What to do if dracaena dies from overwatering?

Among lovers of indoor flowers, dracaena (from the Latin Dracaena), which is also called the false palm, is very popular. About 150 species of this plant are known in nature. It not only pleases the eye at home or in the office, but also enriches the air with oxygen. Proper care and timely recognition of diseases guarantee a long life for the flower. Yellowing and falling leaves is a serious signal to think about finding the cause that caused such symptoms. Below we explain why dracaena leaves fall off and what to do to save the flower.

Dracaena leaves fall: what could be the reasons?

This is an unpretentious indoor plant that does not require special care. But if the leaves begin to fall, this may indicate non-compliance with care recommendations.

A wilting palm tree urgently needs to be saved

For your information! The life cycle of dracaena leaves is two years. Therefore, it tends to shed its leaves. However, massive loss will result in the death of the flower.

The main reasons for leaf fall:

  • watering. Untimely watering will cause the soil to dry out. As a result, the leaves will begin to dry out, and their fall is inevitable. Excessive moistening of the substrate also negatively affects the plant, since the trunk becomes soft from the abundance of water, the leaves begin to wither and fall off;
  • spraying. This procedure, if simple rules are not followed, also has a detrimental effect on indoor flowers. Stagnation of liquid in the leaf sinuses provokes rotting. Dracaena will begin to shed some of its foliage;
  • fertilizer. If the leaves of the dracaena die, this means that feeding is carried out incorrectly. It is important to comply with all conditions for preparing fertilizer, doses and application rules;
  • root damage during transplantation. The dracaena is transplanted into a new pot as its growth increases. During this procedure, the root system can be damaged. Therefore, in response to a stressful situation, the plant sheds its leaves;
  • incorrect microclimatic conditions. There are many of them: lack or excess of light, drafts, unsuitable temperature and humidity;
  • diseases and insect pests. Failure to follow the rules of care leads to weakened immunity. The plant is attacked by pathogens or insects.

Note! The flower does not tolerate drafts and direct sunlight. These two factors cause the leaf blade to dry out at the edges, turn yellow and fall off.

To answer the question of how to save dracaena, you need to find out the reason that provokes the death of the plant.

Which pot is suitable for transplanting dracaena?

A pot with a small bottom and a wide top, similar in shape to a truncated cone, is best suited. the material can be different: plastic, clay, ceramics. But there must be at least one, or preferably several, drainage holes at the bottom. They are needed to remove excess moisture outside. The soil will not be waterlogged, which means the roots will not rot. Pay attention to the pallet. It should have high sides so that accumulated water can be easily drained.

Pots with an automatic watering system are also a good option. Although the most ordinary pot will do just fine. The main criterion for choosing a container is that the diameter of the new pot should be 5-6 cm larger than the new one.

Dracaena is dying: how to save it from the disease

Why do dracaena leaves turn yellow - reasons

If all maintenance conditions are observed, the development of diseases and leaf fall can be avoided. The plant will have strong immunity and will be able to overcome the disease. In addition, it is recommended to periodically add fertilizers that contain phosphorus and potassium to the soil.

However, it is not always possible to protect the flower from infection. Signs of the disease most often appear on the foliage. First of all, the color of the leaf blade changes, turgor is lost, spots appear, the tips dry out, and then their base.

Dracaena has many diseases

Diseases that most often affect dracaena:

  • heterosporosis. The foliage on both sides begins to turn yellow, then becomes spotted and dries. Without treatment, the flower dies. To help the plant, you need to react in time. Fungicides that contain copper can help;
  • phyllosticosis. Brown spots of irregular shape with a green or yellow border appear on the foliage of the lower tier. They are quite large in size. Leaves may fall;
  • bacteriosis The foliage at the tips rots, so the plant sheds it en masse. Cankers may be seen on the stem. High humidity and high room temperature are the main factors in the development of the disease. Treatment is useless, so the flower will have to be destroyed to save the rest of the plants in the house;
  • Alternaria blight. A fungal disease, the signs of which are brown spots. Over time, without treatment, they begin to turn black. Three times a month should be sprayed with fungicides. This will help fight and prevent the disease.

Why does dracaena shed its leaves en masse when it gets sick? This is a natural response to pathogens. This is how the plant tries to protect other organs.

For your information! Fungicidal preparations such as quadris, topaz, and maxim will help combat diseases.


Why ficus leaves fall - reasons

Pests are often found on the soil or enter the plant from neighboring infected indoor flowers. Sticky plaque, the appearance of cobwebs and spots on foliage become the main signals of an invasion. If dracaena begins to dry out, what to do about this problem and how to overcome pests?

Who to watch out for:

  • scale insect This insect is about 3-4 mm in size, practically motionless and protected by a grayish waxy shell. It sucks juices from leaves and stems, causing them to dry out and fall off;
  • thrips. Whole columns settle on the lower part of the leaf. The upper part becomes spotted and darkens;
  • spider mite A small pest that is difficult to notice. Settles on the lower part of the leaf blade. The main signs of its invasion are the appearance of cobwebs and white plaque. Fall of leaves is inevitable;
  • Mealybugs. The juice is sucked out of the plant, this stops the development and growth of the flower. A white waxy coating resembling cotton wool is left on the leaves and rosettes.

Pests on foliage are visible to the naked eye

It is recommended to observe the watering regime, temperature conditions and use insecticidal preparations. They often resort to the help of such drugs as actara, karbofos, and intavir.

Mistakes when growing dracaena

There are several common mistakes that are made when growing a dragon tree. The plant will definitely “let you know” that it has not been properly cared for. By its appearance you can determine what went wrong. The most common errors and their symptoms:

Cramped pot.

If the dracaena is in a pot for a long time without replanting, then the soil is gradually depleted. The flower begins to experience a nutritional deficiency. In addition, the roots occupied the entire space of the container so much that they began to grow out of the drainage holes. All these signs indicate that the flowerpot has become too small. The plant lacks vital macro- and microelements, it gradually withers and dies.

Excessive amount of moisture.

Dracaena will respond to overwatering by wilting and yellowing of the leaves. In this case, it is necessary to immediately transplant it into new soil in order to protect it from imminent death.

Prolonged drying of the soil.

When a plant lacks moisture for a long time, it also changes its appearance. The leaves begin to wither, become soft, dry out and fall off. The fact is that plant tissues lose turgor - internal hydrostatic pressure in the cells. And as a result, first the dracaena withers and then dies.


External signs of such a problem are easy to identify. On the leaves and soil you can easily notice dracaena pests - whiteflies, mealybugs, scale insects, and herbivorous mites. If they have settled on a plant, then it also needs to be urgently replanted. In this case, the dracaena is treated with acaricidal and insecticidal preparations, and the soil is completely changed.


After purchasing dracaena, it must be treated with special preparations. This is done to protect your other houseplants from pests that may be introduced along with the new bush. Do not forget also that the purchased flower is in a small pot. It contains a limited amount of substrate and will not provide enough “feeding” for the seedling for a long time. Therefore, try not to delay too much when transplanting a new plant into a pot with fresh soil.

Soil moisture

Why do dracaena leaves droop?

Dracaena loves moderately moist soil. There is no need to flood it, as the stem and roots may eventually begin to rot. This will cause the plant to begin to die before our eyes.

In the hot season, it is recommended to water the flower once every 2-3 days. You must always navigate the soil in the pot. If the soil at the base of the stem has dried out, then it needs to be moistened. It will be enough to pour in 170-200 ml of settled water at room temperature.

Proper watering will be a good preventative measure against leaf fall.

Winter is the flower's rest period. It needs watering only once every 4-6 days. And if dracaena begins to fade, what to do during this period? Again, you need to navigate along the dried soil. This is the only way to understand whether a plant needs water.

Important! If the flower pot is on the windowsill above the radiator, then the soil moisture will have to be increased a little more often.

What to do?

If the dracaena has frozen and you have determined what exactly is damaged in the flower, immediately begin actions to save it. In mild cases of root hypothermia, the flower will require special care. The roots are damaged after freezing, so the first thing to do is limit watering. The roots are already sick, so they cannot fully work and absorb moisture, which leads to their rotting. In this case, you should not water the soil directly; it is best to gradually pour warm water into the pan. The flower will absorb as much moisture as it needs. Spraying can also be used for restoration. This is a good way not to burden the flower, and at the same time a huge help for its health. Fertilizer must be added to the water for irrigation; it should be two times less than for irrigation. Another miracle remedy if the flower is frozen is spraying with epin. This remedy can revive the plant.

If the trunk is soft to the touch, this indicates rotting of the flower. In this case, you will need to trim off all the soft spots. To do this you will need a sharp knife and alcohol. The knife must be disinfected with each subsequent cut. You need to trim the trunk to the point where it is hard and healthy. In some cases, after pruning, one stump may remain. But such measures will save the plant’s life. After a while, usually in the spring, during the period of awakening, the remaining shoot will sprout. So, when the stem rots, only cuttings will help the plant.

If the plant's leaves curl and then fall off, this indicates damage to the roots. The best salvation would be to transplant it into another pot. When replanting, you can see how damaged the roots are. When replanting a plant, you need to very carefully remove it from the pot. Next, you need to inspect and feel the roots. If they are white and without dark spots, the plant can be saved. Next, we feel the trunk, if it is hard, great, the plant is ready for replanting. If the roots are wet or damp, you need to let them dry. At this time we prepare a new pot. We pour drainage into the bottom of the pot and dry soil on top. Now you should lower the trunk into the pot, leave a distance of one finger from the bottom to the roots, and sprinkle the roots with soil. After transplantation, do not water the plant for 2-3 days. Subsequent care is moderate watering and spraying with water and fertilizer.

In the case when only the leaves of the plant are damaged, if it was standing in a draft and they became frostbitten, the pot must be moved to a warm and bright place. Periodically, the plant can be sprayed with warm water. Frozen leaves will gradually dry out, so after they dry, you need to carefully trim off the dry parts with scissors. Of course, the plant will not look very attractive, but over time it will recover. After frostbite, moderation in watering is important. Water very carefully. In the spring the plant will need to be replanted.

Air temperature

If the basic rules of the microclimate are not observed, the leaves of the flower begin to fall off. What to do in such cases? At home, the temperature regime is very important for the flower. In summer, to ensure good growth and development, you need to keep the mark on the thermometer within 24-32 °C. During the cold season, the room temperature should not be allowed to fall below 17 °C.

A temperature of 12 °C can become critical for death. Then the first thing the plant will do is shed all its foliage, and then it will begin to slowly die.

Dracaena transplant

Having chosen a suitable pot, you can begin replanting. It is carried out this way:

1. Remove the plant from the pot.

Inspect the root system. If it is healthy, then all you need to do is move the dracaena to a new container and add fresh substrate. Are there any rot or blackening on the roots? Then remove the old soil, and cut off the diseased and damaged roots with a disinfected knife, blade or scissors. Treat the root system by immersing it for several minutes in a weak water solution of potassium permanganate.

2. Lay a drainage layer.

Fill the bottom of the pot with any drainage material - expanded clay, fine gravel, crushed stone. This layer will prevent the roots from coming into contact with stagnant water after watering.

3. Fill the pot 1/3 full with soil.

For dracaena, select soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Choose a universal flower soil for planting. You can also use a special substrate for dracaenas or palm plants. Add vermiculite, perlite, diatomaceous earth or ground charcoal to the soil. Such impurities improve the growth and development of dracaena.

4. Move the dracaena.

Carefully place the plant in the center of the pot. Make sure that the root collar does not go deep underground. Severe deepening during planting can lead to rotting of the stem. Place the dracaena at the same level as in the previous pot. Then fill the root system with soil, leaving no voids. Lightly compact the soil.

Remove the dracaena from the pot and inspect the root system

Prepare a pot for replanting and move the dracaena into it

Cover the dracaena with soil and water it.
To make the dracaena better take root in a new place, water it with water containing any preparation that stimulates root growth. “Kornevin” and “Heteroauxin” are well suited for these purposes. If after watering you notice that the soil has sagged and the ground level has become lower, then add a little more substrate on top.

Root rotting

There are many reasons why dracaena leaves fall. One of them is often root rotting. Excessive watering, especially during the dormant period (winter), can be the death of a false palm tree.

Important! If the soil has not dried to a depth of 2 cm, there is no need to water.

Rotting of the root system leads to disruption of the transport of water and nutrients to other organs. Dracaena first gets rid of old leaves, and then the young ones fall off.

Root rotting

Determining the degree of freezing

For these plants, sudden temperature changes mean, in the worst case, death, and in the best case, falling leaves and their deformation. Dracaena freezes already at temperatures below +10 degrees. She is very afraid of drafts and frosts. Therefore, if there is severe frost outside and the pot is on a saucer, expect trouble. The window sill may become cold or freeze very much, and the pot standing on it will also cool, in which case the roots will freeze, and then they will begin to rot. And if the window is open, then the leaves suffer, they freeze and wither.


In the winter months, dracaenas begin a dormant period. At this time, plants do not need abundant and frequent watering. You should also not fertilize the flowers, since fertilizing at this time will be of little use. But you shouldn’t leave the soil too dry; too dry soil also harms the plant. If you water in winter the same way as in the warm months, the dracaena will freeze slightly, as the moisture that gets into the soil cools. Then cold water gets into the roots and the dracaena becomes overcooled, and this leads to the fact that it drops its leaves. It is possible to restore a frozen flower, but it will take a lot of time and effort.

It is not difficult to determine that the dracaena has frozen: first, the leaves begin to turn yellow or a brown edge appears along the contour of the leaf. The leaves become soft, they curl, and then begin to rapidly fall off. A lot of leaves can fall off, and the dracaena will resemble a plucked panicle.

So, to summarize, there are two types of freezing:

  1. freezing of roots - roots weaken and begin to rot. And subsequently the leaves turn yellow, curl, become soft and fall off. The plant becomes “bald” and painful;
  2. freezing of leaves - they begin to wither and fall off.

But in both cases it is possible to save the dracaena.

Other Possible Problems

In addition to all of the above, there are other reasons why dracaena may begin to shed its leaves and soon die (if measures are not taken in time).

Among them:

  • transfer. When the root system is actively growing and the flower increases in size, it needs a larger pot. You need to replant carefully, otherwise you may damage the root or stem. The stress that a flower receives while adapting to a new place can lead to the loss of foliage;
  • direct sunlight. It is important to choose the right place in the house where the pot with dracaena will be placed. It does not tolerate direct sunlight: it begins to dry out and the leaves turn yellow. It even happens that the stem, when drying out, can fold in half. The plant sheds its leaves and dies;
  • drafts. Dracaena does not like drafts, so a window sill is not the best place for a palm tree. Firstly, in such places the temperature fluctuations are caused by the battery, and secondly, frequent ventilation using an open window will provide unfavorable conditions for the delicate flower;
  • fertilizers Excess or lack of fertilizing leads to the fact that green leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. It is important to use complex fertilizers. During the period of active growth (March-September) they should be applied 2 times a month. To do this, you can make a solution using rainbow or ideal preparations.

Dracaena is a beautiful plant that will enrich the room with oxygen and remind you of the sea and palm trees with its appearance. The main question for gardeners is when dracaena sheds its leaves, what to do? Compliance with all maintenance rules will help to grow a healthy and strong flower. And even if the disease turned out to be stronger, and the leaves began to fall, the main thing is not to despair and provide the necessary help in time.

What care does dracaena need after transplantation?

After replanting the dracaena, do not forget to care for it. Conditions that must be observed for the plant to take root successfully and quickly:

Air temperature.

The optimal air temperature for dracaena is 23-25°C. But to achieve these values, the pot with the plant cannot be placed next to heating devices.

Location in the house.

An excellent placement option for the “dragon tree” is southwest and southeast windows. Direct sunlight should not hit the foliage. It is advisable to provide the transplanted plant with diffused light and place it somewhere deep in the room. Drafts are contraindicated for dracaena, so placing it near the balcony is also not the best solution.

Humidification mode.

The tips of dracaena leaves often dry out. It’s easy to avoid this - spray the crown with water from a spray bottle 1-2 times a day. Instead of manual spraying, you can use an air humidifier and install it near the flowerpot.


During the first two to three months, dracaena does not need feeding. The soil contains a sufficient amount of nutrients.


Loosen the top layer of soil regularly. This will help the roots access oxygen.


Dracaena requires frequent, but not abundant watering. The soil should always remain slightly moist, but under no circumstances should the soil become soggy. In winter, the amount of watering should be less than in summer.

It is easy to find out that the dracaena has successfully taken root and taken root. After some time, new, young leaves will appear on the bush. This means that the plant has taken root and adapted to new growing conditions.

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