Apricot: description of 20 popular varieties, planting in the middle zone, care features (33 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
Apricot trees are almost the first to bloom in the spring, with the exception of almonds. During the flowering period, apricot orchards
Norway maple - description, what it looks like, varieties, growing conditions, interesting facts
Norway maple - description, what it looks like, varieties, growing conditions, interesting facts
The Norway maple plant has long been used for the improvement of urban buildings and personal plots due to its set
How to equip 6 acres with your own hands at the dacha: 5 steps to the perfect design
Planning the space Before performing the arrangement, you need to make the correct layout of the site. It is important to understand: where to place
Planting and caring for thuja in open ground: growing features
Thuja is a beautiful evergreen plant that is considered indispensable in the design of a house or country house.
unusual landscape design of a summer cottage in the English style with trees
English style garden: creating an English garden with your own hands
English garden landscape design is necessary to create a natural, quiet and cozy place. Its key
Succulent of the Aizaceae family
Aptenia - care and reproduction at home, photos of species
Apthenia plant literally translates as “wingless” or a flower that begins to open its petals in
Identifying trees from photos
Find out the names of flowers and indoor plants from photos and more, popular services
It’s not easy even for a specialist to keep in mind all the diversity of plants that cover the globe. If it is needed
Cypress plant. Description and features, types and varieties, cultivation and care of cypress
Cypress trees were cultivated back in the eighteenth century. An evergreen, fragrant, frost-resistant plant that can accept any
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Making a landscape garden lamp with your own hands
Today, purchasing a landscape lantern is quite simple; the market is saturated with offers and amazes with the uniqueness of their forms.
Varieties of nematanthus flower - home care
Photo Nematanthus is a decorative shrub from the Gesneriaceae family. The shoots of the young plant are directed upwards,
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