and care for such a plant. Indoor sedums need regular fertilization.

Location and lighting

In addition to problems with nutrients, indoor sedums often lack light. When choosing the most illuminated place, the main thing is not to expose the plant to direct sunlight, otherwise it can quickly dry out and fade.

Temperature and humidity in the room

Sedum is a heat-loving and moisture-loving plant, so for comfortable growth it must be kept in a room in which the average temperature in summer does not fall below 20-23 degrees, and in winter - below 16-18.

Even those types of sedums that are frost-resistant in open ground quickly lose their natural characteristics and become quite vulnerable in indoor conditions.

To maintain a sufficient level of humidity, sedums need to be regularly sprayed with a spray bottle. Depending on the variety, this procedure should be carried out from once a day to once every 2-3 days.

Substrate and pot requirements

The soil for sedums is selected organic, but not clean. Sand is added to each substrate for sedum, and in some types clay and small stones are also added.

The drainage must be placed on the bottom of the pot in a thick (2-3 centimeters minimum) layer. It is best to use small stones or brick chips.

There are no special requirements for a vessel for sedums, the main thing is that it retains heat well. It is best to choose pots made from natural materials.


Indoor sedum reproduces in the same ways as “street” sedum. The only difference is that the “baby” plants from the pot first need to be dried a little, and only then placed in water. Most often, they are oversaturated with moisture, so if you immediately place the cutting in liquid, it may begin to rot. Indoor sedum also reproduces by dividing the bush, but this procedure is carried out only during transplantation, and therefore is less popular.

Caring for sedum at home requires more regular watering, fertilization and proper selection of substrate, but in comparison with hundreds of other indoor plants, it still remains the most unpretentious and simple.

Sedum is a plant that amazes with its diversity and ease of care. By choosing the right variety of sedum, a novice gardener can provide himself with a favorite for many years that reproduces easily and delights with bright flowering every year.

Pest and disease control

The advantages of Sedum eminent are that it is quite resistant to diseases and pests. The only factors that can trigger the appearance of diseases are excess moisture or fertilizers. To normalize the state of the culture, you just need to organize care for it.

If insects such as caterpillars are detected, it is necessary to treat the bushes with Actellik. To combat aphids, it is better to resort to insecticides, for example, “Tanreka” is suitable.

Be careful when detecting fungal diseases in Sedum. They usually appear as brown spots on the stems and leaves. In this case, you will need to dig up and destroy the culture. Without doing this, you can lose all similar plants on the site.

How to grow Sedum in garden conditions

Most plant varieties are undemanding in care. Therefore, they are frequent guests in garden plots. To get a beautiful and healthy plant, you just need to follow a few basic care rules.

Selection and preparation of a site for planting Sedum reflexum

When choosing a site, keep in mind that crops grow very large. Give preference to the most free areas so that the succulent can develop

Be sure to pay attention to the amount of ultraviolet rays. There should be enough of them, because Sedums are considered light-loving plants

If we talk about soil, but the culture does not make any special demands, it is optimal to choose turfy, neutral or slightly acidic soils, always with a fairly good level of air permeability.

Sowing succulent seeds in the garden

There are gardeners who prefer the seed method of planting plants. It is best to sow seed material in spring or autumn, in pre-prepared containers.

The algorithm for performing the actions is as follows:

  • prepare the soil, dig it, loosen it and remove weeds;
  • preparing the drainage layer, leveling the surface, compacting it;
  • formation of holes with a distance of 25-30 centimeters;
  • placing planting material, sprinkling it with fertile soil mixed with sand;
  • watering.

This method of planting does not always give the desired result, so it is best to use cuttings or buy ready-made plant seedlings.

Succulent Fertilizer

Sedum reflexum does not require special feeding rules. But, if you pamper the plants 2 times a season, this will significantly speed up the process of its development. The first time the crop is fertilized before flowering begins, and the second time after the end of this process.

A liquid organic fertilizer that contains nitrogen is best. This fertilizer is used before flowering begins. When the buds recede, it is recommended to use complex formulations suitable for cacti.

If you wish, you can also make your own fertilizing using:

  • potassium nitrate – 40 g;
  • superphosphate – 15 g;
  • potassium sulfate – 10 g;
  • 9 g potassium chloride;
  • 1 g magnesium sulfate.

How to water a succulent in the garden

Sedum Rocky (Bent) does not require special additional watering. This procedure is carried out only as the soil dries out. Typically the process is performed up to 2 times a month. Sometimes it is recommended to spray the leaves to remove dust. For irrigation, only soft, clean water is used.

If Rock Sedum is grown indoors, then in winter watering is carried out no more than once a month.

If you exceed the number of waterings, this will have a detrimental effect on the appearance of the plants. Succulents lose their decorative properties, become lethargic and ugly.

Weeding a succulent

Sedums are not able to fight weeds on their own, so loosening is a mandatory process when growing crops.

But after Sedum fully grows on the site, there will simply be no room left for weeds. Loosening is also useful because it enriches the soil with oxygen. Experts advise not to neglect mulching, because it helps preserve the soil’s added microelements.

Carrying out pruning

Pruning is a mandatory process for sedum succulents that are 3-4 years old. This procedure is needed to rejuvenate succulents and remove elongated shoots. Leaves and stems that have lost their original appearance also need to be eliminated. During the rejuvenation process, root shoots that have dried out or rotted are also removed. When flowering ends, the bush is pruned to the ground.

How to replant sedum

Plants regularly require replanting; this is necessary to prevent the crop from losing its decorative properties. Remember that in one place Rocky Sedum can grow for up to 5 years, but there are cases when the culture degenerates already in the 3rd year. Monitor the beauty and lushness of the plant in order to transplant it to a new location in time.

Sedum flower description and name

There are several explanations for the genus name Sedum.
On the one hand, the Latin word “sedare” - “to pacify” - hints at the analgesic properties of decoctions and infusions of the pulp of some sedums, and on the other hand, the word “sedere” - “to sit” - emphasizes the creeping, ground-covering nature of the shoots of a number of species of temperate climates. He came to us from distant corners of Asia - from China and Japan. Oval, thick leaves, sometimes with a blue coating, appear on a thick and tough green stem. At the very top of the sedum there are umbrella-shaped flowers from August to September. They can reach a diameter of up to 20 cm and consist of small, pink or carmine flowers. Its decorative properties are especially noticeable when they grow in dense clumps, and numerous inflorescences cover almost the entire surface of the plants. Shoots of a number of sedums are able to take root on extremely dry soils in the complete absence of precipitation due to internal reserves of water collected in the fleshy leaves. These reserves are so large that sedums can grow for years when pressed and mounted in a herbarium.

Difference between sedum and sedum

One of the most popular tall and beautiful species used for borders and mixborders is sedum , which in recent years has been classified as a separate group of sedums (telephiums). The simplest distinguishing feature by which one species can be distinguished from another is the shape of the flower: in sedum it is in the form of an asterisk, and in sedum it is in the form of a bell. Although to be honest, when open, the flowers are difficult to distinguish. Rhodiola is also included in this group; it is also quite tall and very showy.

It should be mentioned that many types of sedum are grown only indoors due to their low winter hardiness.

Recommended for you:

  • Sedum
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Today we will talk about the most popular and winter-hardy sedums (sedums) for the garden.

Outdoor care

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The culture perfectly combines the beauty of flowering with undemandingness. But to obtain the most spectacular plants with high decorative qualities, it is recommended to comply with the basic agrotechnical requirements for growing sedum.

Watering and sprinkling

Plants need abundant and regular watering immediately after planting, when the rooting process takes place. In the future, you will need to water the flowers during periods of prolonged drought. Since sedum can easily tolerate drought under natural conditions, the succulent does not need sprinkling, the purpose of which is to raise the humidity level.

Soil treatment

Sedum spectabile loves clean soil without weeds, which inhibit its development and adversely affect the decorative effect of the perennial. In order for the plant to maintain beauty and health, you should regularly weed the beds and loosen the soil in the tree trunk circle.

Top dressing

When growing a flower, fertilizing is not necessary, but it allows you to make flowering more luxuriant and longer. As nutritional compositions, it is recommended to use phosphorus-potassium complexes without nitrogen content, which weakens the immunity of flowers.

Pruning and growth restriction

To maintain decorativeness, overgrown bushes should be trimmed as necessary, and dried flower stalks should be removed. Before the arrival of severe cold, the shoots of sedum are shortened to a height of 2 cm. To prevent unwanted growth of a succulent plant due to its intensive growth of the root system, it is recommended to dig limiters in the form of slabs or slate into the ground.


Correct and high-quality planting of sedum is based on step-by-step actions. You should familiarize yourself in more detail not only with the planting process itself, but also with the choice of seedling and location.

Selection of seedlings

The seedling must undergo a thorough inspection before planting. It is necessary to choose healthy plants. Seedlings with various damage, signs of disease or the presence of pests are excluded. When examining the leaves, you need to make sure that there are no limp specimens. You should pay attention to the soil, which does not allow stagnation of water and excessive moisture. It is also necessary to decide on the variety for the composition, since varieties differ in the color of the leaves, the length of the shoots and the color of the flowers.

Advice! The low variety is suitable for flower canvas, and the high variety is suitable for group and single planting.

Selecting a location

Sedum is a light-loving plant. It is necessary to choose an open sunny area with good soil, without stagnant moisture. The sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the decorative properties of leaves. Plant parameters and leaf color are taken into account for a harmonious combination in the area with other crops. Creeping and groundcover varieties thrive in rocky and rocky areas. Some varieties can grow in shaded areas, but their stems become significantly elongated.

Recommendation! Plants should not be planted under a deciduous tree; in the spring, young shoots may not germinate due to fallen leaves.

Soil preparation

The unpretentious sedum grows well in a variety of soils. However, for full development and lush flowering, all types of plants require a special composition. All this should be taken into account when choosing a site. Fast-growing groundcover varieties require light, loose soil rich in nutrients. Other varieties prefer loamy, sandy, or lime-rich soil. Before planting, in any case, it is worth digging up the area, adding a small amount of compost or humus to the soil.

Landing technology

Sedum is planted after a period of spring frosts. The time for planting is May. The interval between plants should be at least 20-25 cm .

Landing includes the following sequence:

  1. dig a hole up to 20 cm deep, with a diameter of up to 50 cm;
  2. mix sand with humus in a ratio of 3:1;
  3. distribute drainage in one layer at the bottom of the pit;
  4. fill the hole with the prepared composition;
  5. make a small depression in the middle of the hole, to the depth of the root system of the seedling;
  6. carefully place the seedling into the hole;
  7. sprinkle with soil, pressing gently with your hands;
  8. mark the hole by placing small stones around the plant;
  9. put fine gravel or crushed stone in the hole;
  10. water the seedling.

Attention! Planting a plant in a dark place can lead to depletion of leaves and stems, and in the future it will stop blooming.

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