Find out the names of flowers and indoor plants from photos and more, popular services

It’s not easy even for a specialist to keep in mind all the diversity of plants that cover the globe. If you need to determine what kind of tree is in front of you based on its photo, we offer a list of convenient applications for searching in an electronic database. To make it easier to use, we have compiled detailed instructions for working with these programs.

Google Lens - will help you determine the name of a tree from a photo

Google's application for searching objects from photographs has a mode designed to recognize plants.

If you need to know the type of a certain tree, refer to the following instructions:

  1. Download the simple and free Google Lens application to your smartphone with an Android operating system. You will find it on the Google Play page.
  2. Select a mode to search by plants.
  3. Point your smartphone lens at the tree that interests you.
  4. When the neural network recognizes a plant, a blue circle will appear on it. If you don't see this, try to step away. Or just move your phone while keeping the tree in the camera's focus.
  5. Eventually the small blue circle will light up. Click on it to get help.

    Plant in Google Lens

  6. The system will offer several names for the same tree. Choose the most suitable option.
  7. Google will then display a description. Read it and determine if it is suitable for your tree.

A way to identify a tree from a photo in Google Lens
If the result looks dubious, try studying the description for the next name. You can also take a second photo of the same tree, but click it from a different angle.

Recommended reading: How to check a photo for a match on the Internet.

What are the ways to find out the name of a flower?

There are several ways to find out the name of a flower:

  • Search engines Google and Yandex. An old proven method is to search by image. You upload an image, and the robot searches for similar images. Among the disadvantages, random and completely unsuitable results are often added along with similar plants.
  • Specialized resources. In essence, the sites are databases with information and images of various indoor and wild plants. The principle of operation may be different: uploading a photo and automatically searching or waiting for a response from the administration.
  • Mobile applications. You take a photo of a flower, upload it to the application, and get the result. The quality depends directly on the application used and its database.
  • Voice assistant Alice. The principle of operation is approximately the same as that of search engines, but with some innovations. Voice controlled.
  • Encyclopedias, reference books. Proven option. But there is a huge disadvantage - in search of the right plant you will have to sift through a mountain of information.
  • Flower shops. For many, the most accessible, but least accurate source of information. Flower shops rarely employ salespeople with botanist degrees. In addition, the main assortment is quite standard. Therefore, they may simply not know the name of the flower you ask them about.

LeafSnap - an application that recognizes trees from photos

The LeafSnap app is a learning system for recognizing plants by their leaves. It was developed by researchers from American universities. There is both advertising and the opportunity to purchase the full version.

Leafsnap example

To successfully determine what kind of tree is shown in the photo, do the following:

  1. Tear off the entire leaf of the plant, along with the cuttings.
  2. Place it on a white background. An ordinary notebook sheet will be suitable for this purpose, if the ruler is not too bright.

    An example of placing a tree leaf on a white background

  3. Place the plant in the center of the composition. Press the “Snap it!” button to take a photo.

    Where is the Snap It button?

  4. Wait a few seconds for the image to save.

    Loading a sheet into the database

  5. Check out the suggested list of plants. Each option will be accompanied by a photograph. Pay attention to the pictures with leaves similar in shape.

    List of possible options

  6. Having selected the most suitable item, slide your finger along the line along its name.
  7. A large red “Label” button will appear on the right. Click on it.

    Label key

  8. A small green checkmark will appear in place of the button.

    Confirmation of compliance

Now, when encountering similar leaves, the application's responses will be more accurate. By using Leafsnap, you help the system learn. The neural network uses a unique algorithm for recognizing the shape of leaves and is constantly evolving due to new information.

LeafSnap's simplified operating principle
However, the application is best introduced to the flora of the United States. When working with central Russia or Siberia, it may give little useful results. To download LeafSnap, head to Google Play for Android and App Store for iOS.

You will also find the article useful: How to determine the name of a flower from a photo.

Communities on social networks

The principle here is the same as on the forums. Join the community, upload a photo of your flower and ask members to tell you what it is called. As practice shows, you will have to wait some time to receive an answer.

Popular communities of gardeners and florists on VKontakte

  • GARDEN FAIRY - Dacha. Garden;
  • Blooming garden. Country house. Garden;
  • Cottage Garden Vegetable garden.

Follow the link, write your question in the discussion thread and add a photo of the plant to the post.

Popular communities of gardeners and florists in Odnoklassniki

  • World of indoor plants and flowers;
  • Community of gardeners and gardeners.

In Odnoklassniki, to ask community members to identify a flower, you will need to create a new entry, for this:

  1. Join the group.
  2. Open the menu.
  3. Write a message asking to identify the plant.

To add a photo, click on the paperclip icon in the body of the message and select “Photo” from the menu that appears.

Plantarium - will show you what kind of tree is in front of you based on the picture

The non-profit Plantarium project offers users a huge and free database of plants in central Russia. To identify a tree from a photo, you can specify any purely key characteristics. The Plantarium website also has an illustrated atlas of plants.

How to use the search to determine what kind of tree is in front of you based on its photograph:

  1. Go to the plant definitions page

    Go to the determinant from the main page of the site

  2. Click on the Life Form catalog.

    Required section

  3. Select "Tree" from the list of suggested options.
  4. Review the list of symptoms in other sections.
  5. Check the boxes that apply to your tree.

    Filling cells with notes

  6. Click on the "Find" button.
  7. Check the results.

    Detected variants

Anyone can upload photos to the site. However, all rights to the photographs are reserved to the authors. Join the community and you can make a significant contribution to its development.

To request professional support, please use the dedicated forum section. Resources can also help you identify a tree from a photo


Online services

This method of searching for the name of a plant by appearance at first glance seems reliable, but in fact it is almost useless for a person without a biological education. The point is that you need to know the correct terminology. Personally, I couldn’t even find the violet as described. But since such sites exist, one must think that someone is using them, and I have no right to ignore them.

To find out the name of a plant on the website, you need to fill out a form by checking the boxes next to the appropriate characteristics. And although the site has all the necessary information that will help you make a choice, it will take an unprepared person a lot of time to search.

There are many more similar sites, but this one is different in that here you can identify a plant from a photo. For this:

  1. Follow this link.
  2. Upload a photo of a flower using the special form.

  3. Wait until the administration or one of the active users of the site responds.

In my opinion, such online services are not the easiest way. They respond faster on forums and social networks, but searching through the form without a biological education is unrealistic.

Alice is a voice assistant for identifying the plant variety

The voice assistant Alice was trained to identify trees from photos. It is included by default with the Yandex application. You can download it on the company's official website. There is a version of Alice for iOS, Android and Windows.

How to use the assistant to find out which tree is shown in the picture:

  1. Launch the Yandex application.
  2. Click on the graphic symbol that looks like a white pick in a purple circle. This will direct you into a conversation with Alice.

    Transition to Alice

  3. Tap on the miniature camera icon. You will find it in the lower right corner of the screen.

    Button to go to shooting

  4. Click on the inscription “Take a photo” to send the system an image of the desired tree.
  5. View the search result.

Alice focuses on the Russian-language database. Therefore, it will be easy for you to understand which tree is being discussed in the articles she discovered.

PlantNet - determines what kind of tree is in the picture

A simple PlantNet app is available in the App Store. It is also available for download on Google Play.

How to use it:

  1. Launch the program.

    Launch PlantNet through the store

  2. PlantNet will request access to GPS. However, it is not necessary to provide it.

    Request for location access

  3. Find the camera image in the lower right corner. Tap on it.

    Camera icon

  4. Choose a photo upload method. Take a photo on the spot or access your phone memory.

    Photo upload method

  5. Select the tree organ shown in the image. The list includes: leaf, flower, fruit and trunk. Each option is accompanied by an explanatory picture.

    Parts of the required tree

  6. Wait for the new page to load. You will see a list of options with photos.

    Result of searching for a tree by photo

You will also be able to confirm the search result by participating in the development of the project. However, to do this you will need to create an account.

PlantNet is a completely free project built by enthusiasts. You will not find any advertising in this program.

This may be useful: How old do I look in the photo.

PlantSnap - large online plant database with photos

The PlantSnap app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. In it you will find a huge database of plants from all over the world. The interface has been translated into dozens of languages, so using PlantSnap is simple and convenient.

How to work with the application to define a tree:

  1. Download and run it.
  2. Point the camera at a characteristic part of the plant and take a photo.

    Plant shooting button

  3. The application will process the request and produce the result.

    Article about the plant you are looking for

The instant recognition feature uses the power of learning artificial intelligence. The program collects information received from users to expand its knowledge base. With every new request, PlantSnap gets smarter.

Picture This is a tree identification app.

Another simple application for identifying trees and other plants from photos is called Picture This. You can download it for your iPhone or iPad from the App Store. For Android smartphones you will need to go to Google Play.

After the program opens, select the option to upload pictures. Photos can be added from the gallery, or taken on the spot using the camera on your phone. Tap the desired option with your finger.

Ways to add a photo

If you decide to make an image right now, try to place the desired part of the tree in the “sight” in the form of a flower with five leaves. It should look clear at the same time. If you don't get the plant in focus, you won't get an accurate result.

Shooting a plant through a camera

When the application processes the photo, you can read a detailed article about the photographed tree. Select the most plausible result from the list of options and go to the encyclopedic help.

PlantSnap app

PlantSnap is an international social network for nature lovers.

The database contains flowers, cacti, trees, mushrooms and herbs. The platform supports more than 35 languages. In order to find a plant from a photo online, you need to use your camera or upload a photo from your smartphone gallery.

Among the advantages of the program, users note:

  • high accuracy in flora identification;
  • extensive base;
  • regular updates to fix bugs and improve performance.
  • the opportunity to create your own collection;
  • free installation.

However, the service does not always accurately determine the species. In addition, the application has built-in advertising.

Additional features will be available after purchasing a subscription. For this reason, the platform cannot be called completely free.

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