long-term planting and care in open ground
China white pearl latifolia growing from seeds. China latifolia home care
China (Lathyrus) is not often found in our gardens. A magnificent decorative liana belongs to the family
How to properly place an ax on an ax handle and wedge it
Useful tips and recommendations Please note that the ax handle should be made so that its cross-section has
Is it possible to grow a banana from a store-bought one and how to properly plant the plant at home?
Experienced flower growers often replenish their “indoor garden” with unusual crops native to the tropics. They successfully
Flowerpot decor
How to make flower pots with your own hands: outdoor, for home, hanging | Step-by-step schemes (120+ Original Photo Ideas & Videos)
Home » Building a house » Do it yourself Vladimir 03/17/2020 19282 Views For growing plants
Flexible bitumen shingles
Soft roofing: varieties, methods of installation and care
Soft (flexible) roofing is a durable, reliable roofing covering. Like any material, it differs
Photo of tomato seedling
Planting tomatoes for seedlings, how to plant tomatoes correctly
Tomatoes are the most popular vegetable crop in our country. Not a single vegetable garden or
Gooseberries - how to prune for a good harvest, photos of berries, forming a bush, transplanting to a new place, tips for gardeners
General description of gooseberries The gooseberry plant is considered a perennial prickly shrub berry plant. Gooseberries grow in
Original toilet in the country
Beautiful country toilet - how to improve the building, design options
A house in the village... After these words, many people have memories of their grandmother, fresh milk,
Mandarin - distribution area, beneficial properties, contraindications, home varieties + 95 photos
Mandarin is an exquisite, beloved citrus fruit. The tangerine tree is evergreen, with dense
When and how to plant petunia in pots outside?
Planting and caring for petunia while flowering in a pot
Growing petunia in your summer cottage is a fascinating activity. Homemade flowers are always more desirable than purchased or
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