Ficus benjamina: care, watering and propagation at home

  • July 19, 2019
  • Houseplants
  • KatrinGlamour

Do you want abundance, prosperity and comfort in your home? Get a ficus benjamina. Caring for it will not cause you much trouble, but there are many benefits from having this plant in your home. This plant has been very popular for many years. Maybe because of the ease of maintenance or the beautiful appearance that gives the atmosphere a cozy feel. There is one more argument that may force you to still purchase this fancy flower. The thing is that ficus Benjamin has one important feature: it is able to absorb various harmful substances, purifying the air of all kinds of toxins released by modern appliances and building materials. Well, now have you decided to buy this amazing plant? And don’t worry that it will cause you a lot of trouble - the ficus is absolutely not picky and gets along well with other plantings.

Popular types

In large rooms, shopping centers and greenhouses, you have probably seen ficus benjamina many times with tall twisted trunks and large leaves. But in apartments, dwarf plants with decorative curving stems and small leaves are much more often grown.

There are several types of Ficus Benjamin that are in greatest demand among our compatriots.

In general, as you can see, there is plenty to choose from. Just be sure to take into account the size of the ficus when it grows when deciding on a suitable species.

Poisonous or not for humans and pets

The roots, stems and leaves of ficus do not contain toxic substances that can have a negative impact on the health of humans or animals, such as dogs or cats. The plant does not cause allergic reactions and is absolutely safe to grow. It can be planted in the living room, bedroom or kitchen. Ficus has rather hard leaves, so cats that often gnaw on indoor plants are likely to show interest in it.

It is certainly worth growing ficus benjamina at home. It will not only decorate the interior, but also help clean the air in the apartment from harmful impurities. If you believe good signs, a ficus in the house will help attract money and success, and will also bring harmony to family relationships. The main thing is to choose the most unpretentious varieties. However, this flower is not suitable for small apartments, as it grows quickly and can “eat up” the space.

Location and lighting

Benjamin flower is a light-loving plant. But it is advisable to place bushes with monochromatic dark leaves in partial shade, and those with light leaves under diffused natural light. But ficus with variegated leaves containing chlorophyll will not be able to fully produce the sugar it needs without bright sunlight. So such plants should be placed in bright places.

The most successful location for a Benjamin flower would be a wide window sill facing southeast, or a place somewhere near a window facing south. The north side is suitable only for ficuses with dark leaves, and then only in summer. There is almost always a lot of light on southern windowsills, but too bright rays can burn the thin leaves of the plant. So don't forget to keep an eye on his comfort.

And remember: the correctly chosen permanent location of the flower is the basic rule of good care. Ficus Benjamin quickly gets used to the daily routine and a certain place, adjusting to the optimal metabolic rate. That is why he finds it difficult to tolerate any changes.

The plant needs direct sunlight in the mornings, before 10-11, and in the evenings, after 17. But only mature bushes can withstand midday rays, and even then, not all species. So a light curtain or blinds on the window will definitely benefit the ficus. In cold seasons, it is best to place flowers close to sunlight. At this time, the ficus needs lighting, otherwise its leaves will crumble and lose their beautiful color.

Green varieties tolerate shade much more easily, but they also cannot do without light for too long - over time, their growth will slow down, the crown will become ugly, and the stems will turn pale. If you do not have the opportunity to place a flowerpot with a ficus closer to the window, provide it with good artificial lighting, for example, install a fluorescent lamp.

Be sure to keep in mind that the Benjamin plant hates drafts. This is a huge stress for him, due to which he may lose his leaves. So be careful when ventilating your room, especially during cold seasons. The proximity of air conditioners, fans and batteries will also not benefit the ficus.

Growing problems

Why do the leaves fall and turn yellow?

The biggest problem in growing ficus is leaf falling, sometimes massively. During the winter, the plant loses a lot of leaves, sometimes becoming almost completely exposed. We need to figure out why ficus leaves fall off and turn yellow.

Ficus leaf fall is a natural process. This is how the plant reacts to stressful situations. In winter it is:

  • lack of light;
  • dry air associated with central heating;
  • air temperature is too high.

Falling leaves from spring to autumn can be caused by overgrowth of the root ball or excessive drafts. During the growing season, the problem can be eliminated, and in winter the “losses” can be reduced.

Common causes of leaf falling:

  1. Inappropriate position. Too little or too much light. Ficus grows best in sunny places; it needs plenty of diffused light all year round. The shoots lose their leaves if the pot is placed too far from a window or in direct sunlight. The plant does not like to be moved, but in winter you can break this rule and move the pot to a sunny windowsill (if it fits). Moving large pots a little closer to the window doesn't make much sense.
  2. Unsuitable soil. If the ficus grows in too peaty soil, it dries out on top, while the lower part is still wet. Therefore, watering is carried out more often than necessary, resulting in flooding of the plant. It is necessary to transplant the ficus into suitable soil, removing areas of the substrate in which rotten, damaged roots are present. After transplantation, watering begins 6 days later in small doses. The roots should begin to assimilate water.
  3. Moving. Changing the location, growing conditions, replanting, moving the pot causes severe stress on the plant and leaves fall off. The permanent place where this indoor plant is grown should be quiet and calm.
  4. Too wet or too dry. An improperly watered ficus quickly shows dissatisfaction. If the leaves dry out and fall off en masse, it is a sign of a lack of water. If they turn yellow before falling off, overwatering has occurred, so if the lower leaves begin to fall off, stop watering the plant immediately. The plant needs to be watered regularly to keep the substrate slightly moist at all times. It is advisable to use boiled, settled water. It is necessary to make drainage holes at the bottom of the pot; it is worth using a drainage layer (expanded clay).
  5. Insufficient air humidity causes leaves to dry out. First, the tips of the leaf blade wither, then turn yellow, turn brown, and dry out. You can place a humidifier or trays of water nearby and regularly spray the leaves with a spray bottle.
  6. Too cold or too hot. During the growing season (from spring to late summer), ficus grows well at normal room temperature. For the autumn-winter period, it is worth providing a slightly lower temperature (10-18 degrees C). It is better not to place the pot next to a radiator or in a draft. Too high a room temperature during the dormant period (winter) is a common cause of yellowing leaves (usually caused by central heating).
  7. Avoid breaking off yellow leaves that remain on the plant - this often speeds up defoliation.
  8. The causes of yellowing leaves may be the diseases and pests described below. Diseases (rot and mold) appear more often with abundant watering. Using appropriate protection products can save the plant.

What else can you do:

  1. From autumn to spring we refuse any fertilizers.
  2. In winter, the plant should be watered much less frequently, preferably with boiled water.
  3. If possible, keep the temperature as low as possible.
  4. We combat dry air by regularly spraying the plant.
  5. Prune the plant (in autumn), shortening shoots and removing thin, weak, unnecessary branches. Ficus lends itself well to pruning and shaping.
  6. Ficus cleanses the air of harmful compounds, but does not like tobacco smoke - therefore it should not be placed in rooms where people smoke. Also in the kitchen, the plant may suffer from the action of gas stoves.

Attention! It is worth working with gloves and being careful not to get the milky juice on your skin, which can cause a mild skin allergy.


When purchasing ficus, you should choose healthy plants with clean foliage and no pests. You need to carefully examine the selected specimen, pay attention to the substrate to see if insects are swarming there. It is worth choosing younger ficuses, they adapt more easily to the conditions of the apartment.

Ficus is characterized by fairly significant disease resistance, but the plant is sometimes affected by certain microorganisms:

  • Ficus leaf spot - a disease that appears when the plant does not have access to the right amount of light. Yellow spots appear on the leaves. An aggravating factor in the development of the disease is high air humidity. It is worth placing the ficus closer to the window.
  • Root rot - inadequate care can lead to the development of fungal disease of the roots. Yellowing and then falling leaves may indicate a situation has arisen. The disease develops if the plant does not have adequate permeable substrate and is watered frequently.
  • Powdery mildew appears as spots on the leaves, white discoloration appears over the entire surface, the leaf becomes transparent in the affected areas, turns yellow, and falls off. Do not water too often, do not spray the leaves with water. You can treat it with environmentally friendly preparations for powdery mildew; treating it with pesticides in an apartment is dangerous to your health.

Photo. Symptoms of powdery mildew on ficus leaves

Fungal diseases are difficult to eliminate. Proper care after a plant infection is not always a sufficient solution. Sometimes you will have to turn to appropriate drugs against fungal pathogens - fungicides.

It is important not to use fungicides in residential areas to avoid harm to people and pets.


The Benjamin tree is a heat-loving specimen. But each species has its own needs. Thus, bushes with variegated leaves grow well at 24 degrees. Some varieties of ficus prefer lower temperatures - about 18-20 degrees. Other plants reach their full potential at temperatures of at least 30 degrees and can withstand higher temperatures. If your flower is on the terrace or somewhere outside, be sure to return it to the house if the temperature drops below 16 degrees at night.

In winter and autumn, the plant needs more careful care. Ficus Benjamin should be kept in a room with a temperature of about 17-20 degrees. If the room is cold, take care of the plant by turning on the radiator. If you don’t have heaters, wrap the flowerpots and move them to a place where they won’t be threatened by drafts and sudden temperature changes.

Ficus diseases and pests

With inappropriate care, a radical change in the microclimate of the room, or exposure of the ficus to scorching sunlight, the tree begins to “suffer.” Hinting to us by leaf fall, yellowing of leaves or wilting.

There are not many reasons for this behavior of the ficus. Either the tree does not have enough moisture or needs additional feeding, but what to do when proper care results in the most serious problems, namely diseases?

So, one of the most common diseases of all indoor ficuses are fungal infections, such as:

Gray rot develops quickly, eventually affecting the entire part of the tree. The foliage and trunk become covered with black spots, and leaf fall begins. The reason can be attributed to excessive waterlogging of the ficus, stagnant microclimate and low room temperature - below 23 degrees.

Treating the plant with fungicides, cutting off the affected branches and drying the soil are the main stages in the fight against gray mold.

After treatment, the tree is isolated from other plants to avoid re-infection until all plants have undergone antifungal therapy.

Brown spot or Phyllosticosis of houseplants, another fungal disease that affects the foliage of a plant and spoils the appearance. A species is an evolutionarily developed set of individuals characterized by a single..., the infection can be caused by untreated soil, dirty hands or new plants.

Outwardly it looks like rust covering the surface of the sheet.

The affected plant withers over time, loses its leaves and dies. In a rush to fight the enemy, they use fungicides (phytosporin, rovral, falcon and others), manganese solution, Bordeaux mixture and, of course, pruning the affected branches. After treatment, the tree is quarantined.

Spider mite , a pest that settles on the surface of foliage and weaves a web between twigs; if you notice thin threads in a pot or on a tree, stock up on insecticides and treat the affected plant, isolating the rest.

Scale insects , another pest that does not respond well to insecticides. If brown dotted spots with a sticky surface appear on the foliage, then the plant is affected. The scale insect is washed off with a copper-soap solution, after pruning as much as possible, then the soil and crown are treated with insecticides and the plant is quarantined.


These plants love high humidity as well as sunlight. If the air in the room is dry, you will have to fix it. In warm seasons, spray flowers every day, and in winter - several times a week. Sometimes add aspirin to the irrigation water at the rate of one tablet per glass of liquid.

Regularly wipe off dust from ficus leaves. In the summer, at least sometimes pamper him with a cool shower - this, by the way, is an excellent prevention of the appearance of parasites. How to do it? Place the pot with the plant in the bathtub, cover the soil with a bag and water it from the shower. And sometimes you can completely immerse the ficus in water.

When batteries are running in the room, the humidity should be increased more often. If you have a dedicated humidifier, run it periodically. If you do not have such a device, spray the tree with a spray bottle. The water should be soft, settled, and slightly warm.

Superstitions and signs

Some gardeners believe that any plant has special magical properties. Ficus benjamina has a rather unenviable reputation. The fact is that he is considered a persecutor of men, or a muzhegon. For a long time, superstitious people have believed that if this bush grows in an unmarried woman’s house, then she is unlikely to get married. If a married woman brings this plant into her home, it will first spoil the man’s character, and then completely drive him out of the home.

However, only the Slavs held this opinion about Benjamin’s ficus. As for the residents of China and Thailand, on the contrary, they believed that this plant is the guardian of the hearth and family.

Watering Ficus Benjamin

Drying out the soil for this plant is fraught with unpleasant consequences. So be sure to make sure this doesn't happen. In summer, when the plant drinks a lot, it will need to be watered every 3-4 days. Remember: if the soil has dried out by 2 cm, then the ficus needs to be watered urgently. If the soil has not dried out due to rain or cloudy weather, there is no need to add water.

In winter, Ficus Benjamin should be watered once a week or even less often. But you shouldn’t forget about watering. Otherwise, the bush will be left without its beautiful foliage.

Watering too often is also bad. This type of care is not suitable for the plant. Ficus benjamina will definitely shed its leaves due to excess moisture. So place it in a pot with a shallow tray. And do not forget to pour out excess water from the container.

Crown formation

Ficus benjamina is used in the Japanese art of creating living flower sculptures, bonsai. But even when growing an ordinary shrub, it is necessary to give it a beautiful shape; to do this, prune it in the spring, removing dried out branches and shortening overly elongated branches. Cut off all shoots whose growth is directed inside the crown at the base, so you can thin out the branches, which will allow the ficus to grow foliage more actively. The decorative nature of the flower will only benefit from this.


What to feed

The plant should be fertilized from spring to autumn. In this case, the frequency of fertilizing should be different. For example, in March and April you can fertilize a tree only once a month. But in June, the ficus will actively grow, so it will need to be fed much more often - at least once every 2 weeks. In this mode, it is worth caring for the plant until September. In the fall, switch the tree back to a meager diet - once a month. And remember: nutritious soil provides the plant with successful growth, the beauty of the trunk and the rich shade of the leaves. So feeding is another condition for the good development of Ficus Benjamin.

Home care should involve the use of mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as herbal compost compositions. In the store you can choose what is ideal for your ficus. Use the purchased product according to the instructions and do not give the plant too much fertilizer.

Give preference to mixtures with a high nitrogen content, which ensures abundant growth of green mass. To stimulate the growth of new stems, you can use the drug “Epin”. If your plant lacks iron and its leaves quickly turn yellow, try feeding it with Ferrovit.

Description of the plant

Ficus is a houseplant from the Mulberry family, which also includes mulberries and figs. Growing it at home is almost always successful, but in some situations it can be a little capricious. It is enough to know exactly the requirements of the plant and provide it with the necessary conditions so that it will charm us with its unique leaves and beautiful shape.

Ficus Benjamin or Benjamin (Ficus benjamina) is the most popular representative of the genus Ficus. This unusual ornamental plant is characterized by slow growth and small, very decorative leaves. In nature, it can be found in Asia and Australia, where the species is a tall, powerful tree, reaching a height of 25 meters, its branches descending downwards.

Photo. Ficus benjamina in its natural habitat

Interesting fact. In English, Ficus benjamina is called weeping fig, which means weeping fig.

In our country, it is grown exclusively at home, since the plant is very heat-loving and does not tolerate cold. It is rarely put on the balcony; it is impossible to grow it in the garden. Usually it is bought in the form of a small seedling. In a pot it grows from 30 cm to 2.5 m in height. Varieties of small-leaved ficus can reach a height of 5 meters. There are cases where a plant slowed down its development when its leaves began to touch the ceiling. There are also numerous dwarf varieties that can be shaped like a bonsai tree.

Attention! Ficus is one of the main sources of indoor allergens! It is considered the third leading cause of allergies, after dust and pets. This is a toxic plant for pets - dogs, cats.

This type of ficus is especially decorative with leaves - they have a dark green color, a light, white or yellow border. The leaf plates have an elliptical shape, length - from several to several tens of centimeters. On erect shoots, the leaves appear densely and are arranged alternately. Sometimes ficus forms hanging shoots, which increases the attractiveness of the plant.

The plant can bear fruit in the summer, but very rarely; tiny orange-red fruits appear.

How to replant a ficus

This is best done in April or March. Young ficus trees require annual replanting, and adult specimens - once every 3-4 years. At the same time, do not forget to periodically remove the top layer of soil and replace it with a new one.

How to transplant a ficus? Take the flower out of the flowerpot along with a lump of earth and transfer it to a new tub, in which a layer of new substrate and drainage will already be laid. Fill the remaining voids with soil and water the ficus. True, if the room is cold, then you do not need to water the plant for several days.

Young specimens should be checked frequently for the need for replanting. How to do it? Just lift the pot and look at the bottom: maybe the roots are already visible through the drainage holes. If this is the case, then your plant is growing very quickly, so you will have to replant it without waiting for next spring.


Ficus plants have been grown at home for several centuries, and botanists regularly develop new species. They differ in leaf shape, color and maintenance conditions:

  • Exotic. Found only on the islands of Bali. The leaves have a glossy surface and a rich green color, they are densely located to each other. The plant is considered decorative, but to grow it you need a consistently warm room.

  • Curley. This species evolved from several other species. Ficus grows quickly and loses its shape, so it is trimmed regularly. Almost all of its leaves are different from each other: there are light, dark, straight, and patterned.

  • Kinky. Ficus does not exceed 40 cm in height, and each of its leaves is 4 cm. They are mostly dark green, but have a white frame. Young plants look more like a flower, but over time they will stretch out if there is enough sunlight. Its crown is periodically trimmed to give it an interesting shape.

  • Daniel. Outwardly, it is almost no different from the first named variety, but in this case the ficus has more matte leaves with a sharp tip and a rich green color. This plant is considered one of the most unpretentious; it feels comfortable even in a dark apartment. In one season, the ficus grows by 30 cm; some people adjust it or leave it in this form in order to grow it across the entire wall.

  • Braft. All its leaves are approximately the same color, there is a shiny layer on top, they grow up to 8 cm in length. The leaves of a young plant have a yellow edge, which fades over time. Age is determined by this criterion if ficus is purchased secondhand. In summer it grows faster than others.

  • Starlight. One of the most unusual varieties, which is distinguished by variegated leaves. They are slightly curved and shaped like a small boat. The greens always have white (sometimes cream) spots and stripes. Sometimes there are so many of them that the greenery is not visible at all. The plant is grown only in warm regions, as it is susceptible to sudden changes.

  • Natasha. The variety grows quite slowly, but the foliage is very dense, rich green in color with small shoots. As they grow, the leaves become darker. Such a plant is regularly sprayed and the foliage is periodically shaken. Some gardeners shape it with wire or string; this variety has very flexible branches, so they do not break.

How to choose a pot and soil

Try to choose a ceramic or clay flowerpot for the flower. Ficus benjamina will take root much easier if the new pot is not too large. The tub should be larger than the previous one by only a couple of centimeters - this way the root system will get used to it much faster.

The natural habitat of ficus benjamina is the tropics with moist soil. So, when growing it at home, you will need to prepare the appropriate soil.

You can stock up on purchased soil intended for decorative foliage plants. For example, soil for palm trees and mulberry flowers is ideal. Ficus Benjamin, which is very good, is not at all picky about the composition of the soil. Only one thing is important - it must be breathable, nutritious and have neutral acidity.

If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, mix garden soil, sand and peat in equal proportions. If you wish, you can add a little wood ash to the mixture to give the soil neutral acidity. Adult ficuses need a denser substrate, so it is worth adding humus and turf soil to it.

Don't forget to add a layer of drainage with pieces of charcoal to the bottom of the pot.

Features of care

Ficus Benjamina is a member of the genus Ficus. In nature, he is a resident of Asian countries and Australia. The tree-like shrub was liked not only by flower growers, but also by landscape designers. The plant is suitable for cultivation by both experienced flower lovers and beginners. Caring for it is easy. However, in order for the ficus to grow healthy, you must follow simple rules. Among which:

  • proper watering;
  • timely feeding;
  • proper preparation for the winter period.


The tree should be watered no more than once every 4-6 days. If the soil in the pot has not dried out in a week, then you can wait to water it. Perennials cannot be overwatered. In the cold season, exotic plants are watered no more than once every 10-14 days.

Top dressing

Exotics have a dormant period. It falls in autumn and winter. Spring is a time of awakening. In April you should think about fertilizing. It is possible to feed the tree-like shrub with purchased mineral mixtures, the packaging of which is marked “for ficuses”.

Note! The flower responds well to organic matter, for example, fly ash, chicken droppings.

The feeding scheme is as follows:

  1. in April, May - once a month;
  2. in June, July - once every 20-25 days;
  3. in August, September, October - every 14 days.

Preparing for winter

Late autumn and winter are a time of rest for a slender culture. The owner must properly prepare the pet for this period. If during the warm season the tree is not allowed to be exposed to the sunny side under direct rays, then in the cool season the ficus needs long daylight hours. It is placed on the south window or placed nearby. It is even recommended to install additional lighting.

In the cold season, ficus is placed closer to the light

The temperature during the rest period should not fall below +15…+17 degrees. The optimal temperature is +19…+21 degrees. Another important measure that should not be forgotten is reducing the frequency of watering.

Trimming procedure

Pruning as a sanitary and rejuvenating measure is carried out before the plant leaves the dormant period, that is, in March - the very first days of April.

For the procedure you will need:

  • sharp knife or pruning shears;
  • fly ash;
  • gloves;
  • alcohol;
  • napkin.

Do not trim with dull scissors. This will damage the plant. The cut should be even. All work is carried out promptly. The instrument is treated with alcohol for disinfection.

The crown is pruned in the spring

Ficus benjamina is pruned in such a way as to maintain the symmetry of the bush. The apical shoots are removed no more than 8-11 cm. The cuts release juice. It cleans up with a napkin. The wounds are covered with ash.

Important! It is better to work with gloves so as not to damage the skin with juice, which can irritate the tissue.

A quick way to get a lush tree is to correctly form the crown. Thick branches are cut at an angle. The incisions are made next to the kidney. Thin and young shoots are removed by a third. They are removed 3 cm above the kidney. Some of the buds are pinched off at the trunk. Branches that curl inside the tree must be trimmed.


In fact, ficus benjamina can be propagated in various ways: using seeds and vegetatively. But in practice, the plant is most often divided by cuttings after spring pruning. Although you can cut and plant cuttings all year round, it’s just in the spring that they take root and grow much faster.

How to prepare a cutting? Cut off the top of the ficus using sharp scissors or a knife. The length of the cutting should be approximately 10-12 cm. Do not touch the upper leaves on it, but you can remove a couple of the lower ones. While the cut is fresh and juice is released from it, the cutting should be placed in the ground or in water so that it takes root. And when the root system of the plant gets stronger, it can be transplanted into the ground. You need to prepare the soil in the same way as for replanting.

Anti-aging pruning

If the method of crown formation allows, you can gradually trim old skeletal branches into rings - 1 per year. But first you need to carefully look at the plant to see if such an operation will hopelessly ruin its appearance.

Another method of anti-aging pruning is radical. Ficus will lose its attractiveness for a long time. The operation is carried out if the plant exposed to the street was not returned to the house in time and froze, or many branches withered.

Pruning is done so that only the lower 8-10 cm remain from the trunk. Root shoots will appear or dormant buds will awaken at the base of the columns.

You can rejuvenate your ficus with a regular haircut. But this requires considerable experience. You can use the video as a step-by-step instruction and guide to action:

Where can I buy? Price range

You can purchase Ficus Benjamin in specialized stores or order online. The cost depends on its variety, height, diameter of the flowerpot and varies from 500 to 10 thousand rubles.

What to do immediately after buying a flower?

A newly purchased plant needs 15–20 days to adapt to new conditions, then it should be replanted, replacing the transport container and substrate.

Expert opinion

Mokhov Andrey Petrovich

Graduated from KubSAU, specialty: agronomy

Ficus does not tolerate frequent moving, so you should immediately choose a permanent place for it.

7.Pinching and trimming

Pruning can be sanitary or rejuvenating. Sanitary pruning is carried out as necessary, old, dried and diseased shoots are removed. This will protect the ficus from diseases and the spread of pests. Remove diseased branches with sharp scissors or pruners. Sanitation thins out the crown and allows light to penetrate to the internal branches.

Anti-aging pruning is needed for old ficuses and those that have lost their beautiful appearance. This procedure will allow the ficus to quickly grow and grow new foliage.

This type of pruning is most important for ficus plants with long shoots that have lost their leaves due to unfavorable conditions, drafts, lack of moisture or light.

Pinching the tops of young shoots with 1 or 2 leaves is carried out in the spring so that the crown of the plant is ideal and bushy. Pinching is done with sharp scissors or fingernails. I don’t recommend doing these manipulations in winter; wait until spring.

Purchase, transportation and transplantation

It is best to purchase a young ficus without signs of falling leaves in a special store in early summer or spring.

When transplanting from a transport container, you need to wait 2-3 weeks , since the plant needs time to adapt. Ficus should be planted in universal soil or a special substrate for ficus and palm trees using a drainage layer. The pot does not have to be very spacious; there are no restrictions on the material. Feeding is recommended no earlier than 2 weeks after transplantation. Even proper replanting can cause the loss of some ficus leaves.

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