Acute-flowered reed grass planting and care in open ground Growing from seeds Photos of varieties

Reed grass (from Latin Calamagrostis) is a perennial representative of herbaceous plants. The peculiarities and unpretentiousness of growing grass allow it to be grown in almost any conditions, including for decorating flower beds and garden plots. In addition to its decorative appearance, the culture has found its use in folk medicine as a useful plant with wide beneficial properties.

Botanical description

Reed grass is a perennial plant that grows as a grass. Modern botanists classify the plant as a member of the Poaceae family, but according to other sources, the grass belongs to the Poa family. The height of some individuals exceeds one and a half meters. The average length of the stems including panicles for different varieties is a meter. The plant is erect, growing in the form of several stems collected in small panicles. The appearance is inconspicuous, but when several bushes are planted, the grass begins to “play” with its colors of paniculate inflorescences.

The rhizome of the plant consists of branched small roots that are attached to the central root. The roots are creeping and are located, for the most part, in the surface layer of soil. In this way, tall stems receive enough moisture and nutrients. In addition, the rhizome helps the plant stay upright in strong winds and drafts.

Up to 30 erect stems emerge from the base of the rhizome. The shoots are thin and have a rough surface. The length of the shoots depends on the variety. The stem has a light green or brown color. Leaves grow densely over the entire surface of the stem.

The leaves are long and thin plates, gray-green in color. The foliage is attached to the plant at the base and has no petioles. The leaf blade is smooth, with a pointed end and smooth edges. Reed grass is decorative thanks to its leaves that glisten in the sun. The length of each sheet does not exceed a meter in length. As it grows, the foliage spreads out in different directions, bending back. Some species have erect leaves that grow upward. The leaves are colored rich green. In the middle of the leaf there is a central, clearly visible vein.

The flowering of a plant is not decorative. It blooms all summer with inconspicuous panicles with small branches. Inflorescences are located at the top of the shoots. Depending on the variety, the brushes can come in purple, pink, and purple hues. In autumn the flowers turn gray or silver. The length of the panicles is about 15-20 cm.

After flowering on the perennial, fruits—small brown grains—fall off along with the scales. Regardless of the variety, the life expectancy of reed grass is 4-5 years. Therefore, to maintain the life of the bush, it is regularly rejuvenated.

Subtleties of care

With proper care, this plant will be able to delight its owners with the beauty of its shapes and colors for many years. At the very beginning it should not be fed. In the first year, phalaris devotes all its energy to the development of roots, and therefore the above-ground part of the plant only slightly increases in size. To make the bush look thicker and more lush, you can trim the leaves to give it the desired shape.

At the end of the winter period, the leaves should be trimmed. It will be useful to know that canary grass does not require special conditions for wintering.

The plant is quite resistant to drought, but it still needs watering. If there is not enough moisture, the leaves may fade. To avoid this, you need to water the falaris with plenty of water once every 5 days. During the hot summer period, it is watered regularly once every 2-3 days to avoid drying out of the soil. We should also not forget that only adult specimens are drought-resistant.

Good conditions for the growth of canary grass are moist soils along the banks of reservoirs. Nevertheless, stagnation of moisture has a negative effect on the plant: putrefactive processes in the root system can begin, and its growth can also slow down. To avoid such consequences, a drainage system should be organized. In addition, it is also practiced to plant phalaris on sloping areas so that excess moisture drains and does not harm the roots.

This plant adapts to various types of soil and does not require fertilizing. If the soil is rocky or clayey, compost fertilizers should still be applied in a ratio of 50-80 g/m². It is not recommended to increase this proportion, as this can cause increased growth of rhizomes and a decrease in the resistance of stems.

If falaris is grown for seeds, it needs to be fed with fertilizers

The plant is very popular due to the fact that it has green leaves all year round. Pruning should be done every year in March, just before the onset of the growing season.

If the bush is annual, then it is pruned to create a lush and dense shape.

Considering that the roots of the plant spread to neighboring areas very quickly, the bush must be limited when planting. You can also build a fence using slate or garden tape.


In its natural environment, broom grows in temperate climate zones. The peculiarity of the plant is its unpretentiousness in growing it in any area - bolt, meadow or forest. Natural conditions allow reed grass to form plantations and dense thickets. Some grass varieties are native to the highlands in the tropical region.

The plant's habitat is the entire European part of the continent. The plant is not afraid of cold weather, so it is found in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. In Russia, reed grass grows almost everywhere. Some varieties grow in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and the Caucasus. For decorative purposes on the northern sides of flower beds and as a hedge and wind protection for other garden crops.

In landscape design


  1. Single and group plantings.
  2. Rockeries.
  3. By the lawns.
  4. Near bodies of water.

The plant is not aggressive, grows slowly but densely within the planting site. It looks great in almost any landscape composition; it may be inappropriate with refined garden flowers, but it often looks amazing with them. Looks great framed by lawns. Will decorate the autumn garden, dilute the heavy colors of chrysanthemums and asters. One of the most popular partners for reed grass is echinacea.

Good partners without any doubt (especially when it comes to creating a composition in humid partial shade):

  1. Bells (for example, the middle bell).
  2. Perennial garden geranium.
  3. Astrantia.
  4. Japanese anemone.
  5. Rogersia.
  6. Badan.
  7. Aquilegia.
  8. Hosts.
  9. Basil plants.

Veynik Overdam in the spring.

Veynik Overdam and phloxes.

The photo shows reed grass Overdam with sedum and blue spruce. There are dogwood bushes in the background.

Reeds are also decorative in winter.

Overdam in container culture.


Veinik has more than 300 varieties, of which only a few dozen have a decorative purpose. Depending on the variety, the perennial has features and differences in appearance.

Reed calamagrostis acutiflora

One of the popular and widespread types of reed grass. Prevails throughout the entire territory of the former USSR. The grass has a creeping rhizome located in the top layer of soil. The plant is erect, forming dense thickets and turf. Reed grass blooms at the end of June, and its flowering continues until late autumn. The plant blooms with golden panicles, forming a spectacular combination of green leaves and yellow tassels. The leaves of the variety are bright, long, hanging down.

The plant is unpretentious in cultivation and easily tolerates both dry and wet seasons. In addition, the variety easily gets along in clay soil. Since the grass does not grow underground roots, it is less aggressive to the soil.

Reed grass karl foester

A variety descended from a previous representative. The variety grows as a golden grass with its leaves wide open. A large number of stems and leaves form a spreading shrub that effectively fills the space in a flowerbed or garden. The height of the bushes can exceed one and a half meters, so the plant is often used as decoration for house paths.

It blooms at the end of July, when panicles 30 cm or more long form at the ends of the shoots. The grass prefers sunny places, but one also gets along well in shady areas. Depending on the amount of incoming light, the length of the panicles decreases. As they grow, the inflorescences gradually change color from pinkish to brown, and then to a bright golden color. In the absence of windy weather, the plant retains its decorative effect all winter. In spring, the plant is pruned to produce new flowers.

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Reed reed overdam

A short representative of reed grass. The height of the bushes is about a meter. A special feature of the variety is the presence of white stripes on the foliage, which are located longitudinally and create an unusual appearance for the bushes. The plant has erect, weak stems that quickly break in windy weather. Therefore, when grown in decorative conditions, reed grass is planted in places where the wind does not reach.

As it grows, the variety forms small bushes in the form of small hummocks. The plant combines effectively with bright and large pink inflorescences. By the onset of September, the crop acquires a golden hue, which persists until the end of frost. The grass easily tolerates frost and hot seasons, and can grow in the shade and in the sun. The variety grows and reproduces quickly, so even after flowering, the shrub quickly produces new buds.

Ground reed grass

A popular plant that lives both in natural conditions and in the form of cultivated grass. The variety can be found in fields and meadows of temperate climates. In European forests, ground reed grass is considered a weed that poses a problem for forest restoration.

The height of the bushes is from 80 cm to one and a half meters. The plant has a long creeping rhizome that helps keep the crop upright. The variety grows quickly, so even a small shoot of the root can give birth to a new bush. The plant is difficult to hatch.

A special feature of the variety is its dense stems, which have a ribbed, rough surface and two nodes spaced in different directions. Spreading gray-green leaves appear on the surface of the stem. The leaf plate is smooth. Compared to other varieties, ground reed grass has wide leaves that are more than a centimeter wide.

Ground reed grass blooms with panicles in the form of long spikelets. About 30 panicles, up to 25 cm long, are formed simultaneously on one plant. Flowering occurs in July, when purple fluffy brushes appear at the ends of the shoots.

Purple reed grass

A perennial representative, the main distribution of which is in the Far East and Siberia. Small shrubs up to 1 meter high. The variety blooms in July August. It is a crop with bright green foliage, spreading in different directions. The leaves are even and smooth, elongated. The length of each sheet reaches a meter, and the width does not exceed a centimeter.

A distinctive feature of the culture is the presence of purple or bright pink panicles, which give the plant an unusual appearance. Due to its characteristics, the plant is often used for decorative purposes. Purple reed grass predominates in humid regions with nutrient-dense soils. Prefers sunny and semi-shaded places. A feature of purple reed grass is that some varieties freeze out. In addition, all individuals do not tolerate winter well. Therefore, when cultivated for this variety, additional insulation is created for the winter.


Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) is native to Southern Canada, USA.
In nature, it grows in open lands, in sparse forests, and in saline swamps. Winter hardiness (according to USDA) corresponds to zones 4-9. Switchgrass millet in autumn This is a dense rhizomatous deciduous grass up to 1 m high and 0.75 m wide. The leaves are linear, from gray-blue to green, in autumn - from golden yellow to dark burgundy. Spreading pink or reddish inflorescences are collected in wide panicles 50 cm long. Blooms in August. There are many varieties in cultivation. In our catalog, which combines the offers of many large garden online stores, you can find seeds and seedlings of various types and varieties of decorative millet. View a selection of decorative millet planting material.

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Growing reed grass does not involve any special costs or rules. The plant is unpretentious, so it germinates easily in almost all conditions. To obtain an ornamental bush that pleases the eye for a long time, create comfortable conditions necessary for long-term flowering. Full development of reed grass is ensured if the grass is grown in fertile soils saturated with nutrients.

Growing is possible both as single plantings and in group species. If several species are grown at the same time, a distance must be maintained between the bushes. This is due to the fact that the plant quickly crosses and hatches. When growing reed grass, take into account that shrubs intended for decoration and cultivated varieties do not reproduce using seeds.

The plant is grown in sunny or shady places. Caring for reed grass consists of infrequent watering and eliminating weeds around the bush. Therefore, for normal grass growth, it is watered with a moderate amount of water. To prevent root rot and mold formation, maintain good soil drainage during cultivation.

If the reed grass is planted in poor or clayey soil, as well as in soil lacking nutrients, fertilizers and minerals are regularly added to the soil. In winter, the plant does not require additional shelter, since it easily tolerates frost.


Since planting material has a fairly short shelf life, you need to ensure its suitability before purchasing grass. A crop planted in autumn does not require additional conditions or soil fertilization. While planting reed grass in the spring requires soil preparation.

Before planting, in the spring, regular tillage and watering of the soil is carried out for a month and a half. In addition, fertilizer and mineral composition are applied to the soil several times. Before planting, weeds are removed around the hole. The soil should be drained and loose.

When planting seeds in the soil, the planting material is planted shallowly in the soil and pressed firmly with earth. The best way to grow reed grass is to plant seedlings in open ground, which are previously grown at home in containers.

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Features and difficulties of care

Reed grass grows quickly, which is taken into account when planting in garden conditions. Culture requires the installation of restrictions that do not allow the grass to grow wider. As the bush grows, it must be divided. In this way, the spreading nature of the bush is removed and the variety is rejuvenated.

It is important to understand that reed grass is a cold-season plant. Active grass growth occurs in winter and autumn. Therefore, do not be alarmed if the bush has stopped growing in summer and spring.

Since the plant is able to maintain its decorative properties in winter, pruning of old foliage is carried out in the fall, before the buds of new leaves appear. To preserve the decorative appearance of the bush, pruning is carried out in early April. At the same time, the remains of old foliage and shoots are cut off from the plant.

When growing reed grass, you may encounter a problem such as rust. To eliminate the disease, the plant is watered abundantly with fungicidal solutions. The plant is no longer exposed to any diseases.

Secrets of success

Veinik is light-loving and shade-tolerant at the same time. That is, the plant feels quite comfortable in well-lit areas and in partial shade.

The plant tolerates prolonged drought and prolonged waterlogging equally painlessly. However, it is better to protect Veynik from such collisions. In the absence of natural precipitation for a long time, it is recommended to carry out regular moderate watering in summer.

Veinik planted in fertile soil does not need fertilizing. If the soil is depleted, then during the growing season it will not hurt to apply complex mineral fertilizers 2-3 times.

The undoubted advantages of Veinik include frost resistance. The plant overwinters without shelter.


Veynik is not afraid of any frost. Therefore, to preserve the species, no special conditions or preparation are required. In the fall, after flowering has ended and the grains have dropped, the plant independently prepares for a dormant period. Flowers and leaves dry out and become bright golden. In the absence of winds, the reed grass can survive in this state all winter. With the onset of spring, in mid-April, stems and dry leaves are removed by cutting 15-20 cm from the ground. In this way, the reed grass is stimulated to new growth and flowering and is rejuvenated.

After planting the seeds in the autumn, more comfortable living conditions are created for the seeds. To do this, in the winter the sowing site is covered with a layer of spruce branches or dry foliage. Thus, the viability of young plants is preserved.

How to care for reed grass

Regular watering will be required until mid-summer, while the stems are actively growing. Then it is not necessary to water; the plant can tolerate drought.

In very hot weather (even with watering), the leaves dry out, making it difficult for air to circulate. Bushes can be affected by rust. Cut off the dry leaves; the flowering stems can be left untouched. The leaves will grow by autumn.

The plant's winter hardiness is high - in temperate conditions, shelter for the winter is not required. If a harsh snowless winter is expected, sprinkle with dry leaves or cover with spruce branches.


Since adult individuals live only a few years, it is necessary to take care of plant propagation in advance in order to preserve the culture. For propagation, methods such as seed propagation and bush division are used.

Propagation by seeds

In its natural habitat, the main reproduction of reed grass is by seed. Thus, the plant grows quickly and creates plantations in some regions. In addition, the rapid propagation of reed grass using seeds leads to the fact that the crop harms another ecosystem. Weeds that grass produces are difficult to remove and interfere with the natural development and growth of plantings in forests and parks.

For seed propagation, you should choose fresh grains, since they cannot be stored for a long time. Sowing is carried out both in open and closed ground. In the first case, the plant is planted in prepared, well-drained soil with plenty of nutrients.

Planting seeds in open ground is carried out both in spring and autumn. In the second case, the plant takes root faster, since the main development of reed grass occurs in the cold season. The seeds are planted in moist soil, then covered with additional protective equipment and left to overwinter. Shoots appear in spring. If sown in spring, germination and flowering will begin only after a year.

In the spring, for seedlings to emerge, it is better to plant seedlings in open ground. To do this, the seeds are planted in small containers with high-quality soil at the end of spring. Containers are placed in a moist, cool environment where there is enough light for the plant. If the seeds are in normal condition, seedlings appear within 10-14 days. With the onset of constant warmth, plants are planted in open soil.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Cultivated and garden varieties can only be propagated by dividing the bush. The seeds do not have time to ripen, which means they do not carry value. For propagation and rejuvenation of adult individuals, the bush is divided and reduced in size. Breeding is carried out in April, before the leaves begin to appear.

To breed reed grass, adults are dug out of the soil, and the roots are carefully cleaned of soil residues. The bush is divided into several parts. Ready seedlings are planted in a permanent habitat, in open ground. After planting, the soil is watered and loosened. For active growth, loose, well-drained soil and an optimal ratio of nutrients are provided around the seedlings.


On February 19, 1969, the Literaturnaya Gazeta published an article by a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences from the Institute of Chemical Physics. N. N. Semenov of the USSR Academy of Sciences A. S. Kompaneitsa entitled “Protecting, not pulling away!” with a sharp attack against the Ministry of Higher Education of the BSSR. The article about the theory of A. I. Veinik says that these are “chimeras of ignorance”, “muddy streams of nonsense.”

In April 1969, the journal “Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk” published an article by L.P. Pitaevsky and I.M. Khalatnikov “The First Hammer” about A.I. Veinik, dedicated to his textbook “Thermodynamics” (3rd edition), which said: “ The most amazing thing is that this medieval scholastic nonsense was published in 15,000 copies and was recommended by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the BSSR as a textbook for students of universities, technical and pedagogical universities.”

Diseases and pests

Reed is an unpretentious plant that is not afraid of pests and diseases. The only dangerous condition that harms the crop is rust. The problem can be eliminated by treating the grass with weak fungicidal solutions.

Despite the fact that reed grass easily tolerates both drought and humid environments, sudden temperature changes can harm the young plant. In some cases, the roots may rot due to prolonged humidity and stagnation of water. In this case, the culture is transplanted to a more comfortable and bright place.

Acute-flowered reed grass in the garden

For growing in the garden, tall and erect varieties are used, which are difficult to propagate by seed. In this way, gardeners prevent strong growth and wilding of the crop. In garden conditions, reed grass is used as a base and background for other, lower flowers.

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In garden conditions, reed grass is planted mainly in several pieces. Thus, a flowerbed of different varieties forms an unusual “field” of cereals, shining in the sun and swaying in the wind. When planting in the garden, grass can be used to create different styles of decoration. For example, culture encompassing a square flower bed fits into modernism.

When planting in the garden, reed grass is planted next to ground cover plants, forming a dense canvas on the ground and creating a decorative appearance. Low-growing varieties of grass are planted against the background of other, taller shrubs growing vertically.

In garden crops, reed grass is combined and often coexists with such crops as sage, Kermek, dahlias, rudbeckia, peony asters and knotweed. In addition, grass is used to pave paths in parks and local areas.

Veinik: tips for propagating herbaceous plants in open ground

To independently grow young bushes of steppe reeds, it is recommended to carry out seed and vegetative propagation. The last option involves dividing the overgrown turf.

Reproduction of reed grass by dividing the bush.

This method is suitable for both basic species and varietal firewort plants. This is because the varietal forms do not set seeds, so the panicles are barren. The best time for such reproduction is spring or autumn, when the reed grass is actively growing. But it has been noticed that the earlier the planting is carried out, the faster the plant will develop in a new place.

To divide the bush, it is recommended to separate a part using a sharpened shovel, but the plant itself is not removed from the soil. A piece of reed grass can have different sizes, but it is recommended that it has part of the rhizome and stems coming from it. After the division is separated, a quick transplant is carried out to a pre-prepared place in the garden according to the rules of primary planting. It is better to leave approximately 0.6–0.8 m between seedlings.

Reproduction of reed grass using seeds.

It is noted that the seed material has rather low germination rates, so when purchasing them in flower shops, it is recommended to look at the packaging date. Sowing can be done both in winter and early spring. Sow seeds in pots and seedling boxes or directly at the growing site. After sowing, the seedlings will not take long to appear and appear quite amicably. To prevent the root system of seedlings from being injured, diving is not carried out. To move to a permanent place of growth, reed seedlings are simply transferred from the seedling box to a prepared hole in the ground so that the earthen ball does not collapse.

When sowing in winter, they also try to place the seeds in a heap in the holes. To make it more convenient, you can use a seedling box or pot in which the seeds are sown and buried in the flowerbed. This will also serve to limit the growth of the rhizome or to easily move the emerging seedlings to a new place where they will grow permanently. If spring sowing is carried out, then you will need to perform stratification for a month and a half at a temperature of 0–5 degrees, for example, put the seeds in the refrigerator on a vegetable shelf.

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Chemical composition

Reed grass is not only widely used as a decoration method. The chemical composition of the plant allows it to be used as a medicinal plant. The basis of the beneficial properties of reed grass are substances such as:

  • Resins;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Tannins;
  • Glycosides;
  • Essential oil;
  • Various acids;
  • Steroids; saponins;
  • Carotene.

The herb also contains substances such as flavonoids and ascorbic acid. The chemical composition of the crop allows the plant to be widely used in folk medicine.

Medicinal properties and uses

Reed is not a plant used in traditional medicine, since the plant contains toxic compounds. However, a large number of beneficial properties allow the culture to be used in folk medicine. Thus, reed grass can relieve inflammation, eliminate irritation and itching. In addition, a decoction based on the roots of the herb is used as a disinfectant.

The use of reed grass in the treatment of urolithiasis is due to the high diuretic effect provided by a decoction of the roots of the herb. Decoctions and infusions of reed leaves help cope with diseases of the respiratory system. This is due to the high expectorant effect of the culture.

Reed grass is used not only in folk medicine. Long creeping roots allow sandstones to be strengthened. Therefore, the crop is often planted in places where it is necessary to strengthen the sandy soil or embankment. It is known to use reed grass to strengthen mines around which perennials were planted.

Beneficial features

In folk medicine, reed grass is used in the form of an infusion of rhizomes and young shoots. It is recommended to be used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Also, decoctions from the roots of ground reed grass are used in the treatment of urinary tract diseases that have caused infections, as it has diuretic and disinfectant properties.

Roots and shoots are prepared in the fall, or as early as possible in the spring. The shoots are washed, sorted and laid out on a flat surface in a thin layer in a well-ventilated place. It is good to use an attic or shed for drying. From time to time, raw materials must be turned over to prevent mold from forming. Once the grass is thoroughly dry, it is placed in fabric bags. In this form, raw materials can be stored for up to two years.

When harvesting roots, they are thoroughly washed and placed in a drying chamber.

It is important to maintain the drying temperature within 45-50 degrees, which will ensure the quality of the product. Rhizomes dried in this way are stored in paper bags in a well-ventilated room. They retain their value only for a year, after which they become useless

They retain their value only for a year, after which they become useless.

A useful property of reed grass will be the strengthening of sandy soils on embankments and mines. And all because the grass has a powerful and long root that can hold the soil, adapts well and grows quickly. That's why it is planted in such areas.

In addition, ground reed grass is specially grown in personal plots in order to later be used as a decorative element in the preparation of winter bouquets of dry herbs. It fits perfectly into the composition of the landscape design of the site.

When you should not use reed-based preparations

Since reed grass is not recognized by traditional medicine, independent use of the herb can lead to a worsening of the patient’s condition. Therefore, the herb is used only as an additional remedy that does not replace the main therapeutic measures.

You cannot use infusions and decoctions during pregnancy. In addition, the restriction on the use of the culture is the period of breastfeeding. Medicines containing reed grass should not be used to treat diseases in children under 14 years of age. In addition, the main limitation to the use of the culture in folk medicine is an allergy to the herb and its components.

Preparation and collection of ground reed grass

The roots and shoots of reed grass are used as a folk remedy. The procurement of raw materials occurs in early summer or late spring, when the plant is just producing young shoots.

When preparing reed grass, take into account the characteristics of the shrub and the duration of its drying, which depends on the part of the plant. After cutting and collecting the necessary material, the preparations are laid out in a thin layer over a wide surface. It is necessary to dry the shoots in an open, well-ventilated room or attic. You can dry the plant in special dryers or ovens at 30 degrees. During drying, the material is constantly stirred and turned over, creating the optimal amount of air on each side. After complete drying, the harvested shoots are collected and stored in paper bags or cardboard boxes in a dry place.

Harvesting rhizomes is more troublesome than drying shoots. Before drying, you should clean the roots from the soil and rinse them in cold water. The rhizome must be dried in ovens or special dryers at a temperature of no more than 45 degrees. Prepared materials must be stored in fabric bags. The maximum shelf life of dry reed grass does not exceed two years, after which the plant loses its beneficial properties.

Where to get planting material

Seeds of reed grass can be freely purchased in specialized stores or ordered by mail. Rhizomes or ready-made cuttings in containers can be purchased in the spring at garden centers and nurseries. It is worth remembering to carefully transfer the plant from the container to the planting hole, without destroying the earthen clod.

Wild forms of reed grass grow in fields and on the edges of our forests; the plant can be dug up there. However, you need to remember that wild grasses are quite aggressive and can quickly fill the entire garden space. If you plant them in a flower garden, then only limit the growth of the roots by digging them into the ground around a strip of iron.

Veinik is not demanding in terms of care and does not require feeding. It is enough to fill the planting hole with humus or compost, and in the spring, after the snow melts, mulch the plantings with a small layer of humus.

Harm of reed grass

Despite the fact that reed grass has a large number of properties, the plant is quite aggressive towards other crops. In its natural environment, grass grows quickly and becomes an obstacle to the cultivation of other crops. Reed grass quickly displaces low-growing plants, filling the space with its roots and leaves. Dense roots and a large amount of greenery leads to the fact that the grass takes all the moisture from the soil. Neighboring plants wither from lack of nutrients.

The perennial harms plants not only in summer, but also in spring. The plant retains snow for a long time, thereby the grass gets wet and begins to rot. And the structure of the perennial allows various rodents to settle in its roots, spoiling neighboring crops. In the forest steppe, the plant quickly fills clearings, preventing new trees and bushes from growing.

The main danger of wild reed grass is its high fire hazard. Extended exposure to crops of dry shoots and leaves often causes the grass to catch fire and lead to fires.


The Latin name is found in Dioscorides, derived from two words of Greek origin kalamos

, denoting reed and agrostis

- bentgrass, which indicates the intermediate position of the plant between reed and bentgrass.

Scientific name synonyms: Achaeta E.Fourn., Amagris Raf., Ancistrochloa Honda, Anisachne Keng, Athernotus Dulac, Aulacolepis Hack., Chamaecalamus Meyen, Cinnagrostis Griseb., Neoaulacolepis Rauschert, Pteropodium Steud., Sclerodeyeuxia Pilg., Stilpnophleum Nevski, Stylagrostis M ez .

Dialectal names of species: belograss (Astrakh.), Viynik (Little Russian), Zharovets (Kostr.), Steppe reed (Kherson), Kunisnik (Ukrainian), Kunyak (Kostr.), Kunyak (Ekaterin.), Broom (Kostr. .), forest broom (Smolen.), broom (Yarosl., Penz.), perepolevitsa (Mogil.), firewoman (Orl., Chernigov.), dry wood (Kostr.), chapolot, chapoloch (Khers.), steppe chapolitsa (Ekaterin.), chapuga, chapula (Little Russian)

Calamagrostis stricta

Bilder ur Nordens Flora by
K. A. M. Lindmann , 1917–1926

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