rocky hill rock garden
What is a rock garden: creating it yourself, examples with photos
According to one famous Italian musician, one should not go to the Alps for the purpose of
How to properly replant indoor flowers in pots
Every gardener at least once in his life has had to deal with a situation where a luxurious indoor plant,
Stone shelves in the interior
How to make an artificial boulder for the garden with your own hands: the simplest and most interesting ways
The wooden stump stand for a vase in the shape of a concrete swan has finally rotted and it’s time to make
Stylish country gazebo with barbecue
DIY barbecue - instructions on how to make it from metal and brick (100 photos of new products)
Stylish country gazebo with barbecue. Barbecues and barbecues are tools widely used by all of us.
Neat beds with brick borders in the garden plot
Principles of planning a garden in a suburban area
You can make a suburban area beautiful by taking into account the practical use of the land. Vegetable garden planning
How to properly design and arrange a garden alley
The design stage is the key to success. The development of any suburban area involves planting green spaces -
Shape of flower pots
Flower pots suitable for the style of the interior and home. How to choose?
Almost all of us have house plants. Green pets give us their beauty,
Convenient and practical plot of 12 acres - diagram and layout options
Having received ownership of a land plot of 12 acres, the owner must wisely and usefully
Schisandra blooms in the garden
Medicinal properties and uses of the Far Eastern Schisandra vine
Almost everyone knows the tonic tincture of lemongrass, which is sold in pharmacies. About what it is
DIY bird feeder made from a plastic bottle. Master class with photos step by step, to kindergarten or to the site
Winter is not the best time for small birds. Frost, snow, lack of food and constant
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