How to care for hydrangeas in the fall, preparing for winter, what to do

Charming lushly blooming hydrangeas of various types and varieties can increasingly be found on the plots of gardeners in the middle zone, and it is not by chance that they have become so widespread. From the very beginning of summer, densely leafy shrubs are covered with incredibly beautiful inflorescences and delight with flowering until the first frost. Excellent winter hardiness allows them to be grown without much difficulty, however, covering hydrangeas for the winter is still important for certain species.

The main points for caring for hydrangea are slightly acidic soil, timely fertilizing and abundant watering. By following these simple rules, you can achieve unsurpassed results and grow a stunning beauty on your property. The more careful the care, the more powerful the shoots, the larger the leaves and inflorescences. How to preserve this charming shrub in the unpredictable winters of the middle zone? We will talk about this in this article.

Sheltering hydrangeas for the winter in the Moscow region is required only for the large-leaved species (Hydrangea macrophila), since for them the most important thing is to preserve the tops of the shoots, on which the plant lays flower buds in the fall. Indeed, unlike paniculata and tree-like, it blooms on last year’s shoots. This type of hydrangea came to us from Europe, where winters are not as severe as in Russia, but there are still some varieties with a little more winter hardiness than others, and they will be most comfortable in the middle zone. For example, hydrangea macrofolia and hydrangea macrofolia.

What to do with hydrangea in the fall so that it blooms in the summer

Hydrangea (hydrangia) can survive winter perfectly, but for this they need to create a number of favorable conditions. Experienced gardeners highlight the following care measures in preparation for winter:

  1. Compliance with and timely termination of the irrigation regime.
  2. Properly carried out feeding.
  3. Proper pruning of shrubs.
  4. Mulching.
  5. Treatment of perennials against diseases and insect pests.
  6. Covering and hilling bushes if necessary.


Petiolate hydrangea is a frost-resistant plant that can withstand even harsh winters. But it is recommended to remove young seedlings from their support within 2-3 years and make a light shelter in case of a snowless, frosty winter. An adult plant easily recovers after freezing, continuing to develop and bloom well in the future, so there is no need to remove it from its support.

Due to its winter hardiness, this crop is grown in the Moscow region and even in Siberia. That is why domestic gardeners and designers are increasingly using petiole hydrangea today to decorate their garden plots.

Where to start preparing hydrangeas for winter

Preparing hydrangea bushes for cold weather begins in early autumn. This stage does not imply any complex activities. You just need to stop performing some actions with plants in time and start doing others.

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