Flower beds: ideas and stylish design schemes for beginner gardeners (110 photos)

Flower beds do not become obsolete and, as before, they can be seen in city parks and squares, in summer cottages and in the courtyards of private houses. Traditionally, they are created round and rectangular, but they can also be in bolder configurations: in the shape of a star, semicircle, butterfly, flower.

Flowerbeds decorated in a natural style are very fashionable, in which, along with garden plants, ornamental grasses and grains are used.

But to make a flower garden beautiful, it is not enough to buy a few bags of seeds and sow flowers in an empty plot.

Flowerbed and flower garden, what's the difference?

There is some difference between a flower bed and a flower garden. A flower garden can be called any piece of land on which ornamental vegetation is planted in some order. They may include many annuals, deciduous shrubs and conifers.

A flower bed is a flower garden of regular geometric shape, in the design of which mainly annual crops and herbaceous perennials are used. Plants in a flowerbed are planted in a certain sequence, maintaining symmetry.

Usually the flowerbed has a closed contour. It is surrounded by garden paths, paving or embedded in a green lawn. A narrow flower border is created along the perimeter from low-growing annuals or ground cover species of perennials.

As an exception, sometimes flower beds are arranged, one side of which borders the fence or wall of the house. But in this case, it should not be confused with a mixborder, the principle of creation of which is somewhat different.

Interesting. A flowerbed can be called a type of flower garden. But a flower garden is not always a flower bed. This is a broader concept that includes alpine slides, rockeries, mixborders and other flower arrangements.

Architectural elements in the design of city park areas

To complete the picture, architectural details are added to landscape plans. They can be sculptures and busts. Thus, it is possible to achieve the desired style in a specific area. It is extremely important for such elements to be durable and aesthetically pleasing. Vases and jugs with plant compositions are also used for such purposes.

To decoratively complement the entrance to the park area, arches, frames and other types of architectural elements are used.

Of course, benches are considered an inseparable detail in the planning of a public garden. For convenience, they are placed in the direction of alleys, under the canopy of trees, near ponds and fountains.

Geoplastics are also used to organize the space of a recreation area. This could be, for example, bridges, retaining walls, terraces and other structures.

Types of flower beds: regular

According to the method of planting, flower beds can be regular or irregular. Regular ones are more labor-intensive to set up: plants of approximately the same height are selected for them, always low-growing annuals and ground-cover perennials. It is important to select all species so that their flowering matches. The main feature of regular flower beds is the clarity of the lines, forming a beautiful geometric pattern.

Regular flower beds are rarely created on personal property; their prerogative is city parks and public gardens. This type of flower beds requires constant care, the difficulty of which is that the root system of perennials grows quickly, disrupting the pattern. But, if you have the time and desire to create something special near a private house, you can try.

First, an ornament for the future flower bed is drawn up on a sheet of paper, on which different types of plants are indicated by color. Then the pattern is transferred to an area with prepared soil: the lines of the pattern are drawn using sand. And only after this, plants are planted in a strictly defined order (in accordance with the plan).

Advice. If you decide to make a regular flowerbed on your site, you can use vegetation with foliage of different colors in its design: spotted lariat, creeping clover, trapezoidal sorrel, blood-red heuchera, various varieties of tenacious and saxifrage.

Rules for lawn care

Growing a beautiful lawn requires constant monitoring. It starts from the moment of landing. The soil should be kept moderately moist until the seeds fully germinate. In hot weather, it is recommended to cover the surface with a vapor-permeable material.

Subsequent lawn care will be roughly divided into seasons.

In the spring, we do combing (cleaning away leaves and other debris accumulated over the winter), aeration (piercing the soil to saturate it with oxygen), and applying fertilizing.

Device for aeration Source www.botanichka.ru

  • Watering. The amount of moisture depends on the type of soil, weather conditions, and the characteristics of the grass planted on the lawn.
  • Application of fertilizing complex fertilizers. It is recommended to do this in the second half of the season.

You can mow with a lawn mower or trimmer Source landscape-project.

Types of flower beds: irregular

At the dacha, the easiest way is to make an irregular flowerbed, which is characterized by a freer design. Flowers in it are arranged in rows or dotted, with several plants in a group. To prevent bald spots from forming in the flower garden, ornamental grasses and grains are sown between large species.


Making a flower bed is much easier if you first mark it out. Regardless of the size of the future flower garden, the breakdown will greatly facilitate further efforts to create it. For marking you will need sand, pegs and strong twine. The easiest way is to outline the boundaries of a square or rectangular flower bed. Low pegs are driven in at corner points and connected with rope.

Then a groove is dug along straight lines under the twine, and a concrete curb is installed into it.

It is not much more difficult to create a round flowerbed. You need to measure the diameter of the circle and divide the number in half (find the radius). Then a peg is driven into the center of the flower bed, a rope is tied to it (its length is equal to the radius of the circle) with a piece of reinforcement tied to the opposite end of the twine. Having pulled the rope, it is rotated around a stationary peg, while at the same time drawing a line with the end of the reinforcement until the circle closes. To prevent the line from getting worn out, it is marked with a strip of sand, after which a curb is dug in.

Advice. The border can be made from scrap materials, for example, old brick. It is laid according to the domino principle, that is, obliquely one on one.

Soil preparation

In the fall, preparation of the site for spring planting of seedlings begins. First, the type of soil is determined and, if necessary, improved. For each type of soil, different additives are used, which are evenly distributed over the surface of the future flower garden, and then it is dug deep.


If you want something simpler and less expensive, create a monoflower. Its main feature is the use of the same plants. True, this option can quickly get boring, because there will be no variety in it.

Monoclumba. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

Tips for decorating a flower bed

It is true that experience comes with time. But I don’t want to learn from my mistakes. To make the design of your first flowerbed go more smoothly, it is better to listen to the advice of experienced flower growers.

Tips for beginners:

  • It is better to make several small flower beds than one large one, since a small flower garden is easier to care for;

  • In a flower garden that is too long, it is difficult to take in distant details;
  • The diameter of a medium-sized round flower bed is about 2 m;

  • A round flower bed looks more impressive when its central part is slightly raised;

  • If the flower bed is made on a lawn, it should not be limited by a concrete or any other border. It is better to make a border of low annuals - this way it will look more natural.
  • To prevent lawn grass from encroaching on the territory of the flower garden, a plastic border tape is dug along its perimeter;

  • You should not save money by planting plants too densely, as they will stretch out and bloom poorly;
  • Diseases develop faster in plantings that are too dense.

A few words should be said about rhizome plants. Their root system grows quickly, so every 3-4 years the flower garden is updated or reconstructed. In autumn or early spring, overgrown species are dug up, the roots are divided into sections, and updated planting material is replanted in place. To prevent the process from being too tedious and taking several days, you can separate the most overgrown species every year. It should be noted that some perennial plants, such as irises, divide from June (when the flowering period ends) until the end of summer.

Useful video on forming a simple flower bed:

The advantage of rolled lawn

Sowing or roll.
What's better? Source posevnoi-gazon The procedure for planting a beautiful lawn is a lengthy undertaking. In comparison with the roll laying method, this technique is considered not rational. The latter has a number of advantages:

  • Easy to use - much easier to clean than usual.
  • The unpretentiousness of the lawn is impervious to temperature changes, abundance of moisture or sun.
  • Repairability - if necessary, a piece of the required size is cut off and placed in place of the damaged one.
  • On uneven surfaces it hides height differences better than the classic one.

Laying rolled lawn Source smolensk-i.ru
The only significant drawback that can cause preference for the standard one is the high price of rolled lawn.

Lawn in the garden interior Source www.pitomnik36.ru

Relaxing on the lawn Source mirgazon.ru

Unusual flower beds

There are always exceptions to the rules, and they also exist in the art of designing flower beds. Bright, non-standard flower beds add a special chic to the design of a summer cottage. Unusual flower beds do not get lost in the landscape and always attract attention with their originality.

Floating flower beds

Flower islands floating on the mirror of a pond look original. Fertile soil is poured onto a sheet of foam plastic with low sides, and seedlings of short annuals are planted in it: petunia, purslane. The island is tied to an anchor (large stone) so that it does not drift to the shore. You can decorate not only an artificial pond with a floating island. If the dacha is located on the shore of a natural reservoir, islands are arranged along the shoreline of the site.

Advice. A floating flower garden does not need to be watered if small through holes are made in the foam, through which moisture will flow to the roots directly from the reservoir.

Vertical flower beds

Flowerpots with flowers are arranged in a stepped order on a metal frame specially welded for this purpose. The advantage of a vertical flower bed is that it is easy to care for, since there is no need to fight weeds. It is decorated with garden and indoor plants, as well as decorative garden figurines. A vertical flower bed can be installed anywhere: on the lawn, near the porch, on the paving in the yard.

Advice. Attention should be paid to the fact that potted plants need more frequent watering.


On a green lawn, monoflower beds, which are made up of plants of the same type and color, look beautiful.

The downside is the short flowering time. You can compensate for the deficiency by alternately planting several types of plants with different flowering periods. For example, first low-growing white tulips, then blue lobelia or blue ageratum, and at the end of summer - ruby ​​asters. Thanks to this technique, the country landscape will be updated throughout the season.

Raised Flower Beds

The elevation of the flower bed is achieved by a parapet made of bricks, wild stone or concrete blocks. The internal space is filled with soil in such a way that it does not spill over the edge. Plants are planted according to the same principles as in a regular irregular flower bed.

On a note. Instead of a parapet, you can make a high border from any lumber: planed boards, slabs, timber.

Improvement of the park area

In order to improve the landscape design of the city and park, it is necessary, in addition to everything, to be able to properly use reservoirs. These can be ponds, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, and also streams. Very often, a pond is the central element in a park, around which other parts of the landscape design are already planned. This explains why, usually, if there is no natural reservoir, it is made artificially. It can be designed in a rather original and unique way, thanks to which any area will be transformed.

When planning the landscape design of a street, an experienced designer takes into account the history of the park, as well as its style. This helps him create a complete look, each element that will be combined with each other. Thus, he pays attention to how pedestrians and vehicles will move. This should be done safely and also comfortably. The park area itself should be planned taking into account its location in the city. The execution of building compositions must also correspond to the scale and rhythm. It is also important to pay attention to what buildings are located around the planned territory, as well as the general style of the city. All this can be done by specialists at https://bersosamara.ru/.

Mini flower beds - imagination is not forbidden

The concept of a flowerbed has expanded, and now it is proposed to make it from any object, the main thing is that soil can be poured into it. Such creative mini-flower beds look quite cute and delight with their unusualness.

The most common option is small hanging flower beds. Soil is poured into a canvas bag, leather boot, rubber boot or old mailbox and a plant, preferably a hanging one, is planted here. An impromptu flower bed is hung on a fence or wall of the house as decoration.

Non-standard flower beds are obtained using pieces of furniture. Any unnecessary thing prepared for a landfill (bed, chair, table, sofa) is placed on the lawn, partially covered with soil and planted with flowers. The same goes for leaky boats, wooden boxes, garden wheelbarrows, wicker baskets and even cars.

Using old items to create flower beds is now fashionable. But there is one drawback - under the influence of moisture, fabric and wood are destroyed. To extend the life of the flowerbed for several years, wooden parts are varnished or painted, and plastic bags are placed in leather and fabric items, and only after that soil is poured inside.


How to plant a lawn at your dacha with your own hands: step-by-step sowing instructions

The process of planting a beautiful lawn with your own hands consists of step-by-step implementation of the following steps:

Removing the fertile layer Source pikabu.ru

  • Removing turf. This is done with a shovel or a special machine.

Removing weeds by chemical or physical means Source unichtozhenie-dezcenter.ru

  • Treating the soil with herbicides, the purpose of which is to destroy the shoots and roots of weeds.

Leveling and compacting are necessary to create an even lawn Source stroisam2.ru

  • Careful alignment or, conversely, creating the desired angle of inclination. If necessary, the soil is moved from one point to another, and bedding is made. After planning, the area is carefully compacted.

Healthy! At this stage, the lawn is drained to help remove moisture (if necessary). Crushed stone and brick fragments are used as filler.

The owner decides whether to steam or not Source roomester.ru

  • Fallowing an area is used to completely remove weeds; it lasts for 1.5 months. If you skip this step, you will not free your lawn from excess plants. Removing them later will be problematic. The procedure involves tightly covering it with PVC film (regular cellophane can be used) and regularly removing sprouting shoots.
  • Pre-sowing preparation includes the application of fertilizers. This is done 1-1.5 weeks before sowing.

Planting lawn seeds Source sadovyiy-dekor

  • Planting seeds is carried out according to the instructions indicated on the package. For convenience, divide the plot and seeds into 4 parts and plant each of them. You will achieve uniform planting by alternating the spreading method: half is planted in one direction, the other half in a perpendicular direction. Try not to step on planted areas.
  • Watering the future lawn is done with a watering can or hose with a fine-mesh nozzle.

Germination of the first shoots occurs 8-20 days after planting.


The most unusual option I can offer you is an arabesque, that is, a flowerbed made in the shape of some object. It could be a butterfly, a heart, the sun and much more. It will look impressive, but it will require a lot of time and money to implement. However, if you are ready for difficulties, feel free to get down to work!

Arabesque. The illustration for the article is used from the site 5-nt.ru

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