Details about how an orchid blooms at home

After purchasing an orchid, the new owners face a difficult but feasible task - to do everything so that the orchid blooms as long as possible and as often as possible . The orchid is a rather whimsical plant, caring for which is a real science.

Many gardeners cannot provide plants with favorable living conditions. If you follow all the simple rules, you can extend the flowering of an orchid from two to six months. And some species, with proper care, can bloom all year round.

Improper care of the plant leads not only to the cessation of flowering, but also to the death of the orchid. Next, we will tell you how this capricious plant blooms, describe the signs and photos of this process.

The main periods of peduncle formation

During flowering, the orchid is incredibly beautiful. Most often, flowers are purchased during this period.

Experienced flower growers, whose window sills have seen more than one plant, will make every effort from the first days to ensure that the flower pleases the eyes for as long as possible and blooms as often as possible.

Orchid blossoms are truly magical. Large inflorescences are most often found at the base of the peduncle, and their number can be up to 80 pieces. An attractive thing for orchid lovers is the fact that the color palette of blossoming buds is very diverse; everyone can choose a color scheme to suit their taste.

The orchid begins to produce a peduncle (photo with a flower arrow).

The flowering period begins with the appearance and opening of buds. This process is quite long: first of all, the side and upper petals open, then the lip opens, and only after a day does the flower open to its fullest extent . The active growth of the orchid continues for several more days, and, ultimately, you can see the finally ripened flowers.

Experienced flower growers never tire of repeating that after the first buds appear, it is imperative to take care of reliable support for the peduncle.

It is recommended to install supports at the very beginning of flowering, because under the weight of a large number of inflorescences, the peduncle may not withstand the load. Even improvised means will do.

Why does the shoot freeze and not grow?

The freezing of the escape is associated with a violation of the conditions of detention:

  • lack of sunlight;
  • there is no difference between day and night temperatures;
  • improper watering;
  • too dry air in the room, lack of spraying or improper spraying;
  • lack of potassium and phosphorus in the diet.

IMPORTANT! A combination of factors usually leads to the fading of a peduncle, but the harmful effects of any one of them cannot be ruled out.

How does an orchid bloom at home?

The growth of flower stalks in orchids is a rather unusual process. This can happen differently each time. For example, a peduncle can bend, resembling a tail, and then begin to grow upward.

It is easy for experienced flower growers to determine the beginning of the growth of a peduncle and distinguish it from the root. But beginners will have a hard time, because at first glance it is absolutely unclear whether the long flowering period has begun or whether the root of the plant is still peeking out.

Photo of how to distinguish the root from the peduncle.

So, how do you know that a plant will bloom ? It is worth remembering that indoor orchids begin to grow new leaves at the end of summer or early autumn, while flower stalks begin to grow only towards the end of the autumn period.

A situation that is often unpleasant for novice gardeners is when, after purchasing a non-flowering orchid, the plant is in no hurry to produce a flower arrow.

Don't panic and take your tropical beauty back to the store. Perhaps the orchid is still too young: depending on the type of plant, they can bloom at the age of 1 to 3 years.

If, when counting the shoots, it turns out that the orchid is already quite mature, and the flowering period has not yet begun, experts recommend putting some kind of stress on the plant.

Sometimes it happens that a flower stubbornly refuses to shoot an arrow because its life is too comfortable . Yes, yes, you shouldn’t be surprised and remember that an important aspect in caring for an orchid is comfortable conditions.

All this is true, however, a small stimulation for flowering will be the so-called “shock” for the plant. For example, reduce the dose of watering or move the flower to another location.

It is worth referring to two simple rules that will help determine that the plant has released an arrow:

  1. Peduncles appear in the corners that form between the leaf and stem of the orchid. If we turn to botany, we can find out that it is in these places that the bud appears;
  2. The peduncle from the very beginning has a rather complex structure. In contrast to the smooth surface of the root, the peduncle has rudiments that look like scales.

The structure of an orchid.

IMPORTANT! During the growth period of the peduncle, it is strictly forbidden to touch the orchid, including replanting it. This applies, first of all, to indoor plants.

a pseudobud or false bulb is . The main difference between a bulb and a pseudobulb is that the former are formed exclusively on the vertical parts of the shoots, while false bulbs are formed on the horizontal ones.

However, the pseudobulb is of no small importance - it helps the orchid survive in conditions of extreme drought in nature . It is quite difficult to describe the specific type of bulbs and pseudobulbs, because their varieties can be of completely different shapes and sizes.

The main function of the false bulb is to preserve nutrients “in reserve” in case of difficult, dry times. Bulbs are an excellent assistant in the processes of photosynthesis.

Age of onset

The primary factor for when an orchid should begin to bloom is its age. Therefore, experienced flower growers recommend that you definitely find out how old the capricious beauty who proudly occupies her place on the windowsill is.

To determine the exact age of an orchid, you should pay attention to the number of exotic leaves. The flowering period can only begin when the plant has at least 5-8 leaves.

Therefore, you should not be upset if the flower does not yet please with beautiful inflorescences; most likely, the plant is still too young, and the flowering of such specimens can lead to subsequent death.

IMPORTANT! We must not forget that only adult plants are capable of forming flower stalks.

How does a flower bloom?

The flowering process , which includes the beginning of the growth of the peduncle and the opening of the buds, takes about two months . With proper care and comfortable conditions for growth and development, an orchid can delight its owners with magnificent flowers for several months, and such magic happens about two to three times a year.

An orchid is preparing to bloom.

IMPORTANT! Active flowering can continue in several stages. Sometimes it happens that the first inflorescences quickly wither, but do not panic when the buds that formed a little later begin to bloom.

The flowering period depends solely on the genetic data of the plant . An orchid can produce flowers for up to three months, and some species - up to six months.

Types of orchids, their names and photos

You can grow some types of orchids at home.


Flower growers fell in love with this flower due to its compact size and decorative appearance. It is ideal for growing indoors. During flowering, it produces 1 or 2 peduncles strewn with flowers of different shades. The foliage is dark green, fleshy, the shoots are marsh-colored. Flowering time is spring.


It grows naturally in northern Australia and Asia. Characterized by an exotic shade of flowers. In addition to blue, which is rare, there are other tones. Flowering is long-lasting, with up to 20 flowers on one peduncle.


There are up to 1,200 plants of the Orchidaceae family in the genus. The most commonly grown dendrobiums at home are phalaenopsis and nobile. During dormancy, it sheds its leaves.

Paphiopedilum or lady's slipper

An interesting and difficult plant to grow. One rosette produces only 1 peduncle. To admire the luxurious flowering, up to 3 rosettes are planted in one pot.


It is very difficult for fragrant orchids to create suitable conditions. The flowers are delicate, the lip is often painted in a contrasting color. Flowering duration is 2.5 months.


The color of the sepals, its shape, as well as the unusual appearance of the flowers themselves prompted flower growers to give the orchid a second name - “Spider Orchid”. Rich green lanceolate leaves, yellow flowers interspersed with brown, large pseudobulbs. It can delight with flowering all year round.


The shoots of the zygopetalum rise upward, similar to cascading phalaenopsis. Smooth pseudobulbs are green in color and have an elliptical or oval shape. Flowers exude a pleasant aroma.

Flowering periods of the three most common varieties


The most popular type of orchid, which increasingly occupies a comfortable place in the homes of lovers of beauty. These specimens are easy to care for , which is why they are in great demand.

Cymbidium blooms from October to February , and also, with proper care, from July to October.



The best option for those who are just mastering floriculture. Phalaenopsis does not require scrupulous care. And this species has won the love of millions because it is able to bloom all year round.



Dendrobium is one of the tallest orchids; it has long settled in homes as a houseplant. The main flowering time is from October to January .

With proper care, flowering is possible from July to September.


Caring for a phalaenopsis orchid during flowering

  • providing the required amount of light;
  • maintaining a temperature comfortable for the plant;
  • providing the flower with necessary minerals and trace elements;
  • timely cessation of watering and fertilizing after flowering;
  • adjusting the length of the peduncle;
  • the beginning of a new cycle of preparation for flowering.

Reducing watering and fertilizers simultaneously with a decrease in air temperature is required in order not to exhaust the plant with an unnecessary growing season and to put it into a dormant state.


How quickly does it increase in size?

Growth depends on the following factors:

  • From the view. The growth of the flower arrow in a regular phalaenopsis takes about 2 months, and in a hybrid it increases by 30 days. This is the time from the appearance of the embryo to the adult stem with buds.
  • From the conditions of detention. They must correspond to the indicators indicated above.
  • On the number of flower stalks on the plant. If he is alone, then development proceeds faster than when there are several of them and he looks stronger and healthier.
  • From its location. The lateral process goes through the growth phase faster (about 2 weeks earlier).

How many flower shoots are there usually?

A young plant usually shoots one arrow. A more mature flower, which has 6-8 leaves, is capable of developing two, rarely three peduncles.

A pair of flowering stems grown in our latitudes is a very good result. An excessive desire to force the plant to bloom more abundantly leads to its depletion and recovery time, which will require more time in the future.


Experts note the following features of the flowering of this plant:

  • the orchid blooms for the first time after reaching the age of two;
  • if the plant was received from a child, you will need to wait until 6 airy petals form;
  • the orchid needs adaptation and a calm state, i.e. There is no point in moving the pot from place to place.

Sometimes the conditions for keeping an orchid are so good that the flower puts all its energy into developing its leaves and root system. In this case, experienced gardeners recommend “scaring” the orchid - moving the pot to a cooler place or reducing watering to a minimum. Such a shock stimulates the plant to flower.

Is it possible to artificially stimulate the process?

It is not recommended to artificially stimulate a young plant, as this can lead to the death of the orchid. However, if the flower is healthy, there are several simple ways to help the plant bloom:

  1. Organize a temperature change. At night the plant is placed in a cool place, and in the morning it returns to its native windowsill. If necessary, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times.
  2. Reduce watering for a short period, and then return to normal.
  3. Use compositions that stimulate flowering - “Ovary”, “Bud”, “Plumen”.

Sometimes a hot shower is used. The plant is rinsed under running hot water (40-45 degrees). Carry out 2-3 approaches of 10 seconds. Between approaches, take a break of 15-20 minutes. This procedure invigorates the orchid - in conditions of danger, it strives to leave offspring and throws out flower stalks. However, this technique is considered dangerous and is used in exceptional cases.

If there are no buds

Gardeners often complain that their plant does not bloom (for example, buds do not form or bloom). There are a number of common reasons that can affect the onset of flowering in an exotic beauty.

  1. The rest regime with alternating watering and temperature conditions is not observed (for example, at night the air temperature does not decrease or the decrease is insignificant). In this case, it is necessary to remove the plant at night to a cooler place or ventilate the room.
  2. A new bud does not form if the efficiency of photosynthesis is reduced and the plant lacks energy. Make sure to maintain daily temperature changes and maintain daylight hours of at least 12 hours.
  3. Abundant watering. The flowering period of the orchid is a time of dry conditions.
  4. Incorrect selection of fertilizer. Excess nitrogen interferes with the development of the peduncle, stimulating leaf growth. Apply fertilizers containing potassium and magnesium to the soil at this time.
  5. Lack of light for roots. Provide a fairly transparent container for the orchid so that the root system has good access to light.
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