Planting and caring for thuja in open ground: growing features

Thuja is a beautiful evergreen plant that is considered indispensable in the design of a home or summer cottage area. In addition to its undoubted beauty, the culture is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to soil and weather conditions. It is important to consider that this tree has a very lush crown, capable of evaporating huge amounts of moisture. Accordingly, every new owner of an evergreen crop has a question about how often to water thujas in the summer.

It is unacceptable for the earthen circle near the tree trunk to dry out, regardless of the season, be it hot summer or autumn. A seedling that has just been brought into the ground is watered immediately and the tree trunk circle is mulched. In the future, fresh planting is irrigated at least once a week. In the question of how to water thujas, it is important to take into account the volume of water used for moistening - it should be at least 10 liters. It is possible to use up to 50 liters of liquid, depending on the size of the evergreen crop.

Botanical description of the plant

Thuja is an evergreen tree with a pyramid-shaped crown. The branches are flexible and the branches are flattened. The bark is light brown in color and peels off in patches. It was previously used for making ropes or weaving. The wood of the plant is highly valued because it rarely rots.

The needles have a scaly structure; they are pressed quite tightly to the branches. Its location is opposite. Seedlings always have needle-like needles.

Male flowers are small and solitary, oval-round. Females are also solitary, but ovoid or oblong. The cones are small, the scales are leathery. The seeds are considered mature in the first year, but the cones remain on the branches for at least 2 years.

All varieties of the crop are resistant to cold, but not all are resistant to frost. Therefore, when planting thuja outdoors in Siberia in the summer or at other times of the year, it is worth studying the care recommendations for beginners, which indicate which varieties are best suited for such conditions.

Is it possible to plant conifers next to fruit trees?

When choosing a place in the garden, keep this point in mind - coniferous and fruit trees do not get along well next to each other. ... Constant digging of the soil will damage the root system of plants, which conifers really don’t like.

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Features of caring for thuja

Growing thuja in open ground does not cause any problems. It is enough to properly organize the watering and fertilizing regime, sometimes hill up the soil and remove weeds. In 2-3 years the bushes may require pruning.

This procedure helps maintain their attractive appearance. In the first years, it is exclusively preventive in nature.

How to preserve thuja in winter: rules for preparing for winter and protecting thuja from snow and early spring sun

Is it necessary to cover thuja for the winter?

By nature, thuja is endowed with high frost resistance, so it does not need classic shelter for the winter, with the exception of recently planted seedlings.

Thus, an annual thuja, for example, propagated by cuttings , still has a very superficial root system. And if there is a frosty and snowless winter, the plant may die.

By the way! Read about how to propagate thujas from cuttings at home here .

However, thujas still require a certain winter protective shelter, but for other reasons:

  • from snow accumulation (especially important for young plants);

Young thujas (from one year to 4-5 years) are quite tender , which is why they can easily become deformed under snow cover . In other words, when snow sticks to the branches, they bend greatly and can simply break under the weight of the snow masses.

Important! If your winters are very snowy , then it is good to at least tie adult thujas for the winter, especially if the plant has several trunks.

Planting thuja

For beginners, planting and caring for thuja in open ground, both in spring and at any other time of the year, often poses difficulties. It is very important to choose the right place and do all the manipulations correctly.

When to plant thuja

Containerized thuja seedlings are usually planted in open ground between April and November. Moreover, in late autumn, when planting thuja, you need to take care of installing a protective shelter with a strong frame.

It is important to remember that in this case the plant may not have time to adapt to new conditions before the onset of winter cold.

Where is the best place to plant an ornamental plant?

The place for the thuja should have a positive effect on its growth. The site should be sunny and sheltered from the wind. However, direct sunlight is undesirable. The shadow also has a negative effect, the bush will thin out.

The dimensions of the pit are selected based on the characteristics of the thuja root system. At the bottom, drainage should be made from a layer of stones, since the culture does not like water to stagnate. A layer of turf soil, peat and sand is formed on top.

The root collar of the seedling must coincide with the soil level; it must be secured with soil or turf soil. After planting, it is recommended to water the bushes a little.

The best distance between seedlings is from 2 to 5 m. It is necessary to take into account the probable diameter of the crown, this is especially true for hedges made from this plant.

Some watering rules

How often to water thujas in summer depends on weather conditions. If the warm season turns out to be very rainy, then additional irrigation may not be required at all. Otherwise, you may end up with excess moisture. An important point is that irrigation should not be carried out superficially, but to a “good” depth, sufficient for the water to reach the root system of the tree and completely saturate it. With exclusively surface moistening, water will leave the soil too quickly, without reaching the roots of the evergreen crop.

If the soil around the tree trunk is “heavy”, water will be poorly absorbed. In this case, you will have to water the thuja less often, but with a larger volume of water.

Additional rules on how to water thujas in summer:

  1. It is important that the soil is moistened to a depth of at least 30 cm.
  2. You can irrigate the crown only early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun's activity stops. Otherwise, you may get burned.
  3. Additionally, nutrient compositions can be added to watering to feed evergreen crops.
  4. You should especially carefully monitor the condition of the tree trunk and crown of the thuja during periods of active drought and lack of precipitation.
  5. Sprinkling is not possible for mature trees. Part of the procedure can be performed using a special nozzle on the hose. The water should be settled, not cold, and the pressure should not be strong.

How often to water thujas in summer depends on the climatic characteristics of the region and the weather during the season. The hot, dry warm season requires frequent watering. A rainy summer may completely eliminate the need for irrigation.

How to properly care for thuja

After planting a thuja in open ground, it needs to be provided with good care - both in the fall and at other times of the year. All manipulations are approximately the same for all regions - it does not matter where the bush is planted, in the Moscow region, Siberia, the Urals or somewhere else.


It is preferable to water thuja using sprinkling method. In the first weeks after planting, seedlings are watered at the rate of 10-50 liters per unit, depending on their size. This way you can moisten the soil and saturate the roots of the bush, as well as get rid of dust and dirt.

The mouths of the leaves will open, which will improve the quality of breathing. Consequently, physiological processes will proceed faster. At the end of watering, loosening should be carried out to a depth of 10 cm. In hot weather, the procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week, preferably in the evening.

Top dressing

When planting in a hole, you can add humus or compost and a liter jar of ash. But at the same time, the hole should be larger than the earthen ball of the seedling. In further care, fertilizing is applied in the spring, using complex mineral products. For example, the Kemiry-universal solution is suitable. It is administered at the rate of 50-60 g per square meter.

Thuja pruning

The culture has a positive attitude towards pruning. The more often and more abundantly you cut it, the more magnificent it will become. There are no specific time frames, but it is best to hold the event in the spring, before the buds open. When growing hedges, trimming is a must.

A single bush needs sanitary and thinning pruning. And if thujas grow in a group, you should take care of the formation of their crowns. This procedure begins when the plant reaches the required size. It is carried out as needed, regardless of the time of year, but not in winter.

For the first time, pruning is carried out at 2-3 years of age. The secateurs must be of high quality and powerful so that they do not chew the shoots.


Sometimes you have to replant adult plants. To do this, around small bushes, you should prick the soil in a circle with a sharp shovel at a distance of 50 cm from the trunk. Then carefully remove the plant along with the resulting circle and use a wheelbarrow to move it to a new location. It is very important not to destroy the earthen lump and immediately plant the bush in the ground.

As for large plants, they are bayoneted a year before manipulation. They should have the opportunity to grow new roots. Thanks to this, transportation will not cause any problems.

Watering and autumn feeding of thuja

Regular watering should be provided to thuja, which grows in a region characterized by dry autumn. Before the onset of frost, watering should be especially abundant ( moisture-charging watering ): the roots will be saturated with moisture for a long time, the wet earthen ball will freeze longer, which will protect the rhizome from sub-zero temperatures, as a result, the thuja will be more resistant to changes in temperature conditions in winter. If it is autumn, with a lot of rain, the coniferous tree is practically not watered additionally (except for the final moisture-recharging watering).

Top dressing

For better wintering, it would not be a bad idea to apply autumn fertilizer to the thuja, although if in the spring you already gave a complex long-acting fertilizer, then there is no need to additionally feed it.

Worth knowing! Autumn fertilizer is a fertilizer that contains a high content of phosphorus and potassium. You can purchase either a special fertilizer for conifers or a regular one marked “autumn”.

Methods of propagation of thuja

For beginners, the important issue is not only planting thuja in open ground and further caring for it in the spring and at other times of the year. They also need to know about the breeding options for thuja.

From seeds

They are sold in specialized stores, and from September to December they can be obtained from buds. There are two options for growing thuja from seeds:

  1. Using a flower pot and soil mixed with peat and humus. The seeds are first kept for a day in a wet cloth. You shouldn’t dig them too deep into the ground; just sprinkle some soil or sawdust on top. When the soil dries out, you need to water it. Leave the pots under diffused light. Once the shoots appear, they can be moved into the garden - when the soil becomes warm (in spring).
  2. The second method allows you to achieve germination of approximately 90%. At the beginning of autumn, the seeds are taken out of the cones and placed in a bag. It is kept in a cool place until snow falls. When it completely covers the ground, the seeds are left in the snowdrifts until spring. Those that have survived can be placed in the ground at a shallow depth. A distance of 10 cm is maintained between them. At the end of the event, the bed is well watered. The sprouts are cared for in this way for three years. In the fourth year in the spring you can move them to a permanent place.

From a twig

Since seed methods are time-consuming, gardeners usually choose this option. As soon as the buds appear in April, it is necessary to cut off the woody cuttings measuring about 40 cm. Further procedure:

  1. Divide the cutting into 4 parts with the mother bark.
  2. Treat the branches with a solution that promotes rapid rooting and leave for 12 hours.
  3. Make soil from garden soil, a small amount of peat or sand.
  4. Plant the cuttings in the ground to a depth of about 3 cm.
  5. The land needs to be watered, but also remember to spray. After rooting the cuttings, the number of these procedures is reduced.
  6. For winter, plants are covered with polyethylene if the climate is harsh. If it is not too cold, it is recommended to use fallen leaves or spruce branches.

Mulching and pruning

Caring for thuja also involves regularly removing weeds, loosening and mulching the soil under the plants. Any organic material can be scattered under them:

  • sawdust;
  • straw;
  • compost;
  • crushed nut shells.

They will stop the growth of weeds and retain moisture in the soil, improving the condition of the tree. Mulch can also serve a decorative function if you use colored sawdust for it.

To make the tree look impressive, its crown is shaped. Only plants that have taken root well in the area and that have been planted for at least 2 years are subject to shearing. The first pruning serves more of a sanitary function. The thuja is removed from dry, damaged, diseased and weakened branches and how thick the crown is determined. The more often you trim, the more magnificent the tree will be.

The main pruning is done in the spring, in April, choosing dry weather for it. During the season, if necessary, it is supplemented with corrective haircuts. When pruning, the length of the branches is shortened by no more than a third. In order for the thuja in the garden to be healthy and beautiful, air must circulate freely between its branches. To do this, it is recommended to get rid of all shoots of annual growth. With the help of pruning, the thuja can be turned into a ball, cube, column, spiral, steps, the figure of an animal or a fairy-tale hero - it all depends on the imagination and experience of the gardener.

Plant diseases and pests

In general, thujas get sick infrequently due to their good immunity. But they can be affected by the following diseases and parasites:

  1. Rust. Signs: red spots on the needles. Affected branches are disposed of by burning, and the plant is treated with Hom or Rakurs.
  2. Schutte. The needles become gray-brown. The affected shoots are removed, and the bush itself is treated with Topsin-M or Rakurs.
  3. Gray mold. The crown seems to be dusty, gray-brown in color. The disease is treated with Bordeaux mixture.
  4. Juniper scale insect. The most dangerous pest of thuja. It is difficult to fight; it often destroys the plant. The only effective option is treatment with Actellik in early June.
  5. Thuja false scale. Provokes the appearance of yellow ulcers. The preparations Aktara and Confidor are used for treatment.
  6. Thuja aphid. Gradually destroys needles. Confidor helps from her.
  7. Thuja leaf miner. It also destroys needles, although it does not cause too much damage. To get rid of it, it is recommended to use the drugs Calypso, Confidor, Enzhio.

How to treat thujas after cutting?

Processing thuja after

pruning Trimmed plants are watered abundantly, fed and
with a growth stimulator.
loves watering the crown and sprinkling. It is advisable to spray epin on the plant; zircon will help stimulate root formation. The drugs should be used according to the instructions.

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How to fertilize correctly?

Thujas require proper feeding, especially at a young age. The fact is that these plants are able to extract all the necessary nutrients from the ground only in adulthood - after their root system is completely formed. But even then, your green pets need to be fed from time to time throughout their lives - otherwise they will wither away from the gradual depletion of the soil. True, this will have to be done less often than during the active growth stage.

The first feeding of thuja is done during planting; no other fertilizers are applied this year. The second feeding should be carried out only next spring - in March or April. At this moment, thuja needs a wide variety of useful substances:

  • nitrogen;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron.

Typically, spring fertilization is carried out using ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, urea, as well as long-acting potassium and magnesium mineral complexes. Bone meal, which is considered a good source of calcium, will be very useful during this period.

If conifers have had a hard time with winter frosts and suffered from snow and wind, then it is necessary to use root formation stimulants - the drugs Agrecol and Kornevin work best.

When using granular formulations, fertilizers are distributed around the tree in such a way as not to approach the thuja trunk closer than 15-20 cm, but at the same time not to go beyond the boundaries of the crown projection.

When using water-soluble compounds, for example, superphosphate or ammonium nitrate, they must be diluted in water in full accordance with the instructions on the package.

In summer, fertilizing is carried out only in a situation where the soil is too poor and yellowing of the leaves occurs. In this case, vermicomposts are used, as well as specialized complexes that simultaneously nourish the soil and protect the tree from fungal spores. Experts recommend using the compositions Fitosporin-K and Fitosporin-M (the latter letters mean potassium and magnesium, respectively).

Additionally, in the summer you will need to protect the thuja from the scorching sun and heat. To do this, in the evening the tree is sprayed with water with the addition of Epin or Zircon. Foliar feeding usually begins in the last ten days of April at intervals of once every 2-3 weeks.

In conclusion, we will dwell on the main mistakes that plant growers often make when fertilizing their thujas.

  1. Feeding conifers in autumn and winter. It must be remembered that in such a situation, fertilizing will lead to increased formation of new shoots at the end of the growing season. This will deplete the thuja, and with the onset of winter it will remain exhausted and, most likely, will not be able to withstand low temperatures.
  2. Using large amounts of fertilizers. Some people believe that if a seedling is growing too slowly, it is lacking minerals and organic matter and therefore needs to be fed. However, this opinion is fundamentally wrong, since the causes of stunting can be a consequence of a variety of factors, for example, lack of sunlight. But an excess of fertilizers leads to the death of the roots and the death of the plant, and the death of thuja from excessive fertilizing occurs much more often and faster than from their lack.
  3. Watering errors. Before applying fertilizer, be sure to water the soil abundantly - if the soil is dry, the solution of mineral substances can lead to a chemical burn of the roots.

For information on how to properly fertilize thuja, see below.

Basic rules of care

Only proper and regular care of the thuja will allow it not to lag behind in growth and not get sick. Let's consider the main recommendations:

  • An area with partial shade or low light is suitable for growing. The soil must be fertile, then the crown will be lush and bright.
  • In summer, thuja needs regular and abundant moisture. You can use warm, settled water.
  • Fertilizing should be done from late spring to early autumn. Specialized formulations for coniferous crops are best suited.
  • Regularly inspect the plant for insects and diseases. For example, if the needles are covered with unsightly dark spots, then these are sunburns, which are difficult to get rid of.

Consequences of ignoring watering or doing it incorrectly

Failure to comply with the watering regime - its shortage or excess - can lead to dire consequences. Insufficient moisture leads to drying out of the soil and inhibition of root development. Overwatering is no less dangerous for the health of the thuja and can lead to rot and death of the plant.

It is very important to comply with moisture requirements in hot months , since under solar conditions the needles lose a large amount of moisture. The main condition for caring for a tree in summer is the regular and timely provision of liquid to the young tree.

Watering during this period should be done in the morning, since direct sunlight intensively evaporates moisture from the soil.

Also, as a result of heating and evaporation of liquid from the surface of the needles, it can leave burns on the delicate growth, so it is better to irrigate the crown in the evening, at sunset.


Arborvitae can be replanted from March to November. If the procedure is performed correctly, they tolerate it well. Having prepared the planting hole in advance, they begin to remove the tree. A circle with a diameter of 1 m is drawn around it. The thuja trunk should be in its center.

Armed with a sharp spatula, they pierce the circle along its entire length. Then the soil is carefully lifted. You can't do it without helpers. The thuja removed from the ground is loaded onto a cart and transported to a new location.

The elegant beauty of the thuja and the ease of its cultivation make it a favorite of gardeners and landscape designers. This evergreen tree is appropriate everywhere: in the country, in the front garden, in the park. It also has beneficial properties. If you stay near thujas for 30 minutes or more, your thoughts and feelings will come into order and nervous tension will disappear. They also have a beneficial effect on the air, saturating it with oxygen, purifying and killing harmful microorganisms.

You can experiment endlessly with planting thujas. They are equally effective as part of hedges and when placed alone, and are often used to design paths. Their crown can be given any shape, turning the dacha into a fabulous corner.

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