How to create a flowerbed of marigolds with your own hands: basic rules

A flowerbed is the most common element in the design of a summer cottage. It has the following features: a raised surface, a clear, most often geometric shape, a closed contour. It is customary to divide flower beds into regular and irregular. The former are characterized by strict geometric patterns and clear lines. Flowering of plants should be simultaneous and continuous. Beautiful regular flower beds can be made from marigolds, salvia, begonias, petunias, and tulips. Most often, they require a considerable area and are more suitable for parks with their large areas. But there are also chamber options that are quite appropriate in a country house or in a garden near a private house. Using simple patterns, you can make a stylish and original flower bed.

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Marigolds in all their variety

The homeland of marigolds is America. But they are so unpretentious that they live well in various conditions in almost all corners of the globe.

Marigolds are completely different. There are annuals and there are perennial varieties. They differ in the size of the flower and its color.

These plants can be tall (more than a meter) and erect with a separate, rather large flower, or they can be low-growing bushes, not reaching a height of 30 cm. Just look at the photo of marigolds - it’s a whole sea of ​​orange. For example, varieties Vinilla and Antigua look like real kings of marigolds.

They have such beautiful round inflorescences. True, growing them is somewhat more difficult than the varieties we are used to such as “rejected marigolds” (this is the variety that is most often planted in our flower beds in cities).

Marigolds received this Latin name in honor of the Etruscan demigod Tages, who was the grandson of Jupiter himself.

How to plant

There are several ways to plant marigolds. Flower seeds can be sown immediately in open ground, or seedlings can be grown first, or an already mature perennial can be transplanted.

Any of these methods will work, and marigolds will take root well with a minimum of care.

Let's start with the seeds. It is better to sow them directly into the ground in the first half of May, when the soil has already warmed up. They are planted like any other seeds: make a shallow groove, spill it with water, cover the seeds and cover with loose soil.

To make the seeds germinate faster, they can be pre-wetted and kept in a warm, damp place until sprouts appear.

Growing marigolds as seedlings is a little more difficult. You just need to consider the growing time of different varieties. Rare upright marigolds grow more slowly.

Such seeds need to be sown in a container in the first half of March. Low-growing varieties are best sown in April. When the first three leaves appear on the sprouts, the bushes can be pruned.

And after another two to three weeks, plant the seedlings in open ground. Throughout the growing of seedlings, marigolds need to be watered abundantly, but stagnation of water should not be allowed - the roots can easily rot.

And they are also useful

Oil infused with the petals of these flowers is good for burns. Marigolds contain lutein, an antioxidant that is included in almost all medications for improving vision.

If you want to see better, just add fresh petals to your salads. In folk medicine it is also a well-known remedy for joints.

A decoction of marigolds should be brewed and drunk by those who suffer from arthrosis. An infusion of dried petals is also used as a remedy for colds.

Interesting! To prevent infection with roundworms, children can be given several buds throughout the week. This remedy is simple and safe.

The only limitation for eating these flowers may be individual intolerance.

Marigolds can be used in cooking to add some flavor to dishes. For example, add a few flowers to the brine when pickling cucumbers - they will acquire some “spiciness”. Marigold petals can be added to baked goods. This will give your cake a rich golden color.

Characteristics of flowers and tips for their use in the flowerbed

All shades are divided into warm (yellow-red palette) and cold (violet-blue palette). Warm colors visually make the object more voluminous and seem to bring it closer, while cold colors, on the contrary, make it smaller and move away. This property can be actively used when creating the ideal flower garden.

Red is a very rich color and is considered cheerful and optimistic. But under the influence of bright sunlight, red objects “hurt” the eye and therefore appear flat. But in cloudy weather they become more expressive and deeper. Therefore, plants with red flowers and leaves are ideal for northern regions where there are often cloudy days in the summer.

Yellow, golden orange and lemon colors attract attention, create accents in the garden and lift the mood

They are able to color even a dark corner of a flower garden, but it is important not to overdo it with these shades, otherwise they will overshadow the neighboring plants

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Blue, violet and cyan shades give the flower garden depth and romance. The colors of the sea and sky perfectly relax and fill you with energy. These shades help relieve stress and irritability.

You also need to remember that blue and purple tones located in the background visually enlarge the flower garden. To achieve harmony, it is recommended to use yellow and red tones in the foreground. This will allow you to visually bring the distant plan closer.

42 plants with blue flowers A selection of the most attractive plants for a spectacular flower garden in blue tones.

White is also considered a romantic color. Moreover, it is universal and can be used in any flower beds. White helps tie together incompatible shades and make smooth transitions between them. In addition, white looks good in the shade, as well as in all corners of the site in the late evening. Gray and silver shades perform the same functions.

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All dark tones become invisible sooner than others, so they are not suitable for a flower bed near which you like to spend late evenings. It is better to plant white plants here.

Green color perfectly calms and smoothes out unevenness and sharp transitions. The more green shades there are in a flower garden (lawn, plants with large green leaves), the greater the number of tones (including contrasting ones) can be used, since green color muffles flashy shades.

The flowerbed should be dominated by blue, purple, white, pink and green tones. They will serve as a beautiful background. And saturated shades (red, orange, yellow) are best used sparingly (in small groups of plants). In addition, a very bright and contrasting spot of color (consisting, for example, of lemon, red, blue, crimson and orange flowers) should occur no more than once in the flower garden.

It is better to decorate a flower bed that you will admire from afar in contrasting shades, while landscape designers advise keeping a flower garden located, for example, near the house in the same color scheme. Monochrome gardens look great here.


A flower bed of perennials is often called a flower bed of continuous flowering, because from early spring until the snow it pleases with its variety of colors. And professional gardeners have a flower bed that blooms even in winter. And this is a clear advantage compared to annual flowering plants.

There are other positive characteristics and features:

  • The main thing is durability. In a few years, each plant will grow in such a way that old bushes can be removed completely painlessly and a new shoot will grow in their place next year.
  • Easy to care for: before planting, the soil is well fertilized and loosening agents (expanded clay, sand) are added; after planting, the plants are watered in a timely manner and weeds are removed.
  • Financial costs are about 1 thousand rubles per flowerbed for several years in advance. While seeds or seedlings of annual plants have to be purchased annually.
  • Perennials are considered gentle - they do not deplete the soil and do not require regular feeding.
  • Such plants are unpretentious - some of them will grow in the sun, others will be suitable for partial shade, the third will be suitable for shade, and the fourth will grow quietly in any amount of sun.
  • To create such a flower bed, there is no need to invite a landscape designer every year.

Winter Defender

Thanks to the positive experience of enthusiastic gardeners, there is hope for saving pine and fir trees, the branches of which we break off in the fall to protect the trunks of fruit trees from voles in the winter. It turns out that spruce branches can easily be replaced with tagetes shoots. To do this, they need to be tied to the base of the trunks of fruit crops in the same way - mice will not touch the bark of such fragrant trees.

Dry marigolds retain their aroma for a long time

Some summer residents mulch beds with bulbous plants with marigolds for the winter, protecting the plantings from voracious rodents. Others lay out dry tops of tagetes on the floor of a country house, barn, cellar - mice do not risk spending the winter in such fragrant rooms. Worth checking out! Is it really possible to reduce the endless expenses on rodent poisoning with the help of marigolds?!

Important aspects in creating

Beautiful flower beds

In order not to ruin all your work, at the stage of planning a flower garden you need to take into account several important distinctive features:

  • There should be an extensive list of plant species. From the first days of spring until the coldest weather, the flower garden will have a constantly blooming appearance
  • Plant more perennial varieties. These species require less attention to care and are not afraid of cold weather. For the next few years, you don’t have to worry about the design of the site, because the process of growing and blooming flowers will take place annually on its own. You just need to take care of the plants on time. They will grow very large every year
  • Opt for non-capricious plantings. They will have to coexist with each other, so they should not suffer from this. Unpretentiousness to the conditions will help them not feel discomfort
  • Large colored spots will add expressiveness to the overall picture. It is not advisable to plant flowers one by one, because... fragmentation of the composition, the predominance of small elements in it will only irritate the eyes. Plants that bloom at approximately the same time are best grouped together
  • The dimensions of the flowerbed should correspond to the general style of the site. If the area does not allow you to make a large flower bed, then the effect of constant flowering can be achieved by planting several small seasonal flower beds. The same option is suitable for areas where there is a large predominance of straight lines. The flower garden will not look very beautiful if you try to squeeze it into a strict framework

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The effect of flowers on insect pests

It has long been noted that if marigold bushes are planted next to plantings of vegetable and fruit crops, then there will not be a single pest on these crops. Flowers planted interspersed between rows or along the perimeter of the entire plot repel the grown plants from:

If you plant low-growing marigolds next to the potato planting or after 7-9 rows, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the potatoes. There will definitely not be a Colorado potato beetle on it.

Nematodes don't like their scent. These insects often infect beds with strawberries and victoria, and areas with potatoes. It is useful to plant flowers next to tomatoes and in their rows. A flower growing in a garden suppresses the development and spread of these pests at a distance of up to 60 cm. In a similar way, these crops can be protected from wireworms and weevils.

Marigolds will help save cucumbers from aphids. If these flowers are planted next to cucumber beds, they can deter the attacks of these insects. They will also drive away cabbage fly, cutworm, and onion fly from cabbage and onions.

The plant can protect other flowers from insects. Roses, phlox, and gladioli will grow and bloom well when low-growing marigolds grow next to them.

To enhance the effect of marigolds on soil pests, you can embed the crushed plant in the beds prepared for planting. Leave them in this state for a month, and only then plant any crop.

Advice! To disinfect beds in this way, marigolds should be grown as seedlings in advance in a greenhouse or on a windowsill. Moreover, the plant must bloom.

You can try a slightly different method of killing soil insects. In the fall, there is no need to remove plantings from the garden. It remains on the root until cultivation in the spring.

Advice! After planting flowers in the soil in this way, the vegetable crop must be planted immediately.

Perennial flowers

Despite the fact that perennials cannot boast of the ability to create new colors and combinations throughout the season like annual plants, many gardeners prefer them. They explain their choice for several reasons:

  • Perennial flowers are permanent residents of the flowerbed for several years, which relieves their owners from the worries and hassle of replanting them at the beginning of each summer season.
  • Almost all perennials are frost-resistant crops, and this property allows them to perfectly tolerate cold winters and frosts without creating any special conditions.
  • Perennials retain their decorative qualities throughout the entire summer season.

This type of flower crop grows well either completely alone or in combination with other species. Most often, perennials are used to create compositions in mixed flower beds, where they form their basis.

Growing flowers on your own plot that grow well for several years is quite a profitable activity, since it does not require a large investment. After all, you can plant several species and admire them for several years, and also create new flower arrangements based on them every year with the addition of other plants.

The entire variety of perennials can be divided into several groups depending on the height of flowering plants:


They are grown both as independent compositions (for example, at our dacha, against the backdrop of a green lawn, perennial asters and montbrecia grow in the corners of the flower beds in the center), and as decorations or backgrounds for mixborders. One of the brightest representatives of this group is the hollyhock (mallow), distinguished by its unusual bright inflorescences and decorative leaves, the “golden ball” (a variety of rudbeckia) and different varieties of dahlias.

Particularly popular among amateur flower growers are lupins, which are famous not only for their variety of colors, but also for their benefits. This plant has a very unusual root system, on which there are nodules with bacteria. Thanks to this, lupine has the ability to produce nitrogen directly from the surrounding air. Irises of different colors are not inferior to them, and sometimes surpass them in growth. Hibiscus is grown closer to the southern regions.

Another representative of tall perennials is meadowsweet, whose blooms are so bright and fluffy that they resemble clouds of various colors. This ornamental plant reaches a height of up to 1.5 meters, and grows well in shaded areas with high humidity. Meadowsweet looks especially impressive in mixed compositions, as well as as a solitaire plant.

A plant such as delphinium also looks gorgeous in a summer cottage, standing out among other flowers with its bright and unusual candle-shaped inflorescences. This perennial is very unpretentious to its growing conditions and feels great in one place for 8-10 years. Shaded areas of the dacha are also suitable for growing delphinium, but you can enjoy the full beauty of its inflorescences only in bright sunlight.

Medium height

The height of which does not exceed 80 cm.

In almost every dacha you can see one of the representatives of such perennial flowers - this is the daylily, which stands out for the variety of its colors, as well as its undemandingness to growing conditions.

Another picky flower is yarrow, which has several dozen varieties and delights its owners with abundant flowering throughout the summer season.

Such types of medium-sized perennial plants as peonies, cornflowers, paniculate phlox, Turkish carnation, rudbeckia, eschscholzia and others also look impressive in a summer cottage.

When planning a flowerbed of low-growing flowers on your site, you need to give preference not only to the abundance and diversity of species, but to try to make one harmonious composition out of them. Prominent representatives of this group are pansies, Chinese carnation, geranium, cinquefoil, oak sage, and dwarf phlox.

Marigolds - cultivation

To obtain strong and beautiful flowers, it is recommended to initially obtain seedlings at home, after which they are planted at the optimal time in open ground.

Important! The process of growing marigolds is considered such a simple job that even a novice gardener can handle it without any problems, and this is due to the unpretentiousness of the plants. Some owners of marigolds prefer to dig in flowering bushes, after which they are easily accepted, so they further delight the owners of the territory with bright and beautiful flowering

It is also possible to plant seeds directly in open ground, but this process is recommended to be carried out at the end of May, when the weather is good outside and frosts have completely stopped. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the soil is well warmed up

Some owners of marigolds prefer to dig in flowering bushes, after which they are easily accepted, so they further delight the owners of the territory with bright and beautiful flowering. It is also possible to plant seeds directly in open ground, but this process is recommended to be carried out at the end of May, when the weather is good outside and frosts have completely stopped.

Additionally, it is important to make sure that the soil is well warmed up

Planting seeds in open ground is carried out in the correct sequence of actions:

  • a furrow is created for plants, its depth being approximately 5 cm;
  • water the resulting furrow with a small amount of water;
  • marigold seeds are prepared, for which they are pre-soaked to determine which ones are of high quality and ready for planting;
  • then they are sown in a pre-made furrow;
  • sprinkle the seeds with soil and water them a little;
  • the first shoots appear within a few weeks;
  • if the sprouts are too dense, it is recommended to plant them to create a beautiful flower arrangement.

Thus, you can get beautiful and strong marigolds even from seeds planted in open ground, but this work can only be done in the warm season, when the ground is well warmed up and there are no night frosts.

Important! If there are marigolds on the territory, there will be no need to buy seeds next year, since they can easily be obtained from faded plants, for which the inflorescences are well dried, after which the seeds are extracted from the calyxes, which are stored until next year at home. If you want to get beautiful and blooming marigolds as early as possible, then it is advisable to grow strong seedlings at home, which are then planted in open ground

To do this, the basic rules of the process are taken into account:

If you want to get beautiful and blooming marigolds as early as possible, then it is advisable to grow strong seedlings at home, which are then planted in open ground. To do this, the basic rules of the process are taken into account:

it is advisable to plant marigold seeds to obtain seedlings as early as possible, namely in early spring, so that after planting in open ground, beautiful and lush flowering begins immediately; for planting, a high-quality mixture consisting of humus, sand, turf and peat is prepared, and it is also watered with a disinfectant solution of a fungicide; planting is carried out in containers of suitable size, on the bottom of which crushed stone or sand is laid to form a drainage layer, and its height should be approximately 3 cm; Organic fertilizers are applied to the soil, but it is not allowed to use fresh manure for this; grooves are made in the container, and the distance between them is left within 2 cm; marigold seeds are placed in them, which are then sprinkled with soil; watering should be careful, as a large amount of water can wash the seeds from the soil; The containers should be placed in a warm place in the house, and it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out; After about a week, the first sprouts of marigolds will appear, after which the containers are placed in a place where they will receive a lot of light, and the temperature should be within 18 degrees.

Thus, it is quite simple to obtain high-quality, strong and optimal seedlings.

Mixed plantings

Have you noticed how strong a specific aroma is inherent in marigolds? Powerful phytoncides, which are contained in all parts of this plant, do not bother pollinating insects at all, but, as it turned out, they are not to the liking of a variety of garden pests. According to experienced summer residents, it is enough to plant tagetes next to a crop that is regularly attacked by one or another harmful insect, and the enemy will be defeated.

Onions and carrots

I was inspired by publications that the aroma of tagetes is not tolerated by onion and carrot flies. Previously, to combat these pests, I tried to plant onions and carrots in the same bed: a row of onions, a row of carrots, etc. To be honest, this experiment did not impress me. A couple of weeks before harvesting, the onions needed to stop watering, and the moisture-loving carrots did not want to put up with such barbarity.

Carrots benefit from proximity to marigolds

Experienced gardeners say that these vegetables do not have to be tortured like this. It is enough to “layer” their separate beds with rows of marigolds, which will not allow the flies to approach the plantings within a cannon shot.

Cabbage and Co.

It turns out that this bright flower fights no less effectively against cutworm and white moth butterflies, which already begin to hover over the cabbage bed at the beginning of summer. The butterflies themselves are not as scary as their voracious offspring - the caterpillars, which turn cabbage leaves into a sieve in a matter of days. They say that if you plant marigolds between the rows of a cabbage plantation, you can force these winged villains to move to other regions to lay eggs.

It is necessary to check whether marigolds repel pests of cruciferous crops

Together with the cutworm and white flea beetle, the cruciferous flea beetle should also disappear. This jumper haunts me every season! Moreover, it harms not only cabbage, but also its other relatives - daikon, radish, turnip and the rest of the “cruciferous” brethren. I will definitely surround these crops with sunny marigolds in the coming season!


Have you heard that mixed plantings of marigolds and potatoes effectively repel the Colorado potato beetle? I recently read about this! To be honest, this is hard to believe. Our local Coloradoan certainly won't give up that easily. But you still need to try the marigold scent on him too. You never know!

Beautiful marigolds should be planted in a potato bed

Planting tagetes along the edges of a potato plantation is ineffective in this matter. But if you plant flowers mixed with vegetables (a row of marigolds, a row of potatoes), then there will be some benefit. I doubt that marigolds will scare away the pest; most likely, they will simply camouflage the potato plantings - the beetle will not smell or recognize it. Maybe some of the seven-dacha residents have already tried this method in action. I really want to get real feedback.

Garden strawberries

It is also believed that tagetes is a faithful assistant of garden strawberries in the fight against weevils. To get rid of the dirty bug, you just need to sow this bright flower in the rows of strawberry bushes in early spring or before winter. Is it really that simple?!

Tagetes protect strawberries

Currants and gooseberries

If you surround currant and gooseberry bushes with marigolds, the berries will no longer “ripen” suspiciously early on them. After all, berries turning red ahead of schedule are nothing more than the machinations of the larvae of the moth - a secretive and very malicious pest of these crops. I think the bushes will look very beautiful surrounded by bright tagetes. And if such beauty, in addition, plagues the fireweed, there will be no price for it!

Marigolds promise to protect berry gardens from moth

You can choose the seeds of these annual plants in our market, which unites large online stores. In the Marigold Seeds category you will surely find a suitable variety of flowers for your site.

Mono-beds from tagetes

Marigold flowerbeds can be arranged in any shape and size. After all, there is a whole series of low-growing border, tall, thin-leaved Chernobrivets with small, non-double flowers. In total there are about 60 species of this flower plant.

Tagetes are also called Chernobrivtsy because of the color of some of the species of these flowers. Thus, thin-leaved marigolds have inflorescences with a diameter of only 1.5-3 cm. And their petals can be painted in colors from pure yellow to dark brown with a lighter edging, similar to the edges, but not black at all.

Thin-leaved Tagetes species with medium-sized inflorescences have very dense, carved foliage. This combination gives these flowers a special decorative quality.

Thin-leaved marigolds are often combined with taller deviated tagetes. In the center of the flower bed, rejected black-browns with multiple inflorescences of different colors are planted in a thick carpet, and along the edge they create a border of thin-leaved plant species. These species bloom a little later than the rejected ones, so the border will first be formed by densely carved foliage.

Another version of the traditional flower garden is a round, oval or rectangular flower bed, which combines different colors of large-flowered erect black-browed flowers. The inflorescences of these species look like full double chrysanthemums. They have a yellow or orange color of varying intensity. Flowers of different colors can either be planted randomly or a color composition can be created from them. For example, plant plants with orange flowers in the center in the shape of a diamond, and occupy the rest of the space with light yellow flowers. Your imagination will suggest other options.

Beautiful flower beds of erect species of Chernobrivtsev can be created by alternating flowers of different colors and planting them in waves, stripes or groups of arbitrary shape.

Flower beds are also created from low-growing species of Chernobrivtsy in the form of some kind of ornament or design. But such compositions are arranged mainly in large city flower beds.

Infusion for spraying

Adherents of eco-farming use marigolds not only in mixed plantings, but also prepare a natural insecticidal infusion from the above-ground parts of the plants, which helps deal with aphids and leaf-eating caterpillars on trees. To do this, you need to chop 2 kg of freshly picked Tagetes shoots along with leaves and inflorescences, add 10 liters of water and let it brew for 2-3 days. Then you need to strain such a cocktail, add a couple of tablespoons of liquid soap to it (for sticking) and spray the damaged plants.

An insecticidal infusion can be prepared from marigolds

I once read about the interesting experience of a summer resident who pours marigold infusion into the holes in the beds before planting seedlings. This method, according to her, reliably protects the root system of young plants from the encroachments of mole crickets. I don’t remember the proportions, but I think the above recipe will also work.

Features of creating flower beds from marigolds

Flowering compositions from tagetes can differ in shape, size, purpose and style. To create decorative flower beds, you must be guided by the general principles of planting marigolds:

  • Flowers should be planted in a lighted area. In the shade, foliage will develop, not buds.
  • Place the bushes at a distance of 20 cm from each other to create space for developing shoots and provide equal access to sunlight.
  • Tall varieties should be planted in the background or in the center, shorter varieties of plants should be planted in the next tier. Dwarf species are planted along the edges.
  • Tagetes grow both in open flower beds and in container compositions with protected soil.

A flowerbed with annual marigolds is used in various style solutions for garden design. Bright tagetes look great in rocky flower beds, characteristic of the Japanese style. A variety of colors allows you to create strict geometric patterns and shapes. The combination with other flowers gives the flowerbed a casual landscape style. Planting annuals beautifully and creating a unique flower garden with your own hands is a feasible task for a passionate gardener.

Monoflowers from tagetes

The simplest type of flower garden consisting of marigolds is a monoflower. This fit can be round, elongated or strictly geometric. Each group of plants is called upon to perform its functions in a flowering composition.

The combination of varieties of contrasting colors allows you to create patterns in flower beds. An improvised sun made from flowers looks interesting. To do this, plant tagetes of yellow and orange colors in the shape of the sun. The space between the rays is filled with varieties with red, brown or variegated buds.

An oval or round flowerbed can be decorated using unpretentious annual marigolds of different heights. Tall varieties are planted in the center of the flower garden. Tagetes of medium height are placed towards the edges of the circle. The edges of the flower bed are decorated with miniature representatives of the species.

A small offset of the center gives the round flowerbed an original look. The planting pattern of different flowers in height is preserved. The choice of bud color depends on the gardener’s imagination and preferences.

Low-growing ones are mainly used to create geometric patterns or decorate borders. A marigold flower garden looks impressive in the middle of the lawn or along rocky paths. Miniature flowerbeds of tagetes in cascading containers allow you to enjoy the flowering of marigolds for several months.


It is quite easy to break a round monoflower bed. It can consist of regular concentric circles, then the center of the composition coincides with the center of the flowerbed. You can move it and get a traditional flower garden of an original design.

Floral design, options

The flower beds are one color. Varieties of marigolds.

  • Highs: “Solar Giants Orange”, “Sierra Orange”.
  • Middle: "Golden Giant".
  • Low: “Taishan F1 orange”, “Marvel orange”, “Apricot Primo”.
  • High: “Marie Helen”, “Yellow Solar Giants”.
  • Medium: “Citronenprince”, “Sierra yellow”, “Lemon giant”.
  • Low: “Taishan F1 yellow”, “Ekinoks yellow”, “Khokhloma yellow”, “Petit Gold”.

From these varieties you can create both a single-color and a combined flower bed.

The composition consisting of three flower beds looks interesting. They can be either at the same level or at different levels. Each flowerbed is populated with marigolds of the same color and height.

The following marigold varieties are suitable for the flowerbed:

  1. "Golden Giant";
  2. "Marvel F1 orange";
  3. “Honeycomb”, red with a brownish tint, or “Eskimo”, vanilla-white in color;
  4. Lawn.
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