Indoor flower hare ears: care, description and photo

One of the most unusual plants, indispensable in creating delightful flower arrangements, is the hare's ear flower. The leaves of the charming plant have a fluffy white-gray coating, which is why they resemble soft animal ears. Sometimes the flower is called sheep's or ram's ears. The botanical name of the original culture is woolly or Byzantine. This is an ornamental perennial from the Lamiaceae family, which naturally lives in coniferous and mixed forests. An unpretentious flower is a welcome guest at any summer cottage. The decorative appearance of the flower allows you to create magical compositions, where the chickweed looks like a silver fluffy carpet against the backdrop of bright and colorful plants. Woolen bushes not only decorate household plots, but are also grown to obtain a medicinal crop, since the healing properties of hare's ears are widely used in folk medicine.

Woolly chistets: growing from seeds

This flower is mainly grown from seeds.
The best time to sow seeds for seedlings is March. In less than 3 weeks the first shoots will appear. A young plant is slightly different from an adult. Its leaves are not at all fuzzy, which is why at first many gardeners may think that they have mixed up the seeds. Around the end of May, when the seedlings of the crop have grown and become stronger, they can already be planted in open ground. We should not forget that the soil lump on the flower should under no circumstances be destroyed.

The chist exhibits all its amazingness and charm in an open and abundantly sunlit area. After some time, the leaves of the crop begin to gradually become pubescent, acquiring their natural appearance and silver color. By the end of the summer period, you can already see a real living carpet in the garden, which will not lose its beauty even in winter. The plant can withstand frost remarkably well and looks very unusual against the background of snow.

Those who want to grow something original and very unusual in their garden can safely plant a magnificent flower - the woolly chickweed. Planting and caring for such a marvelous crop will not be difficult, but will bring great pleasure to gardeners.

Chistets is a decorative perennial

with leaves that look like furry ears. Because of these cute leaves, the plant has received many names - rabbit ears, sheep ears, lamb ears, donkey ears and even bear ears...

The leaf, indeed, is very reminiscent of the soft and gentle ear of an animal. There are other names for this plant - stachys



Chistets are loved for their original appearance, beautiful flowering with a delicate aroma and ease of cultivation. It remains decorative until late autumn, so this plant can often be found in gardens, parks, lawns, etc.

It can decorate flower beds and is perfect for mixed borders, rockeries and alpine slides.

The use of stachis in landscape design

Bride and groom flower: description, care, photo
Hairy plants add coziness and a special flavor to landscape design, their fleshy leaves close tightly and cover the soil. And the unusual silver color allows you to create contrasting compositions with other plants.

Stachys looks advantageous in the vicinity of a two-colored cross or cherry, it gets along well and beautifully sets off lavender, ageratum, Carpathian bellflower, etc. Bright orange marigolds look good against the silver background of a stachys carpet. The contrast of structures - whitish fluffy and glossy green - plays with compositions with deciduous ornamental plants - cypress spurge and mantle.

Woolly chistets are ideal for carpet planting, as well as borders in flower beds and flower beds. Stachys is indispensable on alpine hills and rock gardens, because it not only perfectly shades the stones, but is also not capricious to the composition of the soil and lighting. It should be remembered that stachys should not be planted too close to stones, because it can cover them as it grows.

Combined landing of stakhis

Cut flower stems of stachys will decorate and add originality to any bouquet. You just want to touch the dense, velvety leaves with silver fibers, and their cozy appearance will make the bouquet lush and colorful.

Chistets is a plant thanks to which, with little effort, you can get the most beautiful look of a silver carpet, decorate paths with a narrow planting, or visually divide flower beds.

Landscape designers widely use monochromatic plants for delightful garden compositions, and among them is the woolly plant. Planting bushes and caring for them is hassle-free. Groups of plants create a silvery fluffy mat - the perfect soft backdrop for bright floral soloists.

Chistets, or Stachys, belongs to the Lamiaceae family, which has hundreds of species. Natural habitats are the Balkans and Asia Minor. The most famous in culture is the herbaceous woolly chickweed, or Byzantine. Because of the densely pubescent leaves, the plant is called rabbit's or sheep's ear. Cute fleecy bushes not only bring aesthetic pleasure, but are also widely used in folk medicine.


An ornamental deciduous plant of the Gesneriev family is popular among plant growers due to its unpretentiousness and bright beauty of the leaves. About the latter I would like to say that they are beautiful because of their velvety surface, interesting color, pearlescent tint and veins. By the way, small flowers only emphasize the beauty of the leaves and are also worthy of attention.

It is best to place a pot of Episcia on an eastern or western windowsill because it does not tolerate direct sunlight, but without light the beauty of its leaves will fade. Soft diffused light is what you need.


Protea flower photo and description, cultivation and care

Hare's ears are an indoor flower that is unpretentious. You can fertilize it from time to time with complex fertilizer for indoor flowers. But the plant will develop quite well without performing this procedure. Organic fertilizers are contraindicated for hemanthus.

Water the hare's ear flower sparingly. If water stagnates, the bulb may dry out. However, it is not advisable to allow the soil in the pot to dry out.

Trim the hare's ear flower, the care of which is extremely simple, removing dried leaves as necessary. The peduncle must also be removed after the ovary has formed. Over time, it will die off on its own, but is capable of spoiling the appearance of the hemanthus for a long time. This plant also does not require spraying. The usual 60% humidity for city apartments is quite enough for him. The only thing is that it is necessary to provide the plant with abundant diffused sunlight. It is best to place the flower on the window on the west side of the apartment. On warm days, it is advisable to take the plant out onto the balcony or into the garden. In this case, it must be placed in partial shade. Hemanthus should not be left in the sun. Otherwise, burns will appear on its leaves.

For the winter, the hare's ear flower, a photo of which you can see on the page, should be placed in a room with an air temperature of about 15 degrees. However, this plant tolerates a dormant period well even if it is simply shaded. Watering in cold weather is reduced. The lump should remain almost dry.

Columnea hairy

The ampelous plant is distinguished by long hanging shoots. At home, the columna looks very elegant and exotic. The bright red and orange fuzzy flowers are of interest. Belongs to the Gesneriev family. Requires full diffuse lighting. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, but watering should be moderate.

Columnea needs high air humidity; in this matter it is very sensitive. Without the necessary moisture, it will grow and bloom poorly. It is recommended to place the pot with the plant next to the aquariums, place the pot on a tray with expanded clay and water, and use a humidifier.

Features of cultivation and care

Autumn colchicum flower: description, photo, planting and care

Chistets is a fairly unpretentious plant, practically not susceptible to diseases or pests. It grows well in sunny areas - it does not fade or dry out, and also easily tolerates partial shade. Except that the leaves of plants grown in open areas will be a little larger and silverier.

It is also undemanding to soil composition and can take root in sandy and rocky areas. Ideally, the soil for planting chistets is preferably neutral or alkaline, with a good drainage system. The only thing to which the stachis is very sensitive is stagnation of moisture, so the plant does not need watering unless absolutely necessary, but during very dry periods the soil should be moderately moistened, otherwise the stachis will shed its leaves.

The chickweed can remain in one place for several years, but over time the middle of the bush ages and becomes bald, the leaves continue to grow along the edges, and activity shifts to the periphery. Therefore, once every 3-4 years the bush should be dug up and replanted in loose, fertilized soil, or young bushes should be planted in the center. Rotted compost is suitable as a fertilizer and is applied once a season.

Flowering does not add decorative value to the woolly chickweed

Caring for the chistets also involves trimming shoots that spread beyond the decorative frames. Inflorescences are also trimmed before they form buds to prevent self-seeding. In addition, removing flower stalks helps new shoots get stronger, which increases the density of the silver carpet. And one more argument - the flowers of stachys are inconspicuous and therefore undecorative, the peduncles are very tall and the flowerbed with them looks untidy.

Chistets tolerate winter well; insulation of the soil surface with spruce branches is required only in very severe and long frosts. The only threat is waterlogging in the event of a prolonged spring. The plant runs the risk of rotting and falling out.

Chistets Byzantine is easily propagated by rosettes

Cute stachys plant: popular types

Biologists count over 300 varieties of bluish-green “shaggy” crop. However, not everyone has gained popularity. About 10 names are used in gardening. Let's get to know some of them.

Chistets Woolly

The plant is distinguished by the bizarre shape of its leaf plates, covered with small fibers. It easily tolerates frost and spring temperature changes. Blooms all summer long. The buds are purple or deep pink.

Popular varieties:

  • "Primrose Heron" (green-yellow foliage);
  • “Cotton Boll” (inflorescences consist of large buds);
  • “Silver Carpet” (no flower stalks, reminiscent of ground cover crops);
  • “Big Ears” (plate length about 25 cm).

The exquisite plant “Stachis Woolly” is ideal for decorating the territory of a country house. Low-growing varieties are planted along the edges of garden paths. Tall shrubs fit into the landscape of alpine hills.

Stachys grandiflora

The perennial grows up to 30 cm. The plates are round or heart-shaped. Erect peduncles reach half a meter in height. The false ear is decorated with large buds.

Famous varieties:

  • "Alba" (snow-white petals);
  • "Superba" (red or pale pink buds).

The crop is often grown in city flower beds. In summer cottages they are planted next to the fence or at the entrance to the residence.

Chinese artichoke (Siebold's cleaner)

The variety is a vegetable crop. Stachys tubers, which are formed in the root system, are used for cooking. Outwardly, they look like miniature mother-of-pearl shells with a spiral shape. The maximum weight of one fruit is about 10 g. The above-ground part of the plant grows up to 70 cm. The buds are colored deep pink. The most popular varieties: “Barrel” and “Shell”.

In China, Europe and Asia, artichokes are consumed not only raw, but also:

  • marinate;
  • dried;
  • boil;
  • fried.

Leaf blades are added to salads. Hot drinks are prepared. For example, they cook it for only 7 minutes. And they are pickled according to the same recipe as cucumbers. Dill, garlic and spices are added to the brine.

Varieties of Stachys woolly with photos and names

Chistets Byzantine variety Helen Von Stein photo

The Helen Von Stein variety is distinguished by large fluffy leaves with a velvety surface; during the flowering season it does not lose its decorative effect: bluish woolly shoots with flowers stand out effectively against the background of their brighter neighbors.

Stachys byzantina 'Big Ears' photo

Big Ears is a low plant with hairy leaves up to 25 cm long.

Sheila Macqueen and Silver Carpet are compact bushes about 15 cm high. Both varieties do not bloom; when planted densely, they create a ground cover effect.

Woolly Chick Stachys byzantina Cotton Ball photo

Cotton Ball – perhaps you shouldn’t pick off the flowers, since the inflorescences look like cotton bolls.

Chistets Byzantine Stachys byzantina 'Striped Phantom' photo with other flowers

Striped Phantom - leaves with white longitudinal stripes, flowers of a bright yellow hue.

Appearance of the flower

Monilaria is a miniature succulent with short light brown strong stems. As the plant develops, one green, rounded leaf with a slot in the middle first appears at the top of the stem. Next, two more light green leaves, about 6 cm long, develop from the center of the slot. This is how charming “bunnies” are formed in the pot.

Among other things, monilaria, like cacti and many other succulents, is capable of blooming. In summer, this plant produces very bright, daisy-like flowers with a diameter of about 3.5 cm. The petals of monilaria flowers can be white, pink or yellow. As rabbit ears age, they form dense clumps.


Ginura is a unique indoor plant that has a fantastic appearance. Belongs to the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family. The hairy, velvety leaves are bright purple and green. The plant should be protected from excess air and soil humidity. It is better to grow ginura on an eastern or western window. After a few years, it loses its decorative effect and needs to be replanted. The plant is poisonous, so you can only work with it with gloves!

How to knit bunny ears

Rabbit ears can be knitted either with one end of the rope or with a loop in the middle of the rope. The second method is mainly used, since it requires a minimum amount of time to implement.

In order to quickly knit bunny ears, you need to go through the following scheme step by step:

  1. Fold the rope in half to make a loop.
  2. Turn the loop clockwise and place it on top of the double rope.
  3. Insert your hand into the resulting ring and pull out the part of the loop located between the crosshairs of the two double ropes and the end of the loop.
  4. Throw the end of the loop onto the loops extended from the ring, then pull them to form a “bunny ears” knot.

The video below shows the sequence of knitting a bergwacht with a control knot:

I have seen another way of knitting this knot, where the basis was not a simple knot, but a figure eight.

It is necessary to ensure that there are no overlaps in the tourist knot, as this further reduces the strength of the rope.

Time and place of planting “sheep ears”.

This plant is grown from seeds. The month of March is the most favorable time for sowing chistets seeds for seedlings. In less than three weeks the first shoots will appear. A young chick is somewhat different from an adult. Its leaves are not fluffy at all, so at first some people may think they have mixed up the seeds. Around the end of May, when the chistets seedlings have grown and become stronger, they can be planted in an open area. It should be remembered that the earthen ball on the plant should under no circumstances be disturbed. The chickweed reveals all its charm and beauty in an open, well-lit place. Some time passes, and the leaves of the plant gradually begin to become pubescent, acquiring their natural appearance and silver tint. By the end of summer, the living mat is ready. It will not lose its charm even in winter. Chistets tolerate frost well and look very beautiful against the backdrop of a snowy winter, reminding us of a warm summer.

Chistets is a soft and fluffy ground cover!

Rugs made from chistets stand out among other ground covers because they are soft and fluffy in the literal sense of the word. The plant's pubescent silver-gray leaves make it exotic and indispensable in garden design. They decorate problem areas, fill voids in flower beds, tree trunks, and decorate alpine slides and rockeries. You will learn about other advantages of chistets by reading the article.

Chistets (Stachys) is a numerous genus of annual and perennial herbaceous plants and low shrubs with a long rhizome and low stem. Spike-shaped inflorescences consist of small flowers of white, pink, purple, lilac, scarlet. Chistema blooms for a long time, from three weeks to several months.

Hemanthus in nature

The hare's ear flower is a heat-loving plant. In the wild, it grows in tropical Africa in the Cape Province. Here on the mountain slopes in the shade of spreading bushes this plant feels simply excellent. The name “hemanthus” was coined for it by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. It is translated as “bloody.” Indeed, plants with bright red flowers are mostly common in nature. However, over the centuries, other varieties have been developed that have flowers of a different shade. These include Hemanthus white-flowered. It is also quite a showy plant. Its inflorescence is large in size and looks fluffy due to the large number of stamens. Hence another name for hemanthus - “hare’s tail”.

Growing chistets

When growing rabbit ears, sunny areas are chosen for planting them. However, the plant will also be quite comfortable in partial shade. Chistets prefers light, loose soils with good drainage, alkaline or neutral, with a low nitrogen content. But it will feel good in other types of soil. Sheep ears take root and grow well in almost any place and with any care, it’s not for nothing that one of the names of the plant is tenacious.

The ears almost do not need fertilizing, but in early spring it is advisable to apply organic fertilizer, such as rotted compost, under the bush - this will help it grow more powerfully.

Rabbit ears should be watered sparingly. They tolerate drought easily, but overwatering can cause root rot, which is detrimental to the plant.

In addition, excessive watering spoils the decorative appearance of the chickweed - its fibers begin to stick together, exposing the green surface of the leaves. But this grass is practically not susceptible to diseases and pest attacks.

To maintain the spectacular shape of the plant, you need to promptly remove dried and browned parts. If the chickweed is used as a low-growing species, then in the summer it is necessary to cut off the inflorescences so that the plant does not bloom. However, if the composition allows for the appearance of tall shoots, then flowering ears can become a spectacular addition. But it is worth remembering that it is better to remove ripe inflorescences, otherwise the bush will disintegrate.

There is no need to cover the chistet for the winter; it is not afraid of frost and can withstand temperatures down to -35 C. However, at very low temperatures it can be covered, but not too much - otherwise the chiste may ripen under the cover.

Hare's ears reproduce by almost all methods of reproduction:

  • seeds;
  • stem cuttings;
  • dividing a bush or rhizome.

Seeds can be sown in a permanent place in spring or autumn, or they can be sown in containers in March, and when two leaves appear, the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place.

When propagated by cuttings, the lower parts of the stem are used. You can divide and replant the chistae both in spring and autumn, and even in summer in cool weather. The plant can be replanted at any time if a bald spot has formed between the bushes.

Many indoor flowers are called “rabbit ears”. Typically these plants have two drooping, pointed leaves. However, most often this popular name goes to hemanthus white-flowered - a plant that can become a simply wonderful decoration for any room and at the same time is distinguished by its unpretentiousness.


Hare's ears are a fairly hardy flower and are rarely attacked by insects. Sometimes he is attacked by spider mites. In this case, the plant should be sprayed with wormwood infusion and watered with Aktara solution. Sometimes the plant's bulb rots. A similar problem can arise, as already mentioned, as a result of excessive watering and stagnation of water in the pot.

As you can see, bunny ears are an extremely unpretentious flower. All that is needed to achieve spectacular flowering is to water it from time to time and fertilize it occasionally. It can be a very good decoration for an apartment. Hemanthus is especially beautiful in summer, during flowering, which lasts about a month.

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Plant care.

The chist does not require any specific attention. This is absolutely not a capricious plant. It is not difficult to care for him. Any soil is favorable for it, except those that contain too much moisture. Chistets is not only frost-resistant, it also tolerates drought well. Does not require too frequent watering. It is not advisable to wet the leaves; it is enough to moisten the flower at the root. After the flower stalks have faded, you should get rid of them. They need to be cut as low as possible. At the same time, you can grab the spoiled lower leaves in order to give the young ones the opportunity to again create a beautiful and lush appearance for the plant.

An adult chickweed that has overwintered in an open area needs additional feeding. An infusion of chicken manure or mullein with ammonium nitrate is suitable for this. It will be enough to feed the plant twice in the spring with this fertilizer. Young seedlings that were transplanted from seedlings at the end of spring need mineral fertilizer once every two weeks. If organic fertilizers are not available on the farm, herbal tincture can replace them. Nettle, for example, is very rich in all essential microelements. Chistets will become even more beautiful and decorative if its flower shoots are cut off in the bud generation phase


Koleria has picturesque, hairy leaves and colorful, hairy flowers. A spectacular representative of the Gesneriev family. Growing koleria should not cause any special difficulties; it is unpretentious and does not require certain conditions of detention. It needs full lighting, but in summer the pot should not be in a place exposed to direct sunlight. Koleria has a pronounced dormant period - in winter the above-ground part dies off. The pot with the root system must be kept in cool conditions in winter and replanted in the spring.

Flower bunny ears photo care

Woolly grass "sheep's ear" is a specific-looking, unpretentious plant with a pleasant smell, perfect for those who are taking their first steps in floriculture.

Chistets woolly (Stachis Byzantine): description and characteristics of the flower

Woolly Chistets (also known as Stachys Byzantine) is popularly called differently: hare's ears, blackberry, tenacious.

A perennial herbaceous ornamental plant from the Lamiaceae family, with a creeping rhizome, pubescent oblong silvery leaves and a pleasant aroma of small pink flowers.

It reaches a height of 40 cm, the flowering period lasts all summer. The fruit is a nut with three sides.

It grows wild in central Eurasia and Mediterranean countries, the Caucasus, and sometimes in Africa.

The plant is perennial, blooms all summer, height up to 40 cm

How to create favorable conditions for growing from seeds?

To grow stachys, you need to prepare the soil with good drainage; if the soil is too damp, it will quickly rot and die.

It also prefers open areas with a lot of light, so it is widely used in alpine slides among summer residents, in carpet plantings, as well as in borders, it looks very elegant and noble.

To preserve the decorative appearance of the bush and avoid self-seeding, you need to cut off the flower stalks, preventing the formation of buds.

Also, when the lower leaves disappear, this is a signal that the plant has aged, you need to replant young bushes in order to avoid bald spots.

Woolly chistets, aka stakhis, aka sheep ears:

Recommendations for planting and caring for the plant

The chickweed has no special care requirements, as it is quite unpretentious; it is only recommended to water it under the roots, and not to spray water on the leaves.

Once a year (preferably in spring) you can fertilize with rotted compost. It tolerates transplants very well, so you can safely transplant it from place to place.

It is better to take alkaline or neutral soil with a pH of 7 for planting, add a little chalk or dolomite flour and well-rotted compost to it.

Chistets are almost never affected by pests, but in damp conditions they can suffer from fungal diseases.

The soil for sowing must be prepared in advance, enriched with superphosphate (50 grams per 1 sq. m) and potassium sulfate (20 grams per 1 sq. m.) a couple of months in advance.

If planting is done from boxes, then try to leave up to 40 cm between plants for growth.

Water the plant at the root, fertilize it with compost in the spring, take neutral or alkaline soil for planting

Hare's ears (sheep's ear): methods of reproduction

Woolly chickweed reproduces very well by seeds, cuttings and division of the bush and root.

Flower seeds are sown directly into the ground in spring or autumn. The first shoots will appear in 10 to 20 days, and at first the leaves will differ from the adults (they will be without fibers and have a normal color), you don’t need to think that you have the wrong seeds.

If the sowing was in boxes (in areas with severe frosts), then the seedlings are planted in a permanent place after the formation of at least a pair of true leaves, preferably in May, leaving about 20 cm between the bushes. At the same time, we keep the lump of earth at the roots untouched.

Propagation by cuttings can be carried out throughout the warm period. To do this, you can use the lower leaves or cuttings of shoots with 2-3 leaves.

Make a mixture of peat and sand, root the cuttings there and make sure that the mixture does not rot. About three weeks will pass and new shoots will appear.

The simplest thing is to divide the root

To do this, carefully cut off part of the root system, separate it by hand into separate roots and transplant it to a new place, at a short distance from each other - about 20-30 cm

The chickweed is propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings, dividing the root

Dividing the bush in the spring is done to free up space for new leaves.

You need to dig up the plant, carefully free the rhizome from the ground and divide the bush into two or three parts

Plant in the right place, keeping an eye on the moisture of the soil - do not overwater!

Thanks to its ascetic properties, it will delight your eye with its unique appearance for a very long time, without requiring much effort and close attention in return.

Indoor flower hare ears: care, description and photo

Many indoor flowers are called “rabbit ears”. Typically these plants have two drooping, pointed leaves. However, most often this popular name goes to hemanthus white-flowered - a plant that can become a simply wonderful decoration for any room and at the same time is distinguished by its unpretentiousness.

Vegetative propagation of Stachys

Dividing the bush

How to divide a bush of Stachys woolly

After 2-3 years of growth, the Byzantine chistets can already be divided. In the spring, carefully dig up the bush along with a lump of earth, preferably manually divide it into several parts and plant it in separate holes at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings (shoots with 2-4 leaves or individual leaves from the bottom of the stem) can be cut throughout the season; they take root in 2-3 weeks. Plant in a moist mixture of sand and peat, but water sparingly to prevent them from rotting. When signs of growth appear, they can be planted separately.

Medicinal properties

Chistets woolly is a medicinal plant that our ancestors took. Flowers, leaves, roots, and stems were used to make medicine. But now stakhis is also used. Let's look at its medicinal properties:

But the plant also has contraindications for use:

  • Pregnant and lactating women should not take it.
  • Chistets is contraindicated for children.
  • Not suitable for people prone to allergies.

How to prepare the medicine correctly?

Infusion of woolly chistets

Grind the dried leaves, flowers and stems of the plant. Pour one tablespoon of this mixture into a glass of boiling water. Let the product brew for two hours, after which it must be strained. This infusion helps with uterine bleeding and high blood pressure. You should take one tablespoon twice a day.

Root tincture

Pour a tablespoon of roots with 300 milligrams of boiling water. The roots must be chopped before doing this. The solution should be boiled for about four minutes. After this, the infusion should be left alone for two hours to allow it to infuse. It must be strained before use. This remedy is excellent for intestinal colic, stomach pain and gastritis. You should take the product three times a day, half a glass after meals.

Woolly Chist plant

Home → GARDEN PLANTS → Hare's ears, Chistets Byzantine or Stachys woolly? There are woolly chickweed and swamp chickweed. A very interesting unusual plant. The herb of the plant contains coumarins, astringents, pectins, essential oils, flavonoids, organic acids, sugars, vitamin C, and carotenoids.

This is the same flower. And hare ears and bear and sheep ears. Used mainly as a decorative foliage border plant. The silver color goes well with green plants and bright flowers. This unusual flower is also used for rock gardens and rockeries. Stachys Woolly is a winter-hardy plant that does not require additional shelter.

I first became acquainted with this plant in childhood. Of interest for traditional medicine are the leaves, flowers, stems, and roots of the woolly chickweed, which contain vitamin C, tannins, flavonoids, and an alkaloid. Chistets roots have an antispasmodic effect, and a decoction of them is effective for colic. The use of medicinal plants in therapy is more relevant today than ever.

Can a pike tail cause harm to the body?

The harmful effects of the flower are mainly associated with various signs that have no scientific basis.
For example, a domestic flowering plant, as popular rumor goes, causes a breakdown in family relationships. However, there is another opinion. This plant is a must have in a house where there are frequent quarrels or constant conflict situations.

There is no general opinion regarding the harm that a flower can cause. The opinion of the home owner matters a lot. If he thinks that the pike tail brings joy to the house, it usually does.

The plant can cause real harm to health if you start taking it orally without following the dosage . The consequences may be irreversible.

Most often, the plant is used as an external wound healing agent . This method is considered the safest; it has no contraindications.

“Pike tail” belongs to the plants of the highly allergenic group. People who have allergic diseases need to remember this. In this case, it is better not to experiment with herbal remedies.


Hare's ears are a fairly hardy flower and are rarely attacked by insects. Sometimes he is attacked by spider mites. In this case, the plant should be sprayed with wormwood infusion and watered with Aktara solution. Sometimes the plant's bulb rots. A similar problem can arise, as already mentioned, as a result of excessive watering and stagnation of water in the pot.

As you can see, bunny ears are an extremely unpretentious flower. All that is needed to achieve spectacular flowering is to water it from time to time and fertilize it occasionally. It can be a very good decoration for an apartment. Hemanthus is especially beautiful in summer, during flowering, which lasts about a month.

There are few people who can look with indifference at the delicate, velor-like texture of chistets leaves. In common parlance this plant is called “sheep’s ear.” This beautiful plant has lush leaves covered with light hairs. Its shoots grow up to 30 cm in height. Chest blooms for a long time. From the beginning of summer to the beginning of autumn, you can endlessly admire the delicate carpet created from this plant. It is ideal for decorating alpine slides, flower beds and flower greenhouses. The flowers of the chistets are tiny, collected in a spikelet, most often colored lilac.

"Sheep's ear"

general description

Stachys belongs to the Chistets genus and the Lamiaceae family. In the wild, the plant can be found in Armenia, Iran, Ukraine, and Turkey. Also found in the southern territories of Russia. Prefers mountain slopes, rocky terrain in mixed coniferous forests.

The subshrub grows up to 60 cm in height due to inflorescences, but the main part of the plant rarely exceeds the threshold of 20-30 cm. The root system is weakly branched and goes quite deep into the ground. In one season, many shoots grow from the rhizome, which soon form real thickets of chistema.

The stems are straight or branched, silver-gray in color, and have a characteristic felt covering. The leaves are considered the most decorative and attractive part of the plant - they are gray-green in color, pubescent due to numerous fibers.

In the photo of the chistets you can see its inflorescences. They are a spike on which there are many small flowers. They do not have any special decorative effect, so many gardeners simply cut them off. The color of the petals is pink or lilac, with long stamens protruding at the top.

At the end of the season, under favorable conditions, stachys produces a lot of seeds. The tubers of the plant are used as food. They are especially useful for diabetics, due to lowering blood sugar. In principle, all chistets are recognized as medicinal, and tinctures and decoctions are made from it.

Planting hemanthus

The pot for the hare's ears flower (the photo on the page clearly demonstrates its beauty) is shallow, but at the same time quite wide. There should be approximately 5 cm of free space from the edges of the bulb to its walls. Land for hemanthus can be bought in the store. A universal soil option is perfect for this indoor flower. But if you wish, you can prepare the soil yourself. Its composition should be like this:

  • leaf soil - 1 part,
  • turf – 2 parts,
  • sand - 1 part,
  • peat – 1 part,
  • humus - 1 part.

When planting hemanthus, you need to follow one important rule - the bulb should not be completely buried in the ground. At the end of the procedure, the flower is watered

Personal opinion

Despite the popularity of the double guide, I prefer to tie other knots, such as the double bowline. And although it takes a little more time to knit a double bowline, nevertheless, if the rope was under load, it will be much easier to untie a double bowline than a double conductor. It turns out that when knitting, the double conductor wins in time, and when untied, it loses in time and effort expended to the double bowline - 1:2 in favor of the double bowline.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that hare ears are a good reliable knot that does not weaken the rope too much. It is not difficult to tie, which is why it is still very popular among tourists to this day.

Due to its simplicity and reliability, this unit can be recommended for study for all lovers of outdoor activities.

Find out also:

  • How to tie a bowline knot
  • Prusik knot and rules for knitting it

Time and place of planting “sheep ears”.

This plant is grown from seeds. The month of March is the most favorable time for sowing chistets seeds for seedlings. In less than three weeks the first shoots will appear. A young chick is somewhat different from an adult. Its leaves are not fluffy at all, so at first some people may think they have mixed up the seeds. Around the end of May, when the chistets seedlings have grown and become stronger, they can be planted in an open area. It should be remembered that the earthen ball on the plant should under no circumstances be disturbed. The chickweed reveals all its charm and beauty in an open, well-lit place. Some time passes, and the leaves of the plant gradually begin to become pubescent, acquiring their natural appearance and silver tint. By the end of summer, the living mat is ready. It will not lose its charm even in winter. Chistets tolerate frost well and look very beautiful against the backdrop of a snowy winter, reminding us of a warm summer.

Sinningia (Rechsteineria) white-haired

There are several names for the exotic plant: Sinningia white-haired, Rechsteineria (Rechsteineria) white-haired, Sinningia white-haired. Representative of the Gesneriev family. Few people can contain their delight when looking at this amazing plant. Everything about it is wonderful! The main highlight is, of course, the luxurious leaves. Silvery, velvety, iridescent leaves make Rechsteineria truly fabulous. And modest scarlet flowers only emphasize the beauty. However, in winter there is a period of dormancy and it sheds its leaves.

You can rarely find Rechsteineria on sale; the plant is quite rare. At the same time, it requires certain conditions that are difficult to comply with at home, so it is very difficult to grow it.

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